ab - above
a g o - adjutant general office
al - alley
aud - auditor
bds - boards (at)
bet - between
bvt - brevet
com mer - commission merchant
cor - corner
h - home
lab - laborer
M.C. - Member of Congress
mer - merchant
mess - messenger
nr - near
o - office
opp - opposite
pat o - Patent Office
p o - Pension Office
p o d - Post Office Dept.
P.M.- Post Master
q m - quartermaster
Reg O - Register Office
S.C. - South Carolina
S. Cap - South Capitol
s g o - Surgeon General's Office
sp - Space
USA - U. S. Army
USN - U. S. Navy
Abbott Geo. D, clk treas, 53 Bridge
Acton Chevis, porter, Dunbarton nr Monroe
Acton William, huckster, 6th nr Frederick
Adams Express Co, 65 Bridge, cor Jefferson
Adams John, lab, 146 High
Adams John B, lawyer, 113 2d
Adams J. Q, clk H, 153 West
Addison Hannibal C, contractor, 33 High
Addison Henry C, clk, 46 Dunbarton
Addison John W, clk, 46 Dunbarton
Addison M. E, wid. Henry, 46 Dunbarton
Addison Watk. broker, 128 Congress
Addison Watk. jr., clk, 128 Congress
Adkins A. B. Rev, Congress cor Beall
Adler Maurice J, hardware, 123 Bridge, h Road nr High
Aged Women's Home, 82 High
Ager Charles A, lab, Fayette nr 9th
Ager John H, lab, 134 Frederick
Ager Mary Emily, wid. Uriah, seamstress, 138 Frederick
Agnew John P, coal shipper, cor Water and Frederick, h Alexandria
Albrecht John, cigars, 81 Bridge
Alexander Chas. C, lab, 45 Beall
Alexander Chas. G, 45 West
Alexander Lucy C, wid. Jas. 150 Stoddard
Alexander Sandy Rev, 36 Dunbarton
Alldee Wm. H, butcher, 212 Bridge
Allen Annie, dressmaker, 200 Fayette
Allen Bertha, 200 Fayette
Allen James, Wash nr Dunbarton
Allen John, gardener, Road cor High
Allen John, gas fitter, 200 Fayette
Allen John E, Gardener, 194 Fayette
Allen Mrs. L, wid. Wm, 200 Fayette
Allen Wm. D, watchman, 60 High
Allison Charles N, clk, 50 2d
Allison Wm. J, shoemaker, Bridge nr Lingan, h 12 5th
Alvord Benjamin, bvt brig genl and paymaster genl U.S.A., h 80 Gay
Ambush Car., wid. Chas, 62 Dunbarton
Amiss Lizzie, 117 Gay
Amiss Maria M, wid Jas. M. 117 Gay
Amiss Mary, clk, 117 Gay
Anderson Alexander, 41 Beall
Anderson Wm, clk, war dept, 19 Lingan
Anderson Wm, driver, 17 2d
Angel Wm. C, huckster, 55 7th
Angel John D, engineer, Grace nr High
Angel Joseph, huckster, 130 Frederick
Angel Mary, wid. Benjamin, Frederick nr 7th
Anna Joseph C, painter, 61 Montgomery
Appleby Elizabeth, varieties, 63 Market
Appleby J.F.R., Dr., 63 Market
Appleby Martha, wid Mark, clk, 59 Market
Appleby Wm, tanner, Olive nr Montgomery
Appler Arthur M, paper hanger, 67 West
Archer John, driver, 32 Congress
Arlow Robert T, Liquors, 82 Water
Arrington And. J, boatman, 69 Washington
Arrington Mary, Aged Widows' Home, 82 High
Arts Henry, huckster, 17 New Market, 28 East Market Space
Ashford Mary, wid. Michael, fancy store, 58 Dunbarton
Athay Elizabeth, wid. Thomas B, 3rd St al
Athay Thomas, lab, 3rd st al
Athey John C, clk, p o d, 35 2d
Athey John M, tailor, 142 Bridge, h 35 2d
Atkins A. B, Rev, 5 Stoddard
Atkinson M. Bazil, engineer, Grace nr High
Atwell Charles M, boatman, 10 Market
Atwood Joseph, broom maker, Grace nr High
Ayers Lewis, driver, Greene nr Dunbarton
Backus Wm. M, clk, land o, 56 Market
Baer Benoit, clk, bds 114 Bridge
Bagley Horace, lab, 127 Washington
Bailey Anna, 10 4th
Bailey George W, lab, bds 76 West
Bailey Jas, carp, 190 Bridge
Bailey Leonard C, barber, 60 Bridge, h 1022 19 NW
Bailey Thos C, clk, 54 Gay
Bailey Wm. Beall nr Montgomery
Bailey Wm. H, shipping, 128 Water
Baker Benj, lab, Fayette bet Madison and Back
Baker Chas, cooper, Grace nr High
Baker Fielder J, tobacconist, 104 High, h High nr Cath Cemetery
Baker Geo, Back st
Baker John W, blacksmith, 117 2d
Baker Reuben, 99 Market
Baker Wesley, 99 Market
Baker Zachariah, dep flour inspector, High nr Cath Cemetery
Balch Geo. V, 52 Gay
Balcher Eliza, treas dept, 13 Bridge
Ball John R, huckster, Bridge nr High, h 75 Market
Ball James H, butter, 26 New Market, h 26 3rd
Ball Talitha, wid. John S, 26 3rd
Ballinger Geo. W, Greene cor Dunbarton
Ballinger Hamilton, lab, 11 Congress
Ballinger Richard, huckster, 11 Congress
Baltzer Mary Ann, 166 Bridge
Bangs Elizabeth, wid David, 106 Washington
Bangs Mary J, 106 Washington
Banks B. W, lab, Bridge nr Aqueduct
Banks Edgar, police, 42 West
Baptist John, lab, 185 High
Baptist Mary, wid. John, 6th nr Market
Barbarin Francis M, eng dept, 39 Market
Barbarin F. S, Dr., 53 Gay
Barbarin Lily, 39 Market
Barbour Andrew, builder, 92 Dunbarton
Barbour Andrew, jr., builder, 92 Dunbarton
Barker Andrew T, plasterer, Valley nr. Stoddard
Barker Andrew, supt, 72 4th
Barker Chas. W, High bet Bridge and Potomac
Barker Daniel, Oak Hill Cem
Barker Edwin, plasterer, 72 4th
Barker Francis F, (J. S. Barker & Co) Bridge nr High
Barker James, plasterer, 74 4th
Barker James S, (J. S. Barker & Co) Bridge nr High
Barker J. S. & Co., (James S. and Francis F. Barker) ice, 105 Water
Barker Rebecca, wid. Andrew, 72 4th
Barker Wm. H, plasterer, Market nr 4th
Barnard Amelia P, wid. I. Samuel, 165 West
Barnard Geo. B, clk, 165 West
Barnard John B, mess, 114 High
Barnard Mary E, fancy goods, 114 High
Barnes David, porter, 17 West
Barnes Theo., butchers, 372 High
Barnett John, grocer, 294 Bridge
Barrett Henry W, bookkeeper, 55 Fayette
Barrett Julia, wid. E. B, 55 Fayette
Barrett Roberta, wid. J. Isaac, 107 Greene
Barron Henry, clk, 126 Bridge
Barron James O, hats, 126 Bridge
Barron Oliver, clk, 11 Lingan
Barron Wm. H, clk, 57 Dunbarton
Bartlemus Christopher F, furniture, 38 High, h 64 Greene
Bartlemus Eliza S, dress maker, 64 Greene
Bartlett Ellen, wid. Peter, 2d nr Lingan
Bateman Thomas, lab, 28 Frederick
Bateman Wm. H, Seminary hotel
Bates Francis, clk, 64 West
Bates Jennie, wid John G, 64 West
Bates Norval E, photographer, 92 Bridge, h 827 23rd NW, Wash
Batson Helon, plasterer, 35 West
Baukhages Fred. E, clk p o, 30 Gay
Baumback Amandus, tailor, 108 High
Baumback Joseph P, harness mkr, 108 High
Bayliss Ellen, 116 High
Bayliss Wm, 116 High
Beach Richard, lab, 108 High
Beach Stephen, lab, 30 Greene
Beall Andrew J, lab, 160 Bridge
Beall Geo. W, assessor, 41 2d
Beall Geo. W, jr., clk, 41 2d
Beall John, Tennallytown NW
Beall John E, clk, 116 Bridge
Beall John J. (Beall & Shoemaker), Congress nr Road
Beall M. E, wid. Z. B. 46 Dunbarton
Beall Rachel, wid. Ninnian, 41 2d
Beall Wm. D, claim agt, 118 West
Beall & Shoemaker (John J. Beall and F. D. Shoemaker), millers, 73 Water
Bean Henry D, 42-1/2 Gay
Beason James, waiter, 22 Dunbarton
Beavers John A, cooper, 12 Jefferson
Beck Christian, baker, 50 Bridge
Becker Charles, druggist, 119 High
Beckert Frank, cigar mkr, 1131 1st
Beckett Clement, lab, 32 Beall
Beckett Joseph O, 32 Beall
Beckett Vainwright, 32 Beall
Beckwith John H, provisions, 77 Frederick, h al bet Valley & High and Road and Post
Beckwith Wm. T, provisions, 77 Frederick, h al bet Valley & High
BeCraft C. J, 118 Beall
Beek Thomas, wheelwright, 25 7th
Beek Wm, blksmith, Fayette nr 7th
Bell Alexander, 13 Montgomery
Bell Caroline, dressmkr, 42 Water
Bell Charles, Market bet Bridge and Canal
Bell Edward, lab, Frederick nr 6th
Bell Granson, lab, 13 Montgomery
Bell Jacob, ship caulker, Olive nr Rock
Bell John R, 13 Montgomery
Bell Lewis, 55 Montgomery
Bell Robert, porter, cor Bridge and Jefferson
Bellows Margaret, wid. Albert, Fayette nr 2d
Belt Charles R, Tennallytown
Belt Greenbury, carp, 111 Washington
Belt John M, clk, war dept, 111 West
Benedict Frank R, 10 8th
Benedict Jas. T, (McLellan & Benedict), claim agt, 10 8th
Benjamin John, fisherman, bds 23 Jefferson
Benton Edward T, postal clk, 80 Bridge
Benton Emma, clk, 203 Bridge
Benton Emma, dressmaker, 80 Bridge
Benton James E, 203 Bridge
Benton Jennie, milliner, 203 Bridge
Benton John H, lab, Grace nr High
Benton Mary, wid. Gaylon, 203 Bridge
Benton Sarah A, wid. Theopilus, Grace nr High
Benton Thomas, police, 18 5th
Benton Wm T, lab, Grace nr high
Bereman John L, cooper, 74 Frederick
Bernard F.S, 74 Market
Berry Chas, High extended
Berry Edgar P, clk Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, 24 3d
Berry John deputy p m, prospect cor Frederick
Berry John, lab, Monroe nr Stoddard
Berry Maria, 99 Bridge
Berry Philip T, 121 Dunbarton
Berry Philip T, jr.
Berry Prescilla, wid. Peter H, 24 3rd
Berry Richard, 24 3rd
Berwanger Abraham, clothier, 107 Bridge
Berwanger Sampson, clk 107 Bridge
Bestor Norman, lawyer, 6th and Fayette
Bibb M.R, wid. Geo. M, Fayette nr 2d
Bickaler Thomas J, Seminary bldg
Biggs Henry D, huckster, 66 Greene
Biggs John H, plasterer, 11 Jefferson
Billings John S, surg. USA, 84 Gay
Bingley Joseph, engraver, bds 109 Greene
Bins Eliza C, wid. John, Munroe nr Beall
Birch Charles E, engineer, 88 Bridge
Birch George A, undertaker, 88 Bridge
Birch Isaac, 52 3rd
Birch Jacob, carp, 25 3d
Birch John, paver, 72 Frederick
Birch Joseph F, undertaker, 65 Bridge, h 88 Bridge
Birch Joseph F, jr., clk, 88 Bridge
Birch W. Taylor, clk, 88 Bridge
Birchett R. T, clk secretary's office, h. 131 Beall
Bird Thomas, boatman, 42 4th
Birkight Louis A, Rock
Birnau William, grocer, Water nr Market
Briscoe M. A, wid. General, 131 Dunbarton
Bishop Charles C, clk, 112 Wash
Bishop Henry, furniture dealer, 143 Bridge
Black Hattie M, clk treas., 100 West
Blackford B. Lewis, insurance, 21 Stoddard
Blackford John S, jr., jeweler, 113 Bridge
Blackford John S, jeweler, 99 Bridge
Blackman A. J, 57 3rd
Blackman Joseph, fish, 3d st al
Blackman Thos. S, shoemaker, 152 High, h Madison nr Back
Blackman Wm, shoemaker, 10 1st
Bladen Wm, gardener, 106 Water
Blake Geo. W, carp, 22 3rd
Blazen Wm, carp, 147 Bridge
Blumenthal Michael, clothier, 73 Bridge
Blundon Joseph A, contractor, 88 Bridge, h 54 Market
Blundon Laura V, teacher, 54 Market
Blunt William W, collector, h Md
Boardley Albert, lab, Greene nr Road
Boarman John H, carp, Valley nr Stoddard
Boarman M, wid. Charles L. 20 5th
Boarman Thea, lab, West cor Washington
Boarman William, plumber, Valley nr Road
Bock Max, clk, a g o, 101 High
Boden S.E, wid. Alex, 118 Beall
Boffey M.B, Mrs, wid., clk g p o, h 106 Bridge
Boggs Lawrence G, asst paymr USN, 156 Congress
Boggs W. Brenton, pay director USN, 106 Dunbarton
Boggs W Brenton, jr., cadet, USN, 106 Dunbarton
Bogue John J, gen agt, City Hall, h 51 1st
Bohrer George W, clk, Frederick nr 6th
Bolden Jane, wid. Isaiah, 219 Fayette
Bolden Richael A, washerwoman, 228 Fayette
Bolden Thornton, lab, 74 Montgomery
Bolter J, Union hotel
Bookman Henry D, saddler, 142 Dunbarton
Boome Julia, wid. Prince, 20 Stoddard
Boone David, lab, 76 West
Bootes Esther M, 43 1st
Bootes Levi C, clk, 43 1st
Bootes Samuel M, clk treas, 43 1st
Booth John, Beall nr Greene
Booth John T, lab, Beall nr Greene
Booth Samuel, Beall nr Greene
Borroughs James H, tinner, 27 Frederick
Borroughs William T, mktmaster, 25 Frederick
Boucher Eliza, wid. Theo. 84 Fayette
Boudin Sarah, wid. Alex, 118 Beall
Bouse Frederick, butcher, Greene nr Canal
Bowen Edward, 82 2nd
Bower John, butcher, 9 New Market, h. Gtn Heights
Bowers Jacob, miller, 66 Fayette
Bowie Harriet, servt, bds Valley nr Brown
Bowie Jack, lab, Olive nr Greene
Bowls Henry, 48 Monroe
Bowman Frank, lab, 5th and Frederick
Bowman George, porter, Washington nr Water
Bowman George W, lab, Beall nr Montgomery
Bowman Henry, carman, 51 Frederick
Bowman John F, Frederick nr 5th
Bowman, Theodore, West
Boyce M. M, wid. Wm, Road nr Congress
Boyd Annie, sewing, 11 Montgomery
Boyd Eliza, 11 Montgomery
Boyd George W, Montgomery nr Bridge
Boyd Samuel, miller, 11 Montgomery
Boyle J. R, bricklayer, 40 Fayette
Brace Russell, druggist, Bridge cor Wash, h 121 Wash
Bradley Arthur, shoemaker 44 4th
Bradley Henry H, 119 West
Bradley Jos. H, lawyer, Congress nr Road
Bradley Wm. P, (Carter & Bradley), 55 Congress
Bradshaw Jas, cooper, 64 Prospect
Bradt A. H, grocer, Canal nr Aqueduct, h 33 Prospect
Bradt Geo. H, 33 Prospect
Bradt Jennie, 33 Prospect
Braitmayer John E, printer, 41 Montgomery
Brannan Samuel, restaurant, 44 East Mkt sp
Branzell Isaac, 120 2d
Bremer John, lab, 3d st al
Bremerman An. H, cooper, 1 3d
Bremerman Fred. W. (F.W. Bremerman & Sons) 18 Congress
Bremerman F.W. & Sons (F.W. & J. H. & J.L Bremerman), coopers, 18 Congress and Greene cor Canal
Bremerman Jacob H, (F.W. Bremerman & Sons), 7 3d
Bremmerman Jas. H, student, 18 Congress
Bremmerman John S, cooper 117 High
Bremmerman Thos. H, clk, 18 Congress
Brennan John I, barkeeper, 6 Market
Brennan Martin, mason, 11 1st
Breslin J, folder, 65 2d
Bresman John, bartender, 6 Market
Bresnahan Joseph 65 2d
Brewer Edward, 70 Market
Brewer Henry W. (Brewer & Wilson), 70 Market
Brewer J. Newton, clk, 70 Market
Brewer Wm. H, huckster, Bridge nr High, h Washington nr Canal
Brewer Zachariah, junkdealer, 223 Bridge, h 225 Bridge
Brewer & Wilson (H. W. Brewer and Chas. Wilson, jr.), civ engs, 51 Congress
Brice Arthur T, clk, 127 West
Brice Julia, wid. Richard T, 127 West
Brigham Lucien D, huckster, 23 New Market, h. 48 Bridge
Briscoe Geo, lab, 77 Montgomery
Britt Wm, Back
Bromwell T. C. S, cashier, 149 Washington
Bronaugh Frank P, clk, 44 Market
Bronaugh Hamilton, clk 2d comp, 44 Market
Bronaugh Jno W, clk bd pub wks, 44 Market
Bronnan Samuel, 44 Mkt Sp
Brook Wm, High
Brooke Fannie, milliner, 86 High
Brooke Jno, 86 High
Brooke Robert, barber, bds 14 Valley
Brooks Andrew, lab, Rock
Brooks Catharine, wid. Louis, bds 78 1st
Brooks Charlotte, servant, cor Montgomery and Beall
Brooks Jno L, grocer, 99 High
Brooks Jos, carp, West cor Washington
Brooks Mary A, washing, 31 4th
Brooks Patsy, 23 West
Brooks Thos, farmer, 76 Market
Brooks Thopson, lab, 6th nr Market
Broomley Wm, lab, 32 Congress
Brown Hiram M, vinegar manuf, High cor Water, h 237 Bridge
Brown Alexander, painter, 51 3d
Brown Alexander A, 67 Dunbarton
Brown Alfred, dyer, 51 Jefferson
Brown Alfred, lab, 33 West Market Sp
Brown Arthur T, lab, 71 Market
Brown Augustus, policeman, 8 5th
Brown Charles, coachman, 104 Greene
Brown Charley, waiter, 51 Jefferson
Brown Charles B, miller, 26 Frederick
Brown Daniel, lab, 113 Valley
Brown Edward H, clk, 18 4th
Brown Emily, wid. Rich'd H, 125 West
Brown E. V, teacher, 125 West
Brown George W, watchman 7 High
Brown Harry, clk, 119 West
Brown Hattie, 51 Jefferson
Brown Henry, lab, 121 High
Brown Henry W, stationer, 128 Bridge, h 91 Beall
Brown Hiram M, 237 Bridge
Brown James A, dyer, 51 Jefferson
Brown Jas, lab, 121 High
Brown Johanna, wid. Daniel, grocer, 54 Fayette
Brown John, lab, 26 Dunbarton
Brown Jane, wid. John, 32 Dunbarton
Brown John M, Rev, High nr 3d
Brown John W, miller, 37 1st
Brown John W, carp, 149 Dunbarton
Brown Lawrence E, clk, 7 High
Brown Perry, lab, 98 Greene
Brown Peyton, Rev, 143 Beall
Brown Philip, carman, 51 Jefferson
Brown Polly, servt, Stoddard nr Congress
Brown Richard H, 125 West
Brown Rosanna, midwife, 51 Jefferson
Brown Samuel T, express, 48 Prospect
Brown Stephen Thos., dry goods, 121 Bridge, h West and Greene
Brown Wm. M, bookkeeper, 119 West
Brown Wm M, jr., clk, 119 West
Brown Wm. T, carp, 3 Bridge
Browning Geo. G, clk, 32 Gay
Brownley Wm. lab, 9 Congress
Bryant Joseph, lab, Cissel al
Buckey Chas A. (Buckey & Marbury) 20 8th
Buckey Charles M, clk, 155 West
Buckey Matthias V, justice peace, 35 High, h 116 Bridge
Buckey & Marbury (Charles A. Buckey & John Marbury, jr.), hardware, Bridge cor High
Buckley Thomas, mason, 168 Bridge
Buell John A, paper maker, 113 High
Bulloch James, slater, 67 Jefferson
Bumly Richard C, blacksmith, 25 West
Burgey John W, restaurant, Grace cor Potomac
Burch John H, mess, 105 1st
Burdette Francis, lamplighter, 45 4th
Burogard Lewis, porter, 76 Market
Burgess Enoch, Market nr Bridge
Burgess Nicholas, blacksmith, 12 Market
Burke Ellen, cook, Prospect cor Frederick
Burke Mary, wid. Thomas, 83 3d
Burklin Georges, 89 Washington
Burley John, porter, 38 5th
Burns Lillie A, clk treas, 94 Bridge
Burroughs J. Richard (D. L. Shoemaker & Co), 70 Congress
Burrows Charles R, lab, Brick Hill
Burrows Elizabeth, wid. Basil M, 47 7th
Burrows F, police, 15 Montgomery
Burrows Henry, wood insp, 15 Montgomery
Burrows Hilleary, lawyer, 15 Montgomery
Burrows John W, paver, 47 7th
Busey Wm G, agr impls, 40 High, bds Washington city
Bussard C. A, Aged Widows Home, 82 High
Bussius John, clk war dept, 192 Fayette
Butler Aliff, Monroe nr Montgomery
Butler Ann, wid. John, 114 2d
Butler Charles, fishman, Valley nr Stoddard
Butler Charles, tailor, Valley nr Brown
Butler Charles W, provisions, 132 high, h 8 4th
Butler H, driver, 10 Beall
Butler James M, butcher, 25 New Market, h 9 Potomac
Butler John A, blksmith, 52 Water, h Monroe nr Beall
Butler John A, 33 Jefferson
Butler John F, waiter, 9 Stoddard
Butler John F, jr., lamplighter, 70 3d
Butler John W, lab, 9 Potomac
Butler Lawrence L, barber, 96 Bridge
Butler Robert, miller, 170 Bridge
Butler Serlina S, wid. Thomas, 9 Potomac
Butler Wm, hostler, Monroe nr Dunbarton
Byas Murray, Frederick nr 2d
Byng George T, druggist, 106 Greene
Byng John, 95 Greene
Brynes Maggie, clk treas, 84 High
Cady Daniel, grocer, 77 3d
Cady Dennis, grocer, 187 Bridge, h 77 3d
Caeser Henry, lst and Lingan
Calbert Sandy, 5 North
Calhoun Charles B, paver, 56 Jefferson
Callaghan Hugh, grocer, 162 7th
Callahan John, lab, 48 6th
Callahan Patrick J, lab, Market cor High
Camaron Charles E, police, 53 Congress
Cammack Edmund, clk, 16 Potomac
Camp Rhoda, wid., 131 Beall
Campbell Alexander, watchman, West nr Rock Creek
Campbell Ann, wid. Bartlett, 59 3d
Canter Richard, police, Valley
Caperton Hugh, atty, 104 Bridge, h 30 1st
Caperton Jas, 1st near Potomac
Carey Cath, waiter, 46 3d
Carey Joseph, waiter, 40 4th
Carlin Arbella N, varieties, High cor West
Carlin Thos, cigarmaker, High cor 3d
Carlton Annie, 22 Prospect
Carpenter Geo, W, 24 Beall
Carr Benjamin, clk, 37 Frederick
Carr Patrick, carp, 114 2d
Carrell John, lab, 20 4th
Carroll Daniel, driver, Valley nr West
Carroll Dennis, 471 3d
Carroll Emma, Gay cor Greene
Carroll John, 49 Bridge
Carroll Wm. J, teacher, 28 Bridge
Carter Andrew, lab, 38 Beall
Carter Benjamin, driver, 69 Montgomery
Carter Beverly, lab, Beall nr Greene
Carter Charles A, (Carter & Bradley), 55 Congress
Carter Churchill, waiter, 14 Prospect
Carter Dorsey E. W, dry goods, 130 Bridge, h 28 Pa av, NW
Carter Fielding, huckster, 67 Dunbarton
Carter Feland, restaurant, 189 Bridge
Carter George, coachman, Frederick nr High
Carter James R, huckster, 11 Dunbarton
Carter John, driver, Monroe nr Mount Zion Church
Carter Lucinda, cook, 30 5th
Carter Margaret, wid. Joseph, Valley nr Stoddard
Carter Pat, Frederick nr 2d
Carter Robert, lab, Market and 5th
Carter Thea., driver, High nr 6th
Carter Thomas, waiter, 28 Monroe
Carter & Bradley (Charles A. Carter and Wm. P. Bradley), grocers, 112 Bridge
Cartwright George T, printer, 30 Montgomery
Cartwright Levin T, carp, Valley nr Road
Cartwright Lewis, grocer, 31 West
Cartwright Rebecca, wid. William F, 30 Montgomery
Cartwright Richard T, clk, 30 Montgomery
Cartwright Wm. E, clk, 30 Montgomery
Cartwright Wm. J, clk, 55 Gay
Casilear George W, engraver, 78 Gay
Cassidy Patrick, lab, 16 6th
Cassin John, clk n dept, 162 Beall
Cassin Wm. D, lawyer, 51 Congress, h 100 Fayette
Cathell Jonathan D, supt gas co, 37 2d
Caton Annie, 61 Bridge
Caton Edward E, 79 Market
Caton James O, engineer, 18 Market
Caton Michael, hostler, Brown nr Valley
Caton Wm. M, clk, 79 Market
Causin N. P, ins agt, 191 Washington
Causten Manuel C, clk, 2d aud, Tennallytown rd
Chamberlain Caleb, lab, Valley nr Stoddard
Chamberlain James, huckster, Fayette nr 7th
Chamberlain James H, huckster, Fayette bet 6th and 7th
Chamberlain R. H, blacksmith, 51 3d
Chamberlain William H, blacksmith, Warehouse al, h 206 High
Chandler Frank W, archt tres, 111 West
Chandler Henry, candy, 289 High
Chandler Hilleary, mess, 295 High
Chandler Wm. Capt., Valley nr Stoddard
Chaney Peter, lab, 23 Greene
Chaney Chas A, lab, 35 Jefferson
Chaney Mary E, teacher, 23 Greene
Chaney Richard, 59 West
Chaney Thos, driver, 23 Greene
Channel Wm. lab. 197 Fayette
Charity Wm, waiter, Union hotel
Chapman Henry, lab, Ross
Chappelear Wm, carp, 29 Gay
Chase Sam, Montgomery nr Dunbarton
Cherry Jordan, cor Beall and Greene
Chester E. N, clk p m genl, bds 66 West
Chew Fielder B, clk, 131 Dunbarton
Chew Maria A, wid. Frisby F, 131 Dunbarton
Chew Monroe G, 131 Dunbarton
Chipman Geo C, clk treas, 62 West
Chisley Catharine, wid. Luke, washing, North nr West
Chisley James, Frederick bet 6th and 7th
Chisly Charles, lab 2 6th
Clabaugh John B, clk, 112 Greene
Clabaugh Wm., lime, Bridge nr Rock, h 112 Greene
Clagett Hezek, clk, 54 Frederick
Clapp Gustavus W, clk, 124 Washington
Clark Alfred, 42 Dunbarton
Clark Catharine E, wid. Elias, 127 Greene
Clark Ella, copyist int. rev, Wash nr Jay
Clark Geo C, 127 Greene
Clark George N, clk p o d, Market cor High
Clark John, fisherman, 10 Congress
Clark Mandemus, carp, 138 Frederick
Clark Mary A, wid. Randolph, variety store, 33 Fayette
Clark Minty, 124 Dunbarton
Clark Nelson, carp, 204 Fayette
Clark Wm. H, barber, 42 Dunbarton
Clarke George H, clk, 39 Gay
Clary John, lab, Rock nr Bridge
Clay Henry, lab, 39 Greene
Cleaveland Ann, wid John, boarding, 168 Bridge
Cleaveland James, fireman, 168 Bridge
Cleaveland James, fireman, 205 Bridge
Clemenson Edward, lab, 17 Jefferson
Clements Alex. H, clk state dept, 84 Prospect
Clements Clara, clk, South
Clements Edward, 74 2d
Clements James T, printer, 74 2d
Clements Leonard L, asst assessor, custom house, 102 Frederick
Clements Mary R, wid. Wm. H, 74 2d
Clements Wm. D, clk, 67 Fayette
Clements Wm. H, Congress nr Water
Cleveland James, 1st bet Fayette and Frederick
Cleveland James, Bridge bet Market and Frederick
Clingan Amanda S. A, clk, 94 Dunbarton
Clinton David, Congress nr Bridge
Clinton John, lab, 45 Beall
Coakley Eml, servt, 32 1st
Coakley Francis, carp, 29 Potomac
Coakley Frances E, dressmaker, 29 Potomac
Coakley Lucy, huckster, 16 New Market, h 29 Potomac
Coakley Martha S, folder, 29 Potomac
Coates Edward, lab, Beall nr High
Coates Gustus, lab, 9 4th
Coates Hetty, wid Add, 59 West
Coates James, cor 4th and Market
Coates Mary B, washing, 16 7th
Coates Singelton, lab, Fayette nr High
Coates Winnie, washerwoman, 145 Dunbarton
Cockrill E. H, lab, 41 Montgomery
Coffee Alfred, driver, 44 4th
Coffee Joseph, 6th nr Market
Coger Charlotte, wid. Wm, Mill nr Mt Zion Church
Coggins James, agt Star, 26 Bridge
Cogswell Albert G, shoemaker, 61 High, h 59 Bridge
Cigswell Annie G, clk, 61 Bridge
Cohan Michael, lab, lst nr Lingan
Cohen Herman, clothier, 79 Bridge, h Balt
Colburn Benjamin Jerome, bricklayer, Valley nr Stoddard
Cole Charles, lab, 38 6th
Cole James, restaurant, 6 Market
Cole John R, plasterer, 47 4th
Cole Margaret, wid Raphael, 47 4th
Cole Mary, washerwoman, 38 6th
Coleman Mary, dressmaker, 117 1st
Coleman Timothy, 117 1st
Coleman Wm, lab, Frederick nr 6th
Coleman Wm. Francis, lab, Frederick nr 5th
Collamer E.S, clk treas, 145 West
Collings Sarah, wid. Samuel, servt, 22 1st
Collins Andrew J, clk, bds 28 Bridge
Collins Catharine, 65 2d
Collins David A, bricklayer, 69 3d
Collins Geo, carman, 24 Water
Collins James L, Wash nr Bridge
Collins James V, 62 Montgomery
Collins T. Jasper, contractor, 58 3d
Collins J. F, Montgomery nr Beall
Collins Jeremiah, lab, 2d nr Warren
Collins Johanna, 65 2d
Collins John F, painter, 21 Prospect
Collins Joseph F, painter, 13 2d
Collins Joseph F, contractor, 95 Beall
Collins Louis J, huckster, 338 High
Collins Margaret, 65 2d
Collins Robert S, bricklayer, 69 3d
Collins R. Walter, clk, 95 Beall
Collins Samuel H, police
Collins Samuel R, 22 1st
Collins Wm. H, carp, 3d nr Fayette
Collins Wm R, editor, 3d nr Fayette
Collison H. P, wid P. J., stoves and tinware, 150 Bridge
Conway Robert, lab, 4th nr Market
Colue Charles, clk treas, Stoddard nr Congress
Colton Frank W, clk, 68 Dunbarton
Conlin John, waiter, 26 5th
Connell William, clk, Bridge nr Aqueduct
Connelly A. E. (A. E. Connelly & Co), 88 High
Connelly A. E. & Co (A. E. Connelly and Benjamin F. Grimes), tobacco, 88 High
Connelly John, 32 Greene
Connor Daniel, lab, Lingan nr 2d
Connor James, clk, bds 54 Fayette
Connors Patrick, lab, 1st nr Lingan
Conroy Patrick, ship carp, 22 Prospect
Consolidated Coal Co. of Maryland, office Market and Canal
Convent of the Visitation, Fayette cor 3d
Cook Charles, lab, 48 Jefferson
Cook Fenton, carman, Dunbarton nr Monroe
Cook Henry, driver, 71 Montgomery
Cook Joanna, millinery, 97 Bridge
Cook John G, clk int rev, 169 West
Cook John J, coachmaker, 194 and 196 Bridge, h 97 Bridge
Cook Oliver, West nr Monroe
Cook Robert, lab, 55 Frederick
Cook William, shoemaker, 59 Bridge
Cooke Henry D, 5 Stoddard
Cooke Henry D, jr., clk, 5 Stoddard
Cooke Lydia, wid. James, Beall nr Washington, Gtn
Coombs Richard, lab, 200 Madison
Coon Augustus, miller, Grace nr High
Coon John W, upholsterer and paperhanger, 102 High
Cooper David M, engraver, 90 Dunbarton
Cooper D. H. (Chas C. Mix & Co) Gay cor Greene
Cooper Glenn W, 78 Dunbarton
Coots Henry C, shoemaker, 72 Montgomery
Coquire Barney, lab, 55 Montgomery
Corbett John, lab, 8 Market
Corbin John, 5th nr High
Core John T, tobacconist, 172 Bridge
Cornell James, driver, 10 North
Cornell John, teamster, 116 Congress
Cornell Richard, 34 Beall
Cornell Robert, clk p o, 116 Congress
Cornell Wm, 116 Congress
Cosgrove Patrick, watchman, Dunbarton nr Montgomery
Cost Mary A. R, provisions, 85 High
Councelman J. M. & Co (John M. Councelman and Richard H. Trunnell), grocers, Fayette cor 1st
Councelman John M. (J. M. Councelman & Co.) Fayette cor 1st
Cover, Mary E, wid. Henry, 28 West
Covington Richard, clk, 123 Greene
Cox, Isaac B, cor Congress and Bridge
Cox James P, engraver, 6th cor Fayette
Cox John E, tanner, Washington cor Olive, h 106 Washington
Cox John F, bds 119 Washington
Cox Thomas C, sec Brit Am mix com, 92 Gay
Cox Walter S, atty, 101 Gay
Coyle Andrew B, clk, 19 Stoddard
Coyle Bettie, Fayette nr cor 1st
Coyle Elizabeth, clk treas, 33 Fayette
Coyle Hugh, printer, bds 33 Fayette
Coyle Hugh, tel operator, 33 Fayette
Coyle Jane M, wid. Randolph, 19 Stoddard
Coyle John M, civ eng, 19 Stoddard
Coyle Randolph, secretary US and Mexico Claim Com, 19 Stoddard
Cozzens Albert, cor 5th and High
Cragin Chas. H, Dr., 124 Dunbarton
Cragin Hardy, student, bds 124 Dunbarton
Craig Alice E, teacher, 152 Beall
Craig Charles B, 152 Beall
Craig Chas B, clk, 152 Beall
Craig Eliza, wid. G. W, 3 2d
Craig Flavilla M, 38 Gay
Craig Henry C. (Craig & Jackson), 152 Beall
Craig Mary, wid. George W, 38 Gay
Craig Rose A, 38 Gay
Craig Wm, blacksmith, 71 Frederick
Craig Wm. H, justice of peace, 152 Beall
Craig & Jackson, (Henry C. Craig and Albert B. Jackson) dry goods, 105 Bridge
Crampton Geo, 6 2d
Crampton Mary, wid. Louis 6 2d
Crampton Robert, lab, 26 5th
Crane Patrick H, horseshoer, 114 2d
Crawford Geo, 23 5th
Crawford John, lab, 5th nr Market
Crawford Richard R, atty, 2d cor Warren
Cregeir Frederick, lab, 53 4th
Cropley Arthur B. (S. Cropley's Sons), 165 Bridge
Cropley Chas B, clk, bds 47 1st
Cropley Edward M, clk, 84 Fayette
Cropley Geo W, sec Gtn gas co and druggist, 110 Bridge, bds 216 Bridge
Cropley Richard L, brickmaker, Congress, h 55 1st
Cropley Robert B, (S. Cropley's Sons), bds Union hotel
Cropley's S. Sns (R.B. & A. B. Cropley), grocers, 165 Bridge
Cropley Thos. L, druggist, 186 Bridge and 77 High, h 47 1st
Cross James, cook, Union hotel
Cross Richard, lab, 93 Washington
Crow Theodore B, grocer, 171 Bridge, h 41 3d
Crowley John, grocer, 197 Bridge
Crowley _____ Mrs., servant, Gtn college
Cruikshank Richard, clk, 40 Potomac
Cruikshank Wm, clk, 40 Potomac
Cruser Wm, lab, 21 Greene
Crusor Collins, 47 Beall
Crusor Edward, 47 Beall
Crusor Jas, porter, 34 Gay
Crusor James, jr., 34 Gay
Crusor John, 21 Greene
Crusor M. F, clk, 6th aud, 47 Beall
Crutchet John E, printer, 1224 10th NW
Crutchet Julius P, printer, 1804 H NW
Crutchfield Albert, West nr P st bdge
Cryer Henry I, clk, 9 Stoddard
Cummings Edmund, clk, 38 Dunbarton
Cunningham Archibald, shoemaker, 16 8th
Cunningham David J, agent, 100 Prospect
Cunningham Elizabeth, wid. Samuel, West nr P st bridge
Cunningham James, machinist, bds 100 Prospect
Cunningham Mary J, clk treas, 100 Prospect
Cunningham Rosa A, wid. Wm, 100 Prospect
Cunningham Wm, police, h county
Cunningham Wm. A, bootfitter, 66 High
Cupid George, barber, High cor Beall
Curtin John, restaurant, 159 Bridge
Curtis Catharine, wid., washerwoman, Brown nr Valley
Curtis Chas, lab, 70 2d
Curtis Elsar, lab, 23 Greene
Curtis Jesse, 16 Dunbarton
Curtis Maria, washing, 96 Bridge
Curtis Sophia, wid. George, clk treas, 129 Beall
Curtis Wm. H, cook, Beall cor Monroe
Curtis Wm. W, clk land o, 56 Market
Custead, Ellen, 348 High
Custrrd Elem, wid. G. W, 57 3d
Custom House, Congress nr Bridge
Dachenhausen A. Von, clk q m g, 114 Gay
Dade Henry H, clk com. dept, 14 West
Dade William H, driver, 39 Beall
Daffin Sarah, teacher, 28 West
Daggs Jas. M, fireman, 30 Dunbarton
Daggs Sarah, washing, 6th nr Market
Daily Mary, wid. Timothy, Warren and 3d
Dale Chapman, clk, 45 Prospect
Dalton Robt, printer, 131 Greene
Daly Bridget, folder, 106 Prospect
Daly Carroll, lab, 107 2d
Daly Cornelius M, clk, 72 Dunbarton
Daly Eliza, wid. Jas, 4th nr Fayette
Daly James, butter, 27 New Market, h 28 Bridge
Dame Harriet P, clk treas, 26 Gay
Danaker Henry, M.C., 30 Water
Dangler Curtis, police, Ridge rd
Darby Edward, gov print o, 42 Market
Darby Edward, jr., 42 Market
Darby Rufus H, printer, 42 Market
Darby Rezin W, carp, 42 Market
Darne Jno. H, clk, 104 Bridge
Darne Richard H, livery stable, 192 Bridge, h 175 Bridge
Darneille P. A, (Dodge & Darneille), Congress nr Stoddard
Davenport Chas. E, clk a g o, 56 Bridge
Davenport Isaac, carp, Gay cor Monroe
Davenport James, lab, 91 Washington
Davidson Cornelia, treas, bds cor Gay and Washington
Davidson Frank, butcher, 3 West
Davidson Jno. B, Seminary Hotel
Davidson Jno. H, West nr P
Davis Henry B, 94 Beall
Davis Isabella, wid. Thomas I, 94 Beall
Davis Ignatias Thos. (I. Thos. Davis & Co), 94 Beall
Davis I. Thomas & Co, (I. Thos. Davis & Wm. Marbury), importers and wholesale dealers in salt, 85 Water
Davis James L, real estate, 51 Congress, h county
85 WATER STREET, Georgetown, DC
Davis James N, bricklayer, 3 2d
Davis Jno, Poplar al
Davis Joshua, saddler, 100 High
Davis Levi, clk war dept, 145 Beall
Davis Marcellus W, Conduit rd
Davis Martha, 145 Beall
Davis Samuel L, grocer 53, h 54 Dunbarton
Daw Charles, USA, 51 Dunbarton
Daw Edward, carp, bds 83 Montgomery
Daw Frederick, shoemaker, 97 High
Daw Robert, shoemaker, 97 High
Daw Reuben, locksmith 102 Bridge, h 83 Montgomery
Daw William, clk, 20 Montgomery
Day Thos, 2 Stoddard
Day William, lab, al bet Congress, High and Gay
Dean Charles, ropemaker, West nr North
Dean Henry C, ropemaker, West nr North
Decker Levi W, lab, Frederick bet 1st and 2d
Decker Margaret, wid. William, 36 3rd
Deeble Edward S, carp.
Deeble H. M, clk, 87 West
Deeble James W, secy Potomac Ins Co., 58 High, h 87 West
Deeble William, driver, 220 High
Deener Josiah W, agt, 149 West
Deener Simon P, miller, 80 Congress
Delaroache Jane J, wid. George F, 143 Washington
Dellzell Alex. W, millwright, 80 High
Dellzell Samuel W, clk p o, 80 High
Demar Charles H, dry goods, 98 High
Denham Robert P.A. agt NY, Wash. Gtn, and Alex. Steamship Co., 1011 H St NW, Wash, DC
Dent Josiah, lawyer, Road opp Congress
Dent Nace, Tennallytown rd
Dentz Simon, brewer, 38 and 40 Greene
NOS. 38 and 40 GREENE ST
Deter Elias, waiter, Frederick nr 5th
DeVaughn Martha E, wid. John T, 176 High
Devine Dorcas, barber, 178 Bridge
Dewer Robert, coachmaker, 56 Bridge
Dexter Walter B, clk land o, bds Union hotel
Diamond John L, Market bet Bridge and Water
Dickson Anna, Mrs., wid. John, cor Gay and Washington
Dickson Henry (Dickson & King), Ebbitt House
Dickson James, cashier, bds Union house
Dickson John R, clk, 101 High
Dickson & King (Henry Dickson and Wm King), wood and coal, 4 Water
Diggs Elizabeth, wid. Wm, 6 West
Diggs Geo. W, Beall nr North
Diggs James, lab, 34 Beall
Diggs John M, porter, Fayette cor 1st
Diggs John W, West nr P at Bridge
Diggs S, carman, 33 Monroe
Diggs Wesley, lab, West nr Rock
Dill Adam, wheelwright, Market nr Prospect
Dill William, butcher, 17 New Market, h 340 High
Dilliard James, waiter, Beall nr Greene
Dison Stephen, lab, 78 Market
Divine Cadirsis, shoemaker, High cor Beall, h Stoddard nr High
Divine Geo, clk, 55 Bridge
Divine Hugh G, clk, 32 2d
Divine John L, lab, 32 2d
Divine Robert M, 32 2d
Divine Robert, 32 2d
Divine Thomas, clk treas, Stoddard nr High
Dixon Thomas T, 34 Gay
Dixon William T, wheelwright and blacksmith, 63 Greene
Dockett John H, barber, 106 Bridge, h 26th nr K, NW, Wash
Dodd Joseph F, miller, 76 Congress
Dodge A. Hamilton, pres Gtn Gas Co, 66 West
Dodge Emily, 150 Congress
Dodge Frank, Dunbarton cor Congress
Dodge Henry H, West cor Congress
Dodge Robert P, 89 Montgomery
Dodson Addie, teacher, h 1230 19 NW, Wash
Dodson Albert, 2d near Fayette
Dodson Albert, fireman, 5 3d
Dodson Chas, musician, 25 6th
Dodson Geo. W, clk, 139 Congress
Dodson Jane, wid. Joseph, washing, V al nr West
Dodson James B, carpets, 139 Congress
Dodson J. H, clk, 139 Congress
Dodson John McC, clk, 139 Congress
Dodson R. T, clk, 139 Congress
Dodson Sarah, washerwoman, 48 4th
Doering Jonas, shoemaker, 119 Gay
Donaldson Charles, driver, 21 Jefferson
Donaldson John T, 6 5th
Donaldson Samuel, 43 West
Donaldson Sanford, driver, 8 Congress
Donaldson Thomas A, lab, 21 Jefferson
Donaldson Washington E, gardener, 23 7th
Donaldson William A, paver, 6 5th
Donnelly John B, real estate, 51 1st
Donovan Dennis, lab, 119 2d
Donovan Johanna, wid. Dennis, grocer, Market bet 5th and 6th
Doores William C (G?), clk, 20 Montgomery
Dorman Ella P, treas dept, cor Greene and Bridge
Dorr August, cooper, Market cor 4th
Dorr Louisa, grocer, Market cor 4th
Dorris Lucy, janitress, Montgomery nr Bridge
Dorsey Albert, drugs, 28 West
Dorsey John, lab, 33 Jefferson
Dorsey Levi, lab, Market nr 4th
Dorsey Richard, lab, West nr P
Dougal William H, engraver, 123 Bridge, h Road cor High
Dougherty William H, brick layer, 9 1st
Douglass Francis, lab, Bridge cor Bank
Dove Henry, porter, 102 Greene
Dover James, lab, North nr Stoddard
Dowling Thomas, auctioneer, 76 and 78 Bridge, h 114 Greene
Downman Rawleigh W, real estate agt, Intelligencer bldg, Washington, h 82 Beall
Downs Charles, 28 E Market space
Doyle James, huckster, Bridge nr High
Doyle James H, lab, Market nr 5th
Doyle James T, Fountain Hotel
Doynes Mary, servt, 106 West
Drew Clara, 100 Gay
Drew Elizabeth, 109 Gay
Drew Mary, 109 Gay
Drew William O, asst engineer, 109 Gay
Dreyfuss David, clothier, 177 Bridge
Driscoll Daniel, lab, Warren nr 1st
Driscoll Dennis, lab, Gtn
Drury Joseph, shoemaker, 70 Fayette
Drury Robert A, shoemaker, Frederick nr 2d
Drury Sarah, 114 High
Duckett E, wid. Thomas, Gay nr Monroe
Duckett Grace, 31 West
Duckett Georgana, dressmaker, Gay nr Monroe
Duffins William, lab, Beall nr Greene
Duffy John, butcher, 24 New Market, h 22d cor P NW, Wash
Duley Henry (Duley and Gladmon), 95 Washington
Duley & Gladmon (Henry Duley and Burgess K. Gladmon), livery stable, Bridge cor Market
Dunavin John, lab, 77 3d
Dunlap A. Preston, clk, 25 Dunbarton
Dunlap Francis, 75 Gay
Dunlop George T, (G. T. Dunlop & Co), 28 Gay
Dunlop G. T. & Co. (Geo T. Dunlop and Alex. Marbury), hardware and agricultural implements, 148 Bridge
Dunlop William L, atty, 75 Gay
Dunnigan Mary, wid. James, seamstress, 106 High
Dunnigan May, 106 High
Dunning Ralph, clk, bds Union house
Duvall Bettie G. M., Miss, teacher, 109 Wash
Duvall Mason M, finisher, 33 Gay
Duvall Samuel, lab, Olive nr Rock
Duvall Samuel, carp, 2 West
Duvall William T. (Duvall & Simms), founder, Wash cor Canal, h 33 Gay
Duvall & Simms, (Wm T. Duvall & Joseph L. Simms), iron, Wash cor Canal
Dyer Catherine, wid. John, Bridge nr Warren
Dyer George H, clk, 42 Dunbarton
Dyer George Ignatius, carp, 1st nr Fayette
Dyer Joseph, shoemaker, Warren nr 1st
Dyer Joseph E, carp, bds 82 1st
Dyer Lewis, carp, Warren nr lst
Dyer Mary, wid. George, Dunbarton nr Monroe
Dyer William H, (W. I. Dyer & Son), 82 1st
Dyer William I, (W. I. Dyer & Son), 82 1st
Dyer W. I. & Son (Wm. I. and Wm. H. Dyer), carps, Fayette cor Bridge
Dyson Henson, Stoddard nr Mill
Dyson John E, Olive nr Rock
Dyson Stephen, lab, 78 Market
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