Radcliffe, James - constable, s side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Radcliffe, William - grocer, btw 10 and 11w, near the river
Radee, John - tailor, n side Gn btw 6 and 7w, cor 7
Ragon, Daniel - cartman, e side 13-1/2w btw C and Ds, nr C
Rainey, Samuel - clk, Ordnance Office, Georgetown
Ramsey, James M. - clk, office of 1st Auditor, Georgetown
Randall, G. A. W. - grocery, s side Pennsylvania av btw 12 and 13w, cor 12
Randall, Henry - clk, office of 3d Auditor, s side In btw 20 and 21w, nr 21
Randall, N. A. - clk, General Land Office, n side Pennsylvania av btw 21 and 22w, nr 21
Randell, E. W. (Mrs.) - fancy dressmaker, n side Dn btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Randell, George - printer, n side Dn btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Randolph, E. (Mrs.) - grocery, e side 7w btw G and Hn, nr G
Randolph, James I. - clk, General Land Office, n side In btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Randolph, W. B. - clk, Office of the Treasurer, s side Maryland av btw 12 and 13w, nr 13
Random, Benedict - s side In btw 20 and 21w, nr 21
Random, Benedict - blacksmith, w side 22w btw I and Pennsylvania av, nr I
Rannel, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, n side In btw Connecticut av and 16w, nr cen
Ratcliffe, Joseph - w side 8w btw E and Fn, nr F
Ratcliffe, Lewis - penitentiary guard, s side Hn btw 4 and 5w, nr cen
Ratcliffe, William - n side Maryland av btw 13 and 13-1/2w, nr 13
Raub, George - n side Maryland av btw 13-1/2 and 14w, nr 13-1/2
Rawlings, David - butcher, w side 14e btw H and Is, nr I
Rawlings, Isaac - brass founder, e side New Jersey av btw K and Ls, nr L
Rawlings, James - laborer, e side 7e btw Virginia av and Ls, nr Virginia
Rawlings, John - s side Pennsylvania av btw 24 and 25w, nr 25
Rawlings, W. - n side Gn btw 2 and 3w, nr 3
Rawlings, W. J. - tailor, n side Dn btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Ray, Alexander - pension agent, n side Fn btw 18 and 19w, nr 19
Ray, Josiah - s side Gn btw 1 and 2w, nr 2
Ray, Mary - grocery, n side Fn btw 13 and 14w, nr 13
Rearden, Michael - constable, n side In btw 7 and 8w, cor 8
Redd, J. L. - w side 7w btw H and In, nr H
Reddall, W. C. - clk, Ordnance Office, w side 13w btw G and Hn, nr H
Redfern, Samuel - grocery, n side Hn btw 18 and 19w, cor 19
Redman, Joseph - shoemaker, n side In btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Reece, Irum - blacksmith, e side 6w btw E and Fn, nr E
Reed, Andrew - laborer, w side 13-1/2w btw Ds and Maryland av, nr D
Reed, B. W. - grocer, s side Fn btw 13 and 14w, cor 13
Reed, David C. - merchant tailor, s side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, cor 6
Reed, Jesse H. - painter, w side 8w btw L and Mn, nr L
Reeder, ____ (Mrs.) - corset maker, w side 11w btw Pennsylvania av and En, nr E
Reeder, John - shoemaker, e side 6w btw G and Hn, nr H
Reese, Andrew - upholsterer, s side Pennsylvania av btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Reeves, James - house carpenter, n side Ln btw 8 and 9w, nr cen
Reeves, R. B. - cabinet maker, w side 8w btw D and En, nr E
Reidy, Morris - fruit store, n side Dn btw 7 and 8w, nr 8
Reily, J. H. - w side 12w btw Pennsylvania av and En, nr E
Reily, Philip - tailor, e side 2e btw A and Bn, nr cen
Reis, B. - professor of music, s side Pennsylvania av btw 12 and 13w, nr cen
Reynolds, Charles - w side 2e btw B and Cs, nr C
Reynolds, Joseph - clk, office of Auditor, Post Office Dept, Georgetown
Rhea, Daniel - boot maker, s side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Rhea, Daniel - boot maker, s side Cn btw 9 and 10w, nr cen
Rhodes, James - butcher, e side 9e btw M and Ns, nr M
Rice, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, w side 2e btw A and East Capitol st, nr A
Rice, N. - clk, War Dept, e side 6w btw E and Fn, nr cen
Rice, Richard - grocery, e side 14w btw B and Cs, nr B
Rich, Charles - s side Cn btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr 3
Rich, William - n side Gn btw 20 and 21w, nr 21
Richards, William - n side Maryland av btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Richardson, ____ - plasterer, s side Bn btw 3 and 4e, nr 4
Richardson, George S. - wood yard, e side 13-1/2w, btw E and Fs, cor E
Richardson, Judson - constable, n side Ks btw 6 and 7e, nr 7
Richardson, Luke - s side Mn btw 13 and 14w
Richardson, William - bacon store, s side Gn btw 6 and 7w, cor 7
Richardson, William - bacon dealer, e side 7w btw F and Gn, cor G
Ricketts, A. - butter dealer, s side Gn btw 17 and 18w, nr 17
Ricketts, Robert - clk, office of 5th Auditor, n side In btw 20 and 21w, nr cen
Ridgely, Lloyd - laborer, n side Massachusetts av btw 2 and 3w, nr 3
Ridgely, William G. - chief clk, Bur of Navy Yards and Docks, Georgetown
Ridgway, Enoch - slater, e side 11w btw E and Fn, nr E
Rigdon, ____ (Mrs.) - grocery, s side East Capitol st, btw 1 and 2e, nr cen
Riggles, Thomas - scavenger, e side 16w, btw I and Kn, nr I
Riggs, G. W. - s side New York av btw 13 and 14w, nr 14
Rigsby, Stanislaus - s side Virginia av btw 3 and 4e, nr 3
Riley, ____ - tavern, n side Pennsylvania av btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr cen
Riley, Benjamin T. - clk, General Land Office, w side 10w, btw E and Fn, cor E
Riley, Boyd - proprietor, medicated vapor bath, w side 10w, btw E and Fn, cor E
Riley, Edmond - shoemaker, s side East Capitol st btw 1 and 2e
Riley, Francis - tavern, e side 8e btw I and Ks, nr K
Riley, Francis - blacksmith, n side Ls btw 8 and 9e, nr 8
Riley, John - n side Fs btw 9 and 10w, nr 9
Riley, Thomas - w side 9w btw F and Gs, nr G
Riley, Thomas R. - wood dealer and steamboat agent, btw 10 and 11w, nr the river
Rind, Samuel S. - clk, office of 3d Auditor, Georgetown
Ringgold, ____ - n side In btw 19 and 20w, nr 20
Ringgold, James S. - clk, State Dept, Georgetown
Riordan, James - bookseller, n side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr cen
Ritchie, Hiram - tinner, s side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Rittenhouse, B. F. - n side Gn btw 17 and 18w, nr 18
Rittenhouse, C. R. - clk, Bank of the Metropolis, Georgetown
Ritter, H. G. - tobacconist, n side Pennsylvania av btw 11 and 12w, nr 11
Ritter, James H. - dentist, n side Pennsylvania av btw 9 and 10w, nr cen
Rives, John C. - editor of The Globe [newspaper], n side En btw 13 and 14w, nr cen
Rixter, ____ (Miss) - mantua maker, w side 6w btw D and En, nr E
Roach, Ambrose - w side 9w btw M and Nn, nr cen
Roach, Edward N. - Register of Wills, w side 8w btw G and Hn, nr G
Robb, Michael - blockmaker, n side Virginia av btw 7 and 8e, nr 7
Roberts, John (Dr.) - physician, w side 8e btw G and Is, nr I
Robertson, John - n side Ds btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Robertson, N. R. - w side 8w btw New York av and In, nr cen
Robertson, William - chimney sweep, w side 22w btw G and Hn, nr H
Robertson, William - clk, Post Office Dept, Georgetown
Robey, E. (Mrs.) - widow, e side 10e btw M and Ns, nr M
Robey, Sarah (Mrs.) - grocery, w side 6e btw Virginia av and Gs, nr Virginia av
Robins, P. - shoemaker, s side Cn btw 9 and 10w, cor 10
Robins, Thomas - w side 12w btw Massachusetts av and Ln, nr Massachusetts
Robinson, E. B. - printer, n side Dn btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Robinson, George - tailor, w side 6w btw H and In, nr I
Robinson, H. R. - lithographer, n side Pennsylvania av btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr cen
Robinson, J. W. - n side Bn btw Delaware av and 1e, cor 1
Robinson, John - watchman, War Dept, w side 17w btw Pennsylvania av and Hn, cor H
Robinson, John G. - house carpenter, s side Louisiana av btw 9 and 10w, cor 10
Robinson, John G. - w side 7w btw G and Hn, nr cen
Robinson, Samuel - house carpenter, w side 7w btw G and Hn, nr G
Rochat, H. - tavern, n side Pennsylvania av btw 21 and 22w, nr 22
Roe, Richard, Jr. - bricklayer, n side Gn btw 12 and 13w, nr 12
Roe, Richard, Sr. - bricklayer, n side Gn btw 12 and 13w, nr cen
Roemmele, John C. - grocery, e side 18w btw I and Kn, cor I
Rolls, Nicholas - boarding house, s side Gn btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Ronckendorff, ____ (Mrs.) - confectioner, n side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr cen
Rooker, J. - clk, office of Commissioner of Public Bldgs, s side Cn btw 2 and 3w, nr 2
Roper, E. H. - blacksmith, s side Kn btw 11 and 12w, nr 11
Rose, Adam - joiner, e side 7e btw Virginia av and Ls, nr Virginia
Ross, D. J. - grocery, n side Hn btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Ross, Mary (Mrs.) - boarding house, e side 9w btw E and Fn, cor E
Rothwell, Andrew - tax collector, e side 7w btw I and Kn, nr K
Row, Gotlieb - shoemaker, w side 10e btw L and Ms, nr M
Rowan, G. - dressmaker, w side 9w btw D and En, nr E
Rowane, John J. - clk, Patent Office, s side As btw 1 and 2e, nr 2
Rudd, E. - grocery, e side 8e btw K and Ls, nr K
Royal, Anne (Mrs.) - editor, "Huntress," widow, s side Bn btw 3 and 4e, nr 3
Rumpff, Sophia (Mrs.) - grocery, e side 11w btw Maryland av and Es, nr E
Rupert, A. - tavern, e side 9w btw Pennsylvania av and Dn, nr D
Rust, R. B. - clk, Post Office Dept, Georgetown
Russell, F. A. - grocery, n side Hn btw 7 and 8w, cor 7
Russell, Jane (Miss) - seamstress, w side 11e btw I and Ks, nr K
Rutherford, A. - grocery, s side D btw 13 and 13-1/2w, cor 13
Ryland, William (Rev.) - chaplain, U.S. Navy, w side 8e btw G and Is, nr I
Ryon, John T. - grocery, n side Louisiana av btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Ryon, Michael - stone cutter, s side Ns btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Sanders, ____ (Mrs.) - seamstress w side 9w btw D and En, nr E
Sanderson, Thomas - brass founder, e side 10e btw M and Ns, nr M
Sardo, Michael - w side 10w btw G and Hn, cor H
Saunders, David - principal clk, office of Auditor, Post Office Dept, n side En btw 5 and 7w, nr cen
Sauter, W. - confectionary, s side Pennsylvania av btw 19 and 20w, nr cen
Savage, George - variety store, n side Pennsylvania av btw 9 and 10w, nr 9
Savage, George - n side Dn btw 9 and 10w, nr 9
Scantling, ____ - stone mason, s side Bs btw New Jersey av and 1e, nr New Jersey
Schelig, F. X. - s side In btw 17 and 18w, nr 18
Schench, B. - variety store, n side Pennsylvania av btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Schlegel, F. - tailor, e side 9w btw Pennsylvania av and Dn, nr cen
Schmidt, Luis - lock maker, e side 9w btw D and En, nr cen
Schneider, A. - grocery, s side Pennsylvania av btw 17 and 18w, nr 18
Schneider, Augustus - e side 19w btw F and Gn, nr cen
Schneider, F. A. - blacksmith, n side Gn btw 19 and 20w, cor 20
Schneider, Fredrick - e side 19w btw F and Gn, nr cen
Schneider, Lewis H. - lock maker, s side Pennsylvania av btw 10 and 11w, nr 11
Schofield, ____ (Mrs.) - teacher, e side 6w btw D and En, nr E
Schofield, Joseph L. - w side 8w btw D and En, nr E
Schofield, Martha (Miss) - tailoress, w side 5w btw G and Hn, nr cen
Schwartz, Joseph - messenger, office of Commissary General Subsistence, n side En btw 19 and 20w, nr 19
Schuts, H. - tailor, e side 7w btw F and Gn, nr F
Scott, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, s side Fn btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Scott, A. H. (Mrs.) - boarding house, s side Pennsylvania av btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr 3
Scott, Eliza (Mrs.) - widow, w side 4-1/2w btw F and Gs, nr G
Scott, Ellen (Mrs.) - widow, east end Ks
Scott, George - n side Maryland av btw 6 and 7e, cor 6
Scott, J. F. - coal yard, south end 7w, nr canal
Scott, Sabret - s side Kn btw 24 and 25w, nr cen
Scott, Samuel - constable, s side Ks btw 6 and 7e, nr 7
Scott, William A. - n side Maryland av btw 6 and 7e, nr 6
Scrivener, James - w side 12w btw Massachusetts av and Ln, nr Massachusetts
Scrivener, John - messenger, General Land Office, s side Fn btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Scrivener, Thomas - watchman, U.S. Capitol, n side An btw Delaware av and 1e, nr cen
Sears, Hector - carpenter, w side 5w btw F and Gn, nr F
Sears, L. A. (Mrs.) - tailoress, w side 5w btw F and Gn, nr F
Seaton, W. W. - mayor of Washington; editor of "National Intelligencer" [newspaper], s side En btw 7 and 8w, nr cen
Sebert, Simon - s side Bs btw 1 and 2e, nr 2
Selby, Henry - blacksmith, e side 7e btw H and Is, nr H
Selby, James - laborer and cartman, w side 13-1/2w btw B and Cs, nr C
Selden, Cary - e side Delaware av btw B and Cn, nr cen
Selvy, Thomas - cartman, w side 13w btw C and Ds, nr C
Semmes, Edward - wine store, n side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Semmes, T. F. - wine store, Granite row, n side Pennsylvania av btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr cen
Semmes, T. F. - e side 6w btw E and Fn, nr F
Sengstack, C. P. - house painter, s side Pennsylvania av btw 12 and 13w, nr 12
Sengstack, Charles - house painter, s side Dn btw 12 and 13w, nr 12
Sergeant, John - book binder, n side En btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Sergeant, John - book binder, n side Pennsylvania av btw 11 and 12w, cor 12
Serren, William - constable, s side In btw 20 and 21w, nr 20
Sessford, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, n side Dn btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Sessford, John - clk, 4th Auditor's office, s side Dn btw 11 and 12w, nr 11
Sessford, Joseph - house carpenter, n side Cn btw 11 and 12w, nr 11
Seuferle, Jacob - baker, n side Fn btw 5 and 6w, cor 6
Sewell, J. - carpenter, n side Massachusetts av btw 2 and 3w, nr 3
Sewell, Thomas (Dr.) - physician, w side 4-1/2w btw Cn and Louisiana av, cor C
Sexsmith, E. - milliner and mantua maker, s side Pennsylvania av btw 9 and 10w, nr 9
Sexsmith, John - boot and shoe maker, n side Pennsylvania av btw 9 and 10w, nr 9
Sexton, ____ - s side Fn btw 2 and 3w, nr 3
Shackleford, James - Thomsonian practitioner, n side En btw 8 and 9w, nr 9
Shanks, Michael - n side En btw 18 and 19w, nr 18
Shaw, John - printer, n side Fn btw 13 and 14w, cor 13
Shaw, Richard - hackman, n side Hn btw 5 and 6w, nr 5
Sheahan, John - fruit store, s side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 6
Sheckle, R. - tavern, e side 7w btw Pennsylvania av and Bn, nr cen
Shedd, James J. - butcher, e side 13-1/2w btw Maryland av and Es, cor E
Shedd, W. P. - provision dealer, s side Pennsylvania av btw 10 and 11w, cor 11
Sheid, Thompson - turner, n side Ln btw 7 and 8w, nr cen
Shelton, Samuel - blacksmith, n side Virginia av btw 9 and 10e, nr 10
Shelton, Sarah (Mrs.) - widow, w side Ks btw 10 and 11e, nr 11
Shepherd, A. - lumber and wood yard, w side 7w btw Pennsylvania av and Bn, nr canal
Sherdan, Patrick - shoemaker, n side Ks btw 8 and 9e, nr 8
Sheriff, Ellen (Mrs.) - widow, w side 7w btw D and Es, nr D
Sherlock, ____ (Mrs.) - boarding house, n side Cn btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Sherman, Charles E. - w side 3w btw Pennsylvania av and Cn, nr C
Shermon, George - blacksmith, n side Ks btw 10 and 11e, nr 10
Sherry, Dominic - blacksmith, e side 11e btw M and Ns, nr M
Sherwood, Samuel - n side In btw 6 and 7e, nr 6
Shields, ____ (Mrs.) - boarding house, n side Dn btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Shields, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, w side 5w btw D and En, nr E
Shields, James W. - messenger, Treasury Dept, n side Hn, btw 12 and 13w, nr 13
Shields, Thomas - cabinetmaker, w side 14w btw H and In, nr I
Shine, ____ - teacher, s side Ls btw 3 and 4e, nr 3
Shine, Archibald R. - teacher, n side Virginia av btw 4 and 5e, cor 5
Shorter, Fanny - nurse, n side In btw 15 and 16w, nr 16
Shreeves, Caleb - hucksterer, w side 7w btw L and Mn, nr L
Shreeves, James - w side 7w btw I and Kn, nr K
Shreeves, John - hucksterer, w side 7w btw K and Ln, nr K
Shreve, Samuel - hucksterer, n side In btw 7 and 8w, nr 8
Shryrock, H. (Mrs.) - boarding house, n side En btw 13 and 14w, nr 14
Shugroo, John - tailor, w side 6w btw F and Gn, nr G
Shultz, Theodore - U.S. Marines, w side 8e btw F and Gs, nr G
Shucking, Alfred - n side En btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Sibley, Solomon - n side Massachusetts av btw 4 and 5w, nr 4
Sietz, George - baker, n side Ns btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Silo, F. G. - locksmith, n side Bn btw 21 and 22w, nr 21
Simmons, Augustus - cartman, w side 13-1/2w btw B and Cs, nr C
Simmons, John - blacksmith, n side Ms btw 9 and 10w, nr 9
Simmons, William - clk, General Land Office, s side New York av btw 12 and 13w, nr 13
Simms, Edward - n side Cn btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr cen
Simms, Elexius - n side Fn btw 13 and 14w, nr cen
Simms, Elexius - grocery, n side Fn btw 12 and 13w, cor 13
Simms, John D. (Mrs.) - widow, n side Pennsylvania av btw 21 and 22w, nr cen
Simons, Daniel - laborer, w side 7e btw L and Ms, nr M
Simons, John - constable, e side New Jersey av btw B and Cs, nr cen
Simons, Stephen - shoemaker, s side Bs btw New Jersey av and 1e, nr New Jersey
Simpson, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, n side Louisiana av btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Simpson, Presley - clk, office of Auditor, Post Office Dept, e side 12w btw G and Hn, nr cen
Sinclair, George - tavern, s side Gs btw 11 and 12w, cor 11
Sinnot, ____ (Miss) - teacher, w side 7w btw D and Es, nr E
Sinon, John - n side Maryland av btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr 4-1/2
Siousa, Charles - plasterer, w side 18w btw H and In, nr cen
Siousse, John - messenger, Bank of the Metropolis, n side New York av btw 12 and 13w, nr 12
Sirian, George - gunner, U.S. Navy, n side Virginia av btw 10 and 11e, nr 10
Sjoholm, F. W. - silversmith, e side 11w btw F and Gn, nr cen
Skinner, John S. - Asst Postmaster General, Post Office Dept, w side 12w btw E and Fn, cor F
Skinner, Price - s side Louisiana av btw 9 and 10w, nr 9
Skirving, J. - bricklayer, n side Hn btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Slade, Edward - s side Pennsylvania av btw 3 and 4e, nr 4
Slater, William - brush maker, n side Pennsylvania av btw 2 and 3w, nr 3
Slight, Pringle - house carpenter, [?] side 1w btw F and Gs, nr F
Small, Jacob - house carpenter, n side Ls btw 6 and 7e, nr 7
Smallwood, J. - ship carpenter, e side 7e, btw Virginia av and Ls, nr L
Smith, ____ (Mrs.) - boarding house, n side Louisiana av btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Smith, A. - n side En btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Smith, A. Thomas - chief clk, Navy Dept, e side 12w btw Pennsylvania av and En, nr cen
Smith, Andrew - clk, Treasury Office, s side Gn btw 13 and 14w, nr cen
Smith, Bayard - n side Kn btw 12 and 13w, nr cen
Smith, Cyrus - block maker, n side Ln btw 3 and 4w, nr 4
Smith, Daniel - printer, e side 13w btw C and Dn, cor C
Smith, Eleanor - nurse, n side Kn btw 14 and 15w, nr 15
Smith, Elijah - laborer, n side Bn btw 1 and 2e, nr 2
Smith, Fleet - s side Bs btw 10 and 11w, nr 11
Smith, George - penitentiary guard, e side 3e btw N and Os, nr N
Smith, Henry - e side 11w btw E and Fn, nr F
Smith, Herman - waterman, n side Ms btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Smith, I. Canfield - clk, General Land Office, s side New York av btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Smith, J. B. H. - lawyer, s side Indiana av btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr 4-1/2
Smith, J. Cross (Rev.) - pastor, 4th Presbyterian Church, s side New York av btw 9 and 10w, nr 9
Smith, Jane (Mrs.) - widow, seamstress w side [?] w btw D and En, nr D
Smith, John - clk, Post Office Dept, s side Gn btw 11 and 12w, nr cen
Smith, John - hackman, w side 4-1/2w btw Maine st and Maryland av, nr Maine
Smith, John - grocery, n side Ms btw 10 and 11e, nr 11
Smith, John H. - clk, office of 3d Auditor, s side Fn btw 13 and 14w, nr cen
Smith, Joseph A. - watchman, n side Dn btw 13 and 14w, nr 14
Smith, L. (Mrs.) - boarding house, n side East Capitol st btw 1 and 2e, nr 1
Smith, Mary - confectioner, n side Fn btw 14 and 15w, cor 14
Smith, P. - e side 6w btw G and Hn, nr H
Smith, Philip - teacher, n side Gn btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Smith, Richard - cashier, Bank of the Metropolis, n side "Executive Way" btw Lafayette sq and 15w, nr 15 (see Note 1)
Smith, Samuel Harrison - w side 15w btw G and Hn, nr H
Smith, T. - coach factory, s side Pennsylvania av btw 19 and 20w
Smith, Thomas - livery stable, e side 19w btw Pennsylvania av and In, nr Pennsylvania
Smith, Thomas L. - register, Register of the Treasury, n side Kn btw 12 and 13w, nr cen
Smith, W. L. H. - shoemaker, e side 5w btw H and In, cor 5
Smith, William - carpenter, n side Ms btw 11 and 12e, nr 12
Smith, William - engraver, w side 9w btw New York av and In, nr New York
Smith, William - engineer, w side 8w btw New York av and In, nr I
Smitson, E. - shoemaker, w side 3e btw M and Ns, nr N
Smitson, Thomas - blacksmith, n side Ms btw 4-/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Smoot, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, e side 11e btw N and Os, nr O
Smoot, ____ (Mrs.) - boarding house, s side Fn btw 13 and 14w, nr cen
Smoot, John H. - joiner, w side 7e btw H and Is, nr I
Smoot, Joseph - s side Kn btw 26 and 27w, nr 26
Smoot, Samuel - n side Kn btw 26 and 27w, nr 26
Smoot, Samuel C. (Dr.) - physician, n side Pennsylvania av btw 12 and 13w, nr 12
Snyder, Nicholas - blacksmith, btw 10 and 11w, cor 10, nr canal
Snyder, Nicholas - blacksmith, e side 11w btw L and Mn
Soalgers, John - w side 7w btw L and Mn, nr L
Sollers, William - upholsterer, s side Cn btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Sorrel, Jacob - laborer, [?] side Ds btw 12 and 13w, nr 13
Souders, Levi - laborer, w side 7e btw L and Ms, nr M
Spalding, R. L. - printer, w side 6w btw H and In, nr H
Spalding, Susan - carpet weaver, n side Gn btw 8 and 9w, nr 8
Spea[?], C. E. (Mrs.) - tailoress, n side Gn btw 12 and 13w, cor 13
Spedden, Edward - printer, s side In btw 8 and 9w, nr 9
Speiden, Ann (Mrs.) - widow, w side 7e btw H and Is, nr I
Speiden, William - purser, navy, 10w btw F and Gn, nr F
Speiden, William A. - cooper, n side Kn btw 25 and 26w, nr 26
Spence, Christopher - shoemaker, n side In btw 5 and 6w, nr 5
Spencer, John C. - Secretary of the Treasury, Treasury Dept, w side Lafayette sq, btw "Executive Way" and Hn, nr cen (see Note 1)
Spencer, Samuel - butcher, n side Fn btw 25 and 26w, nr cen
Spicer, Frederick - butcher, s side Ms btw 9 and 10e, cor 9
Spicnul, William - huckster, w side 7w btw K and Ln, nr K
Spillman, Thomas - shoemaker, s side Hn btw 19 and 20w, nr cen
Sprig, B. (Mrs.) - boarding house, e side 1e btw East Capitol st and As, nr cen
Sprigg, Thomas - pump maker, n end 10w
Spurner, James - laborer, e side 5e btw F and Gs, nr G
Springman, John - huckster, n side Maryland av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 6
Stallings, John P. - house painter, n side En btw 12 and 13w, cor 12
Stallings, John P. - painter, n side Fn btw 5 and 6w, nr 6
Stanford, W. S. H. - e side North Capitol St btw B and Cn, nr C
Stanley, Frank - n side New York av btw 13 and 14w, nr 14
Stanley, Thomas - house painter, w side 9w btw E and Fn, nr F
Stansbury, Arthur J. - s side East Capitol st btw 1 and 2e, nr 2
Staples, Henry - laborer, s side Bs btw 13 and 13-1/2w, cor 13
Starr, William - tailor, n side Louisiana av btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
St. Clear, George - tavern, e side 7w btw C and Dn, nr C
Stegagnini, L. - marble yard, n side Pennsylvania av btw 1 and 2w, cor 1
Steer, P. J. - tailor, s side In btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Steiger, William T. - principal clerk of surveys, General Land Office, w side 8w btw E and Fn, nr F
Stephens, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, e side 11w btw F and Gn, nr [?]
Stephens, E. - grocery, e side 14w btw E and Fn, nr E
Stephens, Leonard L. - blockmaker, w side 8e btw F and G [?], nr G
Stephens, Robert - blacksmith, n side [?] btw 3 and 4 [?], nr 4
Stepper, Mary (Mrs.) - makes sausages, s side Ms btw 11 and 12e, nr 12
Stetson, M. D. (Mrs.) - widow, w side 6w btw [?]
Stettinius, Samuel - railroad agent, s side Louisiana av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Stettinius, William - w side 4-1/2w btw Louisiana av and Cn, nr [?]
Stevenson, Jane (Mrs.) - grocery, s side [?] btw 9 and 10 w, nr [?]
Stevenson, Joseph - sawyer, n side Fs btw 10 and 11w, nr 10
Stevenson, W. O. - tailor, w side 6w btw D and En, nr [?]
Stewart, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, w side 14w btw G and Hn, nr G
Stewart, ____ (Mrs. Commodore) - n side In btw Connecticut av and 16w, nr 16
Stewart, Ann E. (Mrs.) - widow, w side 10w btw New York av and Kn, nr cen
Stewart, C. W. - grocery, w side 12w btw Hn and New York av, cor H
Stewart, C. W. - messenger, U.S. Capitol, n side An btw Delaware av and 1e, nr 1
Stewart, George W. - grocery, n side Hn btw 12 and 13w, cor 12
Stewart, J. C. - tavern, n side Maryland av btw 13-1/2 and 14w, cor 13-1/2
Stewart, Margaret (Mrs.) - widow, w side 11w btw G and Hn, nr G
Stewart, Richard - house carpenter, n side Maryland av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 6
Stewart, W. F. - messenger, U.S. Capitol, w side 9w btw In and New York av, nr cen
Stewart, W. H. - furniture dealer, n side En btw 10 and 11w, cor 11
Stewart, Walter - billiard room. n side Pennsylvania av btw 14 and 15, nr cen
Stewart, Walter - e side 11w btw G and Hn, nr cen
Stewart, William - cartman, w side 12w btw G and Hn, nr G
Stewart, William M. - clk, Pension Office, w side 14w btw F and Gn, nr G
Stillings, John - cabinet maker, e side 7e btw L and Ms, cor L
Stoddard, ____ - s side Fn btw 2 and 3w, nr 3
Stokes, George - wheelwright, n side Virginia av btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Stone, A. M. - n side Bn btw Delaware av and 1e, nr cen
Stone, W. L. - engraver, s side Dn btw 11 and 12w, cor 11
Stott, Charles - druggist and apothecary, n side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w, cor 7
Stott, Samuel - grocery, n side In btw 20 and 21w, cor 20
Stott, Samuel - w side 19w btw G and Hn, nr cen
Stracy, John - w side 6w btw F and Gn, nr cen
Strahan, James - teacher, n side Hn btw 9 and 10w, nr cen
Straubs, James - printer, 7w btw K and Ln, nr cen
Stretch, ____ (Mrs.) - boarding house, s side Cn btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr cen
Stringfellow, Horace (Rev.) - pastor, Trinity Church, w side 5w btw [?]
Suit, John - laborer, n side Is btw 3 and 4e, nr 4
Sullivan, Jeremiah - marble yard, e side 15w btw Pennsylvania av and Fn, nr cen
Sullivan, John - e side 7w btw E and Fn, nr cen
Summers, James - e side 5w btw H and In, nr I
Summers, Owen - saddler, e side 7w btw F and Gn, nr cen
Suter, Alexander - clk, Farmers' & Mechanics' Bank in Georgetown, n side Gn btw 21 and 22w, nr 22
Suter, Elizabeth (Mrs.) - tailoress, n side Gn btw 5 and 6w, nr cen
Suter, John - principal clk, office of Auditor, Post Office Dept, e side 7w btw D and En, cor E
Suter, Thomas R. - s side Gn btw 21 and 22w, nr 22
Sutherland, ___ (Mrs.) - grocery, s side East Capitol st btw 1 and 2e, nr 2
Sutton, John - house carpenter, e side 5w btw L and Ms, nr L
Swain, Benjamin - house carpenter, n side Dn btw 12 and 13w, nr 13
Swan, Benjamin - house carpenter, n side Dn btw 12 and 13w, nr 13
Swann, Frances (Mrs.) - widow, w side 5w btw D and En, nr D
Swann, Leah (Mrs.) - widow, n side Virginia av btw 6 and 7e, nr 7
Sweeny, ___ (Mrs.) - tavern, s side As btw 1e and New Jersey av, nr New Jersey
Sweeny, Edward - tavern, w side 7w btw K and Ln, nr K
Sweeny, George - clk, City Post Office, w side 7w btw D and En, nr E
Sweeny, Mary (Mrs.) - widow, s side East Capitol st btw 1 and 2e, nr 1
Sweeting, H. W. - Virginia House, n side Cn btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 6
Symington, J. (Major) - U.S. Army, s end 4-1/2w
Symonds, John - n side Fn btw 2 and 3w, nr 2
Sypes, Henry - laborer, n side Bn btw 22 and 23w, nr 23
Tabler, John - merchant tailor, w side 7w btw D and En, nr D
Talbert, Thomas - ship carpenter, n side Ks btw 11 and 12e, nr 12
Talbert, William - ship carpenter, s side Is btw 11 and 12e
Talbot, Alexander - house carpenter, e side 7w btw G and Hn, nr H
Tally, M. - tavern, w side 7w btw C and Dn, nr cen
Tanner, Paul - shoemaker, n side Mn btw 26 and 27w, nr [?]
Tasco, George - cartman, s side Ds btw 13-1/3 and 14w, nr [?]
Tastet, N. - clk, office of Auditor, Post Office Dept, s side Bs btw 10 and 11w, cor 11
Tate, Alexander - stonecutter, n side Fn btw 13 and 14w, nr cen
Tate, James - stonecutter, n side As btw 3 and 4e, nr 3
Tate, Sarah - widow, s side Dn btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Tate, William R. - blacksmith, e side Vermont av btw H and In, nr H
Tayloe, ____ (Mrs. Colonel) - widow, n side New York av btw 17 and 18w, cor 18
Tayloe, Benjamin O. - e side Lafayette sq btw "Executive Way" and Hn, nr cen (See Note 1)
Taylor, Alfred - bricklayer, e side 5w btw H and In, nr I
Taylor, Franck - bookseller, n side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 6
Taylor, Harrison - w side 7w btw I and Kn, nr K
Taylor, James - clock and watchmaker, s side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 6
Taylor, Jane (Mrs.) - boarding house, s side Pennsylvania av btw 9 and 10w, nr 9
Taylor, John - bricklayer, e side 22w btw B and Cn, nr B
Taylor, Samuel H. - bricklayer, n side Ln btw 10 and 11w, nr 10
Teacher, Robert - house carpenter, e side 4e btw L and Mn, nr L
Teeman, Benjamin J. - turner, w side 7w btw Virginia av and Ds, nr D
Templeman, George - document and law book store, s side Pennsylvania av btw 14 and 15w, nr cen
Tench, S. - grocery, w side 8e btw I and Ks, nr K
Tench, Stanislaus - bookseller, e side 10 btw K and Ls, nr L
Thaw, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, n side New York av btw 12 and 13w, nr 12
Thaw, John - clk, office of Auditor, Post Office Dept, s side East Capitol st btw 1 and 2e, nr 1
Thomas, ____ - e side 15w btw F and Gn, nr F
Thomas, ____ (Miss) - drawing academy, s side En btw 13-1/2 and 14w, nr cen
Thomas, Edward A. - house carpenter, w side 4-1/2w btw F and Gs, nr G
Thomas, Eliza (Mrs.) - widow, e side 3e btw N and Os, nr N
Thomas, Henry - watchman, w side 10w btw E and Fs, nr F
Thomas, J. M. (Dr.) - physician, s side Pennsylvania av btw 14 and 15w, nr 15
Thomas, John - carpenter, w side 3e btw L and Mn, nr L
Thomas, Joseph - carpenter, s side In btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Thomas, L. - assist adjutant general, U.S. Army, Georgetown
Thomas, Lewis - cartman, e side 11w btw E and Fs, nr F
Thomas, Moses - laborer, w side 9w btw F and Gs, nr G
Thomas, William - tavern, e side 13w btw Pennsylvania av and En, cor E
Thompson, ____ (Mrs.) - boarding house, e side 8w btw Pennsylvania av and Dn, nr Pennsylvania
Thompson, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, n side New York av btw 17 and 18w, nr 18
Thompson, Adeline (Mrs.) - Boarding house, n side Fn btw 14 and 15w, nr 15
Thompson, Andrew - painter, e side 4-1/2w btw Maryland av and Cs, nr C
Thompson, Archibald - bricklayer, n side Bn btw 21 and 22w, nr 21
Thompson, Benedict - laborer, w side 3e btw M and Ns, nr M
Thompson, E. (Mrs.) - widow, w side 2e btw B and Cs, nr B
Thompson, Eleanor (Miss) - dressmaker, n side Hn btw 18 and 19w, nr 19
Thompson, Elizabeth - boarding house, n side Gn btw 7 and 8w, nr 8
Thompson, G. L. - engineer, U.S. Navy, s side Fn btw 13 and 14w, nr cen
Thompson, George - chief clk, office of Topographical Engineers, Georgetown
Thompson, George - house carpenter, w side 3e btw L and Ms, nr M
Thompson, J. E. W. - cabinet maker, n side Fn btw 13 and 14w, nr cen
Thompson, James - chief clk, office of 3d Auditor, s side Mn btw 24 and 25w, nr 24
Thompson, John - teacher, s side Maryland av btw 9 and 10w, cor 10
Thompson, Joseph - Missouri st btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 3
Thompson, Joseph - shoemaker, e side 11w btw Pennsylvania av and En, nr E
Thompson, Joseph - house carpenter, e side 9w btw D and En, or E
Thompson, Joseph R. - merchant tailor, n side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 6
Thompson, L. - shoemaker, s side Dn btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Thompson, Maria (Mrs.) - widow, w side 17w btw New York av and En, nr New York
Thompson, Richard - proprietor of "The Life Preserver" [cough and cold remedy], s side Pennsylvania av btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr 4-1/2
Thompson, Richard - Missouri st, btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr 3
Thompson, William - magistrate, n side Dn btw 2 and 3w, nr 3
Thompson, William - police office, e side 6w btw Louisiana av and Cn, cor Louisiana
Thompson, William - house carpenter, w side 5w btw G and Hn, nr G
Thomson, George - w side 5w btw F and Gn, nr F
Thorn, Henry - wood yard, e side 7w btw D and En, nr cen
Thornly, Thomas - grocery, w side 8w btw G and Is, nr I
Thornton, ____ (Mrs. Dr.) - n side Fn btw 13 and 14w, nr 14
Throop, J. V. N. - engraver, n side Pennsylvania av btw 1 and 2w, nr 1
Thorpe, M. A. (Mrs.) - boarding house, w side [?] btw E and Fn, nr E
Thumlert, James E. - grocery, btw 11 and 12w, near the river
Thumlert, William - boot factory, s side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Thumlert, William - w side 6w btw G and Hn, nr cen
Thursbey, William - house carpenter, n side Gn btw 21 and 22w, nr 22
Thurston, Buckner - judge, w side 3w btw Pennsylvania av and Cn, nr cen
Thurston, Thomas L. - s side Cn btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr cen
Tidball, ____ (Mrs.) - w side 17w btw H and In, nr H
Tilley, ____ (Mrs.) - boarding house, w side 10w btw D and En, nr cen
Tilley, Charles - tailor, w side 10w btw D and En, nr cen
Tims, ____ (Mrs.) - boarding house, s side As btw New Jersey av and 1e, nr 1
Todd, William B. - n side Fn btw 10 and 11w, nr 10
Todd, William B. - hatter, n side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Toler, H. - w side 7w btw E and Fs, nr E
Tolson, ____ (Mrs.) - boarding house, n side Pennsylvania av btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr 3
Tolson, J. F. - baker, n side Pennsylvania av btw 12 and 13w, nr cen
Tonge, R. - coppersmith, n side En btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Tonge, R. - coppersmith, w side 7w btw D and En, nr E
Torbert, James - clk, office of 1st Auditor, n side Dn btw 3 and 4w, nr 3
Totten, J. J. (Colonel) - Corps of Engineers, n side In btw 20 and 21w, nr 21
Towers, John T. - printer, w side 7w btw G and Hn, nr G
Towle, N. C. - clk, Post Office Dept, s side As btw 1 and 2e, nr 2
Towles, James - house carpenter, n side Hn btw 8 and 9w, nr cen
Towles, James - house carpenter, w side 8w btw E and Fn, nr E
Townley, ____ (Mrs.) - boarding house, s side Pennsylvania av btw 14 and 15w
Townley, J. - s side Kn btw 26 and 27w, nr 26
Townsend, J. K. - e side 14w btw F and Gn, nr G
Towson, Nathan - paymaster general, U.S. Army, w side 17w btw New York av and Fn, cor F
Travers, E. H. (Mrs.) - mantua maker, w side 18w btw H and In, nr H
Travers, Nicholas - n side Pennsylvania av btw 12 and 13w, nr cen
Tree, L. - clk, City Post Office, w side 12w btw E and Fn, nr cen
Trei, Raphael - musician, w side 8w btw G and Is, nr I
Trimble, Matthew - grocery, w side 7e btw K and Ln, nr L
Triplet, T. J. - butter dealer, n side Kn btw 14 and 15w, cor 15
Trook, John N. - letter carrier, s side Virginia av btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
TRUE, Loring B. - teacher, n side East Capitol st btw 1 and 2e, nr cen
Trueman, Henry - bricklayer, n side In btw 5 and 6w, nr 5
Trunnel, Rezin - n side Ds btw 13-12 and 14w, nr 14
Truscot, John - plasterer, e side 10w btw New York av and Kn, nr K
Tschiffely, Charles - clk, Topographical Bureau, s side Hn btw 19 and 20w, nr 19
Tucker, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, w side 6e btw F and Gs, nr G
Tucker, ____ - w side 12w btw K and Ln, nr K
Tucker, E. - n side Cn btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr cen
Tucker, F. A. - w side 6w btw F and Gn, cor F
Tucker, James - e side 11w btw E and Fn, nr cen
Tucker, John - messenger, City Post Office, s side Bs btw 10 and 11w, nr 10
Tucker, John - blacksmith, w side 8e btw K and Ls, cor K
Tucker, Samuel - tailor, n side Cn btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Tucker, William - blockmaker, n side Ks btw 10 and 11e, nr 10
Tuel, Larry - joiner, n side Virginia av btw 6 and 7e, nr 7
Tuoly, Timothy - e side 12w btw C and Dn, nr D
Toumy, Patrick - laborer, e side 13-1/2w btw C and Ds, nr D
Turnbull, William (Major) - Topographical Engineers, n side Fn btw 20 and 21w, nr cen
Turner, John - laborer, w side 5w btw F and Gn, nr F
Turner, V. - clk, General Land Office, Georgetown
Turpin, ____ (Mrs.) - boarding house, s side Pennsylvania av btw 14 and 15w, nr 15
Turpin, James - printer, e side 13w btw E and Fn, nr cen
Turton, Ferdinand - shoemaker, n side Hn btw 18 and 19w, nr 19
Turton, James - house carpenter, e side 11w btw I and Kn, nr I
Tuston, Beverley S. - s side Gn btw 17 and 18w, nr 18
Tutler, John A. - bookbinder, n side Hn btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Tweedy, Robert - n side Gn btw 12 and 13w, nr cen
Tyler, H. B. (Captain) - U.S. Marines, s side Ds btw 2 and 3e, cor 2
Ulrich, H. (Mrs.) - boarding house, e side 15w btw F and Gn, nr G
Underwood, J. - chief clk, office of 1st Auditor, e side New Jersey av btw B and Cs, nr cen
Upperman, W. H. - grocery, n side Pennsylvania av btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr cen
Upshur, Abel P. - Secretary of State, State Dept, n side Fn btw 20 and 21w, nr 21
Uttermehle, William - tailor, e side 7w btw F and Gn, nr F
Uttermohle, William - tailor, e side 9w btw D and En, nr cen
Uttermuhle, C. W. - tailor, w side 7w btw C and Dn, nr cen
Vancoble, ____ (Mrs.) - boarding house, e side 4-1/2w btw Indiana av and Cn, nr Indiana av
Vandelier, George - printer, w side 10w, btw New York av and Kn, nr cen
Vanhorn, Jeremiah - grocery, s side Ls btw 4 and 5e, nr 4
Van Ness, John P. - w side 17w btw B and Cn, nr C
Van Patten, C. H. - surgeon dentist, n side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Van Reswick, Joseph - machinist, n side Ns btw 2 and 3e, nr 3
Van Reswick, Thompson - house carpenter, s side Ls btw 3 and 4e, nr 3
Van Reswick, Wilford - house carpenter, s side Ls btw 3 and 4e, nr 3
Van Riper, Haman - hatter, n side Ks btw 8 and 9e, nr 8
Van Tyne, John P. - clk, office of 3d Auditor, s side New York av btw 12 and 13w, cor 13
Van Zandt, N. B. - clk, office of 1st Comptroller, n side Massachusetts av btw 11 and 12w, cor 12
Varden, J. - machinist, n side Fn btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Varnum, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, e side 8w btw Pennsylvania av and Dn, nr cen
Venable, George - clk, Madisonian printing office, n side En btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Venable, John J. - ship carpenter, n side Ks btw 6 and 7e, nr 7
Venable, William - s side Ls btw 4 and 5e, nr 4
Venable, William S. - turner, n side Virginia av btw 7 and 8e, cor 7
Vernon, Henry - tailor, s side In btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Vinson, Charles - clk, office of 3d Auditor, Georgetown
Visser, J. - embroidery store, n side Pennsylvania av btw 9 and 10w, nr 9
Vorhees, Borden M. - chief clk, Bur of Construction, Equipment & Repairs, w side 17w btw H and In, nr I
Voss, W. - clock and watchmaker, n side Pennsylvania av btw 12 and 13w, nr 12
Wade, John H. - messenger, Bank of Washington, e side 6w btw G and Hn, nr cen
Wadsworth, A. S. (Commodore) - U.S. Navy, n side Kn btw 12 and 13w, nr 12
Waggaman, ____ (Mrs.) - boarding house, n side Pennsylvania av btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr cen
Waggaman, John H. - clk, General Land Office, w side 20w btw G and Hn, nr H
Wagler, F. A. - s side Hn btw 17 and 18w, nr 17
Wagoner, Anthony - carpenter, s side In btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Wailes, Dorothy (Mrs.) - widow, w side 6w btw F and Gs, nr G
Wailes, Isaac H. - watchman, U.S. Capitol, s side Bn btw Delaware av and 1e, nr cen
Wainwright, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, n side En btw 13 and 14w, nr 13
Waisier, Israel - carpenter, e side 10e btw M and Ns, nr M
Waite, Matthew - slater, w side 3w btw Pennsylvania av and Cn, nr Pennsylvania
Walker, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, n side En btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Walker, Charles - house carpenter, n side Massachusetts av btw 4 and 5w, cor 5
Walker, F. - laborer, e side 4e btw L and Ms, nr L
Walker, George W. (Major) - U.S. Marine Corps, n side Pennsylvania av btw 2 and 3e, nr 2
Walker, Henry - house painter, w side 7e btw L and Ms, nr M
Walker, Henry - printer, e side 16w btw I and Kn, nr cen
Walker, Henry - victualler, n side In btw 18 and 19w, nr 19
Walker, Isabella (Mrs.) - boarding house, n side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Walker, J. T. - house carpenter, w side 8w btw K and Ln, nr K
Walker, John - victualler, e side 7w btw D and En, cor D
Walker, Robert J. - U.S. Senator, n side Pennsylvania av btw 19 and 20w, nr 20
Walker, Samuel - stonecutter, w side 5w btw G and Hn, cor H
Walker, Thomas - house carpenter, e side 6w btw G and Hn, nr G
Walker, William - house painter, w side 13w, btw C and Ds, nr D
Walker, William - huckster, n side Ls btw 4 and 5e, nr 4
Walker, William S. - blockmaker, w side 3e btw M and Ns, nr M
Wall, Samuel - n side Kn btw 8 and 9w, nr 8
Wallace, R. - clk, Post Office Dept, e side 9w btw G and Hn, nr H
Wallace, Thomas - n side Bn btw Delaware av and 1e, nr Delaware
Wallace, William - constable, s side Hn btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Wallach, Richard - lawyer, s side Louisiana av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Waller, James D. - watchman, n side An btw Delaware av and 1e, nr 1
Waller, Robert - waterman, n side [?]s btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Waller, William - quarrier, e side 22w btw G and Hn, nr H
Wallingsford, Alfred - e side 9w btw Pennsylvania av and Dn, nr cen
Walsh, Francis - apothecary, w side 8e btw I and Ks, nr I
Walsh, J. C. (Lieutenant) - U.S. Navy, n side Fn btw 21 and 22w, nr 22
Walting, William M. - grocery, s side Dn btw 11 and 12w, nr 11
Wannell, C. P. - grocery, w side 9w btw In and New York av, cor I
Waples, James - w side 11w btw F and Gs, nr F
Ward, ____ - n side In btw 20 and 21w, nr 20
Ward, C. (Mrs.) - widow, w side 8w btw In and New York av, nr cen
Ward, E. R. - merchant tailor, n side Pennsylvania av btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr 3
Ward, F. - blacksmith, s side Hn btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Ward, Francis - blacksmith, e side 7w btw L and Mn, nr M
Ward, George - n side Massachusetts av btw 4 and 5w, nr 4
Ward, Nicholas - tavern, s side Cn btw 11 and 12w, nr cen
Ward, Ulysses - lumber and coal yard, w side 12w, nr canal
Ward, Ulysses - Missouri st btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Ward, William H. - machinist, n side Nn btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Warder, Marnix - s side In btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Warder, Walter - wood, lime, and coal yard, w side 12w btw B and Cn, cor C
Warder, Walter - e side 12w btw B and Cs, nr C
Warfield, Abraham - scourer and dyer, e side 7e btw Virginia av and Is, nr I
Waring, Basil - clk, Solicitor's office, s side In btw 18 and 19w, nr 19
Waring, R. M. - w side 7w btw D and Es, nr E
Warner, ____ - n side Gn btw 2 and 3w, nr 2
Warner, Henry - ship carpenter, s side Gs btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Warrel, Elizabeth - seamstress, n side Ls btw 6 and 7e, nr 7
Warring, B. H. - clk, office of Indian Affairs, n side Fn btw 19 and 20w, nr 19
Warrington, Lewis (Commodore) - U.S. Navy, s side Pennsylvania av btw 17 and 18w, nr 17
Warthen, Charles - bricklayer, e side 24w btw I and Kn, nr cen
Warthen, William R. - bricklayer, s side Fn btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Warwick, J. - shoemaker, e side 11w btw Maryland av and Es, nr E
Washburn, A. (Mrs.) - widow, w side 12w btw H and Gn, nr H
Washburn, Sylvanus N. - w side 12w btw H and Gn, nr H
Washington, Bailey (Dr.) - surgeon, U.S. Navy, w side 6w btw D and En, nr cen
Washington, Lund, Sr. - clk, office of 1st Comptroller, s side New York av btw 13 and 14w, nr cen
Washington, Lund, Jr. - s side In btw 21 and 22w, nr 21
Washington, Matilda (Mrs.) - widow, e side 13w btw C and Dn, nr cen
Washington, Perrin - clk, office of Auditor, Post Office Dept, s side Cn btw 2 and 3w, nr 3
Washington, Peter G. - chief clk, office of Auditor, Post Office Dept, Georgetown
Washington, R. C. - s side En btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Waters, David - n side Hn btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Waters, David - auctioneer, e side 7w btw C and Dn, nr C
Waters, E. - n side Cn btw 11 and 12w, nr cen
Waters, E. - wood, lime, and coal yard, w side 12w btw C and Dn, cor C
Waters, John - dry good store, n side Pennsylvania av btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Waters, John - constable, w side 10w, btw G and Hn, nr G
Waters, John N. - s side Ln btw 17 and 18w, nr 18
Waters, William - magistrate, n side Pennsylvania av btw 20 and 21w, nr 20
Watkins, George S. - clk, State Dept, s side New York av btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Watkins, Tobias (Dr.) - physician, e side 9w btw G and Hn, nr H
Watson, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, w side 10w btw G and Hn, cor G
Watson, Andrew J. - purser, U.S. Navy, w side 19w btw G and Hn, cor G
Watson, James - shoemaker, n side Hn btw 4 and 5w, nr cen
Watson, James - messenger, Register's office, n side Mn btw 15 and 16w, nr 16
Watson, John - n side Mn btw 15 and 16w, nr cen
Watson, William - clk, General Land Office, w side 19w btw G and Hn, cor G
Watts, R. K. - magistrate, s side Pennsylvania av btw 10 and 11w, nr 11
Watterson, George - e side 2e btw B and Cs, nr B
Waugh, T. - clk, office of Indian Affairs, w side 19w btw Pennsylvania av and In, nr I
Waugh, William B. - clk, office of Indian Affairs, n side Kn btw 7 and 8w, nr 7
Wayson, Edward - blacksmith, w side 8e btw F and Gn, nr G
Weatherall, James - n side Ks btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Webb, ____ (Miss) - n side Gn btw 10 and 11w, cor 10
Weber, C. - musician, e side 8e btw I and Ks, nr K
Weber, Joseph B. - laborer, w side 6e btw F and Gs, nr G
Webster, Samuel - house carpenter, w side 3e btw M and Ns, nr N
Wechter, Mary - huckster, s side In btw 5 and 6w, nr 6
Wechtor, Jacob - lamp lighter, n side Massachusetts av btw 2 and 3w, nr 3
Weeden, ____ - coachmaker, n side Es btw 10 and 11w, nr 11
Weightman, Henry - w side 8w btw E and Fn, nr F
Weinderlick, J. - baker, w side 7e btw K and Ls, nr K
Welch, Charles - merchant tailor, w side 8e btw G and Is, nr I
Wells, ___ (Mrs.) - widow, n side Pennsylvania av btw 21 and 22w, nr 21
Wells, Cornelius - n side Maryland av btw 13-1/2 and 14w, cor 14
Welsh, Lewis - clk, office of Auditor, Post Office Dept, Georgetown
Werner, J. H. T. - locksmith, n side Louisiana av btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Weser, Ferdinand - watchmaker, s side En btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
West, George - photographer, n side En btw 6 and 7w, cor 7
West, John - coffee house, s side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
West, W. H. - clk, Treasurer's office, w side 13w btw B and Cs, nr C
Westfield, David - cabinet maker, s side Maryland av btw 6 and 7w, cor 7
Weston, C. B. - e side 6w btw G and Hn, nr H
Whalen, Patrick - stone mason, n side Dn btw 12 and 13w, nr 13
Whaley, John T. - patent lock manufacturer, s side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 6
Wheat, J. H. - clk, Post Office Dept, w side 11w btw G and Hn, nr cen
Wheat, John - gardener, w side 4-1/2w btw N and On, nr N
Wheat, William - printer, e side 3e btw N and Os, nr N
Wheatly, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, n side Bn btw 1 and 2e, nr 2
Wheatly, George - huckster, e side 1e btw A and Bs, nr B
Wheatly, William - clk, Penitentiary, n side Pn btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Wheatly, William J. - shoemaker, e side New Jersey av btw B and Cs, nr C
Wheeler, George W. - cabinet maker, e side 20w btw G and Hn, nr cen
Wheeler, J. P. - clk, Post Office Dept, e side Vermont av btw H and In, nr H
Wheeler, Theodore F. - e side 10w btw Pennsylvania av and Cn, cor C
Wheeler, William - house carpenter, w side 11w btw Maryland av and Es, nr cen
Whipple, Joseph - e side 7e btw H and Is, nr H
Whitaker, John F. - printer, n side In btw 18 and 19w, nr 18
White, Ann - widow, n side Ms btw 9 and 10e, nr 9
White, Ellen (Mrs.) - widow, s side East Capitol st btw 1 and 2e, nr 1
White, Enoch - printer, w side 10w btw G and Hn, nr H
White, James - s side Dn btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
White, James C. - boot and shoemaker, n side Pennsylvania av btw 11 and 12w, nr 12
White, John - sexton, Foundry Chapel, n side Gn btw 13 and 14w, nr 14
White, Richard - e side 7w btw G and Hn, nr G
White, Samuel - carpenter, n side Ms btw 9 and 10e, nr 9
White, Samuel - ship carpenter, s side Virginia av btw 8 and 9e, nr cen
White, Thomas - pilot, w side 13-1/2w btw Ds and Maryland av, nr Maryland
White, William - e side 4-1/2w btw Indiana av and Cn, nr Indiana
Whitecomb, Robert - s side In btw 21 and 22w, nr 21
Whiting, William - shoemaker, w side 20w btw Pennsylvania av and Hn, nr H
Whitmore, William W. - laborer, n side Mn btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Whitney, Charles - wheelwright, w side 4e, btw K and Ls, nr L
Whitney, J. - shoemaker, s side Pennsylvania av btw 13 and 13-1/2w, nr cen
Whitney, J. - shoemaker, s side East Capitol st btw 2 and 2e, nr cen
Whitney, L. F. - boarding house, w side 1e btw A and Bn, nr cen
Whitney, William - w side 6w btw G and Hn, cor H
Whitney, William - boot and shoe manufacturer, s side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Wickliffe, C. A. - Postmaster General, Post Office Dept, e side 7w btw E and Fn, nr E
Wilburn, Edward - miller, n side In btw 21 and 22w, nr 22
Wilburn, Rezin - laborer, s side Ls btw 4 and 5e, nr 4
Wilburne, W. H. - slater, w side 7w btw L and Mn, nr L
Wilcox, A. F. - office of Adjutant General, w side 1w btw H and In, nr I
Wilcox, C. J. - clk, office of Commissary of General Subsistence, Georgetown
Wilcoxen, Ellen (Mrs.) - widow, n side Is btw 12 and 13e, nr 12
Wilde, H J. - s side New York av btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Wilkes, Charles (Commander) - U.S. Navy, w side North Capitol st btw B and Cn, nr C
Wilkinson, ____ - e side 9w btw In and New York av, nr cen
Wilkinson, Barney - laborer, s side Is btw 6 and 7e, nr 7
Wilkinson, N. B. - chimney sweep, e side 7e btw L and Ms, nr L
Willet, Beniah - house carpenter, w side 11w btw F and Gn, nr cen
Willet, Benjamin - e side 4w btw F and Gn, nr F
Willet, Voltaire - boarding house, s side Cn btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr cen
Williams, Brooke - chief clk, office of Adjutant General, Georgetown
Williams, D. A. (Mrs.) - widow, e side 7w btw Bs and Maryland av, nr B
Williams, H. C. - s side Gn btw 17 and 18w, nr 17
Williams, J. A. (Mrs.) - widow, e side 8w btw Pennsylvania av and Dn, nr D
Williams, J. A. - e side 5w btw H and In, nr cen
Williams, J. G. (Captain) - U.S. Marines, n side Fn btw 12 and 13w, nr 12
Williams, James - cabinet maker, n side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Williams, James - e side 4-1/2w btw Pennsylvania av and Cn, nr Pennsylvania
Williams, James - w side 5w btw G and Hn, cor H
Williams, Jeremiah - clk, office of 1st Auditor, Georgetown
Williams, John - shoemaker, w side 8w btw I and New York av, nr cen
Williams, John L. - w side 12w btw Massachusetts av and Mn, cor M
Williams, John W. - clk, Register's Office, s side Bs btw 13 and 13-1/2w, nr 13
Williams, John W. - clk, Register's Office, s side Gn btw 13 and 14w, nr 14
Williams, L. - cabinet maker, n side Pennsylvania av btw 17 and 18w, nr 17
Williams, Sarah (Mrs.) - widow, n side En btw 20 and 21w, nr 20
Williams, T. J. - clk, Post Office Dept, n side En btw 9 and 10w, nr cen
Williams, Thomas - house painter, n side En btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Williams, Thomas - s side Gn btw 1 and 2w, nr 2
Williams, W. A. - silversmith and jeweler, n side Pennsylvania av btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr 4-/12
Williams, William - e side 14w btw F and Gn, nr G
Williams, William A. - Missouri st btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Williams, Wilkinson - bricklayer, s side In btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Williams, Zadock - grocery, e side 3e btw N and Os, nr N
Williamson, Benjamin - house carpenter, w side 10w btw G and Hn, nr H
Williamson, James - blacksmith, w side 2e btw B and Cs, nr B
Williamson, Jane (Mrs.) - widow, s side Gn btw 17 and 18w, nr 17
Williamson, John H. - Recorder, General Land Office, w side 19w btw I and Kn, nr K
Williamson, Joseph - messenger, office of Commanding General, s side In btw 22 and 23w, nr 23
Williamson, R. H. - clk, General Land Office, e side 10w btw D and En, nr E
Willis, William - sawyer, w side 11e btw I and Ks, cor I
Wilner, George - saddler, w side 9w btw Pennsylvania av and Dn, nr Pennsylvania
Wilson, ____ (Mrs.) - boarding house, n side Fn btw 11 and 12w, nr 12
Wilson, Daniel - policeman, U.S. Capitol, n side Pennsylvania av btw 1 and 2w, nr 1
Wilson, David - tavern, s side Ns btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 6
Wilson, George - gunner, U.S. Navy, near Eastern Branch Market
Wilson, George - blockmaker, n side Ks btw 10 and 11e, nr 10
Wilson, Harriet (Miss) - w side 7w btw G and Hn, nr H
Wilson, James C. - clk, Engineer Office, Georgetown
Wilson, John - house carpenter, n side Gn btw 14 and 15w, cor 15
Wilson, John - land agent, s side In btw 11 and 12w, nr 11
Wilson, John - house carpenter, w side 17w btw Pennsylvania av and Hn, nr H
Wilson, John - house carpenter, w side 14-1/2w btw N and Os, nr N
Wilson, John - farrier, s side East Capitol st btw 12 and 13w, nr 12
Wilson, John D. - clk, Pension Office, n side Fn btw 19 and 20w, nr 19
Wilson, Joseph S. - principal clk, private land claims, General Land Office, w side 13w btw E and Fn, nr cen
Wilson, N. L. - clk, office of Auditor, Post Office Dept, n side In btw 7 and 8w, nr 8
Wilson, Patrick - grocery, s side Gn btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Wilson, Peter - clk, General Land Office, Georgetown
Wilson, Thomas - blacksmith, w side 7e btw H and Is, nr I
Wilson, Thomas - boarding house, n side Dn btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Wilson, William - butcher, w side 13-1/2w btw Ds and Maryland av, nr Maryland
Wilson, William - house carpenter, e side 20w btw G and Hn, cor H
Wimset, Ignatius R. - grocery, s side Maryland av btw 12 and 13w, cor 12
Wimset, Richard - wood measurer, w side 11w btw E and Fs, cor E
Windom, ____ (Mrs.) - binds shoes, n side In btw 7 and 8w, nr 8
Wineberger, Cyrus H. - baker, e side 11w btw Maryland av and Es, nr Maryland
Wingerd, J. P. - clk, General Land Office, Georgetown
Winkler, Morris - n side Pennsylvania av btw 21 and 22w, nr 22
Winn, Rebecca (Mrs.) - widow, s side Pennsylvania av btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Winston, Isaac N. - e side 6w btw Missouri st and Pennsylvania av, nr Missouri
Winter, W. H. - tobacco, snuff, and segar store, n side Pennsylvania av, btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 6
Wirt, John L. - watchman, U.S. Capitol, e side North Capitol st btw B and Cn, nr C
Wise, James - wheelwright, H, btw 20 and 21w
Wise, Tully R. - 1st Auditor, Office of 1st Auditor, w side 22w btw F and Gn, cor G
Wise, William - w side 4-1/2w btw Maryland av and Cs, nr C
Witwell, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, e side 1e btw East Capitol St and An, cor A
Wood, Ann (Mrs.) - widow, e side 11w btw Maryland av and Es, nr Maryland
Wood, C. F. - house carpenter, s side Fn btw 5 and 6w, nr cen
Wood, Charles W. - house carpenter, e side 9w btw E and Fn, nr F
Wood, Edward - cartman, n side Fn btw 10 and 11w, nr 10
Wood, Henry S. - constable, e side 3e btw East Capitol st and As, nr A
Wood, Hugh - boot and shoemaker, e side 11w btw Pennsylvania av and En, nr cen
Wood, John - blacksmith, w side 7w btw K and Ls, nr K
Wood, William - clk, General Land Office, n side Cn btw 3 and 4-1/2, nr 4-1/2
Woods, Dennis - laborer, n side Ms btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 6
Woods, John - laborer, n side Ms btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 6
Woods, M. A. (Miss) - dressmaker, e side 15w btw Pennsylvania av and Fn, nr Pennsylvania
Woodside, Hannah (Miss) - boarding house, s side Gn btw 14 and 15w, nr 15
Woodward, ____ - tinner, n side Ls btw 3 and 4e, nr 4
Woodward, Amos - blockmaker, w side 3e btw M and Ns, nr M
Woodward, C. - stove and grate store, n side Dn btw 10 and 11w, nr cen
Woodward, Clement - w side 11w btw G and Hn, nr G
Woodward, Thomas - marshal's deputy, s side Kn btw 25 and 26w, nr 25
Woodward, William - printer, n side Massachusetts av btw 5 and 6w, nr 6
Woolford, ____ - boot and shoemaker, s side In btw 9 and 10w, nr cen
Worrell, John - boarding house, w side 6w btw G and Hn, nr H
Worrell, John - boarding house, n side Pennsylvania av btw 9 and 10w, nr cen
Worth, William - house carpenter, nr Easby's ship yard
Worthington, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, n side Pennsylvania av btw 21 and 22w, n 21
Wright, Adam - blockmaker, e side 11e btw M and Ns, nr M
Wright, Lewis - merchant tailor, e side 7w btw C and Dn, nr C
Wright, Thomas - butcher, e side 13w btw Ds and Maryland av, nr D
Wroe, Samuel - grocery, n side Hn btw 5 and 6w, cor 5
Young, Abner H. - merchant tailor, w side 10w btw E and Fn, nr cen
Young, Ann (Miss) - teacher, s side Fn btw 11 and 12w, nr 12
Young, B. S. (Mrs.) - widow, s side Fn btw 12 and 13w, nr 12
Young, E. - merchant tailor, n side Pennsylvania av btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Young, Ezekiel - merchant tailor, w side 12w btw Pennsylvania av and En, nr Pennsylvania
Young, Henry M. - collector, s side Fs btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Young, James - druggist and apothecary, n side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 6
Young, James E. - New Jersey av btw B and Cs, nr cen
Young, John - coachmaker, s side Maine st btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr 3
Young, John M. - blacksmith, n side Cn btw 4-1/2
Young, John M. - coachmaker, e side 6w btw Louisiana av and Cn, nr Louisiana
Young, McClintock - chief clk, Treasury Dept, w side 13w btw E and Fn, nr E
Young, N. (Dr.) - physician, e side 6w btw G and Hs, cor G
Young, Thomas - coachmaker, s side Pennsylvania av btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr 3
Young, Thomas - Missouri st btw 4-1/2 and 3w, nr 3
Young, William - w side 8w btw G and Hn, nr G
Young, William - druggist and apothecary, n side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 6
Young, William - s side Bn btw 2 and 3w, nr 3
Young, William - collector, n side Hn btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Zachman, ____ - tavern, e side 7w btw F and Gn, nr G
Zantzinger, W. P. - purser, U.S. Navy, s side Louisiana av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Zell, M. - s side New York av btw 9 and 10w, nr cen
Zevely, A. N. - w side 12w btw New York av and Hn, nr cen
Zieber, W. B. - periodical agent, s side Pennsylvania av btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr 4-1/2
Zimmerman, P. - merchant tailor, e side 6w btw Pennsylvania av and Cn, nr Pennsylvania
Zimmerman, P. - n side Dn btw 13 and 13-1/2w, cor 13-1/2
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