Labbe, F. C. - teacher of dancing, s side Pennsylvania av btw 14 and 15w, nr 15
Lacy, ____ (Mrs.) - seamstress, n side New York av btw 21 and 22w, nr cen
Lacy, E. - boot and shoemaker, n side Pennsylvania btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 6
Lafontaine, Joseph - confectioner, n side Pennsylvania av btw 2 and 3w, nr cen
Lagree, Mary (Miss) - seamstress, s side Ls btw 4 and 5e, nr 4
Lamb, Francis - carver and gilder, s side En btw 13 and 13-1/2w, nr cen
Lamb, George - saddler, s side Pennsylvania av btw 14 and 15w, nr cen
Lamb, Thomas - cutler, n side Dn btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Lambell, Kellelum H. - n side Es btw 11 and 12w, nr 11
Lambright, George - grocer, n side Pennsylvania av btw 2 and 3w, nr 2
Landon, Josiah - n side Massachusetts av btw 6 and 8w, nr cen
Lane, C. H. - n side Indiana av btw 1 and 2w, nr 2
Langley, ____ (Mrs.) - grocery, n side Ks btw 8 and 9e, nr 9
Langley, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, n side New Jersey av btw K and Ls, nr L
Langley, Henry - cabinet maker, e side 8w btw K and Ln, nr L
Langley, Joseph - laborer, n side Bn btw 22 and 23w, nr 23
Langley, Samuel - blacksmith, e side 11e btw M and Ns, nr M
Langley, William T. - bricklayer, s side Hn btw 10 and 11w, nr 11
Lanham, Elisha - brickmaker, w side New Jersey av btw M and Ns, cor N
Lanphier, ____ (Mrs.) - toy shop, e side 11w btw Pennsylvania av and En, nr cen
Lanphier, E. (Mrs.) - milliner, s side Pennsylvania av btw 9 and 10w, nr 9
Lansdale, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, w side 8w btw I and New York av, nr I
Lansdale, H. N. - house carpenter, w side 8w btw In and New York av, nr I
Larcombe, John - boarding house, n side Dn btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Larned, James - chief clk, office of 1st Comptroller, w side 13w btw E and Fn, nr cen
Larner, Michael - printer, e side 7w btw G and Hn, nr H
Laskey, Charles - huckster, e side 12w btw B and Cn, nr B
Laskey, I. - tavern, e side 7w btw Pennsylvania av and Bn, nr B
Latruite, John P. - jeweler, s side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Latruite, John P. - w side 1w btw Pennsylvania av and Bn, nr Pennsylvania
Lattimer, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, e side Lafayette sq btw "Executive Way" and Hn, nr cen (see Note 1)
Laub, John Y - clk, office of 1st Comptroller, w side 13w btw G and Hn, nr H
Laub, William B. - grocer, s side Fn btw 14 and 15w, cor 15
Laurie, Cranston - notary public, e side 4-1/2w btw Missouri st and Pennsylvania av, nr Missouri
Laurie, James - clk, office of Register of Treasury, s side Pennsylvania av btw 14 and 15w, nr cen
Law, John G. - clk, Adjutant General's Office, n side Gn btw 11 and 12w, nr 12
Lawrence, A. H. - clk, General Land Office, n side Is btw 6 and 7e, nr 6
Lawrence, James - tobacco and fancy store, n side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Lawrence, Robert - hackman, e side 11w btw Maryland av and Es, nr E
Lawrenson, James - clk, Post Office Dept, w side 6w btw G and Hn, nr H
Lawson, Thomas (Dr.) - Surgeon General, U.S. Army, n side New York av btw 17 and 18w, nr 17
Lawson, Thomas - laborer, w side 9e btw L and Ms, nr L
Lay, Richard - clk, City Post Office, w side 12w btw E and Fn, nr E
Lazenby, D. L. - grocery, s side Kn btw 7 and 8w, nr 7
Lazenby, Elisha - w side 7w btw K and Ln, nr K
Leach, J. - boarding house, w side 7e btw L and Ms, nr L
Leach, Richard - stonecutter, s side Fn btw 8 and 9w, nr cen
Leach, W. - cooper, n side Massachusetts av btw 2 and 3w, nr 3
Leach, William - toll keeper, e side 11w btw Maryland av and Es, nr Maryland av
Leake, Nathan - e side 14w btw H and In, nr cen
Lear, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, s side Pennsylvania av btw 21 and 22w, nr 22
Leatherberry, Eliza - corset maker, s side Fn, btw 10 and 11w, nr cen
Leckie, ____ (Mrs.) - grocery, n side Ls btw 3 and 4e, nr 3
Leddon, Benjamin - grocery, e side 11w btw Maryland av and Es, nr E
Lee, A. - lottery and exchange office, n side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr cen
Lee, Henry - cabinet maker, s side Maryland av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Lee, Henry - cabinet maker, n side Pennsylvania av btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr cen
Lee, James - bricklayer, w side 7w btw L and Mn, nr L
Lee, Samuel - blacksmith, n side Ls btw 3 and 4e, nr 4
Leech, D. D. T. - clk, Post Office Dept, s side Gn btw 13 and 14w, nr 13
Leedburg, S. (Mrs.) - boarding house, s side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Legare, Hugh S. - Attorney General, office of Attorney Gen., s side Hn btw 13 and 14w, nr cen
Leib, Samuel D. - clk, office of Indian Affairs, e side 9w btw H and In, nr cen
Lemmon, E. (Miss) - grocery, n side En btw 11 and 12w, nr cen
Lenman, E. (Mrs.) - widow, w side 11w btw G and Hn, nr G
Lenox, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, s side En btw 10 and 11w, nr cen
Lenox, Walter - lawyer, s side Louisiana av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 6
Lenox, Walter - lawyer, e side 10w btw Pennsylvania av and Cn, cor C
Lenthal, Jane (Mrs.) - n side Pennsylvania av btw 12 and 13w, nr 12
Leoman, Charles - bookbinder, w side 10w btw G and Hn, nr G
Leomin, E. - e side 4w btw G and Hn, nr cen
Lepphard, Adolph - shoemaker, s side Ns btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 6
Lepreux, J. (Mrs.) - boarding house, e side 8w btw Pennsylvania av and Dn, nr D
Leslie, George - ships carpenter, n side Georgia av btw 10 and 11e, nr 11
Lewellen, Thomas - n side In btw 21 and 22w, nr 22
Lewis, Catharine (Mrs.) - widow, w side 13w btw C and Dn, nr C
Lewis, Jane E. (Mrs.) - widow, w side 6w btw F and Gn, nr G
Lewis, John - house carpenter, s side In btw 20 and 21w, nr cen
Lewis, Samuel - jeweler and silversmith, s side Pennsylvania av btw 10 and 11w, nr 11
Lewis, Samuel - clk, office of 2d Auditor, w side 17w btw D and En, nr E
Lewis, Samuel - house carpenter, w side 2e btw B and Cs, nr C
Lewis, Thomas - grocery, n side Ls btw 4 and 5e, nr 4
Lewis, William - blacksmith, s side Gs btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Lewis, William B. - dealer in furniture, n side Pennsylvania av btw 11 and 12w, nr 11
Leydene, P. - shoemaker, w side 7w btw H and In, nr cen
Lieberman, C. H. (Dr.) - physician, s side Pennsylvania av btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Lightelle, William E. - messenger, Post Office Dept, n side Gn btw 7 and 8w, nr 7
Lindeman, Philip - butcher, w side 13-1/2w btw Ds and Maryland av, nr D
Lindsey, ____ - teacher, s side Pennsylvania av btw 19 and 20w, nr cen
Lindsley, A. B. - n side Hn btw 4 and 5w, nr 4
Lindsley, E. - hardware store, n side Pennsylvania av btw 9 and 10w, nr 9
Lindsley, E. - s side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr cen
Lindsley, Harvey (Dr.) - physician, s side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Linkins, John - shoemaker, s side Fn btw 25 and 26w, nr 25
Linkins, Walter - laborer, n side Virginia av btw 21 and 22w, nr 22
Linkins, William - house carpenter, n side Ln btw 18 and 19w, nr 18
Linton, ____ - n side En btw 8 and 9w, nr [?]
Lipscomb, C. - barber and hair dresser, n side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 6
Lipscomb, C. - w side 4-1/2w btw Pennsylvania av and Missouri st, nr Pennsylvania
Lisby, Thomas - laborer, w side 10e btw M and Ns, nr M
Little, ____ - toll keeper, s end 11e, nr Navy Yard bridge
Little, Daniel - house carpenter, n side New York av btw 14 and 15w, nr 14
Little, David - messenger, Patent Office, w side 6w btw Massachusetts av and Kn, nr cen
Little, John - watchman, e side 6e btw G and Hs, nr H
Little, Peter - s side Ls btw 4 and 5e, nr 5
Little, Peter - s side Ls btw 5 and 6e, nr 5
Little, Samuel - butcher, n side Ls btw 6 and 7e, nr 7
Little, Warren - wheelwright, btw 10 and 11w, nr the canal
Little, Warren - wheelwright, s side Ls btw 3 and 4e, cor 4
Lloyd, ____ (Mrs.) - tavern, e side 7w btw Pennsylvania av and Bn, nr B
Lloyd, William - messenger, office of 2d Auditor, w side 13w btw C and Ds, nr C
Lockrey, H. - grocery, s side East Capitol st btw 1 and 2e, nr cen
Logan, H. M. - grocer, e side 10w btw D and En, nr E
Loggie, David - shoemaker, n side Ls btw 7 and 8e, nr 8
Lomax, ____ - cartman, btw 10 and 11w, nr the river
Lomax, ____ (Mrs. Major) - widow, n side In btw 20 and 21w, nr 21
Lombardi, Francis - tailor, w side 11w btw Pennsylvania av and En, nr Pennsylvania
Longdon, C. - tailor, n side Hn btw 6 and 7w, cor 7
Longdon, Charles - tailor, w side 10w btw G and Hn, nr H
Longston, Joseph - stonecutter, s side En btw 12 and 13w, nr 13
Lord, Francis B. - coach maker, s side Gn btw 5 and 6w, nr cen
Lord, William - grocery, s side Gn btw 5 and 6w, nr cen
Lovejoy, John N. - clk, Treasury Dept, w side 12w btw I and Kn, nr I
Lovelace, James - house carpenter, s side Dn btw 11 and 12w, nr 11
Low, Barbara (Mrs.) - widow, n side Ls btw 3 and 4e, cor 4
Low, E. - fringe manufactory, e side 9w btw E and Fn, nr E
Low, Eliza (Mrs.) - widow, n side Virginia av btw 3 and 4e, nr 3
Lowndes, F. - clk, office of Register of the Treasury, Georgetown
Lowry, George - s side Kn btw 24 and 25w, nr 25
Lowry, James H. - clk, Adjutant General's office, e side 24w btw M and Nn, nr M
Lowry, John - grocery, e side 7w btw G and Hn, nr G
Lowry, William H. - clk, General Land office, n side Es btw 11 and 12w, nr 11
Luce, Vinal - clk, office of 2d Auditor, w side 13w btw G and Hn, nr H
Luchessi, T. - grocery, n side Pennsylvania av btw 21 and 22w, nr 22
Lucus, Benjamin - boat builder, near Easby's ship yard
Lucus, Ignatius - messenger, Bur of Provisions and Clothing, near Easby's ship yard
Lundy, Thomas - house carpenter, n side Pennsylvania av btw 21 and 22w, nr 22
Lusby, James - n side Indiana av btw 1 and 2, nr 2
Lusby, James - shoemaker, s side Maryland av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Lusby, James - blacksmith, w side 11e btw I and Ks, nr K
Lusby, James H. - boot and shoe maker, n side Pennsylvania av btw 3 and 4-1/2, nr cen
Lynch, Ambrose - e side 7w btw G and Hn, nr G
Lynch, James - grocery, s side East Capitol st btw 1 and 2e, cor 1
Lynch, John - e side 6w btw Louisiana av and Cn, nr Louisiana
Lynch, John A. - n side East Capitol st btw 1 and 2e, cor 1
Lyon, C. (Captain) - U.S. Army, n side Fn btw 18 and 19w, nr cen
Lyons, Charles - house carpenter, w side 10w btw Pennsylvania av and Cn, nr C
Maccubbin, Mary (Mrs.) - widow, s side Louisiana av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-12
Macgill, Thomas - e side 7w btw G and Hn, nr H
Machen, L. H. - n side Maryland av btw 10 and 11w, nr 10
Mackall, R. S. - clk, office of 4th Auditor, Georgetown
Mackall, Brook - clk, office of 2d Auditor, Georgetown
Macomb, ___ (Mrs.) (General) - widow, n side In btw 17 and 18w, nr 17
Maddox, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, n side Ns btw 3 and 4e, cor 3
Maddox, Alexander - e side 10e btw M and Ns, nr M
Madison, ____ (Mrs.) - widow of ex-President, e side Lafayette sq, btw "Executive Way" and Hn, cor H (see Note 1)
Magar, Benjamin - waterman, e side 11w, btw Maryland av and Es, nr Maryland
Magar, John - constable, w side 12w btw Maryland av and Es, nr Maryland
Magee, James F. - tailor, n side Fs btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Magee, S. - baker, w side 7w btw G and Hn, nr G
Magruder, William B. (Dr.) - physician, s side Pennsylvania av btw 21 and 22w, nr 21
Maguire, John - hatter, e side 7w btw C and Dn, nr D
Maher, James - proprietor, Globe Hotel, s side En btw 13 and 13-1/2w, cor 13
Mahon, Alexander - n side Louisiana av btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Mackmus, Frederick - baker, n side Pennsylvania av btw 21 and 22w, nr 22
Mallion, Vandord - n side As btw 3 and 4e, nr 3
Mankin, James - e side 9w btw H and In, nr I
Mann, ____ - house carpenter, w side 15w btw L and Mn, nr M
Mann, Charles - shoemaker, w side 6w btw H and In, nr H
Mann, P. V. (Miss) - dressmaker, w side 11w btw Pennsylvania av and En
Mann, William - house carpenter, s side Fn btw 5 and 6w, cor 6
Mann, William - house carpenter, s side Louisiana av btw 9 and 10w, nr 9
Manning, ____ (Mrs.) - boarding house, w side 13w btw E and Fn, nr F
March, Clement - at Mrs. Peyton's, e side 4-1/2w btw Pennsylvania av and Cn, cor Pennsylvania
Marcoe, Francis, Jr. - clk, State Dept, n side In btw 20 and 21w, nr cen
Marks, Andrew - armorer, w side 8e btw G and Is, nr G
Marks, Samuel - n side Ks btw 10 and 11e, nr 11
Markward, William - messenger, War Dept, n side Mn btw 15 and 16w, nr 15
Marlow, John - house carpenter, w side 9w btw I and New York av, nr I
Marr, James H. - clk, Post Office Dept, w side 12w btw G and Hn, nr cen
Marron, John - chief clk, Post Office Dept, e side 9w btw G and Hn, nr G
Marshall, C. (Mrs.) - lace store, s side Pennsylvania av btw 9 and 10w, nr cen
Marshall, James - magistrate, e side 9e btw Virginia av and Ks, nr cen
Marshall, James - blacksmith, e side 9e btw Virginia av and Ks, nr cen
Marshall, James - magistrate, e side 8e btw I and Ks, nr I
Marshall, W. (Mrs.) - widow, e side New Jersey av btw L and Ms, nr L
Marshall, William - merchant tailor, n side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 6
Marshall, William - auction and commission store, n side Pennsylvania av btw 9 and 10w, nr cen
Marshall, William - wheelwright, w side 1e btw A and Bs, nr B
Marshall, William - house carpenter, n side Fs btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Marshall, William - wheelwright, w side 3e btw N and Os, nr N
Martell, John - laborer, e side 11e btw M and Ns, nr N
Martin, A. S. - carpenter, w side 7w btw H and In, nr cen
Martin, Harriet (Miss) - dressmaker, s side Pennsylvania av btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Martin, Jacob - shoemaker, e side 9w btw D and En, nr E
Martin, James F. - n side Virginia av btw 3 and 4e, nr 4
Martin, James H. - shoemaker, w side 7e btw L and Ms, nr M
Martin, James L. - n side Hn btw 4 and 5w, nr cen
Martin, John W. - blacksmith, w side 10w btw D and Es, cor E
Martin, Joseph - book binder, s side Louisiana av btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Martin, Nancy (Mrs.) - widow, e side 9w btw L and Mn, nr M
Martin, Patrick - laborer, n side As btw 3 and 4e, nr 3
Martin, William - grocery, w side 8e btw K and Ls, cor L
Martini, Joseph - cabinetmaker, w side 10 w btw E and Fn, nr cen
Masi, S. - watchmaker and jeweler, n side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 6
Masi, S. - jeweler and silversmith, n side Pennsylvania av btw 9 and 10w, nr cen
Masi, S. - boarding house, s side Pennsylvania av btw 3 and 4-1/2, corner 4-1/2
Masiolette, Vincent - s side Is btw 4 and 5e, nr 5
Maskey, Thomas - blacksmith, w side 2e btw B and Cs, cor B
Mason, John, Jr. - n side Pennsylvania av btw 24 and 25w, nr cen
Massey, Betsey (Miss) - teacher, e side 22w btw New York av and Dn, nr D
Massey, John - laborer, w side 9w btw F and Gs, nr G
Masterson, Catharine (Mrs.) - n side Gn btw 8 and 9w, nr 8
Mastin, William - house painter, w side 13w, btw C and Ds, nr D
Mathews, ____ (Mrs.) - boarding house, w side 8w btw D and En, cor E
Mathews, ____ (Rev. Mr.) - n side Fn btw 9 and 10w, cor 10
Mathews, W. P. - clk, Treasury Dept, w side 8w btw D and En, cor E
Mathieson, Albert - watchman, Navy Yard, n side Kn btw 10 and 11e, nr 10
Mathieu, Joseph - mineral water manufactory, n side Mn btw 17 and 18w
Mathieu, Joseph - w side 19w btw Pennsylvania av and Hn, nr cen
Matlock, Simeon - e side 8w btw G and Hn, nr cen
Mattingly, Edward - e side 3e btw N and On, nr N
Mattingly, Francis - hatter, w side 13w btw C and Dn, nr C
Mattingly, G. - wood and coal yard, w side 6w btw Pennsylvania av and the canal, nr canal
Mattingly, George - Missouri st btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 6
Maury, John W. - lottery office, n side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 6
Maury, John W. - s side Cs btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr 3
Maxwell, George P. - s side Gs btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
May, Frederick (Dr.) - physician, e side New Jersey av btw B and Cs, nr C
May, George W. (Dr.) - physician, e side 9w btw D and En, cor D
May, H. - lawyer, e side New Jersey av btw B and Cs, nr C
May, J. F. (Dr.) - physician, e side New Jersey av btw B and Cs, nr C
Maynadier, William (Captain) - U.S. Army, e side 19w btw F and Gn, nr G
Mayo, R. - s side Bn btw 2 and 3w, nr 3
Mazeen, James - house carpenter, w side 7w btw Virginia av and Ds, nr Virginia
McArdle, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, e side 14w btw H and In, nr cen
McCardle, E. (Mrs.) - boarding house, s side En btw 7 and 8w, nr 7
McCarty, Charles - laborer, e side 13-1/2w btw C and Ds, nr C
McCarty, Florence - shoemaker, s side Fn btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
McCarty, James - s side Fn btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
McCarty, John - s side Bs btw 1 and 2e, cor 1
McCarty, William - blacksmith, e side 1e btw B and Cs, nr B
McCauley, John - coppersmith, w side 4e btw I and Ks, nr I
McCauley, John - w side 4e btw I and Ks, nr I
McCauley, William M. - manufacturer in tin and copper, n side Pennsylvania av btw 11 and 12w, nr 11
McCauley, William M. - s side Fn btw 13 and 14w, nr 14
McClellan, Thomas - blacksmith, e side 5e btw L and Ms, nr M
McClelland, John - s side New York av btw 13 and 14w, nr 14
McClery, James - clk, office of Register of the Treasury, n side Fn btw 14 and 15w, nr cen
McCloskey, Richard - shoemaker, w side 7w btw G and Hn, nr G
McColgan, James - wholesale wine and liquor store, s side Pennsylvania av btw 12 and 13w, nr cen
McComb, David - clk, Navy Yard, e side 6e btw C and Ds, nr D
McConnell, ____ - tobacconist, s side East Capitol st btw 1 and 2e, nr cen
McConnell, William - dentist, n side Pennsylvania av btw 1 and 2e, nr cen
McCorkle, J. P. - clk, Bur of Ordnance & Hydrography, Georgetown
McCorkle, J. R. - clk, office of 1st Comptroller, Georgetown
McCormick, Hannah (Mrs.) - widow, n side Bn btw Delaware av and 1e, nr Delaware
McCormick, Hugh - teacher, n side Gs btw 10 and 11e, nr 11
McCormick, William - postmaster, U.S. House of Reps, n side Bs btw New Jersey av and 1e, nr New Jersey
McCubbin, E. - barber and hairdresser, w side 8w btw Pennsylvania av and Dn, nr cen
McCubbin, Nicholas - laborer, s side East Capitol st btw 7 and 8e, nr 7
McCubrey, Thomas - baker, n side Virginia av btw 6 and 7e, nr 7
McCue, ____ - constable, w side 9w btw F and Gn, nr F
McCullough, George - laborer, e side 7e btw Virginia av and Ls, nr Virginia
McCurdy, Dennis - n side Ln btw 10 and 11w, nr 10
McCutcheon, J. - wood yard, e side 19w btw G and Hn, nr G
McDaniel, ____ (Mrs.) - boarding house, e side 4-1/2w btw Pennsylvania av and Cn, nr Pennsylvania
McDaniel, Albert E. - s side Fn btw 10 and 11w, nr 10
McDermot, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, s side Fn btw 25 and 26w, nr 25
McDermot, John - coachmaker, e side 5w btw Massachusetts av and Kn, nr K
McDermot, Michael - coachmaker, s side Pennsylvania av btw 3 and 4-1/2w, cor 3
McDonald, Thomas - artificer, e side 6e btw C and Ds, nr D
McDonald, William J. - clk, office Secretary of the Senate, e side New Jersey av btw B and Cs, nr C
McDuel, George - w side 10w btw D and En, nr E
McDuel, George - wood yard, Bn btw 14 and 15w, nr canal
McElfresh, Z. L. - house carpenter, w side 6e btw C and Ds, nr C
McElwee, Samuel - e side 6w btw E and Fn, nr F
McFarlan, John - house carpenter, s side Is btw 4 and 5e, cor 4
McFarley, William - U.S. Marines, e side 9e btw I and Ks, nr cen
McGill, Charles - clk, office of 2d Comptroller, Georgetown
McGill, Robert T. - clk, office of 4th Auditor, Georgetown
McGilten, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, e side 11e btw M and Ns, nr N
McGinniss, John - clk, Treasury Dept, w side 8w btw G and Hn
McGlue, Theodore - cartman, s side Gn btw 18 and 19w, nr 19
McGrath, James - Washington Coffee House, s side Pennsylvania av btw 9 and 10w, cor 9
McGreery, Patrick - w side 8e btw F and Gs, nr G
McGuire, Cornelius - blacksmith, w side 8w btw D and En, nr D
McGuire, Edward - blacksmith, n side Gn btw 18 and 19w, cor 18
McGuire, Edward - blacksmith, s side Hn btw 18 and 19w, nr 18
McGuire, J. C. - bookbinder, w side 8w btw D and En, nr cen
McGuire, J. C. - bookbindery, e side 10w btw Pennsylvania av and Dn, cor Pennsylvania
McGuire, James - e side 11w btw G and Hn, nr cen
McGunnigle, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, w side 10w btw D and En, nr D
McInerny, D. - fruit store, n side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
McIntosh, ____ - house carpenter, n side Maryland av btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
McIntosh, Joseph - stonecutter, w side 8w btw G and Hn, nr G
McIntosh, Thomas - stonecutter, n side Bn btw 1 and 2e, nr 2
McIntosh, Thomas - tailor, n side In btw 5 and 6w, nr 5
McIntyre, A. L. - clk, Patent Office s side New York av btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
McIntyre, Alexander - secretary, Firemen's Insurance Company, w side 19w btw G and Hn, nr H
McKatherine, James - e side 4e btw L and Ms, nr L
McKean, James P. - confectionary, n side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr cen
McKean, Samuel M. - clk, Treasury Dept, w side 17w btw New York av and Fn
McKelden, ____ (Mrs.) - mantua maker, n side Gn btw 12 and 13w, nr cen
McKelden, John C. - baker, e side 7w btw D and En, nr cen
McKelden, William - baker, n side Gn btw 12 and 13w, nr cen
McKenna, P. - tailor, n side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
McKenny, Benjamin - house carpenter, w side 11e btw N and Os, nr O
McKenny, Jacob - laborer, w side 5w btw F and Gn, nr F
McKenny, Jared - house carpenter, w side 11e btw N and Os, nr O
McKilligan, J. - shoemaker, e side 26w btw K and Ln, nr K
McKinney, Edward - blacksmith, e side 11e btw M and Ns, nr M
McKnight, ____ (Mrs.) - boarding house, n side Pennsylvania av btw 2 and 3w, nr cen
McKnight, George B. (Dr.) - surgeon, U.S. Navy, w side 3w btw Pennsylvania av and Cn, nr C
McKonkey, John T. - s side Nn btw 19 and 20w, nr cen
McLaughlin, J. T. (Lieutenant) - U.S. Navy, s side Fn btw 20 and 21w, cor 21
McLean, William - n side Dn btw 2 and 3w, nr 3
McLean, William H. - blacksmith, s side Pennsylvania av btw 2 and 3e, nr 3
McLeod, John - teacher, w side 9w btw G and Hn, nr H
McMoreland, Peter - stonecutter, e side Vermont av btw H and I, nr cen
McNaughton, George - wheelwright, e side 6w btw G and Hn, nr H
McNeer, Joseph - house carpenter, w side 7w btw D and Es, nr E
McPeak, William - tailor, n side Maryland av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
McPherson, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, s side New York av btw 9 and 10w, nr 9
McPherson, Henry H. - collector, s side Fn btw 7 and 8w, nr 7
McPherson, Samuel - Cn btw 13 and 13-1/2w
McPherson, Sarah (Mrs.) - widow, s side Bn btw 10 and 11w, nr 11
McQuillan, John - stonecutter, n side Gn btw 12 and 13w, nr 12
McWilliams, Alexander (Dr.) - physician, n side Is btw 6 and 7e, nr 7
Mead, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, s side Fn btw 18 and 19w, nr cen
Mead, Frances (Mrs.) - widow, e side 7w btw Virginia av and Ls, nr Virginia av
Mead, John P. - shoemaker, n side Ls btw 7 and 8e, nr 8
Mead, Richard W. (Lieutenant) - U.S. Navy, w side 18w btw Pennsylvania av and Fn, nr Pennsylvania
Mechlin, A. H. - clk, office of 4th Auditor, e side 19w btw F and Gn, nr G
Mechlin, William - clk, office of 2d Auditor, w side 21w btw H and In, nr H
Medley, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, e side 13w btw E and Fn, nr cen
Meechan, C. H. W. - ass't librarian, Congress Library, s side Bn btw Delaware av and 1e, nr cen
Meechan, John S. - librarian, Congress Library, s side Bn btw Delaware av and 1e, nr cen
Melcher, Andrew D. - house carpenter, e side 5w btw H and In, nr H
Melvin, Josiah - printer, w side 10w btw G and Hn, nr H
Meriwether, Albert G. - clk, office of Auditor of Post Office Dept, Georgetown
Merrick, W. D. - w side 5w btw D and En, nr D
Merrillat, Charles - w side 4w btw G and Hn
Merryman, Horatio - constable, s side Pennsylvania av btw 2 and 3e, nr 3
Metcalf, E. H. - clk, Post Office Dept, w side 5w btw D and En, nr E
Michard, Joseph - teacher, s side Fn btw 12 and 13w, nr cen
Middleton, ____ (Mrs.) - boarding house, s side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Middleton, Benjamin F. - Missouri st btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr cen
Middleton, E. J. - s side Fn btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Middleton, Robert - oyster house, e side 8e btw I and Ks, nr K
Middleton, Theodore - s side Gn btw 12 and 13w, nr 12
Middleton, Wesley - e side 3w btw D and En, cor D
Milburn, Benedict - printer, n side Virginia av btw 4 and 5e, nr 4
Milburn, E. (Mrs.) - dressmaker, n side Dn btw 10 and 11w, nr 10
Milburn, Margaret (Mrs.) - widow, s side Virginia av btw 6 and 7w, cor 7
Milburn, Thomas - bricklayer, btw 10 and 11w, nr the canal
Millard, ____ (Mrs.) - boarding house, n side Fn btw 13 and 14w, nr cen
Millen, George - blacksmith, n side Os btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Miller, Charles - butcher, w side 10e btw L and Ms, nr M
Miller, David - silverplater, s side Pennsylvania av btw 10 and 11w, cor 11
Miller, David - silverplater, w side 12w btw C and Dn, nr C
Miller, Edward - grocery, n side Dn btw 13 and 13-1/2w, cor 13
Miller, Edward F. - dry good store, e side 7w btw G and Hn, nr G
Miller, George - house carpenter, n side Virginia av btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Miller, Hezekiah - clk, office of Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Georgetown
Miller, Isaac - house carpenter, n side Ps btw 4-1/2 and 6w, cor 4-1/2
Miller, James - grocery, w side 15w btw L and Mn, nr L
Miller, John - confectioner, n side Fn btw 9 and 10w, cor 9
Miller, Philip - butcher, n side Fn btw 15 and 16w, nr cen
Miller, Philip - laborer, 10w, north end
Miller, Rudolph - w side 3w btw G and Hn, nr H
Miller, T. (Dr.) - physician, n side En btw 13 and 14w, nr 14
Miller, William - clk, office of 1st Comptroller, e side 14w btw E and Fn, nr cen
Miller, William - hostler, n side Ls btw 3 and 4e, nr 4
Milligan, A. (Mrs.) - s side New York av btw 14 and 15w, nr 15
Mills, Charles - blacksmith, s side Ks btw 10 and 11e, nr 10
Mills, Job - plasterer, w side 9w btw M and Nn, nr M
Mills, John - blacksmith, nr Eastern Branch Market
Mills, John - boot and shoe maker, w side 6w btw G and Hn, nr G
Mills, Robert - architect, n side Ps btw 4-1/2 and Delaware av, nr P
Mills, Robert T. - constable, s side East Capitol st, btw 1 and 2e, cor 2
Milstead, Catherine (Mrs.) - widow, e side New Jersey av btw L and Ms, nr L
Milson, John - grocery, s side Gn btw 18 and 19w, nr 19
Minitree, Andrew - house carpenter, w side 5w btw G and Hn, nr G
Mitchell, Daniel - tailor, w side 13w, btw C and Ds, nr C
Mitchell, Dennis - laborer, n side Maryland av btw 6 and 7e, nr 6
Mitchell, Spencer (Dr.) - physician, s side Pennsylvania av btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr 4-1/2
Mitchell, Thomas - shoemaker, n side Gn btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Mitchlin, Francis - lithographer, w side 1w btw Pennsylvania av and Bn, nr Pennsylvania
Mitteregger, Charles - w side 11w btw I and Kn, nr cor K
Mix, C. E. - clk, office of Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Georgetown
Mockbee, E. (Mrs.) - widow, e side 6w btw G and Hn, nr G
Mockbee, William - shoemaker, e side 16w btw I and Kn, nr K
Moffett, G. W. - barber and hair dresser, s side En btw 7 and 8w, nr 7
Mohun, F. - n side Louisiana av btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Mohun, Francis - house carpenter, w side 6w btw Louisiana av and Cn, nr cen
Mohun, Philip - e side 3w btw G and Hn, nr H
Mohun, William - house carpenter, w side 6w btw Louisiana av and Cn, nr cen
Monk, Henry - locksmith, e side 14
Montandon, J. - clock and watchmaker, n side Pennsylvania av btw 12 and 13w, nr 13
Moore, ____ (Mrs.) - s side En btw 12 and 13w, cor 12
Moore, Jacob B. - clk, Post Office Dept, n side Hn btw 4 and 5w, nr cen
Moore, James - w side 6w btw H and In, nr H
Moore, John - boarding house, n side En btw 5 and 6w, nr 5
Moore, John M. - principal clk, pub lands, General Land Office, s side In btw 17 and 18w, nr 18
Moore, Joseph P. - w side Vermont av btw H and In, nr H
Moore, Robert - hackman, w side 18w btw H and In, nr I
Moore, William - shoemaker, e side 13w btw E and Fn, nr E
Moore, William H. - printer, w side 10w btw D and En, nr E
Moore, William W. - printer, w side 6w btw G and Hn, nr H
Moran, ____ (Mrs.) - grocery, e side 7w btw G and Hn, nr G
Moran, Dyson - laborer, near Easby's shipyard
Moran, Dyson - laborer, n side Bn btw 22 and 23w, nr 23
Moran, P. - tavern, n side Pennsylvania av btw 1 and 2w, nr 2
Moran, Robert H. - house painter, near Easby's shipyard
Moran, William - w side 18w btw H and In, nr H
Mordecai, A. (Captain) - U.S. Army, n side Pennsylvania av btw 19 and 20w, nr cen
Morehead, J. W. - clk, office of 4th Auditor, e side 9w btw H and In, nr H
Moreland, William - dyer and scourer, e side 13w btw Pennsylvania av and En, nr Pennsylvania
Morfit, H. M. - lawyer, e side 4-1/2w btw Pennsylvania av and Cn, nr Pennsylvania
Morfit, H. M. - lawyer, e side New Jersey av btw B and Cs, nr B
Morgan, ____ (Mrs.) - boarding house, e side 12w, btw E and Fn, cor E
Morgan, J. B. - grocer, n side Pennsylvania av btw 1 and 2w, nr 2
Morgan, M. E. (Mrs.) - boarding house, s side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Morgan, William - blacksmith, w side 7e btw H and Is, nr H
Morley, H. L. (Miss) - millinery and fancy store, n side Pennsylvania av btw 9 and 10w, nr 9
Morris, Francis - exchange broker, n side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w
Morris, Henry - clk, Treasury Dept, w side Lafayette sq btw "Executive Way" and Hn, nr cen (see Note 1)
Morris, John - teacher, s side In btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Morris, John E. - teacher, n side Hn btw 8 and 9w, nr cen
Morris, John H. - shoemaker, s side Louisiana av btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Morris, L. A. (Mrs.) - widow, n side In btw 9 and 10w, nr 9
Morrison, William - blacksmith, w side 7e btw H and Is, nr H
Morrison, William M. - bookseller, n side Pennsylvania av btw G and 7w, nr cen
Morrow, William - s side En btw 13 and 13-1/2w, nr 13
Morsell, B. K. - magistrate, e side 4-1/2w btw Pennsylvania av and Cn, nr cen
Morsell, B. K. - magistrate, n side Louisiana av btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Morsell, Richard J. - clk, General Land Office, n side Ln btw 14 and 15w, nr 15
Morton, William - clk, office of 1st Auditor, Georgetown
Mosely, William H. - s side Ln btw 14 and 15w, nr 15
Moss, Philip - grocery, e side 8e btw K and Ls, nr L
Moss, William - laborer, n side Ms btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 6
Mount, ____ (Mrs.) - boarding house, e side 1e btw East Capitol st and A[?], nr East Capitol
Mountz, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, n side Pennsylvania av btw 24 and 25w, nr cen
Mountz, George W. - clk, office of Auditor, Post Office Dept, Georgetown
Mountz, Joseph - clk, office of Register of the Treasury, Georgetown
Mudd, Edward - leather worker, w side 8e btw I and Ks, nr K
Mudd, I. F. - tailor, w side 7w btw D and En, nr cen
Mudd, Ignatius - s side Maryland av btw 12 and 13w, nr 13
Mudd, Ignatius - tailor, n side Dn btw 7 and 8w, nr cen
Mudd, Thomas I. - w side 10w btw G and Hn, nr G
Muller, A. A. (Rev.) - at Noerr's, s side En btw 11 and 12w, cor 11
Mullikin, John - sells ice, s side Kn btw 21 and 22w, nr 22
Mullikin, Mary (Mrs.) - tailoress, e side 5w btw H and In, cor I
Mullikin, Nathaniel - messenger, Ordnance Office, s side Gn btw 13 and 14w, nr cen
Mullins, William - hackman, w side 9w btw F and Gs, nr G
Mulloy, William A. - bookbinder, e side 3e btw East Capitol st and As, nr East Capitol
Mulrainy, Bernard - clothing store, s side Pennsylvania av btw 19 and 20w, cor 20
Munck, C. H. - locksmith, n side Dn btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Munding, Joseph F. (Dr.) - physician, s side Fn btw 12 and 13w, nr 12
Munro, David - house carpenter, e side 12w btw Pennsylvania av and En, nr E
Munroe, C. - clk, Post Office Dept, e side 9w btw H and In, nr H
Munroe, Columbus - clk, Commissary of General Subsistence, n side En btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Munroe, Thomas - n side Pennsylvania av btw 19 and 20w, nr cen
Murphy, ____ - laborer, s side East Capitol st btw 1 and 2e, nr 1
Murphy, C. W. - purser, U.S. Navy, e side 14w btw F and Gn, nr cen
Murphy, Francis J. - house carpenter, n side Gn btw 8 and 9w, nr 8
Murphy, Francis J. - house carpenter, n side Gn btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Murphy, James - boarding house, n side Virginia av btw 7 and 8e, nr 7
Murphy, Jeremiah - confectioner, n side Pennsylvania av btw 9 and 10w, nr cen
Murphy, John - s side Bs btw 13 and 13-1/2w, nr 13
Murphy, John - laborer, e side New Jersey av btw A and Bs, nr A
Murphy, John - butcher, n side Is btw 12 and 13e, nr 12
Murphy, M. - tavern, n side Pennsylvania av btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr 4-1/2
Murphy, Owen - grocery, s side In btw 20 and 21w, nr 20
Murphy, Sarah (Mrs.) - grocery, w side 9w btw D and En, nr D
Murphy, William - blacksmith, s side Georgia av btw 11 and 12e, nr 12
Mustin, Thomas - chief clk, office of 5th Auditor, w side 9w btw In and New York av, nr I
Myer, Franklin S. - printer, w side 14w btw B and Cs, nr C
Myer, Frederick - waterman, n side Ms btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Myers, George - U.S. Marines, w side 9e btw L and Ms, nr L
Myers, Josephus - carpenter, nr Eastern Branch Market
Nally, E. (Mrs.) - boarding house, e side 12w btw E and Fn, nr E
Nally, G. - e side 11e btw L and Ms, nr M
Nally, R. B. - e side 9w btw H and In, cor H
Narden, ____ (Mrs.) - boarding house, e side 7w btw C and Dn, nr D
Narden, Joseph - wheelwright, w side 7w btw G and Hn, nr cen
Nautza, John - laborer, w side 13-1/2w btw Ds and Maryland av, nr D
Naylor, ____ - grocery, w side 15w btw H and In, nr I
Naylor, A. - w side 13w btw F and Gn, nr cen
Naylor, D. - grocery, s side Dn btw 13 and 13-1/2w, cor 13-1/2
Naylor, Francis - turner, w side 4-1/2w btw Maryland av and Cs, nr C
Naylor, Francis Y. - tin and sheet iron manufacturer, s side Pennsylvania av btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr 3
Neely, John - teacher, e side 9w btw H and In, nr I
Neff, Frantz - shoemaker, e side 12w btw I and Kn, nr I
Nelson, Ann (Mrs.) - milliner, s side Maryland av btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Nelson, John - Attorney General, office of Attorney General, Fuller's City Hotel
Nelson, John - hatter, e side 8w btw K and Ln, nr cen
Nelson, Samuel - blacksmith, n side Gs btw 6 and 7e, nr cen
Nesmith, Ann (Mrs.) - widow, w side 7e btw L and Ms, nr L
Nevitt, R. - saddler, w side 6w btw Pennsylvania av and Cn nr Pennsylvania
Newman, Lewis - blacksmith, s side Ks btw 6 and 7e, nr 7
Newton, J. A. - n side Massachusetts av btw 5 and 6w, nr 6
Newton, Lewis - book binder, n side Kn btw 9 and 10w, nr 9
Nicholls, Walter - blacksmith, e side 4e btw K and Ls, nr K
Nicholson, Augustus A. (Major) - U.S. Marines, n side South Carolina av btw 6 and 7e, nr 6
Nicholson, H. - baker, e side 7w btw G and Hn, nr cen
Niles, W. O. - clk, Pension Office, s side In btw 21 and 22w, nr 21
Nixon, Richard - silversmith, repairs clocks and watches, n side Pennsylvania av btw 12 and 13w, cor 13
Noels, William - Venetian blind maker, s side Pennsylvania av btw 12 and 13w, nr 12
Noerr, Andrew - baker, s side En btw 11 and 12w, cor 11
Nokes, James - painter, w side 8e btw G and Is, nr I
Nokes, Thomas - painter, e side 8e btw I and Ks, nr I
Norbeck, George - confectioner, n side Pennsylvania av btw 9 and 10w, nr cen
North, John B. - clk, office of 1st Comptroller, e side New Jersey av btw B and Cs, nr B
Northrup, T. J. - n side En btw 13 and 14w, nr 14
Nourse, C. J. - teacher, s side Indiana av btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr 3
Nourse, Charles J. - exchange broker, n side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Nourse, John - clk, office of Register of Treasury, n side Ln btw 11 and 12w, nr 11
Nourse, Michael - chief clk, office of Register of Treasury, w side 13w, btw E and Fn, nr E
Nourse, William - clk, General Land Office, w side 12w btw New York av and Hn, nr New York
Noyes, George - s side Cn btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Nutt, William D. - clk, Treasurer's Office, e side Vermont av btw H and In, nr H
Nye, J. W. - keeps hacks, n side Pennsylvania av btw 1 and 2w, nr 1
Ober, Ann (Mrs.) - widow, w side 10e btw K and Ls, cor K
Ober, S. J. - grocer, e side 7w btw Louisiana av and Dn, cor Louisiana
O'Brien, Roderick - stone cutter, n side Virginia av btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
O'Bryon, James - ornamental painter, e side 13w btw Pennsylvania av and En, nr Pennsylvania
O'Bryon, James - ornamental painter, s side Dn btw 12 and 13w, nr 12
O'Connor, Eugene - cabinet maker, w side 5w btw F and Gn, nr F
O'Donnell, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, s side Virginia av btw 7 and 8e, nr 7
O'Donoghue, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, s side Virginia av btw 7 and 8e, nr 7
O'Driscol, Dennis - e side Vermont av btw H and In, nr H
Offutt, Z. K. - house painter, n side Dn btw 13-1/2 and 14w, nr 14
O'Hara, George - blacksmith, e side 5e, btw L and Ms, nr L
O'Leary, John - laborer, e side 13-1/2w btw C and Ds, nr C
O'Neal, C. - tavern, s side Ls btw 8 and 9e, nr 9
O'Neal, H. G. - assistant draughtsman, General Land Office, e side 9w btw H and In, nr H
O'Neal, William (Mrs.) - widow, n side In btw 20 and 21w, nr 20
O'Neale, J. - grocery and hardware, e side 7e btw Virginia av and Ls, cor Virginia av
Orman, H. - wagon yard, w side 8w, btw H and In, cor I
Orme, William - grocery n side Dn btw 10 and 11w, nr 11
Orme, William - e side 11w btw E and Fn, nr cen
Orme, William C. - dry good and fancy store, n side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Orrison, Joseph - laborer, e side 13-1/2w btw C and Ds, nr D
Osborn, ____ - s side New York av btw 9 and 10w, nr cen
Osborn, Joseph - laborer, w side 11e btw M and Ns, nr M
Osgood, Ann (Mrs.) - widow, w side 7w btw Virginia av and Dn, nr D
Ostermayer, B. - shoemaker, s side Fn btw 13 and 14w, nr 13
Otterback, Philip - butcher, w side 8e btw L and Ms, nr L
Ourand, ____ - s side Gn btw 18 and 19w, nr 19
Owens, Charles C. - shoemaker, w side 5w btw G and Hn, nr cen
Owens, Richard B. - house carpenter, n side Massachusetts av btw 4 and 5w, nr 5
Owens, Thomas - w side 6w btw G and Hn, nr cen
Owner, ____ (Mrs.) - boarding house, n side As btw Delaware av and 1e, nr Delaware
Owner, James - n side Virginia av btw 3 and 4e, nr 4
Owner, James, Jr. - clk, Post Office Dept, n side Gn btw 12 and 13w, nr cen
Padget, ____ (Mrs.) - boarding house, e side 13w, btw E and Fn, nr E
Page, Daniel - n side Virginia av btw 4 and 5e, nr 5
Page, Eliza (Mrs.) - widow, e side 14w btw Gn and New York av, nr New York
Page, F. J. (Lieutenant) - U.S. Navy, w side 13w btw G and Hn, nr H
Page, William B. - clk, office of Treasurer, n side Kn btw 13 and 14w, nr cen
Paget, Joseph - ship carpenter, s side Ls btw 8 and 9e, nr 9
Paget, Robert - ship carpenter, n side Ls btw 8 and 9e, nr 8
Paget, Robert - ship carpenter, e side 8e btw K and Ls, cor L
Paget, William - shoemaker, e side 6w btw H and In, nr I
Paine, O. S. - clk, General Land Office, s side In btw 17 and 18w, nr 18
Paine, Thomas - house painter, w side 11w btw G and Hn, nr H
Pairo, T. W. - exchange broker, e side 15w btw Pennsylvania av and Fn, nr Pennsylvania
Palmer, Charles - butter and cheese dealer, s side Pennsylvania av btw 14 and 15w, nr 14
Palmer, Richard - coachmaker, w side 18w btw K and Ln, nr K
Parker, George - s side Cn btw 3 and 4-1/2w, cor 4-1/2
Parker, H. T. - tailor, e side 5w btw H and In, nr cen
Parker, Henry - house carpenter, e side 18w, btw Pennsylvania av and Fn, nr cen
Parker, James - slater, n side Ds, btw 3 and 4e, nr 4
Parker, Moses - n side Cn btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Parker, Selby - gloves, perfumery, and fancy store, n side Pennsylvania av btw 9 and 10w, nr cen
Parker, Southey (Mrs.) - widow, n side Gn btw 18 and 19w, nr cen
Parker, Thomas - n side Fn btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Parker, Thomas - house painter n side Gn btw 18 and 19w, nr cen
Parker, William H. - house carpenter, e side 18w btw Pennsylvania av and Fn, nr cen
Parris, Albert - hackman, n side Kn btw 21 and 22w, cor 22
Parris, Albion K. - 2d Comptroller, office of 2d Comptroller, n side Fn btw 13 and 14w, nr 14
Parrott, W. S. - chief clk, Bur of Provisions and Clothing, Georgetown
Parsons, James - penitentiary guard, n side Ls btw 3 and 4e, nr 3
Parsons, Mary L. (Mrs.) - grocery, e side 11e btw M and Ns, nr N
Patterson, ____ (Mrs. Commodore) - n side In btw 20 and 21w, cor 21
Patterson, Edgar - clk, office of Register of the Treasury, Georgetown
Patterson, R. S. - druggist and apothecary, n side Pennsylvania av btw 9 and 10w, cor 9
Patton, Richard - mathematical instrument maker, s side Pennsylvania av btw 10 and 11w, nr cen
Payne, John T. - shoemaker, n side Ls btw 4 and 5e, nr 4
Payne, T. - house painter, n side Ls btw 4 and 5e, nr 4
Payne, William - waterman, w side 4-1/2w btw C and Ds, nr D
Peabody, John - n side Gn btw 18 and 19w, nr 19
Peake, Charlotte (Mrs.) - seamstress, s side Ls btw 4 and 5e, nr 4
Peake, James - blacksmith, w side 5e btw L and Ms, nr L
Peake, John - blacksmith, e side 4-1/2w btw N and Os, nr N
Peake, John - house painter, s side Ls btw 4 and 5e, nr 4
Peake, William - w side 5w btw G and Hn, nr cen
Pearce, Gideon - clk, office of 3d Auditor, Georgetown
Pearce, Joseph M. - grocery, e side 7w btw D and En, nr cen
Pearson, Peter - w side 8e btw G and Is, nr I
Peck, Joseph - saddler, s side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Peckham, Sophia - teacher, s side Fn btw 8 and 9w, nr 9
Peckum, Eliza (Miss) - teacher, n side Maryland av btw 12 and 13w, nr 12
Peddicord, C. E. (Mrs.) - mantua-maker, s side Dn btw 13 and 13-1/2w, nr 13-1/2
Pegg, Maria (Mrs.) - seamstress, n side Louisiana av btw 9 and 10w, n 10
Pegg, William - blacksmith, w side 11e btw L and Ms, nr M
Pendergast, J. - shoemaker, w side 6w btw D and En, nr E
Penrose, C. B. - Solicitor, office of Solicitor of the Treasury, s side Gn btw 19 and 20w, nr 20
Pepper, J. P. - marble yard, s side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr cen
Perkins, William - dry good store, n side Pennsylvania av btw 19 and 20w, nr 20
Perry, William - n side Dn btw 7 and 8w, nr cen
Peters, Julius A. - grocery and wine store, n side Pennsylvania av btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Peters, Thomas - general agent, e side 11w btw Pennsylvania av and En, nr cen
Pettit, Charles - messenger, Treasury Dept, n side En btw 5 and 6w, nr 6
Peterson, W. - tailor, n side Louisiana av btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Pettibone, John - e side 9w btw Pennsylvania av and Dn, nr D
Pettibone, John - coal dealer, Bn btw 14 and 15w, nr canal
Pettibone, William - bookbinder, s side Bs btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Pew, ____ - tailor, e side 14w, btw F and Gn, nr G
Peyton, ____ (Mrs.) - boarding house, w side 4-1/2 btw Pennsylvania av and Cn, nr Pennsylvania
Phelps, G. W. - messenger, office of Quartermaster General, s side Kn btw 17 and 18w, nr 18
Philips, J. B. - lottery and exchange office, n side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Phill, J. - teacher, n side Dn btw 13 and 14w, nr 13
Phillips, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, north side East Capitol st btw 1 and 2e, nr 2
Phillips, George M. - at Mrs. Vancoble's, e side 4-1/2w btw Indiana av and Cn, nr Indiana
Phillips, James - s side Massachusetts av btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Phillips, James B. - plasterer, w side 6w btw In and Massachusetts av, cor I
Phillips, William - printer, n side In btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Pic, Julia (Mrs.) - grocery, e side 7e btw K and Ls, cor L
Pickerel, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, s side In btw 10 and 11w, cor 10
Picket, John - U.S. Marines, n side Virginia av btw 4 and 5e, nr 4
Pierce, ____ (Mrs.) - boarding house, Missouri st btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr 3
Pierce, Daniel - umbrella maker, s side Pennsylvania av btw 12 and 13w, nr 13
Piggot, Mason - watchman, e side 6w btw M and Ns, cor N
Piggot, Rebecca (Mrs.) - boarding house, e side 6w btw M and Ns, cor N
Pilling, James - currier, e side 6w btw Pennsylvania av and Missouri st, nr Pennsylvania
Pilling, Joseph - leather dealer, s side Pennsylvania av btw 9 and 10w, nr 9
Pilling, M. A. - trimming store, n side Pennsylvania av btw 11 and 12w, nr 11
Pillings, James - house carpenter, w side 9w btw Ln and New York av, nr L
Pittman, ____ (Mrs.) - boarding house, w side 3w btw Pennsylvania av and Cn, nr cen
Plant, George H. - bricklayer, w side 11w btw H and In, nr cen
Plant, J. H. - grocery, e side 12w btw C and Dn, nr cen
Plant, John - bricklayer, n side New York av btw 12 and 13w, nr 12
Plant, N. - wood measurer, side 13w btw C and Dn, nr C
Pleasanton, Stephen - 5th Auditor, office of 5th Auditor, w side 21w btw E and Fn, nr F
Plowman, Jesse - house carpenter, s side Massachusetts av btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Plummer, Fielder - house carpenter, w side 7w btw D and Es, nr E
Plumsel, Thomas - wheelwright, w side 10e btw F and Gs, nr G
Poletta, Joseph - n side Virginia av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 6
Polk, J. F. - clk, office of 2d Auditor, n side Pennsylvania av btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr 3
Polkinhorn, Sarah (Mrs.) - e side 6w btw G and Hn, nr G
Pollard, Alfred - house carpenter, s side Pennsylvania av btw 21 and 22w, nr cen
Pollard, Richard - printer, n side Cn btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Polton, William - w side 6w btw G and Hn, nr cen
Poor, M. - e side 6w btw E and Fn, nr cen
Poor, M. S. (Mrs.) - rents rooms, e side 14w btw F and Gn, nr F
Pope, Jane (Mrs.) - widow, e side 10e btw M and Ns, nr M
Pope, William - s side Pennsylvania av btw 21 and 22w, nr cen
Porter, James M. - Secretary of War, at Fuller's City Hotel
Porter, John - plasterer, w side 6w btw F and Gn, nr G
Porter, Sidney - n side Cn btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr 4-1/2
Poston, F. B. - constable, n side Kn btw 27 and 28w, nr 28
Potts, Samuel J. - clk, office of Indian Affairs, s side In btw 19 and 20w, cor 20
Poulton, W. E. - cooper, w side 8w btw Pennsylvania av and Dn, nr D
Powell, Grafton - messenger, General Land Office, n side En btw 13 and 14w, nr 13
Powell, M. - tavern, e side 7w btw Pennsylvania av and Bn, nr cen
Powell, Robert J. - clk, Post Office Dept, w side 10w btw G and Hn, nr H
Prater, ____ - w side 3w btw G and Hn, nr G
Pratt, A. (Dr.) - n side Gn btw 18 and 19w, nr 19
Pratt, C. - s side Kn btw 24 and 25w, nr 25
Pratt, William - drawing academy, w side 9w btw Pennsylvania av and Dn, nr D
Prayer, H. - blacksmith, s side Ns btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Prenot, H. - w side 4w btw G and Hn
Prentiss, W. H. - keeps printed documents, State Dept, n side Dn btw 13 and 13-1/2w, nr 13-1/2
Prentiss, W. H., Jr. - upholsterer, n side Dn btw 13 and 13-1/2w, nr 13-1/2
Preston, Anthony - e side 9w btw G and Hn, nr G
Preston, E. - butcher, s side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Prettyman, Mary (Mrs.) - widow, n side Hn btw 18 and 19w, nr 18
Preuss, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, s side Indiana av btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr 4-1/2
Preuss, Charles - n side Massachusetts av btw 4 and 5w, nr 4
Price, John - coachmaker, s side Ln btw 14 and 15w, nr 15
Pritchard, Edmund - printer, e side 12w btw I and Kn, nr I
Prosprei, Francis - musician, n side Gs btw 7 and 8e, nr 8
Prout, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, s side Cn btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr cen
Provost, Alexander - s side Pennsylvania av btw 9 and 10w, nr cen
Pulitzie, ____ - musician, n side Is btw 6 and 7e, nr 6
Pullin, James - laborer, e side 11e btw I and Ks, cor I
Pullin, Joseph - e side 5e btw L and Ms, nr L
Pumphrey, Dennis F. - livery stable, n side Cn btw 6 and 7w, cor 6
Pumphrey, Jackson - house carpenter, n side Ms btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Pumphrey, Levi - livery stable, n side Cn btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 6
Pumphrey, Levi - livery stable, n side Cn btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Purdon, John - city lunch, s side Pennsylvania av btw 14 and 15w, cor 15
Purdy, J. - house painter, n side Pennsylvania av btw 1 and 2w, nr cen
Purley, E. (Mrs.) - widow, e side 12w btw I and Kn, nr I
Pursell, Thomas - importer and dealer in china, glass, &c., s side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Queen, Barney - n side Kn btw 27 and 28w, cor 28
Queen, Eliza (Miss) - e side 4-1/2w btw Pennsylvania av and Cn, nr Pennsylvania
Queen, Eliza (Mrs.) - widow, n side Ks btw 9 and 10e, nr 9
Queen, John - w side 8e btw I and Ks, nr K
Queen, R. T. - clk, office of 2d Auditor, Georgetown
Quigly, Daniel - e side 11e btw M and Ns, nr M
Quigly, Michael - wheelwright, s side Ns btw 11 and 12e, nr 11
Quincy, ____ (Miss) - teacher, s side Hn btw 17 and 18w, nr 18
Quincy, A. H. - clk, General Land Office, s side New York av btw 9 and 10w, nr cen
Quincy, Thomas - packer, General Land Office, s side New York av btw 9 and 10w, nr cen
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