Abbot, George D. - office of 2d Comptroller, Georgetown
Abbot, George J. - teacher, s side In btw 17 and 18w, nr 18
Abbot, Joseph - livery stable, n side Gn btw 13 and 14w, nr 13
Abbot, Thomas - tailor, s side Ln btw 17 and 18, nr 18
Abert, John J. (Colonel) - Corps of Topographical Engineers, n side In btw 20 and 21w, nr 20
Acker, Jacob - stonecutter, e side 2w btw B and Cs, nr C
Acton, Elijah - laborer, n side Gs btw 7 and 8e, nr 7
Acton, Osborn - cartman, n side Ns btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Adams, Alexander - house carpenter, w side 11w btw Maryland av and Es, nr cen
Adams, George - grocery, e side 8e btw L and Ms, nr L
Adams, James - blacksmith n side Gs btw 5 and 6e, nr 5
Adams, James - cashier, Bank of Washington, w side New Jersey av btw B and Cs, nr B
Adams, John Quincy - ex-U.S. President, n side F btw 13 and 14w, nr 14
Adams, Josiah - shoemaker, s side Virginia av btw 6 and 7e, nr 7
Adams, Leonard - e side 12w btw F and Gn, nr cen
Adams, Margaret (Mrs.) - widow, w side 6e btw C and Ds, nr C
Adams, Mary (Mrs.) - boarding house, s side Pennsylvania av btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr 4-1/2
Adams, Notley L. - boarding house, e side 7e btw L and Ms, nr M
Adams, Sarah A. - dressmaker, n side Dn btw 13-1/2 and 14w, nr 13-1/2
Adams, Thomas - s side Fn btw 11 and 12w, cor 12
Adams, Thomas - wood turner, btw 11 and 12w, nr canal
Adams, W. - grocery, w side 7w btw H and In, nr I
Addison, Thomas B. - Principal Clerk, Post Office Dept, Georgetown
Adler, Morris - clk, Ordnance Office, Georgetown
Aigler, Jacob - confectioner, s side Dn btw 11 and 12w, nr 12
Aikins, Mrs. ____ - keeps public baths, n side Cn btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr cen
Alexander, Columbus - printer, w side 10w btw G and Hn, nr H
Alexander, Mary (Mrs.) - upholsterer, n side Pennsylvania av btw 12 and 13w, nr 13
Allen, _____ - house carpenter, w side 8w btw New York av and In, nr I
Allen, Ignatius - steamboat captain, n side Maryland av btw 13-1/2 and 14w, nr 13-1/2
Allen, John - dry good store, n side Pennsylvania av btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Allen, ____ (Mrs.) - milliner and dressmaker, s side Pennsylvania av btw 9 and 10w, nr 9
Allen, Robert - house carpenter, w side 9w btw G and Hn, cor G
Allen, William - grocer, n side Louisiana av btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Altimus, James - engineer, w side 8e btw G and Is, nr I
Amerige, George - printer, n side Dn btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Ames, George C. - clk, Pension Office, n side Gn btw 17 and 18w, cor 18
Anderson, Garret - book, snuff, & tobacco store, n side Pennsylvania av btw 11 and 12w, nr cen
Anderson, Hezekiah - blacksmith, e side 11e btw M and Ns, nr M
Anderson, James - boot & shoemaker, s side Pennsylvania av btw 14 and 15, nr cen
Anderson, L. J. - clk, office of the Auditor, Post Office Dept, Georgetown
Anderson, N. (Mrs.) - widow, n side Fn btw 26 and 27w, nr 27
Anderson, Robert P. - s side New York av btw 9 and 10w, nr 9
Anderson, Samuel - laborer, e side 26w btw I and K, nr K
Anderson, Thomas F. - clk, office of 1st Comptroller, w side 6w btw D and En, nr cen
Anderson, William - blacksmith, s side Gn btw 21 and 22w, nr 21
Anderson, William - clk, office of 1st Comptroller, n side Gn btw 11 and 12w, cor 12
Andrae, Cornelius - w side 8w btw L and Mn, nr M
Andrews, T. P. - Army paymaster, s side Gn btw 17 and 18w, nr 18
Anthony, ____ (Misses) - e side 12w btw E and Fn, nr E
Applegate, William C. - musician, w side 8e btw G and Is, nr G
Arguelles, E. F. (Mrs.) - boarding house, s side Pennsylvania av btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr 4-1/2
Armstead, Samuel - blacksmith n side Ls btw 8 and 9e, nr 9
Arnold, ____ (Mrs.) - corset maker, s side Pennsylvania av btw 19 and 20w, nr 19
Arnold, Rezin - n side Virginia av btw 5 and 6e, nr 5
Ashburn, Benjamin - printer, e side 11w btw I and Kn, nr I
Ashdown, William - blacksmith, s side Ns btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr 4-1/2
Ashton, John N. - clk, Gen Land Office, s side Pennsylvania av btw 21 and 22w, nr 22
Ashwood, ____ (Miss) - fashionable milliner and dressmaker, n side Pennsylvania av btw 9 and 10, nr 10
Atchison, George - blacksmith, n side Is btw 6 and 7e, nr 7
Atchison, John - laborer, s side Is btw 6 and 7e, nr 7
Atkinson, Amos G. - saddler, w side 7w, btw Virginia av and Ds, nr D
Atz, Christopher - fruiter, n side Dn btw 10 and 11w, nr 10
Auld, Maria (Mrs.) - widow, w side 20w btw E and Fn, nr E
Aulic, John H. (Captain) - U.S. Navy, n side Kn btw 12 and 13w, nr cen
Austin, John - wood yard, e side 18w btw H and In, nr H
Bacon, Peter - s side Indiana av btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr 4-1/2
Bacon, Samuel - s side En btw 5 & 7w, nr 7
Bailey, William L. - clk, Office of Quartermaster General, n side Cn btw 12 and 13w, nr cen
Baker, Benjamin - s side Kn btw 24 and 25w, nr cen
Baker, Charles - messenger, Office of Adj. Gen., s side In btw 18 and 18w, nr 18
Baker, John Martin (Mrs.) - widow, e side New Jersey av btw B and Cs, nr cen
Baker, Lethe (Mrs.) - widow, n side Gn btw 18 and 19w, nr 19
Baker, Thomas - Franklin Coffee House, n side Dn btw 7 and 8w, cor 8
Baldwin, ____ (Miss) - teacher, e side 10w btw D and En, nr D
Baldwin, Albion - house carpenter, w side 6w, btw H and In, nr H
Baldwin, Almon - house carpenter, s side Indiana av btw 3 and 4-1/2, nr 4-1/2
Baldwin, Hannah (Mrs.) - widow, e side 10w btw D and En, nr D
Baldwin, Tyler - bricklayer, n side East Capitol st btw 10 and 11, nr 10
Balkman, ____ - house carpenter, n side Ln btw 7 and 8w, nr cen
Ball, ____ (Mrs.) - boarding house, n side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Ball, H. W. - clk, office of 5th Auditor, w side 1e btw B and Cn, nr cen
Ball, Isaac - watchmaker, n side New York av btw 12 and 13w, nr 12
Ball, John - n side Gn btw 2 and 3w, nr 3
Ball, John T. - w side 1e btw B and Cn, nr cen
Ball, M. A. (Mrs.) - milliner and dressmaker, w side New York av btw 12 and 13w, nr 12
Ball, Robert - n side Gn btw 2 and 3w, nr 3
Ballinger, George - bricklayer, s side Ds btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Balmain, Andrew - clk, office of Surgeon General, s side Gn btw 13 and 14w, nr cen
Baly, Robert - laborer, e side 25 btw I and Kn, nr cen
Bandel, A. J. - e side 8w btw L and Mn, nr L
Banks, Joseph - grocery, w side 7w btw I and Kn, nr K
Banner, Joshua - book binder, e side 10w btw E and Fn, nr F
Bannister, Aquilla - ducker, w side 13-1/2w btw Ds and Maryland av, nr D
Baptist, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, n side Bn btw 21 and 22w, nr 21
Barber, Casper - tinner, n side Ks btw 8 and 9e, nr 8
Barber, Jacob - shoemaker, w side 7w btw M and Nn, nr N
Barbour, ____ - stone mason, w side 26w btw K and Ln, nr K
Barclay, James - house painter, e side 7w, btw K and Ln, nr cen
Barclay, John D. - clk, office of Register of the Treasury, w side 18w btw Pennsylvania av and Fn, nr Pennsylvania
Barcroft, John - clk, Post Off Dept, n side In btw 20 and 21w, nr cen
Barker, James N. - Treasury Dept, e side New Jersey av btw A and Bs, nr B
Barker, ____ (Mrs.) - milliner, w side 7e btw K and Ls, nr K
Barnard, Charles - teacher, n side En btw 20 and 21w, nr 20
Barnes, George - butcher, n side Maryland av, btw 3 and 4e, nr 3
Barnes, H. - n side Missouri st btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 6
Barnes, Henry - confectioner, n side Pennsylvania av btw 2 and 3w, nr cen
Barnes, Lemuel - founder, near Eastern Branch Market
Barnes, Thomas - blacksmith, e side 11e btw M and Ns, nr N
Barnes, Thomas T. - w side 6w btw D and En, nr cen
Barnet, Richard - plasterer, e side 9w btw G and Hn, nr G
Barnhill, Gabriel - printer, e side 12w btw Maryland av and Es, cor Maryland
Barnhill, John L. - clk, Gen Land Office, e side 12w btw Maryland av and Es, cor Maryland
Barnhouse, Caleb - house carpenter, s side Maryland av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 6
Barret, Mary - tailoress, w side 1w btw Pennsylvania av and Bn, nr Pennsylvania
Barret, Thomas G. - constable, s side Dn btw 5 and 6e, nr 6
Barron, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, s side As btw New Jersey av and Is, nr cen
Barron, James - bricklayer, s side New York av btw 12 and 13w, nr 13
Barry, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, n side Es btw 8 and 9e, nr cen
Barry, ____ (Miss) - dressmaker, n side Pennsylvania av btw 1 and 2w, nr 1
Barry, Elizabeth - sells milk, w side 3w btw G and Hn, nr G
Barry, F. (Miss) - dressmaker, s side New York av btw 14 and 15w
Barry, R. - roll caller at Navy Yard, w side New Jersey av btw K and Ls, nr K
Barry, Richard - clk, Navy Yard, n side Ls btw 7 and 8e, nr 8
Barry, Richard - clk, Navy Yard, n side Ns btw 2 and 3e, nr 3
Barry, Richard - stonecutter, w side Vermont av btw K and Ln, nr L
Bartlet, Walter - blockmaker, e side 11e btw K and Ls, nr K
Bartlett, Isaac - coachmaker, n side Dn btw 13 and 13-1/2w, nr cen
Bartley, ____ - laborer, e side 11 e btw M and Ns, nr N
Bartley, Enos - blacksmith, e side 11e btw K and Ls, nr K
Bassett, Freeman - huckster, near Eastern Branch Market
Bassett, Isaac - messenger, U.S. Capitol, n side East Capitol st btw 1 and 2e, nr 2
Bassett, Simeon - messenger, U.S. Capitol, n side East Capitol st btw 1 and 2e, nr 2
Bates, E. H. - watchman, s side In btw 9 and 10w, nr cen
Bates, Frederick - w side 6, btw G and Hn, nr H
Bates, R. W. - merchant tailor, n side Pennsylvania av btw 19 and 20w, nr 20
Batt, ____ - saddler, n side Cn btw 10 and 11w, nr cen
Battley, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, n side Ms btw 11 and 12e, nr 12
Baum, Charles - grocery, s side In btw 6 and 7w, cor 6
Baum, Charles - grocery, w side 6w btw H and In, nr I
Baum, Elizabeth (Mrs.) - widow, s side En btw 5 and 6w, nr cen
Baxter, Thomas - painter, s side Pennsylvania av btw 19 and 20w, nr 20
Bayly, ____ - w side 6w btw G and Hn, nr cen
Bayly, Holland - laborer, e side 25 btw I and Kn, nr cen
Bayly, William F. - stationer, n side Pennsylvania av btw 11 and 12w, nr cen
Bayne, A. (Mrs.) - widow, s side Fn btw 17 and 18w, nr 17
Bayne, Thomas - shoemaker, w side 8e btw I and Ks, nr I
Beale, Robert - asst doorkeeper, U.S. Senate, n side Pennsylvania av btw 2 and 3e, nr 2
Beall, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, e side 3e btw East Capitol st and As, cor East Capitol
Beall, Benjamin - n side Fn btw 6 and 7w, cor 6
Beall, Harriet (Mrs.) - grocery, n side Ms btw 10 and 11e, nr 10
Beall, Richard M. - grocery, s side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr cen
Beall, Richard - w side 4-1/2w btw Pennsylvania av and Missouri st, nr Pennsylvania
Beall, William D. - clk, office of Paymaster General, Georgetown
Bean, Benjamin - house carpenter, e side 4-1/2w btw Missouri st and Pennsylvania av, nr Missouri
Bean, Benjamin - house carpenter, w side 3e btw K and Ls, nr L
Bean, Colmore - n side Ds btw 3 and 4e, nr 3
Bean, George - grocery w side 3e btw N and Os, cor N
Beane, ____ (Rev.) - pastor, Christ Church, n side Gs btw 6 and 7e, nr cen
Beardsly, Joseph - confectioner, n side Pennsylvania av btw 12 and 13w, nr 12
Beasly, J. - hacks, s side Louisiana av btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Beatch, Allen - blacksmith, n side Ms btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Beatly, Cageby (Catesby?) - ducker, w side 22w btw B and Cn, nr B
Beatty, Charles - grocery, s side Kn btw 27 and 28w, nr 28
Beck, J. W. - messenger, U.S. House of Reps, n side As btw 3 and 4e, nr 3
Beck, Rezin - teacher, e side 6w btw G and Hn, nr H
Becker, John H. - grocery, n side Hn btw 8 and 9w, cor 8
Bede, George - butter dealer, n side Gn btw 12 and 13w, nr 13
Beeler, ____ - butcher, w side 13-1/2w btw Ds and Maryland av, nr D
Beeler, ____ (Mrs.) - boarding house, n side Cn btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Beeler, Christian L. - n side Cn btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Beeler, E. (Mrs.) - widow, s side Virginia av btw 8 and 9e, nr cen
Beers, Isaac - Temperance Hotel, n side Pennsylvania av btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr 4-1/2
Beetle, ___ (Mrs.) - dressmaker, s side Pennsylvania av btw 19 and 20w, nr 20
Begnem, William - shoemaker, w side 21w btw E and Fn, nr E
Beitzel, John W. - w side 13-1/2 btw Ds and Maryland av, nr D
Bell, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, e side 3e btw N and Os, nr N
Bell, William - dyer and scourer, s side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Bell, William - w side 12w btw Hn and New York av, nr New York
Belt, Thomas J. - farrier, w side 7w btw M and Nn, nr M
Bender, George - chief clk, Ordnance Office, n side In btw 20 and 21w, nr 20
Bender, Jacob - bricklayer, n side En btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Benezett, ____ (Mrs.) - grocery, e side 21w btw G and Hn, cor H
Benezett, Hazle - wheelwright, e side 21w btw H and In, nr I
Benning, Ann (Mrs.) - widow, w side 7w btw E and Fn, nr F
Benson, W. B. - house carpenter, n side Gn btw 11 and 12w, nr 11
Benter, William - refectory, n side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 6
Benthall, W. C. - clk, office of 1st Comptroller, Georgetown
Benton, Thomas H. - U.S. Senator, s side Cn btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr 4-1/2
Bentzle, John - tailor, s side Fn btw 10 and 11w, nr 11
Bernard, Edward - clk, Gen Land Office, s side Kn btw 8 and 9
Beron, Jerome - house painter, e side 5w btw H and In, nr H
Berrian, Herbert - clk, office of 4th Auditor, w side 20w btw G and Hn, nr H
Berry, Brooke M. - clk, U.S. House of Reps, w side 1e btw B and Cn, nr B
Berry, John - blacksmith, e side 11e btw K and Ls, nr K
Berry, Michael R. - teacher, w side 10w btw G and Hn, nr G
Berry, Thomas - stonecutter, n side New York av btw 12 and 13w, nr 12
Berryman, Leroy H. - clk, office of Indian Affairs, w side 12w btw G and Hn, nr cen
Berryman, William B. - clk, office of Register of Treasury, n side Cs btw 12 and 13w, cor 13
Bestor, C. - n side Dn btw 2 and 3w, nr 3
Bestor, O. H. - clk, General Land Office, s side Gn btw 11 and 12w, nr 11
Beuixenstein, Charles F. - s side Fn btw 9 and 10w, nr 9
Biggs, Levi - laborer, s side Fn btw 25 and 26w, nr cen
Bigley, Philip - musician, n side Gs btw 6 and 7e, nr 7
Bihler, ____ (Mrs.) - fancy store, n side Pennsylvania av btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Billings, W. W. - clk, office of Paymaster General, n side Ln btw 13 and 14w, cor 13
Bingey, Thomas S. - watchman, Navy Dept, w side 19w btw New York av and Dn, nr cen
Bird, E. - house carpenter, s side Maryland av btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Bird, William - house carpenter, s side Maryland av btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Birth, James - e side 3w btw B and Cn, nr cen
Birth, S. - stonecutter, e side 3w btw Indiana av and Cn, cor Indiana
Briscoe, Bennet - collector, s side Ls btw 6 and 7e, nr 7
Briscoe, Jane E. - milliner, s side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Bishop, Henry - shoemaker, e side 6w btw H and In, nr I
Bitner, W. G. - locksmith n side Pennsylvania av btw 17 and 18w, nr 18
Black, ____ (Mrs.) - tavern, e side 7w btw Pennsylvania av and Bn, nr cen
Black, F. - w side 3w btw Pennsylvania av and Cn, nr cen
Blagden, ____ (Miss) - s side Indiana av btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr 4-1/2
Blagden, Thomas - lumber yard, s side Georgia av btw 3 and 4e, nr 3
Blagden, Thomas - e side New Jersey av btw I and Ks, nr K
Blair, Francis P. - editor of The Globe [newspaper], n side "Executive Way" btw Lafayette sq and 17w, nr cen (see Note 1)
Blake, John A. - bookbinder, e side 11w btw E and Fn, nr cen
Blake, John B. - clk, office of the Register of the Treasury, n side Cn btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr 3
Blanchard, Ann (Mrs.) - widow, w side 8w btw E and Fn, nr F
Blanchard, M. (Mrs.) - dressmaker, e side 10w btw Pennsylvania av and Cn nr C
Bland, John - blacksmith, e side 6e btw C and Ds, nr D
Bland, William - founder, n side Virginia av btw 6 and 7e, nr 7
Bode, W. (Dr.) - physician, w side Ds btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Bogan, John - bricklayer, e side 10w btw E and Fn, nr F
Bogart, Jacob - shoemaker, n side Hn btw 4 and 5w, nr 4
Bogle, John - stonecutter, e side 6w btw K and Ls, nr L
Bogle, John - stonecutter, w side 13-1/2w btw Ds and Maryland av, nr D
Bogs, W. G. - clk, Navy Dept, Georgetown
Bogus, Thomas - blacksmith, e side 11w btw Maryland av and Es, nr Maryland
Bohlayer, John - butcher, s side Is btw 8 and 9e, nr 9
Bohlayer, John C. - cartman, e side 13w btw Maryland av and Es, nr E
Bohrer, George A. - clk, Post Office Dept, Georgetown
Boone, John - n side Cn btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Boone, John F. - clk, office of Auditor, Post Office Dept, e side 7w btw l and Kn, nr K
Bootes, Samuel M. - clk, Office of the Treasurer, Georgetown
Booth, Benjamin - blacksmith, w side 11e btw K and Ls, nr K
Booth, Thomas - waterman, n side Maryland av btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Borchere, ____ (Rev.) - n side Louisiana av, btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Borland, Alexander - house carpenter, n side Ln btw 15 and 16w, nr cen
Borremans, C. - tavern, n side Pennsylvania av btw 21 and 22w, nr 22
Borrows, Joseph (Dr.) - physician, n side En btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Boss, Abraham J. - n side Massachusetts av btw 4 and 5w, nr 4
Boss, James H. - penny-post, n side Massachusetts av btw 4 and 5w, nr 4
Boswell, George - n side Louisiana av btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Boswell, R. H. - shoemaker, n side 9w btw D and En, nr D
Boteler, C. W. - n side Dn btw 2 and 3w, nr 3
Boulanger, A. - restaurant, s side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr cen
Bouvett, Matthew - tailor, s side In btw 18 and 19w, nr 18
Bowen, George - chimney sweep, w side 12w btw E and Fn, nr cen
Bowen, James - n side Massachusetts av btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Bowen, John - printer, w side 8w btw G and Hn, nr H
Bowen, ____ (Mrs.) - boarding house, w side 6w btw D and En, nr D
Boyd, Hugh M. - house painter, e side 20w btw Hn and Pennsylvania av, nr Pennsylvania
Boyd, Joseph - plasterer, w side 7w btw K and Ln, nr L
Boyd, Joseph K. - upholsterer, n side Dn btw 10 and 11w, nr 11
Boyd, R. B. - messenger, Post Office Dept, e side 7w btw C and Dn, nr cen
Boyle, John - e side 10w btw D and En, nr E
Boyle, John K. - near Easby's ship yard (extreme w end of Dn)
Boyle, Junius (Lieutenant) - U.S. Navy, s side New York av btw 13 and 14w, nr 14
Bradford, Charles - picture frame maker, e side 4-1/2w btw Missouri St and Pennsylvania av, nr Pennsylvania
Bradley, ____ - brushmaker, w side 8w btw D and En, nr E
Bradley, ____ (Mrs.) - boarding house, s side Is btw 7 and 8e, cor 8
Bradley, ____ (Mrs.) - seamstress, w side 7w btw G and Hn, nr H
Bradley, Columbus - n side Dn btw 2 and 3w, nr 3
Bradley, H. - w side 7w btw E and Fn, nr cen
Bradley, John T. - huckster, n side Maryland av btw 13 and 13-1/2w, nr 13-1/2
Bradley, Joseph H. - lawyer, s side Louisiana av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Bradley, Phineas - s side Virginia av btw 7 and 8w, nr 7
Bradley, William A. - s side Virginia av btw 7 and 8w, nr 7
Brady, John - baker, n side Ks btw 6 and 7e, nr 7
Brady, N. - n side Georgia av btw 3 and 4e, nr 3
Brady, Peter - clk, Office of 2d Auditor, w side New Jersey av btw B and Cs
Bannan, John - n side Nn btw 14 and 15w, nr 15
Brashears, Thomas - shoemaker, w side 7w btw Virginia av and Ds, nr D
Brawner, ____ (Mrs.) - boarding house, n side Pennsylvania av btw 2 and 3w, nr cen
Braxton, Richard - stage driver, e side 11w, btw Maryland av and Es, nr E
Brent, Henry - artist, w side New Jersey av btw D and Es, nr E
Brent, William - Clerk of Washington County, e side Delaware av btw B and Cn, nr cen
Brereton, ____ (Mrs. Dr.) - n side En btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Brereton, S. - grocery, n side Fn btw 6 and 7w, cor 7
Breschard, ____ (Mrs.) - female seminary, w side 9w btw E and Fn, cor E
Breslyn, Michael - n side Ls btw 4 and 5e, nr 4
Brest, James - chimney sweep, n side Cn btw 10 and 11w, nr 10
Brest, R. (Mrs.) - dressmaker e side 10w btw Pennsylvania av and Cn, nr C
Brewer, Edward - clk, office of Commanding General, Georgetown
Brewer, Henry - clk, office of Register of the Treasury, Georgetown
Bridget, Arthur - laborer, w side 24w btw I and Kn, nr cen
Bridget, Charles - laborer, w side 24w btw I and Kn, nr cen
Bridget, John - ropemaker, near Eastern Branch Market
Bridget, M. (Mrs.) - widow, w side 24w btw I and Kn, nr cen
Bridget, Richard - blacksmith, s side Louisiana av btw 9 and 10w, nr 9
Briggs, Thomas - tailor, s side Pennsylvania av btw 14 and 15w, nr 15
Bright, Henry - huckster, w side 9w btw Louisiana av and Bn, nr B
Bright, John - ropemaker, near Eastern Branch Market
Bright, Rebecca (Mrs.) - dry good store, s side Ls btw 6 and 7e, nr 7
Brightwell, John A. - clk, office of 1st Auditor, e side 9w btw L and Mn, nr L
Briscoe, ____ (Miss) - boarding house, n side Missouri st btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr cen
Briscoe, Richard G. - n side Missouri st btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr 4-1/2
Britton, John - house carpenter, n side In btw 14 and 15w, nr 14
Brodbeck, Jacob - messenger, office of Paymaster General, n side In btw 17 and 18w, nr 18
Brodhead, J. M. - clk, office of 2d Comptroller, w side New Jersey av btw B and Cn, nr cen
Bronaugh, J. W., Jr. - clk, office of 1st Auditor, e side 9w btw D and En, nr cen
Bronaugh, J. W., Sr. - clk, office of 1st Auditor, e side 9w btw D and En, nr cen
Bronaugh, John W. - clk, office of Auditor, Post Office Dept, w side New Jersey av btw B and Cs, nr C
Bronaugh, William J. - clk, Post Office Dept, s side Maryland av btw 12 and 13w, nr 12
Brook, Ellen (Mrs.) - widow, w side 19w btw I and Kn, nr K
Brooke, Walter T. - clk, General Land Office, Georgetown
Brooks, Carroll - grocery, e side 7w btw F and Gn, nr cen
Brooks, John - house carpenter, n side Fn btw 5 and 6w, cor 5
Brooks, Mary - grocery, n side Fn btw 5 and 6w, cor 5
Brooks, Patrick H. - segar [cigar] dealer and periodical agent, n side Pennsylvania av btw 14 and 15w, nr cen
Broom, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, s side Pennsylvania av btw 3 and 4e, nr 4
Brower, G. - watchmaker, s side Ls btw 7 and 8e, nr 7
Brown, Addison - huckster s side East Capitol st btw 12 and 13e, nr 12
Brown, Barbary (Mrs.) - n side Louisiana av btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Brown, Charles - butcher, n side Maryland av btw 6 and 7e, nr 6
Brown, D. - cabinet maker, n side Pennsylvania av btw 14 and 15w, nr cen
Brown, Daniel - clk, Pension Office w side 18w btw H and In, nr H
Brown, Edmond T. - clk, The Globe [newspaper] office, s side Hn btw 13 and 14w, nr cen
Brown, Eleazer T. - printer, e side 14w btw E and Fn, nr cen
Brown, Henry - w side 7w btw L and Mn, nr M
Brown, J. - livery stable, s side En btw 5 and 6w, cor 6
Brown, James - livery stable, s side En btw 13-1/2 and 14w, cor 13-1/2
Brown, James (Rev.) - n side Is btw 6 and 7e, nr 7
Brown, James W. - blacksmith, n side Ks btw 5 and 6e, nr 5
Brown, John - house carpenter, n side Ln btw 8 and 9w, nr 9
Brown, John - laborer, btw 10 and 11w, nr the river
Brown, John - laborer, s side Virginia av btw 22 and 23w, nr 23
Brown, Mary (Mrs.) - widow, e side 20w btw E and Fn, nr E
Brown, O. B. (Rev.) - s side En btw 8 and 9w, nr 9
Brown, Reuben - huckster, e side 13w btw Maryland av and Es, nr E
Brown, Richard - plasterer e side 20w btw E and Fn, nr E
Brown, Robert - s side As btw 1e and New Jersey av, nr 1
Brown, Simon - messenger, U.S. House of Reps, n side An btw Delaware av and 1e, nr 1
Brown, W. V. H. - clk, General Land Office, s side En btw 8 and 9w, nr 9
Brown, William - house carpenter, w side 10w btw E and Fn, nr E
Brown, William - plasterer e side 20w btw E and Fn, nr E
Browne, William - clk, office of 4th Auditor, s side Gn btw 17 and 18w, nr 17
Browning, P. W. - merchant tailor, n side Pennsylvania av btw 3 and 4-1/2, nr cen
Browning, P. W. - n side Maryland av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Brush, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, w side 11w btw Pennsylvania av and En, nr cen
Bryan, Joseph - house carpenter, n side In btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Bryant, John A. - 2d Asst Postmaster Gen'l, Post Office Dept, e side 12w btw E and Fn, nr cen
Bryant, John Y. - clk, General Land Office, e side 9w btw H and In, nr cen
Buck, ____ (Mrs.) - boarding house, s side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Buckingham, C. - black and whitesmith, s side Cn btw 10 and 11w, nr 11
Buckingham, C. - e side 10w btw Pennsylvania av and Cn, nr Pennsylvania
Buckingham, E. F. - apothecary, n side Pennsylvania av btw 12 and 13w, cor 12
Buckley, James - blockmaker, n side Is btw 9 and 10e, nr 10
Buel, Martin - printer, n side In btw 7 and 8w, nr 8
Bugget, Richard - blacksmith, e side 11w btw L and Mn
Buist, ____ - w side 11w btw H and In, nr cen
Bulfinch, S. G. (Rev.) - pastor, Unitarian Church, n side Bn btw 2 and 3w, nr cen
Bulfinch, S. G. - teacher, w side 1w btw Pennsylvania av and Bn, nr Bn
Bulley, A. F. - grocery, e side 8e btw I and Ks, cor K
Bulley, Ellen (Mrs.) - widow, n side Virginia av btw 7 and 8e, nr 7
Bunn, Robert - huckster, w side 3w btw G and Hn, nr G
Burch, ____ - billiard room, s side Pennsylvania av btw 14 and 15w, nr cen
Burch, ____ - plasterer, w side 4w btw Massachusetts av and In, nr cen
Burch, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, e side New Jersey av btw L and Ms, nr L
Burch, Albert - e side 4w btw G and Hn, nr cen
Burch, B. - house carpenter, s side Gn btw 12 and 13w, nr 12
Burch, James - w side 7w btw D and Es, nr E
Burch, Joseph - house carpenter, e side 5w btw H and In, nr I
Burch, Richard - bricklayer, s side Fn btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Burch, Samuel - principal clk, office of House of Representatives, New Jersey av, north of the Capitol
Burch, Thomas - house carpenter, s side Mass av btw 4 and 5w, nr cen
Burch, Wesley - cartman, s side (?) btw 8 and 8w, nr 7
Burdine, Alfred - e side 6e btw G and Hs, nr H
Burdine, Alfred - porter house, n side Ks btw 8 and 9e, nr 8
Burdine, Reuben - n side Dn btw 5 and 6w, nr 6
Burdine, William - house carpenter, n side Is btw 6 and 7e, nr 6
Burger, ____ - w side 6w btw G and Hn, nr cen
Burger, John T. - e side 5w btw H and In, nr H
Burger, William B. - grocery, e side 7w btw D and En, cor E
Burgess, C. H. - sexton, Trinity Church, n side Bn btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Burgess, Charles - e side 16e btw K and Ls, nr K
Burgess, James - e side 16e btw K and Ls, nr K
Burgman, William - musician, w side 10w btw New York av and Kn, nr cen
Burket, E. (Mrs.) - widow, e side 5w btw H and In, nr cen
Burmon, E. - dressmaker, n side Gn btw 12 and 13w, cor 13
Burnison, William J. - blacksmith, w side 7e btw L and Ms, nr M
Burns, Benjamin - s side Bn btw 2 and 3w, nr 3
Burr, ____ - wood and coal yard, s end 3e, nr the river
Burr, R. R. - s side Fn btw 2 and 3w, nr 3
Burr, Thomas - laborer, e side 5e btw F and Gs, nr G
Burrell, John - laborer, e side 25w btw I and Kn, nr cen
Burrows, J. S. (Mrs.) - boarding house, e side 13w btw E and Fn, nr cen
Burrows, William - carpenter, s side Bs btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Bury, James - blacksmith, n side Virginia av btw 6 and 7e, nr 7
Bury, William - blacksmith, w side 8e btw I and Ks, nr K
Busby, ____ - hackman, n side Pennsylvania av btw 21 and 22w, nr 22
Butler, Abraham - United States Hotel, s side Fn btw 13 and 14w, nr 13
Butler, John A. W. - shoemaker, n side Hn btw 21 and 22w, nr 21
Butler, John D. - n side Hn btw 4 and 5w, nr 5
Butler, Joseph - printer, w side 9w btw In and New York av, nr cen
Butler, Philip - livery stable, w side 9w btw D and En, nr E
Butler, Thomas - blacksmith, e side 11e btw M and Ns, nr M
Bying, Samuel - blacksmith, n side Ns btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr cen
Byrne, M. - e side 10w btw Pennsylvania av and Cn, nr Pennsylvania av
Byrns, Terese - s side Fn btw 9 and 10w, nr 9
Byrum, John - millwright, nr Easby's ship yard (extreme w end of Dn)
Cabell, Edward - clk, General Land Office, n side In btw 18 and 19w, nr 18
Caden, James - clk, Post Office Dept, s side Fn btw 7 and 8w, nr 8
Cake, J. H. - baker, n side East Capitol st btw 1 and 2e, nr 1
Caldwell, J. F. - n side Maryland av btw 12 and 13w, nr 13
Call, James - shoemaker, w side 8e btw K and Ls, nr K
Callahan, James - clk, Navy Dept, n side Ln btw 15 and 16w, cen
Callahan, James - hackman, n side Maryland av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Callahan, Peter - laborer, s side Ls btw 4 and 5e, nr 4
Callan, John F. - druggist and seedsman, n side En btw 6 and 7w, cor 7
Callan, Mary (Mrs.) - widow, e side 10w btw E and Fn, nr F
Callan, N. - grocer, s side Fn btw 14 and 15w, nr 15
Callan, Nicholas - notary public, n side Fn btw 14 and 15w, nr cen
Callan, Nicholas, Jr. - e side 14w btw H and In, cen
Callan, P. - stone mason, s side Fn btw 9 and 10w, nr 9
Callan, Peter - cabinet maker, e side 7w btw G and Hn, nr G
Callico, Barton - watchman, e side 11e btw N and Os, nr N
Calvert, Charles - clk, War Dept, e side 19w btw I and Kn, nr I
Cambloss, G. W. - clk, General Land Office, e side 4-1/2w btw Pennsylvania av and Cn, nr cen
Cameron, George - blacksmith, s side Cn btw 12 and 13w, cen
Cammack, C. - merchant tailor, n side Fn btw 14 and 15w, nr 15
Cammack, William - collector, s side En btw 12 and 13w, nr 12
Campbell, Daniel - n side Cn btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr cen
Campbell, W. H. - s side En btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Campbell, W. H. - n side Bn btw 2 and 3w, nr 3
Carberry, James - inspector of lumber, n side Es, btw 5 and 6e, cor 6
Carberry, Thomas - w side 17w btw C and Dn, cor C
Carlisle, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, Missouri st, btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr 3
Carrico, James - house carpenter, e side 20w, btw E and Fn, nr cen
Carroll, Daniel - n side Fs btw 1 and 2e, nr cen
Carroll, James B. - tailor, n side Maryland av, btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Carroll, Michael - blacksmith, n side Ns btw 4-1/2 and 6w, cor 4-1/2
Carroll, William T. - clk, Supreme Court, n side Fn btw 18 and 19w, cor 18
Carothers, Andrew - grocer, n side Fn btw 11 and 12w, cor 11
Carter, John - n side Mn btw 24 and 25w, nr 25
Carter, John - blacksmith, near Eastern Branch Market
Carter, John - blacksmith, n side Is btw 10 and 11e, nr 10
Carter, Joseph - clk, office of Auditor, Post Office Dept, w side 12w btw G and Hn, nr cen
Carusi, N. - music teacher, s side Pennsylvania av btw 10 and 11w, nr 10
Casparis, J. - grocer, s side As btw New Jersey av and 1e, cor New Jersey av
Cassady, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, w side 8e btw G and Is, nr I
Cassanave, Peter - wood and coal yard, w side 10w, nr canal
Cassanave, Peter - w side 14w btw D and Es, nr D
Cassel, J. A. - bricklayer, n side Virginia av btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Cassel, J. T. - house painter, n side Virginia av btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Cassel, John T. - house painter, w side 13w btw C and Ds, nr C
Catalano, Antonio, Jr. - ship joiner, e side 7e btw Virginia av and Is, nr I
Catalano, Salvadore - sailing master, Navy, s side Is btw 7 and 8e, nr 7
Casteel, John - house carpenter, n side Georgia av btw 10 and 11e, nr 11
Casteel, Mary (Mrs.) - widow, w side 4w btw Virginia av and Is, nr Virginia av
Cathcart, James L. - clk, office of 2d comptroller, s side In btw 17 and 18w, nr 17
Caton, Michael - printer, w side 5w btw F and Gn, nr G
Caton, Patrick H. - e side 5w btw Massachusetts av and Kn, nr K
Causin, N. P. (Dr.) - physician, w side 11w btw G and Hn, nr G
Causin, N. P., Jr. - clk, General Land Office, w side 11w btw G and Hn, nr G
Causten, James H. - agent and notary public, s side Fn btw 14 and 15w, nr 15
Causten, James H., Jr. (Dr.) - physician, s side Fn btw 14 and 15w, nr 15
Cavis, Adam T. - printer, e side 6w btw G and Hn, nr H
Cecil, Thomas - w side 4w btw Massachusetts av and In, nr I
Chambers, B. - engraver, n side Pennsylvania av btw 9 and 10w, nr 9
Chambers, B. - e side 10w btw D and En, nr E
Chaney, John T. - house carpenter, s side Dn btw 13 and 13-1/2w, nr 13
Chaney, Rigner - n side In btw 14 and 15w, nr 14
Chaney, Thomas - messenger, U.S. House of Rep, n side Pennsylvania av btw 2 and 3e, nr 2
Chapman, Jonathan - shoemaker, s side Pennsylvania av btw 19 and 20w, nr 20
Chase, William - blacksmith, w side 7w btw G and Hn, cen
Chauncey, Charles W. (Commander) - U.S. Navy, n side In btw 20 and 21w, nr 21
Cheshire, ____ (Mrs.) - boarding house, w side 7w btw D and En, nr D
Chew, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, w side 9w btw In and New York av, nr cen
Chezum, James H. - house carpenter, n side Cs btw 12 and 13w, nr 12
Childs, E. L. - principal clk, Post Office Dept, w side 10 btw F and Gn, nr F
Childs, John W. - house carpenter, e side 12w btw B and Cn, cor B
Chisholm, ____ (Miss) - boarding house, s side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, cen
Chisholm, John - cooper, w side 22w btw B and C, nr B
Choate, W. C. - cupper, bleeder, and leecher, w side 3w btw Pennsylvania av and Cn, nr Pennsylvania av
Churn, James - laborer, e side 9e btw L and Ms, nr M
Chusler, Charles - locksmith, e side 7w btw D and En, nr E
Cissel, G. W. - tavern, w side 7w btw H and I, nr H
Cissel, Thomas - house carpenter, n side Pennsylvania av btw 24 and 25w
Claggett, Darius - s side Fn btw 10 and 11w, cor 10
Clark, Abraham - house carpenter, e side 6w btw G and H, nr G
Clark, Ann (Miss) - dressmaker, s side Ls btw 8 and 9e, nr 9
Clark, Edward W. - apothecary, w side 7e btw K and Ls, cor L
Clark, George - house carpenter, w side 11e btw M and Ns, nr N
Clark, Isaac - n side Hn btw 7 and 8w, nr 8
Clark, John D. - magistrate, s side Pennsylvania av btw 12 and 13w, nr 13
Clark, John D. - w side 13w btw C and Dn, nr D
Clark, Mason - n side Dn btw 22 and 23, nr cen
Clark, Robert - house carpenter, n side Ls btw 8 and 9e, nr 9
Clark, Robert - house carpenter, n side Ks btw 8 and 9e, nr 9
Clark, Robert - house carpenter, s side Virginia av btw 8 and 9e, nr cen
Clark, Samuel (Dr.) - surgeon dentist, w side 11w btw Pennsylvania av and En, nr Pennsylvania av
Clark, Thomas - messenger, U.S. Capitol, n side East Capitol st btw 3 and 4, cor 3
Clark, Walter - s side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Clark, William - w side 14e btw I and Ks, nr I
Clarke, M. St. Clair - clk, U.S. House of Reps, n side Hn btw Vermont av and 16w, nr cen
Clarvoe, J. H. - tavern, e side 7w btw Pennsylvania av and Bn, nr cen
Claxton, Alfred - printer, e side 9w btw In and New York av, nr cen
Cleary, William - n side Hn btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Clemens, Henry - house painter, s side Nn btw 18 and 19w, nr cen
Clemens, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, s side Nn btw 18 and 19w, nr cen
Clemens, Noah - house painter, w side 4-1/2w btw C and Ds, nr C
Clements, B. H. - house painter, n side Pennsylvania av btw 17 and 18w, nr 18
Clements, Bennet - clk, office of 3d Auditor, Georgetown
Clements, J. T. - house carpenter, w side 5w btw G and H (?), nr cen
Clements, R. H. - magistrate, n side East Capitol st btw 1 and 2e, nr 2
Clements, Robert - magistrate, s side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr cen
Clements, William - shoemaker, e side 5w btw Massachusetts av and Kn, nr K
Clementson, William - printer, w side 9w btw H and In, cor H
Clephane, James - s side Gn btw 12 and 13w, nr 12
Clephane, James - perfumery and fancy store, n side Pennsylvania av btw 11 and 12w, cor 12
Clitch, F. - worsted and fancy store, n side Pennsylvania av btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Cloaky, Robert - house carpenter, n side Gn btw 12 and 13w, nr 13
Clubb, Lewis - e side 9w btw H and In, nr H
Coburn, John - e side Pennsylvania av btw 17 and 18w, nr cen
Cochran, George - boarding house, n side Dn btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Coddington, John - n side Bn btw 2 and 3w, nr 3
Coe, Benjamin - coachmaker, s side Maryland av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 6
Cohen, Robert H. - shoemaker, w side 13w btw C and Dn, nr D
Cohen, S. J. (Mrs.) - boarding house, n side Pennsylvania av btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Colclazer, Jacob - blacksmith, e side 21w, btw H and In, nr I
Cole, Elizabeth (Mrs.) - widow, e side 10e, btw M and Ns, nr M
Coleman, James - morocco dresser, n side Kn btw 27 and 28w, nr 28
Collard, George - e side 4e btw L and Ms, nr M
Collard, George - lumber and wood yard, w side 6w, nr canal
Collins, ____ (Mrs.) - milliner, w side 9w btw Pennsylvania av and Dn, nr D
Collins, Alfred - bricklayer, n side Kn btw 25 and 26w, nr 26
Collins, J. H. - grocery, n side Maryland av btw 13 and 13-1/2w, cor 13-1/2
Collins, Thomas - laborer, e side 10w btw E and Fn, nr F
Collins, W. T. - house carpenter, w side 8w btw G and Hn, nr G
Collins, William - s side Kn btw 24 and 25w, nr cen
Collison, C. - s side Pennsylvania av, btw 24 and 25w, nr 25
Coltman, Charles - s side Mn btw 13 and 14w, nr cen
Combe, Rachael - widow, e side 13-1/2w btw C and Dn, nr C
Combs, M. R. - grocer, s side Pennsylvania av btw 10 and 11w, cor 10
Combs, Samuel - messenger, General Land Office, n side In btw 14 and 15, nr 14
Compton, J. W. - clk, office of Solicitor of the Treasury, n side Dn btw 2 and 3w, nr 3
Compton, Jane (Mrs.) - widow, n side Dn btw 2 and 3w, nr 3
Condict, H. F. (Dr.) - physician, e side 12w btw Pennsylvania av and En, nr cen
Connelly, Owen - Farmer's Hotel, n side Dn btw 8 and 9w, cor 8
Connelly, Peter - s side Fn btw 2 and 3w, nr 3
Connelly, Thomas - s side Gn btw 11 and 12w, nr 12
Conner, D. - blacksmith and old iron dealer, n side Pennsylvania av btw 21 and 22, nr 22
Conner, David (Captain) - U.S. Navy, n side Ln btw 24 and 25, nr 25
Conner, Michael - founder, w side 8e btw F and Gs, nr G
Conner, Thomas - n side In btw 21 and 22, nr 21
Connery, Edward - butter dealer, w side 4-1/2w btw C and Ds, nr D
Connor, John - bricklayer, w side 7w btw M and Ln, nr L
Connington, Michael - laborer, n side En btw 14 and 15w, nr cen
Cook, John - blacksmith, w side 7e btw H and In, nr I
Cook, John - house carpenter, w side 11e btw I and Ks, nr I
Cook, Leonard O. - cabinet maker, e side 7w btw Pennsylvania av and Bn, cor B
Cook, Matthew - s side Hn btw 3 and 4w, nr 3
Cook, Randel - seaman, s side Georgia av btw 11 and 12e, nr 12
Cook, Thomas - engine builder, n side Ks btw 11 and 12e, cor 12
Cook, William - house painter, s side Cs btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Cook, William - blacksmith, w side 7e btw H and In, nr I
Cookendorfer, Thomas - e side 9w btw Pennsylvania av and Dn, nr cen
Coolidge, Edmund - clk, General Land Office, s side Gn btw 21 and 22w, nr cen
Coolidge, Eliza (Mrs.) - boarding house, s side Gn btw 11 and 12w, nr cen
Coolidge, James - clk, office of Auditor, Post Office Dept, Georgetown
Coombes, Griffith - w side 3e btw N and Os, nr N
Coombs, Michael - e side 10w btw New York av and Kn, cor K
Coombs, R. M. - dry goods store, w side 8e btw I and Ks, nr K
Cooper, H. - bricklayer, e side 10w btw New York av and Kn, nr K
Cooper, Lloyd - house carpenter, s side En btw 10 and 11w, cor 11
Cooper, Miles - U.S. Marine Corps, s side Virginia av btw 7 and 8e, nr 8
Cooper, S. - collector, e side 8w btw Pennsylvania av and Dn, nr Pennsylvania
Cooper, William - Commissioner, 3d ward, s side Ds btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Coote, C. T. - Magistrate, n side Cn btw 4-1/2 and 6w, cor 6
Corcoran, Anna (Mrs.) - boarding house, n side Fn btw 13 and 14w
Corcoran, H. G. - grocery, e side 15w btw New York av and Gn, nr New York
Corcoran, Thomas - notary public, n side Kn btw 12 and 13w, nr 13
Corcoran, W. W. - n side Hn btw Vermont av and 15w, nr cen
Cornock, Sarah (Mrs.) - n side Fn btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Cornwall, John B. - sawyer, n side Fs btw 10 and 11w, nr 10
Costigan, John - grocery, e side 8e btw I and Ks, nr I
Costigan, John (Dr.) - physician, n side Is btw 10 and 11e, nr 10
Cover, Daniel - tanner and currier, n side Hn btw 12 and 13w, cor 13
Cowan, Hugh - laborer, w side 22w btw B and Cn, nr C
Cox, William - messenger, office of Auditor, Post Office Dept, s side In btw 9 and 10w, nr 9
Cox, ___ (Mrs.) - widow, s side Cn btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr cen
Cox, John - laborer, n side Ls btw 8 and 9e, nr cen
Coxe, Richard S. - lawyer, s side En btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Coyle, Andrew - s side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Coyle, F. - Missouri st btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Coyle, Leonidas - s side En btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Coyle, Randolph - clk, General Land Office, w side 12w btw Maryland av and Es, nr Maryland av
Crabb, Horatio N. - clk, office of U.S. House of Reps, s side Bs btw New Jersey av and 1e, nr 1
Crampton, J. - bricklayer, w side 12w btw E and Fn, nr cen
Crampsey, John - hatter, s side Fn btw 10 and 11w, nr 11
Cranch, William - judge, e side Delaware av btw B and Cn, nr cen
Crandell, George - house carpenter, side Pennsylvania av btw 1 and 2w, nr cen
Crandell, James - shoemaker, w side 8e btw G and Is, nr I
Crandell, James - leecher, e side 7e btw H and Is, nr I
Crane, Margaret - fruit store, w side 7w btw C and Dn, nr cen
Crane, W. M. (Captain) - U.S. Navy, s side Hn btw 19 and 20w, nr 19
Cranston, John - blockmaker, w side 7e, btw K and Ls, nr K
Craven, ____ (Mrs.) - boarding house, s side Gn btw 18 and 19w, cor 18
Crawford, A. - house carpenter, n side East Capitol st btw 3 and 4e, nr 3
Crawford, Adam - blacksmith, w side 7e btw H and Is, nr H
Crawford, T. Hartley - commissioner, Indian Affairs, s side Gn btw 19 and 20w
Crecer, Thomas - shoemaker, s side Fn btw 8 and 9w, nr 9
Creutzfeldt, William - tavern, s side Pennsylvania av btw 12 and 13, nr cen
Cripps, Samuel McL. - e side 11e btw Pennsylvania av and En, nr E
Croggen, H. B. - w side 12w btw Massachusetts av and Ln, nr Massachusetts
Croggen, Newton - e side 13-1/2w btw C and Dn, cor C
Croggin, Charles - huckster, n side Fs btw 9 and 10w, nr 9
Croggin, Isaac - shoemaker, n side Fs btw 9 and 10w, nr 9
Croghan, George (Colonel) - Army Inspector General, s side Gn btw 19 and 20w, nr 20
Crome, J. - locksmith, e side 15w btw Pennsylvania av and Fn, nr Pennsylvania
Cronan, Peggy (Mrs.) - widow, e side 6w btw G and Hn, nr cen
Cropley, William - printer, w side 8w btw G and Hn, nr G
Cross, Alexander - whitesmith, w side 3e btw L and Ms, nr M
Cross, Brooks (Brooke?) - blacksmith, n side Ks btw 11 and 12e, nr 12
Cross, Filder - baker, w side 9w btw D and En, cor E
Cross, Frank - lawyer, e side 4e btw K and Ls, nr K
Cross, Henry L. - w side 20w btw Pennsylvania av and Hn, nr H
Cross, Thomas B. - bricklayer, side Ls btw 4 and 5e, nr 4
Cross, Truman - Army Asst Quartermaster General, n side Kn btw 12 and 13w, nr 13
Cross, Washington - blacksmith, s side Ks btw 13 and 14e, nr 14
Crossfield, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, s side New York av btw 12 and 13w, nr 13
Crossfield, James - n side Hn btw 9 and 10w, nr 9
Crossfield, William - clk, Bank of the Metropolis, n side Hn btw 9 and 10w, nr 9
Crowmiller, Samuel - house carpenter, n side Gn btw 5 and 6e, nr 6
Crown, ___ - north end of 10th st west
Crown, ____ - n side Maryland av btw 7 and 8e, nr 8
Cruikshank, Richard - clk, Engineer Office, Georgetown
Cruit, Robert - butter dealer, n side Fn btw 14 and 15w, nr 14
Crump, G. W. - chief clk, Pension Office, s side Kn btw 8 and 9w
Cruttenden, H. - s side Kn btw 8 and 9w, nr 9
Cruttenden, T. R. - clk, office of Indian Affairs, Georgetown
Cryder, Michael - printer, w side 9w btw D and En, nr E
Cryer, J. - messenger, City Post Office, e side 14w btw B and Cs, nr B
Cudlip, Frederick - boarding house, s side Pennsylvania av btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr 3
Culver, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, s side Indiana av btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr 4-1/2
Culverwell, Richard - butter dealer, w side 7w btw I and Kn, nr K
Cumberland, John - boat builder, near Easby's ship yard
Cumlin, Charles - ducker, near Easby's ship yard
Cummings, I. G. (Mrs.) - n side Pennsylvania av btw 1 and 2w, nr 1
Cunningham, A. F. - e side 7w btw Louisiana av and Dn, nr D
Cunningham, ___ (Mrs.) - seamstress, n side Dn btw 5 and 6w, nr 6
Curran, Barney B. - house carpenter, s side New York av btw 12 and 13w, nr 13
Curtis, Mary (Mrs.) - widow, e side 8w btw L and Mn, cor L
Custis, William H. - n side Virginia av btw 3 and 4e, cor 4
Cuthbert, J. - tavern, s side Louisiana av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 6
Cutts, Charles - s side Fn btw 13 and 14w, nr cen
Cutts, R. - e side 14w btw E and Fn, nr cen
Dade, John B. - Keeper of the Penitentiary, south end 4-1/2 st w
Dallas, A. J. (Captain) - U.S. Navy, n side In btw 20 and 21w, nr cen
Dalton, William - grocer, n side En btw 5 and 6w, cor 6
Daly, James - grocery, w side 14w btw Pennsylvania av and En, nr Pennsylvania
Daly, Mary (Mrs.) - grocery, n side Ln btw 14 and 15w, cor 14
Daly, William - blacksmith, e side 11e btw N and Os, nr O
Daniel, J. H. - merchant tailor, n side Pennsylvania btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Daniel, Joseph H. - w side 7w btw D and En, nr D
Darby, William - clk, General Land Office, w side 17w btw C and Dn, nr cen
Darden, William J. - clk, Post Office Dept, n side New York av btw 9 and 10w, nr 9
Darnell, Francis H. - house painter, w side 18w btw H and In, nr H
Darrell, William S. - clk, office of the Auditor, Post Office Dept [home address not listed]
Dashiel, ____ (Mrs.) - boarding house, n side C btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Dashiel, F. B. - clk, Treasurer's Office, Georgetown
Dashiel, Thomas - n side Cn btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Davidge, F. H. - clk, Pension Office, cor 14 and New York av, n side
Davidson, J. B. - house carpenter, n side Fs btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Davidson, J. H. - house carpenter, w side 4e btw K and Ls, nr K
Davidson, James - shoemaker, e side 10w btw E and Fn, nr F
Davis, ____ - shoemaker, w side 11w, btw H and In, nr cen
Davis, A. McD. (Dr.) - physician, s side En btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Davis, Abel - brass founder, s side Is btw 11 and 12e, nr 11
Davis, Addison - blacksmith, w side 8e, btw G and Is, nr I
Davis, Barbara A. (Mrs.) - widow, e side 11e btw M and Ns, nr M
Davis, Charles A. - clk, General Land Office, n side Hn btw 18 and 19w, nr 18
Davis, George A. - messenger, office of 1st Auditor, w side Vermont av, btw K and L, nr L
Davis, George S. - w side 3e btw L and Ms, nr L
Davis, Hannibal - baker, n side Gn btw 7 and 8w, cor 8
Davis, J. - tavern, s side Dn btw 10 and 11w, cor 10
Davis, J. - machinist, n side Ns btw 2 and 3e, nr 3
Davis, James N. - printer, w side 9w btw In and New York av, nr I
Davis, James T. - n side En btw 11 and 12w, nr cen
Davis, James W. - boot and shoemaker, e side 15w btw Pennsylvania av and Fn, nr Pennsylvania
Davis, John (Rev.) - n side Gn btw 13 and 14w, nr 14
Davis, John - house carpenter, w side 6w btw H and In, nr H
Davis, John - house painter, s side Maine st btw 6 and 6w, nr 6
Davis, John - cooper, n side Ls btw 4 and 5e, nr 4
Davis, John (of Abel) - n side Is btw 10 and 11e, nr 10
Davis, John A. - carpenter, s side Is btw 4 and 5e, nr 4
Davis, Thomas - s side Bs btw 9 and 10w, cor 10
Dawes, F. W. (Dr.) - dental surgeon, w side 9w btw Pennsylvania av and Dn, cor D
Dawes, Joseph C. - w side 4-1/2w btw Missouri st and Pennsylvania av, cor Missouri
Day, David G. - wood and coal yard, w side 14w, nr the canal
Dayton, A. O. - office of 4th Auditor, w side 6w btw D and En, nr cen
Deal, W. G. - w side 6w btw G and Hn, nr H
Deal, William - house carpenter, s side Louisiana av btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Decamp, ____ - bookbinder, w side 9w btw D and En, nr E
Decatur, John - shoemaker, s side Georgia av btw 8 and 9e, nr 9
Deeble, Edward - bookbinder, e side 9w btw H and In, nr I
Degges, William - house carpenter, n side Pennsylvania av btw 17 and 18w, nr 18
Degue, Andrew - stonecutter, n side East Capitol st btw 5 and 6e, cor 5
Delany, M. - druggist and apothecary, n side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, cor 4-1/2
de la Roche, George T. - clk, Bureau of the Navy, Yards and Docks, Georgetown
Delzell, William - laborer, n side [?] btw 27 and 28w, nr 28
Dement, R. - w side 2w, [?], nr C
Demenou, Count - n side F [?], nr C
Denham, J. - dyer and scourer, n side Pennsylvania av btw 9 and 10w, nr cen
Deneal, K. - hackman, [?] and 9e, nr 9
Denham, (?) - [?] side En btw 13 and 13-1/2, nr cen
Dennison, Edward - shoemaker, [?] Ln btw 14 and 15w, nr 15
Dennison, John - [?] btw G and Is, nr G
Dennison, William H. - [?] btw E and Fn, nr F
Denny, Peter - shoemaker, [?] side New York av btw 14 and 15w, nr cen
Dent, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, w side 4-1/2 btw Louisiana av and C, nr Louisiana
Dent, H. L. - lawyer, w side 4-1/2 btw Louisiana av and C, nr Louisiana
Dermott, J. J. - lawyer, n side Louisiana av btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Derrick, William S. - clk, State Dept, s side Pennsylvania av btw 21 and 22w, nr 22
Derringer, B. M. - coal yard, s end 17w, near canal
DeSaules, P. A. - tavern, w side 7w btw D and En, cor E
DeSelding, Charles - e side 6w btw E and Fn, nr F
Devaughn, Samuel - cupper and leecher, e side 9w btw Pennsylvania av and Dn, nr cen
Devaughn, Thomas - printer, n side In btw 21 and 22w, nr 22
Devereux, William - clk, office of Commissioner of Indian Affairs, n side Kn btw 7 and 8w, nr 7
Devlin, J. S. - Pennsylvania av btw 2 and 3e, nr 2
Devlin, John - clk, office of 5th Auditor, n side In btw 19 and 20w, nr 20
Dewdny, John - constable, e side 22w btw Pennsylvania av and I, nr I
Dewees, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, e side 13w btw F and Gn, nr G
Dexter, John W. - constable, e side 14w btw E and Fn, nr cen
Dice, George - laborer, north end of 10th st
Dickerson, T. - blacksmith, w side 9e, btw I and Ks, nr cen
Dickins, A. - secretary, U.S. Senate, n side Fn btw 12 and 13w, nr 13
Dickins, F. A. - agent, w side 13w, btw E and Fn, nr cen
Dickins, James J. - lawyer, n side Pennsylvania av btw 14 and 15w, nr 15
Dietz, W. H. - clk, General Land Office, n side New York av btw 12 and 13w, nr 13
Digges, William - bricklayer, e side 20w btw E and Fn, cor F
Diggs, Samuel J. - bricklayer, e side 7w btw K and Ln, nr cen
Dippel, William - tailor, s side Pennsylvania av btw 9 and 10w, nr 9
Disher, Lewis - blacksmith, s side Ns btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 6
Dixon, ____ (Mrs.) - boarding house, s side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Dixon, J. J. - fashionable tailor, n side Louisiana av btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Dixon, Ruth - grocery, s side Fn btw 11 and 12w, cor 11
Dixon, William - clk, Navy Yard, s side Ls btw 3 and 4e, cor 4
Dodds, Reuben - cartman, n side Maryland av btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Dodson, James - w side 9w btw F and Gn, nr cen
Doerman, Charles - gunsmith and turner [?] side Pennsylvania av btw 9 and 10w, nr 9
Donaldson, Thomas - collector n side [?] 13-1/2 and 14w, nr [?]
Doney, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, e side 10e [?] btw M and Ns, nr M
Doniphan, W. T. - wheelwright s side [?] btw 10 and 11w, nr 11
Doniphan, William - wheelwright, n side [?] 9 and 10w, nr 10
Donn, George W. - cabinet maker, s side Hn btw 4 and 5w, nr cen
Donn, John - s side Hn btw 4 and 5w, nr cen
Donn, John M. - house furnishing store, [?] side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7, nr 6
Donn, John M. - n side Dn btw 2 and 3w, nr 3
Donn, Oliver H. P. - s side Hn btw 4 and 5w, nr cen
Donn, Thomas C. - s side Hn btw 4 and 5w, nr cen
Donn, Thomas C. - magistrate, n side Louisiana av btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Donelson, Thornton - n side Fs btw 7 and 8w, nr 8
Donohoo, J. A. - e side 7w btw C and Dn, cor D
Donowin, William - house carpenter, w side 8w btw G and Hn, nr G
Doolin, William - n side Virginia av btw 3 and 4e, nr 4
Dormer, ____ (Madam) - n side Hn btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Dorsett, F. K. - watchman, War Dept, n side Hn btw Vermont av and 16w, nr Vermont
Dorsey, ____ - coach painter, s side Maryland av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 6
Dotson, William - coachmaker, s side Dn btw 13 and 13-1/2w, nr 13
Dougherty, John - blacksmith, w side 8w btw G and Hn, nr G
Dougherty, Elizabeth - boarding house, s side Fn btw 13 and 14w, nr 13
Douglass, John - tavern, s side Louisiana av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 6
Douglass, John - florist and seedsman, n side Gn btw 14 and 15w, cor 15
Douglass, William - boot and shoe store, s side Pennsylvania av btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Douglass, William - carpenter, s side Hn btw 4 and 5w, nr cen
Dove, ___ (Mrs.) - widow, n side Fn btw 11 and 12w, nr cen
Dove, Benjamin - e side 4w btw F and Gn, nr F
Dove, Jilson - w side 7w btw I and Kn, nr K
Dove, John - house carpenter, n side Gn btw 7 and 8w, nr cen
Dove, John - cartman, w side 8w btw G and Hn, nr H
Dove, John - house carpenter, s side Ln btw 9 and 10w, nr cen
Dove, Thomas - messenger, office of 3d Auditor, s side In btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Dove, William T. - grocery, n side En btw 13 and 14w, nr 13
Dove, Z. - house carpenter, n side Massachusetts av btw 4 and 5w, nr cen
Dow, Jesse E. - agent and magistrate, n side Dn btw 10 and 11w, nr 10
Dowden, H. W. - house carpenter, n side C btw 12 and 13w, nr 13
Dowden, R. P. - n side In btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Dowling, William - tavern, s side Fn btw 13 and 14w, nr cen
Downer, Joseph - house carpenter, w side 13w btw C and Dn, nr C
Downey, _____ - musician, s side Ls btw 7 and 8e, nr 8
Downing, J. - house carpenter, s side 8w btw K and Ln, nr cen
Dowson, A. R. - boarding house, n side An btw Delaware av and 1e, nr Delaware
Doyle, Francis - bookbinder [?] side 14w btw F and Gn, nr G
Drake, Willard - house carpenter, n side Gn btw 11 and 12w, nr cen
Drew, Columbus - printer, s side Gn btw 11 and 12w, nr 12
Drew, Edward - tailor, n side Hn btw 9 and 10w, nr 9
Drew, Solomon - n side Maryland av btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr 3
Driscol, Dennis O. - e side Vermont av btw H and In, nr H
Drisky, Dennis - laborer, e side 13w btw C and Ds, nr D
Drummond, John - house carpenter, w side 7w btw Virginia av and Ds, nr D
Drummond, Noah - n side Maryland av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Drummond, Noah - house carpenter, w side 7w btw Virginia av and Ds, nr Virginia av
Drury, ____ - laborer, s side Bn btw 3 and 4e, nr 3
Drury, Samuel - magistrate, s side In btw 22 and 23w, nr 22
Dubant, Marc - barber and hair-dresser, n side Pennsylvania av btw 12 and 13w, nr 13
Duckworth, George - grocery, w side 7e btw L and Ms, cor L
Dudley, Henry - wheelwright, s side Ns btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr cen
Dufief, John - house carpenter, w side 13w btw C and Dn, nr D
Dugger, Archibald - barber and hair-dresser, n side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Dulany, E. (Mrs.) - widow, w side 7w btw K and Ln, nr L
Dulany, Michael - s side Indiana av btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr 4-1/2
Duly, John - s side Maryland av btw 6 and 7w
Duly, Michael - messenger, U.S. Capitol, s side As btw New Jersey av and 1e, cor New Jersey
Dulyn, Armstead G. - blacksmith, e side 4e btw L and Ms, nr M
Dummer, Charles - clk, Treasury Dept, w side 13w btw G and Hn, nr cen
Dumot, John - n side Bn btw 1 and 2e, nr 2
Duncan, ____ (Mrs.) - milliner and dressmaker, n side Pennsylvania av btw 9 and 10, nr cen
Duncanson, J. A. M. - s side En btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Dundas, John - clk, Post Office Dept, e side New Jersey av btw B and Cs, nr cen
Dungan, J. - tailor, s side Dn btw 13 and 13-1/2, nr 13-1/2
Dunn, F. A. - grocery, w side 9w btw Pennsylvania av and Dn, nr Pennsylvania
Dunn, F. A. - boarding house, w side 10w btw D and En, nr D
Duran, William - seaman, n side Ls btw 4 and 5e, nr 4
Durham, James H. - clk, office of Auditor, Post Office Dept, n side En btw 20 and 21w, nr 21
Durr, William - house carpenter, w side 13w btw F and Gn, nr G
Duvall, ____ - n side Indiana av btw 1 and 2w, nr 2
Duvall, Samuel - grocery, n side Pennsylvania av btw 19 and 20w, cor 20
Duvall, Sarah (Mrs.) - widow, e side 6w btw G and Hn, nr cen
Duvall, William - w side 4-1/2w btw Pennsylvania av and Missouri st, nr Missouri
Duvaughn, Walter - boatman, w side 13-1/2w btw B and Cs, nr B
Dyer, Benjamin F. - house carpenter, e side 20w, btw E and Fn, nr E
Dyer, E. - tailor, s side Fn btw 18 and 19w, nr cen
Dyer, Edward - s side En btw 7 and 8w, nr 8
Dyer, Elijah - merchant tailor, s side Pennsylvania av btw 19 and 20w, nr cen
Dyer, Franklin - house carpenter, w side 13w btw Dn and Pennsylvania av, nr Pennsylvania
Dyer, Giles - n side Mn btw 12 and 13w
Dyer, Robert - s side Hn btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Dyson, ____ (Mrs.) - teacher, s side Gn btw 9 and 10w, cor 9
Eakin, James - chief clk, office of 2d Auditor, n side Pennsylvania av btw 14 and 15w, nr 15
Earl, Robert - hacks, Hn btw 20 and 21w, nr 21
Easby, William - ship constructor, near Easby's ship yard
Easton, Levin - fisherman, s side Fn btw 26 and 27w, nr 27
Easton, Sarah (Mrs.) - widow, n side In btw 19 and 20w, cor 19
Eaton, ____ - teacher, n side Gn btw 5 and 6w, cor 6
Eaton, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, e side 7e btw Virginia av and Ls, nr Virginia
Eaton, John H. - ex-Sec'ry of War, w side 2w btw G and Hn, nr H
Eaton, Richard - huckster, s side Bs btw 13 and 13-1/2w, cor 13-1/2
Eaton, Samuel - laborer, w side 13-1/2w btw B and Cs, nr C
Eberbach, John H. - tavern, n side Pennsylvania av btw 12 and 13w, nr 13
Eccleston, P. - butter dealer, w side 7w btw I and Kn
Eckloff, ____ (Mrs.) - boarding house, w side 13-1/2w btw D and En, nr D
Eckloff, Christian - merchant tailor, s side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Eckloff, Christian - merchant tailor, s side Pennsylvania av btw 12 and 13w, nr cen
Eckloff, Frederick - tailor, n side Dn btw 13-1/2 and 14w, nr 13-1/2
Eckloff, G. - merchant tailor, e side 13w btw Pennsylvania av and En, nr Pennsylvania
Echard, Mary (Mrs.) - widow, n side Ln btw 15 and 16w, nr 16
Ecton, Aquilla - laborer, n side Kn btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Edelen, James (Captain) - U.S. Marine Corps, s side Gs btw 7 and 8e, nr 8
Edelen, Stanislaus - laborer, w side 3e btw M and Ns, nr M
Edmonson, Charles - carpenter, s side In btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Edmonson, Elijah - shoemaker, w side 6w btw D and En, nr E
Edmonson, F. - boarding house, n side Dn btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Edmonson, Jackson - house carpenter, s side Hn btw 4 and 5w, nr 4
Edmonson, James - bricklayer, n side In btw 5 and 6w, nr 5
Edmonson, Mary (Mrs.) - widow w side 6w btw D and En, nr E
Edmonson, Nathan - constable, n side Ln btw 8 and 9w, nr cen
Edwards, George - U.S. Marine Corps, n side Gs btw 7 and 8e, nr 7
Edwards, James L. - Commissioner of Pensions, Pension Office, s side Fn btw 19 and 20w, nr 19
Edwards, James M. - house carpenter, s side In btw 20 and 21w, nr 20
Edwards, Joseph - bricklayer, e side 15w btw K and Ln, cor L
Edwards, Madison - house carpenter, s side Pennsylvania av btw 17 and 18 w, nr 18
Edwards, Thomas - grocery, s side Kn btw 26 and 27w, nr 26
Edwards, Thomas - waterman, n side Maryland av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Edwards, W. B. (Rev.) - w side 5w btw D and En, nr E
Egan, William - dry good store, s side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Eglin, Charles - blacksmith, s side Is btw 10 and 11e, cor 10
Einbrod, D. - grocery, w side 7w btw M and Nn, nr N
Elbert, J. - tailor, s side En btw 12 and 13w, nr cen
Eliot, Johnson (Dr.) - physician, e side 7w btw G and Hn, nr G
Elliot, William P. - patent agency, s side Fn btw 8 and 9w, cor 8
Elliot, William P. - city surveyor, w side North Capitol st btw B and Cn, nr C
Elliott, Ann (Mrs.) - widow, s side Maryland av btw 12 and 13w, nr 13
Elliott, Richard - n side New York av btw 12 and 13w, nr 13
Elliott, Seth - s side Ln btw 13 and 14w, nr cen
Ellis, ____ (Mrs.) - boarding house, n side Pennsylvania av btw 19 and 20w, cor 19
Ellis, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, w side 16w btw I and Kn, nr K
Ellis, Edmond - house carpenter, e side 8w btw G and Hn, nr cen
Ellis, Henry - n side Massachusetts av btw 6 and 7, nr cen
Ellis, John - s side Fn btw 9 and 10w, nr 9
Ellis, Jonas - engineer, n side Georgia av btw 8 and 9e, nr 8
Ellis, William - engineer, n side Ms btw 7 and 8e, nr 8
Ellsworth, H. L. - Commissioner of Patents, Patent Office, s side Cn btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr cen
Ellwood, Isaac T. - merchant tailor, s side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Ellwood, Isaac T. - s side Bs btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Elsey, Letitia (Mrs.) - widow, s side Ds btw 10 and 11w, nr 11
Elven, ____ (Mrs.) - widow, n side Maryland av btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Elwell, Francis - musician, s side Is btw 7 and 8e, nr 8
Emerson, H. A. - blacksmith, w side 10e btw L and Ms, nr M
Emerson, James - laborer, w side 7e btw L and Ms, nr M
Emmons, John - w side 6w btw H and In, nr I
Emrick, Christian - shoemaker, e side 5w btw H and In, nr I
Emrick, J. - boot and shoemaker, w side 6w btw Cn and Louisiana av, nr cen
English, ____ (Mrs.) - boarding house, w side 7w btw D and En, nr cen
English, John - w side 7w btw D and En, nr cen
Ennis, Gregory - n side Pennsylvania av btw 1 and 2w, nr 1
Ennis, John - butcher, n side Hn btw 4 and 5w, nr 5
Entwistle, Samuel - e side 7e btw L and Ms, nr L
Erb, C. - grocery, s side Maryland av btw 2 and 3e, nr cen
Ergood, Jesse - blacksmith, w side 7e btw L and Ms, nr L
Esling, Robert - laborer, w side 13-1/2w, btw B and Cs, nr B
Espey, ____ (Mrs.) - grocery, w side 6w btw D and En, cor E
Espey, James - cabinetmaker, s side Maryland av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Espey, John - bookbinder, w side 20w btw G and Hn, nr G
Essex, Josiah - house carpenter, s side In btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Etheridge, John - clk, office of 4th Auditor, w side 4-1/2w btw Pennsylvania av and Missouri st, nr Pennsylvania
Evans, Edward - house carpenter, w side 8e btw F and Gs, nr G
Evans, Estwick - n side Kn btw 7 and 8w, nr 8
Evans, French S. - clk, Pension Office, s side New York av btw 9 and 10w, nr 9
Evans, N. (Mrs.) - seamstress, s side Cs btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Evans, Travis - shoemaker, w side 7e btw K and Ls, nr L
Evans, Walter - grocery, n side Ls btw 3 and 4e, nr 4
Evans, William - grocery, n side Maryland av btw 13-1/2 and 14w, nr 14
Evans, William A. - clk, office of 2d Comptroller, s side In btw 18 and 19w, nr 18
Eveleth, James - clk, Engineer Office, n side Gn btw 18 and 19w, nr 19
Evens, B. - clk, General Land Office, n side Hn btw 6 and 7w nr 7
Ewen, John - boatswain, U.S. Navy, n side Ks btw 4 and 5e, nr 4
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