Adams & McPherson - dry good store, n side Centre Market space, btw 8 and 9w, nr cen
Adjutant General, Office of - War Dept building, 1st story
Ager, J. E. & Brother - grocery, n side New York av btw 12 and 13w, cor 12
Ailer & Tyson - grocery, w side 7w btw H and In, nr I
Alexander & Bernard - printers, w side 17w btw F and Gn, cor F
Anacostia Engine House - Virginia av btw 8 and 9e, nr 9
Apollo Hall - s side En btw 13 and 13-1/2, nr 13
Argentine Confederation, Minister from - at Mrs. Ulrick's, 15w
Army and Navy Chronicle, office of - e side 10w btw D and En, cor D
Arsenal - s end 4-1/2 st w
Artillerists, Columbian - armory, Buckingham's Hall (s side Cn btw 10 and 11w, nr 11)
Assembly Rooms, National - s side Louisiana av, btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 6
Attorney for the District of Columbia - office at City Hall, e wing, 2d story
Attorney General - office at Treasury Department, 2d story
Auditor, 1st office - Treasury Department building, 1st story
Auditor, 2d office - War Department building, 1st story
Auditor, 3d office - Treasury Department building, 1st story
Auditor, 4th office - Navy Department building, 1st story
Auditor, 5th office - State Department building, 1st story
Auditor, Post Office Department - office at Post Office Department building, 2d story
Austria, Charge d'Affaires from - At Gilbert's, Fn, cor 13w
Bacon, Samuel & Co. - wholesale and retail grocers, s side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w, cor 7
Bank, Corcoran & Riggs' - n side F btw 14 and 15, cor 15
Bank of the Metropolis - e side 15w btw F and Gn, nr cen
Bank of Washington - Centre Market space, btw Cn and Louisiana av
Bank, Patriotic - w side 7w btw C and Dn, nr D
Bank, U.S. Branch - n side 'Executive Way' btw Lafayette sq and 15w, cor 15 (see Note 1)
Baptist Church - (Rev. Mr. Brown) e side 10w btw E and Fn, nr cen
Baptist Church - (Rev. Mr. Law) n side Virginia av btw 4 and 5e, cor 4
Barner, Thomas T. - dry good store, n side Centre Market space btw 7 and 8w, nr cen
Bates & Brother - chandlers, n side Gn btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Baths, Mrs. Aikins' - n side Cn btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr cen
Belgium, Charge d'Affaires from - s side Bs btw New Jersey av and 1e, nr New Jersey av
Benkert & Company - French boot makers, n side Pennsylvania av btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr 4-1/2
Bihler's Rooms - n side Fn btw 13 and 14w, nr 14
Bird & Hepburn - house carpenters, w side 10w btw E and Fs, nr E
Blair & Rives - printing office, n side En btw 13 and 14w, nr cen
Blake, John A. Bookbindery - bookbinder, e side Pennsylvania av btw 14 and 15w, nr 15
Board of Health - office at City Hall, west wing, basement
Bodisco M. Alexandre de - Minister from Russia, Georgetown
Boteler, C. W. & Son - house furnishing store, n side Centre Market space btw 8 and 9w, nr 9
Bradley, H. & Son - cabinet makers, n side Bn btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Bradley & Estep - dry good store, n side Centre Market space btw 7 and 8w, nr 7
Bradley & Thruston - general agents, e side 6w btw Pennsylvania av and Cn, nr C
Bradley's Garden - n side 10w btw D and Es
Brazil, Resident Minister from - w side 18w btw I and Kn, cor K
Brent, W. L. - lawyer, office at City Hall, east wing, basement
Brent, William - clk, office of the Clerk of Washington County, office at City Hall, east wing, 2d story
Brevitt & Jillards' - artists material depot, n side Pennsylvania av btw 12 and 13w, nr cen
Bridge, Lower - w end of Kn leading to Georgetown
Bridge, Upper - w end of Mn leading to Georgetown
Briscoe & Clark - dry good store, n side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
British Minister - s side Kn btw New Hampshire av and 24w, nr cen
Brown's Garden - n side Virginia av btw 8 and 9w, nr 8
Brown's Hotel - n side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Buckingham's Hall - s side Cn btw 10 and 11w, nr 11
Bureau of Construction Equipment and Repairs - Navy Dept Building, 1st story
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery - Navy Dept Building, 1st story
Bureau of Navy - Yards and Docks - Navy Dept Building, 2d story
Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography - Navy Dept Building, 2d story
Bureau of Provisions and Clothing - Navy Dept Building, 1st story
Byrne P. A. & Co. - n side Gn btw 6 and 7w, nr Pennsylvania av
Callan's Greenhouse - e side 7w, btw E and Fn, near E
Cammack's Rooms - s side Fn btw 14 and 15w, nr 15
Campbell & Coyle - hardware and cutlery, s side Penn av btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Capitol Hill Female Seminary - e side New Jersey av btw C and Ds, nr D
Capitol Newspaper, office of - e side 13w btw Pennsylvania av and En, nr Pennsylvania
Capitol Street, East - the street going east from the east centre of the Capitol
Capitol Street, North - the street going north from the north wing of the Capitol
Capitol Street, South - the street going south from the south wing of the Capitol
Carlisle, J. M. - lawyer, office at City Hall, east wing, basement
Carroll & Kleindienst - blacksmith, Missouri st btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 6
Carter, Henry - dry good store, n side Centre Market space btw 8 and 9w, cor 8
Carusi's Saloon - n side Cn btw 10 and 11w, cor 11
Centre Market - fronting Pennsylvania av btw 7 and 9w
Centre Market space - north of and fronting Pennsylvania av btw 7 and 9w
Church, Baptist - (Rev. O. B. Brown), e side 10w btw E and Fn, nr E
Church, Baptist - (Rev. Samson), at City Hall ' new building, s side En btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Church, Baptist - (Rev. Mr. Law), n side Virginia av btw 4 and 5e, cor 4
Church, Catholic, St. Matthew's - (Rev. Mr. Donelan), n side Hn btw 14 and 15w, cor 15
Church, Catholic, St. Patrick's - (Rev. Mr. Mathews), n side Fn btw 9 and 10w
Church, Catholic, St. Peter's - (Rev. Mr. Van Horseigh), w side 2e btw C and Ds, nr C
Church, Episcopal, Christ - (Rev. Mr. Bean), n side Gs btw 6 and 7e, nr cen
Church, Episcopal, St. John's - (Rev. Dr. Hawley), e side 16w btw H and In, cor H
Church, Episcopal, Trinity - (Rev. Mr. Stringfellow), w side 5w btw Louisiana av and En, nr cen
Church, Protestant Episcopal Mission - (Rev. Mr. French), Apollo Hall, s side En btw 13 and 13-1/2, nr 13
Church, Friends - n side In btw 18 and 19w, nr cen
Church, Lutheran, English - (Rev. Dr. Muller), at City Hall
Church, Lutheran, German - (Rev. Mr. Borchere), s side Gn btw 19 and 20, cor 20
Church, Methodist Ebenezer - (Rev. Messrs. Jordan and Brown), w side 4e btw F and Gs, nr F
Church, Methodist Foundry - (Rev. John Davis), e side 14w btw Gn and New York av, cor G
Church, Methodist Protestant - (Rev. Mr. Sutherland), e side 9w btw E and Fn, nr cen
Church, Methodist Wesley - (Rev. Mr. Edwards), s side Fn btw 5 and 6w, cor 5
Church, New Jerusalem - Medical College, n side En, btw 9 and 10w, cor 10
Church, Presbyterian, 1st - (Rev. Mr. Rich), w side 4-1/2w btw C and Dn, nr cen
Church, Presbyterian, 2nd - (Rev Mr. Knox), btw New York av and Hn and btw 13 and 14w
Church, Presbyterian, 4th - (Rev. J. C. Smith), w side 9w btw G and Hn, nr cen
Church, Presbyterian, 'F Street' - (Rev. Dr. Laurie), s side Fn btw 14 and 15w, nr cen
Church, Unitarian - (Rev. Mr. Bulfinch) n side Dn btw 5 and 6w, cor 6
City Hall - contains rooms for the offices of the Circuit, Criminal, and Orphan's Courts, chamber of the Chief Justice, offices of the Attorney, and Marshal of the District of Columbia, clerk of the County of Washington, Register of Wills, City Council, Mayor of Washington, Register of the Corporation, City Surveyor, Collector of City Taxes, Board of Health, and Commissioner of the 3d Ward.
City Hotel (Fuller's) - n side Pennsylvania av btw 14 and 15w, cor 14
Clagett, Darius & Co. - dry goods store, n side Centre Market space, btw 8 and 9w, cor 9
Clark, James B. - dry goods store, n side Centre Market space, btw 7 and 8w, nr cen
Clark, Walter & Son - boot and shoe store, s side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Clerk of the House of Representatives - office Capitol, south wing, rotunda story
Clements & Gallant - house carpenters, w side 10w btw E and Fn, nr E
Clerk of the Supreme Court - office Capitol, north wing, 1st story
Clerk of Washington County - (William Brent), office at City Hall, east wing, 2d story
Coburn's Lime Kiln - w side 17w btw H and In, nr I
College, Medical - n side En btw 9 and 10w, cor 10
Colonization Society - office n side Pennsylvania av btw 3 and 4-1/2, nr 3
Columbian Artillerist's Armory - Buckingham's Hall
Columbia Engine House - w side New Jersey av btw B and Cs, nr B
Commanding General of the Army - Office War Dept, 1st story
Comptroller of the Treasury, 1st - office Treasury Building, 1st story
Comptroller of the Treasury, 2d - office State Dept Building, 1st story
Cooper, William - Commissioner, 3d ward, office at City Hall, west wing
Corcoran & Riggs - bankers, n side Fn btw 14 and 15w, cor 15
Courts - Circuit, Criminal & Orphan's, held at the City Hall
Coyle, Andrew & Son - boot and shoe store, s side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Cranch, William - judge, chamber at City Hall, east wing, 2d story
Cripps, Samuel McL. - Furniture Store, w side 11w btw Pennsylvania av and En, nr cen
Cross, Henry L. - Shoe store, n side Pennsylvania av btw 19 and 20w, nr cen
Depot Railroad - n side Pennsylvania av btw 2 and 3w, cor 2
Devaughn's Ice House - s side En btw 9 and 10w, nr 10
Devere, Burr & Co. - coal yard, n side Pennsylvania av btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr 4-1/2
Drury and Brother - dry good store, s side Pennsylvania av btw 19 and 20w, nr cen
Drury, John H. - dry good store, n side Centre Market space btw 8 and 9, nr cen
Duvall and Brother - merchant tailors, n side Pennsylvania av btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr 3
Dyer, R. W. & Co. - auctioneers, n side Dn btw 10 and 11w, nr 10
Easby's Lime Kiln - s side Bn btw 22 and 23w nr 23
Easby's Ship Yard - extreme w end of Dn
East Capitol Street - the street going e from the centre of Capitol
Eastern Free School - n side Ds btw 3 and 4e, nr 3
Eastern Masonic Lodge - s side Virginia av btw 4 and 5e, nr 5
Eastern Branch Market - n side Ls btw 6 and 7e
Ebenezer Methodist Church - (Rev. Messrs. Jordan and Brown) w side 4e btw F and Gs, nr F
Eliot, W. & Co. - apothecaries, n side Fn btw 11 and 12w, cor 12
Elliot, William P. - city surveyor, office at City Hall, west wing, 2d story
Engineer Department - w side 17w btw Pennsylvania av and Hn, cor Pennsylvania
Engineer Bureau, Topographical - centre building, west side of the War Department, 1st story
Executive Way (see Note 1 at end) - btw the northern junctions of New York av and 15th st west and
Pennsylvania av and 18th st w, the President's House on the south side, and Lafayette Square on the north.
Farquhar & Morgan - apothecaries, n side Pennsylvania av btw 19 and 20w
Favier's Garden - n side Mn btw 17 and 18w
Fendall, P. R. - district attorney, office at City Hall, east wing, 2d story
Fireman's Insurance Company - s side Pennsylvania av btw 7 and 9w, nr Market space
Fish, O. & Company - fashionable hat and furnishing store, n side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Fossett, J. & H. J. - billiard room, e side 4-1/2w btw Pennsylvania av and Cn, nr Pennsylvania
Foundry Chapel Methodist Church - (Rev. John Davis), e side 14w btw Gn and New York av, cor G
Fowler, J. E. & Company - boot and shoe store, n side Fn btw 10 and 11w, cor 11
France, Minister from - Gilbert's, n side Fn btw 12 and 13w, cor 13
Franklin Insurance Company - w side 7w btw C and Dn, cor D
Franklin Row - n side Kn btw 12 and 13w
French Minister - Gilbert's, n side Fn btw 12 and 13w, cor 13
French Secretary Legation - w side 13w btw E and Fn, nr F
Friends' Meeting House - n side In btw 18 and 19w, nr cen
Fugit, J. & Company - wood and coal yard, w side 9w btw Louisiana av and Bn, nr canal
Fuller, A. & Company (Fuller's City Hotel) - n side Pennsylvania av btw 14 and 15w, cor 14
Gadsby's Hotel - n side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, cor 6
Gadsby's Row - n side In btw 20 and 21w, nr 21
Galabrun's European Hotel - n side Pennsylvania av btw 14 and 15w, nr 15
Gales & Seaton - printing office, w side 7w btw D and En, cor D
Gault & Emory - granite cutters, n side Bn btw 1 and 2w, nr cen
German Benevolent Society - Buckingham's Hall (s side Cn btw 10 and 11w, nr 11)
German Lutheran Church - s side Gn btw 19 and 20w, cor 20
Gibbs, J. H. - fancy store, n side Centre Market space btw 8 and 9w w, nr cen
Gideon, J. & G.S. - printers and bookbinders, w side 9w btw Pennsylvania av and Dn, nr Pennsylvania
Gilbert's Rooms - n side Fn btw 12 and 13w, cor 13
Glass House - s side Bn btw 21 and 22w, nr 21
Globe Hotel [James Maher's] - s side Pennsylvania av at cor 14w and Fn
Globe Printing Office - n side En btw 13 and 14w, nr cen
Godfrey & Griffin - house painters, s side Fn btw 8 and 9w, nr 8
Green's Row - e side 1e btw East Capitol st and As
Greenleaf's Point - south end 4-1/2w
Greer's Printing Office - e side 9w btw D and En, nr E
Grenada, New, Representative from - at Mrs. Arguelles', s side Pennsylvania av btw 3 and 4-1/2w
Griffith & O'Brien - stone cutters, e side 9w btw D and En, nr E
Hall & Brothers - dry good store, n side centre Market space, btw 7 and 8w, nr cen
Hall, D. A. - lawyer, office at City Hall, west wing basement
Hall, Edward - grocer, n side Centre Market space btw 7 and 8w, nr cen
Hamilton & Eberhar - coach makers, s side Louisiana av btw 9 and 10w, nr 9
Hampton, T. R. & Sons - booksellers and periodical agents, n side Pennsylvania av btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr 3
Harvey, James S. & Co. - grocery, s side Maryland av btw 13-1/2 and 14w, cor 13-1/2
Harvey, James S. & Co. - wood and coal yard, s side En btw 9 and 10w, cor 10
Havener, Thomas & Sons - bakers, n side Cn btw 4-1/2w and 6w, nr cen
Hayman's Brewery - n side Kn btw 26 and 27w, cor 27
Hill, Isaac Wood Yard - s side Bn btw 8 and 9w, nr canal
Hines, C. & M. Furniture Store - w side 10w btw Pennsylvania and Hn, nr Pennsylvania
Hope Club, The - s side Fn btw 14 and 15w, nr 15, nr Treasury Building
Hospital - n side En btw 4 and 5w
Hudson & English - house painters, e side 8w btw D and En, nr cen
Hunter, Alexander - Marshal, District of Columbia, office at City Hall, east wing, 2d story
Hurs & Powers - wheelwrights, e side 12w btw B and Cn, nr B
Indian Affairs, Office of Commissioner of - War Department Building, 2d story
Institute, National Patent Office - n side Fn btw 7 and 9w
Insurance Company, Firemen's - s side Pennsylvania av btw 7 and 9w, Centre Market space
Insurance Company, Franklin - w side 7w btw C and Dn, cor D
Intelligencer, National [newspaper] - printing office, w side 7w btw D and En, cor D
Jackson, B. L. & Brothers - grocers, s side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Janney, Miss - boarding house, n side Centre Market space btw 8 and 9w, cor 8
Johnson & Callan - general agents, n side Fn btw 14 and 15w, nr cen
Johnson J. & Co. - tobacconists, s side Pennsylvania av btw 10 and 11w, nr cen
Jones's Rooms - e side 3w btw Pennsylvania av and Bn
Kendall's Expositor Office - w side 10w btw F and Gn, nr G
Kendall, A & J. E. - general agents, Todd's Rooms, n side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
King & Hall Hotel and Restaurant - s side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 6
King, C. B. - artist, exhibition room, e side 12w btw E and Fn, nr cen
Kleiber's, Mrs., Boarding House - n side Centre Market space btw 7 and 8w, nr 8
Lafayette Square - n of the President's House, btw 'Executive Way' and H st n (see Note 1)
Land Office, General - Treasury Dept. Building, 3d story
Lane & Tucker Merchant Tailors - n side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Lunatic Asylum (see Note 2 at end) - n side En btw 4 and 5w
Lusby & Duvall - merchant tailors, n side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 6
Madisonian Office (newspaper) - e side 12w btw Pennsylvania av and En, cor Pennsylvania
Maine Street - south of and near the canal running from 3d to 6th st west
Marine Barracks - e side 8e btw G and Is
Marshal for the District of Columbia (A. Hunter) - office at City Hall, east wing, 2d story
Masonic Hall - s side Louisiana av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, cor 4-1/2
Matlock & Griffith - merchant tailors, w side 9w btw Pennsylvania av and Dn, nr Pennsylvania
May, H. - lawyer, office at City Hall, west wing basement
Mayor of Washington (W. W. Seaton) - office at City Hall, west wing, 2d story
McLeod's School (John) - w side 9w btw G and Hn, nr H
Medical College - n side En btw 9 and 10w, cor 10
Methodist Protestant Church (Rev. D. Collyer) - w side 6e btw G and Hs, nr G
Metropolis Bank - e side 15w btw F and Gn, nr cen
Mexico, Minister from - at Mrs. Ulrick's, e side 15w btw F and Gn, nr G
Middleton & Beall - grocers, s side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 6
Mills, J. & Company - boot and shoe manufacturers, n side Pennsylvania av btw 9 and 10w, cor 10
Missouri Street - north of and near the canal, running from 3d to 6th street, west
Muller & Moore - upholsters and paper hangers, n side Pennsylvania av btw 11 and 12w, nr 11
Mullikin's Ice House - s side Kn btw 21 an 22w, nr 22
National Assembly Rooms - s side Louisiana av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 6
National Institute Hall - Patent Office, n side Fn btw 7 and 8w.
National Intelligencer office - w side 7w btw D and En, cor D
National Theatre - n side En btw 13 and 14w, nr cen
Navy Agent's Office - s side Gn btw 17 and 18w, nr 17
Navy Department - west of President's house, fronting on 17w. The Navy Department building is occupied by the following offices: that of the Secretary of the Navy; Fourth Auditor; part of the Second Comptroller's; Bureau of Navy Yards and Docks; Ordnance and Hydrography; Construction Equipment, and Repairs; Provisions and Clothing; Medicine and Surgery; and Chief Naval Constructor
Navy Yard Beneficial Society - meets at Anacostia Engine House
Navy Yard Bridge - south end of 11th street east
North Capitol Street - the street running north from the Capitol
Northern Liberties (See Note 3 at end) - somewhere, perhaps anywhere, north of F or G or H streets north; its eastern and western expanse not comprehended even with the probabilities of a surmise.
Northern Liberties Engine House - n side Kn btw 7 and 9w
Noyes, W. & Son - wholesale boot and shoe store, n side Louisiana av btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Observatory - s side Pennsylvania av btw 24 and 25w, nr 25
Odd-Fellows, Independent Order of - lodge, City Hall
Odd-Fellows, Independent Order of - Lodge, w side 7e, btw L and Ms, nr M
O'Donoghue, D. & P. & Co. - soap and candle manufactory, n side Gn btw 4 and 5w, nr 5
Office: Adjutant General - War Dept building, 1st story
Office: Attorney General - Treasury Dept building, 2d story
Office: Auditor (First) - Treasury Dept building, 1st story
Office: Auditor (Second) - War Dept building, 1st story
Office: Auditor (Third) - Treasury Dept building, 1st story
Office: Auditor (Fourth) - Navy Dept building, 1st story
Office: Auditor (Fifth) - State Dept building, 1st story
Office: Auditor, Post Office Dept - Post Office Dept building, 2d story
Office: Chief, Bur of Construction, Equipment & Repairs - Navy Dept building, 1st story
Office: Chief, Bur of Navy Yards and Docks - Navy Dept building, 2d story
Office: Chief, Bur of Ordnance and Hydrography - Navy Dept building, 2d story
Office: Chief, Bur of Provisions and Clothing - Navy Dept building, 1st story
Office: Chief, Bureau of Medicine & Surgery - Navy Dept building, 2d story
Office: Clerk, House of Representatives - Capitol, south wing, rotunda story
Office: Clerk of Supreme Court - Capitol, north wing, 1st story
Office: Commanding General of the Army - War Dept building, 1st story
Office: Comptroller, First - Treasury Dept building, 2d story
Office: Comptroller, Second - State Dept building, 1st story
Office: Engineer Dept - w side 17w btw Pennsylvania av and Hn, cor Pennsylvania
Office: Engineers Topographical Bureau - centre building west of the War Dept, 1st story
Office: Indian Affairs, Commission of - War Dept building, 2d story
Office: Land Office, General - Treasury Dept building, 3d story
Office: Navy Department - Navy Dept building, 2d story
Office: Chief of Naval Construction - Navy Dept building, 2d story
Office: Ordnance - centre building west of the War Dept, 2d story
Office: Patent Office, Commission of - Patent Office building, 1st story
Office: Paymaster General - office south end of the building west of the War Dept, 1st story
Office: Pension Office - north end of the building west of the War Dept, 2d story
Office: Post Office Dept - Post Office Dept building, 2d story
Office: Public Buildings, Commission of - Capitol, west centre basement
Office: Quartermaster General - War Dept building, 1st story
Office: Register of the Treasury - Treasury Dept building, 2d story
Office: Secretary of the Senate - Capitol, north wing, rotunda story
Office: Solicitor of the Treasury - Treasury Dept building, 1st story
Office: State Department - State Dept building, 2d story
Office: Subsistence, Com. General of - centre building west of the War Dept, 2d story
Office: Surgeon General of the Army - n side Gn btw 17 and 18w, nr 18
Office: Treasurer of the Treasury Department - Treasury Dept building, 1st story
Office: Treasury Department - Treasury Dept building, 2d story
Office: War Department - War Dept building, 2d story
Ordnance Office - centre building west of the War Dept, 2d story
Orphan Asylum, St. Vincent's Female - n side Fn btw 9 and 10w
Orphan Asylum, Washington City Female - n side Hn btw 9 and 10w
Orphan Asylum, Male, Catholic - St. Matthew's Catholic Church
Orphans' Court - office at City Hall, west wing, basement
Otterback & Spicer - butchers, e side 9e btw M and Ns, nr N
Owen, Evans & Co. - merchant tailors, n side Pennsylvania av btw 14 and 15w, nr cen
Parker, G. & T. - grocers, n side Centre Market space btw 7 and 8w, nr 7
Patent Office - n side Fn btw 7 and 9w, fronting 8. The Patent Office building is occupied by the office of the Commissioner of Patents, the room for the models of all patented inventions, and the Museum of the National Institute.
Patriotic Bank - w side 7w btw C and Dn, nr D
Paymaster General - office south end of the buildings west of the War Department, 1st story
Penitentiary - south end of 4-1/2 street west
Pension Office - north end of the buildings west of the War Department, 2d story
Perry, William M. - dry good store, n side Centre Market space btw 7 and 8w, nr 8
Perry & Ashby - dry good store, n side Centre Market space btw 7 and 8w, nr 8
Perseverance Engine House - s side Pennsylvania av btw 7 and 9w, Centre Market space
Phalen, James & Co. - exchange broker, n side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w, cor 6
Pittman & Phillips - dry good store, n side Centre Market space btw 7 and 8w, cor 8
Polkinhorn & Campbell - harness and trunk makers, n side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 6
Polk's Boarding House - n side Pennsylvania av btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr 3
Porter & Offutt - house and sign painters and gilders, s side Pennsylvania av btw 3 and 4-1/2w, nr 3
Portugal, Minister from - at Mrs. Thompson's, n side Fn btw 14 and 15w, nr 15
Post Office Department (See Note 4 at end) - n side En btw 7 and 8w. The Post Office Department is occupied by the following offices: that of the Postmaster General, Assistant Postmasters General, and Auditor of the Post Office Department.
Potomac Lime Kilns - extreme west end of I north
Powell, C. F. M. & Co. - lottery office, n side Pennsylvania av btw 12 and 13w, cor 13
Provost & Wallingsford - billiard saloon, n side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Prussia, Minister Resident from - s side Pennsylvania av btw 9 and 10w, nr cen
Public Buildings, Office of Commissioner - Capitol, west centre basement
Quartermaster General, office of - War Dept building, 1st story
Railroad Depot - n side Pennsylvania av btw 2 and 3w, cor 3
Rawlings, William J. - merchant tailor, n side Centre Market space, btw 8 and 9w, cor 9
Register of the Treasury - office at Treasury Dept, 2d story
Register of City Corporation (C. H. Wiltberger) - City Hall, west wing, 2d story
Register of Wills (Edward N. Roach) - City Hall, west wing, 2d story
Riley, William R. - dry good store, n side Centre Market space btw 7 and 8w, cor 8
Roper, E. H. & Co. - black and whitesmiths, n side En btw 12 and 13w, nr 13
Rothwell, Andrew - tax collector, City Hall, west wing, 2d story
Sardinia, Representative from - Brown's Hotel
Seaton's Garden - north end 6w
Secretary of the Senate - office Capitol, north wind rotunda story
Semmes & Murray - wholesale grocers, s side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Session Room of Wesley Chapel - w side 5w btw E and Fn, nr F
Seven Buildings - n side Pennsylvania av btw 19 and 20w.
Siousa, W. - lithographer, e side Centre Market space, btw Pennsylvania av and Cn
Six Buildings - n side Pennsylvania av btw 21 and 22w
Smith & Proud - brick makers, s end 4-1/2e, near the river
Smith, B. P. - lawyer, City Hall, basement story, east wing
Smoot's Lime Kiln - w side 27w btw K and Ln, nr cen
Solicitor of the Treasury - office Treasury Dept building, 2d story
South Capitol Street - the street running south from the Capitol
Spain, Minister from - Green's Row, e side 1e btw East Capitol st and As
Spalding, H. C. & Co. - dry good store, n side Centre Market space btw 8 and 9w, nr 8
Spectator, The [newspaper] - office n side Louisiana av btw 6 and 7w, cor 7
St. Clair, Mrs. - milliner and mantua maker, n side Centre Market space btw 8 and 9w, nr cen
St. John's Church - (Rev. Dr. Hawley) e side 16w btw H and In, cor H
St. Matthew's Catholic Church - (Rev. Mr. Donelan), n side 11n btw 14 and 15w, cor 25
St. Patrick's Catholic Church - (Rt. Rev. Mr. Mathews) n side Fn btw 9 and 10w
St. Peter's Catholic Church - (Rev. Mr. Van Horseigh) w side 2e btw C and Dn, nr C
St. Vincent's Orphan Asylum - n side Fn btw 9 and 10w
State Department - east of the Presidents House, fronting on 15w and
'Executive way' (see Note 1). The State Department building is occupied by the following offices: that of the Secretary of State, 2d Comptroller, and 5th Auditor.
Steamboat Wharf - s side 11w
Stettinius, William & George - dry good store, [?] side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w, nr 7
Stonecutter's Society - room at Buckingham's Hall
Surgeon General of the Army - office n side Gn btw 17 and 18w, nr 18
Surveyor of the City (W. P. Elliott) - office at City Hall, west wing, 2d story
Swann & Swann - lawyers, w side 5w btw D and En, nr D
Sweden, Charge d'Affaires from - s side Pennsylvania av btw 17 and 18w
Texas, Charge d'Affaires from - at Mrs. Bowen's, w side 6w btw D and En, nr D
Theatre, National - n side En btw 13 and 14w, nr cen
Thompson, E. & W. - cabinet makers, s side Fn btw 13 and 14w, nr 13
Tiber (see Note 5 at end) - the inlet of the Potomac River commencing at 17th street west and ascending to 3d street west
Tobacco Warehouse - e side 3e btw M and Ns, nr cen
Todd's Rooms - n side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Topographical Engineers, Bureau - centre building west of the War Dept, 1st story
Towers, John T. - book and job printing office, w side 10w btw Pennsylvania av and Dn, cor Pennsylvania
Travers & Jackson - grocery, n side Pennsylvania av btw 12 and 13w, nr cen
Treasury of the United States - office Treasury Department Building, 1st story
Treasury Department Building (see Note 6 at end) - w side 15w. The Treasury Department building is occupied by the following offices: that of the Secretary of the Treasury, Attorney General, First Comptroller, First Auditor, Third Auditor, Treasurer, Register, Solicitor, and General Land Office.
Trinity Church - (Rev. Mr. Stringfellow), w side 5w btw D and En, nr cen
Tucker, Enoch & Son - merchant tailors, n side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Turton & Barron - house carpenters, s side En btw 10 and 11w, nr 10
Typographical Society - room at Buckingham's Hall
Union Engine House - s side Hn btw 18 and 19w, cor 19
Unitarian church - (Rev. Mr. Bulfinch), n side Dn btw 5 and 6w, cor 6
Varden & Kelly - chair factory, s side Bn btw 9 and 10w, near the canal
Walker's Slaughter House - e side 18w, btw L and Mn, nr cen
Wallach, C. S. - lawyer, City Hall, west wing, basement
War Department (see Note 7 at end) - fronts on 'Executive Way' (see Note 1) and 17th street. The War Department building is occupied by the following offices: that of the Secretary of War, Commanding General, Adjutant General, Quartermaster General, and Second Auditor. The buildings occupied by the public west of the War Department contain the Topographical, Ordnance, Subsistence, Paymaster General, Pension, and Bounty Land offices. The building north west of the War Department contains the Engineer office.
Warren, R. M. & Co. - hardware store, s side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Washington, R. C. - dry good store, n side Centre Market sp btw 8 and 9w, nr 9
Wesley Chapel, Methodist - (Rev. W. B. Edwards), s side Fn btw 5 and 6w, cor 5
Western Public Free School - s side Gn btw 13 and 14w, cor 14
Wheeler & Ruff - cabinet makers, n side Pennsylvania av btw 17 and 18w, nr cen
White & Brother - dry good store, s side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w, nr cen
Wilburne & Parker - slate yard, s side Pennsylvania av btw 10 and 11w, nr 10
Wilson, William - butcher shop, n side Centre Market space btw 8 and 9w, nr 9
Wiltberger, C. H. - Register of the Corporation, City Hall, west wind, 2d story
Wools, Stephen & Son - hatters, n side Pennsylvania av btw 4-1/2 and 6w, nr 4-1/2
Young & Steer - merchant tailors, n side Pennsylvania av btw 6 and 7w, nr 6
Young Men's Benevolent Society - meets at the Anacostia Engine House
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