Washington D.C.

1834 Directory for Alexandria, Washington, DC

Today, the City of Alexandria, Virginia

Notes from Susan Salus, Transcriber

This is a partial listing of residents (with occupations) and businesses in Alexandria City for 1834. Pages 1 through 3 of the directory (containing last names beginning with A, B, and part of C) were missing. For ease of reference, the names have been alphabetized in this list. However, in the original, the names appeared in random order ranked only by first letter of last name. For this reason, it is difficult to determine how many "C" names were listed on the missing pages.

Errata and Abbreviations: The publisher warns that some residents were not available to provide information. In those cases, information was collected from neighbors. For this reason, some spellings may not be accurate. I have used the publisher's spelling for the street names (e.g., "Assaph St" rather than the current "St. Asaph"). Also, the following abbreviations appear in this transcription

cor: corner (of)
nr: near

In the mid 1840's Alexandria was returned to Virginia. However, at the time this directory was published, Alexandria was part of Washington, DC.


A's and B's -- Unavailable

C's [Partial Listing]
Campbell, London & William, Carpenters, Union St.
Campbell, London, Carpenter, King nr Columbia St.
Campbell, London, Wood Measurer, Royal nr Wolf St.
Campbell, William, House Carpenter, Duke nr Washington St.
Cannon, Mrs. L., St. Assaph nr Prince St.
Carlin, Mr., Teacher, Alfred St.
Carman, John P., Rail Road Contractor, King nr Patrick Sts.
Carmichael, Rev. Samuel, Baptist Minister, Prince nr Henry St.
Carmichael, William, Drayman, Cameron nr Alfred St.
Carnes, Richard, Hardware Store, Fairfax near King St.
Carolin, George W., Patrick nr Prince St.
Caroline, Hugh, Brick Maker, Queen nr Royal St.
Cartwright, Mrs., Widow, Duke nr Columbia St.
Cawood, Daniel, Flour Merchant, cor King & Patrick Sts.
Cazenove, A. C., King nr Patrick St.
Chamberlain, Lincoln, Water nr Duke St.
Chamberlin, Lincoln, Merchant, Janney's Wharf.
Chance, John, Laborer, Royal nr Wolf St.
Chapin, Margaret, Duke nr Washington St.
Chapman, Thomas, Prince nr Alford St.
Chatam (Chatham?), Henry, Livery Stables, cor Cameron & Pitt Sts.
Church, John, Sailor, Cameron nr Fairfax St.
Churchman, John, Baker, Prince nr Fairfax St.
Clary, William, Patrick nr Prince St.
Claxton, Edward, Shoe Maker, St. Assaph nr Prince St.
Cleggat, Horatio, Princess nr Pitt St.
Cleggat, Richard, St. Assaph nr Duke St.
Clegget & Page, Merchants, King nr Fairfax St.
Cloud, James, Flour Inspector, Prince nr Washington St.
Clowd, Alfred, Patrick nr Duke St.
Cohegan, John, Bricklayer, Patrick St.
Cohen, William, Silversmith, Prince nr Henry St.
Coleman, Mrs., Boarding House, cor Washington & Wolf.
Coleman, Mrs., Widow, Boarding House, Wolf nr St. Assaph St.
Coleman, James, Grocer, Fairfax nr Wolf St.
Colensworth, James, Shoe Maker, Queen nr Royal St.
Colgate, Edward, Stone Cutter, Queen nr Royal St.
Collins, Williams (William?), Watch Maker, Princess St.
Conway, Robert, Merchant, Fairfax nr King St.
Cooke, Dorey, Laborer, Fairfax nr Wolf St.
Cooke, Leonard O., Cabinet Maker, cor King & Washington Sts.
Cooke, Leonard, Columbia nr Duke St.
Cooley, John, Shoe Maker, Fairfax nr Wolf St.
Corico, John, Ship Carpenter, Fairfax nr Wolf St.
Corse, John, Cameron nr Fairfax St.
Cox, James, Cigar Maker, Royal nr Wolf St.
Cox, William, Cigar Maker, Fairfax nr Wolf St.
Crandle, Mrs., Widow, King nr Washington St.
Creighton, John, Baker, cor Wolf & Royal Sts.
Creney, Joseph, Wood Sawyer, Royal nr Wolf St.
Crighton, John, Baker, Prince nr Royal St.
Crogan, John, Grocer, King nr Payne St.
Crogen, Newton, Tanner & Currier, Alfred St.
Crook, Joseph, House Carpenter, Royal nr Wolf St.
Crook, William, Boot & Shoe Maker, Fairfax nr Wolf St.
Cross, Richard, Grocer, cor King & Columbia Sts.
Cross, Richard, Shoe Maker, Royal nr King St.
Crossley, Andrew D., Sea Captain, Washington nr Wolf St.
Cudlip, James, Dyer and Scourer, Royal nr King St.

Dabbny (Dabney?), Widow, King nr Henry St.
Dale, George, Grocer, cor King and St. Assaph St.
Daley, Elizabeth, Tavern, King St.
Danby, Mrs., Widow, Grocer, Prince nr Patrick St.
Dangerfield, Edward, King nr Patrick St.
Dangerfield, Henry, cor Prince & Columbia St.
Dangerfield, Mrs., Widow, Cameron nr Pitt St.
Darley, Thomas, Cooper, Union nr Duke St.
Dauglass (Douglass?), A. C., Book Binder, King St.
Davis, Mrs., Widow, Fairfax nr Wolf St.
Davis, Mrs., Widow, Cameron nr Alford St.
Davis, Rev. Mr., Methodist Preacher, Prince nr Washington St.
Davis, George, Carpenter, Alford St.
Davis, Josiah, Rope Maker, Pitt St.
Davis, Richard, Grocer and Seller of Piano Fortes, Royal nr King St.
Davis, Thomas, Grocer, cor Prince & Union Sts.
Davis, Thomas, St. Assaph nr King St.
Davis, William, Carpenter, Alford nr Duke St.
Davis, William, Flour Merchant, King nr West St.
Davy, Thomas, Grocer, cor Royal St.
Day, John, Ladies Shoe Maker, Prince nr Fairfax St.
Day, Orashoe, Boot and Shoe Store, King nr Washington St.
Dean, Catharine, Boarding House, Prince nr Fairfax St.
Dean, William, Flour Merchant, King nr Columbia St.
Dearborn, Simon, Merchant Tailor, Union nr King St.
Dearburn, Charles, Sailor, Wolf nr Alford St.
Dearing, William, Grocer, Washington nr Queen St.
Deaton, Isabella, Grocer, King nr Royal St.
Delphey, Bartholemy (Bartholomew?), Shoe Maker, Duke nr Washington St.
Demain, John, Cabinet Maker, Patrick nr Prince St.
Demontor, William, Wood Carver, King near Fayette St.
Devaune, John, Grocer & Watchman, King nr Patrick St.
Dickson, John, Grocer, Union nr Princess St.
Digan, Jane, Widow, Washington nr Cameron St.
Dismy, Benjamin, Painter, Prince nr Fairfax St.
Dodds, Joseph, Shoe Maker, King nr Fairfax St.
Donaldson, Elizabeth, Widow, Grocer, Cameron nr Alford St.
Douglass, Mrs., Widow, Wolf nr Alford St.
Douglass, James, Cameron nr Alford St.
Douglass, John and James, Grocers, King nr Washington St.
Douglass, John, Merchant, Pitt St.
Dowling, Anthony, St. Assaph St.
Downey, William, Malster (Maltster?), Fairfax nr Duke St.
Drake, Julia, Widow, Prince nr Patrick St.
Drake, William A., Grocer, cor Prince & Alford St.
Drinker, George, laborer, Alford St.
Dudley, Joseph, Grocer & bricklayer, Washington nr Queen St.
Dudley, William, Cooper, Royal nr Wolf St.
Duffey, William, Tailor, Fairfax nr Duke St.
Duffy, George H., Lock Smith & Bell Hanger, Royal nr King St.
Dunkin, Samuel, Sea Captain, Water nr Wolf St.
Dyer, Mrs., Widow, Water nr Wolf St.

Eaches, Joseph, Flour Merchant, King nr Fayette St.
Egan, William, Baker, Royal nr King St.
Egan, William, Clothing Store, Royal nr Market House.
Elliot, Mrs., Widow, King nr Alford St.
Emerson, Acquila, Grocer, cor Potomac & Wolf Sts.
Emerson, John S., Tailor, King nr Royal St.
Emerson, William, Grocer and Carpenter, Water nr Wolf St.
English, James, Royal St.
English, James, Tavern Keeper, Cameron nr Royal St.
English, William B., Flour Merchant cor King & West Sts.
English, William, Prince nr Patrick St.
Entwistle, Mary, Widow, Water nr Duke St.
Esslick, John R., Carpenter, Duke nr Water St.
Evans, John F., Hatter, King nr Fairfax St.
Evans, John T., Washington nr Duke St.
Evans, Rev. William, Baptist Minister, Alford nr Duke St.
Evlin, John, Miller, Queen St.

Fadden, James, Drayman, Cameron St.
Fairfax, Doctor, King nr Pitt St.
Farquer (Farquhar?), Doctor, King nr St. Assaph St.
Fendell, Benjamin, Merchant, Potomac St.
Field, Oliver, Blacksmith, Union nr Princess St.
Fisher, Mr., Teacher, Prince nr Royal St.
Flecher (Fletcher?), Charles, St. Assaph nr Patrick St.
Fleming, Andrew J., Merchant, Prince nr Union St.
Flemming, Archibald, Stage Driver, Royal nr Wolf St.
Fletcher, Mrs., Widow, Prince nr Pitt St.
Fletcher, George, Sea Captain, Royal St.
Flowers, Richard, Shoe Maker, Fairfax nr Duke St.
Foot, F., Merchant, Prince nr Patrick St.
Ford, William, Shoe Maker, Fairfax St.
Foster, Lavenia, Cook Shop, Potomac St.
Foushau, Mrs., Mantua Maker and Milliner, King nr Washington St.
Fowle, William & Co., Merchants, Prince nr Union St.
Fowle, William H., Prince nr Washington St.
Fowles, William, cor Prince and Columbia Sts.
Fox, William, Superintendent of the Alexandria Gazette, Royal St.
Frigett, John, Grocer, Water nr Wolf St.
Fugett, Gustavus, Shoe Maker, Fairfax nr Duke St.

Gardner, Dry Good Store, Royal nr King St.
Gauller, J., Grocer, King nr Columbia St.
Geminy, John, Grocer, Union cor Cameron St.
George, Isaac, Grocer, Cameron cor Fairfax St.
George, Isaac, Soap and Candle Factory, Prince nr Fairfax St.
Gibbs, Winafred, Widow, Fairfax St.
Gibson, Jonathan, Tavern Keeper, King nr Fayette St.
Gilpin, Alfred, Clerk, Washington nr Queen St.
Glenn, Robert, Mill Stone Manufacturer, Prince nr Henry St.
Goins, George, Laborer, Alford nr Duke St.
Goods, James, Tailor, Prince nr Columbia St.
Goodwin, Edward, Bricklayer, Alford nr Duke St.
Gordon, Elizabeth, Widow, Cameron nr Fairfax St.
Gouver, Anthony, Duke nr Washington St.
Gover, Anthony, Oil and Paint Store, King nr Royal St.
Grace, John, Moulder of Metals, Water St.
Graham, Charles, Grocer, cor Prince & Washington St.
Gray, Robert, Grocer, Washington nr Queen St.
Green, Edward, St. Assaph St.
Green, James, Cabinet Maker, cor Prince & Fairfax St.
Green, James, Cabinet Maker, Royal nr King St.
Green, John, Boot and Shoe Maker, Union nr Princess St.
Green, John, Grocer, Royal nr King St.
Green, Mary, Widow, Royal nr King St.
Green, William, Barber, Prince St.
Greenwood, Benjamin, Carpenter, Fairfax nr Wolf St.
Gregory, William, Dry Good Store, King nr Royal St.
Grier, George, Cabinet Maker, Royal nr King St.
Griffeth (Griffith?), Kinsy, Gun Smith, King St.
Griffeth (Griffith?), Sarah, Boarding House, Washington nr Cameron St.
Griggs, Joseph, Grocery Store, King nr Washington St.
Grimes, Dr., Fairfax nr Prince St.
Grimes, William, Boot & Shoe Maker, Prince St.
Griswell, Lemona, Grocer, King nr Payne St.
Grover, George, Grocer, King nr Payne St.
Grubb, John, Tobacconist, cor King & Washington St.
Grubb, John, Washington nr Cameron St.

Hackett, Dennis, Ship Carpenter, Fairfax nr Wolf St.
Haff, Lewis, Prince nr Columbia St.
Haff, Philip, King nr Columbia St.
Haguley, George, King nr Fayette St.
Hall, Eliza, Widow, Cameron nr Fairfax St.
Hall, J., Boot and Shoe Maker, King nr Fairfax St.
Hall, Peter, Grocer, King nr Payne St.
Hall, Richard, Ladies' Shoe Maker, Fairfax nr Wolf St.
Hall, Robert, Grocer, Royal nr King St.
Hallowell, Benjamin, Teacher, Washington nr Cameron St.
Hancock, John, Police Officer, Wolf nr St. Assaph St.
Handsman, Henry, Morocco Dresser, Green nr Pitt St.
Happoldt, Daniel, Lock Smith & Bell Hanger, Prince St.
Hardle, Joseph, Chair Maker, King cor Columbia St.
Harman, Aaron, Prince nr Columbia St.
Harman, Aaron D., Boot and Shoe Maker, King nr Fairfax St.
Harper, John, King nr Henry St.
Harper, John, Prince nr Columbia St.
Harper, Mary, Widow, Wolf nr St. Assaph St.
Harper, Washington, Washington nr Duke St.
Harper, William & Co., Flour Merchants, King nr Fayette St.
Harper, William P., Dry Good Store, King St.
Harper, William, Apothecary & Druggist, Fairfax nr King St.
Harrington, Richard, Steamboat Hotel, Union nr Custom House.
Harris, John, Carpenter, Patrick St.
Harris, John, Soap & Candle Factory, Prince cor Pitt St.
Harris, Joseph & Son, Merchants, Prince nr Union St.
Harris, Joseph, Water St.
Harris, Moran, Boarding House, Potomac nr King St.
Harris, Walter, Cabinet Maker, King nr Patrick St.
Harrison Benoni E., Merchant, Fayette St.
Harrison, John D., Grocer, Fayette St.
Harrison, Rev. Mr., Presbyterian Minister, Royal cor Wolf St.
Harrison, William, Book Seller, King nr Fairfax St.
Hart, William, Blacksmith, King nr St. Assaph St.
Hattersly, Rebecca, Widow, Glove Maker, Patrick St.
Hawkins, Charles, Saddler, Columbia St.
Hayden, William, Shoe Maker, Prince nr Columbia St.
Hayman and Cartright, Sail Makers, Union St.
Henderson, James M., Bricklayer, Washington nr Queen St.
Henderson, John, Bricklayer, Washington nr Queen St.
Henderson, Peter, Bricklayer and Grocer, Alford nr Duke St.
Henderson, Sandy, Prince nr Columbia St.
Henry, Charles, Baker, St. Assaph nr Prince St.
Henry, Robert, Baker, St. Assaph, cor of King St.
Hepburn, J. B., Confectioner, King nr Pitt St.
Herbert, Miss, King nr Fairfax St.
Hewit, Peter, Baker, cor Union & King Sts.
Hewitt, J. W., Attorney at Law, King nr Washington St.
Hewitt, Peter, Union St nr Prince St.
Hibbin, J., Sawyer, Fairfax nr Wolf St.
Hicks, ____, Cabinet Maker, Prince nr Washington St.
Hicks, Neamia, Globe Tavern, Union cor Duke St.
Higdon, John, Plasterer, Alford nr Duke St.
Hill, Anne, Millinery Store, Fairfax nr King St.
Hill, Caddidus, Cooper, Washington nr Duke St.
Hill, Eleanor, Dry Good Store, Prince nr Union St.
Hill, George, Tin and Copper Smith, Fairfax nr King St.
Hill, John, Clerk, Water nr Duke St.
Hill, Samuel V., Tobacconist, Prince cor Water St.
Hill, Samuel, Brass Founder, St. Assaph nr Prince St.
Hilton, Samuel, Grocer Duke cor St. Assaph St.
Himpson, Bryan, Boarding House, Water St.
Hinton, Eleanor, Widow, Duke nr Water St.
Hinton, Richard, Blacksmith, Water St.
Hipkins, Lewis, Pitt St.
Hobbs, Henry, Shoe Maker, Fairfax nr Wolf St.
Hodgens, Anne, Widow, Potomac St.
Hodgkins, Robert, Wheel Wright, Green nr Pitt St.
Hodson, William L., Attorney at Law, St. Assaph cor King St.
Hodson, William, Attorney at Law, Washington nr Green St.
Holwell, Richard, Patent Suspender Manufacturer, Fairfax nr King St.
Hooe, Bernard, Mayor and Attorney at Law, King nr Washington St.
Hooe, Daniel F., Tanner & Currier, cor King and St. Assaph Sts.
Horseman, Elijah, Grocer, Washington cor of Green St.
Hough, George S., Dry Good Store, King nr Royal St.
Hough, George S., Washington nr Duke St.
Hough, Lawrence, King nr Royal St.
House, Richard, Cartman, King nr Henry St.
Howard, John, Dealer, Water St cor of Green St.
Hoye, Francis, Drayman, Wolf nr St. Assaph St.
Hubbard, William, Washington nr Duke St.
Huddleston, John, Slater, Royal nr Wolf St.
Huff, John, Cashier of Farmer's Bank, Prince cor Water St.
Hughes, George, Ship Carpenter, Union cor Gibbon St.
Humphries, John, Ship Carpenter, Water St. nr Wolf St.
Hunter, Mary, Boarding House, Water St.
Hunter, Nancy, Widow, Fairfax nr Wolf St.
Hunter, Robert W., Ship Yard, Union nr Gibbon St.
Hunter, Robert, Ship Carpenter, Prince nr Fairfax St.
Hurdle, Lawrence, green nr Alford St.
Hurdle, Levi, Chair Maker, Green nr Alford St.
Hutchins, William, Shoe Maker & Watchman, Prince nr Patrick St.
Hutchins, William, Shoe Maker, Cameron nr Pitt St.
Hutchinson, Rev. Mr., Presbyterian Minister, Patrick St.
Hymendiger, Christy, Baker, King nr Henry St.

Irwin, J. & W., Merchants, Union nr King St.
Irwin, James, Brewer, Cameron nr Pitt St.
Irwin, Mrs., Widow, Cameron nr Alford St.
Isaacs, Samuel Tailor, King nr Royal St.

Jack, James, Shoemaker, King nr Royal St.
Jackson, Harriet, Widow, Union St.
Jackson, John, Well Digger, Henry nr Duke St.
Jackson, Robert, Block & Pump Maker, Union St.
Jackson, William, Boot Maker, Fairfax nr Duke St.
Jacobs, Agustus, Book Seller, King nr Royal St.
Jacobs, George, Tailor, Prince nr Fairfax St.
Jacobs, Prestley, Tailor, King nr Royal St.
Jacobs, Thomas, Tailor, King nr Henry St.
Janney, Aberjar, Flour Inspector, Duke nr Columbia St.
Janney, Miss Jane and Pleasant, St. Assaph nr Prince St.
Janney, John & Joseph, Flour Merchants, Janney's Wharf.
Janney, Jonathan, Flour Merchant, Potomac Strand.
Janney, Phineas, Merchant, Janney's Wharf.
Janney, Rebecca, Dress Maker, cor Patrick & Prince Sts.
Janney, S. M. & S. H., Merchants, King nr Union St.
Janney, Samuel H., St. Assaph nr Prince St.
Jemison, Penope (Penelope?), Widow, Water nr King St.
Jemison, Robert, Baker, Water nr Queen St.
Johnson, S. M., Merchant Tailor, King nr Royal St.
Johnston, Rev. Mr., Protestant Minister, Duke nr Washington St.
Johnston, Alexes, Painter, Prince nr Fairfax St.
Johnston, Ann, Widow, Grocer, cor Duke & Water Sts.
Johnston, George & Co., Commission Merchants, Janney's Wharf.
Johnston, George, Shoe Maker, Fairfax nr Duke St.
Johnston, John, Constable, Prince nr Washington St.
Johnston, John, Tailor, Fairfax nr Duke St.
Johnston, Quiland, Laborer, Royal nr Wolf St.
Johnston, Reuben, Fairfax nr Duke St.
Jones, Benjamin, Tanner, Royal nr Wolf St.
Jones, Isakel, Sailor, Union St.
Jones, Martha, Widow, Union nr King St.
Josselyn, Ozen, Hatter, King nr Royal St.
Jourdens, Miss, Prince nr Potomac St.

Keene, Newton, Magistrate, Union nr Prince St.
Keeth, James, Prince nr Columbia St.
Kell, Isaac, Tanner, King nr Union St.
Kelly, John, Sea Captain, Fairfax St.
Kelly, Robert, Laborer, Alford St.
Kennedy, E., Book Seller, King St.
Kenner, Elizabeth, Widow, Union nr King St.
Kerby, Elizabeth, Widow, Water nr Cameron.
Kerr, Isaac, Prince nr Washington St.
Kerr, James D., Grocer and Wine Merchant, cor King & Washington Sts.
Keywood, Moses O. B., Cooper, Cameron nr Fairfax St.
Kibben, Henry, Blacksmith, Henry St.
King Thomas, Merchant Tailor, King nr Royal St.
King, Benjamin, Ship Carpenter, Water nr Cameron St.
King, Jane, Widow, Fairfax St,
King, John W., Shoe Maker, Alford nr Duke St.
King, Richard H., Shoe Maker, Cameron nr Pitt St.
Kinkade, Jane, Widow, Cameron nr Alford St.
Kinsey, Zenas, Tanner and Currier, King nr Washington St.
Kisingdoffer, John, Cooper, Prince nr Alford St.
Knight, Henry, Potomac Strand.
Knight, Sabre, Water nr Cameron St.
Koons & Milan, Dry Good Store, King nr Fairfax St.
Koons, Charles, Cabinet Maker, King nr Columbia St.
Krise, John, Clerk of Potomac Bank, Prince nr Alford St.

Ladd, Mrs., Widow, Prince nr Water St.
Ladd, John H., Merchant, cor Prince & Union Sts.
Ladd, Joseph B., King nr St. Assaph St.
Ladd, Joseph B., Merchant, Union nr Princess St.
Laman, Alexander, Chair Maker & Grocer, Fairfax nr Wolf St.
Laman, Alexander, Chair Maker & Grocer, Fairfax nr Wolf St.
Lambert, Benjamin, Duke nr Fairfax St.
Lanphier, William, Apothecary & Druggist, King nr Royal St.
Laphin, Eliza, Grocer, Prince nr Columbia St.
Larmour, Samuel B., Merchant, King nr Fairfax St.
Latham, Edward, Burr Mill stone Manufacturer, Fayette St.
Lathcum, Catharine, Tavern Keeper, Prince nr Union St.
Law, Elizabeth, Widow, Queen nr Royal St.
Lawson, John, Tavern & Grocery, Cameron St, opposite the Market House.
Lawson, Mrs., Widow, Huckster, Royal nr Cameron St.
Leap, Mrs., Widow, Prince nr Columbia St.
Leddy, ____, Grocer, cor King & West Sts.
Leddy, Hugh, Baker & Grocer, Royal St, opposite the Market House.
Lee, Edmund I., Clerk of the Court, Washington nr Cameron St.
Lee, Thomas, Blacksmith, Royal nr King St.
Lewis, Levy, Laborer, Royal nr Wolf St.
Lightfoot, Ann, Oyster House, King nr West St.
Linn, Adam, Magistrate, St. Assaph nr Prince St.
Linsey (Lindsey?), Samuel, Clerk, Prince nr Washington St.
Linton, William, Wolf nr St. Assaph St.
Lloyd, Henry, Royal nr Wolf St.
Lloyd, John, Washington nr Cameron St.
Lockwood, Aquila, Dry Good Store, King nr Fairfax St.
Logan, Peter, Barber, Royal nr King St.
Louden, Frederick, Carpenter, Royal nr Wolf St.
Louden, William, Carpenter, St. Assaph nr Duke St.
Lowe, John F. M., King nr Washington St.
Lunt, Israel, Alford nr Fairfax St.
Lunt, Zira, Grocer, cor King & Alford St.
Lyles, James, Cooper, King nr Henry St.
Lyles, Mrs., King nr St. Assaph St.
Lyles, Thomas, Constable, King nr St. Assaph St.

Maddox, John H., Merchant, Fairfax nr King St.
Maffett, John, Grocer, Prince nr Water St.
Magrath, Benjamin, Laborer, Queen nr Royal St.
Maguire, James, Clerk in the Custom House, Royal St.
Maher, Michael, Grocer, Fairfax nr Princess St.
Manderville, Julia, cor Queen & Royal Sts.
Mandeville, Joseph, Merchant, King nr Fairfax St.
Manix, John P., Grocer, King nr West St.
Mankins, Mark, Carpenter, Wolf nr Union St.
Mans, Rev. Mr., Presbyterian Minister, Duke nr Queen St.
Mansfield, Henry, Merchant Tailor, Fairfax nr Duke St.
Mansfield, Thomas, Dealer, Fairfax nr Duke St.
Mark, John H., Merchant Tailor, Royal nr King St.
Marks, Mrs. N., Widow, Boarding House, Fairfax nr Duke St.
Marks, Sarah, Boarding House, Royal nr King St.
Martin, Sarah W., Widow, Circulating Library, Royal nr King St.
Martin, Thomas L., Hatter, King nr Fairfax St.
Mason, Thomas F., Attorney at Law, Washington nr Queen St.
Massey, J. W., King nr Patrick St.
Massey, John W., Hardware Merchant, King nr Columbia St.
Massey, Robert, Tailor, Prince nr Fairfax St.
Masterson, Morgiana, Widow, Grocer, Fairfax nr Duke St.
Maurbery, Leonard, Sea Captain, Water nr Wolf St.
Mausbery, Mrs. Francis, Prince nr Pitt St.
Mayor, James, Cabinet Maker, King nr Columbia St.
Mayor, John, Soap & Candle Factory, King nr Alford St.
McCafferen, Dolin, Cooper, King nr Union St.
McCahren, Dugal, Cooper, Fairfax nr Princes (Prince?) St.
McClean, Joseph, Cooper, Water nr Duke St.
McClosh, Elizabeth, Widow, Union nr duke St.
McCloud ____, Painter, King nr Union St.
McCobb, James, Prince nr Columbia St.
McCrea, Catharine, Widow, St. Assaph nr King St.
McDaniels, Rossetta, Mantua Maker, King nr St. Assaph St.
McDoudel, Mrs., Widow, Pitt St.
McEntire, Charles, Sea Captain, Duke nr Washington St.
McEvoy, Joseph, Grocer, King nr West St.
McFarlan, John, Boot & Shoe Maker, Prince nr Union St.
McKenney, James L., Cashier at the Alexandria Bank.
McKinsey, Alexander, Grocer, Prince nr Pitt St.
McKinsey, James & Co., Dry Good Store, King nr Pitt St.
McKinsey, James, Duke nr Fairfax St.
McKinzey, James, Pitt St.
McKinzey, Mrs., Widow, Pitt St.
McKnight, John, Harbour Master, St. Assaph nr Prince St.
McLaughlin, Edward, Grocer, cor of Cameron & Royal Sts.
McLeish, George, Cooper, Union nr Gibbon St.
McNight, Charles, Prince nr Washington St.
McNight, William, Carpenter, Prince nr Washington St.
McNight, William, Carpenter, Union nr Gibbon St.
McVey, William M., Merchant, Prince nr Union St.
Meachan, Gaylord, Blacksmith, Fairfax nr Wolf St.
Meads, Theodore, Captain of the Watch, Wolf nr Alford St.
Mendal, William, Constable, Wolf St.
Messersmith, Samuel, Merchant, Vowel's Wharf, cor of Centre Alley.
Miller, J. H., Washington nr Duke St.
Miller, Joseph H., Merchant, Prince nr Union St.
Miller, Robert H., China Store, King nr Fairfax St.
Miller, Robert, St. Assaph nr Prince St.
Miller, William H., Prince nr Fairfax St.
Mills, John, Slater & Cloth Store, Prince nr Water St.
Mills, William N., Scavenger, King nr Patrick St.
Mills, William, Cigar Maker, Duke nr Washington St.
Mills, William, Sea Pilot, Henry St.
Minnax, John P., Alford nr Duke St.
Mooney, Mary, Milliner, King nr St. Assaph St.
Moore, Mr., Sea Captain, Wolf St.
Moore, Joseph, Sailor, Wolf nr Union St.
Morgan, T., Ship Carpenter, Fairfax nr Duke St.
Morgan, Thomas, Cooper, Alford nr Duke St.
Morgan, William, Boot Maker, King nr Pitt St.
Morrison, William, St. Assaph nr King St.
Moss, O. S., Lottery Broker, cor King & Royal Sts.
Mount, Thomas, Hardware Store, King nr Fairfax St.
Mount, Thomas, Royal nr King St.
Muir, John, Hardware Store, King nr Pitt St.
Muir, Mrs., Boarding House, Washington St.
Munroe, Daniel, Cooper, Union nr Gibbon St.
Munroe, Daniel, Cooper, Water nr Duke St.
Munroe, Robert, Shoe Maker, Fairfax nr King St.
Murdock, Robert, Sea Captain, Union St.
Murphy, Dr. Frances (Francis?), Prince nr Fairfax St.
Murphy, Frances, China and Delf (Delft?) Store, Fairfax nr King St.
Murray, Mrs., Widow, Fairfax nr Duke St.
Murray, Charles, Duke St.
Murray, John, Master Ship Builder, Water St.
Murray, P. C., Boot & Shoe Store, Royal nr King St.
Murro, Thomas, Grocer, King nr Columbia St.
Musgrove, Maria, Widow, Grocer, Duke nr Fairfax St.
Myers, Mrs., Widow, Union nr Gibbon St.

Naylor, Dickinson, Dry Good Store, Union nr Cameron St.
Neale, Christopher, Judge of the Orphans Court, Washington St.
Newton, Augustus, City Hotel, cor Royal & Cameron Sts.
Nichols, Zachariah, White Smith & Bell Hanger.
Nightengale, James, Duke nr Washington St.
Norbeck, Mrs. Widow, King nr Washington St.
Norris, Doctor, Washington nr Cameron St.
Norris, James, Grocer, Prince nr Fairfax St.
Norris, John, Tailor, St. Assaph nr Prince St.
Nott, Mrs., Widow, Henry St.
Nott, William, Henry St.
Nutt, William D., Auction & Commission Store, Prince cor of Union St.

O'Neille, Ferdinand, Tavern Keeper, King nr West St.
Odgen (Ogden?), Rezin L., Shoe Maker, Prince nr Columbia St.

Page, Charles, Cashier of Potomac Bank, Prince nr Royal St.
Page, William, Prince nr Royal St.
Pagget, Joseph, Cooper, Green cor Royal St.
Parson, Catharine, Widow, Fairfax nr Wolf St.
Parson, John, Shoe Maker, Fairfax nr Wolf St.
Pasker, Charles, Shoe Maker, Fairfax nr Wolf St.
Pasker, John, Fairfax nr Wolf St.
Paston, Francis, Carpenter, Patrick St.
Paton, Francis, King nr West St.
Patterson, Rebecca, Widow, Royal nr Wolf St.
Patterson, Sarah, boarding House, Fairfax St.
Patterson, William, Fairfax St.
Peach, Samuel, Wire Worker, King nr Patrick St.
Peekin, John, Painter, St. Assaph nr Prince St.
Perry, Maria, Widow, Prince nr Patrick St.
Phillips, James, Bricklayer, Princess St.
Pickering, Levi, Carpenter, Potomac & Wolf Sts.
Pierpoint, John A., Teacher, Alford St.
Piles, Lewis, Blacksmith, Washington nr Duke St.
Pilton, Mrs., Widow, Union nr King St.
Piper, Hugh, Wheel Wright, Princess St.
Plumber, Jarette, Flour Merchant, King nr Henry St.
Plumer, Samuel, Teacher, St. Assaph nr Washington St.
Pollard, William, Ship Carpenter, Water St.
Pomroy, William, Cabinet Maker, Royal nr Wolf St.
Pomroy, William, Hyguan Medicine Store, Cameron nr Pitt St.
Porter, Mrs., Ladies' Boarding School, Duke & St. Assaph Sts.
Porter, Sirriah, Widow, Alford nr Duke St.
Posey, James, Maryland Hotel, cor Potomac & Wolf Sts.
Preston, Thomas, Carpenter, Duke nr Water St.
Pretteman, David G., Coach Maker, Pitt St.
Price, David, Carpenter, St. Assaph nr Prince St.
Price, George, Grocer & Shoe Maker, Cameron nr cor Pitt St.
Price, William, Boot & Shoe Maker, King nr Union St.
Price, William, Carpenter, Cameron nr Pitt St.
Pritchard, Sarah, Widow, Union nr cor Prince St.
Proctor, G. J., Tailor, King nr Royal St.
Purley, James, Cabinet Maker, Prince nr Columbia St.

Ramsay, Robert, Duke nr Water St.
Ramsey, R. & W., Merchants, cor Ramsey's Alley.
Ramsey, Robert, Fairfax cor King St.
Randolph, Thomas B., Sergeant-at-Arms, King nr Columbia St.
Rankins, William, Cooper, Alford St.
Redmond, Onoris, Widow, Royal nr Wolf St.
Reece, Rev. Levi, Methodist Preacher, Alford St.
Reed, Lins, Tobacconist, King nr Fairfax St.
Reese & Hodkins, Wheel Wrights and Blacksmiths, Washington nr King St.
Reese, Samuel, Wheel Wright, Wolf cor Alford St.
Reid, Michael H., Grocer, cor King & Fayette Sts.
Reid, Silas, Fairfax cor of King St.
Rein, John, Sawyer, Water nr Duke St.
Reynolds, Joel, Baker, Duke nr Fairfax St.
Reynolds, Margaret, Widow, Fairfax nr Duke St.
Reynolds, William C., Boot & Shoe Maker, Fairfax nr Duke St.
Richards, Doctor, Cameron nr Alford St.
Richey, Maria, Widow, Union nr Prince St.
Riddle, James J., Columbia nr Duke St.
Riordan, James, Lottery & Exchange Broker, Fairfax cor Royal St.
Riordan, John F., Clerk, Water nr Wolf St.
Riston, John, Laborer, Royal nr Wolf St.
Roach, Philip, Canal Contractor, Royal nr King St.
Roades, Anthony, Union nr Prince St.
Robbins, Isaac H., Teacher, Prince nr Washington St.
Roberts, John, Prince nr Columbia St.
Robins, Isaac, Clerk, Wolf cor Alford St.
Robins, Mr., Prince nr Henry St.
Robinson, Michael, Wolf cor Alford St.
Rochford, Bartholomew, King cor Fayette St.
Rochford, Philip, Flour Merchant, King nr West St.
Rock, Richard, Blacksmith, Duke nr Water St.
Rodds, Richard A., Painter, Prince nr Fairfax St.
Rollins, Isaac, Brass Founder, Alford St.
Rose, ___ Sea Captain, King nr Washington St.
Ross, Mrs., Widow, Royal nr Wolf St.
Ross, Ann, Widow, Columbia nr Duke St.
Ross, Jonathan, Hardware Merchant, King cor Fayette St,
Rudd, Mrs., Cook Shop, Fairfax nr Prince St.
Rudd, John A., Painter, Prince nr Pitt St.
Ruler, Samuel, Shoe Maker, Prince nr Washington St.
Rutter, Josiah, Segar Maker, Fairfax nr Wolf St.

Sales, Francis, laborer, Duke nr Fairfax St.
Sands, John, Blacksmith, Patrick St.
Sanford, ____, Sail Maker, Fairfax cor Duke St.
Sanger, Stephen, Cabinet Maker, King nr Alford St.
Satterwhite, Mrs., Widow, Washington nr Queen St.
Satterwhite, Jeremiah, Cabinet Maker, King nr Columbia St.
Schofield, King nr Patrick St.
Scott, Charles, Deputy Marshal, Prince nr Water St.
Scott, Mrs., Widow, Queen nr Royal St.
Shackelford, Eliza, Widow, Prince nr Washington St.
Shackelford, James, Saddler, Cameron nr Royal St.
Shackelford, John, Grocer, Prince nr Pitt St.
Shafferman, Anthony, Butcher, Duke nr Water St.
Shakes, John, Brush Maker, King nr St. Assaph St.
Shakes, John, Hay Weigher & Inspector, St. Assaph nr King St.
Shaw, Sarah, Widow, Royal nr Wolf St.
Shelleba, Jonathan, Magistrate, Fairfax nr King St.
Shelleba, Jonathan, Wolf nr St. Assaph St.
Shermondine, Anne, Widow, Union nr Gibbon St.
Sheron, Mrs., Widow, Royal nr King St.
Sherwood, Mary, Widow, Alford St.
Shields, John, Ship Rigger, Fairfax nr Wolf St.
Shin, Stephen, Merchant, Janney's Wharf.
Shin, Stephen, Water nr Cameron St.
Shirley, Mrs., Widow, Washington nr Duke St.
Shrives, Samuel, Currier, Royal nr Wolf St.
Shulter, Sarah, Boarding House, Duke nr Alford St.
Sidebottom, Wilford, Grocer, Royal nr King St.
Simkins, John, Sailor, Union nr Duke St.
Simmons, Samuel, Taylor, Fairfax nr Wolf St.
Simms, Ann, Grocer, Union nr King St.
Simpson, Hanson, Ship Carpenter, Royal St.
Simpson, James, Barber, King nr Royal St.
Simpson, Peter, Tobacconist, Duke nr Fairfax St.
Sings, Mrs., Widow, Cameron nr Fairfax St.
Sins, James W., Carpenter, Washington nr Duke St.
Skinner, Thomas, Duke nr Fairfax St.
Slatford, Elizabeth, Widow, Princess St.
Slatford, Thomas, Grocer, Union nr King St.
Slicer, Rev. Henry, Methodist Preacher, Wolf nr St. Assaph St.
Smith, Rev. Mr., Catholic Priest, Duke nr Fairfax St.
Smith, Edward, Alford nr Duke St.
Smith, Hugh, China Merchant, King nr Union St.
Smith, Hugh, Jr., Alford nr Cameron St.
Smith, Hugh, Sr., Alford nr King St.
Smith, James W., Globe Tavern, Cameron opposite Market House.
Smith, John, Shoe Maker, Fairfax nr King St.
Smith, John, Tailor, Duke St.
Smith, Joseph, King nr Fayette St.
Smith, Martha, Widow, Princess St.
Smith, Mary, Widow, Wolf nr St. Assaph St.
Smith, Nancy, Widow, Fairfax nr Wolf St.
Smith, Dr. Sidney, King nr Fayette St.
Smith, Rev. Thomas, Protestant Minister, Royal nr Pitt St.
Smith, Thomas, Carpenter, Wolf nr St. Assaph St.
Smith, Thomas, Metal Founder, Potomac nr Wolf St.
Smoote, Charles & Co., Tanners & Curriers, cor King & Union St.
Smoote, Charles, Pitt St.
Smoote, G. H., Coal Merchant, King nr Union St.
Smoote, George, Water cor Cameron St.
Smoote, George H., Lumber Merchant, Union nr Cameron St.
Smoote, James, Tanner, St. Assaph nr Washington St.
Smyth, Edward, Grocer, King nr Washington St.
Snowden, Edgar, Attorney at Law, Fairfax nr King St.
Snyder, Matthias, Grocer, King nr Henry St.
Snyder, Matthias, Paint Store, Prince nr Water St.
Snyder, Matthias, Washington nr Cameron St.
Soloman, Ann, Milliner, King nr Washington St.
Southard, James, Sailor, Union nr Gibbon St.
Spillman, William C., Boot & Shoe Maker, Fayette St.
Stabler, Elizabeth, Widow, St. Assaph St.
Stabler, William, Druggist & Pharmacist, Fairfax nr King St.
Stabler, William, St. Assaph nr Duke St.
Staunton, Richard, Bricklayer, Prince nr Potomac St.
Steaples, Samuel J., Hat Manufacturer, King St.
Steel, Nelson, Jailor, St. Assaph nr Princess St.
Stephens, Robert, Boot & Shoe Maker, Princess St.
Stephenson, Robert, Segar Maker, Prince nr Potomac St.
Stetson, John, Sea Captain, Water nr Wolf St.
Stewart, John A., Book Store & Paper Hanger, King nr Royal St.
Stewart, John A., Prince nr Water St.
Stewart, William, Sailor, Duke nr Water St.
Stoops, Elizabeth, Widow, Boarding House, Princess St.
Strongfellow, Oratsia, Presbyterian Minister, Royal St.
Stuart, Elizabeth, Widow, cor Duke & Columbia St.
Stuart, James M., Grocery Store, King nr Union St.
Stuart, William B., Steamboat Hotel, cor Union & Lafayette Alley.
Summers, John, Coach Maker, St. Assaph nr King St.
Summers, Wesley, cor Patrick & Prince St.
Summers, Westley, Grocer, King nr Fayette St.
Suthard, William, Boatman, Fairfax nr Wolf St.
Sutton, Samuel, Sailor, Union nr Duke St.
Swain, George, Carpenter, Wolf nr St. Assaph St.
Swain, John, Shoe Maker, Royal nr Wolf St.
Swaine, George, Carpenter, Union nr Gibbon St.
Swan, Thomas, Custom House Officer, Fairfax nr Duke St.
Swan, Thomas, Plaster Miller, Union nr Gibbon St.
Swartz, Peter, Wheel Wright, King nr Fayette St.

Talbot, Mrs., Boarding House, St. Assaph nr Prince St.
Tate, Samuel, Drayman, Patrick St.
Tatsepaugh, John, Baker, Cameron nr Royal St.
Tatsepaugh, William, Fairfax nr Princess St.
Taubman, Richard, Shoe Maker, Prince nr Henry St.
Taylor, Augustus, Laborer, Henry St.
Taylor, Cornelius, Brick Maker, cor Fayette & King Sts.
Taylor, Harrison, Bricklayer, cor Fayette & King Sts.
Taylor, Joseph, Cabinet Maker, Columbia nr Duke St.
Taylor, Rebecca, Dry Good Store, King nr Columbia St.
Taylor, Robert Wright, Attorney at Law, Duke nr St. Assaph St.
Taylor, Thomas, Plasterer, Pitt nr King St.
Taylor, Thomas, Prince nr Fairfax St,
Taylor, William, Carpenter, Alford nr Duke St.
Thomas, George, Laborer, Cameron nr Alford St.
Thomas, James & George, Lumber Merchants, Potomac nr Wolf St.
Thomas, James, Lumber Merchant, Royal nr King St.
Thomas, Thomas, Grocer, Alford nr Duke St.
Thomas, William, Tavern Keeper, Union St.
Thompson, Betsey, Widow, Prince nr Washington St.
Thompson, Elenor, Widow, Grocer, Fairfax nr Wolf St.
Thompson, J. P., Treasurer to the Corporation, Washington St.
Thompson, James, Sea captain, Duke nr Water St.
Thompson, John, Cartman, Alford St.
Thompson, Mrs., Widow, Fairfax nr Princess St.
Thompson, Sarah, Widow, Patrick St.
Thompson, William H. & Co., Dry Good Store, King & Royal St.
Thompson, Woodward, Carpenter, Prince nr Columbia St.
Triplett, Charles, Cabinet Maker, Cameron nr Pitt St.
Troope, Pharis, Cabinet Maker, King nr Washington St.
Troth, Joseph, Laborer, Cameron nr Pitt St.
Trunel, Isaac, Tailor, Royal nr Wolf St.
Tucker, Levin, Show Maker, Potomac nr Wolf St.
Turley, Simon, Baker, Royal St.
Turner, Susan, Widow, cor Water & Wolf Sts.

Uria, Elizabeth, Widow, Duke nr Water St.
Ustick, Stephen, Printer, Royal nr Cameron St.

Vansant, James, Saddler, King nr Pitt St.
Veitch, Richard, Clerk, Washington nr Duke St.
Vernon, Philip B., Grocer, Prince nr Patrick St.
Violett, Ann, Widow, cor Wolf & Water St.
Violett, J. W., Lottery Broker, King nr Fayette St.
Vowals, John C., cor Wolf & St. Assaph St.
Vowell, President of Mechanics Bank, King nr St. Assaph St.
Vowell, J. D., Doctor & Druggist, King nr St. Assaph St.

Wagman, Sarah, Grocer, Duke nr Water St.
Walker, James, Shoe Maker, St. Assaph nr Prince St.
Waller, Elijah, Grocer & Tavern Keeper, King nr Fayette
Wanton, Mrs., Widow, Prince nr Pitt St.
Ward, Jonathan, Plasterer, Patrick St.
Ward, Walter, Laborer, Prince nr Patrick St.
Wardner, Henry, Ship Carpenter, Water nr Wolf St.
Washington & Brent, Dry Good Store, King nr Fairfax St.
Washington, Dr. William, King nr Columbia St.
Waters, Benjamin, Merchant, Union nr King St.
Watson, John, Carpenter, Fayette St.
Wattles, Nathaniel, Columbia nr Duke St.
Waugh, Alexander, Wolf St.
Waugh, William, Cooper, Royal nr Wolf St.
Webster, George, Carpenter, Prince nr Union St.
Weddeburn, William, Apothecary & Druggist, King nr Royal St.
Werdon, Manix, Shoe Maker, Royal nr King St.
West, Alexander, Tavern Keeper, Duke nr Fairfax St.
West, John, Franklin Hotel, cor King & Pitt Sts.
West, John, Sailor, Wolf St.
West, Thomas, Laborer, Fairfax nr Wolf St.
Wetmore, John, Shoe Maker, Fairfax nr Wolf St.
Wheat, Benoni & Son, Merchants, King nr Union St.
Wheat, Benoni, Pitt St.
Wheeler, Samuel, Shoe Maker, King nr St. Assaph St.
Wheelright, Dr., St. Assaph nr King St.
White, Anne, Milliner, King nr St. Assaph St.
White, George, Auction & Commission Store, King nr St. Assaph St.
White, J. H., Boot & Shoe Store, King nr Fairfax St.
Whittington, Mrs., Widow, Washington nr Cameron St.
Whittington, Thomas, Washington nr Cameron St.
Wiggs, John, Cartman, Fairfax nr Wolf St.
Wilba, John T. O., Hatter, King nr Fairfax St.
Williams, A. William, St. Assaph nr Prince St.
Williams, Elizabeth, Widow, Water St.
Williams, J., Waterman, Water St.
Williams, James, Ship Carpenter, Union nr Gibbon St.
Williams, W. W., Silver Smith & Jeweler, King nr Royal St.
Williams, Wilkinson J., Grocer, Fairfax nr Wolf St.
Wilson, Jacob, Patrick St.
Windsor, Elizabeth, Widow, Royal nr King St.
Winsor, Richard, Grocer, King nr West St.
Winsor, Richard, Saddler, King nr Henry St.
Wise, George P., Dry Good Store, King nr Pitt St.
Wise, George, Dry Good Merchant, King nr Henry St.
Wise, George, Sr., King nr St., Assaph St.
Witherburn, Dr., Prince nr Pitt St.
Witman, Zachariah, Grocer, Washington St.
Wood, Catharine, Widow, Fairfax nr Prince St.
Wood, John, Cooper, King nr Union St.
Wood, John, Fairfax nr Duke St.
Wood, William, Grocer & Cloth Store, Union nr King St.
Woods, Isaac, Sea Captain, Duke nr Columbia St.
Woods, Samuel, Foundryman, Duke St.
Wools, William, Cooper, Union nr King St.
Wright & Maddocks, Dry Good Store, cor Royal & King Sts.
Wright, Charles, Hatter, Union nr Prince St.
Wright, Harriet, Widow, Water St.
Wright, John, Hatter, Duke nr Water St.
Wright, Zachariah, Hatter, Fairfax nr Wolf St.

Yeates, Elizabeth, Teacher, St Assaph nr King St.
Yeates, William, Merchant Tailor, cor King & Fairfax St.
Yeaton, Josiah, Merchant, Patrick St.
Yeaton, William, Washington nr Cameron St.
York, Betsy, Widow, Wolf nr Alford St.

Zimmerman, Jacob, Butcher, Cameron nr Alford St.

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This page was last updated 03/05/2025