Washington D.C.

Government Agencies and Associations

Government Printing Office

Babcock, Henry J., Jr., 1912
Davidson, Edwin R., 1912
Healy, Thomas F., 1912
Hutchinson, Edmund Archus, 1912
Miller, James H., 1912
Ragan, John J., 1912
Weinstein, David D., 1912

Interstate Commerce Commission

Aitchison, Clyde B., 1917
Armstrong, Kenneth Potter, 1914, Bureau of Valuation
Ayres, Milan Valentine, 1914-1918, senior electrical engineer
Baker, J. Newton, 1912
Boyd, Leroy Stafford, 1921, librarian
Brown, Walter N., 1912
Butler, Ulysses, 1912
Callahan, Charles J., 1912
Campbell, Johnston B., 1921
Clark, Edgar Erastus, 1906
Colquitt, Joseph Clay Habersham, 1913, expert on freight classification
Cotterill, Charles E., 1912
Daniels, Winthrop More, 1921
Dismer, Henry F., 1908
Eastman, Joseph B., 1921
Esch, John Jacob, 1921
Farrell, Patrick Joseph, 1901
Felter, Herman, 1912
Folk, Joseph W., 1914, chief counsel
Harlan, James S., 1906-1919
Hartsfield, Augustus M., 1912
Heffernan, Bernard J., 1912
Hillyer, Clair Richards, 1912
Howard, James E., 1921, engineer-physicist
Howell, John H., 1912
Kent, Otis B., 1912
Knapp, Martin A., 1903-1910, chairman
Koebel, William J., 1912
Konigsberg, Morris H., 1912
Lewis, Ernest Irving, 1921
Lyon, Frank, 1912, Special Attorney
Mackley, Arthur R., 1912
Mapes, Carl A., 1915, private secretary to chairman
Marshall, Cloud, 1912, Special Agent
McChord, Charles C., 1921
McGinty, George Banks, 1921, secretary
Meyer, Balthasar H., 1921
Mitchell, Curtis W., 1912
Muller, Jean Paul, 1907-1911, Rate case accountant
Myers, Stacy H., 1912
Needham, Charles Willis, 1921, solicitor
Parmelee, Julius Hall, 1907-1909, special examiner
Paulson, Peter C., 1912
Payne, J. Stanley, 1912
Perry, Michael Hays, 1891-1910, clerk
Prouty, Charles Azro, 1921, director of valuation
Quarles, James, 1921, asst chief counsel
Schellberg, Leonard E., 1912
Smith, Andrew T., 1912
Spethman, Edward F., 1912
Sullivan, Thomas F., 1912

Library of Congress

Brown, Charles Harvey, 1901-1902, Assistant
Collins, Charles Wallace, 1921, law librarian
Cooley, Genevieve Sarah, 1901, cataloguer
Griffin, Appleton P. Clark, 1921, chief assistant librarian
Hastings, Charles Harris, 1900-1910, chief, card section
Hunt, Gaillard, 1909-1917, manuscripts
Keron, Robert, 1843, messenger
Kimball, Arthur Richmond, 1897, asst librarian
Lang, Clara Ella, 1919-1921, Assistant
Meyer, Herman H. B., 1921, chief of bibliography division
Mulford, J. Bentley, 1921, specialist in library science
Parsons, Francis H., 1921, librarian Smithsonian Division
Phillips, Philip Lee, 1921, division chief
Pulsifer, Woodbury, 1921, clerk
Putnam, Herbert, 1899-1921, Librarian of Congress
Rice, Richard A., 1921, chief, division of prints
Ricker, Shipley Wilson, 1910-1911, assistant
Schmidt, Alfred Francis William, 1902-1906, asst classification
Solberg, Thorvald, 1921, register of copyrights
Thompson, James David, 1901-1906, reclassification of science section

Smithsonian Institution

Abbot, Charles Greeley, 1895-1896, Astrophysics Observatory
Aldrich, John Merton, 1918, two-winged insects, US National Museum
Baer, John Leonard, 1921, archaeology, US National Museum
Baird, Spencer Fullerton, 1878, secretary
Barus, Carl, 1893-1895, physics
Bassler, Roy S., 1921, paleontology, US National Museum
Bean, Barton A., 1921, Division of Fishes, US National Museum
Bell, Alexander Graham, 1898, research
Brigham, Gertrude Richardson, 1910
Busck, August, 1921, entomologist, US National Museum
Casanowicz, Immanuel Moses, 1921, archaeologist, US National Museum
Chase, Henry, 1853-1854, asst librarian
Clark, Austin Hobart, 1921, division of echinoderms, US National Museum
Coues, Elliott, 1869, mammalogy,ornithology
Coville, Frederick Vernon, 1893, Curator, US National Herbarium
Cox, William Van Zandt, 1887-1907, representative at expositions
Dall, William Healey, 1921, zoologist and geologist
DeHass, Wills, 1879-1881, Ohio valley antiquities
Dyar, Harrison Gray, 1921, lepidoptera, US National Museum
Earll, Robert Edward, 1888-1896, curator
Elston, John Arthur, 1919, regent
Fewkes, Jesse Walter, 1921, chief, Bureau of American Ethnology
Flesche, Francis La, 1921, ethnologist, Bureau of American Ethnology
Fowle, Frederick Eugene, Jr, 1894, Astrophysics Observatory
Gilbert, Norman Everett, 1902, Astrophysics Observatory
Hallock, William, 1891-1892, Astrophysics Observatory
Hayden, F. V., 1869, geology
Henry, Joseph, 1869, physical geography
Henshaw, Henry Wetherbee, 1880-1893, ethnology
Hilgard, Eugene Woldemar, 1855-1856, Chemistry
Hodge, Frederick Webb, 1901-1905, curator
Holmes, William Henry, 1921, US National Museum
Hough, Walter, 1886, US National Museum
Hrdlicka, Ales, 1921, anthropologist, US National Museum
Judd, Neil M., 1921, archaeology, US National Museum
Langley, Samuel Pierpont, 1887, secretary
Leech, Daniel, 1865-1881, Corresponding clerk
Mason, Otis Tufton, 1874-1884, anthropologist
Maxon, William Ralph, 1899, US National Museum
Meek, F. B., 1869, carcinology,geology
Mendenhall, Charles Elwood, 1901, Astrophysics Observatory
Merrill, George Perkins, 1921, geology, US National Museum
Miller, Gerrit S. Jr, 1921, mammals, US National Museum
Mitchell, Samuel Alfred, 1904, Astrophysics Observatory
Moorehead, Warren King, 1889-1890, anthropologist
Palmer, Rose Amelia, 1901, classifier
Pogue, Joseph Ezekiel, Jr, 1909-1913, curator
Rathbun, Mary Jane, 1921, zoology, US National Museum
Rathbun, Richard, 1897, secretary
Ravenel, William De C., 1921, admin asst to secretary, US National Museum
Rhees, William Jones, 1853-1891, chief clerk
Richardson, Harriet, 1901, Collaborator
Richmond, Charles W., 1898, Mammology,Ornithology
Richmond, Charles Wallace, 1921, curator of birds, US National Museum
Rusby, Henry Hurd, 1880-1883, exploration
Schmitt, Waldo La Salle, 1921, marine invertebrates, US National Museum
Sherzer, William Hittell, 1904, glacial expedition
Stejneger, Leonhard, 1921, biology, US National Museum
Stiles, Charles Wardell, 1894, secretary
Swanton, John R., 1921, ethnologist, Bureau of American Ethnology
True, Webster Prentiss, 1921, editor
Ulrich, Edward O., 1921, paleontology, US National Museum
Wadsworth, Frank Lawton Olcott, 1892-1894, Astrophysics Observatory
Walcott, Charles Doolittle, 1898, secretary
White, Charles Abiathar, 1895, paleontology
White, Henry, 1921, board of regents and executive committee

US Bureau of Education

Boggs, Anita Uarda Maris, 1915-1919
Boykin, James Chambers, 1895, special agent
Calvin, Henrietta Willard, 1921, home economist
Campbell, Harry, 1908-1909, clerk
Clarke, I. Edwards, 1894, Compiler
Farrington, Frederic Ernest, 1914-1919
Flint, Weston, 1894, Statistician
Hamilton, William, 1921, Alaska Division
Harris, William T., 1894, Commissioner
Hood, William R., 1906
Jarvis, Chester D., 1921, specialist in agriculture
Letcher, Marion, 1903-1909, clerk
Macdonald, Arthur, 1921, anthropologist
Muerman, John C., 1921, specialist
Pierce, Lovich, 1894, Chief Clerk
Presnell, Henderson, 1894, Librarian
Schoenfeld, Hermann, 1893-1894, representative in Poland
Small, Willard Stanton, 1921, educator
Swiggett, Glen Levin, 1921, commercial education
Zook, George Frederick, 1921, specialist in higher education

US Bureau of Fisheries

Bartsch, Paul, 1911, Biological Explorations in Lower California
Benedict, James Everard, 1833-1836, naturalist, steamer Albatross
Coker, Robert Ervin, 1921, asst charge scientific inquiry
Dunlap, Irving Hall, 1921, chief clerk
Kendall, William Converse, 1921, naturalist
Moore, Henry Frank, 1903, deputy commissioner
Ravenel, William De C., 1883-1902
Schmitt, Waldo La Salle, 1914-1915, naturalist, steamer Albatross

US Bureau of Standards

Austin, Louis Winslow, 1921, physicist
Benson, Amelia Knox, 1921, asst physicist
Briggs, Lyman J., 1921, physicist
Buckingham, Edgar, 1921, physicist
Burgess, George Kimball, 1903, associate physicist
Cheney, Walter Lynn, 1917-1921, asst physicist
Dorsey, Noah Ernest, 1903, staff position
Grover, Frederick Warren, 1902-1904, lab asst
Harper, Daniel Roberts, 1921, physicist
Hillebrand, William Francis, 1921, chief chemist
Lloyd, Morton G., 1902-1910, chief of safety section
Meyer, John Franklin, 1921, physicist
Moriarty, Daniel .J, 1912
Nelson, John Harland, 1916-1918, engineer
Owens, Albert Waffle, 1918, Chemistry
Pienkowsky, Arthur Thaddeus, 1919, physics
Post, George Edwin, 1907
Rapp, Isaiah March, 1919, Associate, physics
Rosa, Edward Bennett, 1901, physicist
Sasuly, Max, 1919, Assistant, physics
Smither, Frederick Wilson, 1921, chemist
Souder, Wilmer Henry, 1919, physics
Stratton, Samuel W., 1921, director
Templin, Richard Lawrence, 1917-1918, lab asst, physicist
Vinal, George Wood, 1907-1908, research work
Voorhees, Samuel S., 1921, chemist
Waidner, Charles W., 1921, physicist
Walker, Percy Hargraves, 1921, chemist
Waters, Campbell Easter, 1921, chemist
Weaver, Elmer Rupel, 1921, chemist
Wenner, Frank, 1921, physicist and electrical engineer
Wickers, Edwarj), 1917, Chemistry
Wolff, Frank A., 1921, physicist
Woodward, Raymond West, 1921, physicist, metallurgist

US Census Bureau

Adams, Henry Carter, 1890, director
Austin, William Lane, 1901, Census Bureau
Bahret, James Lincoln, 1905-1912, clerk
Bailey, James G., 1900-1901
Baldwin, Thomas Porter, 1850-1851, clerk
Barnes, Charles Maurice, 1909-1912, clerk
Billings, John S., 1894, Vital Statistics, Expert special agent
Blake, William McKendree, 1889
Blanchard, Clarence J., 1899-1903, irrigation investigations
Bliss, Edwin Munsell, 1907, special agent
Blodgett, James H., 1894, Educational Statistics, Expert special agent
Boudinot, George S., 1894, Special classes
Church, Charles Washburn, 1888-1893
Cole, Samuel, 1900, laborer
Collins, Robert Moore, 1890-1891
Cox, Enoch M., 1912
Cushman, Marshall Blair, 1870-1871, clerk
Farnum, John Randolph, 1890, field agent, Fisheries Division
Flohic, Daisy Loomis Le, 1900, clerk
Folkmar, Daniel, 1921, statistician
Gannett, Henry, 1894, Geography, Expert special agent
Gillan, Edward Francis, 1912
Hall, Frederick Smith, 1899-1902
Hartley, Eugene Fuller, 1900-1917, clerk
Hartnett, Daniel J., 1912
Hill, Joseph A., 1921, chief statistician
Holmes, George K., 1894, Farms,Homes,and Mortgages, Special agent
Hunt, William Chamberlin, 1921, chief statistician
Hyde, John, 1894, Agriculture, Special agent
King, William A., 1894, Vital Statistics, chief div
Kinney, William Edwards, 1890-1891, clerk
Kitch, James Barbour, 1912
Leavitt, Leon Brooks, 1909, special agent
Lee, Margaret Wishard, 1889-1891, clerk
Leland, John D., 1894, Geography, in charge
McCarty, Harry Clinton, 1905-1907, special agent
Moran, Charles Vincent, 1912
Morrison, Emily Selina, 1900, skilled laborer
Morrison, John W., 1912
Myers, Albert Perley, 1900-1903, clerk
Nixon, Cleon R., 1912
Oiler, George E., 1912
Olcott, W. H., 1894, Agriculture, chief div
Postlethwaite, Basil Bertram, 1910-1912, clerk
Powell, Wilson A., 1912
Sauer, Emil, 1910, special agent
Schreiner, Edmund, 1912, Assistant Chief of Division
Schuckers, Louis C., 1894, Printing and Stationery, Chief div
Shaman, A. E., 1894, Revision and Results, Special agent
Sherman, Walter I., 1912
Sloane, Charles S., 1921, geographer
Steuart, William M., 1921, director
Stone, Henry, 1870-1872, Chief of Division
Tepper, Benjamin L., 1912
Upton, J. K., 1894, Wealth, Debt, and Taxation, Expert special agent
Vivian, Thomas J., 1894, Transportation Chief div
Waite, Henry Randall, 1880-1884, Relig Sc Educ Dep
Walker, Francis Amasa, 1880
Wardle, James H., 1894, Chief Clerk
West, Helen Beale, 1915, special agent
Willcox, Walter Francis, 1902, special agent
Wright, Carroll D., 1894, Commissioner of Labor in charge
Wright, Cassius Eugene, 1899-1919
Yancey, Charles L., 1912
Young, Wallace J., 1900
Zimmerman, Harvey J., 1912

US Civil Service Commission

Adams, Charles, 1871-1884
Brown, George Edgar, 1865-1867
Bunn, Paul V., 1889, Clerk
Butterfield, John Warren, 1861-1876
Codman, William Henry, 1852-1861
Craven, Hermon Wilson, 1913-1919
Davis, Charles, 1864-1867
Davis, Franklin Carsley, 1865-1869
Deane, Llewellyn, 1861-1873
Deering, Rufus Washburn, 1877-1888
Doyle, John Thomas, 1921, secretary
Drew, William Paley, 1864-1872
Dunlap, Henry, 1867-1888
Ferguson, William Proctor, 1884-1893
Fessenden, Stephen Deblois, 1880
Foster, Benjamin Browne, 1855-1857
Galloway, Charles Mills, 1913-1919
Gardiner, Charles William, 1865-1866
Gardner, Samuel Spring, 1872-1899
Greenlaw, Ralph Milo, 1899-1903
Harding, Albra Hamlin, 1882-1883
Hartley, John Fairfield, 1838-1875
Hill, Edward Kent, 1869-1873
Hunt, Arthur LeRoy, 1899-1905
Kendall, William Converse, 1889
Kimball, George Gustavus, 1862-1866
Larry, James, 1864-1872
Leavitt, Leon Brooks, 1900-1905
Mark, George Adams, 1863-1870
Mclntyre, George Robinson, 1861-1863
Morrison, Martin A., 1921, president
Packard, Charles Appleton, 1853-1855
Page, Kingman Fogg, 1854-1858
Perry, Trueman Summerfield, 1861-1866
Piper, Horace, 1868-1893
Plummer, Stanley, 1874-1887
Poindexter, George Gilmer, 1853-1858
Prasil, Anton, 1914-1918, examiner
Prince, Howard Lyman, 1871-1875
Pulsifer, Woodbury, 1889-1911
Quinby, Henry Brewer, 1877-1883
Ridley, Albert Sidney, 1890-1891
Robbins, Nathaniel Augustus, 1865
Seiders, David Washington, 1861-1873
Serven, Abram B., 1896, chief examiner
Simonton, Edward, 1904
Spalding, William Dixon, 1865-1867, clerk
Swett, Frederic George, 1908
Towle, Nathaniel Carter, 1833-1873
Townsend, Patrick Henry, 1861-1864
Verrill, Charles Henry, 1888
Wales, George Russell, 1892
Walker, Franklin Augustus, 1895
Washburn, William Sherman, 1890-1900, Examiner
Weld, Louis Dwight Harvell, 1910
Whiting, Roscoe Everett, 1906
Whitney, Joseph Newell, 1865-1878

US Coast and Geodetic Survey

Baker, Charles Whiting, 1884, Aid
Barnett, Samuel Jackson, 1902-1904, Magnetic observer
Barnum, Charlotte Cynthia, 1901, tidal division
Bauer, Louis Agricola, 1887-1906, astronomical and magnetic work
Baylor, James Bowen, 1921, geodesist
Burton, Alfred Edgar, 1879-1882, Aid
Cady, Walter Guyton, 1900-1902, Magnetic observer
Davidson, George, 1845-1895
Davis, Herman Stearns, 1900, Expert computer
Duvall, Charles Raymond, 1899-1913, computer
Edmunds, Charles Keyser, 1900, Magnetic observer
Faris, Robert Lee, 1921, asst director
Fish, John Charles Lounsbury, 1899, Recorder
Fleming, John Adam, 1899-1910
Gilbert, John Jacob, 1921, officer
Gore, James Howard, 1888-1890
Harris, Rollin Arthur, 1890, Mathematician
Haskell, Eugene Elwin, 1885-1893
Hayford, John Fillmore, 1889-1891, Computer
Hayford, John Fillmore, 1894-1895, Aid
Hazard, Daniel Lyman, asst chief, division of terrestrial magnetism
Hildreth, David M., 1888-1912
Hodgson, Carey Vandervort, 1921, hydrographic and geodetic engineer
Keeling, William Butler, 1905-1906, (Baldwin City, KS) Magnetic Observer
Mendenhall, Thomas Corwin, 1889-1894
Merriman, Mansfield, 1880-1885
Miller, Joseph Warren, 1901, Observer
Mitchell, Hugh Chester, 1921, geodetic engineer
Parker, William Edward, 1921, hydrographic and geodetic engineer
Parsons, Francis H., 1873-1894
Patton, Raymond S., 1921, chief, division of charts
Pawling, Jesse, Jr, 1895
Pegram, George Braxton, 1902-1903, Magnetic observer
Peirce, Charles S., 1873-1893
Pratt, John Francis, 1871-1879, Aid
Preston, Erasmus Darwin, 1895-1899, executive officer
Pritchett, Henry Smith, 1897-1900
Rude, Gilbert Thomas, 1903, field officer
Sands, Francis Preston Blair, 1861, Hydrographic aid
Shidy, Leland Perry, 1897, Tidal Division
Smith, Edwin, 1898
Smith, Edwin, 1870-1874, Aid
Smith, Leonard Sewall, 1896-1900
Smith, Levi Brown, 1902-1905, (Baldwin City, KS) Magnetic Observer
Sutcliffe, Walter Draper, 1913
Sutherland, Orlando Piatt, 1921, computer
Swick, Clarence Herbert, 1921, geodetic computer
Thompson, James David, 1900, survey of West Virginia
Tittmann, Otto Hilgard, 1867, High School Aid
Updegraff, Milton, 1883, Aid
Wainwright, Dallas Bache, 1877, studies of civil engineering
Welker, Philip A., 1921, civil engineer
Winston, Isaac, 1878, Aid
Woodward, Robert Simpson, 1890-1893
Woodyard, Charles Fisher, 1906-1907, (Baldwin City, KS)
Ziwet, Alexander, 1882-1887

US Department of Agriculture

Abbe, Cleveland, 1894, Professor of Meteorology
Abel, Joseph, 1912
Adams, James Merrill Ryland, 1908, service
Albro, Addis Bliss, 1903-1904, (Middletown, CT) nutrition investigation
Aldrich, John Merton, 1913-1918, entomological assistant
Allanson, Henry E., 1921, horticulturist
Allard, Harry Ardell, 1921, scientist
Allen, Edwin West, 1890-1893, Office of Exp. Stations
Almy, Lloyd Huber, 1912-1914, asst, Bureau of Chemistry
Alwood, William Bradford, 1886-1888, entomologist
Ambler, Joseph Alfred, 1921, Bureau of Chemistry
Anderson, Myron Sallee, 1921, research chemist, Bureau of Soils
Andrews, Frank, 1903-1914, Bureau of Statistics
Arnold, Earl Caspar, 1912-1914
Ashe, William Willard, 1898-1903, Special agent
Atwater, Helen Woodard, 1921, economist
Atwater, Wilbur Olin, 1888-1891, Office of Exp. Stations
Bailey, Vernon, 1887, naturalist
Bain, Samuel McCutchen, 1894, Vegetable Pathology
Baker, Alice Louise, 1904-1908, Bureau of Chemistry
Baker, Arthur Challen, 1921, Bureau of Entomology
Baker, Oliver Edwin, 1921, agricultural economist
Balcom, A. Hartwell, 1916
Ball, Carleton Roy, 1899, agrostologist
Ball, Elmer Darwin, 1921, asst US Secretary
Bane, Will H., 1894, Division of Illustrations, Supt
Banks, Nathan, 1890-1892, agent, entomology
Barber, Herbert Spencer, 1902-1904
Barber, Horace W., 1912
Barnett, Claribel Ruth, 1921, librarian
Barrows, Walter Bradford, 1886-1894, ornithologist
Baughman, Walter F., 1921, Bureau of Chemistry
Beal, Foster Ellenborough Lascelles, 1891, ornithologist
Beal, Walter Henry, 1921, States Relation Service
Beattie, Rolla Kent, 1914-1921, Federal Horticultural Board
Bennett, Bertha Ilione, 1903-1904, library
Bessey, Ernst Athearn, 1899-1901, vegetable pathologist
Bevier, Isabel, 1894-1899, nutrition investigations
Bigelow, Frank H., 1894, Professor of Meteorology
Bigelow, Willard Dell, 1892-1901, chemist
Bonsteel, Jay Allan, 1900, Bureau of Soils
Boykin, Lester E., 1912, Expert Public Roads
Bradley, Harry Cyrus, 1901, irrigation investigations
Brand, Charles John, 1904, physiologist
Bray, William L., 1899, Division of Forestry
Briggs, Lyman James, 1896, Bureau of Soils
Brooks, Charles, 1921, plant pathologist
Brown, William George, 1894-1896, chemist
Brues, Charles Thomas, 1904-1905, field agent
Brumbaugh, Gaius Marcus, 1894-1899, asst Bureau of Animal Industry
Bruner, Lawrence, 1880-1888, field agent
Bryant, Arthur Peyton, 1895-1902, (Middletown, CT) nutrition investigation
Buckingham, Edgar, 1902, Bureau of Soils
Burk, Lloyd Byron, 1921, livestock and meats, US Bureau of Markets
Busck, August, 1896, Division of Entomology
Caldwell, Joseph Stuart, 1921, plant physiologist
Callander, William F., 1912
Cameron, Frank Kenneth, 1898-1899
Campbell, Walter Gilbert, 1921, asst Bureau of Chemistry
Carleton, Mark Alfred, 1894, cerealist
Carpenter, Louis George, 1890, artesian well investigation
Carr, Josiah L., 1921
Caudell, Andrew Nelson, 1898, Division of Entomology
Chambliss, Charles Edward, 1908, rice investigations
Chapline, William Ridgely, 1919
Charleson, J. Soverign, 1894, Priv Sec to the Secretary of Agriculture
Chesnut, Victor King, 1890-1904, poisonous plants
Chilcott, Ellery Channing, 1921, Bureau of Plant Industry
Chittenden, Frank Hurlbut, 1891-1902, entomologist
Clark, Charles Cleveland, 1906-1908, bureau of statistics
Clawson, Arthur Brooks, 1921, Bureau of Animal Industry
Cleary, Francis J., 1912
Cobbs, John Lewis Jr, 1921, division of publications
Collins, Guy N., 1901, botanist
Comstock, John Henry, 1879-1881, entomologist
Cook, Frank Cummings, 1921, Bureau of Chemistry
Cook, Orator Fuller, Jr, 1898-1901, Special agent
Corbett, Lee Cleveland, 1901, horticulturist
Coville, Frederick Vernon, 1893, botanist
Crampton, Charles Albert, 1883-1890, chemist
Curtiss, Allen Hiram, 1875, botanist
Curtiss, Charles F., 1888-1893, statistician
Cushman, Allerton Seward, 1901, Bureau of Chemistry
Cutter, W. P., 1894, Librarian
Dabney, Charles William, 1897, scientific investigation
Dachnowski, Alfred Paul, 1921, peat investigator
Davis, Leon Milehame, 1921, asst marketing, US Bureau of Markets
Davis, Royall Oscar Eugene, 1910, Bureau of Soils
Davy, Joseph Burtt, 1902-1903, curator
Dawson, Charles Francis, 1892-1900, Bureau of Animal Industry
Dearing, Fred Morris, 1902, translator
Dewey, Lyster H., 1921, botanist
Dodge, Charles Richards, 1869, asst, entomology
Dorset, Marion, 1894-1901, biochemistry
Dorsey, Noah Ernest, 1901, Bureau of Soils
Duggar, Benjamin Minge, 1901-1902, Bureau of Plant Industry
Dunlap, Maurice Pratt, 1911-1915
Dunwoody, H. H. C., 1894, Asst Chief
Duvel, Joseph William Tell, 1902, Seed Lab
Dyar, Charles Bowker, 1905-1906, expert preparator. Bureau of Entomology
Earle, Franklin Sumner, 1895, pathologist
Edler, George Christian, 1916, seed specialist, US Bureau of Markets
Edson, Howard Austin, 1921, Bureau of Plant Industry
Edwards, Harry Taylor, 1921, Bureau of Plant Industry
Eicker, Percy Leroy, 1901-1905, herbarium
Elliott, Charles G., 1902-1913, drainage engineer
Elliott, Charlotte, 1921, scientific assistant
Emerson, Rollins Adams, 1897-1898, Horticulturist
Estabrook, Leon M., 1912, Record Officer
Evans, Frank L., 1894, Division of Accounts. Chief
Evans, Walter Harrison, 1897, commissioner to Alaska
Everard, Lewis Charles, 1921, division of publications
Eyerly, Elmer Kendall, 1917-1919, farm help specialist
Fagan, M. E., 1894, Seed Division, Chief
Fairchild, David Grandison, 1889-1892, pathologist
Farquhar, Henry, 1895-1897, statistician
Farrington, A. M., 1894, Division of Field Investigations
Fast, Arthur Herman, 1916, Law Assistant to Solicitor
Ferguson, Alexander McGowen, 1903-1904, Special agent
Fernow, Bernhard Eduard, 1886-1898, Division of Forestry
Fisher, Albert Kenrick, 1885-1896, ornithologist
Fisher, Richard Thornton, 1901, Bureau of Forestry
Forbes, Daniel R., 1912, Bureau of Chemistry
Forbes, R. S., 1894, Chief of Inspection Division
Forge, Frederick Burr La, 1921, Bureau of Chemistry
Fortier, Director Samuel, 1899-1903, agent, expert irrigation
Frear, William, 1883-1885, chemist
Galloway, Beverly Thomas, 1888-1900, Bureau of Plant Industry
Garner, Wightman W., 1921, Bureau of Plant Industry
Garner, Wightman Wells, 1903, Bureau of Chemistry
Georgeson, Charles Christian, 1893, dairy industry
Glover, Townend, 1869, entomology
Gould, Harris P., 1921, pomologist
Graves, Henry Solon, 1898-1900, Division of Forestry
Griffiths, David, 1901, asst agrostologist
Hall, Maurice Crowther, 1921, Bureau of Animal Industry
Hallenbeck, V., 1894, Division of Records and Editing. Asst Chief
Hansen, Albert August, 1921, Bureau of Plant Industry
Harlan, Harry Vaughn, 1921, Bureau of Plant Industry
Harrington, Mark W., 1894, Chief
Harris, Abram Winegardner, 1888-1891, Office Exp. Stations
Harrison, Floyd R., 1912
Harter, Eugene Claudius, 1910-1914, clerk
Harter, Leonard Lee, 1921, plant pathologist
Hartley, Charles Pinckney, 1921, plant pathologist
Harvey, John A., 1894, Chief
Hawks, Emma Beatrice, 1921, asst librarian
Haywood, John Kerfoot, 1897, asst chemist
Hazen, Henry A., 1894, Professor of Meteorology
Heller, Amos Arthur, 1892, field agent
Henderson, Walter C., 1910
Henley, Robert Roy, 1921, Bureau of Animal Industry
Herty, Charles Holmes, 1901-1902, Bureau of Forestry
Hickman, Richard W., 1921, Bureau of Animal Industry
Hicks, Lewis Ezra, 1890-1891, Geologist
Hill, George William, 1894, Division of Records and Editing. Chief
Hinds, Warren Elmer, 1902, bureau of entomology
Hitchcock, Albert S., 1921, botanist
Hitchcock, Albert Spear, 1901-1905, agrostologist
Hitchcock, Frank Harris, 1892-1893, biologist
Holm, Herman Theodor, 1893-1896
Holmes, George Kirby, 1895, statistical service
Hopkins, Andrew Delmar, 1902, Bureau of Entomology
Howard, Leland Ossian, 1921, Bureau of Entomology
Howard, Rurton J., 1921, Bureau of Chemistry
Hunt, Caroline L., 1921, economist
Hunter, Albert Clayton, 1921, Bureau of Chemistry
Hunter, Walter David, 1901, Division of Entomology
Hyde, John, 1897-1905, bureau of statistics
Hyslop, James Augustus, 1907, Bureau of Entomology
Ingram, Augustus Eugenio, 1898, clerk
Irish, Charles W., 1894, Office of Irrigation Inquiry. Chief
Jacques, McKendrie F., 1911
Johnston, Clarence T., 1898-1903, irrigation investigations
Jones, D. Breese, 1921, bureau of chemistry
Jones, John D., 1894, Division of Forestry, Asst Chief
Jones, Lewis Ralph, 1904, Bureau of Plant Industry
Jones, Marcus Eugene, 1894-1895, field agent
Jones, Samuel Augustus, 1921, chief of field service, US Bureau of Crop Estimates
Judd, James Strong, 1896-1897, (Middletown, CT)
Kearney, Thomas H., 1894, botany, physiology
Kearney, Thomas H. Jr, 1898, Botany
Kebler, Lyman F., 1903, Bureau of Chemistry
Keffer, Charles Albert, 1895-1899, Division of Forestry
Kellerman, Karl F., 1901, Bureau of Plant Industry
Kellerman, Karl Frederic, 1901-1902, scientific aid
Kennedy, Patrick Beveridge, 1899, Division of Agrostology
King, Franklin Hiram, 1901-1904, Division of Soil Management
Kolbe, Lawrence A., 1912
Lacy, Mary Goodwin, 1910-1918, reference librarian
Lamon, Harry M., 1921, senior poultryman
Lamson-Scribner, Frank, 1884-1901, botanist
Lane, Charles H., 1911-1917
Langworthy, Charles F., 1921, office of home economics
Lantz, David Ernest, 1904, biologist
Larson, Carl W., 1921, Bureau of Animal Industry
Lauritzen, John Irvin, 1921, Bureau of Plant Industry
Lawson, Huron W., 1898-1907
Lee, Augustus, 1908, skilled laborer
Leighty, Clyde Evert, 1906, condition of grain
Lewis, Richard Hanna, 1911, asst, Office of Public Roads
Lindemuth, John Rhoads, 1912-1916, Scientist
Livingston, George, 1914-1915, department of agronomy
Lloyd, William Allison, 1921, agriculturist
Loew, Carl Benedikt Oscar, 1898-1900, chemistry
Loomis, Henry Meech, 1914-1916, Bureau of Chemistry
Lord, Edwin Chesley Estes, 1900
Lull, Richard Swann, 1893, Division of Entomology
Lyles, P. L., 1894, Bureau of Animal Industry, Chief Clerk
Lyman, George Richard, 1921, pathologist
MacCuaig, D., 1894, Chief Clerk
MacCuaig, M., 1894, Asst Curator
Mahoun, Mrs M. H., 1894, Asst Microscopist
Marlatt, Charles Lester, 1921, Federal Horticultural Board
Marsh, Charles Dwight, 1921, Bureau of Animal Industry
Martin, John Holmes, 1921, Agronomist, wheat investigations
Marvin, Charles F., 1894, Professor of Meteorology
Marx, George, 1894, Division of Illustrations and Engravings. Chief
Mason, Silas Cheever, 1921, Bureau of Plant Industry
Mathewson, Walter Eldridge, 1921, Bureau of Chemistry
McAdie, Alexander G., 1894, Priv Sec
McDowell, John Chambers, 1921, dairy specialist
McIndoo, Norman Eugene, 1921, Bureau of Entomology
McKee, Roland, 1921, agronomist
McKenney, Randolph Evans Bender, 1901-1904, pathology
McMurtrey, James Edward Jr, 1921, Bureau of Plant Industry
McMurtrie, William, 1872-1873, chemist
McNair, James Birtley, 1918, asst Bureau of Chemistry
McNaught, Archibald, 1912
McNeill, Jerome, 1890-1891, field agent
Mead, Elwood, 1898, irrigation investigation
Merriam, C. Hart, 1894, Ornithologist
Merrill, Elmer Drew, 1899-1902, agrostologist
Merritt, Leonard A., 1896, compiler
Metcalf, Haven, 1906, pathologist
Metcalf, Haven, 1905, special agent
Michaels, Manly, 1906
Middleton, William, , Bureau of Entomology
Miller, Francis Garner, 1901, Bureau of Forestry
Milner, Robert Denniston, 1898, (Middletown, CT)
Mitchell, George Frederick, 1921, bureau of chemistry
Mohler, John Robbins, 1897, asst Bureau of Animal Industry
Monarch, J. Louis, 1912
Moore, George Thomas, 1901-1902, Bureau of Plant Industry
Moore, Veranus Alva, 1895-1896, Bureau of Animal Industry
Morris, Edward Lyman, 1898, Herbarium
Morton, J. Sterling, 1894, Secretary of Agriculture
Munson, Lewis Storms, 1899, Bureau of Chemistry
Murphy, Edward J., 1912
Murrill, Paul Ingold, 1902-1903, (Middletown, CT) nutrition investigation
Nagle, James C., 1900-1903, irrigation investigation
Nelson, Edward William, 1891, field naturalist
Nelson, Elnathan Kemper, 1909-1912, asst Bureau of Chemistry
Newcomb, Harry Turner, 1895-1899, division of statistics
Newman, Edith B., 1914
Oberholser, Harry Church, 1895, ornithologist
Oberly, Eunice Rockwood, 1921, Bureau of Plant Industry
O'Leary, William J., 1912
Orton, William Allen, 1899, pathologist
Osborn, Herbert, 1885-1894, Division of Entomology
Painter, John Isaac, 1912
Palmer, Theodore Sherman, 1912
Palraer, T. S., 1894, First Asst Ornithologist
Pammel, Louis Hermann, 1889, vegetable pathology
Patterson, Flora Wambaugh, 1921, Bureau of Plant Industry
Pearson, Raymond Allen, 1895-1902, Dairy Division
Pennington, Mary Engle, 1905, Bureau of Chemistry
Pennybacker, Isaac S., 1912
Pennybacker, James Edmund, 1912, Office Public Roads
Perkins, Frederick W., 1921, division of publications
Phillips, E. L., 1894, Bureau of Animal Industry, Asst Statistician
Phillips, Everett Franklin, 1921, Bureau of Entomology
Pickens, James Madison, 1921, Bureau of Animal Industry
Pierce, Newton Barris, 1902, vegetable pathology
Pierce, Roy Gifford, 1921, Bureau of Plant Industry
Pieters, Adrian John, 1895-1900, botanist
Piper, Charles Vancouver, 1903-1904, agrostologist
Pollard, Charles Louis, 1894-1895, curator
Powell, George Harold, 1901-1903, pomologist
Powell, Ola, 1921, home economist
Power, Frederick Fielding, 1916, bureau of chemistry
Power, James Reginald, 1915
Powick, Wilmer Chrisman, 1921, Bureau of Animal Industry
Pratt, Harrie Albert, 1902-1907, (Middletown, CT) Scientific asst
Preble, Edward Alexander, 1892, Field naturalist
Quaintance, Altus L., 1903, Bureau of Entomology
Quaintance, Altus Lacy, 1903, Bureau of Entomology
Ramser, Charles Ernest, 1913-1915, asst, drainage engineer
Rand, Frederick Vernon, 1921, Bureau of Plant Industry
Ransom, Brayton H., 1903, Bureau of Animal Industry
Rawl, Bernard H., 1905, Bureau of Animal Industry
Rea, Paul Marshall, 1903, Bureau of Forestry
Reed, Clarence Arthur, 1921, Bureau of Plant Industry
Rice, Albert Gaines, 1900, chief clerk, Bureau of Soils
Richards, Edgar, 1882-1887, chemist
Richardson, Clifford, 1878-1883, chemist
Ricker, Percy L., 1921, asst Bureau of Plant Industry
Riley, C. V., 1894, Entomologist
Roberts, John William, 1921, Bureau of Plant Industry
Robinson, Henry A., 1894, Bureau of Animal Industry, Statistician
Robinson, Thomas Ralph, 1921, Bureau of Plant Industry
Rockwell, Julius E., 1921, Bureau of Plant Industry
Roe, Glenwood Coblentz, 1921, asst Bureau of Animal Industry
Rogers, Lore Alford, 1902, dairy bacteriologist
Rohwer, Sievert Allen, 1921, Bureau of Entomology
Rolfs, Peter Henry, 1901-1906, Bureau of Plant Industry
Rommel, George M., 1921, Bureau of Animal Industry
Rose, Joseph Nelson, 1888-1896, botany
Ross, Bennett Battle, 1895-1890, nutrition investigation
Ross, William H., 1912, Bureau of Soils
Roth, Filibert, 1903, special agent
Roth, Filibert, 1890-1898
Runyan, Elmer Gardner, 1890-1903, Bureau of Chemistry
Rutter, Frank R., 1899-1909
Rydberg, Per Axel, 1891-1896, Division of Agrostology
Safford, William Edwin, 1920, to Pan-Pacific Scientific Conference
Salmon, D. E., 1894, Bureau of Animal Industry, Chief
Sanchez, Alfred Marcus, 1902-1903, Soil Survey
Sanderson, Ezra Dwight, 1899, Division of Entomology
Saunders, William, 1894, Horticulturist and Supt of Gardens and Grounds
Schertz, Frank M., 1921, Bureau of Plant Industry
Schlundt, Herman, 1902, Soil chemist
Schmitt, Cooper Davis, 1895-1898, statist
Schmitt, Waldo La Salle, 1907-1910, economic botany
Schreiner, Oswald, 1903, chemist
Schreiner, Oswald, 1902, chemistry
Schrenk, Hermann von, 1898-1901, vegetable physiology
Scofield, Carl S., 1921, Bureau of Plant Industry
Scott, William Moore, 1904, Bureau of Plant Industry
Scovell, Melville Amasa, 1884-1885, Special agent
Seaman, William Henry, 1869-1879
Seidell, Atherton, 1900-1905, bureau of soils
Shaefer, William Ernest, 1921, Bureau of Chemistry
Shantz, Homer Le Roy, 1921, Bureau of Plant Industry
Shear, Cornelius Lott, 1921, Bureau of Plant Industry
Sheets, Earl Wooddell, 1921, Bureau of Animal Industry
Sheldon, Edmund P., 1897, botany
Sheldon, John Lewis, 1902-1903, Vegetable Pathology
Sherman, Henry Clapp, 1898-1899, nutrition investigations
Shull, James Marion, 1921, botanical artist
Simpson, Charles Baird, 1901-1903, Division of Entomology
Skeels, Homer Collar, 1921, botanist
Skinner, Joshua J., 1921, chemist
Smith, Arthur Whitmore, 1894-1899, Physical asst
Smith, Clarence Beaman, 1921, office of extension work
Smith, Clinton Gold, 1921
Smith, Erwin F., 1921, Bureau of Plant Industry
Smith, Harlan, 1921, director of information
Smith, Harry Monmouth, 1894-1895, nutrition investigation
Smith, Horace E., 1894, Chief Clerk
Smith, Jared Gage, 1895-1899, agrostologist
Smith, John Bernhardt, 1884-1886, Special agent
Smith, Mark Sumner, 1914-1916, stenographer
Smith, Theobald, 1884-1895, Bureau Animal Industry
Snell, John Ferguson, 1898-1901, (Middletown, CT) nutrition investigation
Snyder, Harry, 1898, nutrition investigations
Snyder, Thomas Elliott, 1921, Bureau of Entomology
Spence, Gustavus B., 1912
Spencer, G. L., 1894, Bureau of Animal Industry, 1st Asst Chemist
Spencer, George Carl, 1921, Bureau of Chemistry
Spillman, William Jasper, 1901-1905, division of grasses and forage plants
Stedman, John Moore, 1890-1891, biologist
Steele, Edward Strieby, 1891-1902
Stein, Robert, 1912, Chief of Bureau of Statistics
Steinberg, Robert Aaron, 1921, Bureau of Plant Industry
Stevens, Neil Everett, 1921, Bureau of Plant Industry
Stiles, Charles Wardell, 1891-1902, Zoologist
Stockberger, Warner W., 1903, Bureau of Plant Industry
Stockbridge, Horace Edward, 1880, chemist
Stocking, William Alonzo, Jr, 1905, dairy bacteria
Stone, Roy, 1894, Office of Road Inquiry. Special agent in charge
Stuart, William, 1921, horticulturist
Sullivan, Michael Xavier, 1907-1915, biochemist in soil fertility
Swingle, Walter T., 1921, Bureau of Plant Industry
Taggart, Giles Russell, 1900-1903
Taylor, Alfred Ernest, 1907, Bureau of Chemistry
Taylor, James Norman, 1921, chemist
Taylor, Thomas, 1894, Microscopist
Taylor, William Alton, 1891
Thom, Charles, 1904, cheese expert
Titus, Edward Sharpe Gaige, 1903, Bureau of Entomology
Torrey, Henry Augustus, 1894-1895, (Middletown, CT) food investigations
Tourney, James William, 1899-1900, Bureau of Forestry
Tower, Olin Freeman, 1895-1898, (Middletown, CT) Asst chemist
Townsend, Charles Henry Tyler, 1889-1891, entomologist
Townsend, Charles Orrin, 1901, pathologist
Tracy, Samuel Mills, 1887, Special agent
Tracy, William W., 1902
Trelease, William, 1879, cotton insects
True, Alfred Charles, 1889-1891, office of experiment stations
True, Rodney Howard, 1902, Bureau of Plant Industry
Turner, Henry Ward, 1882
Van Fleet, Walter, 1921, Bureau of Plant Industry
Veitch, Fletcher Pearre, 1921, Bureau of Chemistry
Vieth, Henry A., 1896, statistician
Vinall, Harry Nelson, 1921, Bureau of Plant Industry
Wade, Joseph Sanford, 1913, Bureau of Entomology
Waggaman, William H., 1921, chemist
Wait, Charles Edmund, 1888, chemist
Waite, Merton B., 1888, Bureau of Plant Industry
Waite, Merton Benway, 1888-1901, pathologist
Walker, Percy Hargraves, 1904-1906, Bureau of Chemistry
Walton, Pelham, 1921, chemist
Walton, William Randolph, 1921, entomologist
Warburton, Clyde W., 1921, Bureau of Plant Industry
Watt, James M., 1894, Curator
Webb, Jesse Lee, 1921, entomologist
Webber, Herbert John, 1892-1899, pathologist
Webster, Francis Marion, 1884-1892, Special agent
Weimer, James Leroy, 1921, Bureau of Plant Industry
Weston, William Henry Jr, 1920, investigating corn diseases
Wheeler, Charles Fay, 1902, Bureau of Plant Industry
White, Charles Abiathar, 1881, Artesian Wells Commission
White, Charles H., 1912
Whitford, Harry Nichols, 1901-1904, botany
Whitney, Milton, 1921, chief, Bureau of Soils
Wight, William Franklin, 1900, bureau of plant industry
Wiley, Harvey Washington, 1883, chemist
Williams, Charles Burgess, 1901, Bureau of Soils
Williams, James R., 1912
Williams, John Oscar, 1921, senior animal husbandman
Williams, William M., 1917-1920, solicitor
Willingmyre, George T., 1913-1916, representative in Canada
Winkjer, Joel G., 1921, Bureau of Animal Industry
Withers, William Alphonso, 1905, statistical agent
Woods, Albert Fred, 1894-1900, Division of Veg. Physiology
Woods, Charles Dayton, 1894, food investigations
Wooton, Elmer Ottis, 1900-1902, agent, bureau forestry
Wright, Sewall, 1921, Bureau of Animal Industry
Yerby, Everett D., 1894, Cashier
Yoder, Peter A., 1921, Bureau of Plant Industry
Young, Robert Armstrong, 1921, Bureau of Plant Industry
Zappone, A., 1894, Asst Disbursing Officer
Zoller, Harper Fyler, 1921, Bureau of Animal Industry

US Department of Commerce

Conway, John Sebastian, 1921, deputy commissioner of lighthouses
Libbey, E. W., 1921, chief clerk and superintendent
Rutter, Frank R., 1921, statistical advisor
Thurman, Albert Lee, 1913-1919, Solicitor
Vaughan, Dan C., 1905, editorial clerk
Veditz, Charles William Augustus, 1914-1918, commercial attache
Wyman, Bayard, 1903, law clerk to Solicitor

US Department of Defense

Ashworth, George William, 1888, clerk
Bardie, Joseph Cuyler, 1912
Block, Emil H., 1912
Booth, Edward H., 1912
Burger, John C. S., 1912
Burr, La Fayette, 1862-1863, clerk
Chance, Merritt O., 1901, private secretary to Secretary
Coon, John B., 1912
Cottrell, Samuel, Jr, 1912
Cuthell, Chester W., 1919, financial agent in collecting claims
Dailey, Henry Clarence, 1863-1865, clerk
Dempsey, Phineas Janney, 1921, office of Chief of Engineers
Donnel, Henry, 1862-1864
Dudley, Daniel Bliss, 1863-1864
Emery, Charles Melvin, 1864-1865, clerk
Exnicios, Joseph Theodore, 1907, Adjutant Generals Office
Field, Thomas Gardner, 1862-1865, clerk
Frank, Morton E., 1912
French, Edwin Spence, 1912
Fuller, Fred Ernest, 1890-1892
Garde, Richard D. La, 1918-1920, director of civilian marksmanship
Gengler, Adam C., 1912
Gleason, John Francis, 1864-1866, clerk
Goodale, George Lincoln, 1863-1868, clerk
Hart, Harry L., 1912
Hearst, William T., 1912
Henry, Robert Llewellyn Jr, 1919-1920, Board of Contract Adjustment
Holliger, Frank S., 1912
Horton, William Ed, 1912, Quartermaster
Israeli, Baruch, 1912
Mann, Charles Riborg, 1918, war plans division
Manning, John JL, 1912, Office of Adjutant General
McFarlan, Walter S., 1912
McLarin, Howard M., 1912
Mess, Michael Aloysius, 1886, Adjutant Generals Office
Millard, William J., 1912
Milloy, Adolphus M., 1912
Muller, Jean Paul, 1918, accountant, bureau of aircraft production
Newcomb, Benjamin R., 1917, mechanical engineer
Nye, L. Frank, 1912
Powell, Fred II, 1912
Purcell, Robert E., 1912
Ristine, John C., 1912
Roe, Willis Fenton, 1890-1918
Runyan, Elmer Gardner, 1887-1890, clerical position
Scofield, John C., 1921, chief clerk
Searle, William D., 1921, chief of civilian personnel
Shelse, Ronne C., 1912
Simonton, John P., 1912
Smith, B. Franklin, 1912
Tolman, Richard Chace, 1921, Fixed Nitrogen Research Laboratory
Torbert, Frank P., 1912
Upton, Edwin A., 1912
Van Vranken, Frederick, 1912
Wadsworth, Peleg, 1861, clerk
Watkins, Victor E., 1912, Medical Reserve Corps
Weinberger, Louis, 1912, Office of Adjutant General
Wheaton, Francis Bradford, 1906, advisory architect
Whelan, Thomas A., 1912
Wilcox, Adolphus D., 1912, Chief Clerk
Willard, Alexander Drummond, 1865-1870
Wilson, Andrew, 1888, clerk
Wise, Jennings Cropper, 1919, Board of Contract Adjustment
Wolfe, William Lloyd, 1912, Office of Judge Advocate General
Wright, Marcus J., 1878-1906, agent for collection of Confederate records

US Department of Interior

Abbot, Lucy Elizabeth, 1881-1886, clerk
Adams, William W., 1912, General Land Office
Adams, William Waugh, 1921, statistician, Bureau of Mines
Akin, T. Warren, 1894, General Land Office, Law Clerks
Ames, John G., 1894, Document Div, Supt
Ashton, John N., 1843, clerk, General Land Office
Bailey, Vernon, 1921, biologist, chief field naturalist
Bain, H. Foster, 1918, asst to director, Bureau of Mines
Baker, Joseph Richardson, 1902-1906
Barber, Isaac Bartholomew, 1837-1850, clerk, Land office
Barnhill, John L., 1843, clerk, General Land Office
Bell, George Edward, 1913, survey work, General Land Office
Bergin, Frank J., 1912, General Land Office
Bernard, Edward, 1843, clerk, General Land Office
Berryman, Leroy H., 1843, Bureau of Indian Affairs
Bien, Morris, 1893-1902, General Land Office
Bingham, James Hervey, 1847, clerk
Black, Lewis Cass, 1871-1875, clerk
Black, Paul S., 1912, Asst Attorney
Bowers, Edward A., 1894, General Land Office, Asst
Bowman, Arthur Ray, 1909-1910, General Land Office
Boykin, James Chambers, 1897, chief special agent
Braley, William C., 1894, Accounts Div Chief
Brooke, Walter T., 1843, clerk, General Land Office
Brown, Ashmun Norris, 1910-1911, private secretary to Secretary
Bruce, Charles Morelle, 1913, asst commissioner, General Land Office
Bryant, John Y., 1843, clerk, General Land Office
Buckingham, Hiram, 1894, Custodian
Butler, Dorothy Kilkoff, 1900-1908, clerk
Byars, Winfield S., 1907-1910, clerk, General Land Office
Cabell, Edward, 1843, clerk, General Land Office
Colburn, Clare Lorimer, 1918, US Bureau of Mines
Combs, Samuel, 1843, messenger, General Land Office
Consaul, Charles Follette, 1881-1889, clerk, General Land Office
Conway, William O., 1894, General Land Office, Law Examiners
Coolidge, Edmund, 1843, clerk, General Land Office
Cottrell, Frederick Gardner, 1911-1920, Bureau of Mines
Couper, William P., 1894, Patents and Misc Div Chief
Coyle, Randolph, 1843, clerk, General Land Office
Cramer, William Ford, 1905, messenger boy
Daniels, Josephus, 1894, Chief Clerk and Supt
Darby, William, 1843, clerk, General Land Office
Darton, Nelson Horatio, 1910-1913, geologist, Bureau of Mines
Davis, Charles A., 1843, clerk, General Land Office
Davis, John H., 1912, Principal Examiner
Dennett, Fred, 1908-1913, commissioner, General Land Office
Dunn, Charles Clark, 1912
Earnshaw, Frank L., 1912, Bureau of Biological Survey
Eaton, Paul Webster, 1894, General Land Office, accountant
Evans, George W., 1894, Finance Div Chief
Fisher, Albert Kenrick, 1921, biologist, US Biological Survey
Fisher, Clarence George, 1912, General Land Office
Fletcher, Charles, 1843, clerk, General Land Office
Flynt, Frank, 1894, Principal Clerk of the Surveys
Ford, John N., 1843, messenger, General Land Office
Frailey, Charles S., 1843, clerk, General Land Office
Frey, Clarence E., 1912
Gassaway, Louis G., 1843, clerk, General Land Office
Gillespie, Robert K., 1894, Principal Clerk of the Public Lands
Greenleaf, Albert, 1843, clerk, General Land Office
Griffith, Lewis Allen, 1917-1919, explosives inspector
Hall, John I., 1894, Asst Atty Gen
Harvey, John, 1921, chief clerk
Haskell, Lewis Wardlaw, 1894-1901, clerk, Railway Commissioner's Office
Heaton, David F., 1843, clerk, General Land Office
Henderson, Walter C., 1921, asst chief, US Biological Survey
Henry, William, 1843, clerk, General Land Office
Hicks, William, 1843, clerk, General Land Office
Hilton, Edward J., 1912
Hof, Charles IL, 1912, General Land Office
Holbrook, Elmer Allen, 1921, asst director, Bureau of Mines
Holcombe, John Walker, 1921, asst attorney
Holland, G. West, 1912
Hood, John, 1843, clerk, General Land Office
Hood, Ozni P., 1911, Bureau of Mines
Howell, Arthur H., 1921, naturalist, US Biological Survey
Hull, Marion McH, 1894, Receiving Clerk
Hungerford, Henry, 1843, clerk, General Land Office
Jacobs, M. A., 1894, General Land Office, Chief Clerk
Kee, William L., 1894, Principal Clerk on Private Land Claims
King, Harry, 1894, Draughting Div Chief
Lacy, John A., 1894, Board of Pension Appeals, Chairman
Lamar, L. Q. C., 1894, General Land Office, Recorder
Lamoreur, Silas W., 1894, General Land Office, Commissioner
Lamoreux, Silas P., 1894, Confidential Clerk to Comr
Legue, C. Albert Se, 1912, General Land Office
Leib, Samuel D., 1843, Bureau of Indian Affairs
Lewis, John Freeman, 1909-1913, Attorney, General Land Office
Lewis, William H., 1912, General Land Office, Law Examiner
Lowry, William H., 1843, clerk, General Land Office
Mallet, Edmond, 1894, Swamp Land Div Chief
Mather, Stephen T., 1915
McCorkle, George, 1894, Preemption Div Chief
McGee, William J., 1894, Railroad Div Chief
Mess, Michael Aloysius, 1887, General Land Office
Metzger, Jacob Allen, 1907, Copyist, General Land Office
Meyer, Anthony J., 1912, General Land Office
Millriek, Daniel A., 1912, General Land Office, Law Examiner
Mock, James J., 1912, General Land Office, Law Examiner
Mondell, Frank Wheeler, 1897-1899, asst commissioner, General Land Office
Moore, John M., 1843, principal clerk, General Land Office
Moore, John R., 1894, Special Service Div Chief
Morsell, Richard J., 1843, clerk, General Land Office
Muller, Jean Paul, 1919, Bureau of Mines
Murphy, Edward V., Jr, 1912, General Land Office, Special Agent
Nason, Charles Pinckney Holbrook, 1864-1865
Nelson, Aaron Hayden, 1881-1888, clerk, General land office
Nelson, Edward William, 1921, chief, US Bureau of Biological Survey
Nielsen, Fred Kenelm, 1909-1911, special agent, General Land Office
Nourse, William, 1843, clerk, General Land Office
Obenchain, Charles Austin, 1912, General Land Office
Oberholser, Harry C., 1921, ornithologist, US Biological Survey
O'Donoghue, Michael F., 1894, Contest Div Chief
Pace, Louis D., 1912, General Land Office, Principal Examiner
Palmer, Theodore S., 1921, game conservation expert, US Biological Survey
Parsons, Charles Lathrop, 1911-1919, chief chemist, Bureau of Mines
Patterson, Alvah Worrell, 1901-1914, asst attorney
Peters, Joseph W., 1912, Bureau of Mines
Pollock, William C., 1894, Indian Div Chief
Pope, M. Cooper, 1894, Lands and Railroads Div Chief
Potts, Samuel J., 1843, Bureau of Indian Affairs
Powell, Grafton, 1843, messenger, General Land Office
Powers, Dennis, 1851-1853, clerk
Preble, Edward A., 1921, naturalist, US Biological Survey
Quincy, Thomas, 1843, packer, General Land Office
Randolph, James I., 1843, clerk, General Land Office
Rasmussen, Clyde, 1912, General Land Office
Rattigan, Michael A., 1912, General Land Office
Ray, John Wainwright, 1861-1864
Ray, John Wainwright, 1883-1893, Land Office Department
Read, Thomas Thornton, 1921, mining engineer, Bureau of Mines
Reeves, John R. T., 1912, Indian Affairs
Reynolds, John M., 1894, Asst
Rice, George Samuel, 1910, organizing Bureau of Mines
Riley, Benjamin T., 1843, clerk, General Land Office
Sale, Fred Leland, 1909-1913, law examiner
Schick, James Reese, 1878
Scrivener, John, 1843, messenger, General Land Office
Shaw, Jacob Bartlett, 1861-1863, Clerk
Shaw, Kenneth A., 1912, General Land Office
Shaw, Leon Irwin, 1921, asst chief chemist, Bureau of Mines
Sheehan, John D., 1912, General Land Office
Shreve, Edgar Allan, 1909, Clerk, Bureau of Indian Affairs
Simmons, William, 1843, clerk, General Land Office
Sims, William H., 1894, First Asst
Smith, Elizur Goodrich, 1850-1857, General Land Office
Smith, Hoke, 1894, Secretary of the Interior
Southard, Addison E., 1908-1911
Steiger, William T., 1843, principal clerk of surveys, General Land Office
Stone, Herman Foster, 1921, game reservations, US Biological Survey
Tallman, Clay, 1913-1921, commissioner, General Land Office
Tomlinson, T. Arthur, 1894, Stationery ajid Printing Div Chief
Ucker, Clement S., 1912, Chief Clerk
Van Devanter, Willis, 1903
Vance, Henry M., 1912, General Land Office
Waggaman, John H., 1843, clerk, General Land Office
Walker, Francis, 1912, General Land Office
Ward, George A., 1912
Wassell, Haverington E., 1912
Watson, William, 1843, clerk, General Land Office
Waugh, William B., 1843, Bureau of Indian Affairs
Wiener, David, 1912, General Land Office
Williamson, John H., 1843, Recorder, General Land Office
Wilson, Joseph S., 1843, principal clerk, General Land Office
Wilson, Margaret Ritchie, 1912, claims agent
Wilson, Peter, 1843, clerk, General Land Office
Witten, James William, 1921, asst attorney
Wood, William, 1843, clerk, General Land Office
Wright, John E., 1894, Mineral Div Chief
Wright, John V., 1894, General Land Office, Law Examiners

US Department of Justice

Bentley, Alexander J., 1894, Law Clerk and Exam Titles
Branagan, Frauk A., 1894, Appt Clerk
Brandenburg, Edwin Charles, 1889-1905
Byrne, Jolm J., 1912
Clark, Donald Buttz, 1918, Special agent
Clay, Cecil, 1894, Chief Clerk
Conrad, Holmes, 1894, Asst Attorney General
Crawford, James C., 1912
Dabney, Walter D., 1894, Solicitor for Dept of State
Dodge, Joshua E., 1894, Asst Attorney General
Flynn, William J., 1921, Bureau of Investigation
Foster, Daniel S., 1912
Frierson, William Little, 1921, solicitor general
Gordon, Peyton, 1904-1907, pardon attorney
Gray, Wilson S., 1894, Law Clerk
Hall, John I., 1894, Interior Dept
Harveycutter, Austin, 1912
Hayes, Arthur Badley, 1903-1908, solicitor of internal revenue
Henry, Thomas Stanhope, 1912
Hinton, John R., 1912
Hodges, Henry, 1894, Law Clerk
Hope, Leighton, 1909-1910, special agent
Hough, Robert T., 1894, Sol of Int Rev Treas Dept
Howry, Charles B., 1894, Asst Attorney General
Hughes, William J., 1912
Hughes, William Joseph, 1899, Department of Justice
Jenkins, Charles, 1912
Kearney, George, 1912, Librarian
Kelleher, George E., 1912, Special Agent
Lamar, William H., Jr, 1912
Learned, Henry Barrett, 1919, special agent
Maxwell, Lawrence Jr, 1894, Solicitor General
Myers, Abram F., 1912
Olney, Richard, 1894, Attorney General
Pendleton, Forrest C., 1912
Perry, Howard, 1882-1894
Reeve, Felix A., 1894, Sol of the treas
Ridgely, Harry S., 1912
Robinson, N. T. N., 1894, Asst
Russell, Charles Wells, 1886, attorney
Scott, Charles F., 1894, Pardon Attorney
Semmes, Alexander Harry, 1912
Sheibley, Sinclair B., 1912
Shine, Henry L., 1912, Special Examiner
Strickland, Reeyes T., 1912
Strontr, Frank, 1894, General Agent
Taggart, Giles Russell, 1895-1900, clerk
Thomas, John L., 1894, P. O. Dept
Todd, George Carroll, 1902-1905, attorney
Vieth, Henry A., 1902
Vrooman, Charles E., 1894, Chief Clerk
Wait, Stanley S., 1912
Welch, Charles B., 1912
Whitney, Edward B., 1894, Asst Attorney General
Zimmerman, Mervin, 1912

US Department of Labor

Anderson, Mary, 1921, director, Womens Bureau
Anderson, Richard T., 1912
Baldwin, Charles E., 1921, chief statistician
Chaney, Lucian West, 1921, statistical expert
Clark, Lindley Daniel, 1893, statistician
Earl, Charles, 1912, Solicitor
Erwin, Frank, Jr, 1912
Gilchrist, Walter Schell, 1912
Hanna, Hugh S., 1908-1918, Bureau of Labor Statistics
Harman, Walter P., 1912
Haynes, George Edmund, 1918-1921, economist
Holmes, George Kirby, 1895, public and private debt
Hunt, William Chamberlin, 1895-1899, statistician
Husband, William Walter, 1913, special representative
Hyde, Elizabeth Adshead, 1921, statistician, Womens Bureau
Jones, James R., 1912
Kimmel, George P., 1912
Lathrop, Julia C., 1921, chief of childrens bureau
Logan, Eugene Adolphus, 1912
Magie, Edward R., 1912
Manly, Marie Bradley, 1907-1912, special agent, glass industry
Pettis, Hugh S., 1912
Price, Robert E., 1912
Quigley, Edward T., 1912, Solicitors Office
Solomon, Charles A., 1912
Somerville, Albert Alexander, 1909, Scientist
Spiess, Louis A., 1912
Stewart, Ethelbert, 1887, Bureau of Labor Statistics
Thompson, James David, 1920-1921, special agent
Vaughan, Daniel O., 1912
Wait, Charles B., 1912
Wasser, Henry R., 1912
Watson, Robert, 1912
Wayman, Edgar H., 1912
Weber, Gustavus Adolphus, 1889-1902, special agent
Whitney, Edson L., 1911, Bureau of Labor Statistics
Wilkinson, Webster H., 1912
Wood, Elmer C., 1912

US Department of State

Adams, Philip, 1921, division of passport control
Adee, Alvey Augustus, 1886, second assistant Secretary of State
Allen, Andrew Hussey, 1892-1905, Bureau of Rolls and Library
Baker, Joseph Richardson, 1906
Blaine, Walker, 1881
Bride, William Witthaft, 1915, counsel for foreign trade advisors
Bryan, Henry Lewis, 1921, editor, US Statutes at Large
Carr, Wilbur J., 1907, Jamestown Exposition
Carr, Wilbur John, 1912, Chief of Consular Bureau
Castle, William Richards Jr, 1921, division of western European affairs
Coughlin, John T., 1912, Bureau of Latin America
Cumberland, William Wilson, 1921, foreign trade adviser
Day, William Rufus, 1897, Asst Secretary of State
Dean, Charles Ray, 1904, delegate to International Geographic Congress
DeLashmutt, Donald Ayres, 1912
Denby, Charles, 1905-1907, chief clerk
Dennett, Tyler, 1924
Dennis, William Cullen, 1906-1910, Asst solicitor
Dent, Louis Addison, 1889-1892, private secretary to Secretary
Doyle, IV. T. Sherman, 1912, Bureau of Latin America
Emery, Frederick A., 1918-1921, foreign intelligence division
Fletcher, Henry Prather, 1921, Under Secretary of State
Folk, Joseph W., 1913, solicitor
Hackworth, Green Haywood, 1921, Asst solicitor
Hill, David Jayne, 1898-1903, Asst Secretary of State
Hunt, Bert L., 1912
Hunt, Gaillard, 1921, editor
Johnson, John D., 1912, Consular Bureau
Lamason, Orville B., 1912
Layton, Caleb Rodney, 1906, auditor
Long, Breckinridge, 1917-1920, Asst Secretary of State
Macmurray, John Van Antwerp, 1921, chief of division of Far Eastern Affairs
Matre, Joseph Boucard, 1921, Asst solicitor
McNeir, William, 1909-1913, chief clerk
Neilson, Frederick K., 1912, Office of the Solicitor
Nielsen, Fred K., 1921, solicitor
Penfield, Walter Scott, 1902, asst counsel and disbursing officer
Pomroy, Swan Lyman, 1866-1868, clerk
Rowe, Leo S., 1919-1920, Latin American Division
Shepler, Raymond V., 1921, law clerk, office of the solicitor
Tittmann, Charles Trowbridge, 1921, Asst solicitor
Turlington, Edgar Willis, 1921, asst solicitor
Vallance, William Roy, 1918, law clerk
Van Dyne, Frederick, 1912
Willoughby, William Franklin, 1900-1910, representing Government
Wyvell, Manton, 1912-1914, private secretary to Secretary

US Department of Treasury

Ailes, Milton Everett, 1901-1903, assistant secretary
Alexander, DeAlva Stanwood, 1881-1885, Auditor
Allen, Guy Fletcher, bookkeeper
Andrews, Burt W., 1912
Andrews, William E., 1897-1915, auditor
Ashby, Jolm Langdon, 1863-1876, clerk
Ashworth, George William, 1921, division of customs
Baker, J. E., 1894, National Bank Div Chief
Baldwin, Ernest P., 1894, Auditor
Bantz, Gideon C., 1894, Treasurer, Asst
Barclay, John D., 1843, clerk
Barker, James N., 1843, Treasury Dept
Bartlett, George A., 1894, Disbursing Clerk
Beatty, J. Hamilton, 1894, Receipts and Expenditures Div Chief
Bell, David Wilkinson, 1912
Bennett, John W., 1894, Examining Div Chief
Berryman, William B., 1843, clerk
Birckhead, Oliver W., 1912
Blackwell, Samuel, 1894, Auditor
Blake, John B., 1843, clerk
Bonney, Percival, 1863-1865
Bowman, Elliott N., 1894, Deputy Auditor
Bradley, S. I., 1894, Treasurer, Chief Clerk
Bragaw, William N., 1894, Assorting Div Chief
Brantley, Thomas F., 1894, Pensions Div Chief
Brawley, John B., 1894, Auditor
Breckinridge, Edward Hiller, 1864-1901, clerk
Breese, Edmund C., 1912
Brewer, Henry, 1843, clerk
Brown, Lewis K., 1894, Paymasters' Div Chief
Burbank, D. N., 1894, Foreign Div Chief
Burchard, William, 1894, Compiling Div Chief
Burghardt, Peter Hewins, 1876-1889, clerk
Butler, B. F., 1894, Bureau of the Mint, Computer
Cannon, Claude C., 1921, pharmacist
Carlisle, John G., 1894, Secretary of the Treasury
Carlisle, Logan, 1894, Chief Clerk
Carter, Aubrey Bedell, 1921, comptroller of the currency
Chambers, Booue, 1894, Chief Clerk
Chase, Frederick, 1861, clerk, auditors office
Choate, Warren Ragan, 1898, law clerk
Cilley, Henry, 1894, Review Div Chief
Clement, Charles Russel, 1863-1865, clerk
Coffin, George M., 1894, Reports Div Chief
Column, Ed. J., 1912
Combs, E. W., 1894, Public Lands and Territorial Acc'ts Div Chief
Comstock, John M., 1894, Customs Div Chief
Cousar, Robert M., 1894, Deputy
Crawford, William G., 1894, Deputy Auditor
Crissinger, Daniel Richard, 1921, comptroller of the currency
Cummings, Horace Stuart, 1865-1873, clerk
Curtis, W. E., 1894, Asst
Daskam, E. B., 1894, Public Moneys Div Chief
Dent, Louis Addison, 1887-1889, clerk
Denton, John S., 1894, Pay Div Chief
Dill, J. U., 1894, Public Debt Div Chief
Dodson, Robert Howard, 1921, chief clerk, Office of the Comptroller
Donn, Edward Wilton Jr, 1900-1903, chief architects office
Dougherty, William E., 1894, Recording Div Chief
Downey, George Eddy, 1913-1915, comptroller
Drown, J. H., 1912, Special Agent
Dugan, Henry P., 1906, telegraph operator
Dummer, Charles, 1839-1855
Dumont, James A., 1894, Supervising Inspector General Steam Vessel
Easterling, Horace V., 1912
Eaton, Paul Webster, 1900
Eckels, James H., 1894, Comptroller
Edson, John Joy, 1863, clerk
Edwards, John C., 1894, Deputy Auditor
Eggerman, Michael F., 1894, Collecting Div Chief
Eldridge, W. W., 1894, Issue Div, Chief
Ellsworth, Goodwin D., 1912
Emery, William H., 1912
Evans, H. C., 1894, Archives Div Chief
Evans, William Augustus, 1841-1862, clerk
Farrow, T. Stobo, 1894, Auditor
Fields, Frank H., 1912
Fisher, Charles, 1912
FitzSimons, Edwin C., 1894, Internal Revenue Collectors Div Chief
Fleming, William Boyer, 1894-1896, law officer
Ford, Worthington C., 1894, Bureau of Statistics, Chief
Forsyth, R. H., 1894, Asst Teller
Fort, George, 1894, Army Pay Div
Foster, Fisher Ames, 1872-1880, clerk
France, Harry Clinton, 1919-1921
Fraser, Alexander V., 1843, revenue captain
French, George H., 1894, Navy Pay Div
Gains, S. M., 1894, Records Mail and Files Div Chief
Gall, D. W., 1894, Inspecting Div Chief
Gantt, Daniel J., 1912
Gibson, William H., 1894, Paying Teller
Gilbert, Rodman, 1843, clerk
Gilbert, Seymour Parker Jr, 1921, Under Secretary
Glenn, Robert Craig, 1917-1923, accountant
Glover, John J., 1894, District of Columbia Acc't, Acting Chief
Goble, Gershom, 1864-1867
Goodhue, Isaac Newton, 1864, clerk
Green, Samuel, 1843, clerk
Griffin, William Yancey, 1912
Gross, F. P., 1894, Bureau of the Mint, Adjuster
Gulager, William, 1843, clerk
Hamlin, Charles S., 1894, Asst
Handy, William, 1843, clerk
Hanson, Isaac, 1843, clerk
Harrah, B. F., 1894, Claims Div Chief
Harrington, D. W., 1894, Accounts Div Chief
Hartley, John F., 1843, clerk
Hartley, Wilbur, 1912
Hebrard, Alfred, 1894, Navy Agents' Div Chief
Herndon, John Goodwin, 1921, office of Comptroller
Herriott, D. W., 1894, Asst Teller
Hinds, Williams, 1894, Customs Div
Hobbs, Thomas J., 1894, Disbursing Clerk
Hodgson, Reginald M., 1912
Hoge, John M., 1894, Bookkeepers Div Chief
Holcomb, Thomas, 1894, Auditor
Holder, Willis B., 1912
Hubbard, Grosvenor Silliman, 1863-1865, clerk
Huntington, A. T., 1894, Loan and Currency Div Chief
Jacques, McKendrie F., 1918, chief of division of property transfer
James, William, 1843, clerk
Jamison, Albion B., 1912
Johnston, A. D., 1894, Asst
Jordan, Lewis, 1894, Miscellaneous Div Chief
Jordan, Llewellyn, 1912
Kage, H. William, 1912
Kearou, Robert, 1894, Claims Div
Keferstein, Emil J., 1894, Revising and Examination Div Chief
Keleher, T. D., 1894, Disbursing Clerk
Kemper, Charles E., 1894, Asst and Chief Clerk
Kendall, Amos, 1829, Auditor
Kilkenny, Francis J., 1912
Kimball, Israel, 1862-1890, Division Chief
Kimball, Sumner Increase, 1861-1870, chief clerk
Kingdom, John, 1871-1906
Kirkman, Jackson, 1894, Pay and Bounty Div Chief
Kretz, Herman, 1894, Appointment Div Chief
Latham, A. O., 1894, Diplomatic and Consular Div Chief
Laurie, James, 1843, clerk
Leaver, Henry K., 1894, Customs Div Chief
Littlepage, J. C., 1894, Indian Div Chief
Livingston, Lemuel W., 1883-1888
Lockwood, H. A., 1894, Customs, Deputy
Lord, William Henry, 1861-1866, clerk
Lovejoy, John N., 1843, clerk
Low, James P., 1894, Engineering and Drafting Div Chief
MacLennan, W. F., 1894, Div of Warrants Estimates and Appropriations
Magruder, C. C. Jr, 1894, Bookkeepers Div Chief
Malin, David, 1865-1868
Mansur, Charles H., 1894, Comptroller
Marshall, E. P., 1894, Miscellaneous Div Chief
Martin, Robert H., 1912
Matthews, William, 1912
Mattice, Benjamin, 1863-1866, clerk
Mayes, Robert B., 1894, Checking Div Chief
McClery, James, 1843, clerk
McCoy, Joseph S., 1912, Actuary
McCullough, Harry E., 1912
McDonnell, John J., 1912
McDowell, F. D., 1894, Quartermasters' Div Chief
McGinniss, John, 1843, clerk
McGroarty, C. N., 1894, Appointments, Refunds, Bonds and Records Div
McKean, Samuel M., 1843, clerk
McMakin, Miss M. A., 1894, Bureau of Statistics, Library
Meline, James F., 1894, Treasurer, Asst
Metcalf, Ralph, 1838-1840, clerk
Middleton, Ralph Izard, 1865, Clerk
Miller, Charles H., 1912, Chief of Appropriations
Mills, John S., 1897
Mimmack, Bernard P., 1894, Record Div
Mitchell, Robert Jay, 1877-1888
Morgan, D. N., 1894, Treasurer
Morgan, William E., 1894, Bureau of the Mint, Examiner
Morris, Henry, 1843, clerk
Morse, Andrew Bigelow, 1864-1866
Morton, Charles B., 1894, Auditor
Mountz, Joseph, 1843, clerk
Murphy, Michael J., 1912
Murray, Lawrence O., 1912, Comptroller of Currency
Murray, Percy E., 1912
Needham, George Francis, 1863-1885, clerk
Nevins, Joseph D., 1912, Secretary's Office
Nichol, J. W., 1894, Deputy
Norris, Raymond S., 1912
Norwood, Guy V., 1908-1919
Nourse, John, 1843, clerk
Nourse, Michael, 1843, chief clerk
O'Connell, J. D., 1894, Bureau of Statistics, Div Chief
O'Rourke, Jeremiah, 1894, Supervising Architect
Osenton, C. W., 1894, Mail and Property Div Chief
Parris, Albion Keith, 1836-1850, Comptroller
Patterson, Edgar, 1843, clerk
Patterson, Samuel, 1921, auditor
Pearson, Isaac, 1894, Military Div Chief
Peeples, A. McBride, 1912
Pettit, Charles, 1843, messenger
Piatt, Sherman, 1894, Prin Bookkeeper
Pike, Benjamin S., 1894, Army Pension Div Chief
Platt, Wilmer G., 1921, chief clerk
Preston, R. E., 1894, Bureau of the Mint, Director
Pugh, William H., 1894, Customs, Commissioner
Quaiffe, A. R., 1894, Vault Clerk
Ray, J. E. R., 1894, Loan Div Chief
Rees, Chester E., 1894, Div Chief
Relyea, Albert, 1894, Redemption Div Chief
Reynolds, William E., 1912
Richmond, Elbert E., 1912
Roads, Samuel Jr, 1894, Stationery Div Chief
Roberts, T. O. W., 1894, Army Paymasters Div Chief
Roberts, William Henry, 1863-1866, statistician
Robertson, George W., 1894, Redemption Div, Supt
Rogers, Thomas E., 1894, Redemption Agency, Supt
Sample, James A., 1894, Issue Div Chief
Sampson, B. E., 1894, Paymaster, Ordnance, and Medical Div Chief
Sanderlin, G. W., 1894, Deputy Auditor
Sargent, Thornton William, 1882-1885, clerk
Scott, W. W., 1894, Judiciary Div Chief
Serven, A. R., 1894, Organization Div Chief
Serven, Abram B., 1893-1896, division chief
Shepard, L. G., 1894, Revenue Marine Div Chief
Sherman, Henry, 1861-1868
Shields, James R., 1894, Miscellaneous Div Chief
Shields, James W., 1843, messenger
Siddons, Frederick L., 1879-1885
Slindee, Michael E., 1921, asst National Bank Redemption Agency
Smith, Andrew, 1843, clerk, Treasury Office
Smith, Henry H., 1894, Asst
Smith, John Derby, 1866-1867, clerk
Smith, Thomas L., 1843, register, Register of the Treasury
Snider, Murray F., 1912
Speer, E. P., 1894, Foreign Intercourse and Public Debt Div Chief
Spencer, John C., 1843, Secretary of the Treasury
Sprowls, Allen D., 1912
Stocking, Charles Henry, 1864-1870, clerk
Stoddard, Charles J., 1894, Comptroller, Chief Clerk
Swan, W. D., 1894, Bond Clerk
Terrell, Robert H., 1889-1893, division chief
Terrell, William, 1898
Thomas, Richard W., 1912
Thompson, William Augustus, 1863-1866, clerk
Tighe, Joseph M., 1912, Customs
Tillman, J. Fount, 1894, Register
Torrey, Earl G., 1912
Trott, Fred Pearson, 1912
True, E. R., 1894, Treasurer, Cashier
Tucker, Oliver P., 1894, Comptroller, Deputy
Turner, Levi Crosby, 1851-1852
Vale, Josiah M., 1885, division chief
Warner, Louis H., 1921, attorney
Warner, Willard F., 1921, chief clerk, office of Treasurer
Warwick, Walter W., 1893-1898, chief law clerk
Weeks, B. H., 1894, Indian Div, Chief
Weiler, Ferd, 1894, Loan Div Chief
well, J. A. No, 1894, Bookkeepers Div Chief
Wetmore, James A., 1912, Chief of Law and Records
White, James R., 1912
Whitney, Joseph N., 1894, Bureau of Statistics, Chief Clerk
Whitthead, Cabell, 1894, Bureau of the Mint, Assayer
Wike, Scott, 1894, Asst
Willie, James I., 1894, Deputy
Wilmeth, James L., 1910-1917, chief clerk
Wilson, Charles Augustus, 1867-1876, clerk
Wilson, Isaac Randolph, 1856, clerk
Worrell, Benjamin F., 1894, Note, Coupon and Currency Div Chief
Wynne, Robert J., 1892-1896, private secretary to Secretary
Yaney, D. H., 1894, Interest and Expenses on Loans Div Chief
Young, Edwin M. S., 1894, Bookkeeping Div Chief
Young, McClintock, 1843, chief clerk

US Federal Trade Commission

Chase, Stuart, 1917, investigated meat packing industry
Colver, William B., 1917-1920
Culbertson, William Smith, 1915-1917
Eaton, James Shirley, 1917-1918, examiner
Harris, William J., 1918, chairman
Hudson, Millard Fillmore, 1915, attorney
Jones, Franklin D., 1916-1919, assistant secretary, attorney
Manly, Basil Maxwell, 1918, investigated meat packing industry
Notz, William F., 1921, chief of export trade division
Pollard, John Garland, 1920
Stephens, George Asbury, 1916-1921, examiner
Walker, Francis, 1921, chief economist
Wilson, Margaret Ritchie, 1921, chief of enemy trade division
Yoder, Jocelyn Paul, 1921, secretary

US Fish Commission

Andrews, Ethan Allen, 1879-1881, assistant
Bean, Tarleton Hoffman, 1892-1894, Columbian Expos
Bean, Tarleton Hoffman, 1892-1895, Fish Culture
Blatchley, Willis Stanley, 1890-1893, assistant
Bruner, Henry Lane, 1881-1884, assistant
Bush, Katharine Jeannette, 1881-1888, assistant
Clark, Hubert Lyman, 1902, investigator
Cox, Ulysses Orange, 1892-1896, assistant
Everett, Walter Goodnow, 1891, ichthyologist
Fisher, Walter Kenrick, 1904, assistant
Flint, James Milton, 1884-1887, surgeon
Gerald, Herbert Parvin, 1885-1888
Grave, Caswell, 1899-1900, assistant
Greene, Charles Wilson, 1904, physiology of salmon
Hodge, Clifton Fremont, 1888, Naturalist
Jennings, Herbert Spencer, 1901, Biol. Surv. of Great Lakes
Jordan, David Starr, 1877-1891, assistant
Kellogg, James Lawrence, 1896-1898, investigator
Kellogg, Vernon Lyman, 1902, Samoan Explorations
Linton, Edwin, 1903-1905, scientific research
Marsh, Millard Caleb, 1897, assistant
Merriam, Clinton Hart, 1875, assistant
Moore, John Percy, 1890, scientific asst
Morris, Edward Lyman, 1900, field asst
Osborn, Henry Leslie, 1880-1881, assistant
Pearl, Raymond, 1902, assistant
Pond, Raymond Haines, 1901, special asst
Rathbun, Mary Jane, 1884-1887, Clerk
Rathbun, Richard, 1878-1896, scientific asst
Reighard, Jacob Ellsworth, 1898, Biol. Surv. of Great Lakes
Rockwood, Charles Greene, Jr, 1889-1891
Scudder, Newton Pratt, 1881, Assistant
Smith, Hugh McCormick, 1886-1892, assistant
Snyder, John Otterbein, 1904, assistant
Surface, Harvey Adam, 1899, scientific asst
Tarr, Ralph Stockman, 1883-1884, assistant
Townsend, Charles Haskins, 1897-1902, chief, Div. Fisheries
Townsend, Charles Haskins, 1883, assistant
Verrill, Addison Emory, 1871-1887, marine invertebrates, zoology
Walton, Lee Barker, 1900, assistant
Ward, Henry Baldwin, 1898, Biol. Surv. Great Lakes
Wilson, Henry Van Peters, 1889-1891, assistant

US Forest Service

Barnes, Will C., 1921, stockman, forester
Cary, Austin, 1921, forester
Chapline, William Ridgely, 1921, inspector of grazing
Clapp, Earle Hart, 1921, forester
Everard, Lewis Charles, 1915-1920, asst editor
Greeley, William Buckhout, 1921, chief
Norcross, Theodore White, 1916, mapping and surveying national forests
Peters, J. Girvin, 1921, branch of forest management
Potter, Albert F., 1921, associate forester
Shearman, Thomas Gaskell, 1908-1910, Assistant law officer
Smith, Clinton Gold, 1921, grazing of eastern national forests
Smith, Herbert Augustine, 1921, asst forester, public relations
Sparhawk, William Norwood, 1921, forester, research branch
Sudworth, George B., 1921, chief of dendrology
Watkins, Arthur Charles, 1921, editor and master printer

US Geological Survey

Adams, George Irving, 1898-1899, field asst
Alden, William Clinton, 1896-1901, special field asst
Allen, Eugene Thomas, 1900, geologist
Andrews, Grace, 1872-1878
Arnold, Ralph, 1900-1903, Temporary field asst
Ashley, George Hall, 1901-1905, geologist
Atwood, Wallace Walter, 1901, geologist
Bain, Harry Foster, 1900-1901, special asst
Ball, Sydney Hobart, 1904-1905, geologist
Barton, George Hunt, 1889-1894, geologist
Barus, Carl, 1880-1892, physicist
Bascom, Florence, 1896-1901, geologist
Bauer, Louis Agricola, 1899, inspector magnetic work
Bayley, William Shirley, 1889, geologist
Becker, George Ferdinand, 1879, geologist
Beyer, Samuel Walker, 1901, geologist
Bien, Morris, 1879-1893, topographer
Birdseye, Claude Hale, 1921, chief, topographic engineer
Birnie, Rogers, 1874-1878
Blair, Andrew Alexander, 1879-1881, mining geologist
Boutwell, John Mason, 1898-1899, field asst
Brashears, John V., Jr, 1912
Breckenridge, Lester Paige, 1904
Britton, Nathaniel Lord, 1882, field asst
Brooks, Alfred Hulse, 1894-1901, geologist
Brown, Charles Wilson, 1902-1903, Field asst
Butts, Charles, 1900, Field asst
Butts, Charles, 1901, geologist
Calkins, Frank Cathcart, 1900, Field asst
Call, Richard Ellsworth, 1884
Campbell, Marius Robinson, 1921, geologist
Cannon, George Lyman, 1888-1889, geologist
Caspari, Charles Edward, 1898, Field asst
Chamberlin, Thomas Chrowder, 1882-1904, geologist
Chatard, Thomas Marean, 1883-1892, chemist
Chauvenet, William Marc, 1882-1885, Chemist
Chester, Rear Admiral Colby Mitchell, 1877-1880, hydrographer
Clark, William Bullock, 1888-1894, geologist
Clarke, Frank Wigglesworth, 1883, chemist
Clements, Julius Morgan, 1893-1903, geologist
Cobb, Collier, 1886-1891
Collier, Arthur James, 1895-1901, Field asst
Cooke, Charles Wythe, 1912, section of coastal plain investigations
Cowles, Henry Chandler, 1895, Field asst
Cross, Whitman, 1921, geologist
Curtis, George Carroll, 1898-1899, geologist
Dall, William Healey, 1885, geologist and paleontologist
Darton, Nelson Horatio, 1921, geologist
Darwin, Charles Carlyle, 1902-1911, bibliographer
Davis, Arthur Powell, 1885-1894, topographer
Davis, Charles Albert, 1904, field asst
Davis, William Morris, 1890, geologist
Day, Arthur Louis, 1900-1906, physical geologist
Day, David Talbot, 1886, division of mining
Deel, Samuel Asher, 1901-1902, Magnetic Observer
Dewey, Frederic Perkins, 1882, mineralogist
Diller, Joseph Silas, 1883
Dodge, Richard Elwood, 1890-1895
Drake, Noah Fields, 1894, topographer
Eckel, Edwin Clarence, 1902-1907
Emerson, Benjamin Kendall, 1897, geologist
Fairbanks, Harold Wellman, 1899-1900
Ferguson, Henry Gardiner, 1921, geologist
Fish, John Charles Lounsbury, 1900, field asst
Forge, Laurence La, 1921, geologist
Fortier, Director Samuel, 1895-1902, hydrographer
Frazer, Persifor, 1869-1870
Fuller, Myron Leslie, 1900-1903, geologist
Gane, Henry Stewart, 1895-1897, geologist
Gannett, Henry, 1882, geographer
Gannett, Samuel S., 1921, geographer, US Boundary Commissioner
Gatschet, Albert Samuel, 1877-1879, Ethnologist
George, Russell D., 1899
Gerdine, Thomas Golding, 1921, topographer engineer
Gilbert, Grove Karl, 1879
Girty, George Herbert, 1895, Paleontologist
Glenn, Leonidas Chalmers, 1900, geologist
Gooch, Frank Austin, 1879-1881, special agent
Goode, Richard Urquhart, 1879-1882, topographer,geographer
Gordon, Charles Henry, 1905, geologist
Gore, James Howard, 1880-1883
Gould, Charles Newton, 1902, hydrographer
Graham, James Chandler, 1890-1891
Grant, Ulysses Sherman, 1904
Gregory, Herbert Ernest, 1900, geologist
Griswold, William Tudor, 1883
Grover, Nathan Clifford, 1921, chief hydraulic engineer
Gulliver, Frederic Putnam, 1886-1891, topographer
Hall, Christopher Webber, 1884
Hallock, William, 1882-1891, physicist
Hammond, John Hays, 1880, special expert
Harris, Gilbert Dennison, 1888-1892
Haworth, Erasmus, 1904
Hayes, Charles Willard, 1887-1895, geologist
Hering, Rudolph, 1872, Yellowstone Park
Hershey, Oscar H., 1904
Hess, Frank L., 1901-1903, field asst
Hewett, Donnel Foster, 1921, geologist
Hill, Benjamin Felix, 1898-1899
Hill, Robert Thomas, 1888-1889, asst paleontologist
Hillebrand, William Francis, 1880, Chemist
Hills, Richard Charles, 1894-1898, Geologist
Hoag, William Ricketson, 1888-1895
Hobbs, William Herbert, 1896, geologist
Hodge, Frederick Webb, 1884-1886, stenographer
Hollick, Charles Arthur, 1881
Holmes, Joseph Austin, 1905, fuel testing expert
Holmes, William Henry, 1880-1888
Hoover, Herbert Clark, 1895, Sierra Nevada Mountains
Hovey, Edmund Otis, 1890
Howe, Ernest, 1900, geologist
Hoyt, John Clayton, 1921, hydraulic engineer
Hubbard, George David, 1904-1905, field asst
Humphreys, David Carlisle, 1895, hydrographer
Iddings, Joseph Paxson, 1880-1888, geologist
Jaggar, Thomas Augustus, 1898, geologist
Jenney, Walter Proctor, 1889-1892, geologist
Johannsen, Albert, 1903
Johnson, Lawrence Clement, 1882-1889, asst geologist
Johnston, Clarence T., 1895-1897
Kahlenberg, Louis, 1891
Kamm, Rufus Maurice, 1917, chemist
Keith, Arthur, 1887-1894
Keyes, Charles Rollin, 1889-1891
King, Clarence, 1878-1881, director
King, Franklin Hiram, 1882
Knowlton, Frank Hall, 1894-1900, paleontologist
Kubel, Stephen J., 1921, chief engineer
Kunz, George Frederick, 1883, special agent
Ladd, George Edgar, 1887-1889
LaForge, Laurence, 1901, geologist
Lane, Alfred Church, 1888-1889
Larsen, Esper Signius Jr, 1921, mineralogist and geologist
Lee, Willis Thomas, 1902, geologist
Leighton, Marshall Ora, 1906-1913, chief hydraulic engineer
Leith, Charles Kenneth, 1900-1905, geologist
Lewis, Joseph Volney, 1902, field asst
Lindgren, Waldemar, 1884-1895, geologist
Lippincott, Joseph Barlow, 1895-1902, Hydrographer
Loper, Samuel Ward, 1891-1894, geologist
Louderback, George Davis, 1902, geologist
Loughlin, Gerald Francis, 1921, geologist
Martin, George Curtis, 1904, geologist
Matthes, Francois Emile, 1896-1898, field asst
Matthew, William Diller, 1902
McCord, Julia L. V., 1921, librarian
McGee, W J., 1883-1893, geologist
Meinzer, Oscar E., 1921, geologist in charge of division of ground waters
Mendenhall, Walter Curran, 1894-1901, geologist
Mitchell, Guy E., 1921, chief of executive division
Moffit, Fred Howard, 1921, geologist
Moser, Jefferson Franklin, 1895-1896, hydrographer
Munroe, Hersey, 1894-1917, topographer
Myers, Edward Warren, 1895-1902, hydrographer
Newell, Frederick Haynes, 1888, asst hydraulic engineer
Norton, William Harmon, 1903
Osborn, Henry Fairfield, 1900, geologist
Paige, Sidney, 1921, geologist in charge of Division of Geology
Penrose, Richard Alexander Fullerton, Jr, 1885-1886
Perrins, Newton Manley, 1906, assistant
Perry, Joseph Hartshorn, 1888-1902, geologist
Pogue, Joseph Ezekiel, Jr, 1913-1914, geologist
Porter, Jermain Gildersleeve, 1878-1884
Pratt, Joseph Hyde, 1899, field asst geologist
Prindle, Louis Marcus, 1902-1903, geologist
Prosser, Charles Smith, 1888-1892, paleontologist
Putnam, George Rockwell, 1890-1894
Queneau, Augustin Leon Jean, 1900, Cape Nome, Alaska
Ransome, Frederick Leslie, 1895-1896, asst field work in Sierra Nevada mountain range
Read, Motte Alston, 1890-1892, field asst geologist
Reid, Harry Fielding, 1902, earthquake records
Rice, William North, 1891-1892, geologist
Richardson, George Burr, 1900, geologist
Ries, Heinrich, 1895, special agent
Riffenburg, Harry B., 1921, chemist, quality of waters division
Riggs, Robert Baird, 1884-1887, Chemist
Rizer, Henry Clay, 1921, chief clerk
Roundy, Paul Vere, 1921, geologist
Russell, Israel Cook, 1880, geologist
Rutter, Frank Roy, 1898-1899, proofreader
Salisbury, Rollin D., 1883
Sardeson, Frederick William, 1891
Sargent, Rufus Harvey, 1921, topographic engineer
Schaller, Waldemar Theodore, 1903, chemist
Schmeckebier, Laurence Frederick, 1899, editor asst
Schoder, Ernest William, 1900, Station asst
Schrader, Frank Charles, 1896, geologist
Schuchert, Charles, 1893-1894, paleontologist
Scudder, Samuel Hubbard, 1886-1892, paleontologist
Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate, 1886-1900, geologist
Shannon, Earl Victor, 1913-1914, Field assistant
Shepard, Edward Martin, 1903, field asst
Siebenthal, Claude Ellsworth, 1921, geologist
Slichter, Charles Sumner, 1897-1902, Hydrographer
Smith, George Otis, 1896-1901, geologist
Smith, James Perrin, 1895, geologist
Smith, Philip S., 1921, administrative geologist
Smith, William Sidney Tangier, 1900, geologist
Smyth, Charles Henry, Jr, 1898, Field asst
Snyder, William Henry, 1889-1890
Spencer, Arthur Coe, 1896-1902, geologist
Spurr, Josiah Edward, 1894-1897
Stanley-Brown, Joseph, 1882-1885
Stanton, Timothy William, 1889-1900, paleontologist
Stearns, Robert Edwards Carter, 1884-1892, paleontologist
Steiger, George, 1921, chief chemist
Stephenson, Lloyd W., 1921, geologist
Stokes, Henry Newlin, 1894-1903, chemist
Stone, George Hapgood, 1884-1898, geologist
Stone, Ralph Walter, 1901, geologist
Stose, George Willis, 1894-1900, geologist
Tarr, Ralph Stockman, 1887-1888
Taylor, Frank Bursley, 1900, special asst
Thom, William Taylor Jr, 1912, roadman in NC and SC
Thompson, David G., 1921, geologist
Thorp, Frank Hall, 1886-1887, Field asst
Todd, James Edward, 1881-1890, geologist
Torbert, John Bryant, 1886-1893, draftsman
Tower, George Warren, Jr, 1895-1899, geologist
Tucker, Richard Hawley, 1880
Turner, Henry Ward, 1883-1895, geologist
Tweedy, Frank, 1884
Udden, Johan August, 1893, special field asst
Uhler, Philip Reese, 1872, Entomologist
Ulrich, Edward Oscar, 1897, geologist
Upham, Warren, 1885-1893
Van Hise, Charles Richard, 1883-1888, geologist
Van Ingen, Gilbert, 1889-1891, geologist
Van Orstrand, Charles Edwin, 1921, mathematical physicist
Vaughan, Thomas Wayland, 1921, Washington
Veatch, Arthur Clifford, 1902-1904, field asst
Walcott, Charles Doolittle, 1879, geologist
Walker, Albert Mynard, 1921, topographic engineer
Walters, Marion I., 1921, civil engineer
Ward, Lester Frank, 1881-1905, Paleontologist
Watson, Thomas Leonard, 1903, field asst
Weed, Walter Harvey, 1883-1892, geologist
Weeks, Fred Boughton, 1900-1902, asst geologist
Weidman, Samuel, 1894-1896, Field asst
Weller, Stuart, 1901, geologist
Wells, Roger C., 1921, physical chemist
Westgate, Lewis Gardner, 1913, asst geologist
White, Charles Abiathar, 1875-1879, geologist
White, Charles David, 1886-1894, paleontologist
White, Israel C., 1884-1888
Whitfield, James Edward, 1880-1888
Whitson, Andrew Robinson, 1892-1893, Field asst
Willard, Daniel Everett, 1902-1903
Willard, Joseph Moody, 1888-1889
Willis, Bailey, 1884
Winchell, Alexander Newton, 1901, Field asst
Winston, Isaac, 1900, editor
Wolff, John Eliot, 1885-1904, geologist
Wood, George McLane, 1921, editor
Woodward, Robert Simpson, 1884-1890, astronomer
Woodworth, Jay Backus, 1888-1903
Wooster, Lyman Child, 1881-1884, geologist
Wright, Frederic Eugene, 1904, geologist
Wright, George Frederick, 1884-1892

US House of Representatives

Couden, Henry Noble, 1921, chaplain emeritus
Haltigan, Patrick Joseph, 1921, reading clerk
Hiatt, Joel Willis, 1888-1896, document clerk
Hobbs, Josiah Hilton, 1861-1864, clerk
Montgomery, James Shera, 1921, chaplain
Myers, Albert Perley, 1906-1909, clerk
Phillips, Herman Ames, 1921, journal clerk

US Navy Department

Alderman, Lewis R., 1921, educational specialist
Andrews, Frank, 1902-1903
Brummett, Randolph Breese, 1912
Burr, Charles Cooley, 1857-1859, clerk
Clephane, Lewis P., office assistant
Daly, Joseph T., 1912, Stenographer
DeMerritt, J. Henry, 1912
Dubose, William Richards, 1903-1906, bureau of medicine and surgery
Dyson, Charles Wilson, 1914, bureau of steam engineering
Gill, James Edward, 1912
Grant, Thomas, 1900-1902, private secretary to Assistant Secretary
Hall, John Dillan, 1912, Chief Identification Bureau
Hermesch, Harry R., 1912
Hobart, Albert Claude, 1900-1901, Bureau of Yards & Docks
Jones, William Sheriff, 1921, electrical engineer
Littlehales, George Washington, 1921, hydrographer
Maguire, Jered A., 1912
McCormick, Michael A., 1912
McNemar, Leslie Cleveland, 1919, Office Judge Advocate
Mulligan, Tracy E., 1912
Neagle, Pickens, 1921, asst solicitor
O'Dea, Patrick H., 1912
O'Hara, James J., 1912
O'Leary, Charles R., 1912, paymaster
O'Leary, Timothy S., 1912, Paymaster
Pettey, R. Moulton, 1912
Rates, James L., 1921, architect
Scott, Oliver H., 1912
Short, William Henry, 1912
Snell, Charles Livingston, 1921, chief clerk
Snow, Chester Ammen, 1873-1874, clerk
Speiden, Clarence E., 1912
Stackhouse, George M., 1912, Bureau of Navigation
Stephens, Jeremiah, 1912
Stuart, Daniel D. Y., Jr, 1912
Thomas, Roy, 1912, Electrotyper
Warner, Richard Ambrose, 1912
Wells, Benjamin W., 1912
Wright, W. Lloyd, 1921, bureau of construction and repair

US Patent Office

Anderson, James W., 1912, Principal Examiner
Anderson, Lindley S., 1912, Asst Examiner
Ansart, Louis L., 1912
Babcock, William Henry, 1873-1876, asst Examiner
Bayard, Fairfax, 1921, chief examiner
Bobst, Alfred E., 1912, Asst Examiner
Calkin, Guida C., 1912
Clement, Edward Edmund, 1890
Cline, Boy R., 1912
Cooper, Albert Lloyd, 1918-1919, Asst examiner
Fairchild, Benjamin L., 1877-1879
Fisher, Robert Jones, 1876-1891, examiner-in-chief
Forney, Edward O., 1912, Asst Examiner
Fowler, Francis, 1869-1902, examiner
Frye, George R., 1912, Examiner
Gallatin, Daniel B., 1912
Gerald, Herbert Parvin, 1888, Assistant examiner
Haney, Leonard T., 1912
Henry, Edwin Stanton, 1921, examiner-in-chief
Holmes, Willard Newton, 1904-1910, asst examiner
Houston, Harry I., 1912
Jewett, Nelson J., 1912, Asst Examiner
Kane, John J., 1912
Landers, Eugene, 1912, Asst Examiner
Leib, William John, 1860-1861, clerk
Little, Amos Brickett, 1845-1861, clerk
Mann, Benjamin Pickman, 1921, asst examiner
Merritt, Addis D., 1912, Principal Examiner
Milburn, John W., 1912
Milburn, Joseph W., 1912
Miller, William Thompson, 1876-1881, Asst Examiner
Morris, Ballard, 1912
Morrison, Joseph, 1898, asst examiner
Morrison, Samuel, 1877-1882, clerk
Newton, James Thornwell, 1912, Principal Examiner
O'Neill, Charles J., 1893, assistant examiner
Perrins, Newton Manley, 1907-1917, Asst examiner
Pittman, Frederick Lewis, 1921, first assistant examiner
Pond, Benjamin Wisner, 1873-1877, examiner
Redrow, Walter L., 1912, Asst Examiner
Reid, Charles C., 1912, Examiner
Rich, William James, 1912, Principal Examiner
Roane, Samuel B., 1912, Asst Examiner
Rockwell, Julius E., 1881-1887, stenographer
Russell, Bert, 1912, Asst Examiner
Sage, Merton W., 1912
Sewall, Eugene D., 1912, Principal Examiner
Smith, Elizur Goodrich, 1842-1850, clerk
Spencer, Louis M., 1912
Staley, Charles Melrose, 1912
Stockbridge, Virgil D., 1912, Asst Examiner
Stone, Fred W., 1912
Van Vest, Raymond H., 1912, Asst Examiner
Varney, Everett Wilmot, 1902-1910, examiner
Wall, Maurice J., 1912, Examiner
Warriner, William F., 1912
Wead, Charles K., 1921, examiner
Wedderburn, George C., 1912, Examiner
Wilkinson, Ahab George, 1864-1869, asst examiner
Wyman, William I., 1921, chief clerk

US Pension Bureau

Adams, John Frink, 1857, clerk
Adler, Leon, 1912
Andrews, Marshall V., 1912
Baker, Francis B., 1912, Asst Chief
Blake, Cecil LeRoy, 1905, Asst examiner
Bomberger, Lincoln, 1912, Principal Examiner
Brown, Everard C., 1912
Burke, Thomas W., 1912
Bushnell, Emma Helen, 1890, clerk
Carman, Louis D., 1912, Medical Examiner
Cheshire, William Wilder, 1889-1909, examiner
Cole, Peter L., 1912
Cramer, Dick, 1912
Daiker, Frederick H., 1912
Evans, John Gomer, 1880-1890, clerk
Gallagher, P. J., 1912
Gloetzner, Herman Francis, 1912
Green, Andrew J., 1912, Legal Reviewer
Hardy, Calvin S., 1912
Harriman, Walter, 1855-1856, clerk
Harrison, Charles Sumner, 1890-1900, examiner
Hart, John T., 1912
Helton, A. S., 1912
Howard, A. Clinton, 1912
Kerr, Denis, 1912
Klinger, David B., 1912
Klopfer, Walter H., 1912, Principal Examiner
Leahy, Daniel F., 1912
Lee, F. D., 1912
Lowe, Horace Mandel, 1890, Medical Examiner
Mead, Theodore, 1912, Medical Examiner
Olmsted, Edwin B., 1912, Special Examiner
Parkinson, Royal, 1872-1882, clerk
Perry, David B., 1912
Slaughter, William D., 1912
Teicher, John G., 1912, Special Examiner
Tuckerman, Frederick Wells, 1890
Walker, Charles Mallory, 1892, clerk
White, Francis P., 1912
Whitney, Charles F., 1912, Medical Referee
Wilkinson, A. D., 1912
Woertendyke, Harold P., 1912

US Post Office Department

Addison, Thomas B., 1843, Principal Clerk, Georgetown
Allen, Thomas G., 1894, Minor Div Prin clerk
Andrews, William T., 1912
Ash, James R., 1894, Div of Correspondence Chief
Aycock, W. F., 1894, Inquiry Div Prin clerk
Bains, Robert L., 1894, Returning Div Prin clerk
Baker, Joseph Richardson, 1903, clerk
Baker, William W., 1912
Bandel, George E., 1912
Barcroft, John, 1843, clerk
Bell, J. Lowrie, 1894, Second Asst Postm Gen
Beller, Frederick F., 1912
Biggs, Richard James, Jr, 1909-1911, clerk
Bingham, A. W., 1894, Finance Div Chief
Bissell, Wilson S., 1894, Postmaster General
Bogan, Joseph A., 1912
Bohrer, George A., 1843, clerk, Georgetown
Boone, John F., 1843, clerk, office of Auditor
Bourne, C. P., 1894, Opening Div Prin clerk
Boyle, Walter Fabien, 1907-1914, clerk
Brisboe, Arthur, 1912
Bronaugh, John W., 1843, clerk, office of Auditor
Bronaugh, William J., 1843, clerk
Brooks, N. M., 1894, Supt
Bryant, John A., 1843, Asst Postmaster General
Caden, James, 1843, clerk
Calvin, Claude W., 1912
Carter, Joseph, 1843, clerk, office of Auditor
Chapman, John A., 1894, Inspection Div Chief
Coolidge, James, 1843, clerk, office of Auditor, Georgetown
Cox, William, 1843, messenger, office of Auditor
Craige, Kerr, 1894, Third Asst Postm Gen
Crew, James H., 1894, Railway Adjustments, Supt
Darden, William J., 1843, clerk
Darrell, William S., 1843, clerk, office of the Auditor
Davis, Bliss N., 1912
Davis, Madison, 1894, Chief Clerk
Deardoff, William Sewall, 1884, clerk
Dolan, Henry F., 1912
Dundas, John, 1843, clerk
Durham, James H., 1843, clerk, office of Auditor
Eaton, Paul Webster, 1898
Falconer, John Henry, 1872-1889, Statistician
Fenton, George G., 1894, Div of Appointments Chief
Ferry, Joseph T., 1912
Fisher, Dwight Wilton, 1905, clerk
Fitzhugh, Samuel, 1843, clerk
Fowler, E. C., 1894, Chief Clerk
Gadsden, E. M., 1894, Money Order System, Supt
Galliher, William T., 1883
Games, John Ira, 1901-1904, clerk
Goode, Bernard, 1894, Dead Letter Office, Supt
Gould, Ashley Mulgrave, 1881-1882, Clerk
Grant, Alex, 1894, Railway Mail Service, Chief Clerk
Haake, A. Von, 1894, Topographer
Hale, Oscar Adrian, 1861
Hall, E. S., 1894, Files, Records and Mails Div Prin clerk
Hamilton, James H., 1843, clerk
Hardin, C., 1894, Unmailable and Property Div Prin clerk
Harkness, Samuel, 1843, clerk, office of Auditor
Harper, James E., 1912
Haynes, Ralph W., 1894, Law Cierk
Henry, John A., 1883-1885, law clerk
Hester, W. B., 1894, Examining Div Priu clerk
Hildreth, David M., 1921, topographer
Hill, William W., 1894, Div of Free Delivery, asst supt
Howard, Douglas, 1843, clerk
Howard, George A., 1894, Chief Clerk
Hughes, Arthur Lewis, 1884-1888, Department Clerk
Hunter, John, 1843, clerk
Johnson, John David, 1905, clerk
Jones, Frank H., 1894, First Asst Postmaster General
Keckard, E. L., 1894, Stenographer
Keene, Carter B., 1913-1920, director, postal savings system
Kelly, Walter E., 1912
King, Carl C., 1912
King, Horatio, 1843, clerk
Koons, John C., 1916-1921, first Assistant US Postmaster General
Kupfer, E. L., 1894, International Div Priu clerk
Lang, C. B., 1894, Duplicate Div Prin clerk
Lawrenson, James, 1843, clerk
Lightelle, William E., 1843, messenger
Luthy, John H., 1912
Maddox, Robert L., 1894, Chief Clerk
Maeheu, August W., 1894, Div of Free Delivery, Supt
Marr, James H., 1843, clerk
Marron, John, 1843, chief clerk
Maxwell, Robert A., 1894, Fourth Asst Postm Gen
McCallum, A. T., 1894, Money Div Priu clerk
Meriwether, Albert G., 1843, clerk, office of Auditor
Metcalf, James T., 1894, Money Order System chief clerk
Moore, Jacob B., 1843, clerk
Mountz, George W., 1843, clerk, office of Auditor, Georgetown
Munce, T. Q., 1894, Postage Stamp Div Chief
Neilson, Charles, 1894, Railway Mail Service, Asst Gen Supt
Osgood, Harry G., 1894, Chief Clerk
Owner, James, Jr., 1843, clerk
Perry, Joseph, 1840, clerk
Powell, H. C., 1894, Blank Div Prin clerk
Powell, Robert J., 1843, clerk
Purman, Louis C., 1912
Rainey, Francis H., 1912
Regar, Robert S., 1912
Reuter, George, 1915-1916
Reynolds, Joseph, 1843, clerk, office of Auditor, Georgetown
Rhoads, William L., 1912
Richmond, Paul, 1912
Richter, Miss C. M., 1894, Foreign Div Prin clerk
Robbins, Thomas A., 1912
Robertson, William, 1843, clerk, Georgetown
Roper, Daniel O., 1913-1916, first Assistant US Postmaster General
Saunders, David, 1843, principal clerk, office of Auditor
Schmaltz, Oscar J., 1912
Scott, Albert H., 1894, Div of Salaries and Allowances Chief
Shook, Edgar H., 1894, Div of Post-Office Supplies, Supt
Simpson, Presley, 1843, clerk, office of Auditor
Skinner, John S., 1843, Asst Postmaster General
Smith, John, 1843, clerk
Smith, Nathan A. C., 1894, Div of Bonds Chief
Southerland, J. Julian, 1912, Office Asst AG
Springer, Frank Asbury, 1862-1869, clerk, bond division
Stearns, Charles P., 1912
Stewart, Joseph, 1882-1887, clerk
Stone, George F., 1894, Chief Clerk
Sullivan, Simon F., 1912
Suter, John, 1843, principal clerk, office of Auditor
Taggart, George R., 1912
Thaw, John, 1843, clerk, office of Auditor
Thomas, Frank H., 1894, Supt and Disbursing Clerk
Thomas, John L., 1894, Law Office, Asst A.tty Gen for P. O Dept
Torbert, John Bryant, 1893-1908, topographer
Tyler, R. D. S., 1894, Mail Equip Div Prin clerk
Vose, James A., 1894, Appointment Clerk
Waddell, Hugh, 1894, Div of Drafts, Credits and Transfers Prin clerk
Wanamaker, William H., 1912
Warner, John, 1894, Div of Domestic Correspondence Prin clerk
Washington, Perrin, 1843, clerk, office of Auditor
Washington, Peter G., 1843, chief clerk, office of Auditor
Welsh, Lewis, 1843, clerk, office of Auditor, Georgetown
Wheeler, M. D., 1894, Div of P. O Inspectors Chief
Wheeler, William D., 1912
White, James E., 1894, Railway Mail Service, Gen Supt
Wood, William H., 1894, Registered Letter Div Prin clerk
Woolf, Oliver P., 1912
Work, Hubert, 1921, first Assistant US Postmaster General
Wyman, Bayard, 1905-1907, chief, division of correspondence
Wynne, Robert J., 1904-1905, Postmaster General

US Public Health Service

Bolduan, Charles Frederick, 1921, bacteriologist
Cannon, Claude C., 1910
Crane, Charles George, 1907-1910, Hygienic Laboratory
Creel, Richard Henry, 1921, asst surgeon general
Cumming, Hugh S., 1921, Washington
Garrison, Philip Eugene, 1901-1906, Zoological Laboratory
Goldberger, Joseph, 1921, Washington
Hunt, Reid, 1901, Division of Pharmacology
Lavinder, Claude H., 1921, asst surgeon general
Lumsden, Leslie Leon, 1921, Washington
McLaughlin, Allan Joseph, 1921, asst surgeon general
Moore, Harry H., 1921, health education expert
Motter, Murray Gait, 1921, director of library service
Paterson, Arthur Elliott, 1906
Pierce, Claude Connor, 1921, asst surgeon general
Roth, George B., 1921, pharmacologist
Scherechewsky, Joseph W., 1921, asst surgeon general
Sherwood, Clarence McKinlay, 1914-1915, (Cincinnati, OH) Chemist
Sullivan, Michael Xavier, 1921, biochemist, hygienic laboratory
Taft, Charles Hatfield, Jr, 1917-1918, bacteriologist
Voegtlin, Carl, 1921, chief, division of pharmacology
Warren, Benjamin S., 1921, asst surgeon general
White, Joseph H., 1921, asst surgeon general
Willets, David Gifford, 1903-1907, epidemiologist

US Reclamation Service

Blanchard, Clarence J., 1904, statistician
Davis, Arthur Powell, 1906-1914, chief engineer
Fitch, Charles Hall, 1902-1909, engineer and project manager
Newell, Frederick Haynes, 1902-1907, chief engineer
Walcott, Charles Doolittle, 1905-1907, director

US Senate

Barry, David S., 1921, Sergeant-At-Arms
Craven, Hermon Wilson, 1921, chief clerk
Goodwin, Edward C., 1921, librarian
Lloyd, Daniel Boone, 1921, official shorthand reporter
Muir, Joseph J., 1921, chaplain

US Weather Bureau

Blair, William Richards, 1921, physicist
Bowie, Edward Hall, 1891
Brandenburg, Edwin Charles, 1883-1888
Calver, Henry, 1871, sergeant in Signal Service
Clark, Charles Cleveland, 1913-1914, executive assistant
Frankenfield, Harry Crawford, 1921, meteorologist
Fuller, William Durgin, 1899, observer
Gregg, Willis Ray, 1921, meteorologist
Henry, Alfred Judson, 1921, meteorologist
Humphreys, William J., 1921, physicist
Kimball, Herbert Harvey, 1921, meteorologist
Marvin, Charles Frederick, 1921, chief
Meisinger, C. Leroy, 1921, meteorologist
Smith, John Warren, 1888
Williams, Henry Eugene, chief of Forecast Division

Contributed by Ray Gurganus
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