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The book "The African American Griots" is not affiliated with the
African American Griots, US African American Griots or the USGenWeb Special Project
The Transcriber is unknown Credit is given to them.

Transcriber’s note:This handwritten book was discovered tucked behind the wainscoting of a house located on West Elm Street, Rockmart or Cedartown, Georgia, when the house was being razed. I have not been able to determine the age of the home or the original owner. The house was destroyed between 1955 and 1958. The property was last owned and torn down by the Seaboard Railroad. The finder turned it over to Homer Morgan who in turn gave it to Hugh Watts Randall. Mr. Randall is a descendant of the Morgans who were prominent in the churchand a prominent local historian.


June 20, 1840 
The Baptist Church at Van Wert was the forerunner of the First Baptist Church at Rockmart Polk County, Georgia. It later became a Methodist church, and then was abandoned for decades. Van Wert, Paulding County, Georgia, June 20,1840. Members from various parts of the Baptist denomination being settled in this place and itsvicinity, and being desirous of being constituted into a Church, have agreed among ourselvesthat Humphrey Posey, John Holmes and J.W. Lewis be a presbytery to examine into our standing andfitness to be thus constituted and have agreed to the constitution hereunto annexed.
Humphrey Posey
John Holmes
John W. Lewis

August 29, 1847
At a called conference, received by Experience
Sister Mary, a coloured woman belonging to R. McGregor. 

August 18, 1852
Opened the door of the Church and received
Mrs. Frances Crabb and Mr. T. J. Walton by Experience and were baptised. Also York a colored brother belonging to William Hitchcock. P. M. Rice, Moderator 

April 9, 1854
Sabbath morning. Church met after preaching and the door of the church was op
ened. Junior, a Negro woman belonging to Jesse Walton, joined as a candidate for Baptism. 

May 13, 1854, Sabbath Evening
The door of the Church was opened and
Rebecca, a colored woman belonging to James Whitehead, came forward as a candidate for Baptism.

May 19, 1854 Saturday Morning
The door of the Church was opened when
Madison Heaton, Jonathan Long, Emily Long, Miss Baldwin, William Everette, Mary Morgan and Spencer, a colored man belonging to Brother B. F. Morgan. Administered the ordinance of baptism May 20.
R. H. Thackerson, Moderator
William A. J. Whitehead, Clerk

May 20, 1854, Sunday Evening
The door of the Church was opened when
Joel L. Flanegan, Elizabeth Baty, Mary A. Dempsey, George, a colored man belonging to B. E. Whitehead, Luda, a woman belonging to J. L. Flanegan, Caroline, a woman belonging to James Whitehead, Charlotte, a woman belonging to B. F. Morgan and Luda, a woman belonging to Mr. Hitchcock. Administered the ordinance.
R. H. Thackerson, Moderator
William A. J. Whitehead, Clerk

June 3, 1854, Friday Night
The door of the Church was opened when both
John A. Rentz and Josaphine B. Rentz and Steven, a colored man belonging to Brother Rentz, joined by Letter.
R. H. Thackerson, Moderator
William A. J. Whitehead, Clerk

Saturday night of the 8th (October 1854)
The door of the Church was opened, when
Peter, a colored man belonging to James Whitehead, joined by Experience and Baptism. Adjourned till tomorrow.
R. H. Thackerson, Moderator
William A. J. Whitehead, Clerk

October 26, 1854
The Van Wert Baptist camp meeting commenced on the 26th and continued till November 5. The following are the names of those who joined:
Miss Elizabeth Cason, Andrew Wade, William A. Lyle, James B. Crabb, Mary F. Crabb, Statisa O. Weatherby, Martha Morgan, Mrs. Margaret Hedrick, Berry Brown, Samuel Crabb, James A. Jordan, Ansalim Morgan, Mary L. Scott, John Atherson, Hutchings' Tom, Hutchings' Patton, B. E. Whitehead's Ann, James Garner and Hutchings' William.
R. H. Thackerson, Moderator
William A. J. Whitehead, Clerk

January 14, 1855, Sunday Morning
The door of the Church was opened, when
Miss Sarah Cearnes (Carnes) and Manerva, a colored woman belonging to Mr. Thomas L. Lockwill, joined by Experience.
R. H. Thackerson, Moderator
William A. J. Whitehead, Clerk

March 8, 1855
Van Wert Baptist Church sitting in conference. Visiting brethren were invited to seats. The door of the Church was opened. No one joined. Inquired for acknowledgments. None. The reference of
Sister Nash was taken up. The committee reported and were released. The case continued till next meeting. Brethren Thomas Gentry and E. K. Garner appointed to see her. Then took up the reference of Brother Flanegan. The committee reported and were released. The case was referred to next meeting, and Brethren J. C. Pankey, J. C. Crabb, J. R. Heaton, J. A. Rentz and R. W. Whitehead appointed to see him. Buck, a colored man belonging to Mr. Hightower, was granted a Letter of Dismission. Adjourned till tomorrow morning.
R. H. Thackerson, Moderator
William A. J. Whitehead, Clerk

March 9, 1855
Sunday, after preaching, the door of the Church was opened, when
Leatha, a colored woman belonging to Mrs. Lucy Hutchings, joined by Experience and Baptism.
R. H. Thackerson, Moderator William A. J. Whitehead, Clerk

July 7, 1855, Sabbath Evening
Went in to the election of delegates to the Association, which resulted in the choice of
Brethren John C. Crabb, John R. Heaton, Joel L. Flanegan and John A. Rentz, Alternate. Also opened the door of the Church, when a colored woman, Fanny, property of William Hubbard, joined by Letter. Adjourned.
R. H. Thackerson, Moderator
William A. J. Whitehead, Clerk

July 30, 1855
Sabbath. Opened the door of the Church, when
Sister Mary P. Kingsberry and Lucinda, a coloured woman belonging to Henry Kingsberry,  joined by letter and Delitha C. Heaton by Experience and Baptism. Sabbath night. Malinza, a coloured woman property of Dr. Prior, joined by Experience and Baptism.
R. H. Thackerson, Moderator
William A. J. Whitehead, Church Clerk

November 8, 1856
After the opening of the conference,
Brother A. Willingham presented a Letter from the Cedartown Church, and was unanimously received. The Committee to build reported themselves ready to proceed with the work. The Church authorized them to do so. Brethren George Rentz, Burton Crabb and R. W. Whitehead were appointed delegates to the Union Meeting. Letters of Dismission were granted to Sister Elizabeth Nash, Sister Adeline Sockwell and a colored sister, Mary, the property of R. McGregor.
J. M. Wood, Moderator John A. Rentz, Church Clerk

February 14, 1857
Conference opened by singing. The door of the Church was opened, and
William (G or J) Cox and Harriette Cox and Mary A. Howard presented Letter from Antioch Church, Polk County and was unanimously received. Granted a Letter of Dismission to Brother Augustus Willingham, also to York and Juli, colored brother and sister, the property of Miss Hitchcock. On motion, agreed to offer the use of our House to our Primitive Brethren, and appointed Brethren J. C. Pankey and J. C. Crabb to make the tender. On motion, Brother J. R. Heaton and S. M. Wright was appointed a committee to see Brother J. P. Lyle in relation to the general report against him for intoxication. H. A. Williams, Moderator J. C. Crabb, Church Clerk

September, 1857
During a protracted meeting, the following were received by Experience, to wit:
H. W. Allen, J. C. Hitchcock, Joseph Jenkins, Daniel Byers, Miss Heaton and Mose, the property of J. A. Jones and by letter, to wit. E. J Childers, Ruthie Chil+ders and Elizabeth Voils.

February 1858
Church met in conference. On motion, appointed
Brother J. C. Pankey to take charge of the house; resolved that the house shall not be used as a schoolhouse without permission from the Body. Agreed to pay Brother Pankey twelve dollars for his services as housekeeper. Granted Letters of Dismission to Brother B. T. DeHay, his wife, and to Moses, the property of J. A. Jones. H. A Williams, Moderator John A. Rentz, Church Clerk

November 20, 1858
After the opening of conference as usual, Letters of Dismission were granted to
brother R. M. Wright, and his wife and daughter, the daughter of Brother James Dempsey, a colored brother, George, belonging to Brother B. E. Whitehead, and Louisa, the property of the estate of Prior.
H. A. Williams, Moderator
John A. Rentz, Church Clerk

June 9, 1860

Conference opened as usual.
Brother Thackerson, Moderator. The Church was informed on this day that, on the Sabbath of our last meeting, Brother Thomas Gentry presented a Dismission from the Salem Church for himself, wife and daughter, which was read. Also at the same time, letters of two colored members was received of Pumpkinvine Church, to wit, Josh and Guley (?), the property of Miss Lucy Hitchcock. A charge was preferred against Brother B. F. Morgan of gross immoral conduct. The charge sustained, and postponed for further action indefinitely. A committee of three, to wit, Brother Allen, Heaton, Crabb, Philpot and Pearce. Sister Harriett Gibson presented a letter from Shiloh Church and was received. Adjourned. Brother Thackerson, Moderator John A. Rentz, Church Clerk

November 16, 1860
After opening conference as usual,
Brother and Sister Pankey and two daughters, Mary Ann and Elizabeth, presented Letters of Dismission from the Salem Church and were unanimously received. Committee to notify Brother West of his call reported in the affirmative. The Church unanimously (unreadable) granting Sister Caroline Bloodworth a Letter of Dismission, and a committee of Brother Heaton, Pearce and Rentz appointed to sustain Sister Bloodworth, in order to ascertain the cause of separation of her husband and herself. A committee appointed of Brethren Heaton and Pearce to collect subscription for the payment of Brother Thackerson. On Sabbath, Mary, property of H. W. Allen, was received by Experience and Baptism.

April 20, 1861
Conference opened with singing. A door of the Church opened, when
Jesse Hitchcock presented a Letter of Dismission from Pumpkinvine Church. Brother John T. Boon from (blank) Church, and Brother and Sister A. Everett from Hayneville, all of whom were unanimously received. Brother Long being present, said that he had drunk too much, but promised he would so no more. He was unanimously excused. Brother York's case was postponed until next conference. Letters of Dismission granted to Ciment and Rachel, servants belonging to G. E. (unreadable). Letters of Dismission granted to Sister Bloodworth and daughter. Brother Heaton authorized to procure hinges and have the door hung. Agreed to purchase a Bible and hymn book for the use of the Church. Agreed to change our time of meeting from the third to the fourth Sabbath.
Joel T. West, Moderator
John A. Rentz, Church Clerk

April 3, 1863
Conference opened as usual. A colored Brother,
Moses, applied through Brother Heaton for permission to preach in this house, when, on motion, her consent was withheld. A Letter of Dismission was granted to Mary, the property formerly of Mr. Stocks.
R. W. Hambrick, Moderator
John A. Rentz, Church Clerk 
June 10, 1865

Our Pastor being absent,
Brother Heaton was called to the chair. Application was made for a license granted Moses, a colored member, permission to exercise his gift in public, which was granted. John A. Rentz, Church Clerk

September 9, 1865
After the opening of conference as usual, a Letter of Dismission was granted to
Moses, the property formerly of T. Jones, and with the liberty to exercise in public. Resolved that this Church extend an arm for the reception of members at the schoolhouse in the neighborhood of Mr. Kilgo's. Resolved also that we get our old house back if we can, and repair it. Appointed Brother Heaton a committee to attend to it. Granted a Letter of Dismission to Sister Mary Jane Hunt.
William Coalson, Moderator
John A. Rentz, Church, Clerk

January 20, 1866
Called conference.
Brother Heaton, Moderator. Ist, taken up the case of Brother John A. Rentz, and he excommunicated. 2nd, taken up the case of Sister Susan Simms, and she was also excommunicated. 3rd, granted a Letter of Dismission to Brother York, a freedman. 4th, appointed Brethren S. B. Pearce, B. E. Whitehead and J. R. Heaton as a committee to examine the Church Book and report at the next conference. Jesse Hitchcock, Church Clerk

January 25, 1868
The Baptist Church at Van Wert met in conference. Ist,
Brother John R. Heaton, Moderator. Opened the door of the Church for the reception of members, when Brother James E. Stovall and Sister D. D. Stovall presented Letter of Dismission from Cave Spring Church and was received. 2nd, a charge preferred against Perlina, a colored sister, for living in adultery. 3rd, appointed Brethren Ellis and James Whitehead as committee to see the colored sister and inform her of the charge preferred, and notify her to attend at our next conference, course

February. 4th, restored and granted
Brother George S. Rentz a Letter of Dismission. 5th, the case in regard to John A. Rentz case was taken up and postponed till next conference, and the committee dismissed from said case. Jesse Hitchcock, Church Clerk

February 22, 1868
The Baptist Church at Van Wert.
Brother Heaton, Moderator. Ist, opened the door of the Church for the reception of members, and Sister Mary Jane Hunt presented a Letter of Dismission from the First Baptist Church at Atlanta, and was received. 2nd, taken up the reference in regard to a colored sister Perlina, case. The committee's report was heard and said committee dismissed, and the Church excommunicated her from their fellowship. 4th, granted Sister Harriet Rogers and Brother Jesse Hitchcock Letters of Dismission. 5th, the committee appointed to notify Brother Camp and Eubanks of the calls of the Church had made are hereby dismissed. Jesse Hitchcock, Church Clerk

March 27, 1869
Conference opened with singing. Opened the door of the Church for the reception of members, and no one came forward. Called for references. Committee on asking aid of the members of the Legislature reported and was discharged. On motion, resolved that we restore our colored sister,
Perlina Whitehead, to full fellowship with us. And there was a Letter of Dismission granted the sister. And also, a Letter of Dismission was granted Brother William Tolbert and his wife. On motion, resolved that a committee be appointed to collect money to aid Elder E. A. Camp to buy a horse. Brethren B. E. Whitehead, S. B. Pearce and M. McCarley were appointed to the committee. There being no other business, conference adjourned.
James G. Ryals, Moderator
J. C. Hitchcock, Church Clerk

May 7, 1870
Met in conference.
Elder J. M. Key, Moderator. Opened the door of the Church for the reception of members, when Brother James Morris presented a letter from Mt. Zion Church, Boston, Georgia and was unanimously received. Application was made for a Letter of Dismission for Brother J. M. Lumpkin and our colored Brother and Sister, Pleasant Glenn and wife. Appointed Brethren Keeling, Long, Haynes and Hitchcock to correspond with our sister church, Friendship. Resolved that we loan the Temperance family the benches that we have in the Masonic Hall, as long as they are used by the family. Appointed Brethren Pankey, Whitehead and Haynes as a committee to sell the remainder of our benches. Resolved, that we excuse our Pastor on our next meeting day for the purpose of visiting his aged mother. There being no other business, adjourned. Elder J. M. Key, Moderator      J. C. Hitchcock, Church Clerk

Pleasant Glenn -
Lucinda Glenn -
Paton Hutchings Dismissed by Letter
Leatha Hutchings Dismissed by Letter
Stephen Timmons Dismissed by Letter
Caroline Hutchings -
Mary Sherell Dismissed by Letter

Church book of the Baptist Church at Van Wert, Paulding County, Georgia - Partial Records