Contributed by: Rosemary Mullally
African Griots are historians, storytellers,
traditional praise singers and musicians. Their
roles are hereditary and their surnames identify
them as Griots. For example, Toumani Diabate of Mali comes
from 70 generations of Griots. His father, Sidiki
Diabate was considered the “King of the Kora”
in Guinea, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Mali and The
Gambia. When he died, memorials were held in each
of these countries, attended by foreign diplomats,
government officials and musicians. The most famous
Griot in each of these countries was chosen to
preside over the memorials and to celebrate the life
of Sidiki Diabate by “singing his praises” and
recounting his life story.
Malian Griots, both women and men,
are always present at the social rites; birth,
marriage and death. Many Griots are “family
Griots” and have been associated with a single
family for generations. These Griots are the
repositories of the family’s genealogy and
history. During a marriage ceremony, it is not
unusual for the family Griot to recount the story of
an ancestor’s marriage that occurred centuries ago;
detailing gifts given, attendants and the beauty of
the bride.
In a given community, a Griot who attends
a social occasion usually knows everyone and their
families. To honor a guest or host, the Griot will
recount a story about their family and/or praise the
person’s business acumen, number of children,
honesty and generosity. This praise singing is
usually accompanied by the traditional music of the
djembe, balafon and kora. During the event, in
acknowledgment of the Griot’s talent and praises,
cash gifts are given, the size of the gift dependent
upon the renown of the Griot and the affluence of
the host and guests. Competitions in gift giving
frequently occur, adding to the reputation of the
most generous giver and occasioning louder and
longer praises from the Griot.
As an African American living in a country and
a society of Africans, I can’t help but feel proud,
yet saddened. Proud that not every part of our
African culture was erased by our enforced journey
into slavery, yet saddened that so much of our
history and knowledge is lost. African American
Griots do exist in the form of our historians,
writers, actors, musicians, parents, grandparents
and our selves. We sing the praises of our
ancestors, we tell their stories, we give them their
rightful place in history and we are the keepers of
their memories.
As we research our families, let us become a
part of the gift giving bestowing our
gifts of knowledge upon our fellow Griots, sharing
information and resources, praising each other’s
successes. May our loud and long praises echo down
the centuries, from generation to generation, never
Rosemary Mullally
American Grio
Bamako, Mali
Since the African American Griots Project started,
there have been countless researchers who have
contributed data, resources and links. We do not
minimize the contributions of any of our
contributing researchers but would like to
- Paul Drake - Paul contributed resources for
the state of Virginia.
- Jerry Taylor - Jerry designed the logos for
the project. She has also contributed resources
for various states and referred researchers to
the project. Jerry was the original State
Coordinator for the Kentucky African American
- Lora Washington - Lora has donated family
history, photos, death and marriage records for
the Kendall, Turley, Sims and Berry families.
- Toni Carrier - Toni has contributed records
from the files of USF Africana Heritage Project
- Gene Givens - Gene contributed World War I
Draft Registrations from his research records
- Peggy Gilkey - Peggy contributed Calvert,
Fryer and Morse Plantation records.
- Bill Davison - Bill has contributed
genealogy records from the State of
- Marsha Belty - Marsha contributed records
for Harrison County, Indiana