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Jacob Sheltman & Amanda Ruff Estate

Filed 1857, Kaufman.
Mentions Charles age 14, Harriett abt 34 yrs, bright muletto & mother of Emily, age 4 and Drucilla age 2.
They were given to Amanda & Jacob when they left Rockbridge, Virginia, coming to Texas.  Former slaves of John Ruff of that place. (Amanda's father)


Filed 1859, Kaufman.
Mentions Charles about 22 (another document states 25),  Emily 16 (another document age 13 yrs) muletto,
Drusilla about 14, Harriett, about 45 (another document states 46), a bright muletto.

NOTE:  Harriett Sheltman is buried at Kaufman City Cemetery (1822-1891)


Estate of Robert H Temple

Lewellyn Temple - minor heir
Kaufman County Probate - Papers Not Transferred, p381,  - Original Inventory of Estate, dated 9 Feb 1861
boy  - Tom -  estimated value $800
boy  - Lewis - estimated value $800

Estate of R.H. Temple
Misc Records - Vol 1, p115,    date - 25 Feb 1861  Actual Vlaue of Inventory
boy -  Lewis - $1150
boy -  Tom   -  $1200
Misc. Records, vol I, p 140
boy Tom - hired by Henry J. Snow for $100.75
boy Lewis - hired by S. Updegraff for $94.25
Misc Records - Vol 1, p166, Bill of Sale, 8 Mar 1862
man - Tom to H.J. Snow $1626
man - Lewis to Mrs. Susan Nichols $1420

Runaway Slave Notices from

[Dallas Herald, 12 Jan 1859]


 ON SATURDAY, the 12th day of February 1859, I will offer for sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court-House door in the town of Dallas, one NEGRO MAN named HENRY, a runaway, committed to the Jail of Dallas county, on the 8th day of July, 1858. Said negro is about 30 years old.
   Sheriff Dallas Co., Tex.
   Jan 10, 1859



[Dallas Herald, 2 Feb 1859]

    The negro man, Henry; who has been in the jail in this place for the past seven months, as a runaway, and who was to have been sold on the 12th inst., was claimed, on Saturday last, by Col. Henry Carlisle, of Kaufman, as his property, proved up, and taken home.





[Dallas Herald, 12 Jan 1859]

Runaway or Stolen!

 RUNAWAY OR STOLEN from the subscriber, a NEGRO MAN, named Joshua, about 35 years old, five feet 8 or 9 inches high; complexion dark, slow spoken; eye tooth on the left side out.  He was bought in Chickasaw county Mississippi.  A liberal reward will be given for the delivery of said negro to me at Kaufman, or secure so that I can get him.

   Jan 10th 1859

Texas Probate Records