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Will of Ann Woodruff



In the name of God Amen


I Ann Woodruff of the State of Alabama and County of Bibb being of sound and perfect mind and memory do hereby make ordain and establish this as my last will and testament touching such worldly goods as I have been favoured with in this life the whole of which I do give devise and dispose of in manner and form following


      1st    I do will and bequeath unto my Nephew James W. Crawford my Negro Woman Mary and all the children which she may

               have born after the date of this will to him and his heirs and assigns forever

      2nd   I do will and bequeath unto my Neice Eleanor M. A. Coleman a Negro Girl by the name of Eliza about ten years old

               to her and her heirs and assigns forever

      3rd   I do will and bequeath unto my Neice Margaret M. Bernhard a Negro Girl called Lucinda about eight years old to her

               her heirs and assigns forever

      4th    I do will and bequeath unto my Nephew Thomas P. Crawford a Negro Girl called Melinda about six years old to him his

               heirs and assigns forever

      5th    I do will and bequeath unto my Neice Jane A. Crawford my Negroe Man July and a Negro Girl called Ceclia about four

              years old to her heirs and assigns forever

       6th    I do will and bequeath unto each of my three Neices Eleanor M. A. Coleman, Margaret M. Bernhard and Jane A. Crawford one

              feather bed and bedstead.  Also all my bed clothing and bed furniture of every kind to be equally divided between them share and

              share alike and their heirs and assigns forever

      7th    I do will all the balance of my Estate both real and personal to be sold upon a reasonable credit as provided by Law and out of            

               the proceeds of such sale I do will all my Just debts and expences to be paid and the balance of my Estate so remaining after the

               payment of my said debts


  I do will and bequeath to be divided among my Nephews and Neices already mentioned in such manner as will make those who

 may have  received the least valuable specified legacies equal among themselves and equal so far as my estate may extend to those which

have  received the most valuable specific legacies taking the appraisement of my estate by the order of the Orphans Court as the standard

of value

 Lastly I do constitute and appoint James W. Crawford sole executor of this my last Will and testament

 In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 4th day of August A. D. 1843


                                                                                                                                                           her  x   mark



             My Notes: Evidently she did not have any children that survived to adult since she left items to nephews and nieces.



Will of Ann Woodruff