- Cemeteries
- Census
- Court
- Eastern Cherokee Indian Application - Macks, Andrew
- Landowners of 1861
- Marriages
- Military
- Revolutionary War 1775-1783
- War of 1812 1812-1815
- Seminole Wars 1816-1819, 1835-1842, 1855-1858
- Faircloth, Abraham (Abram) ~ born 1800; died 1877; Union Hill Cemetery
- Hobbs, Gabrel ~ born 1816; died 1899; Mount Olive Cemetery
- Pate, Alexander ~ Pate Cemetery
- Pierce, William ~ born 1807; died 1887; Old White Water Cemetery
- Black Hawk War 1831-1832
- Mexican-American War 1846-1848
- Civil War 1861-1865
- Spanish-American War 1898-1899
- Cooey, Julius ~ born 1868; died 1935; Westville Cemetery
- Morison, Willaim, Pvt ~ Co I 1st Regt Fla Inf; born 1874; died 1915; Camp Ground Cemetery
- Paul, James R, Pvt ~ Co I 1st Fla Inf; born 1872; died 1940; Union Hill Cemetery
- Smith, John Wesley ~ born 1882; died 1927; Saint John Cemetery
- World War I 1914-1920
- World War II 1939-1945
- Korean Conflict 1950-1953
- Vietnam Conflict 1959-1975
- Schools
- Bonifay School Attendance, 1911 A-M
- Hickory Hill School Photo
- Holmes County High School, 1929,
1931, 1946, 1947, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1953, 1954, 1973
- Leonia Schools
- Poplar Head School, 8th Grade 1935 photo
- Salem School, 1906
class list
- School Buildings, photos
- Teachers, 1907 & 1911
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