I am Rebecca Maloney, Webmistress and Coordinator for this Hardee County FLGenWeb site. I hope you enjoy your visit. Please email me if you have any suggestions or contributions you would like to make.
Hardee County was created by an act of the Florida Legislature on
April 23, 1921. The county seat is Wachula. It was named in honor of
Cary Augustus Hardee, who held the office of Governor from 1921-1925.
Hardee County is in the central section of Florida and is home to many
farms and cattle ranches. It is also known for its many lakes swamps
and its abundant fishing,hunting and other recreational opportunities..
Please remember when searching for records prior to 1921, you will
need to look in DeSoto County, Florida which was created in 1887. The
county seat of Desoto County is Arcadia. For records prior to 1887, you
will need to look in Manatee County. The county seat of Manatee County
is Bradenton.
If you have any documents, photos or other
ephemera related to Hardee County, please consider donating a digital
copy for placement on this website. We are also seeking information on
Hardee Counties founding families and histories of any ranches or farms
in the area.
We are always adding information and updating our
pages. Please contact the County Coordinator if you have any questions
or would like to submit any information.
I hope you find my efforts helpful in your research of Hardee County Florida roots. I am unable to do additional research on your family as I live in Colorado and do not have direct access to records. I post everything I have for all to use.
Make sure you check the "Research Resources" section! There are newspaper articles beginning in 1877, helpful links, look up volunteers and local researchers to help you out. We need more volunteers! Email me if you can look up court records!
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Being a County or State Coordinator is fun and rewarding. If you have an interest in the history of Florida and the genealogy of it's residents please consider it. If you think "there is no way I can do this" there are many people ready, willing and able to help you. It's not near as difficult as you might think. USGenWeb ® Counties that are up for adoption and need Volunteer Coordinators!! Are you able to do a basic website? Why not take the time to coordinate a county. It really doesn't take that much of your time and it will help others and also help you in your research. The one advantage that these counties have as opposed to the larger websites is that they are FREE and many times they contain information that the larger websites don't have. Think about it become a member of the USGenWeb ®. You'll be glad you did!
If you have questions, contributions, or problems with this site, email:
Coordinator - Rebecca Maloney
State Coordinator: Jeff Kemp
Asst. State Coordinator: Tricia Aanderud
If you have questions or problems with this site, email the County Coordinator. Please to not ask for specfic research on your family. I am unable to do your personal research.