Virginia genealogy history ancestors

Virginia Ancestors

Alexandria City Virginia


a proud part of USGenWeb ®


Ordering Records


Births & Deaths :

Mailing Address

VDH, Office of Vital Records
P.O. Box 1000
Richmond, Virginia

General Information Number: 804-662-6200

Deaths :
To order copies of death records they are public record listed here


Virginia birth and death records from 1912 to the present, divorce records since 1918 and marriage records since 1936 are now available in an index form. Click here to access indexed information on open records. In Virginia, death, marriage and divorce data become “public” information 25 years after the event; birth data are “public” after 100 years.

Court Records

They will process your request if they can. The records are $X.00 per page and the request must include a stamped, self-addressed envelope with a money order (no checks or cash). Please include all of the information on the file that is listed on the web page. Allow 2-4 weeks for return.
Clerk of the Circut Court Office
520 King Street, Room 307
Alexandria, VA 22314



If you have more up-to-date information on record pricing or where to order additional records, please let me know.


Quick Links


Contact Us

If you have questions, contributions, or problems with this site, email:

Coordinator - Rebecca Maloney

State Coordinator: Jeff Kemp

Asst. State Coordinators: Vacant

Questions or Comments?

If you have questions or problems with this site, email the County Coordinator. Please to not ask for specfic research on your family. I am unable to do your personal research. I do not live in Indiana and do not have access to additional records.


Virginia genealogy history ancestors