Contributed by Trini M. Tracy

Clubs & Societies

Monday, February 12, 1912


From: The Evening Standard, Col 3, Pg #

Headline: Martha Society

Mrs. J.S. Lewis was hostess at the last meeting of the Martha society, which was held at the Virginia. Following the business session, in which provision for several poor families was made, a report of the work of the society during the past year was read and annual election of officers held, luncheon was served in the dining room and a pleasant social hour spent before adjournment was made to meet February 19 with Mrs. Ad Kuhn.

The officers for the ensuing year are: Mrs. Joseph Scowcroft, president; Mrs. Thomas D. Dee, first vice president; Mrs. Abe Kuhn, second vice president; Mrs. A.P. Bigelow, treasurer; Mrs. R.B. Porter, secretary; Mrs. H. H. Spencer, corresponding secretary.


From: The Evening Standard, Col 3, Pg #

Headline: Tolstoi Circle

The ladies of Tolstoi circle will meet Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. I. Buesebell, 1480 Cahoon avenue, instead of 2874 Washington, at the home of Mrs. T.O. Edwards, as previously announced.

An afternoon with Dickens will be interestingly spent.


From: The Evening Standard, Col 3, Pg #

Headline: Literary Club

The Ladies’ Literary club members will be the guests of Mrs. Leroy Eccles at her home on Lafayette avenue, Wednesday, February 14, when a charming program in accordance with the St. Valentine festival will be given.