Minerva (Nervia) Willborn Magee

Nervia is still listed in the Trinity Co. Unknown Pictures Page.
From other information from Robert Moreland we have narrowed down the possibility that this woman is most likely Minerva (Nervia) Willborn Magee. She was married to Soloman Warren Magee. Robert remembers that they called her Aunt Nervia and they called her husband Uncle Sol.  He is trying to tie them into his Maggee's.  If you have info on them please contact him.

Thanks to Robert Moreland for verifying the identities of the other ladies in the photo

According to Robert Moreland's information the folks here should be:
Back Row Left to Right;
Minerva (Nervia) Willborn Magee³, Lucretia (Cresey) Johnson-Magee, Catherine (Kate) Johnson
Front Row Left to Right,
Emma Magee-Johnson (born in the late 1870's), unidentified child.

Cresey is Robert's Great Grandmother. Kate and Emma are Great Aunts.Catherine (born in 1842) and Lucretia (born in 1854) are sisters. Daughters of Josiah Johnson and Charlotte Sweat-Johnson.

Nervia Magee³,  Lucretia (Cresey) Johnson-Magee,  Catherine (Kate) Johnson
Emma Magee-Johnson. unidentified child

Below is the back of the photo. It looks to read: 
Aunt Cresey M[agee²]
Aunt Kate Johnson (fat one) 
Aunt Nervia McMageil?, Mahaffey [Magee³]
Aunt Emma McMegee [Magee²]
If you have any ideas who Nervia McMageil?, Mahaffey [Mageeł]
²based on Robert Moreland's information.
³based on misspelling of other verified names

Last Updated Monday, 22-Jan-2001 19:03:24 PST