Trinity County...
Emma Magee-Johnson

Emma used to be listed in the Trinity Co. Unkown Pictures Page.
Thanks to Robert Moreland for verifying the identity of Emma Magee-Johnson (born in the late 1870's).
Other Photo's  Emma and Crecy Johnson-Magee

According to Robert Moreland's information the folks here should be:
Back Row Left to Right;
Aunt Nervia Magee³,  Aunt Lucretia (Cresey) Johnson-Magee,  Aunt Catherine (Kate) Johnson
Front Row Left to Right;
Aunt Emma Magee-Johnson. unidentified child.

Emma is Robert's GreatAunt. Lucretia is Robert's GreatGrandmother. Catherine (born in 1842) and Lucretia (born in 1854)   are sisters. Daughters of Josiah Johnson and to Charlotte Sweat-Johnson.

Nervia Magee³, Lucretia (Cresey) Johnson-Magee,  Catherine (Kate) Johnson
Emma Magee-Johnson, unidentified child

Below is the back of the photo. It looks to read: 
Aunt Cresey M[agee²] 
Aunt Kate Johnson (fat one) 
Aunt Nervia McMageil?    , Mahaffey [Magee³] 
Aunt Emma McMegee [Magee²] 

²based on Robert Moreland's information. 
³based on misspelling of other verified names