Carancahua News 1930s





Mr. Lovett was quite sick last week.

C. A. Abrahamson visited kin folks in Olivia last week.

Mrs. Lovett is enjoying a visit with a sister from Houston.

Rev. Stearns called on several Carancahua folks last week.

Miss Elsie Loff visited her friend, Carolyn Slaikeu last Sunday.

Mr. Tweedle moved last week to the C. L. Gass farm recently vacated by the Wilson family.

There was a large crowd at Sunday School last Sunday. We hope they will keep on coming.

Mesdames Huffman and Slaikeu were visitors at the M. R. Whyman family of Ganado Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bohen and son, of Sugarland, spent Saturday night at the Dave Frankson home.

Carancahua Ladies Aid Society met with Leta Frankson Thursday and Friday afternoons last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas and daughter of Sugarland were week end visitors at the Malcolm Cavallin home.

Mrs. Alice Peterson and two sons returned Saturday from Olivia, after a two weeks visit with relatives and friends.

Sidney and John Green of Houston, spent the week end at the Slaikeu home. They brought down a load of lumber for their new home here.

Miss Signe Frankson and nephew, Vernon, returned Monday from Raymondville, where they made a two weeks visit in the Fluke Frankson home.

Mrs. Vird Anders was brought home from the hospital in Houston last Saturday. She seems very much improved, which news her friends are grateful to hear.

Rev. Stearns preached a very helpful sermon to a good crowd last Sunday. He was accompanied out from town by his wife and children and his wife’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. White of Plainview.

Palacios Beacon, January 9, 1930


Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Green and two sons of Houston, spent Friday and Saturday here.

Mrs. Ethel Abraham visited Saturday afternoon with her friend, Mrs. Alice Peterson.

Mr. Kalinec has built a new house on his farm out here and will farm his land the coming season.

Rev. Stearns will preach at the school house next Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. Everybody come.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Frankson and family were Sunday guests at the John Ralston home in Palacios.

Miss Earnestine Linville of Palacios spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. Lloyd Frankson and family.

A large number of hurters have been at the Carancahua Beach Club House the past week in spite of the bad roads and inclement weather. The hunting season will soon be closed and they are taking advantage of the few days remaining.

A large crowd attended the Sunday School party at the Slaikeu home last Friday night. Rev. Stearn, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Huffman and Hazel, and Earnestine Linville were guests from Palacios. A jolly good time was enjoyed by all.

Palacios Beacon, January 30, 1930


Mr. Wilson has been doing some much needed road work the past few days.

“Buddy” Linquist of Palacios, spent a few days last week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Tweedle.

Mrs. Artie Larsen and children spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Bengston near Blessing.

The Lloyd Frankson and Maynard Frankson families were entertained at the Will Frankson home last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Lovett and daughter, Maurine, returned Sunday from a week’s visit with relatives at Livingston and Houston.

About thirty neighbors and friends attended a “42’ party at the Will Frankson home last Friday night. Refreshments of sandwiches, cake and coffee were served by the hostess and a good time was enjoyed by all.

Carancahua Ladies’ Aid Society met with Mrs. David Frankson last Thursday afternoon. A short program was rendered and the rest of the evening spent in sewing quilt blocks. There were nine ladies present. The hostess served a delicious lunch. The next meeting will be at Mrs. Maynard Frankson’s the first Thursday in March.

Palacios Beacon, February13, 2024


C. H. Wilson was a business visitor at Ganado and Francitas Tuesday.

The Amel Peterson family visited at the John Cavallin home last Sunday.

A Sunday School party will be given at the Slaikeu home Friday night, March 28th.

Mrs. C. Abrahamson, Elmer and his wife and baby and Dolphy visited relatives in Olivia last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Abraham and Bobby Gene visited at the Slaikeu home Saturday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Artie Larson and two children and John and Ernest Schicke were Sunday guests at the Lloyd Frankson home.

Mrs. V. C. Anders was taken to the Methodist Hospital at Houston last Friday. Last reports of her condition were not very encouraging. Her many friends sympathize with the family in their trouble.

Carancahua people had a wiener roast at the old Jensen place on the bay last Thursday night. A good lunch was enjoyed and everybody had a good time.

Mrs. G. H. Helmer, who spent the winter with her daughter, Mrs. M. R. Whyman and family, is with her daughter, Mrs. Slaikeu, for a few months.

Mrs. Kier Smith received a telegram Sunday stating that her father had been killed. She and her husband and two children left at once for Tivoli, where her parents reside.

Rev. Lester Williams of Palacios preached at the church Sunday afternoon. A crowd of young people accompanied him out here. He will preach at the church again next Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. A large crowd would be very welcome.

Palacios Beacon, March 27, 1930


Mr. Macon, the Raleigh man, was in the neighborhood Tuesday.

Rev. M. C. Stearns was calling on Carancahua friends Tuesday afternoon.

Ted Sealock of Texas City is spending the week with friends here and at Palacios.

Mr. Sartwelle and Mr. Slaikeu attended a road meeting at the County Seat Wednesday night.

There will be no preaching service at the church next Sunday afternoon as Rev. Stearns has an engagement at his church in town.

Little Ludrig Peterson hurt one of his eyes while playing Monday and his parents took him to an eye specialist at San Antonio Tuesday.

About forty five neighbors and friends gathered at the Slaikeu home last Friday night for a “42” party. A jolly good time was enjoyed by all.

An election for three school trustees will be held at the school house Saturday. Mesdames Leta Frankson, Edith Frankson and Flora Slaikeu constitute the Election Board.

Rev. J. Williams preached a good sermon at the Carancahua church last Sunday afternoon. He brought out several young ladies who delighted the audience with a song.

Mr. and Mrs. Kier Smith returned from Tivoli Saturday where they attended the funeral of Mrs. Smith’s father. They have the sympathy of their Carancahua friends in this time of sorrow.

Carolyn Slaikeu is taking an enforced vacation from her school duties at Palacios and is at home this week. She sustained an injury to her knee while taking part in the sports at the County Meet at Bay City last Saturday.

An April Fool and Tacky party was staged at the school house Tuesday night. A large crowd was in attendance and the costumes were extremely funny. Ernest Schieke took the prize for being the tackiest. Games and contests furnished an evening of amusement. Refreshments of pie and doughnuts were served.

Mrs. Cavallin was called to Houston Saturday by the illness of her daughter, Mrs. Guy Barnett. She returned home Tuesday accompanied by her daughter, who will spend a month or two at the parental home. Mrs. Bob Boken and Elmer Brock drove to Houston from Sugarland and brought them down. They returned home the next day.

Palacios Beacon, April 3, 1930


Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Whyman visited at the Slaikeu home last Thursday afternoon.

Miss Ruth Abraham of Olivia, is spending this week with relatives in this community.

Mr. Hildebrand, of Houston, is repairing a boat at the Club House and installing a new engine this week.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Frankson and Mr. and Mrs. David Frankson visited at the Huffman home in Palacios last Sunday.

The Herbert Green family and Mrs. Avenell of Houston enjoyed an outing in their cottage here last Friday and Saturday.

Ted Sealock, Eddie Huffman and a Miss Hunter, of Palacios, were visiting friends and sight seeing in Carancahua last Saturday.

Dan Schicke of Freeport spent the week end with home folks. His brother John returned with him Sunday afternoon and went on from there to Milwaukee, Wis., where he has employment.

Ernest Schicke celebrated his birthday last Friday night by giving a party to his friends and neighbors. There was a large crowd and everyone had a good time. Mrs. Schicke served delicious refreshments.

Amel Peterson went to Cuero Friday night to spend a few days with his wife and children. Their little son, Ludwig, is taking treatments at the hospital there for the eye that was so seriously injured a week ago.

Mrs. Leta Franklin and Mrs. Slaikeu attended the Teachers’ Training Class at the M. E. Church this week. The book studied was “The Small Sunday School, Its Plans and Work.” Rev. King conducted the class and made the lessons very interesting and instructive.

There were fourteen votes cast at the school election last Saturday. Lloyd Frankson received nine votes and Mr. Wilson, Mr. W. H. Frankson and Mr. Slaikeu each received seven. They met Monday night and drew cuts and W. H. Frankson was eliminated. Lloyd Frankson was elected president of the Board and L. J. Slaikeu, secretary.

Carancahua Ladies Aid Society met with Mrs. W. H. Frankson last week on Thursday afternoon. There were not many present as the farmers were busy transferring tomato plants from the cold frames to the fields and all available help was used. There were six ladies present however, and the time was spent in working on the quilt. The hostess served refreshments of sandwiches, cake and coffee. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Loff the first Thursday in May.

Palacios Beacon, April 10, 1930


Gladys Frankson of Palacios spent Saturday with home folks.

Ernestine Linville spent the week-end at the Lloyd Frankson home.

The W. C. Branum family enjoyed an outing at the Club over the week-end.

Mr. and Mrs. David Frankson “took in” a movie at Bay City last Sunday night.

The Lloyd Frankson family were Sunday guests at the John Ralston home in Palacios.

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Slaikeu, of Houston, spent Sunday and Monday at the Slaikeu home.

Mrs. Elmer Abraham and baby and Miss Ruth Abraham were Monday afternoon visitors at the Slaikeu home.

The neighborhood enjoyed an Easter Egg hunt at the A. Frankson home after preaching services Sunday afternoon.

Messrs. James and Densmore Sartwelle went to Austin Monday to be present at the meeting of the Highway Commission.

Carancahua Ladies Aid will meet with Mrs. Loff next Thursday afternoon. All ladies in the community are invited to attend.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Frankson, Mr. and Mrs. Loff and Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Frankson and children visited at the Bengston home near Blessing Sunday.

A large crowd attended the Sunday School and Easter program at the Church Sunday afternoon. The program was short but very interesting and the little folks did well.

Rev. M. C. Stearns preached a good sermon at the church Sunday afternoon. He was accompanied out from town by his family and his wife’s father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. White.

Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Green and family and Mrs. Ryder and Norman Avenell came in from Houston last Friday for a few days outing in the Green house here. They returned home Monday afternoon.

Mr. Avenell and daughter, Marjorie, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday night and Monday here. Mr. Avenell came to make arrangements for moving the Neff house, which he recently purchased, to his lot here by the bay.

Mr. and Mrs. Bohen and son and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Brock and daughter and Elmer Brock of Sugarland, were week end visitors at the M. O. Cavallin home. Mrs. Bohen and baby will spend the week visiting at the Cavallin home.

Palacios Beacon, April 24, 1930


Ted Sealock and Eddie Huffman visited the Loff boys Tuesday and Wednesday.

Miss Earnestine Linville visited at the Lloyd Frankson home over the week end.

Miss Sophia Lubben and a friend of Francitas were Sunday evening callers at the Slaikeu home.

Mr. and Mrs. David Frankson went to Palacios Sunday to visit her folks and her father’s sister and family from north Texas.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bohen and son, visited at the David Frankson home Saturday night They left for their home in Sugarland Sunday.

Mrs. Vird Anders returned home last week from the Methodist hospital in Houston. She is greatly improved and well on the road to recovery.

There was an error in my notes in last week’s Beacon, Mr. and Mrs. David Frankson were in Bay City to the movies on Saturday instead of Sunday.

We were sorry there was such a small crowd out to hear Brother Lewin last Sunday afternoon. He preached a good sermon and was deserving of a better crowd but we understand several families went berrying. The Lord’s Blessings rest upon those who reverence and hallow His Holy day.

Palacios Beacon, May 1, 1930


Mrs. Mae Frankson visited her folks at Palacios last Saturday.

The Carancahua bean growers took beans to Francitas Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Frankson and sons were Sunday evening callers at the Slaikeu home.

Miss Sophia Lubben and Miss Mary Pierce of Francitas visited at the Slaikeu home Monday afternoon.

Miss Ruth Abraham, who has visited over here the past three weeks, returned home to her sister’s, Mrs. Guy Cavallin.

An ice cream social will be given at the school house Friday night, May 9th. The proceeds to be used for church purposes.

Mr. and Mrs. David Frankson, Mrs. Slaikeu and Miss Ruth Abraham attended the Senior Class Play at Palacios last Friday night.

Rev. Stearns filled his regular appointment at the church last Sunday afternoon. He was accompanied by his family. Mr. and Mrs. White and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Huffman of Palacios also attended the service.

The Aid Society of Mrs. Loff’s last Thursday afternoon was quite well attended, nine ladies being present. The afternoon was spent socially, after which the hostess served delicious refreshments. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Emil Peterson June 6th.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Abraham and son and Mr. C. A. Abrahamson went to Olivia Sunday to attend a birthday dinner for grandpa Cavallin.

An agent for school supplies from East Texas was interviewing the trustees last Saturday. They purchased some equipment for the school.

Palacios Beacon, May 8, 1930


Rev. Stearns filled his regular appointment at the church last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hamlin were Sunday evening callers at the Slaikeus.

Mr. and Mrs. Artie Larson and children visited her folks near Blessing Sunday.

The Misses Ernestine Linville and Gladys Frankson spent Saturday with kinfolks out here.

Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Whyman and two boys spent Sunday afternoon at the Slaikeu home.

Miss Sophia Lubben and Miss Mary Pierce of Francitas, were in Carancahua on business last Wednesday nite.

Rev. Bergman of Kennedy preached a good sermon at the church last Friday night. A good crowd was out to hear him.

Mr. and Mrs. Rolfe and three daughters, of Kennedy, visited their old neighbors the Wilson’s several days last week and this.

W. C. Branum, of Houston, spent the week end at the Club. He brought down a paperhanger to paper the manager’s cottage at the Club.

Rev. Clark, of Lytton Springs, was calling on friends in this community last week. Mrs. Clark closed a very successful term of school last Thursday and returned home with him on Friday. Mrs. Clark will be greatly missed in this community.

Palacios Beacon, May 22, 1930


Mrs. David Frankson and Miss Elsie Loff were Sunday guests at the Slaikeu home.

Miss Earnestine Linville spent the past week with her sister, Mrs. Lloyd Frankson and family.

The Amel Peterson family enjoyed a visit with Mrs. Peterson’s brother, James Slaughter and wife of La Ward Sunday.

There was a large crowd at song service last Sunday night. These services will continue each Sunday night until further notice.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Frankson, Miss Gladys and David Frankson returned Tuesday from a week’s visit at the Fluke Frankson home in Lyford, Tex.

Rev. Stearns preached a good sermon to an attentive audience last Sunday afternoon. His sermons are very helpful and more people should take advantage of them.

Mr. and Mrs. Averell and two sons of Houston spent Friday and Saturday at the Slaikeu home. Mr. Averell came down to see about moving the Neff house which he bought to his lot south of the W. C. Branum place.

Palacios Beacon, June 5, 1930


Mrs. Lloyd Frankson has been on the sick list the past week.

There was a large crowd at singing last Sunday night and much interest taken.

Miss Hazel Huffman visited her sister, Mrs. Dave Frankson, last Thursday and Friday.

Mrs. David Frankson left Monday for a visit with relatives in Austin. Her mother and sister of Palacios went with her.

The Ellis Jensen crew are moving the Neff house to Mr. Avenill’s lot. They expect to have it on the lot tonight (Wednesday).

Mrs. J. S. Green and daughter, Mrs. Koehl and Sydney Clifford and Herbert Green came in Sunday for a week’s outing at the Green cottage here.

The many friends of Mrs. Vird Anders regret to hear that she had to be taken to the hospital at Houston again this week. We hope the treatment will be beneficial.

Ladies Aid Society met with Mrs. Alice Peterson last Thursday afternoon. There were twelve ladies present and a social hour enjoyed. Refreshments of sandwiches, salad relish and punch were served by the hostess. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Slaikeu.

Palacios Beacon, June 12, 1930

(Too Late for Last Week)

Ladies Aid Society will meet with Mrs. Slaikeu the afternoon of June 26th.  Instead of July 3rd.

Misses Tressa and Faye Wright of Matagorda visited the Smith family last Saturday and Sunday.

The W. C. Branum family came in from Houston Saturday to spend the summer in their home here.

Mrs. Koehl went back to Houston with her brother Mr. H. T. Green Sunday after spending a week here.

Mr. Ritky and grandson of Olivia, Minnesota, visited their old friends, the Franksons’ Sunday and Monday.

The Elis Jensen and Lauren Margerum families of Palacios, enjoyed a picnic out here by the bay last Friday.

The H. F. Green family arrived from Houston Friday for a summers’ outing in their cottage here. A cousin Mrs. Flarin and son came with them for a week’s vacation.

Messrs Ellis Jensen and Lauren Margrum are building a flue in the house they recently moved for Mr. Avenell.

About fifty attended the party at the Elmer Abraham home last Friday night. Refreshments of sandwiches, doughnuts and iced lemonade was served by the hostess. A good time was enjoyed.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Abraham entertained several friends from Olivia Sunday. Those in the party were the Misses Alice and Edna Wilson, Ruth Abraham, Gladys Swanson, Gertrude Damstron, and Mrs. Swanson and son.

Palacios Beacon, June 26, 1930


Mr. and Mrs. Emil Peterson and sons were in Cuero Saturday.

Miss Bernice Branum arrived from Houston Saturday for a month's outing with her people.

Mr. Sydney Ryder returned to Harrisburg Friday, after a few days' vacation here on the bay.

Clifford and Herbert Lee Green are entertaining a little friend from Houston this week, Norman Johansen.

Miss Ernestine Linville returned to Palacios Tuesday after several week's visit with her sister, Mrs. Lloyd Frankson and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Neusted and some friends from Houston are having a delightful outing in their cottage at Carancahua Beach.

Mr. and Mrs. Bohen and son, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Brock and daughter, and Victory Blanch Brock of Sugarland spent Sunday at the M. O. Cavallin home.

Mr. and Mrs. Belle Poe, of Houston, came down Friday for an outing in their summer home here. Mr. Poe returned Sunday but Mrs. Poe may remain the most of the summer.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Abraham spent last Thursday night with kin folks in Olivia. Mrs. Abraham's sister, Gladys Swanson, who has been visiting her the past two weeks, returned with them to her home.

Mrs. H. F. Green and two sons, Sydney and John and Mrs. Slaikeu enjoyed a delightful boat ride up the river and a visit at the Boiling home Monday. They made the trip in the Green's speed boat, "Maud M."

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Frankson gave a party for their friends and neighbors last Friday night. About fifty
accepted their hospitality and enjoyed a delightful evening. Cake and iced punch was served by the hostess.

Carancahua Ladies Aid met with Mrs. Slaikeu last Thursday afternoon. Thirteen ladies and several children were present. Ice cream and cake were served, following an afternoon of pleasant, social intercourse. Mrs. Green has kindly invited the ladies to meet with her on the afternoon of July 31st.

Palacios Beacon, July 3, 2024


E. E. Dawdy was on the sick list the first of the week.

Mr. Frankson and Maynard were Edna callers Monday.

Mrs. Sartwell and daughter, Helen, visited in Houston last week.

Miss Tressa Wright, of Gulf, visited the Smith family this week.

Mrs. Smith and children were guests at the B. B. Wright home in Gulf last Sunday.

Mrs. J. Cavallin and Mrs. Clarence Cavallin visited Mrs. Vird Anders last Sunday.

Miss Minnie Linville visited her sister, Mrs. Lloyd Frankson and family last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Loff were Sunday guests at the Brombelow's home, northeast of Palacios.

Mr. and Mrs. Turner were called to Houston Tuesday by the sickness of Mrs. Turner's son's wife.

Mrs. Anders and Mrs. Clarence Cavallin of Palacios were callers at the Slaikeu home last Thursday.

The Green, Poe, Branum and Avenell families had a watermelon ____ at Carancahua Beach Monday.

Mr. Avenell and son, Roland, went back to Houston Saturday, after spending two weeks with their family here.

A jolly crowd made merry at the Loff home Tuesday night until a late hour. Refreshments of sandwiches and grape juice were served.

Clarence and John Schicke came in from Wisconsin last week. John expects to go back in the fall but Clarence will farm the home place next year.

Ted and Darrel Sealock came over from Texas City last week and accompanied by Robert Loff and Eddie Huffman , left for Port Lavaca Sunday to find work.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Abraham and son, Bobby Gene, attended a party in Olivia last Friday night. Elmer returned the same night but his wife stayed until Sunday when her uncle and sister brought her home.

Palacios Beacon, July 31, 1930


William Margerum spent Monday and Tuesday visiting the children in the Branum family.

Berniece Branum entertained the children at the Branum house and ice cream and cookies were served.

Several from here attended the Hug-the-Coast Highway meeting and saw the Soldiers review at the Camp ground Wednesday.

Mrs. Koetl and Mr. Sam Green of Houston, are spending the week at the H. F. Green cottage and enjoying the bathing and fishing.

Mr. and Mrs. Slaikeu and Carolyn visited the Whyman family at Ganado Sunday. Mrs. Helmer who has spent the past month there returned with them.

Carolyn Slaikeu, Gerald Branum and Sydney Green visited Marion Nester in Palacios Tuesday evening. The evening was spent in bathing and playing golf.

Mrs. Bell Poe, and Mrs. Clifton went to Houston Sunday for a week after which Mrs. Clifton will return to her home in North Texas and Mrs. Poe will come back to Carancahua for the rest of the summer.

The K. B. D. Club of Palacios, and their escorts, chaperoned by Miss Nester spent an enjoyable evening as guests of Carolyn Slaikeu, Friday. After bathing and boat riding, games were enjoyed until a late hour when refreshments of ice cream and cake were served.

The Carancahua Ladies Aid was royally entertained at the H. F. Green cottage last Thursday afternoon. Eighteen ladies were present and the afternoon spent in cutting out childrens garments and social intercourse. Rev. Stearns and wife and Mrs. J. H. Huffman were out from Palacios. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served. The next meeting will be at Mrs. A. Frankson the last Thursday of this month (Aug. 28th).

Palacios Beacon, August 7, 1930


Miss Sophia Lubben was a Sunday guest at the Slaikeu home.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Abraham visited relatives in Olivia last Sunday.

Dan Schicke and two lady friends of Freeport visited at the Schicke home over the week end.

Miss Ruth Abraham came over from Olivia Sunday and will visit kinfolks here for some time.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Abraham have moved in with his father where they will live the coming season.

Mrs. Linville and daughters, Minnie and Earnestine, of Palacios, were Sunday visitors at the Lyford Frankson home.

Mr. and Mrs. Amel Peterson had a few of the neighbors in last Friday night to help eat ice cream and enjoy an hour of sociability.

Rev. Stearns filled his regular appointment at the church Sunday afternoon. His good sermon was worthy of a larger attendance.

Mrs. G. H. Helmer, who has been with the Slaikeus the past month, went to Ganado last Wednesday to be with her daughter, Mrs. Whyman.

The Fluke Frankson family,  who have been living at Lyford, returned to Carancahua last week where he will farm his own farm the coming season.

Roy Linquist, who has been with his sister, Emma, at El Campo, the past month, recuperating from injuries received when his horse threw him returned home Saturday. Roy looks bad but hopes soon to regain his former strength and vigor.

Oscar Schicke and two cousins and Alex Schicke came in from Wisconsin last week for a visit with home folks. A party was given at the Schicke home in their honor last Saturday night. A large crowd was in attendance and a good time enjoyed.

Palacios Beacon, September 25, 1930


Miss Ruth Abraham was a Sunday guest at the Will Frankson home.

Miss Theresa Baldwin was a week end guest of Miss Carolyn Slaikeu.

The Tweedle family moved to a farm near Simpsonville this week.

Miss Gladys Swenson spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. Elmer Abraham and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Abraham and Miss Ruth Abraham attended a sale at Collegeport Saturday.

The Misses Hazel Huffman and Billie Bert Richards were guests at the Dave Frankson home Saturday.

Mrs. Linville and daughters, Minnie and Ernestine, of Palacios, visited at the Lloyd Frankson home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Bagby of San Antonio enjoyed an outing in the Turner home here on the bay over the week end.

Mrs. L. J. Slaikeu took five of the "pep" squad from the Palacios High School to Edna, Friday. They did their best for the Palacios football team but the Edna boys were too much for them and beat them 0.

Rev. Stearns preached a good sermon at the church Sunday afternoon. This will probably be his last before going to Conference. The Carancahua people all like Rev. Stearns and are in hopes he will be returned to Palacios for another year.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Frankson, Mr. and Mrs. Loff and Helen and Walter Loff returned Thursday from a three week's visit with kin folks in Minnesota. They did some sight seeing in Dakota and Colorado while on their trip and all had a wonderful time. They made the trip by auto.

Palacios Beacon, October 9, 1930


Mr. Alex Schicke, of Gulf, visited home folks last Thursday.

W. H. and L. E. Frankson were on the sick list several days last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Bagley of San Antonio spent Saturday and Sunday in the Turner cottage here.

Mr. and Mrs. Bell Poe, of Houston, spent from Wednesday until Saturday in their cottage here.

A big crowd of hunters (about 40) were at the Carancahua Beach Club House over the week end.

Mr. Neusteil and two friends, of Houston, enjoyed an outing in the Neusteil home here over the week end.

The H. F. Green family and Mr. James Colvin, of Houston, spent the week end in the Green cottage here on the day.

Messrs. Albert Wilborn of Palacios and Neil Wilborn from north Texas visited at the Dave Frankson home Monday.

A baby boy, Charles Emel, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Emil Peterson last Tuesday morning. Mother and babe are doing nicely.

A new house is being erected on the Charley Peterson farm near the school house. Several loads of lumber were hauled out from Palacios last week.

Mrs. David Frankson spent Saturday and Sunday at the J. H. Huffman home in Palacios and enjoyed a visit with kin folks from the northern part of the state.

Mrs. Elmer Abraham entertained the Ladies Aid Society at her home last Saturday afternoon. A social
hour was enjoyed and refreshments of cake and coffee were served by the hostess.

About seventy attended the Hallowe'en party at the school house last Friday night. Games befitting the occasion were indulged in until a late hour. Witches, ghosts and clowns were in evidence at the party.

Mrs. Linville and son, Worley, went to West Texas about two weeks ago and returned last Friday bringing Mr. Linville and daughter, Gladys, with them. The Linville family will live on the Ralston place west of Palacios the coming year. They visited at the L. E. Frankson home last Friday.

Palacios Beacon, November 6, 1930

(Too late for last week.)

Miss Bertha Peterson of Palacios spent the week end with her brother, Emil and family.

Mrs. Lloyd Frankson and two sons spent Sunday with her folks, the Linvilles of Palacios.

Miss Gladys Swenson of Palacios will spend Thanksgiving with her sister, Mrs. Elmer Abraham and family.

Miss Sophia Lubben plants to leave tonight (Wednesday) for Austin, where she will take in the great football game and spend Thanksgiving with her sister, who is a student at the State University.

Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Frankson and children were at the Nels Bengston home Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Bengston has been quite sick but is better at this writing. Mrs. Frankson is helping care for her father this week.

A Thanksgiving program was given at the school house Tuesday night by the school children which was a credit to the teacher and pupils. After the program, games and sociability held sway until a late hour when refreshments of sandwiches, cake, coffee and cocoa were served. About seventy-five were present and enjoyed a good time.

Mrs. V. C. Anders died at her home here Saturday night and was buried at Palacios Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Anders was loved and admired by all who knew her. During the two years of her confinement and suffering, she showed cheerful resignation and sweet Christian fortitude. She will be greatly missed by her loved ones and a large circle of devoted friends. The sympathy of her friends in this community goes out to this family in their sorrow.

Palacios Beacon, December 4, 1930


The Malcolm Cavallin family were Sunday guests at the Elmer Abraham home Sunday.

Mrs. Dave Frankson spent last Thursday and Friday at the Huffman home in Palacios.

Mr. and Mrs. Bert Abraham and Miss Ruth Abraham visited relatives in the neighborhood last Sunday.

Mrs. R. W. Slaikeu, Mrs. L. J. Slaikeu and Miss Carolyn were callers at the V. C. Anders home Sunday afternoon.

A good crowd attended singing at the church Sunday night. The music for the Christmas entertainment to be given at the church Christmas eve was practiced.

Mrs. Bonnie Black of Lake Charles returned to her home last Friday, after a three weeks' visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gillespie at the El Campo Club House.

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Slaikeu, Mr. James Colvin and Mr. Dale Price of Houston were week-end visitors at the Slaikeu home. The men enjoyed excellent limiting while here.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Abraham entertained about thirty guests at a "42" party last Friday night. Delicious refreshments of sandwiches, cakes and coffee were served by the hostess.

Palacios Beacon, December 18, 1930



Mrs. Evans was a Christmas guest of the Slaikeus.

The Emil Peterson family spent last week with folks in Olivia.

Mr. L. J. Slaikeu was a Sunday guest at the Lloyd Frankson homes.

The W. C. Branum family of Houston spent last week at the Club House.

Miss Minnie Schieke of Houston spent Christmas day with home folks.

Mr. and Mrs. Slaikeu and Mrs. Helmer were in Bay City on business Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Whyman and two boys visited at the Slaikeu home last Sunday.

Mr. B. B. Wright and children of Matagorda spent Christmas at the B. F. Smith home.

Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Smith are spending the holidays in Houston with their son Ben and Family.

The H. F. Green family of Houston arrived Monday for a few days hunting and fishing outing.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Abraham and son Bobby Gene spent last week with relatives and friends in Olivia.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Frankson and sons were Christmas guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Linville of Palacios.

Mr. and Mrs. Johnson came up from Lyford last week to spend some time with their daughter, Mrs. Fluke Frankson and family.

Carancahua school closed last week Wednesday for its vacation. It will commence again Jan. 5th. Miss Lubben will spend her vacation with her folks in Francitas.

The Christmas program and tree at the Church Christmas eve was well attended and thoroughly enjoyed by all. Santa Claus was there and radiated joy and happiness and the Christmas Spirit was manifested in abundant measure.

Palacios Beacon, January 1, 1931


Mr. and Mrs. Herman Willmore visited at the Slaikeu home last Friday evening.

Carancahua Ladies’ Aid Society will meet at Mrs. Will Frankson’s Thursday afternoon.

Mr. Dan Schicke, who has been working at Gulf, is here for a visit with home folks.

Mr. Stewart and son, from Detroit, Mich., are enjoying an outing here on the Bay. Mr. Stewart owns a five-acre trace on the bay shore here.

Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Frankson and children and Mr. and Mrs. Artie Larsen and children spent Sunday at the Bengston home near Blessing.

Mr. Vic Johnston had the misfortune to run a harrow tooth through his foot one day last week. It is very painful and will lay him up for a few days.

Several in our neighborhood are sick with the flu. Among the afflicted ones are Mr. and Mrs. Dave Frankson, Gladys Frankson and Ernest Schicke.

Don’t forget our regular preaching day is the third Sunday in each month. Rev. Ozment of Palacios will fill the pulpit on that day if weather and roads permit.

We had a good Sunday School last Sunday. The attendance was small but the interest was good. Mr. Stewart taught the Young People’s Bible Class and all were delighted with his interpretation of the lesson.

Out teacher, Miss Lubben and pupils went to Francitas last Friday to play a game of ball with the team there, but the weather was so threatening that they returned home without playing the game. They will try it again some tine.

Palacios Beacon, March 12, 1931


Amel Peterson was in Olivia last Thursday.

Maynard Frankson and wife have been on the sick list this week.

Eddie Huffman of Palacios helped David Frankson with his field work last week.

Mr. Frank Stewart and son, Gladstone, of Detroit, Mich., left for San Antonio Wednesday, after a two weeks outing on their 5-acre tract here on the bay.

Carancahua Ladies Aid Society met with Mr. Will Frankson last Thursday afternoon with eight ladies present. Officers were elected for the coming year as follows:--President, Mrs. Slaikeu; Vice President, Mrs. Leta Frankson; Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs. Victor Johnson. A social hour was enjoyed and delicious refreshments served by the hostess.

Palacios Beacon, March 19, 1931


Mr. Guy Cavallin of Olivia visited friends here Saturday.

The Wilson family were guests at the Victor Johnson home Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Linville and daughter, Minnie were Sunday guests at the Lloyd Frankson home.

The Carancahua Sunday School is preparing an Easter program to be given at the church Easter day.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Baldwin and children visited at the L. E. Frankson home last Sunday afternoon.

Miss Signe Frankson was taking the school census of the children of the neighborhood Monday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Slaikeu visited at the M. R. Whyman home at Ganado and transacted business in Edna Tuesday.

Messrs. Victor Johnson and Fluke Frankson were in Bay City and Wharton Monday and Tuesday on business.

Carolyn Slaikeu was out of school two days last week and the first part of this week entertaining the chicken pox.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Abraham, Dolphy Abraham and Walter Loff attended the play at Deutschburg last Saturday night.

Mrs. Artie Larson went to the Bengston home last week to help care for her father, who is very sick. Miss Helen Loff went with her.

Palacios Beacon, March 26, 1931


Mr. and Mrs. Loff  were Sunday guests at the Bengston home.

W. C. Branum, of Houston, spent the week end at Carancahua Beach.

The C. H. Wilson family visited at the Slaikeu home last Saturday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hamlin were Tuesday evening callers at the Slaikeu home.

Mrs. D. Frankson spent a few days this week at the parental home in Palacios.

Messrs. Sartwelle and Slaikeu were in Austin on business last Friday and Saturday.

Mr. H. F. Green and two sons of Houston spent last week end in their cottage here.

Miss Helen Loff returned home Saturday, after spending a week at the Nels Bengston home.

Mrs. Victor Johnson was taken ill quite suddenly last Saturday and a Doctor was called. She is getting along nicely at this writing.

Election for three School Trustees will be held at the school house Saturday. The personnel of the election board is Mesdames Wilson, L. Frankson and Slaikeu.

The Sunday School is preparing an Easter program to be given at the church next Sunday morning. Sunday School will convene at 10 o’clock and the program will follow.

Arvid Loff celebrated his fourteenth birthday last Saturday by giving a party to several of his friends. Games were played and delicious refreshments served and everyone had a merry time.

Mr. and Mrs. Bagby came in from Houston last Friday for a few days’ outing in the Turner house. Mr. Bagby is a traveling feed salesman, who has been making his headquarters at Victoria but hereafter he and his wife will spend their vacations here.

Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Frankson and two sons and Mr. and Mrs. Artie Larson and children spent Sunday at the Nels Bengston home. They enjoyed a visit with her sister, Mrs. Will Farmer and the family from East Texas. Mrs. Farmer was called to the bedside of her father, who was very low last week but is improved at this writing. Mrs. Maynard Frankson is helping care for her father this week.

Palacios Beacon, April 2, 1931


A large crowd of young people enjoyed the singing at the church Sunday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Linville and daughter, Minnie were Sunday guests at the L. E. Frankson home.

The Ladies' Aid Society meets with Miss Elmer Abraham, Thursday afternoon. A full attendance is desired.

Mrs. Fluke Frankson and baby went to Lyford Sunday to take care of her mother, Mrs. Johnson, who is very sick.

The Easter program given by the Sunday School Easter Morning was very well rendered and  thoroughly enjoyed.

Mr. and Mrs. Bagby enjoyed an outing in the Turner house over the week end. Mrs. Bagby is a daughter of Mrs. Turner.

Miss Gladys Swenson visited her sister Mrs. Elmer Abraham Saturday forenoon, then went to Olivia to spend the week-end with homefolks.

Miss Hattie Mosley of Turtle Bay and Mr. Hood of Palacios attended preaching services here Sunday afternoon and visited at the A. Frankson and L. E. Frankson Homes.

Election for School Trustees was held at the school house last Saturday. Eleven votes were cast. The old board:—Messrs C. H. Wilson L. E. Frankson and L. J. Slaikeu were reelected.

Rev. Ozment of Palacios preached to a large audience Sunday afternoon.  Many favorable comments were heard on the good, helpful sermon. His wife and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Huffman accompanied him.

Nearly everyone in the neighborhood enjoyed an Easter Egg hunt at the A. Frankson home after preaching services Sunday afternoon. Eggs were plentiful and every one got his share. Candy eggs were served to the crowd by our teacher, Miss Sophia Lubben.

School Notes

Melvin and Weldon Anders have been absent from school for several days on account of the flu.

Katherine and Gladys Lytle came to school again Friday after several days sickness with the "flu."

Bad weather and sickness caused a poor attendance last week. There was only one perfect speller for the week—Arnid Loff from the 7th Grade.

The Carancahua School went to Deutschburg last Thursday afternoon for a game of baseball. Ernest
Schieke took us in Mr. Peterson’s truck. When we got there we were pleased to see our County School Superintendent Mrs. Harper, and every one was busy eating Easter Eggs. The wind was blowing a gale from the south so we reversed the diamond and had a good game. Jack Anders was captain of our team. Mr. Scoffield who came from Edna with Mrs. Harper, umpired the first half of the game and Ernest Schicke the last half. The score was twenty-five to thirty-seven in favor of Deutsch-

Palacios Beacon, April 9, 1931


[paper torn]

…son Elwood Taylor…spent Sunday here.

Mr. P. M. Frankson was a Sunday guest at the Nels Bengston home.

Mr. and Mrs. Vic Johnson and children were in Bay City on Monday.

Miss Sophia Lubben was a Sunday guest at the David Frankson home.

Mrs. F. M. Frankson and sons visited her sister Mrs. Larson and family Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Bagby enjoyed an outing in the Turner cottage over the week end.

Rev. Ozment will fill his regular appointment at the church next Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell of Lolita were calling on friends here last week Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Abraham and son Bobby Gene visited kin folk in Olivia Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Neusteil of Houston spent last week at their cottage at Carancahua Beach.

Mrs. David Frankson and Miss Sophia Lubben visited at the Slaikeu home Sunday afternoon.

Several neighbors and friends enjoyed a "42'' party at the L. E. Frankson home last Wednesday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Frankson and sons visited her sister Glady and Ernestine Linville at Markham Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell and son who live at Carancahua Beach were Sunday afternoon callers at the Slaikeu home.

Mr. Gus Linquist and friend, Mr. Holt returned to their home in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Friday after spending the winter here with Roy Linquist.

The cast of characters in the play "Mrs. Apple and Her Corps'' are busy rehearsing. The play will be given in connection with the school program next week.

Mr. and Mrs. Gus Swenson and son Alviri and Mr. Mottson of Olivia were Sunday guests at the A. Frankson home. We were glad to have them with us at Sunday School in the morning.

Carancahua Ladies' Aid Society met with Mrs. Elmer Abraham last Thursday afternoon. After the business meeting a social hour was enjoyed as was the refreshments of sandwiches, cake and coffee sewed by the hostess. Twelve ladies were present.

The next meeting will be at the A. Frankson home the first Thursday in May.

Palacios Beacon, April 16, 1931


Worley Linville was a Sunday guest at the L. E. Frankson home.

Miss Sophia Lubben spent the week-end with home folks in Francitas.

A jolly crowd of neighbors and friends made merry at the Slaikeu home Saturday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Slaikeu visited at the M. R. Whyman home and transacted business in Edna Tuesday.

Miss Ruth Harrison of Palacios spent the week-end with Carolyn Slaikeu at her home here.

A good many from here attended the play last Friday night and the school program Monday night at Turtle Bay.

Our school closes Friday for the summer vacation. A program will be given at the school house Friday night to which the public is invited.

Mr. Alvin Peterson, wife and baby and Miss Ida Peterson of Olivia and Mr. Louie Griffin of Palacios were Sunday guests at the Emil Peterson home.

Mrs. Fluke Frankson who has been with her sick mother at Lyford the past two weeks returned home last Friday.

She left her mother somewhat improved in health.

Rev. Osment preached a good sermon at the church Sunday afternoon. He was accompanied out from town by the Misses Dorothy Lee Curtis, Gladys Swenson and Hazel Huffman and Mr. J. H. Huffman.

Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Green and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bell Poe of Houston spent San Jacinto day in there cottages here. They had as their guests Mr. Rawleigh, wife and son; Mrs. Amy Lee Turner and daughter Willie Clair; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Griffin. The Misses Joan Avenell, Evelyn Mills and Myrtle Elkins and Messrs. Paul Doehring and Douglas Avenell.

Palacios Beacon, April 23, 1931


Robert Loff and Wilford Wilson were in Bay City last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Artie Larsen and children were Sunday guests at the L. E. Frankson home.

School closed Friday for the summer vacation. The program in the evening was good and enjoyed by the large crowd present.

Little Bobby Gene Abraham was kicked by a horse Sunday, bruising one side of his face badly. The injury was very painful but Bobby is getting along nicely.

Walter Loff and John Schicke left for parts unknown Sunday. They went to Palacios and headed northwest but did not know their destination. Their friends here hope they find the work for which they are seeking.

The neighborhood had a picnic Saturday near the Francitas bridge to celebrate the closing of school. A large crowd was present and thoroughly enjoyed the sports and good things to eat. Miss Lubben went right from the picnic to her home in Francitas.

Several accidents happened in our community last week but none of them very serious for which we are thankful. Wilbur, Frances and Wayne Frankson were riding a horse home from the school entertainment Friday night when the horse became frightened and ran with them, throwing them all off. They were bruised up considerable but no bones broken. When Elmer Abraham, with a load of picnickers, was returning home Saturday the radius rod came loose and the car nearly upset in a deep ditch. One of the casing had blown out a short time before and they were going on the rim and very slow or the accident might have been serious. The women and children were shaken up and badly frightened but thankful it was no worse. Dan Schicke was returning home Sunday morning when at the corner north of the school house his car was misbehaving and as he got out to investigate, the gears etc. burst through the floor of the car and scattered in all directions. Luckily he was not hit by the flying missiles.

Palacios Beacon, April 30, 1931


Mr. H. F. Green and son, John, of Houston spent Saturday in their cottage here.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Feather and sons were Sunday afternoon callers at the Slaikeu home.

Mr. W. C. Branurn and a Mr. Brown from Houston were at Carancahua Beach Saturday and Sunday.

A good many from this Community attended the Commencement Exercises at Palacios last Thursday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Whyman and sons and Mrs. Mary Helmer of Ganado were week end guests at the Slaikeu home.

Rev. Ozment filled his regular appointment at the church Sunday afternoon. Mr. J. H. Huffman accompanied him out from town.

A seven and one half pound baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Abraham Sunday Morning. The little maiden has been named Gladys Lorraine, and all concerned are doing nicely.

Several from Houston enjoyed an outing at the Turner cottage over the week end. Those in the party were: Mrs. Chrisman, Mrs. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor and two daughters, and Mr. and Mrs. Bagby.

A surprise party on Mrs. Turner Friday night and gotten up by Mrs. Bagby, was thoroughly enjoyed
by several neighbors and friends in this community. The evening spent in playing games and delicious refreshments of iced punch and cakes were served.

Mr. and Mrs. Severt Swenson and son Ralph and Miss Allie Wilson of Olivia and Miss Gladys Swenson who has been attending school in Palacios the last year visited at the Elmer Abraham home Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Abraham is a daughter of Mr. Swenson. Miss Gladys stayed with her sister to help care for the new baby.

(Too Late For Last Week)

Mr. and Mrs. Bagby spent last week end at the Turner cottage here.

Miss Sophia Lubben of Francitas was in the neighborhood Monday.

Mrs. Kier Smith was a Tuesday afternoon visitor at the Slaikeu home.

Clarence and Alen Schicke left last week by auto for Milwaukee, Wisc.

The Maynard Frankson family were Sunday visitors at the Nels Bengston home.

Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Frankson and sons visited at the Slaikeu home last Wednesday night.

Several of the neighbors enjoyed two tables of bridge at the Elmer Abraham home Saturday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Dave Frankson and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Abraham attended the Baccalaureate Service in Palacios Sunday.

Mrs. Emil Peterson and sons returned Sunday from Olivia, where they spent the week with kin folks. She attended the funeral of her brother’s little boy, who was burned when a gasoline lantern exploded.

Ladies Aid Society met at the A. Frankson home last Thursday afternoon. After a few hours quilting, a delicious lunch of cake and coffee was served by the hostess. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Slaikeu the first Thursday in June.

Palacios Beacon, May 21, 1931


Mrs. Slaikeu helped Mrs. Wilson can beans Saturday.

Eddie Huffman has been helping Dave Frankson the past week.

Wordley Linville is working for his brother-in-law, Lloyd Frankson this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Dave Frankson were Sunday guests at the Huffman home in Palacios.

Ladies Aid Society meets with Mrs. Slaikeu next Thursday afternoon. All ladies are urged to be present as there is some quilting to do.

The L. E. Frankson, Dave Frankson and Slaikeu families attended the Revival Service at the M. E. Church in Palacios Sunday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cavallin and Miss Ruth Abraham of Olivia visited at the Elmer Abraham home Sunday afternoon. Miss Ruth stayed for a longer visit and Bobby Gene went home with the Cavallins for a short stay.

Several young girls from Palacios have been enjoying an outing in a big tent here on the bay, since last Friday. Those in the party are Marion Nester, Bobby Louise and Nancy Price, Hazel Huffman, Gladys Swenson and Carolyn Slaikeu. While horseback riding yesterday (Tuesday) the horse that Hazel and Carolyn were riding threw the girls. Hazel sustained a badly sprained arm, which was very painful. She was taken home in the afternoon and the rest of the party are leaving today. Aside from this mishap the girls have enjoyed their outing immensely.

Palacios Beacon, May 28, 1931


Mr. and Mrs. Bell Poe of Houston spent the week-end in their cottage here.

Mr. and Mrs. Archie Linville visited at the L. E. Frankson home last Saturday.

The Viv Johnson family visited relatives at Lyford from Friday until Tuesday.

Norman Avenell came in from Houston Tuesday for a few days stay with his mother and party in their home here.

Mr. and Mrs. Claud Mitchell and son Glover and Mrs. Lewis Mitchell visited at the Slaikeu home Monday evening.

Mr. Avenell and children and Mrs. Cecil and children of Harrisburg are spending the week in the Avenell cottage here. The ladies are sisters.

The H. F. Green family and Mr. Green’s sister Mrs. Koehl and Douglas Avenell of Houston came in last Friday for a week’s outing here. Mr. Green and Sydney returned to Houston Sunday but will be back the latter part of the week.

Palacios Beacon, June 4, 1931


Mr. Wilson was in El Campo on business Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Slaikeu of Houston visited at the parental home Sunday.

Alex and Oscar Schieke came in from Wisconsin for a visit with homefolks.

The Slaikeus and Gladys Frankson spent Tuesday evening at the L. E. Frankson home.

Mr. and Mrs. Archie Linville visited at the L. E. Frankson home Friday and Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Neusteil of Houston came in Friday for a few weeks outing in their cottage here.

Mrs. Minnie Holman and children came in Sunday from Houston for a visit with home folks, the Loffs.

Mrs. Claud Mitchell, Mrs. Lewis Mitchell and Mrs. Neusteil were Tuesday afternoon callers at the Slaikeu home.

Mrs. Mason and son Jack of Houston were Sunday callers at the Branurn home. Jack will spend the summer with the Branums.

The H. F. Green family and John's guest, Douglas Avenell, returned to Houston Sunday after a week's outing in their home here.

Mrs. Clarence Doris from Los Angeles arrived Sunday for a two weeks visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Slaikeu and sister Carolyn.

Much interest is being taken in two century plants on the Neff lots. They are about twenty feet high and will bloom soon. They are quite a curiosity.

The W. C. Branum family accompanied by Ruth Williams and Trevor Gardner of Houston arrived Saturday to spend the summer in the Branum cottage here.

The Avenell and Cecil families returned to Harrisburg Sunday after spending a week in the Avenell cottage here. Mrs. Avenell and Mrs. Cecil are sisters.

Carancahua Ladies' Aid met with Mrs. Slaikeu last Thursday afternoon. There were 13 ladies present.
After an afternoon of quilting, refreshments of cake and punch were served.

An observation tower for the Geodetic Survey was erected near the Slakieu home last Friday. A man was on the tower with his instruments nearly all night Tuesday making observations. Several of the young people of the neighborhood have climbed to the top of the tower.

Palacios Beacon, June 11, 1931


A crew of men took down the observation tower last Sunday.

Mrs. W. C. Brarium is spending this week in Houston on business.

The Mitchell families from Carancahua Beach were in Houston last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Poe, of Houston, spent the week-end in their summer home here on the bay.

Mr. and Mrs. Avenell and daughters Marjorie and Janell of Harrisburg spent the week-end in their cottage here.

Mr. and Mrs. Nensteil returned to Houston Monday after a two weeks outing in their cottage at Carancahua Beach.

Messrs Roy Williams and Ieeg of Houston spent Saturday and Sunday here, enjoying fishing and the cool breezes from the bay.

Mrs. Slaikeu and Mrs. C. L. Davis went to Houston last Friday morning and visited at the Roger Slaikeu home until Monday. They returned home by the way of Ganado where they visited the M. R. Whyman family. Mrs. John Pehl and daughter Ruth of Renwick, Iowa, who have been visiting there the past week returned home with them for a two weeks visit. Mrs. Pehl is a sister of Mrs. Slaikeu and
Mrs. Whyman.

Palacios Beacon, June 18, 1931


Mr. Slaikeu is putting a new roof on the Turner house.

Mr. and Mrs. Poe of Houston spent the week end in their cottage here.

Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Slaikeu and F. M. Frankson were in Edna on business Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Boiling of Palacios visited the Slaikeus Sunday afternoon.

Mr. Brown visited his family here Saturday. He had as a guest Mr. Gay of Houston.

There were eleven votes cast against the county wide Bond Issue and 2 for it last Friday.

Messrs Vic Johnson, L. E. Frankson and Ben Elliot were in Wharton on business Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Williams and children of Houston spent the week end in their cottage here.

Mr. Lorrin Huffman of Dallas visited his niece Mrs. Dave Frankson and husband Monday and Tuesday.

Gerald Branum and his mother have been working on the cottage at Carancahua Beach the last week.

Miss Gladys Swenson of Olivia visited her sister Mrs. Elmer Abraham and family Saturday night and Sunday.

Miss Thelma Branum returned from Houston Thursday evening after a two weeks visit with her cousin Ruth Williams.

The M. R. Whyman family of Ganado were Sunday afternoon visitors at the Slaikeu home. Mrs. Helmer returned home with them.

The misses Sophia and Edna Lubben of Francitas visited at the Schicke Emil Peterson and Dave Frankson homes over the week end.

Mr. and Mrs. Royland and children of Lufkin, are guests of their cousins, Lewis and Claud Mitchell and families at Carancahua Beach.

A new launch has made its appearance on Carancahua Bay. The owner is Mr. Bagby. He and his friends enjoyed a fishing trip in it this week end.

Mrs. Major and Mr. Martin were guests at the Branum home Sunday afternoon. Berniece Branum, who spent the. week end here, returned to Houston with them.

Mrs. Vic Johnson entertained the Ladies' Aid Society last Thursday afternoon. There were 10 ladies present. Some more work was done on the quilt after which the hostess served delicious refreshments.

Those spending the week end at Carancahua Beach were Mr. Hughes of the Hughes Tool Co. of Houston, Dr. Swartz, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Standelif, Mr. and Mrs. Garry, Mr. and Mrs., Meyer, and Mr. and Mrs. Suttles.

Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Avenell and daughter Mrs. S. Ryder, and Mr. Owen Cecil and two children came in from Harrisburg Friday for a few days' vacation. Mrs. Ryder and Mrs. Avenell and children will remain a week while the rest returned home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Bagby came in from San Antonio last Thursday. They had as guests over the week end: Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Bacon and Mr. and Mr. Leslie Caldwell, of San Antonio; Mr. Turner and Mr. Nensteil, of Houston; and Elwood Taylor and two boy friends, of Edna.

There were about 50 at the neighborhood picnic at the A. Frankson home the 4th. of July. A long table under the trees was laden with good things to eat, and every one did justice to them and the big jar of iced tea. Maynard Frankson served watermelon to the crowd in the afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Green and family came down from Houston Friday for an outing in their cottage
here. They brought as guests, Mrs. Fairhurst and three children, Dorthy, Edward, and Mary. Mr. Green and John went back to Houston Sunday but the rest will stay a week or more.

A large crowd gathered at the Branum home the night of July 4th and enjoyed a large display of fireworks. The elder people took as much delight as the younger ones as they helped fire the Roman candles, skyrockets, aerial bombs, etc. At the beginning of the fire works, the two dogs made
a very quick "getaway." The singing of Patriotic songs ended a very enjoyable evening.


There were lots of good things to eat and a good ball game was enjoyed.

Sydney and John Green came in from Houston Monday for a week's outing.

Mrs. Minnie Holman and children of Houston visited home folks the Loffs, last week.

Mrs. David Frankson is spending this week with home folks, the Huffmans in Palacios.

Carolyn Slaikeu returned Sunday from Camp Casa del Mar where she spent a very enjoyable week.

Mrs. Helmer came down from Ganado last week and will spend some time with her daughter Mrs. Slaikeu and family.

The Emil Peterson family and Mrs. Lloyd Frankson spent Tuesday night and Wednesday near Bay City, on the Colorado River fishing.

The neighborhood picnic held last Wednesday near the Francitas bridge was not very well attended but thoroughly enjoyed by those present.

Messrs Mauritz and Whitmere of Ganado and Mr. Smith of Francitas spoke at the school house Tuesday night in the interest of the County Wide Bond Issue to be voted on Friday, July 3rd.

Mr. and Mrs. Bagby and some friends from New Braunfels spent last week at the Turner cottage. They took a long boat trip to several places on the bay and returned with a big catch of fish. They said they had never seen such good fishing before.

Palacios Beacon, July 9, 1931


Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mitchell went to Houston Tuesday for a few days visit with kin folks.

Mr. Vic Johnson and the Maynard Frankson family visited the Bill Farmer family at Wortham a few days last week.

M. J. S. Compton with the Humble Oil Co. of Houston and two guests were at Carancahua Beach over the week end.

Mrs. Anita Major, Miss Schroeder and Messrs Joe Martin and Frank Kelley of Houston spent the week end at Carancahua Beach.

Mr. and Mrs. Ragland and family left Tuesday for their home in Houston after a two weeks visit with their cousins, the Mitchells.

Mrs. S. Ryder and daughter, Mrs. Avenell and children returned to Harrisburg Sunday after a weeks outing in the Avenell cottage here.

The Herbert Green family and their guests, Mrs. Fairhurst and three children went back to Houston Sunday after a delightful outing here.

Messrs Vic Johnson and L. J. Slaikeu were in Edna on business Saturday. They attended the meeting of School Trustees of the County while there.

Miss Lydia Schomberg who is spending the summer with the W. C. Branum family left Monday for a few weeks visit with her people at Brenham, Tex.

Jack Major who has been at the Branum home the past five weeks left Sunday for Houston. He will leave in a few days for St. Louis where he will visit his folks.

Mr. W. C. Branum and Miss Rhydonia Hamlink of Houston and Mr. Jack Parks and daughter Marion of Bay City came in Friday night for a visit with the Branums. Mr. Parks went to Houston Saturday and Mr. Branum Sunday let the girls remain for a week's visit with Thelma.

Palacios Beacon, July 16, 1931


Mr. and Mrs. Claud Mitchell went to Houston Monday for a visit with relatives.

The Maynard Frankson family were Sunday afternoon visitors at the Artie Larson home.

Miss Dorothy Hall returned to Houston Monday after a weeks visit at the Branum home.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Abraham and children and Miss Ruth Abraham visited kin folks in Olivia Sunday.

The Frankson crew have been raising the roof of the Stovall house and making several repairs on it the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Frank son and two sons and the Slaikeu family were Sunday afternoon visitors at the Vic Johnson home.

Mrs. W. C. Branum and children, Carolyn Slaikeu and Trever Gardner visited Mr. and Mrs. David Frankson Wednesday evening.

Messrs. G. W. Burkett and son and, I. E. Ratcliff of Houston and Mr. Lescher of San Antonio arrived Tuesday for a few days outing in the Williams cottage.

Mr. Slaikeu reshingled the Turner house last week. Mr. Turner expects to build on an addition and fix the place all up this fall as they intend to come down and make this their home.

The Sunday School has bought new song books and much interest is taken in the singing at the S. S. Session and Sunday nights. Special numbers are given at nearly every service and much enjoyed. They are contemplating buying a piano to be used in the church.

Mr. Jack Parks of Bay City, and Mr. Rogers of Houston, service man for the Delco Light Co. were at the Branum home Thursday night. They installed a Delco Light plant in the Sells residence across the bay Thursday and Friday. Marion Parks and Rhydonia Hamlink went with them when they left Friday night.

Palacios Beacon, July 23, 1931


Miss Thelma Branum is spending this week with Marion Parks in Bay City.

Mr. Jack Parks and family, of Bay City were Sunday afternoon guests of  the Branums.

Mrs. David Frankson spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Sophia Lubben at Francitas.

The neighborhood had a singing and play party at the Dave Frankson home last Friday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Vic Johnson and children and Mrs. Fluke Frankson are visiting kin folks in Lyford this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Marion Linville and children from North Texas, visited at the L. E. Frankson home last Friday.

The Misses Bernice Branum, Elizabeth Hall and Marguerite Ames, of Houston, are spending this week with the Branums.

The W. C. Branum family, Carolyn Slaikeu and Trever Gardner visited at the Dave Frankson home last Wednesday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilson, of Houston, spent the week end at the Green cottage. They took dinner at the Slaikeu home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Slaikeu, of Houston, came in last Friday for a few days visit at the parental home. They went back to Houston Tuesday.

The Roy Williams family came in .from Houston last Saturday. Mr. Williams went hack Sunday but Mrs. Williams and the children will spend the week here.

Mr. Trevor Gardner, who has been spending the summer with the Branums, left Wednesday for Houston. He will go from there to visit friends near Shreveport, Louisiana.

Mrs. Artie Larsen and children and Maynard Frankson and son, Clifford, visited at the Nels Bengston home Sunday. Mrs. Larsen remained to keep care for her father, who is sick.

The Avenell family, of Harrisburg, came in last Friday for an outing in their cottage here. Mr. Avenell and Roland went back Sunday but the rest remained for a week's outing. They are having their house remodeled. Mr. Slaikeu is doing the work.

Miss Oma Scott, of Seadrift, has been visiting friends here and in the Turtle Bay neighborhood the past two weeks. Sunday, Dolphy Abraham took her and the Misses Dolly and Bertha Elliott to Olivia, where they spent the day at the Guy Cavallin home.

The  W. C. Branum family and their guests, Mrs. Williams and two children, Mrs. Slaikeu and Carolyn, Mrs. Huffman and Norman Avenell enjoyed a bathing party and picnic supper at the B. Y. P. U. grounds Tuesday night. They all attended the show afterwards and everyone voted the party a huge success.

Palacios Beacon, July 30, 1931


B. S. Avenell and family, of Harrisburg, spent the week end in their cottage here.

Doris Yance and James Dupree of Houston are visiting the Branum children this week.

Mrs. Dave Frankson went to Austin last Friday to attend a family reunion of the Wilborns.

Mr. and Mrs. Neusteil went back to Houston Sunday, after a two week's outing in the Turner home here.

The Misses Yoland Avenell and Inez of Houston are visiting the Greens at Green Gables this week.

Miss Elizabeth Hall left Sunday for her home in Houston, after a week's visit at the Branum home.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Abraham entertained two soldier boys, Messrs. Jackson and Ferguson for dinner Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Artie Larsen and children have moved to the Bengston home. Mr. Bengston continues very low.

Thelma Branum, who has been visiting Marion Parks at Bay City the
past two weeks, returned home Saturday.

There will be an ice cream social at the school house Friday, August 14, night. Proceeds to go toward making the final payment on the piano.

The old Ward Ranch house is being moved this week to make way for the Hug-the-Coast Highway. A contractor from Victoria is doing the work.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mitchell and Mr. Claud Mitchell and children went to Houston Sunday. Mrs. Claud Mitchell was to be operated on Monday. Her many friends here hope the operation will be successful and she may have a speedy recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Farmer and family of Wortham, Texas, are now residents of Carancahua. They have purchased the old Helmer place and will take possession as soon as Mr. Johnson harvests his crops. They are located in the teacherage at present.

Ladies Aid Society met last week Thursday with Mrs. Emil Peterson. A social hour was enjoyed after which the hostess served delicious refreshments of salad, sandwiches, cookies and punch. Ten ladies were present. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Huey, September 4th.

Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Rilling and son left Tuesday for Houston, after a ten day outing in the cottage at Carancahua Beach. Mr. Rilling is choir director of the First Christian Church and a noted musician of Houston. He delighted the audience at the church Sunday night with a solo, “The Old Rugged Cross,” and leading another hymn. He will sing the hymn, “In the Garden,” over KPRC at the Parson’s Hour Saturday night and dedicate it to the Carancahua people.

(Too Late for Last Week)

Mr. and Mrs. Bell Poe, of Houston, spent the week end in their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Loff and Mrs. Maynard Frankson visited at the Bengston home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Rilling and two children of Houston, are enjoying an outing at the Carancahua Beach.

Miss Margaret Ames returned to Houston Saturday, after a delightful visit at the W. C. Branum home.

Mrs. Branum went to Houston on a business trip Saturday. She returned with Mr. and Mrs. Rilling Tuesday.

Mrs. B. Avenell and children went back to Harrisburg Saturday, after a week’s stay in their summer home here.

The H. F. Green family and Mrs. J. S. Green came in Friday for a month’s stay in their cottage here. The men folks returned to Houston Sunday.

The Carancahua people are deeply grateful to Mary H. Elder for the gift of her piano. The Richards brothers fixed it up in good shape and much pleasure is anticipated from its use in the church.

Messrs. Johnson and Everett Koehl of Houston spent several days last week fishing and enjoying the good breeze. They stayed at the H. F. Green cottage while here. Mr. Koehl is a nephew of Mr. Green.

Palacios Beacon, August 13, 1931


The Misses Bobby Louise and Nancy Price and Marion Nester were week-end guests of Carolyn Slaikeu.

Judge Elbert Roberts, wife and son of Houston came in Monday for a few days stay at Carancahua Beach cottage.

Mr. and Mrs. Bagby spent the week end in the Turner house here. Mrs. Bagby is feeling better after her sick spell.

The Misses Yoland Avenell and Inez Shuler returned to Houston Sunday after a weeks stay with the Greens.

Mr. and Mrs. Yance, of Houston, were Saturday afternoon guests at the Branum home. Little Doris who had spent a week with the Branum children returned with them.

A large crowd was at the ice-cream social last Friday night. The ladies of the neighborhood made some nice cakes which were very much enjoyed. We cleared $13 which more than completed the payments on our piano.

Mr. Green, John, Everett Keohl and his mother came in Friday for a few
days stay at "Green Gables." Mrs. H. F. Green returned to Houston with
them Sunday and Mrs. Keohl is staying with Sidney, Clifford, and Herbert Lee Green.

A large crowd gathered at the Slaikeu home Saturday evening and listened to the beautiful song, "In the Garden" sung by Mr. R. L. Rilling over K. P. R. C. Houston, Texas. This song was dedicated to the Carancahua people in appreciation of his two-week visit here.

Palacios Beacon, August 20, 1931


Mr. and Mrs. Bagby spent last week end at the Turner cottage.

Miss Ellen Hammerbach of Lyford, Texas, is visiting friends in the neighborhood.

The road grader is busy on our roads these days. We hope they get settled before the fall and winter rains come.

Miss Meharg was a guest at the Nelson home in the Turtle Bay neighborhood last Friday night and Saturday and visited at the Slaikeu home Sunday.

The Carancahua Beach Club has been closed for the season. The Mitchell families, who have had charge of it this summer moved back to Houston last week.

School commenced last week with Miss Irene Meharg, of Italy, Texas, as teacher. The pupils are already in love with her and we know they will advance rapidly under her instruction.

People have been too busy picking cotton the past month to go visiting or entertain company so there hasn’t been much going on. We hope to have some news for the Beacon from now on.

Carolyn Slaikeu and Arvid Loff are attending High School in Palacios this year. Carolyn is a Junior and is staying at the Huffman home and Arvid is a Freshman and is making his home with Mr. Simpson.

A. M. Robinson from Houston is busy installing a Colt Lighting Plant at the school house, church and teacherage this week. Our School District is in a prospering condition in spite of hard time. After paying cash for the lighting plant, getting library books and supplementary books for the school, also building a fine coal and wood house, our District will still have money in the Treasury.

Palacios Beacon, September 24, 1931


Master Nelson Farmer was sick last week with tonsillitis.

Mrs. David Frankson spent Sunday at the Elmer Abraham home.

Mr. Will Farmer has just completed a fine new garage on his place here.

Mrs. Harper, our C. Supt., visited the school last Thursday afternoon.

Messrs Vic Johnson, Fluke Frankson and L. J. Slaikeu were in Houston on business Wednesday.

Rev. Ozment preached a good sermon at the church Sunday afternoon. Harold Baldwin brought him out from town.

Mrs. Huey's parents and two sisters are here from New Mexico and will spend the winter at the Huey home.

Miss Irene Meharg, L. E. Frankson and L. J. Slaikeu were in Edna Saturday on business connected with the school.

Mrs. L. J. Slaikeu and Carolyn visited at the M. R. Whyman home in Ganado Saturday. Mrs. Helmer returned with them for a few months visit.

Mr. Peterson of Kenedy visited the past week at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Wilson. His sons who have been picking cotton for Mr. Wilson returned home with him.

The ice cream Social at the school house last Friday night was well attended and a good time enjoyed by all.

The sum of ten dollars was realized which was given to Rev. Ozment to be
used for church purposes.

Palacios Beacon, October 8, 1931


The Emil Peterson family were Edna visitors Saturday.

Mrs. David Frankson spent Saturday with home folks (the Huffman) in Palacios.

Mr. and Mrs. Bell Poe of Houston enjoyed an outing in their cottage here over the week end.

Arvid Loff who is staying with Mr. Simpson and going to High School in Palacios visited home folks Sunday afternoon.

Mr. Baldwin returned to New Mexico Sunday, after a month’s visit at the home of his step daughter Mrs. Huey.

…Ernest Schieke and Darwin Loff went with him and will remain for a time if they can get work.

There will be a Hallowe’en Social at the school house Friday night, Oct. 30th. Every one is requested to wear a costume befitting the occasion.

The road men have been fixing up the roads in our neighborhood. Just before leaving they made a ditch around the school yard which was a much needed improvement.

Rev. Ozment preaches his last sermon for this Conference Year at the church Sunday afternoon. It was a good helpful discourse and deserved a large audience. Mr. Huffman and Mr. Simpson came out from town with him.

Palacios Beacon, October 22, 1931


Mr. Vic Johnson and family left Saturday for a few days’ visit with kin folk at Lyford.

Miss Irene Meharg spent the week end with the Nelson family in the Turtle Bay neighborhood.

Roy Linquist, who has been living in the Holman house the past month, has moved to the Gass place.

Mrs. Bagby spent Saturday night in the Turner house here. The Bagbys are in the oyster business near Matagorda.

There was no school last Friday. Teacher and pupils were given a chance to attend the Fair at Palacios. The exhibits in all departments were well worth seeing. Most of our people attended and felt well repaid.

The Hallowe’en party at the school house last Thursday night was well attended and thoroughly enjoyed by all. Everyone entered heartily into the games and stunts and much merriment was caused by the antics of the clowns, ghosts, etc. Refreshments of pie, sandwiches, coffee and lemonade were served. A carnival is to be held at the school house the night of Thanksgiving. Rehearsals are already under way for the Minstrel Play, etc.

Palacios Beacon, November 5, 1931


Mr. and Mrs. Roger Slaikeu visited home folks last week.

Mrs. Minnie Holman and baby spent Thursday night at the parental Loff home.

The Slaikeus were guests at the M. R. Whyman home in Ganado Thanksgiving day.

Mr. and Mrs. Vic Johnson and children visited kin folks and transacted
business at Lyford last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Frankson and sons were Thanksgiving day guests
at the Emil Peterson home.

Mr. and Mrs. David Frankson spent Thanksgiving day at the Aaron Wilborn home near Blessing.

Mr. Green and sons, Sydney and John and Mr. Colvin, of Houston, spent
last week end at "Green Gables" here.

Thelma, Gerald and Dickey Branum spent Thanksgiving and the rest of
the week with their parents, at Carancahua Beach.

A "42" party at the school house Friday night was enjoyed by several in the neighborhood. Worley Linville was a guest from Palacios.

The Frankson families helped Mrs. A. Frankson celebrate her seventy-
first birthday at her home Sunday. They all had a part in helping to prepare as well as help eat the bounteous repast served at the noon hour.

A carnival was staged at the school house last Wednesday night. The "Bingo" stand was the most popular place. The proceeds were not large
but everyone had a good time. The negro play and style show were much

The Ladies' Aid Society had an all day meeting at the Huey home last Friday. They finished a quilt and sent it to the Orphans Home at Waco. A
delicious dinner was served at noon and everybody voted Mrs. Huey and
her mother, Mrs. Baldwin, the best cooks in the country.

Palacios Beacon, December 3, 1931



Mrs. D. Frankson spent last week at the Huffman home in Palacios.

Mrs. Alice Peterson and sons were guests of relatives in Olivia last week.

Mrs. Elmer Abraham and children spent the holidays with kin folks in Olivia.

Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Whyman and sons visited at the Slaikeu home Tuesday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Cavallin were guests at the L. E. Frankson home New Years Day.

Mrs. Meharg, of Italy, Texas, spent the holidays with her daughter, Irene at the teacherage.

Gladys Frankson went to Louise last Sunday where she has a position in the telephone office.

Avid Loff, who stays with Mr. Simpson and attends school in Palacios, spent the holidays with home folks.

Gus Linquist came down from Minnesota last week to spend the balance of the winter with his brother, Roy.

Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Green and four sons and __rett Kahl of Houston, enjoyed an outing at "Green Gables" last week.

The "42" party at the school house last Thursday night was well attended and a good time enjoyed. Refreshments of pie and coffee were served.

Palacios Beacon, January 7, 1932


The writer of these items has been in Palacios the past four months, but is at home again and will try to have some news for the paper from time to time. There has not been much activity the past two months on account of bad weather and roads but now weather conditions are better, we will try to make up for lost time.

Arvid Loff spent Sunday with home folks.

Mrs. B. F. Smith, who has been quite sick, is improving.

Miss Signe Franklin visited home folks Saturday and Sunday.

There will be a Valentine party at the Slaikeu home Friday night.

Mr. Winfield and family of Palacios were Sunday guests at the Elliott home.

Mrs. Hilda Frankson and boys was a Sunday guest at the Elmer Abraham home.

A good crowd gathered at the Slaikeu home Sunday night for an hour of gospel singing.

Worley Linville of Palacios, spent Sunday with is sister, Mrs. L. E. Frankson and family.

Mr. Vic Johnson is trying to sell off his goods and will move back to the Valley in a few weeks.

Several of the children of the neighborhood were absent from school last week on account of sickness.

Miss Gladys Frankson, who is working in the telephone office at Louise, was home over the week end.

Messrs. Vic Johnson and L. C. Frankson went to Houston Monday with two loads of hogs and some chickens.

Carancahua Ladies Aid Society met with Mrs. L. E. Frankson last Thursday afternoon. There were ten ladies present and a pleasant hour spent together. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess.

Rev. R. Payne and Prof. Williams of Palacios held services at the church Sunday afternoon. Rev. Williams preached a wonderful sermon and it is to be regretted that there were so few out to hear him. Rev. Payne will be out again next Sunday afternoon if weather and roads permit. Come and
worship with us and receive a blessing.

[paper torn]

A Literary Society was…a short time ago but…hindered the committee…much. We are sure…get busy now and w…that will be worth…Carancahua used to …grams and we are…again.

We had a nice little…day School Sunday morning…as the weather gets b…will plan to attend. Mrs….Mrs. L. E. Frankson wi…the children every Saturday afternoon to teach them some…we hope to make our Sunday…sessions more interesting a…tive.

Palacios Beacon, February 11, 1932

Carancahua Items

Mrs. Emil Peterson visited the school last Friday afternoon.

The Valentine party at the school was enjoyed by all the pupils. We had as our guests, Marjorie and Florence Frankson, Lorraine Johnson, Clifton Frankson, Kenneth Lee, Ludy Peterson and Charles Wilson. We were glad to have these little visitors in our school.

Several children have been absent from school the past week with the flu.

Spelling Honor Roll for Week

First Grade: Nels Farmer
Second Grade: Daniel Baldwin
Third Grade: Vernon Frankson, Alma Baldwin
Fifth Grade: Minnie Farmer, Ida Mae Wilson

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Farmer spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Frankson.

Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, February 18, 1932


Mr. Earl Wilson, of Houston, was looking after business interests here last week.

Miss Irene Meharg had an ice cream party at the teacherage last Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Abraham were Sunday afternoon visitors at the Vic Johnson home.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Turner, of Houston, spent a couple of days at their home here last week.

Carancahua Ladies Aid Society will meet next week Thursday, March 3rd, at the A. Frankson home.

Mr. and Mrs. V. Johnson and children visited in the Wilson home last Thursday evening.

Mesdames A. Frankson and L. E. Frankson were Tuesday afternoon visitors at the Fluke Frankson home.

The Vic Johnson family moved back to Lyford Monday, after a year’s residence here.

Palacios Beacon, February 25, 1932

Carancahua Items
School and Community News

(Too late for last week)

Mr. and Mrs. A. Turner of Houston spent a couple of days in their home here last week.

Mr. Earl Wilson of Houston was looking after business interests here last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Vic Johnson moved back to Lyford Monday after a year’s residence here. If he can sell his interests there they will move back after cotton ginning in the fall.

There was an ice cream party at the teacherage Sunday afternoon.

The Johnson family were visitors in the Wilson Home Thursday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Abraham visited Vic Johnson and family Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wilmore have returned to their home after several days’ visit with friends and relatives in Hill county.

Mr. Ernest Schicke has been sick for the past week, but is some better now.

Honor Roll in Spelling

First Grade: Nels Farmer, Melba Frankson
Second Grade: Daniel Baldwin
Third Grade: Alma Baldwin
Fifth Grade: Minnie Farmer

Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, March 3, 1932


There was a bridge party at the Will Frankson home last Wednesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Emil Peterson and children visited relatives at Red Bluff last week.

Mrs. Dave Frankson went to Palacios Monday to help care for her mother, Mrs. J. H. Huffman, who is sick.

The Sunday School is preparing an Easter Program to be given at the Church, Easter Sunday at 10 a. m.

Miss Ruth Abraham came over from Olivia last week for an indefinite stay with her brother, Elmer and family.

Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Frankson were in Louise Friday. They brought Gladys back with them to spend the
we :1s end with home folks.

Ladies Aid Society met last Thursday afternoon with Mrs. A. Frankson.

After the business session, conducted by Mrs. Elmer Abraham, a social time was enjoyed. Refreshments of sandwiches, cake and coffee were served by the hostess. Ten ladies were present. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Slaikeu, April 7th.

Fluke and Floyd Frankson went to Blessing, Tuesday to meet Mr. J. W. Johnson, Mrs. Frankson's brother. His home is in Toronto, Canada, but he has been visiting kinfolks in the Valley this past two weeks. We hope before he leaves that we will have some real balmy Gulf breezes, so he can see what the Gulf Coast climate is like most of the time.

Palacios Beacon, March 10, 1932

Carancahua Items

Miss Ruth Abraham came over from Olivia last week and will spend a while with her brother, Elmer, and family.

Carancahua Ladies Aid met last Thursday afternoon with Mrs. A. Frankson. After the business session a social hour was spent. Refreshments of sandwiches, cake and coffee were served by the hostess. There were ten ladies present.

The Sunday School is preparing an Easter program to be given at the church Easter Sunday at 10 A. M.

Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Frankson were in Louise Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Emil Peterson spent Tuesday in Red Bluff visiting relatives and friends.

Miss Gladys Frankson of Louise is spending the week with homefolks.

Dorothy Schicke and Evelyn Ryan spent Wednesday night with Ida Mae Wilson.

Wednesday evening and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Frankson entertained the young folks at their home.

Perfect Spellers

First Grade: Melba Frankson, Nels Farmer
Second Grade: Maurice Wilmore, Myrtle May, Daniel Baldwin, Gilbert Striedel
Third Grade: Alma Baldwin, Dave Frankson, Vernon Frankson, Wilbur Frankson
Fourth Grade: Ida Mae Wilson, Minnie Farmer
Seventh Grade: Dorothy Schicke, Rosie Farmer, Hazel Wilson, Warrie Schicke

Honor Roll

Ida Mae Wilson, Nels Farmer, Melba Frankson, Vernon Frankson

Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, March 10, 1932

Carancahua Items

Arvid Loff, who attends high school in Palacios, was at home for the week end.

Miss Signa Frankson was a week end visitor with homefolks.

Several from here were in Bay City last Saturday, they being Mrs. Wilson and son, Wilford and daughters, Hazel and Ida Mae, David Frankson, Miss Irene Meharg, Oscar Schicke and Mrs. Slaikeu.

Our Road Commissioner . Mr. A. J. Peters, was transacting business here Friday.

A road meeting was held at the school house Wednesday night. A petition was formulated and signed by the Carancahua tax payers asking for a road straight north from the school house to the new Hug the Coast Highway. The petition was sent to our commissioners’ court at its next session.

The bridge gang, which has been putting a bridge on the highway near Mr. Wilson’s, went to Turtle Bay Thursday where they will build a bridge.

Mr. W. C. Branum of Houston was looking after business interests here last Thursday.

Mrs. Ruth Larson and children visited at the Maynard Frankson home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Emil Peterson and children visited kinfolks at Red Bluff and Olivia over the week end.

Those on the sick list last week were Mrs. David Frankson, Mrs. Fluke Frankson and Mrs. B. F. Smith. Mr. B. F. Smith, who has been in poor health for some time, is no better at this writing.

Mrs. Hawkins, from Palacios, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Loff visited in the Wilson home Sunday.

Honor Roll for Week

First Grade: Melba Frankson, Nels Farmer
Second Grade: Daniel Baldwin, Gilbert Stridel, Myrtle Mae (?)
Third Grade: Vernon Frankson, David Frankson, Alma Baldwin, Wilbur Frankson
Fourth Grade: Ida Mae Wilson, John Frankson, Weldon Anders, Adele Striedel
Fifth Grade: Minnie Farmer
Seventh Grade: Hazel Wilson, Warrie Schicke

Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, March 24, 1932


There was a dance at the Schicke home last Wednesday night.

Carolyn Slaikeu spent Saturday nite and Sunday with home folks.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Frankson were Bay City shoppers last Tuesday.

Mr. Ben Pearce of Francitas was calling on friends in Carancahua last week.

"Slim," the young man working for j Emil Peterson, has been quite sick the past week.

Mr. Sarvent Swenson and son, Ralph visited at the Elmer Abraham home last Saturday.

Mrs. Winfield and daughter of Palacios visited at the Tom Elliott home last Thursday.

Mr. David Roche of the Southwest Investment Co. of Austin, called at the Slaikeu home Monday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Slaikeu of Houston visited home folks from last Thursday night to Monday noon.

Mrs. Slaikeu has been taking the school census the past week. There are thirty scholastics in this District.

Mr. and Mrs. Loff, Elsie and Robert went to Houston Sunday. Helen, who has been working there for some time, returned home with them and School session Sunday morning.

A very interesting Easter program was rendered by the Sunday School scholars after the regular Sunday. Elsie stayed to take her place.

Mr. and Mrs. Bell Poe, Mrs. H. F. Green and son, Herbert Lee and Mrs. Branum of Houston, spent Friday nite and Saturday at “Green Gables.”

An Easter egg hunt was held at the A. Frankson home Sunday afternoon. This is a unusual affair and much enjoyed by the grown ups as well as the children.

Mr.…nie Smith came down from Houston last Wednesday and took his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Smith back with him on Thursday. Mr. B. F. Smith died Sunday morning and his body was brought to Palacios for burial Monday afternoon. A short service was held at the grave with Rev. C. F. Conner officiating. The bereaved wife and children and their families have the sympathy of the Carancahua people in this hour of sorrow.

Palacios Beacon, March 31, 1932


Gladys Frankson. who is working in Louise, spent the week end with home folks.

Mr. Turner and Mr. Neusteil, of Houston, are spending a few days at the Turner home here.

Fluke and Floyd Frankson went to Houston with hogs and chickens Monday night, returning Tuesday.

Mrs. Helmer and Mrs. Slaikeu attended a Missionary Social at Mrs. J. E. Robinson's in Palacios Monday afternoon.

Rev. Paine filled his regular appointment at the church Sunday afternoon. He will preach out here again next Sunday afternoon.

A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Abraham Sunday morning. She has been named Ethel Lavern and mother and child are doing nicely.

School election for one Trustee was held at the school house Saturday. There were 18 votes cast, Will Frankson receiving 14 of them. L. E. Frankson is the retiring trustee. Mesdames Wilson, Leta Frankson and Slaikeu were in the Election Board.

Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Wilson entertained the School Board and their families Tuesday night. The new board organized and some business was transacted, after which the hostess served ice cream and cake. Those present were L. E. Frankson and Mr. Farmer and families and L. J. Slaikeu.

Palacios Beacon, April 7, 1932


(Too Late For Last Week)

Mr. L. F. Frankson was in El Campo on business Saturday.

The Will Farmer family visited at the Nels Bengston home last Saturday.

Mr. Will Farmer were Sunday afternoon visitors at the Slaikeu home.

Mr. A. J. Peters of Lolita was interviewing the voters in this precinct last Thursday.

There was a meeting at the school house Tuesday night to talk over school business.

Our School closes next week Thursday. They will give a program Thursday night and have a picnic on Friday.

Miss Gladys Swenson of Palacios spent Sunday afternoon with her sister, Mrs. Elmer Abraham and family.

Mr. Lew Wright and mother of Palacios accompanied by Carolyn Slaikeu, visited at the Slaikeu home Sunday afternoon.

Messrs. Loff, L. E. Frankson, Emil Peterson and L. J. Slaikeu attended a Tax Payers' meeting at Edna Saturday afternoon.

Our County Superintendent, Mrs. Verna Harper, and County Demonstrator, Miss Louise Bryant, of Edna, visited at the Slaikeu home Tuesday afternoon.

Miss Irene Meharg is enjoying a visit from her brother, from Italy, Texas. They spent the week end with the Nelson family in the Turtle Bay neighborhood.

Mr. Richard Holman and family of Houston and Elsie Loff, who is working in Houston, spent Sunday at the Loff home. Walter Loff went back with them for a week’s visit.

Mrs. Charley Peterson of Olivia and daughter, Katheryn, who is attending High School in Palacios, were week end visitors at the Emil Peterson home. Miss Ida Peterson and Knute Johnson of Olivia came over Sunday and helped Mrs. Peterson celebrate her birthday on Sunday. The other guests who helped to make her birthday a happy one were Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Frankson, Glen and Arvid Peterson and Louie Griffith of Palacios. We hope Alice more happy birthday.

Palacios Beacon, April 28, 1932


The Kier Smith family visited her people in Collegeport Sunday.

The Emil Peterson family and Mr. and Mrs. A. Loff visited friends in Olivia Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Whyman and two sons visited at the Slaikeu home Tuesday afternoon.

Miss Gladys Frankson came home from Louise Friday and has been quite sick but is better at the writing.

The Misses Irene and Lois Batchelder of Palacios visited at the Slaikeu and Wilson homes Tuesday afternoon.

Mrs. H. F. Green and two sons and Mrs. W. C. Branum and Gerald spent the week-end at the "Green Gables" here.

Miss Louise Bryant, County Demonstration of Jackson County called on Mrs. Slaikeu one day last week. She is a mine of information about canning and preserving and it is a pleasure to talk with her. She is doing a wonderful work among the women and girls of the County.

Palacios Beacon, June 2, 1932


Mrs. Alice Peterson and sons spent Sunday at the Wilson home.

Mr. and Mrs. Bert Abraham and sons of Olivia, visited friends here Sunday.

Carolyn Slaikeu is spending this week with the Girl Reserves at Casa del Mar.

Mrs. Richard Holman and children of Houston are visiting at the Loff home this week.

Gladys Frankson went back to Louise Tuesday, after a week spent with home folks.

Mr. John Neusteil of Houston is enjoying an outing in his cottage at Carancahua Beach.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Abraham and children and Miss Ruth Abraham visited kinfolks in Olivia Monday.

Mr. B. S. Avenell and family came in from Houston Saturday for a two weeks' outing in their cottage here.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Turner went to Houston Sunday on a business and pleasure trip. They returned Tuesday.

Mr. John Giles and son, Charles Summer, of Houston, arrived Tuesday for a few days’ visit with Mrs. H. F. Green and sons.

The Elmer Abraham family, Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Frankson and sons and Miss Ruth Abraham spent Sunday at the Will Frankson home.

Lawyers Sample and Rose and families of Edna called at the Slaikeu home Sunday afternoon and were looking over some property purchased a short time ago.

A jolly crowd of young people from Palacios enjoyed a bathing party and weiner roast near the Slaikeu home last Saturday night. Mrs. Nester chaperoned the party.

H. F. Green and family of Houston arrived last Friday and will spend two weeks in their home here. Mr. Green and Sydney returned to Houston Sunday but will be back for the week end.

Ladies’ Aid Society met with Mrs. Loff last Thursday afternoon. The afternoon was spent in visiting and stamping towels, after which delicious ice cream and cake was served. There were thirteen ladies present.

Palacios Beacon, June 9, 1932


Oscar Schicke left last Thursday for a visit with Miss Meharg at Italy.

"The Greens had as their guest over the week end, Miss Mazie Dancer of Houston.

Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Whyman and sons of Ganado spent Thursday afternoon at the Slaikeu home.

Miss Joan Avenell and Mr. Glen Barber of Houston were guests of the Avenells over the week end.

Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Frankson had as Fourth of July guests, relatives from Austin, Hallettsville, Luling and Palacios.

The Misses Dorothy Hall, Bernice Branum and Marian Parks spent the week end with the Branums at Carancahua Beach.

Messrs. Whitteman and Bishop and families of Houston enjoyed an outing camping on the bay shore near the Turner cottage over the week end.

Mr. and Mrs. Hamblink, of Houston, were guests of the Branums over the week end. Their daughter, Rhedonia, who has spent the past two weeks with Thelma Branum, returned home with them.

Rev. Paine preached a good sermon at the church Sunday afternoon. It was too bad there were so few out to hear it. He will preach out here again next Sunday afternoon and at night also. The meetings may continue thru thru the week.

The B. S. Avenell and Owen Cecil families of Harrisburg spent the week end in the Avenell cottage here. The men went home Monday evening but the women and children will remain the rest of the week. Miss Marjorie Avenell had as her guests here, her cousin Miss Joy Stewart.

Mr. and Mrs. Turner, Mrs. Sietsinger, Mr. and Mrs. Slaikeu and Carolyn, the Emil Peterson family, the Elmer Abraham family,  Miss Ruth Abraham, Mr. Loff and Darwin, attended the 4th of July picnic with the Olivia folks at Port Alto. They were royally entertained and thoroughly enjoyed the day.

Miss Carolyn Slaikeu entertained a crowd of young people at her home Saturday night with a swimming party. Mrs. Faubion chaperoned the crowd from Palacios, which included the Misses Marion Nester, Bobby and Nancy Price, Ruth and Naomi Harrison, and their cousin, Marie Anderson
of Oklahoma, Ruby Redmon, Billie Bert Richards, and Messrs. John and Price Barnett, Joe Tanner, Glen Harris, Burhl Faubion, Bob and Carl Trull. The young people from Houston were the Misses Joan Avenell, Mazie Dancer, Marjorie Avenell, Joy Stewart, and Messrs. John and Sydney Green, and Glen Barber. Miss Agnes Stevens of Tulsa, Okla., was also a guest. The hostess served fried chicken, sandwiches and punch. All report a good time.

Palacios Beacon, July 7, 1932


Mr. Elmer Abraham and son, Bobby, are in Olivia this week.

Mrs. Harold Baldwin visited Mrs. Leta Frankson Monday.

Messrs. Wilson and Slaikeu were in Edna on business Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Whyman and sons visited the Slaikeus Saturday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cavallin visited at the Elmer Abraham home Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Neil and children of Port Lavaca were calling on old friends here Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Turner and Mrs. Slaikeu visited kin folks in Houston last Friday and Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Macon and children of Ganado called at the Slaikeu home Sunday afternoon.

Mr. Branum of Alvin, Texas…the week end with his daughter…H. F. Green and Mrs. Belle Poe.

Miss Emma Jean Janis and brothers, Henry and Harold, of Maybank, Texas, are visiting the Schicke young people.

Mrs. Lynch and four children returned to Houston Sunday, after enjoying a two week’s outing at Carancahua Beach.

The Misses Ruth Cooper and Tula Boozalis and Frank Proctor of Houston are visiting the Branum young people this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Lambert and Mr. and Mrs. Bell Poe of Houston spent the week end in the Poe cottage here. All went home Sunday but Mrs. Lambert, who is spending this week with Mrs. H. F. Green.

The primary and intermediate classes of the Sunday School had a picnic at the Lloyd Frankson home Tuesday afternoon. Twenty three children were present besides the teachers, Mrs. Leta Frankson and Mrs. Slaikeu. After an afternoon of games, refreshments of sandwiches, ice cream and cake were served.

Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and children of Nordheim, Texas, are visiting the H. F. Green family. Mr. Thompson is a Missionary and has spent several years in Africa. He has been giving illustrated  lectures every night since Friday and will probably closed the meetings Thursday night. His talks are very helpful and the Carancahua people appreciate his efforts to help the people and save souls in this community.

Palacios Beacon, August 11, 1932


Mr. and Mrs. Roger Slaikeu visited home folks over the week-end.

Mrs. Branum and children returned to Houston Monday after spending the summer at Carancahua Beach.

Miss Margaret Winters of Houston left for home Monday after a two weeks visit at the Branum home.

Mr. Roy Williams came down from Houston Saturday. His family, who have been here the past two weeks, returned to Houston with him Monday afternoon.

Mrs. Richard Holman and children and Walter Loff visited relatives in Houston Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Artie Lawson who went to Houston to find employment returned with them.

The Houston and Harrisburg people who have spent their vacations in their cottages here returned to their homes Monday afternoon: Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Green and four sons and their guesta Miss Maizie Dancer and Douglas Avenell; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Avenell and five children and their guests, the Misses Yoland and Gwendolyn Avenell and Mr. and Mrs. Bell Poe.

Palacios Beacon, September 8, 1932


Carolyn Slaikeu spent the week end with home folks.

Miss Elsie Loff, who works in Houston spent last week with home folks.

Mrs. L. H. Frankson is visiting her people, the Huffmans, in Palacios, this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Green and John, of Houston, spent the week end in their cottage here.

Work was to begin on the road at the new bridge Monday but on account of the rain it will be delayed a few days.

Mr. and Mrs. Bell Poe, of Houston, spent the week end here. They had as guests, Mr. arid Mrs. Lambert and Mr. and Mrs. Griffin of Houston.

School commenced Monday with Miss Lois Batchelder of Palacios and Miss Elsie Wilson of Olivia as teachers. There are 23 pupils enrolled with more to come later. We welcome these young ladies into our neighborhood and hope they will enjoy their work and association with us.

Palacios Beacon, October 6, 1932


Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cavallin of Olivia visited at the Elmer Abraham home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Neusteil of Houston visited Mr. and Mrs. Turner Tuesday and Wednesday.

The Slaikeu and Turner families drove to Ganado to visit the M. R. Whyman family, Sunday.

There will be a Hallowe'en party at the school house Friday night. Everybody is invited to attend.

Miss Lois Batchelder spent the week end at her home in Palacios and Miss Wilson visited her people at Olivia.

The Farmer, Maynard Frankson, Will Frankson and Loff families and Mrs. Holman and children were entertained at the Artie Larson home Sunday.

The men of the neighborhood have completed the road work from the school house to the Lewis road, north. There will have to be two new culverts from there to the Highway.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnson and daughter, Margaret, came in from Canada Saturday for a few days' visit at the home of his sister, Mrs. Fluke Frankson. They are on their way to the Valley, where they will spend the winter.

Palacios Beacon, October 27, 1932


Mr. W. C. Branum was down from Houston last Saturday and Sunday.

Miss Ruth Abraham left Saturday to work for Mrs. Kneberg at Palacios.

'Mr. and Mrs. Bell Poe of Houston, spent Saturday and Sunday in their cottage here.

Miss Gladys Swenson spent Friday night with her sister, Mrs. Elmer Abraham and family.

Mr. and Mrs. John Nuesteil returned to Houston Saturday, after a few day's visit at the A. J. Turner home.

Mrs. Minnie Holman and children moved back to Houston last week, after spending the summer in their home here. Walter Loff took her goods to Houston Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnson and daughter, from Canada, left Saturday morning for Lyford, Texas, after
spending a week with his sister, Mrs. Fluke Frankson and family.

Miss Ernestine Linville and a friend from Markham and Miss Minnie Linville from Palacios attended the party last Friday night and spent Saturday at the Lloyd Frankson home.

The concrete mixer has been busy the past few days after a week of idleness due to lack of material. They have reached the place where the Carancahua road joins the Highway and in a short time we will be riding on concrete nearly all the way to Palacios.

There were about seventy-five at the Hallowe'en party at the school house Friday night. The teachers had provided games and entertainment, which afforded enjoyment for everybody. A bountiful lunch of sandwiches, pie, cookies and cocoa was served and everybody had a glorious time.

Palacios Beacon, November 3, 1932


Miss Lois Batchelder spent the week end with her people at Palacios.

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Branum were at Carancahua Beach over the week end.

Miss Ruth Abraham is at home again after three weeks at Mrs. Kneberg’s.

Mr. and Mrs. Slaikeu visited the Whyman family at Ganado last Wednesday.

Mr. J. H. Huffman of Palacios spent the first of the week with David Frankson.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Abraham and children were in Olivia one day last week visiting kin folks.

Messrs. Farmer, Loff, Lloyd Frankson and A. Frankson were in Edna on business last Monday.

Mrs. D. H. Frankson came home Tuesday, after spending a week with her people, the Huffmans, at Palacios.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Turner and Mrs. Slaikeu attended the canning demonstration at Live Oak Farm last Thursday.

The school is preparing a Thanksgiving program to be given at the church next Tuesday or Wednesday night.

Mr. Hiney Wier and party from Houston arrived Saturday to make ready for the opening of the hunting season.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Turner transacted business and visited friends in Houston Tuesday and Wednesday of last week.

Miss Elsie Wilson spent the week end with her folks at Olivia. They brought her back Sunday night and attended singing at the church.

Palacios Beacon, November 17, 1932


Little Charles Peterson has been quite sick the past week.

Mesdames. Turner and Slaikeu called on Mrs. Emil Peterson Monday afternoon.

Miss Elsie Wilson was a Thanksgiving and a week end guest of relatives in Olivia.

Miss Lois Batchelder spent Thanksgiving and the week end with her folks at Palacios.

Mr. and Mrs. David Frankson spent Thanksgiving at the Huffman home in Palacios.

Mr. Kier Smith took a load of turkeys to Houston last week. He struck a very poor market.

The men of the neighborhood are busy grading a road from the Lewis corner to the Highway.

Mrs. Otto Peterson and Mr. Charles Peterson of Olivia visited at the Emil Peterson home Monday.

Mr. Clarence Schicke has rented the Huey farm for the coming season and Roy Linquist has moved to the Trull place.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris and children spent Thanksgiving at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Frankson.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Abraham and children and Ruth Abraham spent last Thursday and Friday at the Guy Cavallin home in Olivia.

The Slaikeu family had as guests for Thanksgiving, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Whyman and sons of Ganado and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Turner.

A Thanksgiving program given by the school and the Literary Society at the church last Wednesday night was enjoyed by a large crowd. The teachers are busy now training the children for a Christmas program.

The school had tree planting exercises last week Wednesday, and planted four trees on the school grounds. We heartily commend our teachers for this desire to commemorate the life of such a man as George Washington.

Dan Schicke celebrated his birthday Tuesday night by giving a party. About twenty-five enjoyed the hospitality of the Schicke home and the musical selections rendered by the Schicke brothers. Refreshments of cake and cocoa were served.

Palacios Beacon, December 1, 1932


The Misses Batchelder and Wilson spent the week end at their respective homes.

Mrs. Emil Peterson and two children are visiting her sister at Bloomington.

Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cavallin of Olivia, visited at the Malcolm Cavallin home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Turner and Mrs. Slaikeu visited in Houston last Tuesday and Wednesday.

There has been a good deal of sickness in our neighborhood the past week, but all are better at this writing.

Three new families have moved into our neighborhood from Sargent. We have not learned their names but plan to call on them soon.

The Christmas program will be given at the church Friday night, Dec. 23rd. There will be a tree and treats and gifts for all the children.

The Bazaar and supper at the school house last Friday night was quite well attended in spite of inclement weather.

The Ladies' Aid Society cleared about $12.00 and everybody had a good time.

Palacios Beacon, December 15, 1932


The Schicke family entertained friends from Houston last week.

Mr. A. J. Turner is having a large kitchen added to his home here.

The Literary Society is preparing a program to be given Friday night, Jan. 13th.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harris and children visited at the A. Frankson home Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Frankson and sons took dinner at the Linville home near Palacios.

Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Frankson were guests of the Huffmans in Palacios on Christmas day.

Mr. and Mrs. Slaikeu and Carolyn spent Christmas with the Whyman family in Ganado.

Mr. and Mrs. Ellis moved last week to the Turtle Bay neighborhood, where Mr. Ellis has employment.

School closed Friday for a week's vacation. The teachers will spend it at their respective homes.

The Will Farmer and Artie Larson families spent Christmas at the Nels Bengston home near Blessing.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Abraham and children spent Saturday night and Sunday with kin folk in Olivia.

Mr. and Mrs. Kier Smith and sons and Mrs., B. F. Smith visited at the Bennie Smith home in Houston the first of last week.

The Misses Gladys, Minnie and Ernestine Linville and brother, Worley, were Sunday evening guests at the Lloyd Frankson home.

Maynard Frankson was quite badly hurt Tuesday when the tank on his tractor exploded. Some pieces of steel entered his eyes. Medical aid was procured and at this writing he is getting along nicely.

The school and Sunday School had a Christmas program and tree at the church Friday night. In spite of muddy roads the church was well filled and everyone enjoyed the excellent program and treats.

A Mr. Johnson, nephew of Mrs. Loft, and two friends came in from Minneapolis a short time ago for an indefinite stay. One of the young men, Lloyd Olson has been helping Mr. Turner the past week and the other one has been helping Mr. Wilson.

The Young People of the neighborhood enjoyed a turkey dinner at the L. H. Frankson home Monday evening. The dinner was given in honor of Ernest Schicke, who is home from San Antonio for a holiday visit with home folks. After the bounteous dinner, games were played until a late hour.

Palacios Beacon, December 29, 1932



The Kier Smith family visited at the Guy Cavallin home in Olivia Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Abraham and children visited kin folk in Olivia Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Kelly entertained her brother and family from Palacios last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Whyman visited at the Slaikeu home Monday afternoon.

The Literary Society will give a program at the school house Friday evening, Jan. 13th.

Mr. Turner is having a well drilled in his place here. Messrs. Barnett and Hockey are doing the work.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Turner and Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Slaikeu took dinner at the Whyman home in Ganado and transacted business in Edna Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Turner, Mr. Hiney Weir, of Houston and Mr. Lloyd Olson of Minneapolis, Minn. were dinner guests at the Slaikeu home New Year’s Day.

A New Year’s Eve party was given at the Slaikeu home last Saturday night and enjoyed by about forty neighbors and friends. At midnight New Year’s Greetings were exchanged and Mr. Slaikeu was congratulated on the beginning of another natal day.

Palacios Beacon, January 5, 1933


Mrs. D. H. Frankson visited at the Gillespie home Sunday afternoon.

Mr. John Neusteil of Houston is visiting at the A. J. Turner home.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Turner visited kin folk in Houston last Friday and Saturday.

Roger Slaikeu and John Green of Houston were week end guests at the Slaikeu home.

Messrs. Farmer, Loff Maynard and Will Frankson were in Edna on business Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Emil Peterson and Mr. Loff attended the funeral of grandpa Cavallin in Olivia last Friday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilson and children and Miss Ruby Skinner of Olivia, were guests of Miss Elsie Wilson Sunday afternoon.

A brother of Mrs. Kier Smith, Charles Prunty, of Collegeport, is visiting them and will farm with Kier the coming season.

Rehearsal of the play, “A Daughter of the Desert,” is moving along nicely and presentation will be given some time in the near future.

Some of the ladies met at the church Saturday afternoon and gave it a thorough cleaning, which greatly improves its appearance.

Rev. Paine filled his regular appointment at the church Sunday afternoon. A good crowd was out to hear him. Mr. Chris. Williams brought the pastor out here.

Mr. and Mrs. Williams, of Houston, visited at the Schicke home Saturday and Sunday. A dinner was had in their honor Sunday. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Dave Frankson and the Misses Lois Batchelder, Elsie Wilson and Gladys Frankson.

Carancahua Ladies Aid met at the A. Frankson home last Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Hilda Frankson as hostess. Twelve ladies were present and enjoyed a social hour, after which refreshments of salad, sandwiches, wafers and coffee were served. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Leta Frankson, February second.

Palacios Beacon, January 12, 1933


Miss Lois Batchelder was a guest at the Slaikeu home Sunday.

Miss Elsie Wilson spent the week end with home folks in Olivia.

Mr. Sam Hodges of Houston visited at the Turner home last Friday and Saturday.

Mr. John Neusteil returned to Houston Tuesday, after a two wek's visit at the A. J. Turner home.

Mrs. Georgia Bagby came in from Sargent Tuesday for a few days' visit with her mother, Mrs. A. J. Turner.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris of Markham visited at the A. Frankson home Sunday. Miss Gladys returned home with them for a few days visit.

The Literary program at the school house last Friday night was well attended and much enjoyed by all. The next one will be Friday, Feb. 24th, at which time a Washington  program will be given.

Ernest Schicke came in from Kelly Field last Friday for a week end visit with home folks.

He was accompanied by Lieutenants Murray and Drum who were very gratified at their success in hunting while here.

Palacios Beacon, January 19, 1933


Mrs. Georgia Bagby of Sargent visited her mother, Mrs. Turner last week.

The Will Farmer family were Sunday guests at the Fluke Frankson home.

Ralph Swenson of Olivia visited his sister, Mrs. Elmer Abraham and family Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and children of Olivia visited at the teacherage Sunday evening.

The play, “A Daughter of the Desert,” will be given at the school house a week from Friday night, Feb. 3rd.

Miss Elsie Wilson spent the week end with her aunt, Mrs. Miller and family in the Turtle Bay neighborhood.

There was a large crowd at singing Sunday night, and the singing was good. We are contemplating purchasing some new song books soon.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morris and daughter, Mrs. Lucille Drake of Dallas visited at the A. J. Turner home Monday and Tuesday. Mr. Morris is a brother of Mrs. Turner.

Mrs. Batchelder, Misses Irene Batchelder and Kirkpatrick of Palacios visited Miss Lois Batchelder at the teacherage Sunday afternoon and attended church services, which were conducted by Rev. Robert Paine of Palacios.

Palacios Beacon, January 26, 1933


Mrs. Farmer was quite sick last week.

Miss Lois Batchelder spent last week end with her people at Palacios.

Mr. Charles Prunty spent last week with his mother and family, at Collegeport.

Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Frankson and Oscar Schicke were Bay City visitors

Miss Elsie Loft came home from Houston last week for a visit with home folks.

Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Frankson and sons were Sunday guests at the Fluke
Frankson home.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Turner and Mr. Lloyd Olson were dinner guests at the Slaikeu home Sunday.

Miss Gladys Swenson of Palacios spent the week end with Miss Elsie
Wilson. They visited at the Elmer Abraham home Sunday.

The play, "A Daughter of the Desert," will be given at the school house
this Friday night, Feb. 3rd. It will begin promptly at 7:30 o'clock. There
will be no charges and everybody is invited.

About 60 friends and neighbors gathered at the Emil Peterson home last Friday night and enjoyed a good time. Several Olivia folks were there. The hostess served refreshments of sandwiches, cake, coffee and cocoa.

Palacios Beacon, February 2, 1933


Miss Lois Batchelder spent the week end with home folks at Palacios.

Miss Elsie Wilson was a Sunday guest at the Elmer Abraham home.

Rev. Paine filled his regular appointment at the church Sunday afternoon.

Mr. Arthur Larson and children were Sunday guests at the J. W. Farmer home.

Clarence Schicke left Wednesday for New Mexico. He expects to be gone several days.

Mr. and Mrs. Bert Abraham and children, of Olivia, visited at the Elmer Abraham home Monday.

Mr. Kier Smith and the manager of Mr. Grimes' place here were in El
Campo on business Monday.

The Trustees have had men cutting wood the past few days, for the school. They are to be paid from the R. F. C. Fund of Jackson County.

The Frankson Brothers went to Houston Tuesday night with a load of hogs and chickens. Heres hoping they strike a good market.

St. Valentine's Day was fittingly observed by the teachers Tuesday. The
mothers of the pupils were guests at a program given by the pupils in the afternoon. A Valentine box was enjoyed by the school and everybody
thoroughly enjoyed the occasion.

The play, "A Daughter of the Desert," was given at the school house Monday night. A good crowd was in attendance in spite of bad roads and
inclement weather. Some of the actors showed real talent and everybody was well pleased with the entertainment.

Palacios Beacon, February 16, 1933


Miss Elsie Wilson spent the week end with her folks in Olivia.

Mrs. Prunty and family, of Collegeport, visited at the Kier Smith home,

Mr. Turner has been painting his house, which improves its appearance
very much.

Carancahua Literary Program will be given this week. Friday night. Everyone welcome.

The Slaikeu family had as dinner guests Sunday, Miss Lois Batchelder
and Mr. Lloyd Olson.

Mr. and Mrs. Fluke Frankson and Maynard Frankson were in Bay City on business last Thursday.

The J. W. Farmer family and Elmer Abraham family were entertained at the L. E. Frankson home Sunday.

Ye correspondent made a mistake in last week's paper:—Clarence Schicke
did not go to New Mexico. He is still with us.

The J. W. Farmer, L. E. Frankson, Maynard Frankson and Elmer Abraham families attended the Literary at Olivia last Friday night.

Mrs. Wilson and children have moved to Francitas to keep house for Wilford, who has rented a farm there, and raise chickens on a large scale.

Palacios Beacon, February 23, 1933


Mr. Lloyd Olson was in Bay City on business Monday.

Miss Faye Wright spent Saturday with Carolyn Slaikeu.

The teachers spent the week end at their respective homes.

Mr. Charles Prunty spent last week with his mother in Collegeport.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Farmer went to see Mrs. Bengston, who is very sick, Sunday night.

Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Whyman and sons visited at the Slaikeu home Sunday afternoon.

The play, "A Daughter of the Desert" will be given by the Carancahua bunch at Olivia this Friday night.

Mr. Charles Locky, who went to New Mexico last fall, is back in the neighborhood again, visiting old

Rev. Paine preached a good sermon to a fair audience Sunday afternoon, Mr. Chris. Williams brought him out from town.

Mr. and Mrs. David Frankson and Messrs. Charles Lackey, Clarence and Oscar Schicke were dinner guests at the Slaikeu home Sunday.

A Literary program was given at the school house last Friday night. A good crowd was in attendance and enjoyed the program. The songs and recitations rendered by the school scholars were in commemoration of Washington.

The Ladies Aid Society met at the Turner home last Wednesday afternoon to help Mrs. Turner  celebrate her birthday. A short George Washington program was rendered and the rest of the afternoon spent in visiting. A delicious lunch of potato salad, fruit salad, sandwiches, cake and coffee was served. The large birthday cake was a source of delight with many fortunes imbedded in it. There were 18 ladies present and all had a good time.

Palacios Beacon, March 2, 1933


The teachers spent the week end at their respective homes.

Mr. and Mrs. Turner and Mrs. Seitsinger were in Bay City Wednesday.

A large crowd of young people enjoyed a party at the Loft home Saturday night.

Miss Helen Loft' came home from Dallas last week, where she has been working for several months.

The Farmer and Larsen families spent Sunday at the Bengston home. Mr. and Mrs. Bengston have been quite sick but are improving.

Mrs. Schicke went to Houston Sunday, where she will take the bus for New York City to visit her son, William, and daughter, Helen and families.

The three Minnesota boys, who have been in the neighborhood the past three months, left for the north Monday morning. Walter Loff accompanied them and expects to obtain employment there.

A large and appreciative audience greeted the Carancahua bunch last Friday night, when they put on the play, "A Daughter of the Desert," at Olivia. A delicious lunch was served to about twenty-five Carancahua people before the play. The Olivia people are lovely people and royal entertainers.

Palacios Beacon, March 9, 1933


Mrs. L. E. Frankson spent Monday at the Turner home.

Mrs. Sartwelle, and daughter, Helen, called on Mrs. Slaikeu Monday.

Miss Lois Batchelder spent Saturday and Sunday with her people at Palacios.

The Smith family attended the funeral of Miss Josie Elliott last Friday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Whyman and sons were Sunday afternoon callers at the Slaikeu home.

Messrs. Maynard and Lloyd Frankson took a load of hogs and chickens to Houston Sunday night.

Miss Lois Batchelder and Mr. and Mrs. Slaikeu enjoyed the Senior Class Play at Palacios Friday night.

Carancahua Literary Society will have its next regular meeting at the school house, Friday, March 24.

Rev. Paine filled his regular appointment at the church Sunday afternoon. He was accompanied by his wife.

 Miss Elsie Wilson spent the week end with an aunt, Mrs. Miller, and family in the Turtle Bay neighborhood.

Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan, Carolyn Slaikeu and Glendale and Irene Claybourn visited at the Slaikeu home Tuesday evening.

The baby boy in the Will Frankson home was taken with a convulsion while at Sunday School Sunday. The parents took him to Palacios where he received medical help.

Mrs. Artie Larsen and Miss Elsie Loff were at the Bengston home last week caring for Mrs. Bengston, who is quite sick. The Farmer family went over to see her Sunday night and reported that she was very low.

Palacios Beacon, March 16, 1933


Mrs. Farmer is caring for her mother, Mrs. Bengston, this week.

Jack Parks was calling on friends in this community Wednesday.

Rev. and Mrs. McCary of Bay City were guests at the A. J. Turner home last Thursday and Friday.

Messrs. Tom Elliott, Artie Larsen and Maynard Frankson are serving as jurors in Edna this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Artie Larsen and some of the Loft young people were Sunday guests at the Kier Smith home.

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Slaikeu, of Houston, spent the week end with home folks. Their car was badly
damaged in the hail storm Sunday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Neusteil, of Houston, spent Tuesday and Wednesday at the Turner home. They came down to see how badly their property was damaged but were lucky to find it was not hurt much.

A severe hail storm visited this section of the country Sunday morning. All window lights in the west and some on the north were broken and many roofs entirely ruined. It is a severe loss to many who were already over-burdened, but reconstruction is going on and everybody is doing their best "to carry on."

Palacios Beacon, March 23, 1933


Mr. and Mrs. Kier Smith visited the Garnet family Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Slaikeu were in Port Lavaca on business Monday.

The Lloyd Frankson family visited at the Turner home, Sunday.

Mrs. David Frankson is helping her mother, Mrs. Huffman, this week.

Messrs. Fluke and Maynard Frankson were in Houston last Friday and Saturday.

The Elmer Abraham family and Miss Elsie Wilson spent Sunday with kinfolks in Olivia.

Mr. Oscar Schicke returned from Italy, Texas, last Thursday, after a few days' visit with friends.

The literary program last Friday night was enjoyed by a large crowd. The kangaroo court was especially interesting.

Mrs. Artie Larsen is caring for her mother, Mrs. Bengston this week. Mrs. Bengston is improving, which is good news to her many friends here.

Mr. and Mrs. Harley Morris and children of Houston visited at the Turner home last Saturday. Mrs.
Seitsinger, who has been here the past month, returned home with them.

The Carancahua people wish to take this means of thanking the Palacios people who so kindly contributed to the fund for buying new windows for the church. This help was very much appreciated.

Palacios Beacon, March 30, 1933


Miss Elsie Wilson visited home folks at Olivia over the week end.

An Easter program is being prepared by the Sunday School to be given at the church Easter morning.

Miss Gladys Swenson spent Friday night and Saturday with her sister, Mrs. Elmer Abraham and family.

Mrs. A. Frankson, Mrs. Fluke Frankson and Miss Gladys visited at the Turner home Monday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Swenson and Mrs. Scoberly of Olivia, visited at the Loft' and Abraham homes Friday afternoon.

Miss Lois Batchelder spent the week end with home folks in Palacios. Her brother and sister, Irene, brought her back Sunday afternoon and attended preaching services and singing at night.

The Maynard Frankson family moved last week to the Fox farm near Blessing. The Frankson circle is
broken and they will be missed, not only by home folks but by all the community as well.

Mr. Bella Poe and Sydney Green of Houston spent several days last week, here. They were replacing the window panes broken by the hail storm. They took dinner with the Slaikeus on Sunday.

School election Saturday was a quiet affair, only live votes being cast. Mr. Slaikeu succeeds himself as Trustee for another term. The Board met Saturday night and elected Mr. Farmer for President and Mr. Slaikeu for Secretary.

We were very apprehensive when the storm was gathering in the west Tuesday night, but delighted when nothing more than a nice, much needed rain materialized. It will be a great benefit to gardens and growing crops and put the fields in better shape for future planting.

Palacios Beacon, April 6, 1933


Our Literary program will be given at the school house Friday night April 21st.

Mr. and Mrs. Slaikeu and Carolyn were dinner guests at the A. J. Turner home Sunday.

Mr. Albert Linquist and family of Palacios visited at the Loff Sunday afternoon.

The Misses Jean Trull and Florence Stark called at the Slaikeu home Tuesday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Artie Larsen and two children were dinner guests at the W. Farmer home Sunday.

The Maynard Frankson and Fluke Frankson families took dinner at the parental home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs., Albert Wilborn and Junior of Palacios were Sunday afternoon guests at the J. W. Farmer home.

The Easter program Sunday morning was well rendered and enjoyed by a large crowd. Several from Olivia attended.

Mr. and Mrs., G. H. Wilson and family and his father and mother of Olivia ate dinner with Miss Elsie at
the teacherage Sunday.

The neighborhood had an Easter egg hunt on the Peterson meadow Sunday afternoon. There was a large crowd and the old folks enjoyed it as well as the children.

Mr. Scofield, Co. Demonstrator of Jackson Co., was a visitor at the Slaikeu home last Thursday. He was down in this end of the county in the interest of more and better gardens.

Carancahua people were delightfully entertained Sunday night when the Methodist Choir came out with their pastor and rendered the song service that they gave in Palacios in the morning. A large crowd accompanied them out here and the spirit of friendliness and love manifested will never be forgotten. We wish to thank all those who helped to make the service so enjoyable and helpful and hope they will come again.

Palacios Beacon, April 20, 1933


Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Abraham visited kinfolk in Olivia Tuesday.

Miss Elsie Wilson attended a picnic at Palacios Saturday.

Miss Lois Batchelder spent the week end with home folks in Palacios.

J. W. Farmer and family were Edna and Port Lavaca callers Saturday.

Willard and Bobby Margerum spent the week end with the D. H. Frankson family.

Ladies Aid Society meets nexl week Thursday at Mrs. Loffs. All ladies are urged to attend.

Mr. and Mrs. Dave Frankson have moved into the house vacated by Maynard Frankson.

The Carancahua Choir put on their Easter Music at the M. E. Church in Palacios Sunday night.

Olivia gave their play "He's My Pal" in the school house. Saturday night. We all thoroughly enjoyed it
and thank them for their kindness.

Carancahua Literary Society gave a good program at the school house Friday night. Credit was due the committee, Mrs. Blanche Smith and Mrs. Artie Larson, who worked hard to achieve it.

Palacios Beacon, April 27, 1933


Miss Lois Batchelder spent the week end with home folks.

Mr. Charles Lackey left Tuesday for Oklahoma to visit his grandmother.

Mr. Dan Schicke returned last week from Freeport, where he went looking for work.

The L. E. Frankson family visited at the Maynard Frankson home near Blessing, Monday.

Mr. Hiney Weir of Houston is enjoying a vacation in his cottage at Carancahua Beach.

Mrs. A. Frankson went to Markham Wednesday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Harris, and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Slaikeu visited the Whyman family in Ganado last Friday and transacted business at the
County Seat.

Miss Elsie Wilson spent the week end at home. Her father had been quite sick but was better when she came back Sunday evening.

Mr. Bell Poe came down from Houston Saturday with a load of material to reroof the Avenell cottage, which was so badly damaged by hail.

School closes next Wednesday. The closing program will be given at the school house Wednesday night and the school is planning a picnic for the next day, Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Norman and three children from near Sharon, Okla., were here Sunday looking at some lots owned by Mrs. Norman's father, Levi Perkins. They may decide to slay here for the summer.

Palacios Beacon, May 4, 1933


Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Turner visited Rev. McCrory and wife at Bay City Monday.

Mrs. Seitsinger and Mr. Neusteil of Houston are visiting at the A. J. Turner home.

Several of the young people enjoyed a bathing party at Carancahua Beach last Saturday night.

Mr. Farrel and Charles Prunty are building a new house for Mr. Chatman on his lots at Carancahua Beach.

Mr. and Mrs. Bell Poe arrived from Houston Monday for a week's stay in their home here. Mr. Poe is building a garage.

Mr. Bell Poe and Roland Avenell were here last week putting a new roof on the Avenell houses and putting in new windows that were broken out by hail a few weeks ago.

Those enjoying the hospitality of the E. H. Abraham home Sunday were Mr .and Mrs. Guy Cavallin of Olivia, Miss Ruth Abraham of Edna, Mr. and Mrs. D. II. Frankson, Dolphy Abraham and Clarence Schicke of this neighborhood.

Rev. Paine filled his regular appointment at the church Sunday afternoon. A good crowd was out to hear the sermon, which was appropriate for Mother's Day. The Sunday School had a short Mother's Day program in the morning.

Carolyn Slaikeu entertained the Senior Class and one of their teachers, Mrs. Burton, of Palacios at her home Saturday night. After a swim in the bay, they played lawn games, after which refreshments of ice cream and cake were served. A "good time" was the verdict of the crowd.

Miss Lois Batchelder of Palacios, and Miss Elsie Wilson of Olivia closed a very successful term of school last Wednesday. Their closing program that night was excellent and well rendered. The neighborhood had a picnic at the school house the next day, which closed with the young people going to Matagorda bay for a swim and picnic supper and the children and their parents went in bathing at the Turner pier.

Palacios Beacon, May 18, 1933


Mr. and Mrs. Brannum of Houston spent the week end at the Club.

Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Whyman and sons visited at the Slaikeu home Monday afternoon.

There was no Literary program last Friday night. It was postponed for another month.

Carancahua Ladies Aid will meet with Mrs. A. Frankson next week, Thursday, June 1st.

Mr. and Mrs. Bell Poe went back to Houston Wednesday, after a 10-day stay in their home here.

Mr. Amos Lee, County Auditor of Matagorda County, and son, of Bay City, are spending a few days at the Turner home and enjoying fishing and the cool gulf breezes.

Mr. and Mrs. Turner, Mrs. Seitsinger, Mr. Neusteil, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Frankson, Gladys Frankson, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Abraham, Dolphy Abraham, Dan Schicke and Mr. and Mrs. Slaikeu attended the Baccalaureate Service at Palacios Sunday night.

Palacios Beacon, May 25, 1933


A few of the neighbors had a fish fry on the bay shore Tuesday night.

Mr. Farmer and Mr. Slaikeu were in Olivia on business last Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Abraham and children visited kin folks in Olivia Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Slaikeu attended the Memorial Day celebration at Palacios Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Kier Smith, Mrs. B. F. Smith and Charles Prunty attended the Collegeport Celebration last Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Slaikeu and John Green were down from Houston last week end to attend the Commencement Exercises and Alumni Banquet in Palacios.

Palacios Beacon, June 1, 1933


Mr. Hancner of El Campo is camping near Schicke home this week.

Mrs. Seitsinger and Mr. Neusaeil returned to Houston last Friday, after a two week’s visit at the A. J. Turner home.

Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Abraham and children and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Frankson visited at the Guy Cavallin home in Olivia Sunday.

Several of the neighborhood enjoyed a picnic supper and swimming party on the beach Tuesday night. A good time was enjoyed.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Frankson and Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Frankson and sons, visited at the Charley Harris home, near Markham, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Bell Poe, Mrs. J. S. Green, Mrs. Koehl and Clifford and Herbert Lee Green came down from Houston Tuesday for an outing in their summer homes here.

Mr. and Mrs. M. It. Whyman and sons of Ganado were Saturday afternoon visitors at the Slaikeu home. Donald Whyman is going to spend a part of the summer on the farm.

Carancahua Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs. A. Frankson last Thursday afternoon. A short program was rendered after the business meeting. The evening was spent in embroidering and visiting, after which refreshments of salad, sandwiches, cake and coffee were served by the hostess. Eleven ladies were present.

Palacios Beacon, June 8, 1933


Miss Ruth Abraham is spending a few days at the E. H. Abraham home.

Mr. and Mrs. Bell Poe returned to Houston Wednesday, after a ten-day outing in their home here.

Several of the young people had a bathing party in Matagorda Bay near the Schicke home last Thursday night.

Rev. and Mrs. McCrary and son, Marvin and Austin Lee, of Bay City, spent Tuesday and Wednesday at the Turner home.

Miss Inez Schuler and Messrs. Sidney Green and Milton Benekie came down from Houston Monday for a few days' outing at "Green Gables."

Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Whvman and Glenn Roy visited at the Slaikeu home Saturday afternoon. They and the Slaikeus took in the movie, "King Kong," at Palacios at night.

A crowd of young people from Palacios were entertained at the D. H. Frankson home Sunday afternoon. Those in the party were: Mr. and Mrs. R. Margerum, the Misses Hazel Huffman, Gladys Swenson and Nello Sorrell and Messrs. Grover Lawson, Alton Queen and Warren Jett, of Dayton, Texas.

Palacios Beacon, June 15, 1933


Mr. Branum, of Alvin, visited his daughter, Mrs. Poe and other friends here Sunday.

Mr. Scofield, Jackson County Home Demonstrator, was at the Slaikeus on business Tuesday afternoon.

Mrs. Huffman, Mrs. Foley and Dorothy and Willard Margerum spent Monday at the Slaikeu home.

Messrs. L. E. Frankson, Fluke Frankson and L. J. Slaikeu attended a "cotton meeting" in Edna Monday afternoon.

Rev. McCrary and wife, their son and Austin Lee, of Bay City, spent Thursday afternoon at the J. Turner home.

The Will Farmer, E. H. Abraham and Artie Larson families spent Sunday at the Maynard Frankson home near Blessing.

A good Literary program was rendered at the school house last Friday night. The next meeting will be in the form of a bathing party and picnic supper on the beach.

Mr. and Mrs. Bell Poe, Mrs. J. S. Green, Mrs. Koehl, and Clifford and Herbert Lee Green, returned to Houston Monday, after several days' outing in their homes here.

Palacios Beacon, June 29, 1933


The Kier Smith family and Charles Prunty visited kin folks in Collegeport Sunday.

Most of the Carancahua people spent the 4th at Palacios and all report a pleasant time.

The Avenell family and Mrs. Ryder returned to Harrisburg Saturday after a two weeks stay in their cottage here.

Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Green and sons and Miss Inez Beneke and brother, Milton of Houston spent the week end in "Green Gables."

Mr. and Mrs. Hartivin Wilson and daughters and Miss Mildred Damstrom of Olivia visited at the Slaikeu home Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Charley Harris and children of Markham and Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Frankson of Blessing spent Tuesday at the A. Frankson home.

Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Slaikeu of Houston spent from Friday to Tuesday with the Slaikeus. Miss Carolyn, who visited them the past two weeks returned home with them.

Revival meetings will start at the church next Sunday. Rev. Paine of Palacios will preach Sunday night and Rev. McCrary of Bay City each night through the week. Every one is urged to attend these services.

Palacios Beacon, July 6, 1933


The Maynard Frankson family from near Blessing spent Sunday with Fluke Frankson family.

Judge Walden and family of Houston are spending a few days vacation at Carancahua Beach.

Misses Hazel Huffman and Betty Jane Anderson of Palacios spent Tuesday night and Wednesday at the D. F. Frankson home.

Mr. A. J. Turner went to Houston lust Friday and brought back his wife's son and family for u visit.

Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wagner and David Dawson of Mathis are spending a few days at Carancahua Reach.

The Guy Cavallin family of Olivia and Dolphy Abraham were Sunday guests at the Elmer Abraham home.

Mr. and Mrs. Turner, Mrs. Sietsinger, Mr. and Mrs. Slaikeu and Carolyn were Sunday afternoon guests at the Hartwin Wilson home in Olivia.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Niland Drake, and son, Larry, irom Dallas, arrived Monday for a week's stay at the Turner home.

Missies Gladys Frankson, Hazel Huffman, Betty Jane Anderson and Mi. and Mrs. Dave Frankson spent Wednesday at the Schicke point fishing.

A revival meeting is in progress here, Rev. McCrary of Ray City preaching and R v. Paine of Palacios leading tha singing. The meeting will last through Friday night. Everyone is urged to come.

Palacios Beacon, July 13, 1933


Farmers are very busy topping and cutting their feed crop this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Linville and daughter of Palacios were Sunday guests at the L. E. Frankson home.

Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Whyman and sons of Ganado spent Tuesday afternoon at the Slaikeu home.

Mr. Dysart, dean of the Victoria Junior College was in the community Saturday in the interest of the college. Carolyn Slaikeu is in Palacios this week attending the Epworth League Encampment. She is staying at the Huffman home.

Mr. and Mrs. Kier Smith had an ice cream party Tuesday night for the cotton pickers who helped them pick the first bale of the season Saturday.

The revival meetings held at the Church last week were a source of spiritual benefit to all. Rev. McCarey of Bay City brought the wonderful gospel messages. He and his good wife won the hearts of the people.

Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. Georgia Bagby and Mr. Odell of Sargent visited at the Turner home Monday afternoon. Mrs. Bagby stayed for a few days visit.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morris, and Mr. and Mrs. Nyland Drake and son returned to Dallas, Monday, after a
weeks visit at the A. J. Turner home. Mrs. Seitsinger who has spent some time here with her daughter Mrs. Turner went home with them for a visit.

Baptismal services were held at the bay Friday afternoon. Fifteen were received into the M. E. Church and the three children in the E. H. Abraham home were baptized. An Epworth League was organized Sunday night and twenty one joined. The young people are entering heartily into Christian Service.

Palacios Beacon, July 20, 1933


Virginia Anders is visiting at the Smith home.

The L. E. Frankson family visited at the Linville home Sunday afternoon Miss Gladys Frankson went to Edna Tuesday, where she has employment.

Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Abraham and Darwin Loff visited friends in Olivia Sunday afternoon.

Messrs. Turner, Slaikeu and Fluke Frankson were in Edna on business Monday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Margerum and children visited at the Slaikeu home Sunday afternoon. Bobby Carroll remained for a week's visit.

A meeting of the officers of the Epworth League was held at the Slaikeu home Saturday night. The different committees were appointed. Every one enjoyed the Epworth League service, led by the President, Carolyn Slaikeu, Sunday night.

A birthday dinner was given at the Schicke home Monday in honor of grandma Osterman, who was seventy-nine years young. The following enjoyed a bountiful dinner and a feast of hospitality:—Mesdames Loff, Smith, Turner, D. F. Frankson, the Misses Gladys Frankson and Francis Gillespie and Lad Hensher.

Kier Smith picked the first bale of cotton in this community and had it ginned at the Lawson-Walker gin at Palacios. The merchants of Palacios gave the following premiums:—
Lawson-Walker Gin Co  $10.00
Ruthven Grocery Company 5,00
Price Lumber Co., Inc.  5.00
Fields Tailor Shop 1.00
Tex. Ser. Sta. 5 gal. gas, 1 gal. oil
Palacios Ser. Sta. 5 gal. gas, 1 gl. oil
Nester Drug Co.  1.00
Crescent Drug Store  1.00
Lorraine's Beauty Shoppe  1.00
Maurine's Cafe .50
City Barber Shop .50
Golden Rule Grocery  5.00
City Hotel Barber Shop .50
Ideal Grocery, E. G. Frame 1.00
Bayside Beauty Shoppe 1.00
Traylor Hardware Co  1.00
B. P. Duncan  1.00
Cozy Lunch   .50
Buff's Grocery & Handy Shoppe 1.00
T. R. Brandon, merchandise 1.00
M. E. Rogers Grocery  2.00
Chas. Hansen   1.00
Central Power and Light Co. 1.00
E. E. Burton Co.  1.00
Palacios Beacon 1 yr.'s subscription
Arnold's Bakery   .50
Palacios Auto Co., Inc. 1.00
Community Service Station  1.00
J. B. Feather   1.00
City Drug Co.  1.00
Muriel's Novelty Shoppe   1.00
Douglas Elec. & Machine Ser. 1.25
John F. Grant Lumber Co. 1.00
Palacios Ice Plant  1.00
Glenn's Garage  1.00
Magnolia Service Station 50
Palacios State Bank & Trust Co. 10.00

Palacios Beacon, July 27, 1933


Mrs. L. J. Slaikeu spent several days last week at the Whyman home in Ganado.

Mr. and Mrs. Bell Poe of Houston came in Monday for a weeks outing in their home here.

Bobby Carrol Margerum returned Saturday to Palacios after spending a week at the Slaikeu home.

There was no Sunday School Sunday on account of muddy roads but a good crowd was out to singing at night.

The Turners observed the third birthday of their little granddaughter JoAnn Taylor last Thursday by inviting some of the neighbors in to eat ice cream and the lovely birthday cake.

Here's hoping the little lady may have many more happy birthdays.

Miss Dorothy Schicke celebrated her fourteenth birthday Friday by giving a party to her neighbors and
friends in this community. A large crowd was present and all enjoyed the games and the supper of fish, sandwiches and pickles. We oil wish for her many more happy birthdays.

Palacios Beacon, August 3, 1933


Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Frankson were Sunday afternoon callers at the John Cavallin home in Deutschburg.

Mr. W. D. Branum came in from Alvin Tuesday for a few days' visit with his daughter Mrs. Poe and husband.

Mrs. R. L. Price and daughter, Bobby Louise, of Palacios, visited at the Slaikeu home Sunday afternoon.

Rev. McCarey and wife, their son, Marden, and lady friends, of Bay City, visited at the Turner home Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Hudson returned to their home in Houston Sunday, after a weeks’ visit with Mr. and Mrs. Bell Poe.

Mrs. Ruth Taylor and two little girls returned to Houston Sunday, after a months’ visit at the A. J. Turner home.

Mrs. Georgia Bagby came in from Sargent Saturday for a few days’ visit with her mother, Mrs. A. J. Turner.

The Epworth League party last Friday night at the Slaikeu home, was not very well attended on account of the rain. There were fifteen present, however, to enjoy the games and the ice cream and cake.

Mrs. D. H. Frankson spent Tuesday and Wednesday at the home of her mother, Mrs. J. H. Huffman.

Mrs. Guy Cavallin and Ruth Abraham came over from Olivia Tuesday morning for a visit at the E. H. Abraham home. Mrs. Cavallin returned home that night but Ruth stayed to help care for Mrs. Abraham, who is still confined to her bed.

Mr. R. Whyman and son, Donald, of Ganado, visited at the Slaikeu home Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Whyman and Glen Roy, who had been at the Slaikeu home a few days, returned home with them. They leave Saturday for Ohio, where they will visit kin folks, then take in the Fair at Chicago before returning home.

Palacios Beacon, August 10, 1933


Gene Gillespie is home from his duties in California, for a short vacation.

The B. S. Avenell family of Harrisburg are enjoying an outing in their home here.

The E. H. Abraham family and Gladys Swenson spent Sunday with kinfolks in Olivia.

A good many from this community attended the play "Eye of Love" at Olivia Friday night.

Mrs. Bonnie Clark of Lake Charles is visiting home folks, the Gillespies at the El Campo Club.

The Misses Bobby Louise and Nancy Price of Palacios .spent the weekend with Carolyn Slaikeu.

Mr. and Mrs. Charley Harris and children of Markham spent a few days at the A. Frankson home last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Bell Poe and Mr. and Mrs. Hudson came in from Houston Tuesday for a weeks outing in the Poe cottage here.

Dr. Harding, his daughter, Ruth and nephew Jack Harding of Maybank, Tex. visited a few days the first of the week at the Schicke home.

Mr. H. F. Green and son John of Houston spent the week-end with the rest of the family who are spending their vacation in "Green Gables" here.

The Epworth League party at the Slaikeu home Tuesday night was not very well attended because of the rain, but those who did come enjoyed themselves immensely. Refreshments of sandwiches, cake and punch was served.

Palacios Beacon, August 31, 1933


There were no services at the church lust Sunday on account of the rain.

Mr. Ben Smith and wife, of Houston, visited at the Smith home last week.

The milk truck from Victoria has not been able to get off the highway this week, so the farmers have been hauling their milk to the highway.

School commenced Monday with Miss Elsie Wilson of Olivia as teacher. Her aunt, Miss Hazel Wilson, is staying with her at the teacherage.

Walter Loff returned home last week after a summer spent in Minnesota.

Lloyd Olson, who spent last winter here in this community, returned with him for another winter in the sunny South.

Palacios Beacon, September 28, 1933


Mr. Kier Smith is working in the rice fields near Collegeport.

Mr. Elmer Abraham has just put a new shingled roof on his house.

Miss Ruth Abraham entertained friends from Van Vleck last Sunday.

Miss Elsie Wilson our teacher spent the week end with her people in Olivia.

Mr. Marion Snodgrass has just finished a deep well on the Abraham farm.

Mrs. J. H. Huffman and Miss Faye Buffaloe spent Tuesday at the David Frankson home.

Mrs. Edith Frankson and children visited at the Fluke Frankson home Sunday afternoon.

Mesdames Seitsinger, Turner and Slaikeu visited Mrs. L. E. Frankson Monday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Artie Lason and children spent Sunday at the Bengston home near Blessing.

Messrs. Ruel Foley and Pete Williams were calling on friends in the neighborhood Monday evening.

Rosie Farmer and Arvid Lnff who attend school in Palacios spent the week end at their homes here.

Messrs. Will, Lloyd and David Frankson and Dolphy Abraham were in Houston on business Tuesday

Mr. and Mrs. Bell Poe and Mr. and Mrs. Hudson of Houston are spending the week in the Poe cottage here.

Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Wilson and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Sells and family of Olivia attended services at the Church Sunday night.

The program Committee of the Epworth League met at the L. H. Frankson home Tuesday night and made out the program for the rest of the month.

Rev. Paine preached at the Church Sunday afternoon. It will probably be his last sermon out here before going to Conference. His wife and Mr. J. H. ! Huffman came out with him.

Palacios Beacon, October 12, 1933


Several from here attended the Wilmore and Gehring Sale Tuesday.

Rev. McCrary and wife, of Bay City, spent Monday at the A.J. Turner home.

The Guy Cavallin family of Olivia visited at the Elmer Abraham home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Slaikeu visited relatives in Ganado and transacted business in Edna, Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Frankson and Mrs. A. Frankson visited at the Charley Harris home near Markham, Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Slaikeu and John Glenn of Houston spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday with the Slaikeu family.

Mr. and Mrs. Lovette, who were managers of Carancahua Beach Club several years ago, are back again and may take over the Club again this winter.

Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Wilson, of Olivia; Mr. and Mrs. Turner, Mrs. Seitsinger, Miss Elsie Wilson and Mr. Neusteil were Sunday guests at the L. J. Slaikeu home.

Mr. and Mrs. Bell Poe and Mr. and Mrs. Hudson returned to Houston Sunday, after a pleasant week's stay in the Poe home here. They took several pounds of fish back with them.

Mr. and Mrs. Emil Peterson entertained Sunday, honoring their son, Ludrig's seventh birthday. The following were present: The Linville family from Palacios, Gladys Linville and a friend from Markham, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Frankson and sons, and the Misses Elsie Wilson and Gladys Frankson.

Palacios Beacon, October 19, 1933


Miss Elsie Wilson spent the week end with home folks in Olivia.

Messrs. L. J. Slaikeu and D. H. Frankson were in Edna on business last Thursday.

There will be a Hallowe'en party at the school house Friday night. Everybody is invited.

Mrs. Lovett went to Houston Sunday to visit friends and also to take medical treatment.

Messrs. Brown and Keisling returned to Houston Sunday, after spending a few days at Carancahua Beach Club.

Mrs. H. F. Green and sons, Sydney and Herbert Lee, of Houston, spent the week end here in "Green Gables."

The Frankson brothers are helping their brother, Maynard, put up hay this week. Will Farmer is also helping.

Mr. Neusteil returned to Houston last Saturday, after a two weeks' visit at the Turner home. Mr. Lloyd
Olson went with him and was going on to Texas City to get work.

Mr. and Mrs. Bell Poe and Mr. and Mrs. Hudson returned to Houston Sunday, after spending a few days in the Poe cottage here. While here they caught two pompano fish seventeen inches long and weighing 2 pounds each. The first of that kind that's ever been caught here.

Palacios Beacon, October 26, 1933


Miss Elsie Wilson spent the week end with her folks in Olivia.

Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Whyman visited the Slaikeus Monday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Turner and Mrs. Seitsinger were Edna visitors Monday.

Miss Jewel Savage of Olivia spent last week with Miss Wilson at the teacherage.

Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Frankson visited at the Maynard Frankson home near Blessing Saturday.

Rev. Kluck and wife and Mrs. Huffman called on several in the neighborhood last Friday afternoon.

Mrs. A. Frankson is at the Maynard Frankson home this week helping care for her daughter-in-law, who is sick.

The teacher and her pupils will give a Thanksgiving program at the church Wednesday night. Everybody is invited.

John Schicke gave a party to the young people of the neighborhood last Thursday night. A good time is reported.

Mr. Kier Smith is moving part of his house to his farm near Turtle Bay and will farm some of that land the coming season.

Mr. and Mrs. Beill Poe and Mr. and Mrs. Hudson returned to Houston Sunday, after a very delightful week spent in the Poe cottage here.

The Leonard Mays family moved in from Gonzales last week and are on the old Langford place, which they will farm the coming season.

Maynard Frankson and Jack Anders were Sunday guests at the Will Farmer home. Rosie Farmer and Clifton, who spent the week end at the Farmer home, returned home with them.

Rev. Kluck preached to a good-sized crowd Sunday afternoon and delivered a good sermon. His regular appointment for our church is the second Sunday in each month at 3 p. m., but should weather conditions not permit him to come that day, he will come the following Sunday.

Palacios Beacon, November 23, 1933


Ernest Schieke came in from San Antonio Sunday for a visit with home folks.

Miss Elsie Wilson spent the Thanksgiving holidays with her folks in Olivia.

The norther which arrived last night was welcomed by many who wished to butcher.

Carancahua Ladies Aid will meet with Mrs. June Frankson Thursday afternoon.

Messrs Farmer, Fluke Frankson and L. J. Slaikeu were in Edna on business last Friday.

The Elmer Abraham family spent the evening of Thanksgiving with friends in Olivia.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Frankson and I Helen and Darwin Loff were in Houston a few days last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Slaikeu, of Houston spent Thanksgiving and the week end with home folks.

Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Whyman and sons of Ganado were Thanksgiving day guests at the Slaikeu home.
Dan Schicke gave a birthday party to his Carancahua friends Saturday night. A good time is reported.

Mrs. Will Farmer has been quite sick the past week. Her many friends wish for her a speedy recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Frankson and Gladys Frankson were dinner guests at the Schieke home last Sunday.

Mrs. R. L. Price and daughter Cherry and Miss Koerber visited at the Slaikeu home Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. Loff continues to improve. She has had a hard siege of it and everybody is glad to know she is recovering.

The Tweedle and Henry Blalock families have moved to the Gass farm which they will work the coming season.

The H. F. Green family and Norman Avenell of Houston spent Thanksgiving and the week-end at "Green Gables."

Mr. Cole's milk truck was wrecked on the Highway week ago Sunday and has not been able to make the rounds the past week.

Rev. Kluck of Palacios will preach at the church next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Please come and receive a spiritual blessing.

Mr. and Mrs. Poe and Mr. and Mrs. Hudson returned to Houston Sunday after spending a delightful week in the Poe cottage here.

A Thanksgiving program was put on by the school at the church last Wednesday night. It was well attended and much enjoyed by everyone.

The Frankson, Farmer and Larson families were at the Maynard Frankson home for Thanksgiving. A bounteous dinner prepared by the several housewives was enjoyed, by all.

Ten ladies of the neighborhood surprised Mrs. A Frankson last Tuesday afternoon and helped her celebrate her seventy third birthday. A good social time was enjoyed after which refreshments of sandwiches, cake and coffee were served.

Palacios Beacon, December 7, 1933


Judge Walden and a party from Houston spent the week end at Carancahua Beach Club.

Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cavallin, of Olivia, called on friends in the neighborhood Sunday evening.

Messrs. Farmer, Loff, Fluke Frankson, Gillespie and Slaikeu were in Edna on business Monday.

Miss Gladys Swenson is spending the week with her cousin, Miss Elsie Wilson, at the teacherage.

Rev. Kluck of Palacios filled his regular appointment at the church Sunday afternoon. His sermon was a help and inspiration.

About forty friends and neighbors surprised Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Frank son with a party Monday night. Dave and May soon recovered and made every one welcome and the evening was an enjoyable one.

Carancahua Ladies' Aid met with Mrs. June Frankson last Thursday afternoon. Plans were made for the Bazaar, which will be held at the school house this week, Friday night. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess. Eight ladies were present.

Palacios Beacon, December 17, 1933


A piano tuner from Victoria was doing business in this community Tuesday.

Miss Carolyn Slaikeu came home from John Tarleton Sunday to spend the holidays.

Messrs. Fluke Frankson and Slaikeu are building some new bridges in West Carancahua, which were much needed.

Mr. and Mrs. Lovett's little girl, Maurine, is home for the holidays. She has been staying with an aunt near Houston and going to school.

The Ladies Aid Bazaar at the school house last Friday night was well attended and the amount realized from the sale of fancy work and lunch was about nine dollars.

There will be a Christmas entertainment and tree at the church Friday night. The teacher, Miss Elsie Wilson, has spent much time on getting up the program and it bids fair to being a good one.

Palacios Beacon, December 21, 1933



Mrs. Lovette is visiting kin folks in Houston this week.

There was a large crowd at singing last Sunday night and much interest taken.

Miss Gladys Swenson is staying with Miss Elsje Wilson at the teacherage.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Turner were callers at the Gillespie home Sunday afternoon.

The Charley Harris family  were Sunday afternoon visitors at the Fluke Frankson home.

The W. H. Frankson family spent Sunday at the Maynard Frankson home near Blessing.

Mr., and Mrs. M. R Whyman and sons of Ganado, were Sunday visitors at the Slaikeu home.

Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cavallin of Olivia visited at the Elmer Abraham and Fluke Frankson homes Sunday.

Carancahua Ladies Aid will meet with Mrs. L. E. Frankson next Thursday afternoon, Feb. 1. All ladies invited to be present.

Mesdames Turner and Slaikeu attended the Tex.-Mex. program in Palacios Monday afternoon and thoroughly enjoyed the program and also the hospitality and fine lunch served by the Presbyterian ladies.

A gang of fifteen men have been cleaning out ditches the past two days. The neighborhood was elated when we .had been granted the CWA funds for graveling the new grade from the Hug-the-Coast Highway to the church but our hopes fell when word was received Sunday that the CWA funds could not be used for trucks and hauling but now we are happy again at the information to go ahead with this graveling and work will commence next Monday.

Palacios Beacon, January 25, 1934


L. J. Slaikeu was in Edna on business Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Frankson motored to Bay City Friday.

Mr. Loff and sons made a business trip to Edna Wednesday.

Due to bad weather there were only five pupils present last Wednesday.

The Fluke Frankson family visited friends in Olivia Sunday afternoon.

Mr. Paul Gerhardt of Deutschburg called on Mr. Slaikeu Monday evening.

Miss Bonnie Cox of Edna was a caller at the Turner home last Tuesday.

The pupils are planning a little entertainment for the afternoon of Feb. 14th.

Mr. and Mrs. Loff and Mr. W. H. Frankson visited and transacted business in Houston last week.

Gladys Swenson, who has been visiting at the teacherage, spent the week end in Palacios with friends.

A crew started graveling our highway Tuesday. We hope good weather will continue until the work is finished.

Mrs. Harper made a visit to our school Tuesday. We were very glad to see her and hope she'll come to see us again soon.

Ladies Aid Society met with Mrs. L. E. Frankson last Thursday afternoon. Seven ladies were present and enjoyed the fine lunch and afternoon of sociability.

Palacios Beacon, February 8, 1934


Messrs. Slaikeu and Fluke Frankson were in Edna on business Monday.

Miss Savage, of Olivia, spent last week with Miss Wilson at the teacherage.

Mrs. Newton returned home Saturday, after a pleasant visit in Houston with friends and kin folks.

A new cottage is being built at Carancahua Beach. A Houston man, known as "Red" is the owner.

Mesdames Leta Frankson, Alice Peterson and children and Slaikeu visited at the A. J. Turner home last Wednesday.

Mrs. Lovett and daughter, Maurine, returned home Tuesday, after a month's visit with relatives in Houston and East Texas.

Mesdames Edith Frankson, June Frankson, Mae Frankson, Sena Farmer and Miss Helen Loff visited Mrs. Artie Larson Thursday.

Mr. A. J. Peters, our Commissioner, of Lolita, Mr. Baxter of Edna, and Mr. Austin from Austin, were interviewing Mr. Slaikeu Saturday in regard to the graveling of the Highway north from the church.

Eleven ladies met at the home of Mrs. L. E. Frankson last Friday afternoon for a cheese demonstration, but on account of muddy roads our County Agent, Miss Bonnie Cox, failed to arrive. The demonstration will be given some time in the near future.

Palacios Beacon, February 15, 1934


Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Abraham and children visited kin folks in Olivia Sunday.

The Charley Harris family were Sunday guests at the A. Frankson home.

Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Frankson and Miss Gladys spent Sunday at the Huffman home in Palacios.

The children are busy practicing for the Easter program to be given at the church Easter Sunday.

Rev. Kluck preached an excellent sermon to a fair size crowd at the church Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. Seitsinger came in from Houston Friday for a visit with her daughter. Mrs. Turner and husband.

Ladies Aid met last Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Edith Frankson. A social evening was spent after which the hostess served a lunch of sandwiches, cake and coffee. Eight ladies were present.

Mr. and Mrs. Turner, Mrs. Seitsinger, Mr. and Mrs. Slaikeu and the Misses Elsie Wilson and Gladys Swanson attended the program at Olivia Monday night. They were royally entertained at the Lenus Peterson home after the program.

Palacios Beacon, March 15, 1934


Virginia Anders of Palacios visited friends here over the week end.

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Whyman and some visited at the Slaikeu home Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. W. D. Branum returned to Houston last Friday, after a month’s stay in “Green Gables.”

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Griffith, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Peterson and children and the Misses Peterson were Sunday guests at the Emil Peterson home.

Miss Rosie Farmer, who goes to High School in Palacios, spent the week end with home folks.

Mr. and Mrs. Linville and Mr. Worley of Palacios were Sunday guests at the L. E. Frankson home.

Miss Elsie Wilson attended the Negro Minstrel given by the Deutschburg people at Olivia Tuesday night.

The children of the neighborhood enjoyed an Easter egg hunt at the A. Frankson home Sunday afternoon.

Next Sunday, April 8th, is our regular preaching day. Let’s give Rev. Kluck a full house where he comes out from Palacios to preach to us. The hour is 3:00 p. m.

Mr. and Mrs. Charley Harris and children and Mrs. Maynard Frankson and sons were guests at the A. Frankson home Sunday.

The Easter program, given at the Church by the Primary and Junior classes of the Sunday School last Sunday was well rendered and enjoyed by a large crowd.

Palacios Beacon, April 5, 1934


Miss Elsie Wilson was in Edna Wednesday afternoon.

Mr. Gillespie and daughter, Francis, left Monday morning for a visit with his daughter in Lake Charles, La.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Loff and son, Martin, and Mrs. Farmer visited at the Nels Bengston home near Blessing Sunday.

Miss Ruth Abraham, who has been visiting at the Elmer Abraham home the past week, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Guy Cavallin, in Olivia.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Peterson and family attended a reunion of the Slaughters at the home of A. Slaughter, who lives on the old B. Z. Ward place, Sunday.

Mrs. Fluke Frankson was called to Lyford Saturday by the death of her mother, Mrs. Johnson. She returned home Tuesday afternoon. Her Carancahua friends extend their sympathy in this sad hour.

Ladies Aid met with Mrs. A. Frankson last Thursday afternoon. The afternoon was spent in making quilt blocks, after which a delicious lunch was served by the hostess. Thirteen ladies were present.

Miss Gladys Frankson was married in Victoria last Wednesday to Mr. Cecil Graham of San Antonio. They visited kin folks around here until Saturday morning, when they left for their future home in San Antonio. The best wishes of Gladys’ many friends to with them.

Palacios Beacon, May 10, 1934


Mr. Lovett was in Port Lavaca on business Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Frankson and sons were Sunday guests at the Linville home in Palacios.

Mrs. D. H. Frankson spent a few days this week with her folks, the Huffmans in Palacios.

Mrs. Prunty of Collegeport is spending a few days at the home of her daughter Mrs. Kier Smith.

Mr. and Mrs. Hudson and a nephew and wife of Houston are spending a few days here in the Poe cottage.

Rev. Kluck preached a touching Mothers’ Day sermon Sunday afternoon. Those who failed to attend missed something good.

The community was pained to hear of the severe burns sustained by Walter Loff on a boat near Palacios last week. At this writing he is getting along nicely and they all hope for him a speedy recovery.

Miss Bonnie Cox, our Home Agent for Jackson Co., met with a few ladies at the A. Frankson home last Friday afternoon. On account of the rain there was a small attendance so she will come again next Tuesday, May 22, and organize a Womans Club.

Miss Elsie Wilson closed a very successful term of school last Friday. The program given by the pupils at night was well rendered and enjoyed by a large crowd. Miss Wilson leaves soon for San Marcos where she will attend summer school. She will be with us again in the fall.

The community enjoyed a picnic on the west side of the Carancahua Bay near the bridge last Thursday. The dinner was all that could be desired in quality and quantity. The rain soon after dinner dampened the spirit somewhat, but the day was an enjoyable one nevertheless.

Palacios Beacon, May 17, 1934


Mr. Scofield, of Edna, was here on business Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Turner were in Port Lavaca on business, Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Parowner spent the week end in their new cottage at Carancahua Beach.

Grandpa Lovett left Monday morning for a visit with kin folk in Houston and Livingston.

The Misses Elsie Wilson and Mildred Damstrom of Olivia were visiting friends here last Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Slaikeu and John Green of Houston were week end guests at the Slaikeu home.

W. H. Frankson and Clarence Schicke left for Lake Charles Wednesday, where they have employment.

A Mr. Smith and family and Miss Inez Benecke of Houston visited the Hudson’s at the Poe cottage over the week end.

Mr. and Mrs. Hudson and a nephew and wife returned to Houston Tuesday, after a week’s outing in the Poe cottage here.

Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Elliott were dinner guests at the Emil Peterson home Sunday. Other guests of the day were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Abraham and family of Olivia, W. H. Frankson and family, E. M. Abraham and family and Mr. and Mrs. Turner.

Miss Bonnie Cox, of Edna, met with the ladies of the community at the A. Frankson home Tuesday afternoon and organized a Community Club. There were nine ladies present. Refreshments of cake and coffee were served. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Ethel Abraham Friday afternoon, June 8th.

Palacios Beacon, May 24, 1934


Mr. Neinstiel of Houston is visiting at the A. J. Turner home.

The Maynard Frankson family visited relatives in this community Sunday.

Robert Dances of Houston spent last week with Clifford and Herbert Lee Green.

Rev. Kluck will preach at the church next Sunday at 3 p. m. Everybody welcome.

Martin Loff and Leon May went to Lake Charles last week where they have employment.

Mr. Sidney Ryder of Harrisburg spent the week end with his daughter Mrs. Avenell and family.

Mr. H. F. Green, Mr. and Mrs. Poe and Sidney and John Green spent the week end in their cottage here.

Mr. B. S. Avenell and Marjorie returned to Houston Sunday after a week’s outing in their home.

Mrs. J. S. Green and daughter Miss Koeble came in from Houston Friday for a two weeks stay at “Green Gables.”

Mrs. Kier Smith has been quite sick since the birth of her son about two weeks ago. Her friends extend sympathy and hope she will soon be well. Her mother, Mrs. Prunty from Collegeport is with her.

Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and children of Nordheim visited last week with Mrs. H. F. Green and family. He conducted religious services at the church each night except Saturday and showed stereopticon news of John Bunyan’s “Pilgrim Progress.”

Palacios Beacon, June 21, 1934


Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Abraham and children enjoyed a picnic at Olivia the Fourth.

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Graham of San Antonio spent the week end visiting the Franksons.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Turner and Miss Carolyn Slaikeu Went to Houston Wednesday for a few days visit.

Mr. and Mrs. Bell Poe and Mr. and Mrs. Hudson of Houston are enjoying an outing in the Poe cottage here.

Mr. Appling of El Campo has a crew at work cleaning out bush getting ready to make streets and otherwise improve his property on the hay shore here.

Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Taylor and children left Wednesday for their home in Houston after a week’s visit at the A. J. Turner home. Mr. Taylor is a son of Mrs. Turner.

Mrs. Kier Smith and his mother visited in Collegeport Sunday. Mrs. Kier Smith and children who spent
last week with her mother Mrs. Prunty, returned home with them.

Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Green of Houston spent Wednesday at “Green Gables." Mrs. J. S. Green, Mrs. Koehl and Clifford and Herbert Lee Green returned to Houston with them.

Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Whyman and son Glen Roy visited at the Slaikeu | home Sunday afternoon. Donald, who has been visiting the Slaikeus the past ten days returned home with them.

Miss Helen Loff who has been working in Houston for several months returned home Saturday. She was accompanied by three nieces, the Holman children, who will spend the summer here.

Those entertained at the Fluke Frankson home here Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. A. Frankson, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Harris and children. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Frankson and sons, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Frankson and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Graham.

Palacios Beacon, July 5, 1934


Mr. and Mrs. Charley Harris visited at the A. Frankson home Sunday.

Rev. Kluck will preach at the church next Sunday afternoon at the usually hour.

Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Slaikeu of Houston spent the week end at the Slaikeu home.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Farmer and the Artie Larson family spent Sunday at the Nels Bengston home.

The Hudson and Poe families returned to Houston Sunday after a two week’s outing in the Poe home here.

Mr. Morris arrived from Miami, Florida, Friday for an indefinite stay with his daughter Mrs. A. J. Turner.

Several from here attended the John Cavallin funeral at Olivia Sunday afternoon. Our Sunday School and preaching service were called off on account of it.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Turner and Mr. and Mrs. Slaikeu attended a meeting at Edna Friday afternoon. The meeting was called by the Co. Demonstration Agent for the purpose of discussing the organization of a Jackson County Farm Demonstration Council.

Palacios Beacon, July 12, 1934


The L. E. Frankson family spent Sunday at the Linville home in Palacios.

Mi. and Mrs. Nensteil of Houston are visiting the Turner family this week.

Mr. and Mrs., Giles of Houston are spending this week in the Poe cottage here.

Mrs. Fairhurst and children of Houston are guests of Mrs. II. F. Green this week.

Rev. Kluck will preach at the school house next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock.

Lloyd and Dave Frankson did some repair work for Mr. Storall the first of the week.

Mr. Everett Briggs of Kempner, Texas is visiting Miss Carolyn Slaikeu over the week end.

The Farmer and Larsen families helped Mrs. Bengston celebrate her birthday last Sunday.

The H. F. Green and B. S. Avenell families and Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Rider are enjoying an outing in their homes here.

Mrs. Slaikeu and Carolyn and Mr. Everett Briggs visited at the M. R. Whyman home in Ganado  Monday. From there they made a trip to New Gulf to see the sulphur industry.

The Misses Inez Beucke and Dorothy Fairhurst and John Green of Houston spent last week as guests of Mrs. H. F. Green at “Green Gables.” John and Inez went back to Houston Monday but Dorothy stayed for a longer visit.

Mr. Artie Larsen and family had an auto wreck last Saturday while going to Palacios. In trying to pass another car he collided with one coming from the opposite direction. Both cars were damaged and the occupants badly shaken but no one badly hurt.

Palacios Beacon, August 16, 1934

Carancahua Items

Mr. and Mrs. Neustiel of Houston are visiting the A. J. Turner family.

The B. S. Avenell family and Mr. and Mrs. Ryder of Harrisburg are enjoying a two weeks outing in their summer home there.

The Elmer Abraham family visited his sister, Ruth, and husband, at Van Vleck Sunday.

Mr. James Everett Buggs returned to Lampasas Tuesday after visiting at the Slaikeu home for a few days.

Mr. H. F. Green came down from Houston Thursday, to spend a few days with his family at “Green Gables.” The family returned to Houston with him Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. Fairhurst and three children returned to Houston Sunday after spending a week with the H. F. Green family.

Sydney and John Green and Paul Deering of Houston enjoyed the week end at Green Gables.

Mr. and Mrs. Charley Harrison and children visited the Fluke Frankson family Sunday evening.

Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, August 23, 1934


The Turner family spent Monday night in Victoria.

Mr. Lloyd Olson came in from Houston Monday for a visit at the Loff home.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Abraham and children visited relatives in Olivia, Sunday.

Miss Ella Hammerbeck of Lyford, Texas, is visiting her friends Helen and Elsie Loff.

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Graham of San Antonio visited at the Frankson home Sunday and Monday.

Mrs. L. J. Slaikeu and Carolyn visited at the Roger Slaikeu home in Houston Friday and Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Nensteil returned to Houston Saturday after spending some time at the Turner home.

The B. S. Avenell and Giles families went back to Houston Sunday morning after a two weeks outing here.

Thirty-six votes were cast in our precinct last Saturday. We have not yet heard the result of the election in the County.

Palacios Beacon, August 30, 1934


The Artie Larsen family have moved to the Abraham farm.

School began Monday with Miss Elsie Wilson of Olivia as teacher.

Mrs. Maynard Frankson and sons were Sunday guests at the Farmer home.

Mrs. H. Wilson of Olivia called on Miss Elsie at the teacherage, Tuesday afternoon.

Maurine Lovett has been quite sick the past three weeks, but is better at this writing.

Mr. and Mrs. Turner and her father, Mr. Morris, were in El Campo on business Monday.

Miss Emma Lee Judd, who works for Mrs., Turner, spent Monday with her people at Danevang.

Mr. Appling is having a deep well put down on his place here. He has lumber here for a new pier.

Mrs. Slaukeu took Carolyn to Stephenville last week where she will attend John Tarleton College another year.

The Misses Rosie and Minnie Farmer and Arvid Loff are attending High School in Palacios. They ride in on the Olivia bus.

Mr. and Mrs. Albright and daughter, Cloris and Wayne Price of Houston were Saturday and Sunday guests at the Slaikeu home.

Palacios Beacon, September 20, 1934


Roger Slaikeu visited home folks Friday night and Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Slaikeu were in El Campo on business Monday.

The Farmer and Larsen families attended the circus in Bay City Monday.

Mrs. Linville of Palacios visited at the home of her daughter, Mrs. L. E. Frankson, last week.

Miss Emma Lee Judd, who is working for Mrs. Turner, spent last week end with her people at Danevang.

Messrs. Bell Poe, H. F. Green and John Green, of Houston, enjoyed an outing in their homes here over the week end.

Mr. Slaikeu has a P.W.A. crew working at the school house, building a horse shed, making fence, cleaning the yard, etc.

Mrs. Maynard Frankson and sons have moved into their home here and Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Frankson have returned to their own home.

Mr. and Mrs. Summers and baby were supper guests at the A. J. Turner home last Thursday. Mr. Summers is connected with the Texas Oil Company.

The Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. Leta Frankson last Friday afternoon. Besides the County Agent, Miss Cox, there were thirteen ladies present. Plans were made and committees were appointed for Achievement Day to be held at Mrs. A. J. Turners Oct. 12th, at 2 o’clock. The Club extends an invitation to all who are interested in Pantry Demonstrations, etc., to be present.

The Carancahua Beach Club House burned to the ground last Wednesday forenoon. There was no one at home but grandpa Lovett. Mr. Lovett was in Houston and Mrs. Lovett and Maurine were in Palacios. Nothing was saved. That night, soon after midnight, Henry Wier’s cottage near the Club House burned down. There was no one there and hadn’t been for two weeks. The origin of both fires is unknown.

Palacios Beacon, October 4, 1934


Mr. Edwin Neff and Miss Medellin of Houston visited at the Slaikeu home Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Bell Poe returned to Houston Monday, after a few days outing in their home here.

Mrs. Swenson of Olivia is caring for her mother and babe at the Elmer Abraham home this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Slaikeu visited at the Whyman home in Ganado Thursday.

Mr. Slaikeu also transacted business in Edna.

Melba and Margaret Frankson have been quite sick the past week. Margaret is much better but Melba is still pretty sick.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Turner, Mr. Morris and Miss Emma Lee Judd visited Miss Judd’s mother and sister in Danevang, Tuesday afternoon.

There will be an ice cream social at the school house Friday night, Nov. 16. Proceeds to go toward buying a community canning outfit.

Mrs. Alice Peterson complimented Mrs. Linville of Palacios, with a birthday dinner Tuesday. Needless to say the dinner was all that could be desired. Mrs. L. E. Frankson was also a guest.
Rev. Kluck will preach at the school house next Sunday afternoon at 3:00 o’clock. Everyone will be repaid for coming as Rev. Kluck is a man of God and delivers wonderful sermons. We were delighted that he was returned to us for another year.

Our Home Demonstration Club held its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Hilda Frankson last Friday afternoon. Miss Bonnie Cox, County Demonstration Agent, was present and gave a screen planting demonstration and a good talk on putting out cutting of all kinds. There were eleven ladies
present. Refreshments of cake and coffee were served.

Palacios Beacon, November 15, 1934

Lightning Strikes T. Elliott Tuesday At Carancahua
Victim Knocked Unconscious When Bolt Hits Church West of City Limits

During the electrical and rain storm of Tuesday morning, Tom Elliott, who resides west of town, was knocked down by a bolt of lightning which struck the Carancahua church.

Mr. Elliott and Mr. Plant and his brother-in-law, who were working on the road nearby noticed the approaching storm and sought shelter in the church. As it was near the noon hour they decided to eat their lunch and Mr. Elliott stepped to the window to wash his hands from the dripping eaves when the crash came and he was knocked to the floor unconscious. His companions, who were only a few feet away, were not injured and they fearing the building was on fire as the room was full of smoke, rushed with him out doors and laid him on the ground. Some passers-by brought Mr. Elliott to town and he was taken to the home of his daughter, Mrs. Stillman Winfield, where medical aid was administered, and after some hours he began to recover from the effects. He is now doing as well as could be expected. Luckily no bones were broken.

We have not learned the extent of the damage done to the church.

Palacios Beacon, November 29, 1934


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