Carancahua News 1930s




Mr. Elmer Abraham and family visited relatives in Olivia Sunday.

Mrs. Hilda Frankson and two sons spent the week end with husband and father near Blessing.

The L. E. Frankson family spent Sunday afternoon at the Bert Abraham home in Olivia.

Mrs. Linville, of Palacios, spent Monday night with her daughter, Mrs. L. E. Frankson, and family.

A baby daughter has taken up her abode at the Leonard Mays home. She has been named Edith Loreen.

Rehearsals for the play, “Fool’s Holiday,” are progressing nicely. The date will be announced soon. Watch for it.

Mr. and Mrs. Lovett and daughter, Maurine, left Wednesday for Cleveland, Texas, where they will make their home.

The Artie Larson family visited at the Bengston home near Blessing Sunday. Mrs. Bengston has been quite sick but is slowly recovering.

Rev. Kluck preached a fine sermon to a small but attentive audience last Sunday. His wife and mother-in-law, Mrs. Castleberry, accompanied him out here.

Miss Hazel Wilson spent the week end with her friend, Rosie Farmer. Wilford and Ida Mae came over Sunday afternoon and remained until after singing when Hazel returned home with them.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Frankson entertained their five sons and families; their daughter, Mrs. Harris and family and the Will Farmer and Artie Larson families last Friday night. After a bounteous supper they enjoyed an evening of fun and frolic.

The Home Demonstration Club met at the Gillespie farm at Wells Point Friday afternoon. Miss Cox, County Demonstration Agent, was present and gave a demonstration on planting shrubs. She planted two -wax-leaf legistrum evergreens and some yaupon shrubs. Her talk on planting shrubs and cuttings was enjoyed.  There were 11 member- and three visitors, Mrs. Harley Lewis and children
of Palacios, present. Refreshments of cake and coffee were served. The next meeting will be at the home of D. H. Frankson, the second Friday in February.

Palacios Beacon, January 17, 1935


Messrs Fluke Frankson and Elmer Abraham were in Edna on business Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Graham and his father of San Antonio visited the Frankson families over the week-end.

Mrs. Ema Boehm and two sons of Sugarland spent Thursday night and Friday with her friend Mrs. Mae Frankson.

The Elmer Abraham, L. E. Frankson and L. J. Slaikeu families attended the Community Club program at _____ Friday night. The home talent play “Fool’s Holidav” was given last Thursday night at the school house. A large crowd enjoyed the play and $10.80 was taken in. Part of the money was used to pay Mr. Sam Richards, the piano tuner who fixed up the church piano Saturday. Another play “Deacon Dubbs” is being* rehearsed and will be some time in the near future.

Ladies Aid Society met with Mrs. Edith Frankson last Wednesday after noon. After a short business session at which it was decided to change the day of the meetings from Thursday to Wednesday of the week, the ladies made quilt blocks. Delicious refreshments of sandwiches, cake and coffee were served. The next meeting will be the first Wednesday of March at the home of Mrs. Andrew Loff.

The Home Demonstration Club met with Mrs. Mae Frankson last Friday afternoon. At the business session Mrs. Elmer Johnson was elected as a delegate to attend the Council meetings…president and secretary all…ing votes in the Council. The…meets in Edna the first Saturday of each month. Miss Cox gave an interesting talk on planting cucumbers after which we all went out in the yard where Miss Cox planted some grape vines and gave us some instruction of planting and pruning and also the kinds of grapes that do best in this locality. There were eleven members and the following visitors present: Mrs. H. C. Lewis from Palacios, Mrs. Ema Boehm and sons of Sugarland; Mrs. Malcolm Cavallin and 2 daughters and Miss Dorothy Powell of Turtle Bay, Miss Francis Gillespie and Mrs. Artie Larson. A committee was appointed to fix up the year books before the next meeting, which will be the afternoon of the second Friday in March and will likely be at the home of Mrs. Elmer Johnson.

Palacios Beacon, February 14, 1935


Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cavallin visited the Elmer Abraham home Sunday.

The Slaughter young people were guests of the Farmer girls last Sunday.

The play “Fool's Holiday” will be given at the Olivia school house Thursday night.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Turner and Mr. Morris were Port Lavaca callers Tuesday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Slaikeu, Claude Plant and Henry Blalock were in the County Seat on business Saturday.

Mrs. Minnie Holman came in from Houston Saturday for an extended visit with her people, the Loffs.

Rev. Kluck will preach out here next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. We desire large attendance at this service.

The PWA men did some much need- ditching last week and this week they are graveling some more of our roads.

The R. J. Tweedle family moved last week to the tenant house on the Sartwelle ranch. Mr. Tweedle will work for Mr. Sartwelle the coming year.

Our new song books, made possible by some of the business firms of Palacios, came Saturday and were used and enjoyed at both services Sunday.

A new cottage has been built on the Appling tract in Carancahua. Rumor has it that it belongs to Mr. Amos Lee Bay City but the report has not been verified.

Mr. and Mrs. Slaughter entertained her father and mother and brother from Beeville and a brother and sister from Houston last Sunday, also Mr. and Mrs. Ellis and son Billy.

Palacios Beacon, February 21, 1935


Mr. and Mrs. Slaikeu visited at the M. R. Whyman home at Ganado Tuesday.

Mr. Leon May who has been in the CCC army the past two months came home Sunday.

John Schiecke left on the bus for California Sunday. He expect to visit his brother Oscar and try to get some work.

Mr. and Mrs. Linville and daughters Minnie and Ernestine visited at the L. E. Frankson home and helped can meat last week.

Mesdames Turner, Johnson, June Frankson Leta Frankson and Slaikeu attended the Council meeting at Edna Saturday. There was a large attendance of women from the different clubs of the county. A report was given of the recreation course at College Station and Miss Cox gave an interesting talk on different farm topics.

Mr. Amos Lee of Bay City has erected a fine garage on his lots on the Appling tract and has the material on the ground for a fine house which will be built soon.

Palacios Beacon, March 7, 1935


Fluke Frankson served on the jury at Edna the first of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. Nensteil of Houston are visiting at the Turner, home.

The Turner and Nensteil families were Port Lavaca visitors Monday.

The Co. Assessor was interviewing citizens in this community Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cavallin were Sunday guests at the Elmer Abraham home.

Mr. and Mrs. Slaikeu visited at the Albin Swinson home in Olivia Sunday afternoon.

The Bert Abraham family of Olivia were Sunday guests at the Elmer Abraham home.

The school census taker has been making the rounds and finds 50 scholastics in our district.

Mr. Turner has been putting some new shutters on his house, getting ready for the spring storms.
The Play “Deacon Dubbs” was given to a large and appreciative audience at the school house Tuesday night.

Palacios Beacon, March 21, 1935



The Artie Larson family were Sunday guests at the Nels Bengston home.

Messrs. Farmer, Slaikeu and Abraham were in Edna on business Saturday.

Mrs. Seitsinger of Houston is visiting her daughter Mrs. Turner and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Abraham and children spent Sunday with relatives in Olivia.

Mr. and Mrs. Nenesteil came in from Houston Monday for a visit with the Turners.

Mrs. and Mrs. Charley Harris and children were entertained at the Fluke Frankson home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Whyman and sons and two boy companions were visitors at the Slaikeu home Sunday afternoon.

Clifton Frankson had his tonsils removed at the Bay City hospital one day last week. The little fellow is getting along nicely.

Several relatives and friends of the Almond Slaughter family had a picture at their home Sunday. A crowd of them attended Sunday School at the Carancahua School House in the forenoon. We welcomed them heartily and hope that they will come again.

Palacios Beacon, March 28, 1935


Mrs. Ellis is enjoying a visit from her mother, Mrs. Spears of San Saba.

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Slaikeu of Houston spent the week-end with home folks.

The school is preparing a program to be given at the close of school May 3rd.

Mr. Lundy is building a new house on his lot in the Appling tract near here.

The J. W. Farmer and Artie Larson families spent Sunday at the Nels Bengston home.

Little Anita Joe Frankson has been having the measles, she was not very sick with them however.

The Al Brian Vaudeville show gave two performances at the school house last week. The dust storm cut down the attendance.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee, their son Austin and a cousin from Bay City came down Monday afternoon for an outing in their summer home here on the bay.

An Easter program is being prepared to be given at the school house Sunday morning. Sunday School will convene at 10:00 o’clock and the program will follow.

Those who didn’t attend Church last Sunday afternoon missed a wonderful sermon by the Pastor Rev. Kluck. A sermon like that could not be excelled anywhere. Those who heard it are still talking about it and it will live in their hearts and memories for a long time.

The Home Demonstration Club met at the home of Mrs. Alice Peterson Friday afternoon. Miss Bonnie Cox gave a wardrobe demonstration and several pointers for storing away clothes for the summer. On account of sickness in the neighborhood there were only 6 members and two visitors present. Refreshments of cake and coffee were served.

Palacios Beacon, April 18, 1935


Messrs Farmer and L. E. Frankson were Edna callers Tuesday.

The house being built by Hiney Wier, at Carancahua Beach blew down last week.

Mr. Linviile of Palacios visited at the home of his daughter, Mrs. L. E. Frankson last week.

Our Farmers Community Club meets at Deutschburg school house this week, Friday night, May 10th.

Mother's Day will be fittingly observed next Sunday with a short program during the Sunday School hour.

Next Sunday May 12th is our regular preaching day. Let’s give Rev. Kluck a large attendance for we know his message will be well worth listening to.

The Frankson crew moved Mr. Neusteils house from Carancahua Beach to his lot in the Appling; Tract last week and Mr. Neusteil is painting and repairing and making it into a nice little summer home.

Our school closed last Friday for the summer vacation. A good program was rendered that night by the children. Miss Elsie Wilson has been a good teacher and it is with regret that she will not be with us next year. She will teach at 6 mile south of Port Lavaca.

Ladies Aid Society met with Mrs. Slaikeu last Wednesday afternoon. The evening was spent in stamping pillow cases to be embroidered for a bazaar to be held next fall. There were eleven ladies present. Refreshments of sandwiches, cake; coffee and punch were served.

Palacios Beacon, May 9, 1935


Mr. and Mrs. Roger Slaikeu spent the week end at the Slaikeu home.

Mr. Nensteil has a carpenter here from Houston and is making many additions to his summer home here.

A kitchen and porch has been added, a new roof put on and many up-to-date features added.

Mr. and Mrs. Slaikeu went to Stephenville Sunday and attended the Commencement Exercises of John Tarleton College, returning home Monday afternoon. Miss Carolyn remained for a few days
and will return with Mrs. Price.

Our Home Demonstration Club met with Mrs. Loff last Thursday afternoon. Our Co. Demonstrator Miss Bonnie Cox was with us and gave us a demonstration on pickling. It was decided to meet twice a month and on next meeting will be with Mrs. Turner Thursday afternoon at which time we will make foundation patterns. There were thirteen ladies present. Refreshments were served.

Palacios Beacon, May 23, 1935


The Will Farmer family spent Sunday at the Bengston home.

Mrs. Georgia Bagby of Sargent visited at the Turner home last Sunday.

Mrs. Vic Johnson and children from Lyford are visiting at the Fluke Frankson home.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morris of Dallas and Mrs. Seitsinger of Houston are spending the week at the
A. J. Turner home.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee and son Austin and Mrs. Williamson of Bay City were Sunday afternoon visitors at
the A. J. Turner home.

Mr. H. F. Green and sons John and Herbert Lee and Mr. Poe were down from Houston Saturday building a new pier to replace the one washed away during the Gulf storm last August.

Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and son Wallace and a niece from El Campo were in Edna Saturday. Mrs.
Slaikeu accompanied them and she and Mrs. Johnson attended the Council Meeting at the Court house.

It was a very interesting and helpful session.

Palacios Beacon, June 6, 1935


Glen Roy Whyman is a guest at the Slaikeu home this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Frankson and sons visited relatives here Sunday.

Mesdames Turner and Slaikeu attended the Club Rally at Edna Tuesday.

Miss Freda Peters of El Campo visited her sister Mrs. Johnson and family last week end.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morris left Monday for their home in Dallas after a 3 weeks visit at the Turner

Ernest Schieke is home from San Antonio. He obtained his honorable discharge and is now just a common citizen.

The Avenell family and Mr. and Mrs. Ryder of Harrisburg are spending this week in their summer
home here.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee and son Austin and two grandchildren of Bay City are spending a few days in their
summer home here.

The H. F. Green family came in Friday for a weeks outing at “Green Gables”. Robert Dancer is
a guest of the Green boys.

The Home Demonstration Club met with Mrs. Slaikeu Friday afternoon. The afternoon was spent making foundation patterns. A delicious lunch was served to eleven ladies.

The funeral of Mrs. Turner’s father was held at the Turner home Monday afternoon. Mr. Morris has
made his home with Mrs. Turner the past eleven months, coming here from Florida where he had
made his home for 37 years. The past month he has been bed ridden and all that a loving daughter and medical assistance could do was done but the Heavenly Father called him home shortly after midnight Monday, June 17th. He was 88 years of age on Feb. 9th. Six children, 15 grandchildren and
several great grand children survive him.

Those from out of town attending the funeral were his two sons Eary of Dallas, and Harry of Houston and their families. The sympathy of their many friends in this community is extended to the bereaved ones.

Palacios Beacon, June 20, 1935


Donald Whyman of Ganado is spending the Week with the Slaikeus.

Raymond Yeager of Houston spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Turner.

Robert Dancer returned to Houston Sunday after a week’s visit with the Green boys.

Carolyn Slaikeu went to Houston Sunday for a week’s visit with her brother, Roger and wife.

Mr. Joan Barber, Miss Maizie Daneer and Norman Avenell visited the Avenell family here over the

The Avenell family returned to Harrisburg Monday morning after a week’s outing in their summer
home here.

Mr. H. F. Green and Sydney were week end guests at “Green Gables.” Mrs. Green who has been here a week returned home with them.

Mr. and Mrs. Turner took Georgia Mrs. Turner’s daughter who has been visiting the the past two
weeks to her home in Sargent Saturday.

Mrs. J. S. Green, Mrs. Koehl and Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Schuler came in from Houston Saturday and will spend a week or more at "Green Gables.”

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Whyman were callers at the Slaikeu home Thursday night. Glen Roy who had been visiting there several days returned home with them.

The Slaikeu family attended the dedication services at Ganado Sunday. The day was one long to be remembered. The wonderful sermon by Bishop Boaz and the program in the afternoon were inspiring and the picnic dinner in the park was all that anyone could wish for.

Palacios Beacon, June 27, 1935


Mr. and Mrs. Whitney of Palacios visited at the Farmer home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Rainoshock are enjoying a visit from a friend from El Campo.

Mrs. Wendell Schuler returned to Houston Sunday after a week's outing at ‘‘Green Gables.”

Mr. Vic Johnson of Lyford visited his family and the Fluke Frankson family last Wednesday and

Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Frankson and sons attended the wedding of Ernestine Linville and Beck Shriner
at Markham Tuesday evening.

Rev. McDaniel of Ganado is here helping Rev. Klouck in a series of revival meetings. Good crowds are in attendance and much interest shown. The messages brought by Rev. McDaniel are helpful and inspiring and a rich spiritual feast is enjoyed by those attending.

Mr. Elwood Taylor of Woodlake visited last week at the Turner home. They took him back home Friday and remained for a few days visit. When they returned Tuesday they were accompanied by their little granddaughter, Margie, who will be their guest for several weeks.

Palacios Beacon, July 4, 1935


Minnie and Rosie Farmer were Sunday guests at the A. Larson home.

A large crowd of El Campo folks enjoyed the Fourth of July at the Appling Club.

Mrs. Slaikeu is having a pantry built which will add greatly to the convenience of the home.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J .Turner and granddaughter Margie Taylor visited in Houston Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Green came in from Houston Tuesday for a few days outing at “Green Gables.”

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Whyman son Glen Roy with a boy friend visited at the Slaikeu home Sunday evening.

The Elmer Abraham and Slaikeu families attended the Fourth of July picnic at Olivia. A good time
was enjoyed.

The farmers are very busy these days making hay and heading broom corn. They will have the broom corn baled at the Olivia gin.

Several families gathered at the A. Frankson home Thursday and enjoyed a freezer of ice cream donated by the Double Dip factory of Victoria.

The Guy Cavallin and Sacrent Swenson families of Olivia and Miss Ruth Hitchler of Van Vleck visited
at the Elmer Abraham home and helped him celebrate his birthday Sunday.

The week’s Revival services closed Sunday morning with a wonderful sermon by Rev. McDanields of
Ganado. The services each night well attended and the deep spiritual messages each evening by
Rev. McDanields were a source of inspiration and help to all. He and Rev. Kluck visited in the homes
each afternoon and the association with these ministers of the Gospel will long be remembered. Rev.
Kluck will fill his regular appointment next Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock.

Palacios Beacon, July 11, 1935


Mrs. A. Frankson was quite sick last week but is better at this writing, Mrs. Margaret Resslar is spending the week with her friend, Mrs. Artie Larson.

Mesdames Charley Peterson and Louis Griffin of Olivia were guests at the Emil Peterson home Monday.

Miss Eugenie Schulte returned from Houston Tuesday, where she has visited relatives the past two

The Peterson and Slaikeu families helped the elder Mr. Slaughter celebrate his birthday at his home
at Red Bluff last Sunday.

Rev. Kluck filled his regular appointment out here Sunday afternoon. A good crowd heard the good
gospel message. His wife accompanied him.

Mr. Oscar Slaughter of Needville and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slaughter of La Ward were Saturday evening guests at the Emil Peterson home.

Ladies Aid met with Mrs. Ethel Abraham last Wednesday afternoon. The afternoon was spent in doing fancy work, getting ready for the Bazaar to be held this fall. Refreshments of cake, sandwiches and punch was served by the hostess, i

Mr. H. F. Green, son John and Miss Inez Schuler of Houston spent the week end at “Green Gables.”

Mrs. J. S. Green, Mrs. Kahl and Clifford and Herbert Lee Green who have been here the past three
weeks returned to Houston with them.

The Home Demonstration Club met with Mrs. June Frankson last Friday afternoon. Miss Cox and
her sister Gene were present and Miss Cox gave a demonstration on washing silk garments and also
gave us same information on removing stains and rust from fabrics. There were thirteen ladies and
several children present. A nice lunch was served by the committee.


Mrs. Alice Peterson visited relatives at Olivia last Thursday.

Mr. Farmer is enjoying a visit from his brother and family of Oklahoma.

Mr. and Mrs., Roger Slaikeu of Houston spent the week end with home folks.

Mrs. Minnie Cavallin was visitor at the Elmer Abraham home last Wednesday.

Messrs. Oscar and John Schicke and wives are here from California for a visit with home folks.

Palacios Beacon, July 18, 1935


Wallace Johnson spent the past week with relatives in El Campo.

The Farmer and Larson families were Sunday guests at the Maynard Frankson home.

Mrs. Walker and son Warren of Houston are spending the week at the Slaikeu home.

Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cavallin of Olivia visited at the Elmer Abraham home Monday.

The Avenell family and Mr. Ryder came in from Harrisburg Saturday for a week’s outing in their
cottage here.

Mr. Tom Pierce and nephew Warren Walker and Mrs. Knight of Harrisburg were week end guests
of the Slaikeus.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith and daughter and Mrs. Smith’s mother of Houston visited at the Turner home
last Thursday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Peters of El Campo visited their daughter Mrs. Johnson and family last Thursday, Miss
Fields who had been a guest of her sister a few days returned home with them.

We are glad to report that the grader is at work on our roads, and that shell is being hauled from Palacios to top them and give us a hard surfaced road. We understand they are all to be fixed up in
fine shape.

Mr. and Mrs. Bell Poe and their daughter Mrs. Smith of Houston, and Mr. Poe's mother, Mrs. Clifton of Stan, Tex., came in Saturday for a week’s outing in their home here. Mr. Poe returned to Houston Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Turner went to West Lake last Friday and visited their son, Elwood Taylor and family.  Margie Taylor who has been visiting here the past month returned home with them. They returned Saturday.

Mrs. A. J. Turner entertained Thursday afternoon at her home here with a party complimenting
her granddaughter Margie Taylor from West Lake who has been her guest the past month. After a few hours of games the 10 young guests were served with ice cream and cake. The children regret to see Margie leave but hope she will visit her grand parents again next summer.

Palacios Beacon, August 8, 1935


Warrie Schicke is home again after several days’ absence.

Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Slaikeu of Houston spent the week end here with home folks.

Mrs. Black and baby from Houston are here for a short visit with her folks, the Schulke family.

Mr. C. B. Poe spent last week end with his wife and mother at their summer home on the bay.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris and children from Turtle Bay were Sunday visitors with relatives here.

Minnie and Rosie Farmer spent Sunday with Hazel and Ida Mae Wilson at their home in Deutschburg.

Eugene and Leonard Schulke and Mr. Black spent several days of last week with friends in Rosenberg.

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Graham and his brother of San Antonio were Carancahua visitors for several
days last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnson and daughter, of Harlingen, were Wednesday afternoon callers at the
Fluke Frankson home.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Abraham were Sunday visitors with friends in Olivia. Lorraine and Lavern returned home with them.

Mrs. Pau! Gerhard and daughters of Deutschburg, were Sunday morning callers at the Slaikeu home. We were delighted to have them in our Sunday School.

Progress on graveling the road from the highway to Appling's club is doing nicely. We soon hope to
have a hard surfaced road all the way to the bay.

Mr. Green, John and Inez Beneke from Houston, were at “Green Gables” last week end. Mrs. Green,
Herbert Lee and Clifford will remain here another week.

Mr. and Mrs. John Neusteil of Houston, are spending a few weeks in their summer home here. It is
reported that it may become their permanent home within a short time. We hope so.

Mr. Evenell, Mrs. Ryder and granddaughter, Mary Lou Cecil, came in Saturday. Mr. Avenell returned to Houston Monday morning but Mrs. Ryder and Mary Lou will stay with Mrs. Avenell and children until the end of this week.

The Ladies Aid Society met with Mrs. Turner last Wednesday afternoon. After a couple of hours’ work on material for their Bazaar to be held this Fall, the members and visitors were served with a delightful tray of refreshments.

Palacios Beacon, August 22, 1935


Mr. Lloyd Olson returned from Houston last Thursday.

Mrs. Charity Peterson and Mrs. Ida Griffith of Olivia visited at the Emil Peterson home Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Slaikeu and Carolyn were Edna callers Monday and also visited the Whyman family
at Ganado.

Rosie and Minnie Farmer, Jack Anders and Delbert May were guests of Margaret Ressler at her
home last Sunday.

Mrs. Vick Johnson and children left last week for their home at Lyford, after a summer’s visit at
the Fluke Frankson home.

Mrs. Giles and Mrs. Hubbard, of Houston, spent Thursday and Friday with Mrs. Green at Green Gables. Mrs. Avenell and children returned home with them.

Mr. Bell Poe spent the week end with his wife and mother in their summer home here. They returned
to Houston with him after a pleasant months’ outing here.

Mr. H. F. Green spent the week end at “Green Gables.” Mrs. Green and sons, Clifford and Herbert Lee, and Mrs. Ryder and granddaughter returned to Houston with them.

Mr. Neusteil is making several improvements on his home here. They expect to move their household goods down from Houston in a short time and make this their home. We are glad to welcome this fine couple and hope their stay among us will be pleasant.

A social gathering at the Almond Slaughter home Sunday included the following: Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Slaughter and daughter, of Ganado; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slaughter and children of LaWard, Mr. and
Mrs. Hogans and daughter of Bloomington, Mr. Ben Slaughter of Ganado, Mr. Boquet and daughter and granddaughter of Port Lavaca, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Peterson and family and Leonard Schulke.   

Palacios Beacon, August 29, 1935


Arvid Loff was a Sunday guest at the J. W. Farmer home.

Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Weikel visited at the Slaikeu home Tuesday afternoon.

Mr. Schulke and son Leonard and J. P. Black were in West Columbia on business Saturday.

The Misses Mennie and Dorothy Schieke of Houston spent the week end with home folks.

Mr. and Mrs. Bell Poe returned to Houston Tuesday after a few days outing in their summer home

Miss Lena Mae Slaughter, Laura Slaughter and Leonard Schulke spent Sunday with relatives in Beeville.

Mrs. Slaikeu and Carolyn attended the shower of Miss Marian Nester at the Trull home Wednesday afternoon

Mr. and Mrs. Nensteil were Sunday guests at the Turner home. They all attended religious services in Palacios in the morning.

The B. S. Avenell family of Harrisburg enjoyed the week end in their cottage here. Mr. and Mrs. Barber of Houston were their guests.

Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Green and sons spent the week end at "Green Gables." They had as guests Mr. and Mrs. L. Smith and children and Miss Inez Beueke from Houston.

Mr. and Mrs. Amos Lee and son Austin, their two granddaughters from Houston and Miss Slader of Bay City enjoyed an outing at their cottage here over the week end.

Guests at the Elmer Johnson home over the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schleider and children, and Mr. Soderman and son of El Campo.

Palacios Beacon, September 5, 1935


Mrs. Effie Cleveland and Carolyn Slaikeu attended the County teachers meeting at Edna Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Nensteil moved their furniture down from Houston Tuesday and are now nicely settled
in their home here on the Bay.

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Graham of San Antonio visited over the week end with the Franksons. Mrs. Graham remained for a week’s visit.

The Misses Eugene Schulke and Lena May Slaughter and Messrs. Leonard Schulke and J. P. Black
visited friends in Houston Sunday.

A party was held at the school house last Friday night honoring the new teacher, Effie Cleveland. A good crowd was there and everyone had a good time. Refreshment of sandwiches and punch was served.

Mrs. Effie Cleveland came in from Huntsville last Wednesday and visited at the Slalkeu home until Sunday. She is the new Principal of our school and with Carolyn Slaikeu, the Primary teacher, will occupy the teacherage which has been painted and put in shape.

The many friends of the Schulke family were grieved to hear of the accident which befell Mr. Schulke Monday, when he fell from the back of a truck and a car that was being towed ran over him breaking his leg. He was taken to the Bay City Hospital. We sympathize with them in their trouble and hope for Mr. Schulke’s speedy recovery.

The Home Demonstration Club met with Mrs. I.eta Frankson last Friday afternoon, Miss Cox, the County Agent, was present and gave a pickle demonstration. Plans were formulated for Achievement Day !to be held at the Slaikeu home Oct. 11th. All friends of the club members are cordially invited to be present. There were seven, members and three visitors present. Refreshment of cake, coffee and punch were served.

Palacios Beacon, September 19, 1935


Mr. and Mrs. Nensteil were in Houston Monday on business.

The Elmer Abraham family visited relatives in Olivia Sunday.

Mrs. Effie Cleveland and Mr. and Mrs. Slaikeu and Carolyn visited the W. R. Whyman family in Ganado Sunday.

Mrs. Maynard Frankson moved back to her home here last week so her two sons Clifton and Donald
could attend school.

Mr. Slaikeu went to Edna Monday as he was called as a Grand Jurist but was excused from duty
and came home Tuesday.

Mrs. Will Farmer visited the Bengstons near Blessing Sunday.

Mrs. Bengston has been real sick but is better at this writing.

Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Frankson and daughter Anita Joe took Mrs. Gladys Graham back to San Antonio Friday and remained until Sunday for a visit.

Mr. A. J. Turner had the misfortune to be bitten by a rattle, snake last Friday. He was rushed to Doctor Wagner who soon gave him the serum and at this writing he is getting along nicely.

Palacios Beacon, September 26, 1935


Mr. and Mrs. Johnson were Edna visitors Monday.

Mr. Slaikeu is building a porch on the Nensteil residence.

The cattle in the neighborhood are being tested this week for T. B. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rainoshek entertained friends from Kingsville, Sunday.

Ladies Aid Society meets with Mrs. Fluke Frankson this Wednesday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Turner entertained friends from Houston, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Mrs. Effie Cleveland and Miss Carolyn Slaikeu and Mr. Slaikeu were in Edna on business Saturday.

The teachers are making great plans for a Halloween Carnival to be given at the school house the last of this month.

A Columbus Day pageant and program was given by the school children Friday night. It was well
rendered and thoroughly enjoyed by the large crowd present.

Rev. Kluck preached a wonderful sermon to a good crowd Sunday afternoon. It was his last sermon
for this conference year but we are all hoping they will be returned to us for another year.

Mr. and Mrs. Slaikeu returned from their trip last week. They enjoyed it very much. They visited an old school friend in Wheaton, Missouri; the Simon Neff family at Vilonia, Ark.; and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Frisbie at Nacogdoches.

Our Home Demonstration Club celebrated Achievement Day at the Slaikeu home Friday afternoon. In
spite of the rain there were 52 present. A good program was rendered There were several visitors from Olivia, Rev. Kluck and wife from Palacios and Miss Bonnie Cox and Mrs. McDowell of Edna. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served.

Palacios Beacon, October 17, 1935


Mr. and Mrs. Slaikeu were in Ednn on business Monday.

Miss Rosie Farmer spent the week end with her friend Margaret Resslar.

Miss Kinard of Palacios was a week end guest of Lena Mae Slaughter, Several from here attended the Port Lavaca Fair Saturday and were well pleased with the exhibits.

Mrs. Aaron Wilborn of Lufkin visited her granddaughter, Mrs. Dave Frankson and family over the
week end.

Mr. and Mrs. R. Albright, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Price and Warren Walker of Houston were week end
guests at the Slaikeu home.

The teachers are preparing a Halloween Carnival to be held at the school house the night of Nov.
1st. Everybody is invited to come and enjoy the companionship of ghosts, hobgoblins, etc.

A picnic dinner was held at the Emil Petersen home Sunday honoring the birthday of two of their sons, Ludwig and Kenneth Lee. A large crowd of relatives and friends partook of the generous dinner and all had a good time.

The Ladies Aid Society met with Mrs. Fluke Frankson last Wednesday afternoon. The afternoon was
spent in getting things ready for the bazaar to be held next month. There were twelve ladies present.
Refreshment of cake, sandwiches and coffee were served by the hostess.

Palacios Beacon, October 24, 1935


Miss Bobby Louise Price was a week end guest of Carolyn Slaikeu.

Mr. and Mrs. Slaughter visited relatives in Beeville over the week end.

The J. W. Farmer family spent Sunday at the Ira Resslar home near Palacios.

The Charley Harris family of Turtle Bay were Sunday guests at the Fluke Frankson home.

The Guy Cavallin and Bert Abraham families of Olivia visited relatives here Sunday evening.

Miss Eugene Schuelke and brother Leonard, L. E. Frankson and L. J. Slaikeu were in Edna on business Wednesday.

Messrs Dan and Sam Hodges of Houston were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Nensteil Monday night
and Tuesday.

Everybody is invited to attend the Halloween Carnival at the school house Friday night. A good
time is guaranteed.

Palacios Beacon, October, 31, 1935


Messrs. Farmer, L. E. and D. H. Frankson were Edna visitors last Friday.

The Almond Slaughter family entertained relatives from Beeville Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and son Wallace visited relatives in El Campo Sunday.

Mesdames Cleveland and Slaikeu and Miss Carolyn were Bay City callers Saturday.

Messrs. Johnson and Slaikeu are building a large garage for Mr. Lundy at his home here.

Miss Dorothy Schieke who is attending school in Houston visited home folks over the week-end.

A play “Mrs. Tubbs of Shanty Town” is being rehearsed and plans are to have it the night before Thanksgiving.

Mr. Eugene Morton, a teacher at New Gulf, visited his old friend Mrs. Cleveland and was a guest at the Slaikeu home over the week end.

The H. F. Green family, Miss Inez Benecke, Mr. and Mrs. Bell Poe, Mr. Sydney Ryder and Mr. Branum spent the week-end in their cottages here.

Our teachers held “Open House” at the school house last Friday night. A good program was enjoyed and a fine spirit of fellowship was manifested. We regret that our Co. Supt. was unable to be present. Refreshments of cookies and cocoa were served.

The teachers and pupils were disappointed Monday when the weather man dealt them such a cold and rainy day, for all was in readiness for the trip to West Columbia. They hope that the next time a trip is planned the weather will be more favorable.

Mr. Schulke was brought home from the hospital at Bay City, last week. He is getting along nicely and is real cheerful despite the fact that he will have to be in bed a few weeks longer. We are ail glad to have him at home and will be glad when he can be up and around again.

The Home Demonstration Club met with Mrs. A. Frankson Friday afternoon. Our County Agent, Miss Bonnie Cox was there and gave us Rose demonstration. Eight rose bushes were set out and advice given on the care of roses. Eleven ladies were present. Refreshments of cake and coffee were served.

Ladies Aid Society met with Mrs. Leta Frankson last Wednesday after noon. The afternoon was spent in doing fancy work after which refreshments of sandwiches, cake and coffee were served. It was voted to hold a Bazaar at the school house the night of Dec. 6. All kinds of fancy work will be sold and also refreshments and candy.

Palacios Beacon, November 14, 1935

5 Carancahua People Injured in Auto Wreck

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Turner and Mr. and Mrs. John Nensteil of Carancahua, were in a car wreck about 10 miles north of Bay City, Monday evening as they were returning from Houston, where they had been to meet Miss Gammel, of Memphis, Tenn., a niece of Mr. Turner who was coming to spend  the winter with them.

As near as we can learn the accident was caused by Mr. Turner losing control of his car by slipping from the highway onto the wet shoulders. In attempting to get it back he swerved across the highway several times and an on-coming car crashed into the rear of the Turner car.

Mrs. Turner was critically injured suffering a fractured pelvic bone, collar bone, five ribs and internal injuries. She is in the Loos hospital at Bay City, where all were taken after the accident.

Mrs. Nensteil had some ribs fractured and bruises as did Mr. Nensteil and both were removed to their  home Wednesday. Miss Gammel suffered a broken collar bone. Mr. Turner received some minor injuries.

He expects to bring his niece home today, but Mrs. Turner will have to be in the hospital for some months.

Palacios Beacon, November 14, 1935

Mrs. Tubbs of Shantytown, a three act comedy will be presented by home talent at the Carancahua School, Wednesday, Nov. 27, 7:30 p. m. for the benefit of the school. An admission of 10 and 15 cents will be charged.

Palacios Beacon, November 14, 1935


Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Abraham and children attended the oyster supper at Olivia Thursday night.

Miss Frieda Peters of El Campo, visited her sister Mrs. Johnson and family over the week end.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Johnson and son Wallace visited relatives in El Campo Thanksgiving Day.

Mr. and Mrs. Whyman and Mr, Stavinal of Ganado visited at the Slaikeu home Sunday afternoon.

The J. W. Farmer family had as guests Thanksgiving Day, Mr. and Mrs. Bengston, the Ira Resslar family and the Maynard Frankson family.

The Charley Harris family of the Turtle Bay community and the Fluke Frankson family were guests at the A. Frankson home Thanksgiving Day.

Rev. Gibbons, M. E. Pastor at Palacios will .preach at the school house next Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. We hope that a large crowd will be out to hear him.

The Artie Larsen family moved last week to the farm purchased of P. F. Campbell and the Elmer Abraham family moved to the old Abraham place north of Mr. Loff’s.

The Play “Mrs. Tubbs of Shanty Town” given at the school house last Wednesday night by people of the community was well attended and much enjoyed by everyone.

Carancahua Ladies’ Aid Society will have a "Bazaar” at the school house Friday night, Dec. 6. An assortment of embroidered articles will be sold besides candy and refreshments.

The Slaikeus had as guests Thanksgiving Day Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Whyman and two sons of Ganado, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Slaikeu of Houston and Mr. and Mrs. John Nensteil.

Mrs. Effie Cleveland and Carolyn Slaikeu attended the State Teacher’s Association at San Antonio Thursday and Friday. They spent Friday night and Saturday visiting some friends of Mrs. Cleveland near Castell.

Mr. and Mrs. David Frankson and daughter Anita Joe spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and, Mrs. Cecil Graham at San Antonio. David went with Mr. Graham on a deer hunt and they returned home Monday night.

Palacios Beacon, December 5, 1935



Frankson Bros, took some livestock to Houston Monday.

Mr. D. C. Abraham made a business trip to Port Lavaca last Saturday.

Mr. Martin Loff who went to Corpus Christi a while back returned home last week.

The Elmer Abraham family were Sunday guests at the A. J. Turner home. In the afternoon they all
went to Olivia and visited at the G. H. Wilson home.

The men are getting along nicely with the church. They have it all repaired and are now painting it
inside and intend to paint the outside and varnish the pews soon.

A large crowd attended the “42” party at the Elmer Abraham home last Friday night. Everyone seemed to have a good time. Refreshments of cake and coffee were served.

Ladies Aid Society meets at the Will Frankson home Wednesday afternoon Feb. 5th. All ladies are requested to be present as there will be election of Officers and some other business to attend to.

Palacios Beacon, January 23, 1936


The Elmer Johnson family spent Saturday in El Campo.

Mrs. Cleveland was a Sundry guest at the Slaikeu home.

Miss Bonnie Cox of Edna called at the Nensteil home last Friday afternoon.

Mr. John Nensteil is adding pantry to his house and fixing up the rooms inside.

Mr. B. B. Wright and son of Palacios called at the Slaikeu home Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Frankson and sons visited at the Linville home in Palacios Sunday.

Mr. A. J. Turner is ceiling two rooms of his house. Walter Loff helped him Saturday.

Ladies Aid Society will meet at the Will Frankson home next Wednesday afternoon Feb. 5th.

Mr. A. J. Turner and Miss Alma Gilleaum were Sunday guests at the Elmer Abraham home.

Miss Elsie Wilson of Olivia spent the week end with her cousin Mrs. Elmer Abraham and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Chamblee of Palacios visited at the A. J. Turner home Saturday evening.

The Abraham family and Miss Elsie Wilson were Saturday evening visitors at the A. J. Turner home.

A new barn was built on Mrs. Price’s farm last week. Mr. Charley Harris and Fluke Frankson doing the work.

School was rather small Tuesday on account of bad weather. Miss Carolyn had three pupils and Mrs.
Cleveland eight. The Will Farmer, Maynard Frankson and Artie Larsen families helped Mr. Ira Ressler celebrate his birthday at a dinner given in his honor at the Ressler home last Sunday.

Palacios Beacon, January 30, 1936


Mr. A. J. Turner spent last week in Houston.

Mrs. Effie Cleveland was a Sunday guest at the Slaikeu home.

The Frankson Bros. were in Houston on business Thursday.

The Elmer Abraham family were guests of Olivia relatives Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Johnson and son Wallace were week end guests in El Campo.

The Will Frankson family visited at the Fluke Frankson home Sunday afternoon.

Mr. Emil Peterson and family visited at the Charley Peterson home in Olivia Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Letts and Mrs. Slaikeu visited at the Sartwelle home Tuesday afternoon.

Miss Eugene Schulke left Sunday for Rosenberg to care for her grandmother who is quite sick.

Messrs. Ernest and Clarence Schieke were dinner guests at the Rainoshek home last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Burt Letts of Mason City, Iowa are visiting their old friends and neighbors, Mr. and
Mrs. Slaikeu.

The W. H. Farmer, Maynard Frankson, Artie Larsen, Ira Resslar families and Jack Anders were
Sunday guests at the Nels Bengston home.

Ladies’ Aid Society will meet at the A. Frankson home next Wednesday afternoon (March 4th.) A
full attendance is desired as we have a comforter to tie.

Mr. and Mrs. Rainoshek had as guests last Sunday, Mr. Blunce and son Joe of El Campo, Mr. Richard Rainoshek, wife and two children and his sister Valasta Rainoshek.

Lamar Slaughter visited at the Emil Peterson home Sunday afternoon Mrs. Peterson and children
went home with him and with the Slaughters attended the funeral of Vera Mae Slaughter at Edna on

Palacios Beacon, February 27, 1936


Mr. and Mrs. Slaikeu were transacting business in Edna last Thursday.

Messrs Dolphy Abraham and W. H. Frankson were in Victoria on business Monday.

Messrs. Lloyd Olson and Walter Loff were in Corpus Christi a few days last week.

Mr. Macon, the Rawleigh man, was selling products in our community Tuesday.

Miss Gladys Swenson of Palacios spent Tuesday with her sister Mrs. Elmer Abraham.

Mesdames Mary and Hilda Frankson visited at the Resslar and Bengston homes Tuesday.

Horace Rainoshek and Adrian De Wees of Louise visited at the Bill Rainoshek home Sunday.

Mrs. Minnie Holman came in from Houston Monday for an extended visit at the Loff home.

Mr. and Mrs. Nensteil went to Houston last Thursday where Mr. Nensteil has a brick laying job.

Mr. S. T. Ryder and grandpa Branum of Houston spent a few days last week at “Green Gables.”

The Elmer Abraham family and Mr. A. J. Turner attended a birthday dinner at the Guy Cavallin home in Olivia Sunday.

Mr. Paul Gerhardt, our Assessor was interviewing citizens here last Wednesday and incidentally electioneering for his candidacy for Road Commissioner of our district.

Rev. Gibbons preached at the church Sunday afternoon and again those that heard him felt it was
good to be there. We are always glad to welcome our Pastor and his wife and wish that they might
come oftener.

Four car loads of pupils, teachers and parents went to La Ward, Friday to the County meet. Considering that this is the first time our school has been in the county meet for years and that several of our contestants were sick, we think they did very well. They took 2nd in arithmetic, 2nd in Choral singing and 3rd in Picture memory. Everyone enjoyed the different contests and the pupils came home with the determination to bring home several blue ribbons next year.

Palacios Beacon, March 26, 1936


Narine Schieke was a Victoria visitor Saturday.

Mr. Lundy of El Campo was here a short time Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and son, Wallace, visited relatives at El Campo Sunday.

Mr. A. J. Turner returned Saturday from a 10 day visit with his sister and family at Lubbock, Tex.

Mrs. Cleveland, Miss Slaikeu and Mr. Slaikeu Edna Saturday preparing for the Exhibit at the Fair Monday.

The Misses Rosie and Minnie Farmer and Messrs Jack Anders and Horace Rainoshek were guests of Carolyn Slaikeu Easter Sunday.

Miss Ella Hammerbeck came in from Houston last week and visited friends here a few days. She was enroute to her home at Lyford, Texas.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Abraham had as guests Sunday; Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cavallin, Miss Ruth Peterson and Clyde Allen Abraham of Olivia and their sister Ruth of Van Vleck.

Our teachers will go to Edna Saturday to dismantle the booth and bring back our exhibits. There were so many requests to have the Exhibits left a few days so people could view them at their leisure.

An interesting Easter program was rendered by the Sunday School after the lesson session Sunday morning. An Easter egg hunt was enjoyed by the children at the A. Frankson home in the afternoon and at night a large crowd spent a delightful hour singing religious songs at the Church.

Our Home Demonstration Club met with Mrs. Loff Friday after noon. There was a large crowd present to enjoy the good talk on bed furnishings given by Miss Bonnie Cox of Edna. Two new members, Mrs. Willmore and Mrs. Signe Harris were added to the club. Refreshments of cake and coffee were served.

Monday was a gala day for Carancahua pupils, teachers and patrons. Seven car loads (35 people
in all) went to Edna to the Centennial Fair and weren’t we proud when we came home at midnight
with 12 blue ribbons, 4 red ribbons and a beautiful pennant. Some of the outstanding exhibits in our booth were a U. S. History Map by Nelson Farmer; A History Note Book by John Edward, David and Vernon Frankson, Jackson County map by Vernon Frankson; Stamp Book by Vernon and John Edward Frankson; a corn poster and insect collection by Vivian Martin. The Soap Carving by John, Vernon and David Frankson and the Fifth Grade Indian Project were the best in the whole county exhibit. The programs by the different schools were fine and our superintendent deserves a vote of thanks for putting over such a splendid fair.

Palacios Beacon, April 16, 1936


Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Frankson and daughter Anita Joe visited at the Huffman home in Palacios Sunday.

The Misses Ida May and Hazel Wilson and Wilford of Deutschburg attended singing at the church
Sunday night.

The Misses Helen and Elsie Loff, Miss Ella Hammerbeck and Messrs. Lloyd Olson and Darwin Loff spent Sunday at Indianola.

School closes May 8th. A picnic, sports, May Pole drill and other things are being planned for the
day and a school program will be given at night.

Mesdames Cleveland and Slaikeu and Miss Carolyn went to Edna Saturday to bring back the school exhibits shown at the Fair and to do some shopping.

Mr. and Mrs. Livingood brought out some friends from Palacios and with their talks and music helped to make our Sunday night religious service an enjoyable one.

Palacios Beacon, April 23, 1936


Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Whyman Ganado visited the Slaikeus Sunday afternoon.

Messrs. Guy Cavallin and Bert Abraham were visiting friends here Monday morning.

Carancahua Home Demonstration Club will meet with Mrs. Slaikeu May 15th instead of May 8th, the regular day.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee, their son Austin and some friends from Bay City spent a few days the first of the week in the Lee cottage here.

Mr. Gene Morton of New Gulf was guest of honor at a dinner given by Mrs. Effie Cleveland Sunday, The guests were the Misses Eugene Schulke, Virginia Anders, Carolyn Slaikeu and Messrs. Darwin and Martin Loff.

Miss Carolyn Slaikeu gave the pupils in her room a picnic Friday afternoon on the bay shore near the old Jensen place. The little folks had great fun roasting wieners and marshmallows. They enjoyed a few games and one little fellow asked his teacher why they couldn’t have a picnic every week.

The program for the last day of school May 8th is as follows:
10:00--12:00 Ball games.
12:00—1:00 Basket Lunch
1:00—2:00 Music by the Orchestra
2:00—5:00 Contests, races, games, etc.
5:00—May Fete
8:00—Play by pupils “Fun in a Chinese Laundry.”
Everybody is invited and please bring well filled lunch baskets.

Mrs. Effie Cleveland entertained her pupils Saturday afternoon with a treasure hunt. After the 2 mile hike interspersed with finding the treasure; sandwiches, cookies, etc. they finally reached journeys end at the Abraham home where a freezer of ice cream awaited them. They were all tired but happy and very grateful to their teacher for such a pleasant afternoon.

Palacios Beacon, April 30, 1936


Mr. and Mrs. Lee and son Austin from Bay City are spending a few days in their cottage here.

Miss Vernon Cleveland came in from Houston Sunday for a visit with her mother, Mrs. Effie Cleveland.

Mesdames Nensteil and Slaikeu attended the County Club Council meeting at Edna Saturday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Griffith and baby visited at the Emil Peterson home Sunday evening and attended the song service at the church.

Our school will close Friday with an all day picnic, ball game, races, etc. also a May fete, and at night a play by the school children. "Fun in a Chinese Laundry.” An orchestra will furnish music for the day.

Our community was deeply grieved to hear of the death of Darnell Sealock last week. He lived in our neighborhood several years and by his sterling character and friendliness endeared himself to all who knew him. Our sympathy goes out to the wife and child and all the Sealock family.

Palacios Beacon, May 7, 1936


Warrie Schieke was in Edna visiting Friday.

Mr. Guy Cavallin of Olivia was visiting friends here Friday afternoon.

Miss Hazel Wilson visited the Misses Rosie and Minnie Farmer Friday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Charley Peterson of Olivia visited at the Emil Peterson home Tuesday.

Miss Carolyn went to Stephenville by bus to visit friends and attend John Tarleton Commencement Exercises.

Mr. and Mrs. R. Albright and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Price of Houston were guests of the Slaikeus
Saturday night and Sunday.

Mr. Pritchett of the Rich Square neighborhood who is in the race for road commissioner of District
No. 4 was interviewing voters here Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Frankson took their two sons and Vernon Frankson and their teacher Mrs. Effie
Cleveland to Edna Monday night to the Rural School Graduation Exercises.

Friday was the last day of our school year and it was a gala day for a large crowd. Baseball and volley ball games, stunts and sports of all kinds, a 4-piece orchestra, a picnic dinner and the May fete by the Primary room all made it a day long to be remembered. Ice cream and lemonade was served
during the day. Those composing the orchestra were Carolyn Slaikeu, piano; Vernon Cleveland, cornet; Sparky Plant guitar and Martin Loff, banjo. The play by the older pupils was postponed on account of the illness of Vernon Anders.

Mesdames Nensteil, Wilmore, Leta and Edith Frankson, Slaikeu and Miss Carolyn went to Austin
Saturday to a gathering of the Home Demonstration Clubs of this District (eleven counties.)

We were first shown through the Executive Mansion where a Ranger kindly explained the different
rooms and their furnishings. An address of welcome was given by one of the faculty of the University
after which we had our pictures taken in front of the auditorium. A delicious lunch was served at the
University cafeteria after which we went to the new Home Economics Auditorium. One of the faculty explained the purpose of the building and said it was dedicated to the pioneer women of Texas. She then sent us in groups of twenty over the building and students explained about the different rooms and their furnishings and uses. It was all very interesting and we thoroughly enjoyed the day.

Palacios Beacon, May 28, 1936


Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Graham of San Antonio were week-end visitors of the Franksons.

Mr. and Mrs. Bell Poe of Houston spent the week end in their summer homo here.

Mr. and Mrs. Dancer and son Billy of Houston are spending the week at “Green Gables.”

Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cavallin of Olivia visited at the Elmer Abraham home Sunday afternoon.

The Amos Lee family of Bay City entertained a large house party at their home here last week.

Mrs. Frank Arnold and Miss Frieda Peters of El Campo visited their sister, Mrs. Elmer Johnson
and family Monday.

Mesdames Johnson, Leta Frankson, Ethel Abraham and Slaikeu attended the Club Rally at Edna
Tuesday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Johnson enjoyed a visit Sunday from his father and mother from El Campo and a cousin of his mother from Oakland, California.

Mrs. and Mrs. Nensteil, who have an apartment at Mrs. Fosters while Mr. Nensteil is working on the new school house, spent the week-end in their home there.

Carolyn Slaikeu is attending summer school at State University in Austin. She is taking Physical and Primary education and English and enjoys her school work very much.

Our neighborhood was grieved to hear of the death of Grandma Green in Houston last week. She was dearly loved by all who knew her. Our sympathy goes out to the family in their sorrow.

Rev. Gibbons filled his regular appointment at the church Sunday afternoon. A fine crowd enjoyed his good sermon. Mrs. Gibbons, Mrs. DeWeese and Mr. and Mrs. Carnahan came out from Palacios with him.

Carancahua Home Demonstration Club met with Mrs. Signe Harris last Friday afternoon. Miss Bonnie Cox was with us and helped judge the vegetable dishes brought by the members. The eight dishes scored above 90% and were delicious for we all sampled them besides having sandwiches and coffee and grape juice. There were eleven members present. Our next muting will be with Mrs. Wilmore,

Palacios Beacon, June 18, 1936


Mr. A. J. Turner was in Beeville on business Tuesday.

Mr. Fluke Frankson was in Victoria on business Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Slaikeu visited at the Whyman home in Ganado Monday.

Mr. B. S. Avenell and family came in from Houston Monday for a month’s outing in their home

Carolyn Slaikeu who is attending Summer School at the State University at Austin was home over
the week end.

Mesdames Ethel Abraham, May Frankson and Flora Slaikeu attended the Club Rally of Calhoun
Co. at Port Lavaca Monday afternoon.

Martin Loff and Warrie Schieke came in Saturday from the CCC camp at Bastrop. Martin went back
Tuesday but Warrie will return to camp Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Farmer were at the Bengston home near Blessing Sunday and Mr. Farmer remained
there a few days to help care for Mr. Bengston who is quite sick.

Mrs. Artie Larsen has been quite sick the past two weeks and is much better at this writing. Her
many friends sympathize with her and hope she will be on the road to recovery very soon.

Palacios Beacon, July 9, 1936


Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Whyman of Ganado were guests of the Slaikeus Sunday afternoon.

The Charlie Williams family of Matagorda visited the Slaikeus Tuesday afternoon.

Mr. Schaffer and two friends of Houston were dinner guests at the Nensteil home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Avenell and two children made a trip to Indianola Tuesday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Priest of South Houston were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Nensteil.

Miss Maizie Dancer and Mr. Norman Avenell of Houston visited the Avenell’s Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Owen Cecil and children and Mrs. Ryden of Houston visited at the Avenell home last week.

There was a good crowd at the Church Sunday afternoon to hear the good sermon by Rev. Gibbons. His wife came out with him.

Mr. Avenell preached to a large crowd Sunday night. We are all deeply grateful to him for his good religious talks when he comes down here on his vacation.

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Graham of San Antonio were week-end guests of the Franksons. Mr. Graham went home Sunday afternoon but his wife will visit relatives here a couple of weeks.

Palacios Beacon, July 23, 1936


Mr. and Mrs. Slaikeu attended the Encampment at Palacios last Sunday and visited at the J. H. Huffman home.

Mr. J. W. Farmer was in Ganado on business Saturday.

The Elmer Abraham family visited relatives at Olivia Sunday.

The Misses Helen and Elsie Loff and Walter Loff visited their sister Mrs. Holman in Houston last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Ryder of Houston came in Saturday for a few days outing and visit with the Avenell family.

Mrs. Cleveland and daughter, Vernon, and her sister, Mrs. Koehl, came in from Houston Sunday and are at the teacherage. Mrs. Koehl will visit here a week but Mrs. Cleveland and daughter will stay the rest of the summer.

Palacios Beacon, July 30, 1936


Carancahua Items

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Graham from San Antonio spent the week end with relatives here.

Mrs. Schicke and Ernest were called to Mabank last Friday morning by the sudden death of Doctor Hardin. Dave Frankson accompanied them.

Mrs. Elsie Olsen was given a wedding shower last Thursday afternoon by the Carancahua ladies. She received many pretty gifts. Refreshments were served.

A 42 party was given Friday night at the Will Frankson home in honor of the newly married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Olsen. Mrs. Olsen is the former Elise Loff. The newly weds left Sunday for Kansas where Mr. Olsen has work.

Carolyn Slaikeu spent the week end in Palacios with the John Rolling family and her parents.

The Elmer Abraham family were in Olivia Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. Osterman spent the week end with relatives in Palacios.

Miss Carolyn Slaikeu was a guest of honor at a supper and then the party on her birthday last Thursday.

Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, February 4, 1937



Mr. Warrie Schieke has returned to Beaumont.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Frankson and Mr. Bill Farmer were Edna visitors Monday.

The V. C. Anders family visited with the Herman Wilmore family Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Buck Larson and family were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Graham, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rogers and family were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hamilton at Lolita.

Mr. and Mrs. Fluke Frankson and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Frankson were Bay City visitors Monday.

We are glad to report that Mrs. Emil Peterson, who has been very ill, is back at home since last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Farmer visited Mrs. Farmer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Bengston, last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Loff and sons, Bob and Walter, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Wilson Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fluke Frankson and family.

Messrs. Darwin and Arvid Loff, Lloyd Oleson and Warrie Schieke were Edna and El Campo visitors last Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Oleson, after an extended visit with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Loff, have returned to Port Arthur.

Members of the Carancahua P. T. A. are giving a 3 act comedy, “Two Days to Marry,” next Friday, January 21st at 7:30 o’clock. Everyone is cordially invited. No admission will be charged.

Palacios Beacon, January 20, 1938


Mr. C. E. Peterson of Olivia was a visitor in Carancahua, Wednesday.

Mr. Frank Schulte will drive a milk truck to Edna beginning Monday.

Mrs. Ernest Abrahamson has relatives from Ohio visiting her for a few days.

Mr. and Mrs. Emil Peterson visited Mr. and Mrs. John Nensteil at Palacios, Friday evening.

Miss Eugenia Schulte visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schulte, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Frankson, Mr. Andrew Loff, Arvid Loff, Miss Helen Moltz and others from Carancahua were at Edna, Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cavallin and Joyce from Olivia Mr. and Mrs. Artie Larsen, and family were visitors at the E. H. Abraham home Sunday afternoon.

Girl’s 4-H Club News

The Girl’s 4-H Club met Thursday, January 28, 1938 at the Carancahua School house. The meeting was called to order, and after the roll call we played a game called, “Cities.” The meeting was turned over to the County Demonstrator, Miss Cox, who gave a very interesting talk about bedrooms and pillow cases.—Louise Holmar, Reporter.

(Too Late For Last Week)

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Abraham and family were Olivia visitors Sunday.

The three act comedy presented by the members of the P. T. A. was a great success.

Miss Carolyn Slaikeu sent a very interesting account of the Tournament of Roses which she attended at Pasadena, California.

Mr. V. C. Anders, like Nimrod of old, is becoming a mighty hunter. His hunting trips have been unusually successful of late, while Martin Loff has been telling some interesting “fish stories.”

Palacios Beacon, February 3, 1938


Mrs. Shimek’s brother was down for the week end.

Mr. A. Lewis is visiting his son Harley at Palacios.

Mr. Frank Schulte has been ill for the last few days.

Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Abraham and children visited relatives at Olivia, Sunday.

Mr. V. C. Anders contemplates going to Galveston for medical treatment in the near future. He has been ill for some time.

The annual Valentine box was opened in the school room Monday. Several visitors were present to enjoy the fun with the children.

Mr. Rodan, Mrs. A. F. Robinson and little daughter Jacky May, and the Frank Slaughter family were guests in the Peterson home Friday evening.

The P. T. A. will have a forty-two party Friday night at the school house. Pie and coffee will be served. The proceeds will be used to buy carbide for the school and the church.

The Women’s Home Demonstration Club was held at the school house Friday afternoon. Miss Bonnie Cox lectured on cleaning and painting furniture. All meetings will be held at the school building in the future. Mrs. Cecil Graham and Mrs. E. H. Abraham have prepared the year books.

Palacios Beacon, February 17, 1938


Eugenia Schulte was at home for the week end.

Mrs. Floyd Black and children are visiting in the Schulte home.

Virginia Anders spent the week end with her aunt, Mrs. Shows in Edna.

Weldon Anders who has been in the CCC camp in California is at home now.

The Shimek family attended church services in Palacios, Sunday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Frankson and sons visited the E. H. Abraham family Sunday.

Misses Lorena and Vivian Martin were visitors in Carancahua, Sunday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harris and children were guests in the Fluke Frankson home Sunday.

Mr. Cecil Graham will leave for San Antonio, Tuesday. He hopes to find employment there.

Miss Rosie Farmer was married to Mr. Norman Carey of Houston a few days ago. The couple will reside in Houston where the groom is an employee at the Citizen’s National Bank.

We hope that everyone will attend the Fat Stock Show and Rodeo which is now going on at Houston. Mr. James Sartwelle is sponsoring this event which will rival the stock shows and rodeos of Dallas and Ft. Worth.

Girl’s 4-H Club Notes

The Girl’s 4-H met Thursday, February 24, 1930 at the Carancahua School House. The meeting was called to order and the roll was called after which the game, “Telling Fortunes” was played. The meeting was turned over to Miss Bonnie Cox who gave a very interesting talk on pillow cases. Some of the girls brought their pillow cases for inspection. The others will bring their’s next time. The project is to improve the bedrooms. Virginia Anders will give a bedroom demonstration later on while Margaret and Melba Frankson will be garden demonstrators.—Louis Holman, Club Reporter

Palacios Beacon, March 3, 1938


Mr. Arvid Loff has purchased a new radio.

Miss Eugenia Schulke was home Tuesday from Bay City.

Eric Yoas is driving a milk truck for Raymond Elliot to Victoria.

Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Stovall spent the weekend at their bayshore home.

Jack Anders is at home for a visit.

Miss Helen Moltz went to Victoria, Sunday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Olsen and Mr. Olsen’s brothers and sister left for Minnesota, Tuesday.

Several of the Carancahua folks went to Blessing, Saturday night to hear the “Light Crust Doughboys” play.

Mr. Westholm of Port Lavaca has organized a music class here, and will direct the rhythm band for the school.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hamilton and family and Miss Bell Hamilton of Lolita visited the Robert Rogers family Sunday.

Mrs. Ella Hogan and daughter Gladys were guests at the Peterson home Tuesday. Mary Ellen Peterson went with them to Bloomington where she will spend a few days.

The baseball boys defeated the Turtle Bay team with a score of 25-15, but were defeated by the Francitas boys with the same score reversed. The girls have not won any game yet, either in baseball or volley ball.

Palacios Beacon, March 10, 1938



Fluke Frankson was taking the school census this week.

Mr. Bill Raineshek’s parents and younger brother visited her Sunday.

The Slaughter family had a reunion picnic at the old Houston Club Sunday.

The Women’s Home Demonstration Club meeting was postponed until Thursday and the P. T. A. meeting was deferred a month because of a conflict with Interscholastic League events.

Remember the school trustee election, and vote the one who stands for the interest of the school regardless of personal friendships and interests. Too little attention is given to these elections.

The Carancahua School made the following record at County meet:
First place in rural essay writing, Burton Abrahamson
Second place junior girl’s declamation, Frances Frankson
Third place high school rural spelling, Burton Abrahamson and Vernon Frankson
Third place spelling, Grades IV and V, Margaret [Florence] Frankson and Thelma Harris. Both girls are fourth graders.

Palacios Beacon, March 24, 1938


Cecil Graham has returned from San Antonio.

Emil Peterson and family visited at Olivia, Sunday.

Walter Loff and Dave Frankson were at Edna Saturday.

Ernest Abrahamson and family visited at Olivia Sunday.

Miss Helen Moltz was a business visitor at Edna, Saturday.

E. H. Abraham and family were guests at the Guy Cavallin home Sunday.

Mrs. Maynard Frankson has been ill, but we are glad to know that she is improving.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilmore from Malone are visiting the Wilmore family here this week.

Chas. Harris and family, Buck Larsen, Bill Frankson, and Arvid Loff were Houston visitors for the weekend.

Remember the school trustee election Saturday and vote conscientiously. It takes a good man to fill this unpaid office well.

Correction from last week’s notes:
Florence Frankson and Thelma Harris won third place in rural spelling, grades IV and V.

The Women’s Home Demonstration Club met at the Carancahua School House, Thursday afternoon. Only six members were present due to illness and other causes. Miss Bonnie Cox talked about the importance of the pantry in the rural home.

Palacios Beacon, March 31, 1938


Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Olsen are visiting relatives here.

Ernest and Warrie Schieke spent the week end in Carancahua.

Mrs. Florence Compton and children were guests of the Loff family Sunday.

Glenn, Ella, and Ruthie Peterson attended the Easter Services at Carancahua Sunday.

Mrs. Florence Compton and children, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Olsen and children were visitors in the Loff home, Sunday.

Arvid Loff and Burton Abrahamson went to Victoria where Burton entered the rural essay writing contest for the district. The result of this contest is not known at this time.

Miss Helen Moltz was the charming hostess at an Easter party Friday afternoon at the school house. The guests were the primary and pre-school children and the mothers of the tiny tots. Easter rabbits, chicks, and eggs appeared in the games and refreshments.

P. T. A. Notes

The Carancahua P. T. A. had its last regular meeting Thursday evening. A clever and amusing program was rendered by members of the organization. Refreshments of sandwiches, cookies, and coffee were served to the crowd.

Palacios Beacon, April 21, 1938


Mr. Bill Farmer’s parents visited him and his family Sunday.

We are having an abundance of rain in our community now.

Mrs. Cecil Graham was substitute teacher in the school Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Shimek and children visited the Peterson family Wednesday evening.

School closing exercises will be held May 10. We understand that both teachers were re-elected but Miss Helen Moltz, the primary teacher declined the offer.

A group from Olivia came over Sunday to play indoor baseball. The teams were well matched and the score was a tie in the first game, and a slight victory for Carancahua in the second.

The following went to Port Lavaca, Monday as witnesses in the case of the State vs. (Redfish) Newton; Mr. and Mrs. Farmer, Dave and Fluke Frankson, Mr. A. Loff and sons, Robert, Martin and Pete, Dolph Abraham, and Emil Peterson. The case was dismissed and Mr. Newton was released.

Palacios Beacon, April 28, 1938


Miss Hazel Shows is visiting Virginia Anders.

Mr. V. C. Anders is going to Galveston for Medical attention.

Miss Helen Loff is at home. She has been working in Houston.

Mr. Dudley and Miss Cox both met with their respective clubs this week.

Mrs. Chas. Yeamans of Bay City visited her father, Mr. A. W. Lewis Sunday.

Warrie Schieke came in Monday. He will spend several days with friends and relatives.

Mrs. Westerholm is making very good progress with the rhythm band and music work in the school.

Quite a number of the Carancahua folk attended the movies in Palacios, Sunday. “Heidi” being the attraction.

Mr. H. E. Morton and Miss Beatrice Narrell from Newgulf, were visitors in Carancahua, Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Otto “Doc” Rogers, Mrs. Floyd Black and children of Houston visited the Schulke and Rogers families this week end.

A group of men and boys from our Community went to Olivia, Sunday to play indoor base ball. They met with a overwhelming defeat. The score being 42-10 in favor of Olivia.

Palacios Beacon, May 5, 1938


The school closing events were well attended and enjoyed by all.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Farmer and son Nels visited Mrs. Farmer’s parents near Blessing Sunday.

The Anders children went to Galveston to see their father who is in the hospital there, Saturday.

A group from Olivia came over to play ball Sunday afternoon. The score was 7 – 5 in favor of Carancahua.

Mr. Ernest Schieke brought his mother and sister Dorothy for a short visit to their former home on the bay, Saturday.

Miss Minnie Farmer’s Sunday School class gave her a surprise party at the Maynard Frankson home Sunday afternoon. They presented her with a New Testament since she is leaving for Houston soon.

Palacios Beacon, May 19, 1938


Miss Louis Le Blanc is visiting her mother, Mrs. A. J. Turner.

Warrie Schieke left for Houston where he expects to go to work.

Johnnie Frankson is attending the encampment at Palacios army camp this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Hetchler are making their home with Mrs. Hetchler’s brother, Dolphy Abraham.

Miss Minnie Farmer who graduated from Palacios High School, May 26, 1938, will leave for Houston soon.

Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Peterson and children attended the wedding of Miss Vernon Cleveland to Bill Fitzgerald at Riverside Baptist Church, May 28, 1938. Glenn Peterson spent Thursday, Friday and Saturday in Carancahua during their absence taking care of the place.

Mrs. Frank Schulke has returned from Houston where she was called on account of an accident which happened to her little granddaughter Shirley Black who was hurt when she fell from a car to the pavement. We are glad to know that the little girl is well on the way to recovery.

Palacios Beacon, June 2, 1938


Dorothy Shimek is attending confirmation class at Palacios.

Matt Loff entertained his friends with a party Tuesday evening.

Mr. F. E. Appling and family are spending a few days at their summer home at the El Campo club.

Mrs. E. H. Abraham attended a shower at Olivia given in honor of Miss Elsie Wilson, Saturday afternoon.

Mrs. Hetchler is at Olivia with her brother Bert’s wife and infant daughter.

Jack Anders is working at Edna now. His sister Virginia is visiting relatives in Dallas.

Several members of the Women’s Home Demonstration Club will go on an educational tour to Goliad, Wednesday.

Mr. B. H. Pearce of Francitas was in Carancahua, Monday electioneering for commissioner of precinct No. 4.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd black and daughters have been visiting Mrs. Black’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schulke.

Miss Hazel Wilson and Pete Loff have been elected as teachers of the Carancahua school for the coming school year.

The Carancahua ball team went to Olivia, Sunday afternoon. Two games were played, Olivia winning both by a slight majority.

Ella Peterson of Olivia visited her brother Emil and family Saturday afternoon. She attended the Alumni banquet at Palacios Saturday evening.

Palacios Beacon, June 9, 1938


Mr. Agnus Shimek was a business visitor in El Campo, Tuesday.

Misses Theo and Mabel Hamilton are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Rob Rogers.

Mrs. Ella Hogan and daughter Gladys spent the day in Carancahua Tuesday.

The Olivia vs. Carancahua ball game Sunday resulted in a victory to the visiting team.

The Maynard Frankson family went to visit Mrs. Frankson’s parents at Blessing, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Loff and sons, Bob and Pete are spending several weeks in Minnesota.

Several friends and relatives enjoyed making ice cream at the W. H. Frankson home Sunday evening.

Mr. Maynard Frankson took the 4-H Club boys to Camp Hulen for the annual county encampment.

Weldon Anders has gone to Houston to find work. Jack, Virginia, and Melvin Anders will make their home in Edna.

Mr. and Mrs. Shimek attended the confirmation exercises at Palacios, Sunday. Their little daughter Dorothy came back with them having completed her class work.

Thelma Thompson of Houston visited her aunt Mrs. G. E. Peterson from Thursday until Tuesday. Her parents came for her and took Kenneth back with them to spend a few days.

Palacios Beacon, June 30, 1938


Miss Josie Vostotatic is staying at the home of Mrs. Bill Raineshek.

Weldon Anders was in Carancahua, Monday, visiting Leonard Schulke.

Miss Lois Shimek is visiting at the home of her uncle, Mr. Ignoc Shimek.

Mrs. Otto Rogers and little niece Shirley have been visiting in the frank Schulke home.

Mr. and Mrs. Warrie Schieke have gone to El Campo where they will now make their home.

Jack Anders and sister Miss Virginia and Miss Lois Maxey were visitors in the Carancahua community Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Graham plan to leave for San Antonio soon where Mr. Graham will resume his former position.

The meeting of the Women’s Demonstration Club was postponed until the 22nd of this month as our demonstrator Miss Cox will be engaged in other activities until that time.

Johnnie Frankson attended the Boy’s Short Course at A. and M. College this week. Mrs. Bill Frankson will go the 15th of this month as a delegate for the Women’s Home Demonstration Club.

Palacios Beacon, July 14, 1938


Ludwig Peterson is spending a few days with Wallace Johnson at El Campo.

Mrs. Rob Rogers and children, Rufus and Louise went to Lolita, Sunday.

Lorraine Abraham has returned from a three week’s visit with her aunt, Mrs. Cavallin of Olivia.

Mr. Monroe Sells and Mr. Skosberg of Olivia were business visitors in Carancahua last Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Loff and sons have returned from Minnesota where they have been visiting for several week.

Mr. and Mrs. Hetchler, Dolphy Abraham and Laurance Abrahamson were guests of the E. H. Abraham family, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cavallin and little daughter Joyce, of Olivia, were visitors in the Carancahua community, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Parker have relatives from Houston visiting them, and a group of friends from Blessing came over Sunday.

The Wilmore family, Leonard Schulke, and Lloyd Vostotatek together with Turtle Bay friends enjoyed a swim Sunday afternoon.

The Rev. M. Bergman delivered a very effective sermonette to a group assembled at the home of Mrs. A. Frankson, Wednesday night. Scripture reading in both the English and the Swedish languages were given as well as several songs in both languages.

Palacios Beacon, July 21, 1938

(Too Late For Last Week)

Weldon Anders was a visitor in Carancahua, Sunday.

Vernon and Margaret Frankson are visiting relatives at McAllen.

The Larsen family were guests at the E. H. Frankson home Sun.

The Shimek family visited Mr. Shimek’s mother near El Campo.

Mr. Cecil Graham’s nephew from San Antonio is spending his vacation with him.

The Emil Peterson family went to El Campo, Saturday to visit the Johnson there.

Mr. and Mrs. Rob Rogers and children were guests in the Schulke home Sunday afternoon.

Frances Frankson fell from a haystack and broke her arm one day last week. She is getting along nicely, however.

Anita Jo Frankson is spending the week with her grand parents Mr. and Mrs. Huffman of Palacios. She is attending the Children’s Bible Sunday Class.

The Rev. McPherson of Palacios is conducting a revival meeting at the Methodist Church here. Good attendance indicates that interest is being shown.

The Women Demonstration club had its meeting at the school house Friday afternoon with Mrs. Herman Wilmore acting as hostess. Several interesting reports were made after which Miss Cox gave a lecture on Bathing Facilities with greater ease. Refreshments of ice tea and cake were served.

Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Abraham and children attended the wedding of Miss Elsie Wilson and Mr. Raymond Steiger last Wednesday. The wedding took place at the bride’s home in Olivia at high noon. Luncheon was served to one hundred and fifty guests. Miss Wilson taught the Carancahua School for three years and consequently has many friends here.

Palacios Beacon, August 4, 1938


The revival meeting closed Friday night.

Betty June Abrahamson is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Guy Cavallin at Olivia.

Mr. Malcolm Cavallin was a business visitor in Carancahua Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Olsen were visitors in the Loff home for the week end.

Jack, Weldon, and Virginia Anders were visiting friends at Carancahua, Sunday.

Miss Dorothy Schieke of Houston is visiting Mrs. Bill Raineshek at the El Campo Club.

Lawrence Abrahamson spent Sunday at the home of his friends, Clifton and Donnie Frankson.

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cary and Miss Minnie Farmer and friends from Houston were at the Farmer home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Otto Rogers and Mr. Floyd Black of Houston were down for the week end visiting the Frank Schulke family.

Palacios Beacon, August 4, 1938


Mr. Jim Michna of Houston is visiting the Wilmore Family.

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Peterson were in Carancahua, Wednesday.

Mr. John Bode was a visitor in Francitas, Saturday and Sunday.

Jack Anders of Edna spent Sunday visiting friends in Carancahua.

Martin Loff and Clarence Schieke were visitors in El Campo, Tuesday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris and children, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Abraham, and family, visited at the Fluke Frankson home Sunday.

Mr. Hassin Hamilton, Mrs. Minton Williams, and others from Lolita are enjoying fishing in the Carancahua Bay at the Robert Rogers home.

Miss Virginia Anders was honoree at a “weiner roast” at the Houston Club, Friday evening. Miss Anders was a weekend guest of Mrs. E. H. Abraham.

Palacios Beacon, August 11, 1938

(Too Late For Last Week)

Mr. Cecil Graham has gone to San Antonio.

Mr. and Mrs. Inae Shimek and children were El Campo visitors, Monday.

Nels Farmer is at home after spending a week at Houston with his sister, Mrs. Norman Cary.

The Anders family has moved back to our community. They will live on Mrs. Helen Loff’s place.

Mr. and Mrs. Milton Rogers from Palacios visited at the Rob Rogers home Friday and enjoyed fishing.

Vernon and Margaret Frankson have returned from McAllen, Texas, where they have been visiting relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Peterson and daughters visited the Lee Slaughter family near Blessing, Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. Warrie Schieke is spending a week with her mother, Mrs. A. J. Turner. Jewel Holman is at Houston with her.

The Young people of Carancahua accompanied by a few married couples went to Port Also on a swimming party Wednesday evening.

The Women’s Home Demonstration Club met at the school house Friday afternoon. Miss Cox was not able to be present so Mrs. Cecil Graham led the meeting and acted as hostess. Mrs. Maynard Frankson gave an interesting lecture on the picture, “Marie Antoinette,” by Madame Le Brun. It was decided to have a 42 party at the school house Tuesday night. Refreshments of coffee, cake, and cookies were served.

The 42 party given by the Home Demonstration Club was enjoyed by all who attended. High scores went to Mrs. Artie Larson and to Mr. Walter McPherson while the consolation prizes were awarded to Dolphy Abraham and Miss Hazel Wilson. The social netted ten dollars and twenty-five cents.

Palacios Beacon, August 25, 1938


Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Frankson are visiting in Houston.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rogers and children visited relatives in Lolita, Sunday.

Mr. Bill Frankson and Clarence Schieke were visitors in Wharton, Monday.

The E. H. Abraham family visited the Guy Cavallin family at Olivia, Sunday.

Mr. Ignac Schimek and family attended the funeral of his sister at El Campo, Tuesday.

Miss Dorothy Schieke and her brother, Clarence, will leave for Houston, Wednesday.

Miss Virginia Anders was given a surprise party on her birthday Tuesday evening. All the neighbors came bringing cake and punch for refreshments and gifts of canned goods for the honoree.

Palacios Beacon, August 25, 1938


Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Frankson are visiting in Houston.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rogers and children visited relatives in Lolita, Sunday.

Mr. Bill Frankson and Clarence Schieke were visitors in Wharton, Monday.

The E. H. Abraham family visited the Guy Cavallin family at Olivia, Sunday.

Mr. Ignac Schimek and family attended the funeral of his sister at El Campo, Tuesday.

Miss Dorothy Schieke and her brother, Clarence, will leave for Houston, Wednesday.

Miss Virginia Anders was given a surprise party on her birthday Tuesday evening. All the neighbors came bringing cake and punch for refreshments and gifts of canned goods for the honoree.

Palacios Beacon, August 25, 1938


The school ground is being prepared for school to start Monday.

Weldon Anders left for Victoria, Wednesday where he will go to work for his uncle Mr. Elgin Show.

Several relatives and friends from Lolita visited the Rogers family Tuesday.

Miss Ida Mae Wilson will stay with her sister Miss Hazel and attend school at Palacios.

Mrs. Otto Rogers, Mrs. Floyd Black, and the latter’s little daughters from Houston are visiting the Schulke family.

The Shimek family went to Louise, Sunday, to visit Mr. Shimek’s parents. Their little daughter, Dorothy, stayed for a visit with her grandmother.

Jack Anders is driving the school bus to La Ward. Vernon, Johnnie, and David Frankson and Burton Abrahamson are the only pupils from Carancahua this year.

Palacios Beacon, September 15, 1938


Willard Skinner of Olivia is staying at the Rogers home.

Mrs. Frank Schulke and son Leonard were Houston visitors Sunday.

Miss Dorothy Schieke of Houston, was a week end visitor in Carancahua.

Virginia, Melvin, and Jack Anders visited the Buck Larsen family, Monday night.

Burton Abrahamson sprained his ankle while trying out for football at La Ward, Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slaughter and daughter were Carancahua visitors Saturday night.

Miss Bertha Peterson of Galveston is visiting at the home of her brother, G. E. Peterson.

G. E. Peterson and E. H. Abraham were initiated into the Woodmen of the World lodge Tuesday night.

The Carancahua School began Monday morning with a very good enrollment. We sincerely hope that the school year will be a successful one and if we parents will co-operate with the teachers we are confident it will be.

Palacios Beacon, September 22, 1938


Mrs. Lloyd Olsen is visiting relatives and friends in Carancahua.

Mr. and Mrs. Warrie Schieke of El Campo are visiting in Carancahua this week.

Mrs. Bill Raineshek is at El Campo to be near a physician with her little daughter who is ill.

Mrs. Elgin Shows and daughters and Weldon Anders were visitors in the Anders home Tuesday.

The Women’s Home Demonstration Club will meet at the home of Mrs. E. H. Abraham, Friday. The ladies will each bring one covered dish, while Miss Cox will be invited for lunch.

The Peterson family attended the annual re-union ice-cream supper at the Llenos Peterson home at Olivia, Friday night.

The ladies of the Methodist Church gave a forty-two and picnic social at the school house Friday night for the purpose of raising funds to pay their pastor. They were very successful in their efforts. Many delicious pies of a great variety were sold bringing a sum of over twelve dollars.

Palacios Beacon, September 29, 1938


The Rev. Mr. Bergman was a visitor at the Loff home Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Larsen were Houston visitors Monday and Tuesday.

Several relatives and friends visited the Shimek family here Sunday.

We are glad to report that Virginia Anders, Clifton Frankson, and Artie Larsen are all able to be back at school.

Mrs. D. F. Frankson and little daughter, Anita Jo, have returned from a visit to Mrs. Frankson’s sister at San Antonio.

Mrs. Bill Frankson, Miss Helen Loff, Miss Ella Hammerback, and Mrs. Herman Wilmore are working at the shrimp factory in Palacios.

The Women’s Home Demonstration Club held their regular meeting at the school house Friday afternoon with their demonstrator, Miss Cox.

Palacios Beacon, October 20, 1938


Mr. D. I. Dudley met with the 4-H Club boys Tuesday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Fluke Frankson, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Peterson and little daughter Leta, and Lloyd Volstatek were business visitors in El Campo, Monday.

Glenn Peterson and Walter Alton were visitors in the Carancahua community Sunday.

“Sparky” Plant of Wharton was visiting friends in Carancahua during the weekend.

Mrs. Bill Fitzgerald nee Vernon Cleveland visited her mother, Mrs. G. E. Peterson during the Armistice Day holidays.

Mr. and Mrs. Warrie Schieke are spending a week in Carancahua visiting friends and relatives.

The Wilmore family have moved north of Palacios. We shall miss them a great deal. The Buck Larsen family have moved to the place vacated by the Wilmores.

The Women’s Home Demonstration Club met at the school house Friday, Nov. 11. Mrs. Maynard Frankson acting as hostess. Miss Cox gave an instructive talk on poultry. Officers for the following year were elected. Mrs. Maynard Frankson was chosen as bedroom demonstrator. Pantry demonstrator will be decided upon at a later date. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Fluke Frankson. It will be in the form of a Christmas party.

Miss Ella Hammerback has returned to her home at Lyford.

Mr. L. E. Frankson was a business visitor in Edna, Monday and Tuesday.

Palacios Beacon, November 17, 1938


Mr. W. H. Frankson who is working in Houston was home for the weekend.

Mrs. Lloyd Olsen, Louise and La Verne Holman visited the Loff family Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. Guy Cavallin and family visited relatives in Carancahua, Sunday.

Miss Bonnie Cox met with the 4-H Girls Friday of this week.

The Rob Rogers family has moved to Olivia. We regret to lose them from our community.

Mr. and Mrs. Warrie Schieke have returned to El Campo after an extended visit to relatives and friends here.

Weldon Anders, who is working at Victoria, was at home for the week-end.

The Thanksgiving dinner at the school house was well attended and enjoyed by everyone. The pastor made a nice and inspiring patriotic talk.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hetchler have guests from Arkansas.

Palacios Beacon, December 8, 1938


Miss Virginia Anders spent the weekend in Palacios with friends.

The O. K. Martin family of Blessing spent Saturday in Carancahua.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Olsen from Baytown brought their house car in Friday. Mrs. Olsen will spend the winter here on account of their cattle.

Mr. Irvin Maxey and brother, from Red Bluff were visitors in the Anders home Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schulke went to Olivia Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. W. H. Frankson and children were guests at the Buck Larsen home Sunday.

Home Demonstration Club

The regular meeting was held Friday, Dec. 9, at the home of Mrs. Fluke Frankson. The Spirit of Christmas prevailed throughout the meeting which took the form of a Christmas party. The club members had drawn names previously and gave each other useful gifts on a lovely little tree which was furnished and decorated by the hostess.

Delicious refreshments of sandwiches, cookies, coffee, punch, and cake were served.

The following were visitors: Rev. and Mrs. Keen of Palacios; Mr. and Mrs. John Nensteil of Palacios; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Turner, Mrs. Gene Gillespie, Mrs. Gillespie, Sr.

Palacios Beacon, December 15, 1938



Church services were held at the Carancahua Methodist Church Sunday night, Rev. Keen of Palacios officiating.

Mr. Lloyd Olsen’s brother from the North has been visiting in the Carancahua community.

W. H. Frankson is in Houston working at carpenter work.

Mr. Avery, Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Sartwell of Louisiana, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Sartwell of Houston, visited the Sartwell home, Sunday.

Miss Joan Holmes was a recent visitor in the Anders home.

Coughs and colds have been prevailing throughout the community but the bright sunshine we are having now should change that.

Palacios Beacon, February 2, 1939


Mr. and Mrs. Emil Kubesch and family visited at the Shimek home Sunday.

A number of the Carancahua folks attended the movies at Palacios, Monday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Peterson and daughter Ella of Olivia were Carancahua visitors one day last week.

Church services were held this Sunday night instead of last as reported last week.

Mr. L. E. Frankson has been on the sick list this week.

Maurice Wilmore visited Melvin Anders, Sunday.

Supt. I. T. Taylor visited the school one day last week and as usual gave inspirational advice to the teachers and the pupils of the school.

The boys’ playground ball and the girls’ volley ball team both suffered defeat from the Francitas teams on the latter’s grounds Friday afternoon. If our boys and girls lost nothing but the game and kept sportsmanship as we hope they did they were perhaps the real winners. To lose gracefully is one of the most skillful of all arts.

Mr. and Mrs. Ignac Shimek and children were guests at the Emil Peterson home Sunday evening.

Palacios Beacon, February 9, 1939


Mr. Frank Schulke has been quite ill, but we are glad to learn that he is better.

Mr. Maynard Frankson and some of the 4-H Club Boys attended a banquet at Edna Thursday.

The Turtle Bay Boys’ Playground Ball Team defeated the Carancahua Boys’ team with a score of 16-10, or there abouts, Friday afternoon on the Carancahua diamond. Nels Farmer did some excellent playing for Carancahua. Twice when the bases were full, he knocked a home run besides doing some good pitching. The visiting team did good playing and showed the best of sportsmanship.

The Woman’s Home Demonstration Club met at the school house Friday afternoon. After a short business session, Miss Cox discussed ways of serving dried fruits. She gave a demonstration of making interesting but simple salads of cottage cheese and prunes. She showed a poster illustrating correct and incorrect posture which said more than a long lecture. After the demonstration coffee and cake were served, Mrs. Ruth Larson acting as hostess.

Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Frankson and Mrs. A. Frankson visited the Chas. Harris home Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Mathingale of Big Springs are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Raymond Elliott.

The people of Carancahua and Deutschburg Communities met at the Carancahua school house to discuss the Rural Electrification Project.

Palacios Beacon, February 16, 1939


Mr. Frank Schulke and Mr. A. Larson were business visitors in Edna, Monday.

Martin and Arvid Loff went with Ed. Hoffmann to Kenedy, Sunday.

Those from Carancahua who attended the Guy Cavallin birthday celebration were: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hetchler, E. A. Abrahamson and family, E. H. Abraham and family, G. E. Peterson and family and Margaret Frankson.

Lloyd Olsen’s barn burned early Monday morning having caught from a lamp in the improvised brooder house. Several chicks, some feed, and some good automobile tires were lost besides the barn itself.

Jack Anders spent the weekend at Houston. C. F. Schicke came back with him but returned to Houston, Tuesday.

A comedy drama, “Petticoat Ranch, will be given at the Carancahua school house, March 2, 7:30 p. m. A small admission fee of 15c for adults and 5 c for children will be charged to pay the expenses of the play and for the benefit of the school. After the play, pie and coffee will be served at a nominal cost. Everyone is invited to be present.

Palacios Beacon, March 2, 1939


Mrs. Frank Schulke is in Houston visiting her daughters who live there.

Mr. and Mrs. Burt Abraham and family of Olivia visited relatives in Carancahua, Sunday.

The play, “Petticoat Ranch,” was given Friday night to an appreciative audience. After the play was over coffee and pie were served. A sum of fourteen dollars above expenses was cleared. This will be used to supplement the pastor’s salary.

A group of young married women played volley ball with the school girls, and afterwards with the school boys, Friday afternoon. Although they lost game after game they set the boys and girls an example of good sportsmanship.

Little Joyce Cavallin spent the day with her aunt Mrs. E. H. Abraham, Friday while her parents attended the Fat Stock Show at Houston.

Mr. D. I. Dudley met with the 4-H Club boys at the school house Tuesday morning.

Several of the Carancahua folks attended a dance at Francitas, Saturday night.

Palacios Beacon, March 9, 1939


The farmers of Carancahua are all wearing pleasant smiles. Is it the weather or the arrival of their government checks?

Mr. Arvid Loff and a bevy of his school girls went kodaking, Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Claud Cavallin and little daughter visited at the G. E. Peterson home,  Friday. Little Betty Abraham also spent the day with her little friend, Leta Peterson that day.

Joe Vostatek and Martin Loff have moved to the "Huey" place where they plan to bach and raise chickens.

The E. H. Abraham family spent Sunday evening at the Buck Larson home. Other  incidental visitors there were the Charles Harris family, and G. E. Peterson, wife and little daughter.

The Carancahua S. S. was well attended Sunday morning—almost fifty members were present.

Mrs. Frank Schulke has returned from Houston. She announces the arrival of a grandson, Marshal Ray Rogers.

C. F. Schieke and sister, Dorothy, were recent visitors in Carancahua.

Palacios Beacon, March 23, 1939

Home Coming Day at Carancahua

It was Home Coming Day in Carancahua Sunday, August 20th. Early in the forenoon former residents and friends began to gather at the school house, renewing old acquaintances.

Sunday School was held in the Methodist Church at 10:30 with an attendance of almost one hundred. By noon many more had arrived with well filled baskets. Dinner was spread on long tables in the school house. A plentiful supply of all kinds of good food made up a dinner that was greatly enjoyed by all.

The afternoon was spent in visiting, singing, and games on the play ground. Much of the credit for this happy reunion should go to the local Carancahua people who were so interested in making it a success. Many who were there are hoping it will be made an annual affair. –Contributed

Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, August 24, 1939


Chas. Harris and family have returned from a trip which included a visit to the Dallas Fair.

The teachers took their pupils to the Wharton County Fair last Wednesday which proved to be a very interesting event to the children.

J. W. Farmer is at home after a visit to relatives in Arkansas and Oklahoma.

D. E. Frankson is remodeling his home. We are glad to note that Carancahua is to have more neat, county houses.

Our community was well represented at the Jackson County Fair. The following awards were received on the projects:
Nels Farmer, first on Dairy Heifer
Clifton Frankson, first on Dairy Heifer
Wayne Frankson, first on Beef Calf
Johnnie and David Frankson, second on Dairy Heifer
Burton Abraham, fourth on Beef Calf
Ludwig Peterson, second on Acre of Feed.

Palacios Beacon, October 26, 1939


Ernest Abrahamson, William Hetchler and the G. E. Peterson family went to Olivia Sunday to be present at the funeral rites of Otto Peterson.

Mr. and Mrs. Ignoc Schimek and little son Donald were El Campo visitors Friday.

Several of the Carancahua folks attended the Hallowe’en program at LaWard, Monday night.

Martin Loff and Joe Vostatek went to the Turtle Bay Hallowe’en festivities Monday night.

The Hallowe’en party at the Carancahua school house was well attended Tuesday night. The chief features of entertainment were a candy guessing contest and a treasure hunt for bones. Mrs. Maynard Frankson guessed the nearest to the number of pieces of candy in the jar and was awarded the same as a prize. Only the youngsters came in masquerade. Prizes for the best costumes went to little Leta Catherine Peterson and Jack Harris. The former was a little ghost and the latter a negro mammy. Refreshments of cake, coffee, and cocoa were served to all present.

Girls’ 4-H Club

The Carancahua Girls’ 4-H Club met Oct. 26, 1939. The following officers were elected: Melba Frankson, president; Margaret Frankson, vice-president; Frances Frankson, sec-treas.; Florence Frankson, reporter; Mrs. D. F. Frankson, sponsor. Members of the club are: Beryl Larson, Dorothy Shimek, Melba, Frances, Margaret, and Florence Frankson.—Florence Frankson, reporter.

Palacios Beacon, November 2, 1939


Mr. and Mrs. Wilson from Illinois are visiting at the E. A. Abrahamson home.

Mrs. A. Frankson was given a surprise party at her home on her eightieth birthday, Tuesday evening. The guests brought sandwiches and cake which, with the coffee furnished by the hostess were thoroughly enjoyed.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Farmer will spend Thanksgiving with their daughters at Houston.

G. E. Peterson and wife and daughters left for East Texas, Wednesday. They will spend the Thanksgiving holidays with relatives at Huntsville, Riverside, Lufkin, and Nacogdoches.

The Carancahua Community will celebrate Thanksgiving with a short program and basket dinner at the school house.

Girls 4-H Club

The Carancahua 4-H Club Girls met with Miss Bonnie Cox at the school house Nov. 23, 1939. The meeting was called to order by the president. The secretary read the minutes which were approved as read. The girls then played a game called "Buzz." Miss Cox gave a lecture on "Warm Bedding for Winter."

--Florence Frankson, reporter.

Palacios Beacon, November 30, 1939


The Women’s Home Demonstration Club had its annual Christmas party at the home of Mrs. A. Frankson and her daughter, Mrs. C. J. Harris. Several games were played, gifts were exchanged, and delicious refreshments were served. Mrs. John Nensteil and Mrs. Mack, the pastor’s wife, were welcome visitors. The following officers were elected: Mrs. Maynard Frankson, president; Mrs. D. E. Frankson, vice-president; Mrs. C. J. Harris, secretary and Mrs. G. E. Peterson, reporter.

Mr. A. Loff is having his home remodeled.

Mrs. Lloyd Olsen is at home for the winter.

The W. H. Frankson family have moved to Houston where Mr. Frankson is working. Their son Wilbur and Matts Loff are taking care of the place.

Rob Rogers and family have moved to the C. J. Harris place.

Billie Wilmore of Palacios is visiting in Carancahua during the holidays.

Palacios Beacon, December 21, 1939


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