Grayson County TXGenWeb

Denison, Texas Genealogical Society
Online Document Project 

Morrison  & Fourmy's General Directory of the City of Denison 1887-1888
By Linda Hopson & Shirley Hooker

View the Front Book Cover and the Back Book Cover

Table of Contents

Front Cover

Front Page



4-5 Advertisement

6-7 Advertisement

8-9 Advertisement

10-11 Advertisement

12-13 Advertisement

14-15 Advertisement

16 Advertisement & Addenda

Advertisement & Denison Street Directory

Denison Street Directory continued to end, cemeteries & parks

Prefatory 2-3   (population growth included)

Table of contents

Index to advertisement and state government

State Government continued

State Government continued to end

County officials in the state of Texas, Counties A-H

County officials in the state of Texas, Counties H-R

County officials in the state of Texas, Counties R-Z & start of Texas Counites, Judicial districts, Judges and Clerks and other court information A - C

Texas Counites, Judicial districts, Judges and Clerks and other court information C - L

Texas Counites, Judicial districts, Judges and Clerks and other court information  L - Z

Denison Post Office information, post master & post clerks in the area and postal rates

Texas Post Offices, Towns A - C

Texas Post Offices, Towns C - G

Texas Post Offices, Towns G - L

Texas Post Offices, Towns L - Q

Texas Post Offices, Towns Q - W

Texas Post Offices, Towns  W - Z, Start of Grayson Co. Covernment Officers and information

City of Denison Government, Fire department, church directory, School Directory

School Directory continued. Lodges and officers, Temperance groups, Church Organizations and societies

Church Organizations and Miscellaneous Societies and Organizations, officers etc.

Denison Corporations, Institutions, Etc ; Building & Loan Assoc., Banks, Newspapers, Railroads

Railroads Continued to end, stations, distances etc.



Denison City Directory  -  General - Surnames - Abbott, Abernathy, Abrams, Achenbach, Acheson, Acree, Adams

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames- Adams, Aiken, Adock, Ailor, Ainsworth, Alder, Aldredge, Alexander, Allen, Alley, Ammer, Anderson, Andrews, Andruss, Arbuckle, Arledge, Armstrong, Arnold, Ashley, Atkin, Atkins, Atwood, Austin, Avery, Babb, Bagett, Bailey

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames- Baker, Baldock, Bladwin, Ballow, Baltimore, Bank, Banks, Bann, Barbarick, Barlay, Barclow, Barker, Barksale, Barnes, Barrett, Barry, Bartee, Bartholow, Bartlett, Bartley, Barton Baskett, Bate, Bary, Bauer, Baxter, Beall, Bean, Beard, Beasley, Beatty, Beavert, Beck, Becker, Beebe, Beeson, Beggs, Beirne, Bell, Benegel, Benjamin, Benner, Bennett

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames- Bennett, Benser, Bentley, Bergman, Bernhard, Bernheim, Berry, Bevan, Bible, Bickel, Bigden, Biggers, Bilderback, Bilner, Bingham, Birch, Birchfield, Bird, Black, Blahopolo, Blain, Blair, Blake, Blakeley, Blanks, Blasingame, Blezard, Bloom, Bloss, Blosser, Bloyd, Blumer, Blunt, Boam, Boatright, Bocklet, Bodel, Bodkin, Bodle, Bogan, Bohanan, Boher, Bolden, Bolderson, Boldrick, Boling, Bolling, Bolton, Bonamy, Bonner, Booth, Borden, Bosshardt, Bouchard, Bouchell

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames- Boulay, Bowen, Bower, Bowers, Bowles, Bowman, Bowring, Boyd, Bradley, Brady, Braker, Brandenburg, Brandes, Braun, Bray, Brazell, Breece, Breeding, Breedlove, Brenard, Brewer, Brewster, Brigham, Brion, Brock, Broderick, Brokaw, Broll, Brooks, Browel, Brown

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames- Brown, Bruce, Bruffey, Brumbaugh, Brundrett, Bryant, Buchanan, Brunett, Brutsche, Buchell, Buck, Buckman, Buckner, Budd, Bullard, Bunn, Bunts, Burch, Buckel, Burckhalter, Burd, Burden, Burgett, Burgower, Burhans, Burke, Burklow, Burlingame, Burnett, Burns, Burnside, Burr, Burroughs, Burrow, Burson, Burton, Busch, Bush, Bushard, Buster, Butler, Button

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames- Button, Butts, Byers, Cackley, Ceasar, Cain, Caldwell, Callhan, Cambric, Campbell, Cannady, Cannon, Carey, Carskaddon, Carlisle, Carlot, Carpenter, Carr, Carroll, Carse, Carter, Carver, Cartwright, Case, Casey, Cash, Casper, Cassenberry, Cassens, Cassle, Castiau, Cater, Cates

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames- Cato, Caudle, Caulfield, Causey, Chadick, Chamberlain, Chambers, Chance, Chandler, Chapin, Chapman, Chard, Chartrand, Chase, Cheek, Chelton, Cherry, Chew, Childress, Childs, Cinner, chouchoux, Christman, Christian, Clancy, Clark, Clarke, Clay, Clayton, Claypool, Cleary, Clements, Clenard, Clifford, Clift, Clifton, Clinton

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames- Clipsaddel, Clopton, Close, Clymer, Coakly, Coats, Cobb, Cobble, Cochner, Cochran, Coe, Coffin, Cohn, coil, coker, Cole, Coleman, Colgin, Colin, Collard, Collet, Collier, Collins, Colonnade, Compton, Condon, Conn, Connell, Connelly, Conners, Conrad, Consalus, Cook

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames- Cook, Cooke, Coole, Cooper, Copel, Coppage, Corcoran, Corder, Cordner, Corey, Cornelius, Couch, Coupe, Courtney, Cover, Cowles, Cox, Coy, Crabtree, Crado, Craft, Craig, Cramer, Crandall, Crank, Crankshaw, Cravens, Crawford, Creager, Creason, Cregier, Crenshaw, Criss, Crittendon, Crockett, Crofton, Cromwell, Cronin, Crooks, Crosby, Cross, Crowdus, Crowell, Crowley, Crowther, Crutcher, Cruz, Cubit, Cuff, Cullinane

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames- Culp, Culver, Cummings, Cunningham, Cupid, Cure, Curry, Curtis, Cutler, Daffern, Dailey, Dalton, Danforth, Daniel, Danielley, Daniels, Danner, Darby, Daugherty, Daughters, Davidson, Davis, Dawley, Day, Dearing, Deason, Debrow, Decker

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames- Decker, Deen, DeHaven, Delaney, Delmas, DeLong, Dempsey, Denison, Dennis, Denroche, Derrick, Desvoigne, Detamore, Devanna, Devault, DeVoe, Diamond, Dickerson, Dickey, Dickinson, Diffenderffer, Dignan, Dillard, Dillery, Dillingham, Dillon, Dixon, Dock, Doke, Dolan, Dollarhide

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames- Dollarhide, Donaghue, Donald, Donovan, Dooley, Doppelmayer, Dorchester, Dorris, Doss, Doty, Doughty, Douglas, Dove, Dowd, Dower, Dowling, Doyle, Drake, Drane, Draper, Dreffus, Drennon, Drew, Driver, Drum, Duffy, Dunbar, Duncan, Dunlap, Dunn, Dunning, Dunphy, Dupree, Durham, Durkey, Durland, Duryea, Eaking, Earl, Early, East, Easterwood, Easton, Eaton, Ebey, Eckles, Eddy, Edgett, edmonds, Edrington, Edwards, egli, Eidson, Eiler, Ekstrom, Eldridge

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames- Eldridge, Elkin, Ellerton, Elliott, Ellis, Ellsbury, Ellsworth, Elmore, Elrick, Elsbach, Elsing, Elsworth, Emery, Emmerson, Englent, English, Eno, enright, Epperson, Epps, Eppstein, Erie, Ernst, Erwin, Esler, Esser, Estes, Estler, Etheridge, Etley, Euling, Euper, Evans, Everette, Everhart, Everitt, Eyre, Fagan, Fairbanks, Falkinburg, Farley, Faro, Farquhar, Farrell

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames- Farres, Farthing, Fate, Favrow, Fay, Feagan, Fears, Feidler, Feild, felts, Ferguson, Fickle, Ficklin, Fields, Fifer, Finke, Finn, Finnigan, Fischer, Fishel, Fisher, Fishero, Fite, Fitzgerald, Flacks, Flanedy, Flannery, Flannigan, Fleming, Fletcher, Floyd, Flynn, Foley, Ford, Foster, Foulks, Fouts, Fowler, Fox

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames- Fox, Francis, Frank, Franklin, Fraser, Frazier, Freelen, Freeman, French, Fritsch, Fritz, Fulbright, Fuller, Fullington, Furman, Gabrish, Gaddis, Gailord, Gale, Gallagher, Gallemore, Gallie, Galvin, Garbett, Gardner, Garen, Garner, Garnett, Garretson, Garrett, Gary, Gates, Gaudin, Gaylor, Geisenhoner, Gentert, Gentry, George, Gerlach

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames- Gerrard, Gerrish, Gerwick, Gezs, Gibson, Giersa, Gilbert, Gildy, Giles, Gilkey, Gill, Gillespie, Gillian, Gilliningham, Gilmore, Glanding, Glascow, Glass, Glaze, Glover, Goben, Godfrey, Goff, Goldsticker, Good, Gordon, Gorin, Gorke, Goss, Gossett, Goubenetta, Gover, Gower, Gowen, Grace, Grad, Grady, Graham, Granger, Grant, Graves, Gravley, Gray, Grayson, Green, Greene, Greenhill, Greer, Gregg, Gregory, Griffin, Griggs, Grimes, Grisamore, Grizzell

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames- Groom, Groscup, Gross, Grove, Grover, Grundstein, Gubernator, Guinn, Guiteau, Gumpert, Gurney, Haag, Haas, Hackney, Haddix, Hade, Hagan, Hague, Haladay, Hale, Haley, Hall, Hallenbeck, Halliwell, Ham, Hamilton, Hammond, Hancock, Haney, Hann, Hanna, Hannefield, Hanney, Hans, Hanson Harbison, Hardeman, Hardenburg, Hardin, Hardwick, Hardwig

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames- Hardy, Harkness, Harnest, Harper, Harriman, Harris, Harrison, Harry, Harshaw, Hart, Harvey, Hassberg, Hassinger, Hatfield, Hathaway, Harvey, Hassberg, Hassinger, Hatfield, Hathaway, Hatton, Hauck, Hause, Haven, Hawkins, Hawthorne, Hayes, Hazelwood, Head , Heaney, Hearne, Heck, Hedges, Hedgpeth, Heffelbower, Heinburger, Helfrich, Hemingway, Henderson, Hendrich, Hendricks, Hendrickson, Henicke, Henry

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames- Henry, Hepperie, Herron, Herz, Hess, Hewitt, Hibbard, Hickman, Hicks, Hide, Hiether Higdon, Higgins, Hildebrand, Hilger, Hilker, Hill, Hilliard, Hillman, Himby, Hines, Hing, Hingie, Hinkle, Hirsch, Hiser, Hite, Hobson, Hocking, Hodge, Hodges, Hoerr, Hoffman, Hogan, Hogg, Hogue, Holaday, Holden, Holder, Holgate, Holland, Holloway, Holman, Holmes, Holt, Holtkamp, Hop, Hope

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames- Hopes, Hopper, Horan Horn, Horner, Hotchkiss, Houmann, Houston, Howard, Howe, Hubbard, Hudnall, Hudson, Huggins, Hughes Huilker, Huillet, Hull, Hume, Hunn, Hunnicut, Hunter, Hurd, Hurle, Hurley, Huson, Husted, Hutcherson, Hutton, Hyatt

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames- Hymes, Hynes, Ingram, Irvin, Isaacs, Isenhouer, Isham, Ivey, Jackson, Jacobs, Jacobson, Jamerson, James, Jaquess, Jarvis, Jasperson, Jeffries, Jeldy, Jenkins, Jergins, Johnson, Johnston, Jolliff, Jones

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames- Jones, Jordan, Joshua, Judy, Jukes, Junett, Kachel, Kaiser, Kane, Kay, Keck, Keel, Keller, Keiley, Keith, Keithly, Keleher, Kelley, Kemp, Kennedy, Kerner, Kerr, Kerzenmacher, Kildery, Kilgore, Kilker, Killebrew, Killian, Kimball, Kimpton, Kinder, King, Kingsley

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames- Kinney, Kinsey, Kinsinger, Kinslow, Kirby, Kircher, Kirk, Kirkbride, Kirkland, Kirkman, Kirkpatrick, Kittle, Klapp, Kleber, Klein, Kline, Klinkman, Knaur, Knecht, Kniffin, Knight, Knoble, Knox, Kohfeldt, Kohl, Kohrmann, Kollert, Kone, Korn, Krautsch, Kreabs, Kretsinger, Kubler, Kuehn, Kuen, LaBeaume, LaBaume, Lacy, Lafon, Lallamant, Lamar, Lamb, Lambden, Lamderger, Lampkin, Lanahan, Lanam, Lander

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames- Lane, Lange, Langley, Lanier, Lark, LaRue, Lasher, Lathan, Lauk, Lawless, Lawrence, Laws, Lawson, Lea, Leberman, Lebrecht, Leburtis, Ledrick, Lee, Leecraft, Leediker, Leedy, Leeper, Legate, LeGrand, Lemay, Lemp, Lenox, Lermann, Lester, Levy, Lewellen, Lewis, Libbe, Lider, Liebrecht, Light, Lightfood, Lilly, Lind, Linden

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames- Lindsay, Lindsey, Lingo, Linley, Linn, Lippincott, Lipscomb, Litsinger, Little, Lloyd, Loams, Lodge, Loeb, Logue, Lomax, Lonergan, Long, Loomis, Looney, Lorch, Lord, Lorin, Lorenzo, Lorraine, Lott, Loudon, Love, Lovell, Lovett, Loving, Loverman, Lowe, Lucas, Ludlow, Lueders, Lundy, Lyall, Lyle, Lynn, Lyon, Mack, Mackin, Madden, Maddox, Madigan

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames- Madill, Magee, Maher, Mahon, Malcolm, Mallen, Mallison, Mallory, Malloy, Malone, Malves, Manley, Mann, Maple, Maratta, Markey, Markham, Markle, Marks, Marr, Marsh, Marshall, Martens, Martin, Martiniere, Martz, Marvel, Marvin, Mason, Massey, Masters, Mathis, Maughs, Maul, Mayer, May, Mayfield, Mays, Maxey, Maxwell, McAllister, McBride

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames- McCallum, McCarthy, McCarty, McCarver, McCary, McChesney, McClain, McComas, McConnell, McCormick, McCoy, McCracken, McCusitian, McDaniel, McDay, McDonald, McDowell, McDougall, McDowell, McDuffee, McDuffy, McElroy, McElvaney, McEntee, McFarland, McGarrahan, McGaughey, Mcgee, Mcghee, McGinnis, McGlason, McGrath, McGrew, McGuire, McHanson, McIntosh, McKee, McKenna, McKinney, McKnight, McLagan, McLain, McLamare

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames- McLaren, McLaughlin, McLeary, McLynn, McMillin, McMullen, McMurray, McNally, McNamara, McNeely, McNeilis, McPhaill, McPherson, McQueen, McRoy, McWillie, Meador, Meadows, Meehan, Mellan, Melontree, Melton, Melvees, Melzer, Menefee, Mercer, Meredith, Merrell, Merritt, Messenger, Metcalf, Meyers, Michael, Mick, Middleton, Miles , Miller, Mills, Milsap, Milton, Mimnaugh, Mims, Minahan

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames- Minahan, Mingo, Minor, Mishallot, Mitchell, Mitchener, Mittman, Mix, Mixon, Moegelin, Moffett, Molard, Monroe, Montgomery, Moody, Moon, Mooney, Moore, Morehead, Morgan, Morlock, Morrell, Morris, Morrison, Morrow, Mortimer, Morton, Moseley, Moser, Mosier, Moss, Mosse, Moton, Mott, Moulton, Mulford, Muller

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames- Muller, Mulloy, Mulvihill, Munden, Munson, Munzesheimer, Murant, Murphy, Murray, Musgrove, Mussi, Myers, Mygatt, Myler, Myers, Myrick, Nadings, Nagle, Nary, Nassoy, Neel, Neely, Neil, Neimer, Nelms, Nelson, Nestor, Nevins, Newman, Newnum, News, Nicewarner, Nicholas, Nicholson, Nimon, Nix, Nixon, Noel

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames- Nolan, Nolley, Nordan, Northaker, Norton, Norwood, Nothaf, O'Brien, O'Connor, O'Dair, Odin, O'Donnell, O'Donohue, Oldham, Oliphant, Oliver, O'Maley, Oram, Organ, Ormsby, Orr, O'Toole, Ourand, Over, Overturf, Owen, Owens, Owings, Paden, Palmer, Pappenhagen, Parham, Parish, Park, Parker

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames- Parker, Parks, Pasco, Passmore, Pate, Patrick, Patterson, Patton, Paul, Paullin, Payne, Payton, Pearson, Pease, Peck, Peebles, Pelham, Pell, Penn, Pennington, Percival, Perkins, Perry,Person, Pettit, Pfeifer, Phelps, Phillips, Pickett, Pierce, Pinson, Pipkin, Platt, Plinkiewisch, Plum, Poff, Pollard, Poole

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames- Porter, Potts, Powars, Powell, Powers, Prater, Pratt, Preston, Prewitt, Price, Proas, Pryor, Pugh, Purdom, Purdy, Putman, Putnam, Puttmond, Pyle, Quick, Quingley, Quinn, Ragland, Ragsdale, Rainey, Ramsey, Randell, Randolph, Raney, Ransford, Rawson, Ray, Reanch, Reddick, Redus, Redwood, Reed

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames- Reed, Reese, Reeves, Regensburger, Reger, Rehpennig, Reichard, Reilley, Reinhart, Remington, Reneff, Reynolds, Rhea, Rhodes, Rice, Richards, Richardson, Richey, Richter, Ricks, Ricon, Riddle, Rider, Riesen, Riggs, Rigney, Rinehart, Ringo, Ritchie, Rivers, Riviere, Robbins, Robert, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Rodgers, Rodney, Roe, Rogers

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames- Rogers, Rolland, Ronan, Rook, Roots, Rough, Rouse, Rowley, Roy, Rozenburg, Rugen, Ruile, Russell, Ryan, Ryder, Sack, Sadler, Saffroi, Sage, Salisbury, Salmons, Salter, Sample, Sampsell, Samson, Sancton, Sanders, Sanford, Sapp, Savage, Scales, Schancke, Schaepff, Scheid, Schellenberger, Schemmel, Schirlitz, Schlegelmilich, Schnaufer, Schoeneman, Scholl, Scholtz, Schott, Schreyer, Schufriday, Schumacher, Schwahhoffer, Schwalbe, Schwarz, Schwendiman, Scott

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames- Scott, Secoy, Self, Sellers, Senior, Sexauer, Shady, Shanafelt, Shannon, Sharp, Shaw, Shea, Shearer, Sheets, Shelley, Shelton, Shepherd, Sherburne, Sherrill, Sherwood, Shields, Shipler, Shirley, Shockey, Shone, Shuell, Shulze, Sigel, Silman, Simmons, Simms, Simpson, Sims, Singer, Singletary, Sinnett, Sinsabaugh, Sisk, Sisson, Slaybeck, Sloat, Slutzky

Pages 123 and 124 of the book are missing.

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames-(page 122 & 125) Smallwood, Smart, Smidt, Smith, Stroube, Stull, Suggs, Sullivan, Sutherland, Swager, Swain, Swan, Swaner, Swarts, Sweeney, Swinger, Swissler, Taber, Tacchini, Tally, Tamons, Tanke, Tansitt, Tarleton, Tatum, Taylor

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames- Taylor, Teachout, Teague, Telfair, Terrell, Thatcher, Thomas, Thompson, Thorne, Thornhill, Tibbs, Tice, Tignor, Tilden, Tilman, Tipson, Tittsworth, Tivis, Tobin, Todd, Toft, Tolan, Tompkins, Tone, Toner, Toppin, Torrey, Touhey, Townsend, Trembly, Trepier, Trice, Trienstain, Truitt, Trumbull, Tubb, Tucker

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames- Tully, Turckheim, Turley, Turner, Turpin, Turnpaugh, Tyer, Tyler, Tynes, Uhlig, Ungles, Upshur, Upton, Urban, Urbansky, Ury, Ushlie, Valley, Van Henry, Van Buren, Van Nancy, Varley, Vaughn, Vaught, Veal, Venable, Verkin, Vick, Vinett, Vinson, Waddle, Wafford, Wager, Wagner, Wagnon, Wahls, Walcot, Waldby, Waldo, Waldron, Walker, Wallace, Walls, Walterhouse, Walters, Walton, Wahon, Waltz

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames- Waples, Ward, Warden, Warfield, Warner, Warrick, Washington, Waterman, Waters, Watkins, Watson, Watt, Watts, Weaver, Webb, Webber, Weber, Webster, Weilbacher, Weisman, Welch, Wellons, Wells, Welsh, Welty, Wenz, Werneburg, Wertz, Wesley

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames- West, Westbrook, Wester, Weyler, Wheeler, Whiseant, Whitaker, White, Whiteaker, Whitehurst, Whitfield, Whitman, Whitney, Whittington, Wilds, Wilkes, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Willard, Willenbeucher, Willhite, Williams

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames- Williams, Williamson, Willis, Willoughby, Wilman, Wilson, Wimberly, Winchell, Winell, Wing, Wingrove, Winn, Winnett, Winstanley, Winston, Wirth, Withrow, Witmer, Witten, Wofford, Wolk, Woliver, Wolnitzett, Woltman, Wood, Woodlief, Woodring

Denison City Directory - General - Surnames- Woodring, Woods, Woodward, Woolacott, Woolaver, Wootton, Worthington, Works, worley, Wortham, Worthington, Wright, Wyant, Yawman, Yeager, Yeidel, Yocom, York, Young, Younger, Zeller, Zintgraff

Business- Trades portion of the book Starts " Classified List of Trades, Professions and Pursuits" 

Denison City Directory - Business - Abstracts of Titles, Accountant, Agents, Agricultural Implements, Ammunition, Artificial Stone Manufrs., Attorneys, Bakeries, Banks, Barbers, Bath Rooms, Billiard Saloons, Blacksmiths and Wheelrights, Blank book Manufrs, Boarding Houses, Bookbinders and Rulers, Booksellers and Stationers, Boot and Shoemakers, Boots and Shoes

Denison City Directory - Business - Boots and shoes, continued, Bottling Works, Box Manufrs., Brass and Irons Castings, Breweries, Brick Manufrs. Brokers, Broom Manufrs., Cabinet makers, Candy Manufrs., Carpenters, Contractors and Builders, Carpets, Carriage Manufrs. , Carriage and Wagon Woodwork, Celery, China, Glass & Queensware, Cider manuf. Cigar Manufr., Cigars, Tobacco, Smokers Articles, Civil Engineer and Surveyor, Coal Dealers, Commission Merchants, Confectioners, cornice Manufrs. Corn and Feed Mills, Cotton Compress, Cotton Gins, Dentists, Drain and Sewer Pipe, Dressmakers, Druggists, Dry Goods and Notions, Dyers and Scourers, Electric Light, Express Companies

Denison City Directory - Business - Farm and Mill Machinery, Fence Manufr., Flouring Mills, Founders and Machinests, Fruits and Confectioners, Furnished Rooms, Furniture Dealers, Gas, Gas and Steam Fixtures, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Grain and Feed, Grocers, Guns and Pistols, Hardware and Cutlery, Harness and Saddlery, Hats and Caps, Hide and Wool Buyers, Horn Chair Manufr., Hotels, Ice Cream Parlors, Ice Dealers, Ice Manufrs. , Insurance Agents. Justices of the Peace, Laundries, Lightning Rod Dealers, Lime, Cement, Hair and Plaster, Liquors, Wines, Cigars

Denison City Directory - Business- Loan, Brokers and Investors Agents, Lumber, Lath and Shingles, Marble Dealers, Mattress Manufrs., Meat Markets, Merchandise Brokers, Merchant Tailors, Millinery and Fancy Goods, Monuments and Tombstones, Musical Instruments and Mdse., Newspapers, Newspapers and Periodicals, Notaries Public, Notions and Fancy Goods, Nurseries, Oculist and Aurist,  Oil dealers, Opera House, Oysters and Fish, Painters, Paints and Oils, Pawnbroker, Photographers, Physicians and Surgeons, Piano and Organs, Plumbers, Gas and Fitters, Post Office, Powder, Printers, Railroads, Read Estate, Land and collecting Agents

Denison City Directory - Businessl - Real Estate, Land and collecting Agents continued, Saddles, and Saddlery Hardware, Saloons, Sash, Doors and Blinds, Schools and Academies, Sewing Machines, Shirt Manufr. Shooting Galleries, Soda, Sarsaparilla and Ginger Ale, Sportsmen's Supplies, Steam Engine Manufrs. , Stock Yards, Stoves and Tinware, Street Railway, Tailors, Telegraph, Ticket Broker, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Workers, Toys and Notions, Undertakers, Variety Store, Veterinary Surgeon, Wagon Yard, Wall Paper and Window Shades, Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Water Works, Wine manufactuerer.

Denison City Directory - Advertising

Denison City Directory - Advertising

Denison City Directory - Advertising

Denison, Texas Genealogical Society Members who worked on this project.
Linda Hopson & Shirley Hooker

Susan Hawkins
Grayson County CC
© 2024

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