Lake County Ohio GenWeb

Lake County, Ohio Death Records
Volume 1, Pages 192-195

NamePageNumberDate EnteredDeath DateCond.
AgePlace of DeathPlace of Birth
Cause of DeathPlace of
By Whom
Record of Deaths, Probate Court for year ending March 31st Lake County, Ohio 1892
 192 1892 
Kirtland TownshipJune 11 
Clapp, Amasa1921June 1192Jan20W84918Concord O.Leroy O.
 Farmer  WLa GrippeConcord O.E.H. Pierson
Dewy, Sylvia1922June 1191May2W50228Kirtland O.Kirtland
 Farmer  WTumorKirtland O.E.H. Pierson
Miller, Lula H.1923June 1191Apr27S27118Kirtland O.Mahoning Co. O.
 Teacher  WHeart FailureKirtland O.E.H. Pierson
Phelps, Alexander1924June 1191Aug7M74216Kirtland O.Concord O.
 Farmer  WHeart FailureKirtland O.E.H. Pierson
Randall, Frank H.1925June 1192Jan9M26 16Kirtland O.Kirtland
 Farmer  WAccidentKirtland O.E.H. Pierson
Smith, Wm. L1926June 1191Aug9M6899Kirtland O.Vernon N.Y.
 Farmer  WHeart diseaseKirtland O.E.H. Pierson
Willoughby Township
Burtis, Stephen B.1921June 1191June29M3288WilloughbyWilloughby
 Carpenter  WLa GrippeWilloughby O.Geo. I. Eddy
Burtis, George H.1922June 1191Oct8S29 WilloughbyWilloughby
    WSpinal mennigetusWilloughby O.Geo. I. Eddy
Belden, Hattie1923June 1191Aug17M45  WilloughbyWilloughby
 House Keeping  WconsumptionWilloughby O.Geo. I. Eddy
Bostnick, Alpheus S.1924June 1191Aug19W7843WilloughbyNew York
 Farmer  WOld AgeWilloughby O.Geo. I. Eddy
Baine, Isabelle1925June 1191May7M303 WilloughbyWilloughby
 House Keeping  WBlood poisonWilloughby O.Geo. I. Eddy
Chapman, Carlos R.1926June 1192Jan31M82410WilloughbyConn
 Retired clergman  WLa Grippe & old ageWilloughby O.Geo. I. Eddy
Coltrin, Ann1927June 1191Nov5M61 22WilloughbyNew York
 Housekeeping  WHeart disease & dropsyWilloughby O.Geo. I. Eddy
Conkling, Winfield A.1928June 1191Sept2M33318WilloughbyNew York
 Toolmaker  WDrownedRochester Pa.Geo. I. Eddy
Dunlap, Lizzie E.1929June 1192Jan19S32818WilloughbyMentor O.
 Domestic  WHeart disease and dropsyWilloughbyGeo. I. Eddy
Davidson, Olive M.19210June 1191May28W74115WilloughbyWilloughby O.
 House Keeping  WBlood poisonWilloughbyGeo. I. Eddy
Damon, Ebenezer19211June 1191Oct12M8310 WilloughbyNew York
 Farmer  WOld AgeWilloughbyGeo. I. Eddy
Fayerther, Elvina *19212June 1192Feb4S70 7WilloughbyConn
 Housekeeping  WLa GrippeWilloughbyGeo. I. Eddy
Fowler, Gorden J.19213June 1192Jan30S11 WilloughbyWilloughby
    WPneumoniaWilloughbyGeo. I. Eddy
Graydon, Ella J.19214June 1192Feb24M3987WilloughbyColumbus O.
 Housekeeping  WappoplexyWilloughbyGeo. I. Eddy
Hill, Alice L.19215June 1191Oct3W5434WilloughbyIreland
 Housekeeping  WRheumatism of heartWilloughbyGeo. I. Eddy
Hingesbach, Frank19216June 1192May28S14720WilloughbyIndiana
 at school  WLock jawWilloughbyGeo. I. Eddy
Lillie, Jacob19217June 1191Dec3W91713WilloughbyMaryland
 Carpenter  WOld AgeWilloughbyGeo. I. Eddy
Port, Chas K19218June 1191Oct28M59224WilloughbyWilloughby O.
 Farmer  WParalysisWilloughbyGeo. I. Eddy
Robute, Emma A.19219June 1192Feb29S2435WilloughbyWilloughby O.
 Millener  WconsumptionWilloughbyGeo. I. Eddy
Rosseter (not named)19220June 1192Feb24S  3WilloughbyWilloughby O.
  Rosseter, WilliamRosseter, EllaWSpasmsWilloughbyGeo. I. Eddy
Sharpe, Anne H.19221June 1192  W85  Willoughby O.New York
 Farmer  WappoplexyWilloughbyGeo. I. Eddy
Short, Smith S.19222June 1191Aug1M52123Willoughby O. 
 Farmer  Wcancer in stomachWilloughbyGeo. I. Eddy
Smith, Mahala19223June 1192Mch13M7356Willoughby O.Euclid O.
 Housekeeping  WconsumptionWilloughbyGeo. I. Eddy
Sarvtelle, Libbie M.19224June 1191Nov10M4581Willoughby O.Willoughby
 Housekeeping  WHeart disease & dropsyWilloughbyGeo. I. Eddy
Taylor, Rozina M.19225June 1192Feb22S5211 Willoughby O.Willoughby
 Housekeeping  WLa GrippeWilloughbyGeo. I. Eddy
White, Oscar F.19226June 1192Feb27M72812Willoughby O.Granville N.Y.
 Ex Brewer  WHeart disease & dropsyWilloughbyGeo. I. Eddy
Wilder, Henry19227June 1191May10S32226WilloughbyPamponit O. *
 Farm labor  WHeart disease & dropsyWilloughbyGeo. I. Eddy
Woodford, Emma19228June 1191Dec6S18 WilloughbyWilloughby O.
    WconvulsionsWilloughbyGeo. I. Eddy
Whitenight, Magdalina19229June 1191Dec12M7882WilloughbyWilloughby O.
 Housekeeping  WParalysisWilloughbyGeo. I. Eddy
Welner, Charlotte19230June 1192Feb7M644 WilloughbyVermont
 Housekeeping  WLa GrippeWilloughbyGeo. I. Eddy
Yaxley, Harriet19231June 1192Jan16M7246WilloughbyWilloughby
 Housekeeping  WLa GrippeWilloughbyGeo. I. Eddy
Ryder, Delia M.19232June 1192Nov24S181126MichiganMentor
 Housekeeping  WconsumptionWilloughbyGeo. I. Eddy
West precinct Willoughby
Atkinson, Eliza Jane1921June 1391Nov10W841 Willoughby WestIreland
 H.K.  WOld AgeWilloughby W.P.A.H. Tarbell
Record of Deaths, Probate Court for year ending March 31st Lake County, Ohio 1892
Atkinson, Wm Chas.1942June 1392Jan10 332Willoughby WestWilloughby O.
    WScarlet FeverWilloughby W.P.A.H. Tarbell
Carter, Jacob1943June 1391June15S85  Willoughby WestKentucky Woodford Co.
 Hotel Waiter  ColOld AgeWilloughby W.P.A.H. Tarbell
Frishorn, Eliza Mrs.1944June 1391May13M61  Willoughby WestGermany
 H.K.  WconsumptionWilloughby W.P.A.H. Tarbell
Ferguson, Carlton C.1945June 1392Jan7M70419Willoughby WestSeneca Ontario Co. NY
 Farmer  WDropsy of heartWilloughby W.P.A.H. Tarbell
Hennessey, William1946June 1392Jan2M77  Willoughby Westnot known
 Laborer  WParalysisWilloughby W.P.A.H. Tarbell
Smith, Sidney1947June 1391Oct9M84  Willoughby WestConnicticut
 Farmer  WOld AgeWilloughby W.P.A.H. Tarbell
Taylor, Peter1948June 1392Feb21M62  Willoughby WestEngland
 Farmer  WPneumoniaWilloughby W.P.A.H. Tarbell
Taphouse, Elizabeth Mrs.1949June 1392Jan25M63  Willoughby WestEngland
 H.K.  WHeart DiseaseWilloughby W.P.A.H. Tarbell
Perry Township
Brainard, Irah1941June 1391101S19820MadisonGeneva
 HousekeeperE.M. BrainardIsadore BrooksWTyphoid FeverPerryF.E. Barrett
Bernard, Sarah1942June 139195S 1121MadisonMadison
 infantE.M. BrainardMartha BurlingameWCholera infantumPerryF.E. Barrett
Broughton, Ornida E.1943June 1392310S19103PerryMontville
 houseworkJob BroughtonEmeline GarrettWconsumptionPerryF.E. Barrett
Brewster, Betsey1944June 1392130M78104PerryHarpersfield
 housewife  Wscrofulous ulcersPerryF.E. Barrett
Chapman, Julia1945June 139189M4674PerryPenn
 housewife  WtumorPerryF.E. Barrett
Colgrove, Margaret1946June 1392214M676 PerryHerkimer N.Y.
 housewife  WparalysisPerryF.E. Barrett
Good, Sarah A.1947June 1391827W80912PerryColumbiana Co., N.Y.
 housewife  WLa GrippePerryF.E. Barrett
Elliott, Lucinda1948June 1391626M629 PerryDecatur N.Y.
 housewife  WTumorPerryF.E. Barrett
Glines, Sarah1949June 139151W7936PerryVt.
 housewife  WLa GrippePerryF.E. Barrett
Joiner, Nettie19410June 139152S962PerryLenot
    WScarlet feverPerryF.E. Barrett
Mason, Margaret19411June 1391419W6521PerryFairport
 housewife  Wcancer stomachPerryF.E. Barrett
Norton, Olivia M.19412June 13911210S3523PerryPerry
 teacher  WtumorPerryF.E. Barrett
Nichole, Frederick19413June 139153M6769PerryN.Y.
 Farmer  Wheart diseasePerryF.E. Barrett
Orcutt, Wilber Y.19414June 1391913S 512PerryN.Y.
 infantGeo. W. OrcuttStativa ThompsonWCholera infantumPerryF.E. Barrett
Parmley, Martha J.19415June 1392216M6748PerryFayette Co. O.
 housewife  WDiabatusPerryF.E. Barrett
Rowland, Robert19416June 1391104W79429PerryPittstown N.Y.
 shoemaker  Wheart diseasePerryF.E. Barrett
Shepard, Nettie M.19417June 13911230S321 PerryLivingston Co. Ill.
 dressmaker  WLa GrippePerryF.E. Barrett
Shepard, Richard19418June 139152M88129PerryYorkshire Eng.
 clergyman  WLa GrippePerryF.E. Barrett
Tenny, Maria19419June 13911024M5518PerryLeroy N.Y.
 housewife  Wheart diseasePerryF.E. Barrett
Thompson, Moses19420June 1391112M91713PerryCornish N.H.
 Farmer  WcancerPerryF.E. Barrett
Ulden, John19421June 1392314S2546PerryMontville
 laborer  Wrailroad accidentMadisonF.E. Barrett
Watts, Louisa19422June 1391917M631117PerryStowe Vt.
 housewife  WDropsyMadisonF.E. Barrett
Whitmore, Sally19423June 13911128W81719 N.Y.
 superanuated [sic]  WLa GrippeMadisonF.E. Barrett
Madison Township
Albertson, Lydia L.1941June 1391Nov14W61223MadisonOhio
    Wheart diseaseMadisonLervis Norton
Austin, Octavia E.1942June 1391Dec15M481026MadisonOhio
 Housekeeper  WDropsyMadisonLervis Norton
Arnold, Layfaitte1943June 1392Feb13M5411 MadisonPlattsburg N.Y.
 Farmer  WPneumoniaMadisonLervis Norton
Bailey, Maria1944June 1391Sep23W92417MadisonConn
 Housekeeper  WDysenteryMadisonLervis Norton
Bailey, Apphea1945June 1392Jan20W98410MadisonNew Hampshire
 no occupation  WLa GrippeMadisonLervis Norton
Bartram, Laura E.1946June 1392Mar13S711014MadisonVermont
 Housekeeper  WLa GrippeMadisonLervis Norton
Blair, Darcas1947June 1392Feb21W70115MadisonMadison Ohio
 Housekeeper  WPneumoniaMadisonLervis Norton
Blood, Sally1948June 1392Feb26W4843MadisonMadison Ohio
 Housekeeper  WConsumptionMadisonLervis Norton
Branch Cornelia1949June 1391April19S517 MadisonMadison Ohio
 Teacher  W   

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