Cuyahoga County, Ohio

Lorenzo Carter Cabin

Lighthouse off Whiskey Island

Franklin Castle

Tower City, Cleveland 2013
Photos by Laura Hine
- Activities from Northeast Ohio Genealogy Round Table -- Meeting notices, workshops, and conferences for 11 counties
- Auditor -- Taxes past and present
- Biographies -- There are over 1600 biograpies to be found from these links.
- Books -- hard copy and online resources (now off-site)
- Cemeteries -- links to indexes, interment and inscription readings
- Census -- links to indexes, images, articles, etc.
- Cities, Villages & Townships Histories of the original townships and links for the current cities, villages and townships.
- Coroner Records -- Records in cases of unusual deaths of all kinds may be found at the Medical Examiner's office or Archives. Some history is here.
- Courts -- locating records of U.S. District Court, Common Pleas (Criminal and Civil), Domestic, Probate, Bancruptcy, and Justice of the Peace courts.
- Directories City Directories and others can fill in the census gaps. Some great links are here with Cleveland and vicinity directories from 1846-1936.
- Funeral Homes Mortuarial records can be valuable when other records can't be found.
- Help -- Professional genealogists, translation experts, and lookup volunteers
- History -- Many links to a variety of histories, original and transcriptions.
- Your House History -- researching property and the house itself with property cards
- Immigrants -- finding naturalization records and passenger lists and information on ethnic groups
- Institutions -- Many places ancestors could have been. See some history of some of them.
- Lake Erie, Cuyahoga Harbor, and Industry Information on the subject with much history and other links to ships, shipping, museums, etc.
- Lineage Groups, Cuyahoga County Honor your ancestors who have been in Cuyahoga County at least 100 years..
- Finding Living People Finding the living is almost reverse genealogy, but cousins are worth finding for many reasons.
- Maps & Atlases -- A huge collection of sites for all sorts of maps, mostly local.
- Military -- Lots of links to military history sites and local information.
- Miscellaneous Links -- a potpourri of social media, reference works, and databases
- Newspapers -- Links to online newspapers (also see obituaries)
- Obituaries -- Links and other media for finding death notices and obituaries.
- Photos -- Links to some wonderful photo collections.
- Queries, Surnames and Family Trees -- Links to good places to search and place queries or your genealogy
- Recorder -- keeper of deeds, mortgages, veteran discharges, etc.
- Religions Records of membership and religious events helps document the family
- Repositories and Societies -- libraries, genealogical and historical societies and lineage societies
- Schools & Yearbooks -- Names and locations of schools, where to find yearbooks, and some early photos
- Street Names City of Cleveland renamed many streets in 1868 and 1906. Here is some guidance for locating addresses before and after.
- Taxes A discussion of various taxes is here with some links. Taxes are a great, often overlooked source.
- Vital records -- Lots of links to indexes, images and instructions for obtaining records of births, deaths, marriages, and divorces.
- Voter records Clues for immigration, voter records also show residence and party affiliation.
Neighbor to the West
Created 1824 taking parts of Cuyahoga
Neighbor to the South
Organized 1818 taking part of Portage
Neighbor to the Southeast
Established 1840
Cuyahoga County's Parent to the East
Organized 1806
Cuyahoga's Neighbor to the Northeast
Organized 1840 from Geauga and Cuyahoga
On Lake Erie
Established 7 June 1807 from Geauga, Organized 1810
Geauga County's Parent
Organized 1800
Trumbull County's Parent
Organized 1797 from Washington County
Contact the Webmaster
This page was begun 25 Sep 2013 and last updated on 6 August 2024
© Cuyahoga County OHGenWeb 2013-24 All Rights Reserved.
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