Letter written by Margaret Elizabeth McPeek Baker (Mrs. Samuel) to her sister Allie McPeek Robinson (Mrs. Roland.)

Jan. 15 1937   Pound, VA

Dear sister i thought i woude send you theas Detes so you can
Put them down you might wanto Remember them sum time

James McPeek was Born Jan 21 1849
passed on march 10 1927
Julia McPeek was Born June 13 1834
passsed on Oct 10 1930
Syntha McPeek Baker was Born Jan 30 1876
Passed on May 12 1926
Walter McPeek was Born Dec 25 1882
Dide August 8 1933
James Vernard Baker was Borned  June 2 1899
Passed on July 13 1912
Clema McPeek was Borned Dec 13, 1890
Dide November 22 1891
Chirley Alvers baker was Borned June 17 1901
Passed on May 17 1936

Well sister theay are quite a lote of us gon sum place

Your sister

Lizzie Baker

submitted by Nancy Clark Brown ©2001

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