Sons of the Confederate Veterans Dedicate the Stones
of CSA Soldiers in the Tacoma Cemetery

    On July 21, 2001, 
a crowd of about 50 spectators and descendants gathered in the 
Tacoma Cemetery between Norton and Coeburn to dedicate the stones of William Jasper Flanary and  George W. Cavendish,
two of eight known Confederate soldiers buried there.
 Jim Flanary, Commander of the Lee-Piedmont unit of the SCV arranged the ceremony with members of the Wise Partisan Rangers and other re-enactors for the dedication. 
    The day was very humid, but there was a cool breeze blowing through the cemetery located on the top of a hill overlooking Tacoma. The cemetery was in extremely good condition and is maintained by Joy Jones and a small group of individuals who keep the cemetery mowed and are in the process of repairing broken and overturned stones. 
    Confederate flags were placed between the two stones be dedicated and battle flags were placed over the stones. Dixie floated in the breeze while we awaited the commencement of the ceremony. Karen Peters read the tribute to George Cavendish, her ancestor and Mr. Flanary read the tribute for William Jasper Flanary.  When the tributes were finished the troops marched into the cemetery to stand in front of the billowing flags and gave a gun salute to the soldiers.  Then to the sad and plaintive Taps, they saluted the flags and lowered their swords toward the ground. 
    With the completion of Taps, two soldiers, among whom was Sgt. Walt Rivers, folded the flag covering the stone of William Jasper Flanary and presented it to his descendant.  The soldiers then folded the flag over the grave of George Cavendish and presented it to Mildred Horne, a descendant. 
    A young man read a poem and poignantly he was about the same age, maybe a little older, than George Cavendish who was only 16 and Jasper Flanary.
    With the presentation of the flags, the ceremony concluded, but people continued to linger in the cemetery swapping stories and genealogy...just wishing it had lasted a little longer.


Tacoma Headstone Pictorial


Article and photos submitted by Rhonda Roberson of 
The Wise County Historical Society