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[Pages 261-264]
      The Tunstall Family. The Tunstalls from whom came Dr. Robert Baylor Tunstall, the eminent physician of Norfolk, Virginia, is of the same family as Cuthbert Tunstall, bishop of London and also of Durham, prominent people in the county of King and Queen, Virginia, in 1667. Colonel Richard Tunstall was a member of the house of burgesses, 1766-67-68; a member of the committee of safety, 1774, and both he and his son Richard (2) were clerks of King and Queen county.
      This record deals with the distinguished career of Dr. Robert Baylor Tunstall, of Norfolk, and his seven children.
      Dr. Robert Baylor Tunstall was born in Norfolk county, Virginia, August 31, 1818, died in the city of Norfolk, April 1, 1883. His father, Alexander Tunstall, was cashier of the Farmers' Bank and had a farm in Norfolk county. The early years of Dr. Tunstall were spent on the farm. His preparatory education was acquired in private schools; his classical education was acquired at Hampden-Sidney College. Deciding upon medicine as his profession he entered the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia, where he was graduating with honors and awarded his degree of M. D. He began practice in the city of Norfolk, where until his death he was engaged in a most successful and extensive medical and surgical practice. He was highly regarded professionally, the demand for his services coming from all classes and to all was his skill freely given. He spared not himself, but ever held himself in readiness to respond to a call from the suffering. He was a devout churchman, and for over thirty years was a vestryman of St. Paul's Church, Norfolk. He belonged to the leading medical societies and was much sought for in consultation. He married Elizabeth Walke Williamson, of English descent, her forbears having long been seated in Henrico county, Virginia. Children of Dr. Robert Baylor Tunstall: Baynham B. Tunstall, eldest daughter of Dr. Robert Baylor Tunstall, was born in 1840, died in 1892; married Robertson Taylor, of Baltimore, Maryland. Their son, Dr. Robert Tunstall Taylor, prominent physician of Baltimore, Maryland, married Florence Templeman.
      Alexander Tunstall, the eldest son of Dr. Robert Baylor Tunstall, was born in Norfolk, Virginia, April 8, 1843, died there November, 1905. He prepared in private schools, then entered William and Mary College, but at the age of eighteen years left college and cast his fortune with the Confederacy, enlisting in Company F, Sixth Regiment Virginia Infantry, serving at Bull Run, Gettysburg, Cold Harbor and Fredericksburg, the four largest battles of the war; he served until the final surrender at Appomattox, having risen to the rank of adjutant of his regiment. After the war he began the study of medicine under his honored father, and alter pursued medical and surgical courses at Bellevue Hospital in New York City, obtaining the degree of M. D., then taking a post=graduate course at the Nursery Hospital. In 1870 he returned to Norfolk, joining his father in practice. This association continued until the retirement of the latter a short time prior to his death. Dr. Alexander Tunstall succeeded his father in practice and continued most successfully to maintain the high prestige father and son had gained in their honorable profession. He practiced alone from 1883 until his death in 1905, and was ranked as one of the most skillful, courageous and able physicians and surgeons in his city. He was interested in all good works, gave freely of his skill to those unable to pay, and was a devout churchman, serving for many years as vestryman of St. Luke's Church. The blessings that flowed from the lives of these two devoted physicians, father and son, cannot be estimated; their memories are held sacred in the city they honored in their lives, and in the final accounting their good deeds will win their rewards. Their friends were legion, and in hundreds of homes in Norfolk their passing was mourned as a personal loss. Dr. Alexander Tunstall was a member of the leading medical societies, state and national, the Norfolk and Portsmouth Medical Association, and was nowhere held in higher esteem than among his professional brethren.
      Dr. Alexander Tunstall married Anne Dornin McIntosh, daughter of Captain Charles F. and Isabella Donaldson (Thornburn) McIntosh, born June 2, 1880, died December 13, 1886; Charles McIntosh, of whom further; John McIntosh, born July 15, 1886, died August 15, 1887; Richard, of whom further; ruth, born December 27, 1890.
      Elizabeth W. Tunstall, eldest daughter of Dr. Alexander Tunstall, was born May 23, 1879. She married, November 1, 1905, Junius Roan Willcox, born April 4, 1876, son of Thomas Wyatt and Martha Anne (Claiborne) Willcox. Junius R. Willcox is engaged in the wholesale flour business in Norfolk, a prominent and prosperous merchant and clubman.
      Charles McIntosh Tunstall, second son of Dr. Alexander Tunstall, was born in Norfolk, Virginia, July 31, 1883. He prepared for college at Norfolk Academy and Annapolis Preparatory School, graduating from the latter institution with the class of 1901, then entered the University of Virginia, from which he graduated with the class of 1903. He began business life at Norfolk as a member of the real estate firm of R. A. Wainwright & Company, which firm was later reorganized as the Real Estate Trust & Insurance Company, with R. A. Wainwright as president, Charles M. Tunstall as vice-president. this is one of the prosperous real estate institutions of Norfolk, Mr. Tunstall as vice-president being active in its operation. He is a member of the Delta Psi fraternity; the prominent social clubs of Norfolk; ruth Lodge, No. 89, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons; was a vestryman of St. Paul's Church, and a Democrat in politics.
      He married, June 23, 1906, Jane Byrd Page, born September 17, 1883, daughter of Holt Wilson and Harriet Worthington Page, and granddaughter of Hugh Nelson Page, who was the midshipman under Commodore Perry, on Lake Erie, who carried the famous message to Congress: "We have met the enemy and they are ours," and maternal granddaughter of Commodore Marshall Parks, promoter of the Albemarle Chesapeake Canal, the inland waterway link between Virginia and North Carolina. Children of Charles McIntosh Tunstall: Anne McIntosh, born February 21, 1908; Hugh Nelson Page, born October 21, 1910.
      Richard Tunstall, youngest son and sixth child of Dr. Alexander Tunstall, was born in Norfolk, Virginia, May 7, 1888. He is a graduate of Norfolk Academy, class of 1901, then attended Jacob Tome Institute, Port Deposit, Maryland; later entered the law department of the University of Virginia, whence he was graduated Bachelor of Law, class of 1905. He began legal practice in Norfolk, in association with Henry A. Johnston, under the firm name of Johnston & Tunstall, continuing two and one-half years. He then practiced alone until forming a connection with the law firm of Morris, Hicks, Morris, Garnett & Tunstall, the partners being R. Randolph Hicks, Arthur J. Morris, Theodore S. Garnett Jr., Richard Tunstall. Mr. Tunstall is a member of the various law associations of the city, county and state; belongs to the college fraternity, Delta Psi, and to the Episcopal church.
      He married, December 20, 1909, Evelyn Millette, and has a daughter, Evelyn Millette Tunstall, born October 25, 1910.
      Virginia W. Tunstall, second daughter of Dr. Robert Baylor Tunstall, was born in Norfolk, Virginia, December 7, 1844, died in Washington, D. C., December 27, 1913, after an illness of but five days. She married (first) April 8, 1868, Robert P. Baylor, of Essex county, Virginia, born June 4, 1840, died June 2, 1872. She married (second) September 20, 1881, Alfred P. Thom, born in Washington, D. C., December 15, 1854. Child by first marriage, Lucy Waring, of whom further. Child by second marriage, Alfred P. (2) Thom, of whom further.
      Lucy Waring Baylor, only child of Virginia W. Tunstall and her first husband Robert P. Baylor, was born February 25, 1869. She married November 5, 1896, Dr. Wilson E. Driver, born October 16,1870, son of Elliott Jefferson and Mary (Williams) Driver, who were also the parents of two daughters, Mary, married James F. Jordan, and Martha, married Dr. Legare Hargroves. The Drivers were prominent and wealthy residents of Nansemond county, Virginia, the family seat being the town of Driver. There Dr. Wilson E. Driver was born, and obtained his early education in the public school and under private tutors. Later he attended Eastman's Business College at Poughkeepsie, New York; then entered the medical department of the University of Maryland, whence he was graduated M. D., class of 1892. He served as interne at University of Maryland Hospital for some time, then began practice in association with Dr. Chisholm at Baltimore, continuing two years. He then took special courses in diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat, locating in Norfolk, Virginia, in 1894, as a specialist in these diseases. He has attained eminence in his profession, and is a recognized authority in his special lines. He is prominent in the medical societies of his city and state; a member of the Triple Island Gun Club, also of the Virginia Country, Chesapeake, and Borrough clubs, and of the Norfolk Board of Trade, also fellow of the College of American Surgeons. Dr. and Mrs. Driver have children: Virginia Tunstall, born May 2, 1898; Wilson Elliott, February 5, 1900; Robert Baylor, September 11, 1903. The family residence is at 352 West Freeman street, Norfolk.
      Alfred P. (2) Thom, only son of Virginia W. Tunstall and her second husband, Alfred P. (1) Thom, was born in Norfolk, Virginia, December 3, 1883, his father an eminent lawyer of Norfolk, member of the law firm of Tunstall & Thom, later White, Tunstall & Thom obtained his early education in Norfolk, preparing for college at Lawrenceville Preparatory School, Lawrenceville, New Jersey, whence he was graduated, class of 1902. He then entered Yale University, receiving his degree of Bachelor of Arts, class of 1906. After a course in the law department of the University of Virginia, obtaining his degree of Bachelor of Laws, class of 1909, he began practice in Norfolk, in the year 1910. He was connected for a time with the Southern Railway Company, in Washington, D. C., previous to taking up his residence in Norfolk. He has made a specialty of corporation law, and since May 1, 1912, has been a member of the firm of Tunstall, Williams & Thom. Mr. Thom's offices are in the Citizen's Bank Building, Norfolk, Virginia. He is a member of the National, State and City Bar associations, the Norfolk Board of Trade, Chamber of Commerce, Virginia and Borrough clubs, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, and is popular with his fellow citizens.
      He married, December 1, 1909, Rosalie Whittle, born February 4, 1885, and has children: Alfred P. (3), born September 25, 1911; Conway Whittle, born June 10, 1913.
      Ann McClenahan Tunstall, third daughter of Dr. Robert Baylor Tunstall, was born October 13, 1846. She married T. Frank Hunter, of Washington, D. C., and has a son Robert W. Hunter, living in Washington, D. C.
      Richard Baylor Tunstall, second son of Dr. Robert Baylor Tunstall, was born July 1, 1848. His boyhood was spent in Norfolk where he obtained his early and preparatory education in the schools taught by Rev. Robert Gatewood and William R. Galt, the latter then principal of Norfolk Academy. In 1864 he entered Virginia Military Institute, and although not sixteen years of age marched away with those boyish heroes of the Cadet Battalion, and fought under General Breckinridge at the battle of Newmarket, in May, 1864. He continued at the institute until April, 1865, entering the University of Virginia in the fall of that year. He pursued the full classical course and was graduated Master of Arts, class of 1868. He taught school the following year at Norwood, Nelson United States, Virginia, but a year later entered the law department of the University of Virginia, and under the great instructors, John B. Minor and S. O. Southall, prepared for the profession he has since adorned. He was graduated Bachelor of Laws in 1870, and at once began practice in Norfolk but a year later moved to New York City, where from November, 1871, until 1883, he was an active member of the firm of Kaufman, Tunstall & Wagner, and later of Grimball & Tunstall. In 1883 he returned to Norfolk, where he formed a law partnership with his brother-in-law, Alfred P. Thom, continuing in practice as Tunstall & Thom for seventeen years. On January 1, 1900, the firm was reorganized, William H. White being admitted, the new firm practicing as White, Tunstall & Thom, until 1907, when Mr. Tunstall retired.
      He is like his sires, a devout churchman, and like his honored father, has been for many years a vestryman of St. Paul's Church. He has some business interests that are not burdensome, including directorates in the Norfolk Railway and Light Company and the City Gas Company. His youthful military experience entitles him to be classed as a "veteran." A lifelong Democrat, Mr. Tunstall has never wavered in party allegiance, but followed the gold faction of his party, he rejected the regular convention nominee, W. J. Bryan, and supported the Palmer-Buckner ticket, accepting the nomination for presidential elector on that ticket. In 1904 he was a delegate to the Universal Congress of Lawyers and Jurists, held at St. Louis.
      He married, 18, 1878, Isabel Mercein Heiser, of New York City. Children: 1. Robert Baylor, born February 9, 1880; has received the degree of Master of Arts and Bachelor of Laws from the University of Virginia; now practicing his profession in Norfolk, Virginia. 2. Rosalie, born February 13, 1882, died March 10, 1885. 3. Richard, born April 5, 1885, died May, 1887. 4. Lola, born 1889, died 1892. 5. Cuthbert, born November 29, 1892, now a student of medicine at the University of Virginia.
      Robert Williamson Tunstall, third son of Dr. Robert Baylor Tunstall, was born in Norfolk, Virginia, December 18, 1851. He is a graduate of the University of Virginia, with the degree of Bachelor of Arts, 1874, and was for four years, 1874-78, private secretary to Andrew Reid, of Baltimore. From 1878 to 1882 he taught in various schools in the south, and from 1882 to 1900 was principal of Norfolk Academy. From 1900 he has been professor of Latin and Greek at Jacob Tome Institute, Port Deposit, Maryland, and since 1905 also assistant director. He is an accomplished scholar and in 1899 published "Cicero's Orations" for school use. He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa fraternity, an Episcopalian in religion, and a Democrat in politics. He married, October 3, 1901, Isabel McRoberts, of Washington, D. C.
      William Brooke Tunstall, youngest and seventh child of Dr. Robert Baylor Tunstall, was born in Norfolk, Virginia, January 9, 1856. He was educated at the school of Mr. W.R. Gair, and Norwood School, Nelson county, and at the University of Virginia, and is a merchant of the city of Baltimore, Maryland. He married Nellie Turner, and has children: Robertson Taylor, William Brooke Jr., and Eleanor.

[Pages 264-265]
      Lester Linwood Schwab, M. D. The study of biography yields to no other in point of interest and profit. It tells of the success and defeat of men, the difficulties they have met and overcome, and gives us an insight into the methods and plans which they have followed to achieve well-merited reward and fame. The family of which Dr. Lester Linwood Schwab, of Roanoke, Virginia, is a representative, had its origin in Germany, and its various members were of wealth and distinction.
      Anton Schwab, father of Dr. Schwab, was born in Fuerth, Bavaria, Germany, and was a mere lad when he came to this country and completed his education here. He then engage in the mercantile business in Warrenton, Virginia, with which he was identified until his death, June 13, 1906. In addition to this he was the owner of a fine farm of one thousand and six hundred acres, near Warrenton. He was a most patriotic and loyal citizen during all the years of his residence here, and ruing the civil war served as a member of the Black Horse Cavalry. He married Susan Elizabeth, a daughter of Lawson and Anna E. Heflin, of Fauquier county, Virginia, where he was a farmer. Children: Lester Linwood, of further mention; William Winston, a farmer in Fauquier county; Julian C. a farmer of Fauquier county; Temple Richardson, a merchant at Warrenton, Virginia; Maurice D., a farmer of Fauquier county; Mary E. Ramey and Lina Bishop, both residing in Warrenton, Virginia.
      Dr. Lester Linwood Schwab was born in Warrenton, Virginia, June 23, 1878. His earliest school education was acquired at the Rappahannock Academy, from which he went to the Bethel Military Academy. He then matriculated at the University College of Medicine, at Richmond, Virginia, from which he was graduated in the class of 1900, the degree of Doctor of Medicine being conferred upon him. His interneship was served at St. Luke's Hospital, Richmond, Virginia. Dr. Schwab has a multitude of professional duties in addition to his private practice. He is very public-spirited, and active in the interests of the Democratic party. In 1901 he was elected a member of the city council, and served as a member of the body until the re-organization of the city government. In the cause of education he has done excellent work, and has been a member of the Board of Education since 1909. He is a member and ex-vice-president of the Roanoke Academy of Medicine, a member of the Southwestern Medicine Society, and of the State and American Medical Associations. His fraternal membership is with the following organizations: Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, Order of the Golden Eagles, Improved Order of Red Men and the Junior Order of American Mechanics.
      Dr. Schwab married Rosa M., a daughter of William Marion Grubbs, and they have had children: Lester Linwood Jr., Rosa Eliza, Mary Caroline and Helen Elizabeth (twins), William Richardson, Anna Ruth and Margaret Linwood. Dr. and Schwab are active workers for the benefit of the Methodist church, and Mrs. Schwab is a leading spirit in its auxiliary societies and in the William Watts Chapter, of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. At all times Dr. Schwab may be found using his influence in the support of religious and benevolent enterprises, and all measures having for their object the uplifting and advancement of his fellow-men are warmly seconded by him.

[Pages 265-268]
      R. E. B. Stewart. Distinctively a Virginia family, numbering among its members those who have rendered worthy service for the state and nation in times of peace and war, represented through succeeding generations in all branches of public service, the line of Stewart is one membership in which is a valued heritage. Pride in the achievements of those of his name, reverence for those of his ancestors who so gallantly bore it, are qualities strongly present in Robert E. B. Stewart, a present day representative of the line in the city of Portsmouth, Virginia. Nor has his been a passive repose in the reflected light of family prestige, for during a twenty-one years' association with the Portsmouth Navy Yard, Mr. Stewart has come to be an important factor in the manifold activities of that Federal naval post, and an authority upon all pertaining thereto. His history of the Portsmouth Navy Yard alone portrays his perfect intimacy with every detail of the work and management of the yard, a knowledge and intimacy that make his services important and valued. As a member of the Virginia Legislature and of the Norfolk County Democratic Committee he has displayed aptitude and ability in public and political life, and in every department of his life's activity has won the approval and commendation of his fellows.
      (I) Mr. Stewart's revolutionary ancestor was Charles Stewart, born about 1730. He was commissioned as ensign in Captain William Grimes' company of the Fifteenth Virginia Regiment of Foot, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel James Innes, his name first appearing on the roll of the organization for July 1, 1777, marked "Commissioned April, 1777." His name again appears on the roll for December, 1778, of the field and staff of the Eleventh Virginia Regiment, commanded by Colonel Buford, with remarks "Appointed June 24th, 1777, Rank 2nd Lieutenant, 5th Company," and the records of the Bureau of Pensions in Washington show that Charles Stewart was granted two thousand six hundred and sixty-six and two-thirds acres of land, by the state of Virginia, for three years' service as an ensign in the Virginia Continental line, warrant No. 6308. Charles Stewart died in February, 1801. He married Martha, daughter of Alexander Foreman, and had issue: William, born August 1, 1780; Charles, born August 30, 1782; Joseph, born May 20, 1784; Ann, born July 12, 1786; Alexander, of whom further; John, born December 9, 1791. The third, fourth and sixth of these children died in infancy.
      (II) Alexander Stewart, son of Charles and Martha (Foreman) Stewart, and grandfather of Robert E. B. Stewart, was born March 8, 1788, died in 1813.He was a soldier in the American army in the second war with Great Britain, and while in the service contracted a severe cold from exposure, which caused his death. He married, in 1807, Lauretta Wallace, born March 3, 1786, died June 6, 1857, who married twice after his death. Children of Alexander and Lauretta (Wallace) Stewart: Joseph, born in 1808; William Charles, of whom further; Caroline Frances, born October 17, 1812.
      (III) William Charles Stewart, son of Alexander and Lauretta (Wallace) Stewart, was born in Norfolk county, Virginia, September 21, 1810, died on his farm, "beechwood," at the intersection of the Dismal Swamp and Northwest Canals, in St. Brides parish, Norfolk county, Virginia, June 29, 1865. He was a farmer throughout his active years, and during the war between the states was imprisoned at Old Point by General B. F. Butler, because of his sympathy with and active loyalty to the Confederate cause. William Charles Stewart married, September 13, 1837, Catharine Matilda, born June 27, 1818, daughter of Henry and Anne (Wilkins-Smith) Garrett. Ann Wilkins was a daughter of Captain Willis and Blandinah (Moseley-Braidfoot) Wilkins, her mother, a daughter of Arthur and Martha Moseley. Arthur Moseley was a son of Arthur (1), and a grandson of William and Susan Moseley, who came to Virginia from Rotterdam, Holland, in 1649, settling in Lower Norfolk county (now Princess Ann), Virginia. The Moseley family is an old one of England, its seat "Rolleston," Staffordshire, England, and one of the line, Edward, grandson of Sir Nicholas Moseley was in 1599 lord mayor of London. The rank of baronet, which descended in the family, became extinct in 1856. the American ancestor of the line named his home on Broad creek Norfolk county, Virginia, after the old home at Burton-upon-Trent, "Rolleston," and brought with him to the Virginia colony family portraits, four of which are probably the work of the Flemish master, Van Dyck. The arms of the Virginia family are: Quarterly, first and fourth, sable a chevron between three battle-axes, or; second and third, or, a fesse between three eagles displayed sa. Crest: An eagle displayed sa.
      Children of William Charles and Catharine Matilda (Garrett) Stewart: 1. William Henry, of whom further. 2. Nannie Garrett, born December 1, 1840, deceased. 3. Sarah Catharine, married Dr. Henry Shaw Etheridge, and has one daughter, Amy C., who married Dr. J. L. Lister, their children, John and Catharine. 4. Charles Alexander, born November 19, 1860; now of East Falls Church, Virginia; for many years was clerk and statistician of the office of the United States comptroller of the currency, treasury department, Washington D. C., and in 1912 was promoted to chief clerk to comptroller of currency; married Mary, daughter of Dr. Robert B. Tabb, of Norfolk county, Virginia, and has Bessie, Catharine, Charles, Clara, Henry, William and Robert. 5. Robert Edward Bruce, of whom further.
      (IV) William Henry Stewart, son of William Charles and Catharine Matilda (Garrett) Stewart, was born September 25, 1838. He was educated in the private and common schools of Norfolk county, at the Union Male Academy of Hertford county, North Carolina, and at the University of Virginia. He was an ardent Secessionist and promptly responded to the call of his native state for troops. He was second lieutenant of the Wise Light Dragoons, State Volunteers, called out April 22, 1861, and encamped at Denby's Church in Norfolk county to picket the beach with Doyle's Cavalry from Ocean View to Sewell's Point. After a few weeks' active service, its numbers being insufficient for mustering into the Confederate service, it disbanded, and the Jackson Grays were recruited and mustered into the Confederate army, July 12, 1861.
      His first service was at Fort Nelson, heavy artillery, Portsmouth, Virginia; from thence to rifled gun battery at Sewell's Point, Norfolk county, Virginia. Captain William H. Stewart, Jackson Grays, commanding this battery, was engaged March 8, 1862, with the United States frigate "Minnesota," and with United States fleet bombarding Sewell's Point, May 8, 1862. On the evacuation of Norfolk he was ordered to Petersburg, his company assigned to the Sixty-first Regiment Virginia Infantry, as Company A, and he was elected major of this regiment. He was in the engagement at Rappahannock Railroad Bridge, November 7, 1862; at Fredericksburg, December 11, 12 and 13, 1862; at McCarty's Farm or Chancellorsville, May 1, 1863; at Chancellorsville, May 2 and 3, 1863; at Hagerstown, commanding brigade picket line, July 6 to 11, 1863; at Culpeper or Brandy Station, August 1, 1863; at Mine Run, December 2, 1863; at Wilderness, May 6, 1864; at Shady Grove, May 8, 1864; at Spottsylvania Court House, wounded, May 12, 1864; promoted to lieutenant-colonel; at North Anna River, commanding regiment, May 21 to 23, 1864; at Hanover Court House, commanding regiment, May 28 and 29, 1864; at Atlee's Station, commanding regiment, June 1, 1864; at Cold Harbor, commanding regiment, June 1, 2 and 3, 1864; at Turkey Ridge, commanding regiment, skirmishing, June 4 to 13, 1864; at Frazier's Farm, commanding regiment, skirmishing, June 13, 1864; at Willcox Farm (Petersburg), commanding regiment, June 22, 1864; at Gurley House, commanding regiment, June 23, 1864; at Reams Station, commanding regiment, July 30, 1864; at Davis' Farm, Petersburg and W. R. R., August 19, 1864; at Reams Station, commanding regiment, August 25, 1864; at Burgess Mill, commanding regiment, August 29, 1864; at Hicksford, commanding regiment, December 9 and 10, 1864; at Hatcher's Run, commanding regiment, February 6, 1865; at Petersburg evacuation (Bermuda Hundred line) April 1, 1865, at Amelia Court House, April 5, 1865; at Cumberland Church, commanding division, Picket line, April 7, 1865; and surrendered at Appomattox Court House, April 8, 9 and 10, 1865, and paroled.
      The war over, he engaged in farming on his father's farm, the elder Stewart dying soon after his son's return from the front, and there remained until 1870, when he moved to Portsmouth, studied law, and was admitted to the bar on October 3, 1871. This city has since been his residence and place of professional practice, and he had not long been there located when, in 1875, he was elected commonwealth attorney of Norfolk county, his first term beginning May 27, and on May 22, 1879, he was re-elected and entered up a second four years' term. One of the most noted cases that came to trial during his continuance in office was that regarding the property division between the county of Norfolk and the city of Norfolk, which was decided in favor of the county, enabling the supervisors to relieve the county citizens of the levy for one year. He was elected member of Virginia Legislature and represented Portsmouth in 1907 and served one term. Journalism for a time claimed his attention, and he was Portsmouth city editor of the "Norfolk Landmark," from its establishment by James Barron Hope, until 41, 1876, also filling the position of editor of the "Daily Times," of Portsmouth, Virginia, for two years, resigning March 6, 1880. In the promotion of street railway enterprises he was prominent, having been vice-president and director of the Portsmouth Street Railway Company, and vice-president and director of the Port-Norfolk Electric Railway from its organization until April, 1897, when he resigned. Colonel Stewart was a member of the Virginia Society, Sons of the American Revolution, a member and past commander of Stonewall Camp, Confederate Veterans, Portsmouth, Virginia, and he was grand commander of the Grand Camp of the Confederate Veterans of Virginia during 1906 and 1907. He was a vestryman of Trinity Protestant Episcopal Church, and a member of the board of trustees of the Portsmouth Orphan Asylum. Colonel Stewart was the author of several works of considerable reputation, among them a "History of Richmond County," "A Pair of Blankets," "The Spirit of the South" and "The Story of Virginia."
      He was a citizen of excellent parts, and the seventy-four years of his life, which ended February 9, 1912, were filled with useful endeavor and activity. At the bar he won important place through the exercise of brilliant legal talents, and when these were devoted to the public service he became a public official whose peer could not be obtained. The channels of his life were wide, but he possessed a personality of sufficient breadth and strength to fill them all, whether they be professional, public, business, or private in nature. His was a life that, rich in itself and associations, sought to enrich the lives of others, and his deeds of beneficence and charity would, if enumerated, fill a much greater space than the list of his labors directed toward his personal benefit.
      William Henry Stewart married (first) October 30, 1873, Annie Wright, born July 30, 1848, died November 28, 1883, daughter of John S. and Stella L. H. (Armistead) Stubbs. Mr. Stewart married (second) September 20, 1888, Sallie Watson, daughter of Colonel Benjamin H. and Maria Louisa (Minor) Magruder. Her mother was a daughter of Dr. James and Polly (Watson) Minor, granddaughter of Garrett Minor, of Sunning Hill, Louisa county, Virginia, and Mary (Terrill-Overton) Minor, her grandfather a member of the committee of safety for Louisa county in 1775, and of the Virginia Legislature soon after the revolution. By his first marriage Mr. Stewart had one son, Robert Armistead, who holds the degrees of A. M. and Ph. D. from the University of Virginia, no professor in Norfolk College.
      (IV) Robert Edward Bruce Stewart, son of William Charles and Catharine Matilda (Garrett) Stewart, was born in Wallaceton, Virginia, June 20, 1863, and after there attending the public schools was a student in the Suffolk Military Academy, and the Virginia Military Institute, at Lexington, Virginia. When his education was completed he returned to Wallaceton, and there farmed until 1893, in July of that year receiving an appointment from President Cleveland as clerk to the captain of the Portsmouth Navy Yard. His relation with this naval station now covers a period of twenty-one years, his present rank that of chief clerk, and from his close familiarity with all departments of the yard he has written a history thereof that presents the life of the station in an exact and interesting narrative. Besides Mr. Stewart has taken a keen interest in the development of this section and has written many industrial and literary articles for newspapers and magazines, calling attention to the many advantages of the Tidewater section for agricultural purposes, etc.
      Mr. Stewart owns a farm in Norfolk county, the cultivation of which he directs, and realizes from this fertile land a lucrative source of income. A Democrat in politics, party affairs throughout the county have ever held his interested attention, and he was for a number of years a member of the county Democratic committee. During the sessions of 1891 and 1892 he held a seat in the Virginia Legislature, ably discharging his duties in the capacity. He is identified with the Methodist Episcopal church, and belongs to the Improved Order of Heptasophs and the Mystic Circle.
      Mr. Stewart has a wide acquaintance in the vicinity of his residence, and the number of his friends is almost as great, for he is of genial, agreeable nature, asking only in his fellows the open treatment he unfailingly accords.
      He married Lucy Lee, daughter of Leroy M. and Marion (Hunter) West, and has children: Nannie Elizabeth and Robert Edward Bruce Jr.
      Mrs. Stewart's father was a gallant Confederate soldier, surrendered at Appomattox. He married Marion Hunter, daughter of Jacob Hunter, who was a son of Josiah Wilson Hunter, who was a son of Jacob Hunter, who was a member of the Princess Anne county committee of safety, 1775, in the revolutionary war; (see James' Antiquary, No. 1, part 2).

[Pages 268-269]
      William Elwood Broaddus, D. D. S. The name Broaddus, originally Broadhurst, although of Anglo-Saxon origin, was, tradition says, brought to Virginia by a Welshman. The American ancestor of the Virginia family was Edmund Broaddus, who settled prior to 1715 on Gwynn's Island in the Piankitank river, near the junction with the Rappahannock. In 1715 he moved to Caroline county (then King and Queen) where he resided until his death. While a few branches of the family have for convenience dropped a "d" in spelling the name, most of them retain the original form as brought to Virginia by Edmund Broaddus had two wives, the name of the first unknown, his second, Mary (Shirley) Broaddus. By both he had sons and daughters, from whom the many of the family in both Caroline and Culpeper counties descend. The most accomplished and scholarly to bear the name was Rev. John Albert Broaddus, an eminent divine of the Baptist church, although previously Rev. Andrew Broaddus Sr., and later his son, Rev. Andrew Broaddus, Jr., were prominent in the same church and as writers of force and eloquence. From Edmund Broaddus comes Dr. William Elwood Broaddus, a dental practitioner of Richmond of high repute, residing in Glenallen and practicing his profession at No. 303 East Grace street.
      Dr. Broaddus is a son of John Edward Broaddus, born in Caroline county, Virginia, in 1837, and there died November 29, 1907. Many of the seventy years of his life were passed in the public service, and the four years between 1861 and 1865 found him in the ranks of the army of the Confederacy. For many years he was deputy sheriff of Henrico county, and until a few years prior to his death filled the office of clerk of the circuit court. He was a man of scrupulously careful habits, fearlessly returned full account of his incumbency of public position, and was accorded the liking and regard of his associates. John Edward Broaddus married Betty Gayle, born in Spottsylvania county, Virginia, in 1832, and died in 1900. Two of their eight children, Mock and Nina, are deceased, the former dying aged twenty-three years, the latter, wife of E. J. Trewett, of Glenallen, aged forty-four years. Those living at this time are: Ella H., resides at Glenallen, Virginia, unmarried; Fannie D., married J. M. King, of Glenallen; Ada, married A. Trewett, of Glenallen; Eugene, a contractor of Glenallen; Dr. William Elwood, of whom further; Bessie, married H. M. Fleet, of Glenallen.
      Dr. William Elwood Broaddus, son of John Edward and Betty (Gayle) Broaddus, was born at Glenallen, Henrico county, Virginia, February 22, 1873.His general education was obtained in the schools of his birthplace and he afterward entered the University College of Medicine, whence he was graduated in dentistry in the class of 1900. Before coming to Richmond, he practiced for one year in Newport News, and upon establishing in Richmond, made his office at No. 303 East Grace street. He is widely known, has acquired professional prestige of an enviable nature, and attends a large clientele. Dr. Broaddus fraternizes with the Masonic order and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and is a communicant of the Baptist church.
      He married, at Von Tay, Hanover county, Virginia, December 30, 1902, Mary Massie Gray, daughter of William A. Gray, deceased, and Adalaide (Irby) Gray, the mother now making her home with her daughter and son-in-law, Dr. Broaddus. Children of Dr. William Elwood and Mary Massie (Gray) Broaddus: John Alfred, born October 25, 1903; Mary Adelaide, born February 2, 1905; William Elwood, Jr., born February 10, 1910; Gray, born June 1, 1912.

[Pages 269-270]
      Moody Eason Stallings. A member of the Nansemond county, Virginia, bar, since 1912, located at Suffolk, the county capital, Mr. Stallings has secured recognition from his contemporaries as an able lawyer and has gained the confidence of the public to an unusual degree. He is a son of Abner Stallings, born in Gates, North Carolina, in 1857, who in mature life settled in Suffolk where he yet resides, a leading contractor and builder. Abner Stallings married Mary Eason and has children: 1. Samuel, born in Suffolk, in 1888, educated at Drexel Institute, Philadelphia, now associated in business with his father in Suffolk, unmarried. 2. Moody Eason, of whom forward. 3. Mary Leone, educated in Suffolk high school. 4. Fanny Marie, educated in Suffolk public schools and Academy at Raleigh, North Carolina.
      Moody Eason Stallings, second son of Abner and Mary (Eason) Stallings, was born in Suffolk, Virginia, November 11, 1890. He completed the course of study arranged for the public schools of Suffolk and graduated from high school, in the class of 1910. He then entered the law department of Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Virginia, receiving the degree of Bachelor of Laws, class of 1912. He then returned to Suffolk, was admitted to the Nansemond county bar, and began practice among those who had known him from boyhood. This often severe test has been successfully withstood and his practice is most satisfactory. A Democrat in politics, he has taken active and leading interest in municipal affairs, heading the borough ticket of his party in 1914, as candidate for mayor. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church.

[Pages 270-271]
      Goldsborough McDowell Serpell. A well known civil engineer, railroad manager, lumber magnate and successful man, Mr. Serpell, a native of Maryland, was for many years a resident of Connellsville, Pennsylvania, and later of the city of Norfolk, Virginia, where he died January 13, 1912, in his seventy-fourth year.
      This branch of the Serpell family sprang from Richard Serpell, of Cornwall, England, whose son, Richard, emigrated to America, settling in the Dominion of Canada. He married Christine Coad, of Lickeard, England, and left issue, including a son, Richard (2), born in 1808, died in 1878. He came to the United States, settling in Prince George county, Maryland, and there followed his profession of civil engineer, serving in the commissary department of the Confederacy during the war between the states. He was a man of high standing, a devoted churchman and a church worker. He married, in 1834, Jane Parron Deakins, daughter of Captain Leonard Deakins, who in 1776 commanded a company in the First Maryland Battalion of the "Flying Camp" under Colonel Charles Greenberry Griffith. Captain Deakins was born in 1736, and died in 1824. Children of Richard (2) Serpell: Anne Maria Louise, born June 1, 1836; Goldsborough McDowell, of whom further; Olivia Mary, born May 3, 1840; Maria Emma, born January 8, 1844; Florence Helen, born December 8, 1845; John Rogers, born October 7, 1847; Richard (3), born March 28, 1849; Clifton, born October 16, 1851; George MacCleod, born December 26, 1854.
      Goldsborough McDowell Serpell, eldest son of Richard (2) and Jane Parron (Deakins) Serpell, was born in Prince George county, Maryland, December 23, 1837, his boyhood days being spent in the vicinity of historic Blandensburg, not far from Washington. He obtained a good education and became a civil engineer, working and studying under his father, and later attending technical schools. When war broke out in 1861 he enlisted in the Confederate army, in Company B, First Maryland Cavalry, serving with honor until the war closed. He was once arrested as a spy and narrowly escaped execution, escaping confinement in Point Lookout after his transfer from a Washington prison. At the close of the war Mr. Serpell went to Kentucky, where he was employed in the engineering corps, constructing the Louisville & Nashville railroad. In 1870 he became resident engineer of the Pittsburgh & Connellsville railroad, then building its line across the Alleghenies to Cumberland, Maryland. He made his headquarters at Ohiopyle, Pennsylvania, first reaching that town in 1870 with his bride, driving over the Old National Pike by way of Farmington. In 1872 the road was completed, and Mr. Serpell became its chief engineer, with headquarters at Connellsville, Fayette county, Pennsylvania. In 1880 Edward K. Hyndman resigned as general superintendent of the Pittsburgh & Connellsville railroad (now the Baltimore & Ohio railway), and Mr. Serpell succeeded him in that office. About two years later, seeing the great opportunities that lay in developing the lumber resources of the South, Mr. Serpell resigned his position of general superintendent, and located in Norfolk, where with others he organized the Tunis-Serpell Lumber Company, and began converting into lumber the pine timber tract the company secured in Northeastern North Carolina. The company erected large mills in Norfolk, but in order to get their product from forest to mill it was necessary to build thirty miles of railroad. This was done, the line being known as the Norfolk & North Carolina railroad. Later the line was continued twenty miles to a junction with the Atlantic Coast Line, eventually becoming a part of that system. Mr. Serpell was president of the Norfolk & North Carolina railroad, and after its merging with the Atlantic Coast Line became general superintendent of the latter system. His lumber interests were very extensive, but only constituted a portion of his business interests. He was connected with other lines of commercial activity, with banks and real estate corporations. The fact that he was of Southern birth, had rendered distinguished service in the Confederate army, and was sympathetic with Southern customs and habits, made him especially valuable to the enterprises with which he was connected. These points in his favor, coupled with a nature of push and progressiveness, and intensified by his years of association with the Northern railroad builders and magnates, enabled him to advance rapidly in every line of activity he entered. He was president of the Citizens' Bank of Norfolk, director of the Norfolk National Bank, director of the Norfolk Bank of Savings and Trusts, and at the time of his death was president of the Ghent Residence Corporation, vice-president of the Norfolk & Portsmouth Traction Company, and general superintendent of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad. President Harry Walters, of the latter company, began his railroad career under Mr. Serpell on the Pittsburgh and Connellsville railroad, and would never consent to the latter's retirement from the Atlantic Coast Line. "Come around to the office when you feel like it, or don't come at all," Mr. Walters would say when refusing point blank to accept Mr. Serpell's resignation, which was frequently submitted until he saw it was useless. About five years prior to his death he withdrew as far as possible from business life, failing health notifying him that his years of activity were numbered. He was a man of most lovable disposition, was the soul of business honor, generous, charitable and public-spirited. While he was one of the most prominent men of Norfolk, he never accepted a public office, but did all in his power to advance the industrial and commercial development of that city. He was a member of many business, fraternal and social organizations, a warm friend of church, educational and philanthropic institutions, and aided all with his advice, experience and means. He was a good citizen, a true friend and neighbor, a loving husband and a devoted father.
      Mr. Serpell married, September 14, 1869, Georgianna Clarke, born June 25, 1841, in Prince George county, Maryland, daughter of Robert and Alethea (Cheney) Clarke. Children: 1. Alethea, now a resident of Norfolk. 2. Nora Latrobe, now a resident of Norfolk. 3. Jane Deakins, married, January 30, 1904, Chaplain B. R. Patrick, United States navy; children: Bower Reynolds, Goldsborough S., Jane Clark, Elizabeth Withers, and Alethea Cheney. 4. Alice, married Dr. E. C. Taliaferro (q. v.). 5. Goldsborough, married, January 4, 1912, Susan Watkins, who died in 1913. 6. Gulelma, a resident of Norfolk. 7. Nell Louise, married, November 16, 1904, Stockton Heth Tyler; children: Goldsborough Serpell and James Hoge (3). 8. Albert Clark, married, February, 1906, Achsa Maria Dorsey. Miss Alethea Serpell is the regent of Great Bridge Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, gaining admission to that society through the patriotic service of her great-grandfather, Captain Leonard Deakins.