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[Pages 160-162]
      Littleberry Stainback Foster, M. D. While the Fosters of Mathews county, Virginia, descendants of Isaac Foster, are elsewhere described as a family of seafaring men, pilots, mates and masters, there are exceptions to this general rule and in the following review, the career of one of the most notable professional men of the family is traced.
      Dr. Littleberry S. Foster is a grandson of Isaac Foster, a sea captain, ship and landowner, sailing his own vessel, a man of means, influence, and strong character. He served in the second war with Great Britain, was a devoted member of the Methodist Episcopal church, devoting largely of his time and means to promote its welfare. Captain Isaac Foster married Mary Miller and had issue: Julia; Baldwin, whose career is elsewhere noted in this work; John, father of Dr. Foster, of Norfolk; Seth; Isaac (2); Elizabeth; Shepard.
      John Foster, second son of Isaac and Mary (Miller) Foster, was born in Mathews county, Virginia, in 1817, died in 1896. Nearness to the sea and family example combined to determine his choice of a career and from boyhood he began sailing the nearby waters of the Chesapeake and from intimate association became thoroughly familiar with the secrets of that great body. From the bay he graduated to the ocean, beginning "before the mast" and later becoming master. He was a sea captain for many years, his record is an honorable one, his character ruggedly honest and his entire life one that stood the test of every trial. He married Nancy Foster, born in 1824, died in 1911, daughter of another John Foster (not a relative) and his wife, Sarah Brownley. Children: John E., born in 1845, died in 1896, a sea captain, unmarried; Littleberry Stainback, of further mention; Malvern Hill, born in 1863, died in 1898; married Virginia Hudgins.
      Littleberry S. Foster, second son of Captain John and Nancy (Foster) Foster, was born in Mathews county, Virginia, February 23, 1856. He obtained his early and preparatory education in private schools, completing his classical studies at Randolph-Macon College. Breaking away from family tradition and parental example, he forswore the sea and all its allurements, deciding upon a professional career. As the years have brought hm honors in that oldest of professions and the future holds yet more brilliant promise, it is evident that he made no mistake and that as a pilot to health, he possesses the same clear brain, steady hand and cool courage that distinguished the many men of his race who have gained fame as pilots of ships. After leaving Randolph-Macon he entered the medical department of the University of the City of New York and there received the degree M. D., class of 1879. He added to his store of knowledge gained at the university by a post-graduate course at Edinburgh, Scotland, beginning practice in Norfolk, Virginia. After a few years spent in practice there he returned to Mathews county, in 1885, and there practiced until 1899. During this period he made special study of diseases of the brain and nerves and became noted as one of the great specialists in the treating of such diseases. In 1899 he gave up private practice to accept the appointment of superintendent of Eastern State Hospital for the Insane in Virginia, and until 1907 was the head of that institution. Here he was brought in constant contact with every form of disease of the brain, and with all the power of his medical skill and learning he fought to restore to the unfortunates committed to his care, their normal condition. To this end he used not only every medicinal and surgical aid known to the brain specialist, but those exterior aids, exercise, diet, occupation and amusement, treating each case separately after a thorough examination into cause, heredity and previous environment. The eight years spent at the Insane Hospital were fruitful ones for both the institution and its honored head. He grew in experience and knowledge, his devotion to his patients arising from a double motive, professional interest of the highest order and an intense sympathy for those deprived of reason, often through no fault of their own. He attained high rank among the brain specialists of the country, and raised the reputation of the institution over which e presided to a par with the best of other states. In 1907 he withdrew from the superintendency of the hospital and resumed private practice as a brain and nerve specialist, locating in Norfolk. He is a member of many professional societies, including the American and Virginia State Medical Associations and for seven years prior to becoming superintendent of the Insane Hospital was a member of the state board, governing the insane hospitals of Virginia. Dr. Foster is not a man of one idea, although his devotion to his specialty is intense. While practicing in Mathews county he was superintendent of schools for nine years and for ten years was chairman of the Democratic county committee, filling both positions most capably and had he elected to remain in the county would probably have been yet in office, as his people parted from him with regret. He is a member, junior warden and treasurer of Burton parish of the Protestant Episcopal church and a master Mason of Williamsburg Lodge, No. 6.
      Dr. Foster married, in 1881, Agnes, daughter of Captain William and Mary Jane (Dent) Dixon, of Savannah, Georgia. Children: 1. Mary L., born in 1883, a graduate of Virginia Female Institute, Staunton, Virginia, and of Olney College, Washington, D. C.; married Charles Rowan and has three children: Mary F. Virginia, and William Dent. 2. Littleberry S. (2), born in 1885, educated at Locust Dale Academy, then took architectural courses and is now a draughtsman in the employ of the General Fire Extinguisher Company, of Providence, Rhode Island, at Charlotte, North Carolina. 3. Lucille, born in 1887, a graduate of Chatham Female College, Chatham, Virginia. 4. William Dixon, born 1889, educated at Hampden-Sidney College, Virginia, and Millsaps College, Jackson, Mississippi, received from the latter college the degrees A. B. and A. M. He is now an instructor in Porter Military Academy, Charleston, South Carolina. 5. Merritt W., born in 1894, a graduate of Porter Military Academy.

[Page 161]
      R. Randolph Hicks. Hardly yet in the prime of life, yet ranking as one of the strong men of the Virginia bar, Mr. Hicks can review with satisfaction his years, forty-four.
      He is a son of Robert J. and Nannie T. (Randolph) Hicks, of Warrenton, Virginia, and was born in that town in 1870. After preparatory courses at Episcopal High School, he entered the University of Virginia, whence he was graduated LL. B., class of 1891, and at once began practice. He was located at Roanoke, Virginia, for six years, then transferred his residence to Norfolk, where he has since been continuously in practice in all state and Federal courts of the district. His practice is a large one and conducted with the strictest regard for the interests of clients and in close accordance with the ethics of the profession, closely absorbed in the profession he adorns. He is a member of the law firm of Hicks, Morris, Garnett & Tunstall, the firm having offices in Norfolk and New York City. Messrs. Morris & Garnett are attorneys for the system of banks known as the Morris Plan Banks. Mr. Hicks has made few departures from the legitimate field of law, forceful and eloquent in presenting his cases, he has won his way to the high position he holds at the bar by the force of merit and by the fairest of methods. He is a member of the Virginia Borough, Country and Westover clubs.
      Mr. Hicks married, in October, 1899, Ella J. Kerr, daughter of Charles G. Kerr, of Baltimore, and granddaughter of Reverdy Johnson.
[Pages 162-163]
      Caldwell Hardy, president of the Norfolk National Bank, is descended from an old North Carolina family, which was distinguished in the early history of that state. Rev. William v, born 1729, died 1783, resided in Bertie county, North Carolina. His wife's baptismal name was Sarah. Little is now known concerning this couple. Their son, Rev. Edward Hardy, born March 18, 1770, in Bertie county, was a clergyman of the Methodist Episcopal church, and resided in Currituck county, North Carolina, near the court house, and died April 3, 1837. At the age of nineteen years he became convinced of his calling to engage in the ministry, and on December 24, 1791, before completing his twenty-second year, he was appointed a traveling minister by the Methodist conference, and was appointed a deacon, December 11, 1793, at Green Hill by Bishop Asbury. He continued his labors in North Carolina until his death. He was made an elder at Norfolk, February 24, 1814. He married (first) December 25, 1796, Lydia Jarvis, born August 25, 1780, died December 20, 1807, daughter of Colonel Thomas and Lydia Jarvis, of Currituck; married (second) December 20, 1808, Elizabeth Murden, who died September 11, 1815; married (third) September 24, 1816, Dorcas Woodhouse, who died December 11 of the same year; married (fourth) July 1, 1819, Lydia (White) Bray, widow of Captain Thomas Bray, born November 27, 1784, died March 18, 1853, daughter of Caleb and Amy White. Of the first marriage were born four sons: William J., Thomas Asbury, Charles Wesley and Edward Washington. All of these reared large families. The second wife had three children who died unmarried. The third wife died childless. Children of the fourth marriage: Lemuel Cook, died at the age of seventeen years; Henry Clark.
      (II) Henry Clarke Hardy, youngest child of Rev. Edward and Lydia (White-Bray) Hardy, was born November 10, 1826, in Currituck, North Carolina, and was deprived of his father by death when eleven years old. Very early in life he went to Norfolk, Virginia, and became a clerk with Hardy Brothers, a firm consisting of his two eldest half-brothers, who were shipowners and merchants engaged in the West India trade. He received some schooling in North Carolina and also in Norfolk. Soon after attaining manhood, he removed to Petersburg where he became a merchant, and where in later years, (about 1890) he was for some time cashier of the Petersburg Savings and Insurance Company. In 1859 he moved to Newark, New Jersey, and established in New York the firm of H. C. Hardy & Company in association with his brothers' firm of Hardy & Brothers, of Norfolk, Virginia. He returned to Norfolk, Virginia, and in 1870-71 was president of the Farmers and Merchants Loan and Trust Company of that city. Returning to New York, he became a member of the New York Stock Exchange and of the Consolidated Stock and Produce Exchanges, and conducted a very successful business as banker and broker, residing in Brooklyn. He later became cashier of the Petersburg Savings and Insurance Company. referred to above, retired in 1900, and died at Hamilton, New York, July 24, 1912. During the civil war he acted as agent for the state of North Carolina in caring for southern soldiers held prisoner in the north. He was highly esteemed for his upright character and many personal and social virtues. For many years he was vestryman of St. Anne's Protestant Episcopal Church, of Brooklyn, New York. He was a member of the Union League Club in New York. Politically he was independent of party organizations.
      He married (first) May 16, 1848, in St. Paul's Church, Norfolk, Huldah Etheridge Dozier, born May 20, 1828, in Camden county, North Carolina, daughter of Joseph and Lydia (Lamb) Dozier, died August 6, 1875, in Richmond. He married (second) December 9, 1880, in Brooklyn, Mary E. R. Gillette, who survives him without issue, and now resides in Hamilton, New York. Children of his first wife: 1. Frederick, born May 29, 1849, in Norfolk, resides in Columbia, Tennessee. 2. Marion, died at the age of six days. 3. Caldwell, mentioned below. 4. Henrietta, born August 13, 1854, became the wife of Edward M. Hammond, of Atlanta, Georgia, and died November 24, 1883. 5. Mary Lamb, born August 23, 1856, in Norfolk, is engaged in the life insurance business in New York City. 7. Lydia White Lamb, born September 24, 1859, is the wife of Dr. John D. Hammond, of Augusta, Georgia. 8. Henry Clark Jr., born November 1, 1861, in Brooklyn, resided in New York City, where he died November 1, 1905. 9. Willoughby D., born July 11, 1863, in Greene county, New York, resides in New York City, where he is a certified public accountant.
      (II)Caldwell Hardy, second son of Henry Clarke and Huldah Etheridge (Dozier) Hardy, was born May 13, 1852, and was seven years of age when he removed with his parents to New York. He was educated in the Polytechnic Institute, Brooklyn, and entered a broker's office in Wall street, New York, in 1870. Soon after he removed to Norfolk, Virginia, and engaged in the banking business, and upon the organization of the Norfolk National Bank in 1885 became its first cashier. He continued in that position until 1899, since when he has been its president. His official connection with the bank as cashier and president now extends over a period of nearly thirty years. In 1893 he also became cashier, six years later vice-president, and in 1901 president of the Norfolk Bank for Savings and Trusts, continuing as its president to the present time. He is a member of the American Bankers Association, having been two terms a member of its executive council, first vice-president in 1901, and president in 1902. He is a director of the Virginia Railway and Power Company, and a member of the board of trustees and treasurer of the Mary F. Ballentine Home for the Aged. For many years he has been a vestryman of St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church, of Norfolk; has been twice president of the Virginia Club; and is a member of the Borough Club, Country Club, and president of the Westover Club. Mr. Hardy is a man of genial nature, affable manners and sound principle, and much of the success of the two very successful banks of which he is the head is due to his personal efforts and popularity.
      He married, December 6, 1875, Lucy Hardy, of Norfolk, daughter of Dr. Thomas and Kate (Wallington) Hardy. Children: 1. Wallington, born September 8, 1876, married Carrie Symington, of Baltimore. 2. Russell, born March 6, 1882. 3. Lucy, born August 15, 1884, married Sewall Kemble Oliver, of Columbia, Alexandria, and has children: Sewall Kemble Oliver Jr., born April 17, 1909, C. Hardy Oliver, born November 20, 1910, Lucy (3) Oliver, born October 10, 1912. 4. Kate, born December 8, 1886.

[Pages 163-165]
      James Scott Parrish. From boyhood a worker, and since 1892 connected with the Richmond Cedar Works founded by his father, Mr. Parrish has developed a strong character and an efficiency in the conduct of large business enterprises that mark him as a man of unusual force. He has faced discouraging condition with a brave front, and whatever forebodings may have filled his soul, to the world he was the clear-headed man of action they were accustomed to meet. There are two qualities of character that distinctly marked his father in this son's estimation, unbounded courage in overcoming difficulties, and his gentle but firm disposition. These qualities have lost nothing in transmission from father to son. Sill a young man, Mr. Parrish carries the responsibilities of the executive positions he holds, with a rare wisdom, and in his intercourse with his assistants is courteous and considerate. His many years of intercourse with men as employee and employer have taught him the value of consideration for others, and developed a practical side of his nature that only comes from actual contact with men in different business operations. "Live and let live" is not a modern motto but it is having a modern application of in these days and may be said to fairly express Mr. Parrish's attitude toward his fellow.
[Photo is of William Henry Parrish
      James Scott Parrish was born in Richmond, Virginia, December 12, 1869, son of William Henry Parrish, born July 27, 1834, died March 27, 1892, and grandson of Coason W. v, born June 5, 1803, died February 6, 1860, Coason W. Parrish married Mary Steele Coffey. William Henry Parish married Mary, daughter of John Kirkpatrick, born in 1790, died in February, 1842. John Kirkpatrick married Jane Maria Jellis, born June 27, 1801, daughter of Captain Thomas and Ann (Deane) Jellis, who came from England in 1817, settling at Cartersville, Virginia, their daughter, Jane Maria, coming in 1819. Captain Thomas Jellis was a captain in the English army, General Michael McCreagh, of Lord Wellington's staff, being a near relation of the family.
      William Henry Parrish was a manufacturer of Richmond, founder of the Richmond Cedar Works, a man of strong character and upright life.
      James Scott Parrish attended the public schools of Richmond, Mrs. Camm's School and Thomas Norwood's School, preparing in these institutions for college. From the time he was twelve years of age he collected bills in the after-school hours, and on Saturdays until he was eighteen years of age. After entering college he spent two months of each vacation in labor, so the introductory statement that "since twelve years of age he has been a worker" admits of no controversy. His classical preparation completed he entered Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boson, Massachusetts, whence he was graduated Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, May 31, 1892. In June, 1892, he entered the establishment of his father, the Richmond Cedar Works, taking the place made vacant by the death of the latter, the preceding March, and threw himself with all his energy and capacity into the operation of that plant. Success has attended his efforts and his name today is an honored one in Richmond business circles. His interests have expanded and now extend far beyond the limits of his original enterprise, the Richmond Cedar Works, he being treasurer of that corporation. He is president of the Hammond Company (Incorporated); president of the Chesterfield Apartment Company; president of the Richmond Foundry and Manufacturing Company; president of the gulf Red Cedar Company; treasurer of the Wilts Veneer Company, and holds a directorship in each of them.
      Mr. Parrish, like many city business men of large interests, has a passionate love for country life and out-of-door pleasures. His chief sports are golf, tennis, hunting and horseback riding, while his love for the country finds expression in his beautiful estate, "Miniborya," at Drewry's Bluff, Chesterfield county, Virginia. Here the farming and dairy operations are of the deepest interest to him, and at "Miniborya" as many of his hours and days "off duty" are spent as are possible. His practical mind has evolved several inventions that have been successfully patented and applied to various uses. His clubs are the Westmoreland, Commonwealth and Country Club of Virginia; his college fraternity, Sigma Chi. He is a deacon of Grace Street Presbyterian Church, and in politics a Democrat. From 1906 until 1910, Mr. Parrish served upon Governor Swanson's staff as aide-de-camp. In 1907 he was elected a member of the board of trustees of Hampden-Sidney College.
      This record of a busy man's life shows a broad interest in all departments of city life, and but inadequately expresses the interest Mr. Parrish has in all that concerns the public good. He has no rules of conduct to recommend to young men that will lead to success, but believes that the "proper observance of the Sabbath day" will contribute more to the strengthening of sound ideals in American life and prove most helpful to young men in attaining true success.
      Mr. Parrish married, December 6, 1893, Edith, daughter of George and Mary Ella (Winch) Winch, her parents being the same name but not related. Her paternal grandparents are Joseph Russell and Mary (Cawn) Winch; her maternal grandparents Enoch and Mary Fuller) Winch, an ancestor being Joseph Winch, who was a captain in Colonel Samuel Bullard's regiment in 1777, and during the revolution. children of Mr. and Mrs. Parrish: Eleanor winch and James Scott (2), both students.

[Pages 165-166]
      Hope. Numerous are the members of this family of Hope from whom the colony and state of Virginia has derived service of signal value. There are few avenues of endeavor they have not penetrated, and in nearly all has some member of the family won honor and distinction, even literature receiving one of the name, James Barron Hope, into a prominent place. The history of Virginia is replete with the deeds of members of the Hope family, founded in the colony by John Hope, who came from England to Elizabeth City county, making his home in Hampton. From him are descended William Owens and Frank Stanley Hope, of Portsmouth, Virginia.
      The founder of the family, John, and his son of the same name were ship-builders, the elder Hope having learned the art in his native land, and in Virginia instructing his son therein. John, junior, was the owner of a yard at Portsmouth and there constructed many ships for the coastwise and transatlantic trade, becoming the possessor of what was for that time a considerable fortune.
      (III) William Meredith Hope, son of John (2) Hope, was born in 1812, and died in 1899, after a lifetime passed in the pursuit of the calling that had occupied his line since the arrival of the American ancestor. He was educated under private instruction, and made his life business naval construction, giving of his services to the Confederate government during the civil war. While this conflict was being fought he superintended the building of two ships on the Tombigbee river, one on the Mississippi, and one on the Chickahominy, all four of which became units of the Confederate navy. He was a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and belonged to the Stonewall Camp, Confederate Veterans, his church was the Methodist Episcopal. William Meredith Hope married Virginia Frances Owns, of Portsmouth, Virginia, and had issue: Herbert M., born in 1849, died in 1907, a minister of the Methodist church, married, in 1878, Emma Vinton and had one daughter, Faith, who married Wilbur C. Dula; William Owens, of whom further; Frank Stanley, of whom further; Leila, born in 1861, married Daniel Roper; James Shirley, born in 1868, died in 1896, married, in 1892, Florida Coston, and had children, James Shirley, Jr., born in 1893, and Florida, born in 1895. James Shirley Hope was a graduate of the University of Virginia, and an assistant surgeon in the United States Navy.
      (IV) William O. Hope, son of William Meredith and Virginia Frances (Owens) Hope, was born in Portsmouth, Virginia, April 7, 1853. As a youth he attended the schools maintained by Professor Slater and Professor Williams, and after leaving school became a student of pharmacy, successfully passing the examinations of the State Board. In 1879 Mr. Hope established as the proprietor of a drug store in Portsmouth, which he successfully conducted for several years, at the end of that time disposing of the business and becoming general manager for its new owner, as he continues to this time.
      Mr. Hope has occupied prominent positions in the public life of the city, having for twenty years been a member of the school board, four years of which time he was chairman of the committee on school regulations. For six years he was chairman of the Democratic City Committee, and during the first term of Grover Cleveland as president, was appointed chief clerk to the master shipbuilder at the Portsmouth Navy Yard. He is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Improved Order of Heptasophs, and is a communicant of the Methodist Episcopal church. He is well-known in the city, and is the center of a wide circle of friends. He stands constantly for the best in civil life, and allies himself readily with any movement tending toward the improvement of the material and moral welfare of the city of Portsmouth.
      He married, February 2, 1882, Catherine Virginia, born February 26, 1857, daughter of William James and Mary (Ball) Wood, of Norfolk county, Virginia, and has issue: Katie Deans, born July 2, 1883, died July 19, 1900; Bessie Lee, born December 28, 1885, married, January 27, 1908, Charles Edward Ball, and has Elizabeth Hope, born August 17, 1909, and John, born September 27, 1911; Mary Virginia, born January 18, 1888, married, January 3, 1906, Edward Buell Nicholson, and has a daughter, Catherine Hope, born November 19, 1906; William Meredith, born April 6, 1891; Hugh Stanley, born August 14, 1897.
      (IV) Dr. Frank Stanley Hope, son of William Meredith and Virginia Frances (Owens) Hope, was born in Portsmouth, Virginia, in 1855, and was a student in the schools of Professor Webster. His studies over, in a general way he became a student of pharmacy, at the same time reading medicine. In 1876 he entered the University of Virginia, graduating at the end of one year, afterward completing a year of special study under the direction of Dr. J. Ewing Mears, of Jefferson Hospital. Dr. Hope then became a practitioner of, and has since been connected with the professional life of that city, attending to the needs of a large private clientele, and serving, for the past twenty-four years, as health officer of the city and as physician to the almshouse. To the last named offices he has been constantly faithful, and has safe-guarded the citizens of Portsmouth from disease and plague in every manner known to sanitary science. Water supply, drainage, sewer system, and the whole long list of fruitful causes of contagion came under his close and knowing scrutiny, and upon his recommendation steps were taken by the civil authorities that reduced these dangers to a minimum.
      Dr. Hope has for twelve years been a member of the Democratic State Committee, closely identified with political movements throughout the state, and has also been interested in local affairs. His eminent qualities of leadership and the confidence he has inspired in his fellow-citizens, after a lifetime of labor among them, in 1912 caused his election to the office of mayor of Portsmouth, and in that year he entered upon a four year term as chief executive of the city. His achievements and rule in the half of that time that has passed have entirely fulfilled the expectations of his adherents, for his administration has been capable, energetic, impartial, and business-like.
      Dr. Hope is a member of lodge and chapter in the Masonic Order, his lodge the Seaboard, and he also fraternizes with the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks and the Improved Order of Red Men. He belongs to the Norfolk County Medical Society, and the Methodist Episcopal church.
      He married, June 20, 1883, Annie, daughter of John and Eliza (Cason) West, and has one daughter, Mary, who married W. S. Broderick.

[Pages 166-167]
      John Tabb Ijams, a banker and broker of New York City, was born in Berkeley county, Virginia. His father was James Ijams, born in Frederick county, Maryland, in 1819, died in 1873, and his mother Dorcas Susan Michell (Tabb) Ijams, daughter of John Tabb, of Berkeley county, Virginia. She was born in 1832, died in 1898. The Tabb family have been prominent in Virginia from the seventeenth century.
      James Ijams, father of John Tabb Ijams, was by occupation a merchant, and served in the Confederate army in active service under General Stuart and later in the commissariat department of the Confederate army.
      The Ijams family is an old family of Frederick county, Maryland, first settled in Maryland in the seventeenth century, the old homestead in Frederick county, Maryland, being still owned by the family. The first railroad built in Maryland was through the Ijams estate and the village in proximity was named Ijamsville. Members of the family were prominent in the revolutionary war, and the war of 1812. The maternal grandfather of Mr. Ijams served under General Gates in the war of the revolution.
      John Tabb Ijams was educated in private schools in Virginia. After leaving school he became a clerk in a wholesale dry goods house in Baltimore. Subsequently in 1873, he removed to New York and entered the employ of one of the leading dry goods commission firms of that city. In 1876 he withdrew and established a woolen mills agency which he controlled until 1900, when he liquidated and became associated with the banking house of Fisk & Robinson in Nassau street. This relation was severed in 1908, since which time he has been connected with the banking house of William A. Read & Company.
      Mr. Ijams married, April 20, 1881, Phoebe Adele, daughter of Isaac Horton and Phoebe (Smith) Smith. There have been two children, Ethel Adele, born in 1883, now deceased, and John Horton, born in 1884, educated in the Berkeley Preparatory School in New York, graduating from Harvard with the degree of A. B. in 1907, since which time he has been connected with the banking firm of Harris, Forbes & Company, New York.
      Mr. Ijams is an Episcopal, and since his early residence in New York he has been a member of the Church of Incarnation at Madison avenue and Thirty-fifth street. He is much interested in philanthropic and charitable work and is an active member of several charitable organizations. He is an Independent in politics, both local and national. He is fond of outdoor exercise and sports, and is a member of several clubs.

[Pages 167-167]
      Edward Chambers Laird, M. D. Through his mother, Virginia (Chambers) Laird, Dr. Laird traces descent from Judge Edward R. Chambers, of Mecklenburg county, Virginia, a member of the Virginia Convention of 1854 and secession convention of 1861. Mrs. Laird's mother was Lucy Tucker, a daughter of Colonel John Tucker, of Brunswick county, Virginia, born November 8, 1770, died March 5, 1843. Colonel Tucker was a prosperous planter, all his life a magistrate, a state senator, a Whig and presidential elector on the Clay ticket. In the war of 1812 he commanded a regiment in active service at Norfolk, Virginia. Colonel Tucker married, May 8, 1803, Agnes Eppes Goode, born at "Inglewood," May 15, 1781, died December 25, 1814, daughter of Thomas Goode, of Chesterfield county, Virginia. Through this Dr. Edward C. Laird, of Boydton, Virginia, traces a line of descent from John Goode, an Englishman, who came to Virginia prior to 1660 from Barbadoes.
      Thomas Goode was a wealthy planter, owning estate in Mecklenburg and Chesterfield counties, Virginia. He married Agnes Osborne, of "Osbornes," Chesterfield. His youngest daughter, Agnes Eppes, born May 15, 1781, married Colonel John Tucker, also of an illustrious Virginia family.
      Thomas Goode was a son of John Goode, of "Falls Plantation," Chesterfield county, Virginia, who was killed by the Indians between the years 1720 and 1730. He left three sons and a daughter, who moved with their widowed mother to the southwestern boundary of the colony, bought land and settled along the Roanoke river. John Goode was the third son of John Goode, the founder of the Virginia family of Goode, and of the eleventh generation of English Goodes, descendants of Richard Goode, and of the eleventh generation of English Goodes, descendants of Richard Goode. John Goode married (first) in Barbadoes, a lady named Mackarness, who came to Virginia with him but soon died, leaving a son Samuel. John Goode married (second) Anna Bennett, who bore him twelve children.
      Dr. Edward Chambers Laird is a son of Dr. Alexander Thomson Laird, who was born in Rockbridge county, Virginia, near Lexington, April 20, 1819. He was educated at the United States Military Academy at West Point, Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Virginia, and Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, an eminent physician, son of John and Jane (Edmondson) Laird, of Rockbridge county. Dr. Alexander Thomson Laird married Virginia Chambers, born in Mecklenburg county, Virginia, May 4, 1832, who yet survives him. She is a daughter of Judge Edward R. Chambers, of previous mention, who married Lucy, daughter of Colonel John and Agnes Eppes (Goode) Tucker. Judge Chambers has issue: Edward St. John, "Harvie," Captain Henry Harvie, a lawyer and Confederate soldier, Company C, Virginia Reserves; Sterlin, died young; Henrietta, died young; Elizabeth, died young; Virginia, of previous mention; Jennie, married Dr. Harvey Laird; Mollie, still living in the old home at Boydton; Juliet, married L M Wilson; Rosa, married Thomas F. Goode.
      Dr. Edward Chambers Laird was born at Boydton, Virginia, October 9, 1854. After preparatory courses, he entered Virginia Military Institute, in August, 1872, as a cadet from Mecklenburg county, continuing three years until graduation, class of 1875. Deciding upon the profession honored by his father, he prepared at the University College of Medical, Baltimore, receiving his degree M. D., class of 1879. He began professional practice the same year at Boydton, but has not been in continuous practice there. He was for a period physician at the celebrated Buffalo Lithia Springs of Virginia. Later he located at Asheville, North Carolina, where he established a large and select practice. He then removed to Haw River, North Carolina, where he has large business interests. He has a large practice in Boydton, the home of his mother, and is practically a resident of both Boydton and Haw River. Mrs. Laird, mother of Dr. Laird, resides at the fine old homestead in Boydton, a highly respected and beloved lady. Dr. Laird divides his time between his professional and business interests in Haw River and Boydton. He is a member of the Presbyterian church, and in politics is a Democrat.
      He married, June 9, 1880, Cora May, daughter of Governor Thomas May Hold, of North Carolina. Children: 1. Thomas Holt, born at Haw River, North Carolina. August 5, 1881; educated at Danville Military Institute and Trinity College, Durham, North Carolina; now engaged as a cotton broker at Greensboro, North Carolina; married Margaret Keene Goode, daughter of Edward Chambers Goode, and has a daughter Louisa Holt Laird, born in Greensboro, August 18, 1913. 2. Charles Chambers, born at Haw River, North Carolina, August 31, 1890, was educated at Bingham School, Asheville, North Carolina, and Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Virginia; was associated with his older brother in cotton brokerage business in Greensboro; died at Sao Paulo, Brazil, November 15, 1914.
      David Frank Laird, a brother of Dr. Alexander T. Laird, was born in Rockingham county, Virginia, July 8, 1822, died December 17, 1891; was a farmer.

[Pages 168-169]
      George Paul La Roque, M. D. An ancient family of France, the La Roques, on coming to America in the seventeenth century, settled in Louisiana. Frm there the branch which Dr. George Paul la Roque, of Richmond, Virginia, descends, passed to the state of North Carolina, settling in Lenoir county, which has been the family home for considerably over a century. One of the well known, old time physicians of that county, Frederick La Roque, universally known as "Old Doctor Fred," practiced in the county until his sixtieth year. His wife was a Dunn, whose family came from England, settling first in eastern Virginia, and later going to North Carolina. The Mewborns with whom Walter Dunn La Roque intermarried, were also an English family that settled first in Virginia before going farther south.
      (I) Dr. Frederick La Roque ("Old Doctor Fred") was born in Lenoir county, North Carolina, there lived, and died at the age of sixty years. He was a regular medical practitioner, and was well known over that section as a skillful and reliable physician. He married a Miss Dunn, and reared a family of five children, one of whom was Mrs. Sue Hardy, yet living, a resident of Lenoir county.
      (II) Walter Dunn La Roque, son of Dr. Frederick La Roque, was born in Lenoir county, North Carolina, February 12, 1850, died July 1, 1911, in Kinston in the same county. He began business life as a farmer, but later became a merchant of Kinston, and for twenty-five years preceding his death was in business there. He married, in 1871, Annie, daughter of Levy Mewborn, also of an old Lenoir county family. She was born in Lenoir county in October, 1850, and is now a resident of Kinston in that county. Children: Mark Heber, died in 1881, aged nine years; Frederick Mabson, born July 1, 1874, now a merchant of kinston; George Paul, of further mention; Walter Dunn, born December 30, 1878, now in the real estate and insurance business in Kinston, and active in public affairs, having just completed his third term of two years each as mayor and is now postmaster of that city; Oscar Kent, born March 20, 1883, a wealthy, influential tobacco dealer, requiring two warehouses to conduct his business; J. Frank, born January 18, 1888, a tobacco buyer and warehouseman of Kinston.
      (III) Dr. George Paul La Roque, second son of Walter Dunn and Annie (Mewborn) La Roque, was born in Kinston, Lenoir county, North Carolina, June 16, 1876. He was educated in the public schools of Kinston and the University of North Carolina, attending the latter institution two years; Bellevue, two years, then entering the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia, whence he was graduated M. D., class of 1902. He was resident physician at the University Hospital, Philadelphia, two years, and in 1905 located in Richmond, Virginia, with offices at No. 501 East Grace street, where he is well established in practice, specializing in diagnosis and surgery. He is associate professor of surgery in the Medical College of Baltimore, and surgeon to the Memorial, Virginia and other hospitals. He is a member of the Commonwealth and Country Clubs, the Elks, of college fraternities, Omega Upsilon Phi, Tau Nu Epsilon and Sigma Xi. In religious faith he is an attendant of the Christian church. He is unmarried.

[Pages 169-170]
      William Bernard Lightfoot. The Lightfoot family took a prominent part in the affairs of Virginia in colonial times and a member of the second generation in America is described on his tombstone as "descended from an ancient family in England, who came over to Virginia in a genteel and honorable character." They intermarried with the old honorable families of the dominion, and the member here given especial mention may well be proud of his ancestry. William Bernard Lightfoot was born August 7, 1850, in Mississippi, where his parents were living temporarily, and is a son of William Bernard Sr. and Sarah Bee (Roos) Lightfoot, the former a native of Virginia, the latter of Alabama.
      Rev. Richard Lightfoot, the earliest known ancestor of this family, was pastor at Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England, and died November 28, 1625. His son, John Lightfoot, was barrister at Gray's Inn in 1617, and two sons of the latter, Captain John and Lieutenant-Colonel Philip Lightfoot, came to Gloucester county, Virginia, about 1670. In 1671 Philip Lightfoot was given in a list of residents of Gloucester county and he is called "Mr." in 1677; lieutenant-colonel in 1680 and captain in 1690. He was surveyor-general in 1676, and his will was probated in 1708. He married Alice, daughter of Henry Corbin, whose sister Letitia married Richard Lee and became ancestor ancestor of the famous general, Robert E. Lee. The Corbin home was known as "Buckingham House" and was in Middlesex county. The tomb of Philip Lightfoot at "Teddington" (standing today), Sandy Point, bears as arms, Lightfoot impaling Corbin. He held three tracts of land at Sandy Point, then in Wallingford parish, James City county, which later fell in Westover parish. His son Philip eventually came into possession of this land. The second Philip was born in 1689, died in 1748, being buried at Teddington," Sandy Point. He held high office and had the respect of his fellowmen. He had a mansion also in Yorktown. He married Mary, daughter of William and Anne Armistead, and widow of James Burwell, of King's Creek. William, son of this latter union, died before 1771. William's wife was Mary Howell and their second son, Philip (3) Lightfoot, lived at Cedar Creek, Caroline county, being known as Philip Lightfoot, of Caroline. He died in 1786. He served as a lieutenant in Harrison's artillery, continental line, and received two grants of land for his services. His wife was Mary Warner (Lewis) Lightfoot, only daughter of Colonel Charles and Lucy (Taliaferro) Lewis, whose ancestry is given in the succeeding paragraph.
      General Robert Lewis located in Gloucester county about 1645, and his son John married Isabelle, daughter of Captain Augustine Warner. Both families were Welsh. Captain Warner was a member of the house of burgesses from York county in 1652, and of the same body from Gloucester county in 1658-59, also of the royal council in 1659-60. John Lewis named his home Warner Hall, in honor of his wife's family. John, son of John Sr. and Isabelle (Warner) Lewis, was a major in the Indian wars and member of the Virginia council. He was born in 1669, died in 1725. He married Elizabeth Warner, daughter of Augustine and Mildred (Reade) Warner. He was the son of Captain Augustine and Mary Warner and called Speaker Warner to distinguish him from his father. He was several times a member of the royal council. His wife was a daughter of George Reade, who was secretary of the colony in 1637, acting governor in 1638-39 and several times member of the house of burgesses and of the royal council. George Reade was a younger son of a noble English family and came to Virginia about 1637. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Colonel Nicholas Martian, a French Huguenot, who was born in 1591, and came to Virginia about 1620. John and Elizabeth (Warner) Lewis had a son John (3), who was born in 1694, and in 1718 married Frances Fielding. Their son Fielding married Betty, sister of George Washington, and their son Charles, of Cedar Creek, was born in 1729 and served as colonel in Indian wars. He left a manuscript diary describing the expedition which terminated in "Braddock's Defeat." He married Lucy, daughter of Colonel John Taliaferro, of Snow Creek. Their daughter, Mary Warner Lewis, was noted for her great beauty and grace, and she became the wife of Philip Lightfoot, as above described. After his death she married (second) Dr. John Bankhead, of Caroline, nephew of President Monroe.
      The only son of Philip and Mary Warner (Lewis) Lightfoot was Philip Lightfoot, of Port Royal. He was born at Teddington, Sandy Point, in September, 1784, died July 22, 1865. He married Sarah Savigne, daughter of William Bernard, of Mansfield, Virginia, and they had children as follows: Fannie, Philip Lewis, John Bernard, William Bernard, Ellen Bankhead and Rosalie Virginia.
      Of these children, William Bernard Lightfoot was born at Port Royal, Caroline county, Virginia, December 16, 1811, died February 5, 1870. He was a graduate of the University of Virginia. He was a large cotton planter; had a fine estate with many slaves and lived the life of the southern gentleman previous to the civil war. He married (first) Roberta, daughter of Colonel Robert Beverly, of Blandfield, Essex county, Virginia, and (second) Sarah B. Ross, of Mobile, daughter of Captain Jack Ross, United States army, and ——— (Fisher) Ross. His children, besides William Bernard Jr. were: Alfred Ross, born in 1852, counselor-at-law, New York City, married Marie Zoe (Vallé) Vallé, of St. Louis, Missouri, deceased; Amelia Ross, deceased, married Leonard E. Locke; Sarah Bernard, married Robert Tarleton, both deceased; Rosalie Vivian, married Alexander T. Leftwich, both deceased; Nora Meade, married William Reynolds, Helen Virginia, unmarried.
      William Bernard (2) Lightfoot attended southern schools and studied under private tutors on his father's estate. He early entered business life, where he has been very successful. He has lived in New York City since 1882 and interested himself in the banking and brokerage business in Wall street. Mr. Lightfoot takes an active interest in public affairs and is a progressive and enterprising citizen. In political views he is a Republican. He early became affiliated with the Protestant Episcopal church, in Alabama, being confirmed by Bishop Richard H. Wilmer. He belongs to the Virginians of New York City; a resigned member of the Southern Society of New York. For ten years he was an officer in the Mobile Cadets, National Guard, Alabama. He keeps abreast of the times in general matters and has a large circle of friends. He has initiative and executive ability of a high order, which have enabled him to make a success of his business undertakings and have given him an enviable position among his fellows.