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[Pages 79-80]
      Thomas Staple Martin, United States Senator. The elevation of Senator Martin to the highest political office his state can bestow, that of United States senator, was a plain case of "the office seeking the man," as prior to his election by the Virginia legislature to the high office he has held since 1895 he had never sought nor held a political office of any kind in state or nation. Yet he was not without qualifications aside from his well-known powers of mind and character, for he had from youth lived in an atmosphere of politics and had been for several years a member of the executive committee of the state Democratic committee. When a school boy at Virginia Military Institute he had marched out to the field of battle with his brother cadets and his fight for a legal education had proved his strength of character, while his quarter of a century in active practice had developed a character that has withstood the searching light of many years public service. Yet the law was his choice and notwithstanding the important obligation as a United States Senator he has ever been devoted to his profession.
      Senator Martin is a son of John Samuel and Martha Ann (Staples) Martin and a grandson of Reuben Martin, his Grandmother Hayden being a daughter of a Virginia legislator. John S. Martin, son of a farmer grew to manhood amid agricultural surroundings, but his tastes were for a mercantile life and leaving the farm he became a merchant and manufacturer of Scottsville, Virginia.
      Thomas Staples Martin was born in Scottsville, Albemarle county, Virginia, July 29, 1847. He attended Scottsville schools until March 1, 1864, then entered Virginia Military Institute, continuing his studies in barracks and field until April 9, 1865. In October, 1865, he entered the University of Virginia, academic department, attended sessions there until June 1, 1867. His father's death, July 3, 1867, leaving him the head of a large family, he gave up his ambition for a college education and warmly shouldered his responsibilities. He had graduated from a number of schools and gained practically a college education, however, and he did not surrender his ambition and determination to be a lawyer, but shortly after leaving the university he began a course of private study and reading. Although this was a slower and more difficult way to secure the needed education he persevered in his legal study, finally presenting himself before the examiners, mentally well and accurately equipped with legal knowledge. He was granted a license to practice in the fall of 1869 and at once began practice at the Albemarle county bar. He began in a quiet, modest way, but soon proved his mettle and clients became plentiful. As he gained in experience and years, he broadened and expanded mentally, becoming one of the leading lawyers of the Virginia bar. He practiced continuously from the date of his admission, 1869, until 1893, nearly a quarter of a century, then the reward of a well spent, useful life came to him unexpectedly and unsought. The law was to him a jealous mistress and he had fought so hard for his education and foothold that he allowed nothing to come between him and his profession. But in 1893, when chosen by the legislature of Virginia over some of Virginia's distinguished public men, he accepted the high honor, although in former years he had declined to be a candidate as he had declined other offers of political office. He has been a member of the executive committee of the Democratic State Central Committee, appointed in 1866; was a member of the board of visitors to the University of Virginia and of a similar board to the Miller Manual Labor School of Alexandria, but never had held a political office. His senatorial term began March 4, 1895, on which date he was sworn in as a member of the Fifty-fourth Congress of the United States. He served the full term of six years with honor, was reëlected to represent his state in the highest legislative tribunal of our country, and on January 12, 1912, for a fourth time he was honored as the choice of his state for the term beginning March 4, 1913.
      Senator Martin is one of the strong men of the United States senate and of his state, famous for its great men. He is wise in counsel, but a whirlwind in action; a forceful, eloquent speaker, quick and ready in debate, a valuable attorney and a dreaded opponent. His broad-minded statesmanship has been often displayed in times of state and national crisis and like a rock he has stood for the principles of his party and the honor of his country. when the state of Virginia was torn with dissension over the settlement of the state debt he rendered a distinguished service as advisory counsel to the committee having the matter in charge. Broad and progressive as he is in his views on national and state affairs, he is highly regarded for his personal traits of character. His good nature is as unfailing as his courtesy, his charity broad, and his sympathy ready. He possesses not only the power to attract and convince man, but the power to hold their friendship. In honoring Senator Martin with so long a term in the senate, the state of Virginia has honored herself, his public service ranking with that of any senator from the Old Dominion.
      Senator Martin married, October 10, 1894, Lucy Chamblis Day, daughter of Charles Fenton and Virginia (Jordan) Day. They have two children: Lucy Day Martin, born January 20, 1897; Thomas S. Martin Jr., born February 23, 1902.

[Pages 80-84]
      Morgan Poitiaux Robinson. Several branches of the Robinson family are now to be found in Virginia, all descended from John Robinson, who came to America in early Colonial days. Many of the name have been distinguished in the history of Virginia, and in the history of the Protestant Episcopal church during Colonial times. Branches of the Robinson family emanating from this emigrant ancestor are known to have lived in York, Middlesex, Gloucester, King and Queen, Caroline, Henrico, Norfolk, and other counties, in Virginia. Robinsons of this clan have held important official positions in Virginia from Colonial times down to the present, and John Robinson, of Richmond (born February 13, 1773, died April 26, 1850), is believed to have held the record of the state for length of service. He was deputy clerk of the Hustings court and of the district court of Richmond, also clerk for twelve years, until the latter was abolished, and then clerk of the circuit court of Henrico Young Men's Christian Association, Virginia, forty-one years, in all, fifty-three years, from 1797 to 1850, the time of his death.
      (I) John Robinson, the first of the Robinson family in Virginia of whom we have any account, came from Cleasby, Yorkshire, England, about the middle of the seventeenth century. He married Elizabeth Potter, of Cleasby, daughter of Christopher Potter, and settled in York county, Virginia, in what was then called Charles River parish. John Robinson received 300 acres of land in Lancaster county, Virginia, April, 1653, and later grants of several thousand acres in York, Lancaster and Gloucester counties, Virginia. He died March 1, 1688, in New Charles parish, York county, Virginia, and left surviving issue.
      (II) Anthony Robinson, son of John and Elizabeth (Potter) Robinson, was born May 1, 1662, in New Charles parish, York county, Virginia. Anthony Robinson, of New Charles parish, held lands in York county, Virginia, prior to 1691, as on October 20, 1691, he received a grant of thirty-three acres of land in Poquosin parish, York county, which was bounded in part by said Robinson's old line, and in part by lines of Robert Kirby. He was vestryman and church warden of Charles parish in 1707 and 1708. He died November 11, 1727. His will, dated November 9, 1727, was probated December 18, 1727; it makes bequests to his children, Peter, William and John Robinson. To Anne Parsons and his son-in-law, William Parsons, husband of Anne. To his wife, Anne Robinson, and to his grandchildren, William Parsons, Martha Sweny, Merit Sweny, Mary Robinson, daughter of John; Mary, daughter of Anthony; Starkey, Diana, Anthony and John Robinson. He gave his sons, John and Peter, that part of his land where he then lived. "I give unto my son John Robinson in compliance to a will made by Mr. Armiger Wade a gift of 40 acres joining to that part where I now live and given to said John R. by the said Armiger Wade, and the other part of my land I give to my son Peter R." He named his wife Anne and son John as executors, December 28, 1727, Anne Robinson, relict of Anthony, renounced the provision made for her in his will, and claimed her legal rights. Anthony Robinson married (first) Mary Starkey, in 1684, who died January 31, 1697-98, and left surviving issue; married (second) Jane ———, in 1698, who died February 17, 1717-18, and left issue; married (third) Anne ———, who survived him, and was named in his will already mentioned.
      (III) John (2) Robinson, son of Anthony and Mary (Starkey) Robinson, was born August 25, 1685, in York county, Virginia. He and his son Anthony Robinson, were both drowned near Egg Island, Virginia, April 7, 1737, and his remains were buried May 6, 1737, parish register. he married Frances Wade, daughter of Armiger Wade, of York county, who died October 13, 1721; was descended from Armigall Wade, of Bellsize, near Hempstead, England, who was the father of Sir William Wade, frequently mentioned in the progress of James I., and of whom there is a curious and interesting memoir in Park's "History of Hampstead." Armiger Wade Sr. lived in YORK county, Virginia, in 1677, and had: Frances; Mary, who married ——— Curtis; Dorothy, who married John Parsons; Anne who married ——— Trotter. His will, dated August 12, 1708, probated March 20, 1708-09, in York county records, gave his son-in-law, John Robinson, forty acres of land, provided his father, Anthony Robinson, gave him the same amount of land adjoining.
      (IV) Anthony (2) Robinson, son of John (2) and Frances (Wade) Robinson, was born September 9, 1711, in York county, Virginia, was drowned April 7, 1737, near Egg Island, Virginia, and buried May 6, 1737, according to church records. He married Mary Kirby, by whom he had issue, four children; she married (second) Daniel Moore, and died before 1775. Mary Robinson, widow of Anthony Robinson, in right of her infant son, administered the estate of John Robinson, Sr., September 9, 1737; the appraisement was filed May 15, 1738, by Bennet Tomkins, Daniel Moore and Mary Robinson (see page 389), York county records); and September 19, 1737 she was made guardian of her son.
      (V) Anthony (3) Robinson, son of Anthony (2) and Mary (Kirby) Robinson, was born June 15, 1737, in York county, Virginia. He was justice for York county, Virginia, 1762 to 1767; and high sheriff of the county in 1765, with sureties, Augustine Moore and Aaron Phillips, the latter his father-in-law. He died in 1776, his will, dated October 27, 1775, was probated April 15, 1776, and names his mother, Mary Moore, Mr. Aaron Phillips, and his uncle, Merritt Moore, as executors. He married (first) Frances Read, daughter of Samuel and Mary Read, December 1, 1757. He was born December 23, 1723, died August 26, 1762, and left surviving issue, two children; married (second) Mary Phillips, daughter of Aaron and Eliza Phillips, December 23, 1762. She was born May 16, 1743, died April 7, 1775, and was the mother of six children, among them was a son whose record follows.
      (VI) Anthony (4) Robinson, son of Anthony (3) and Mary (Phillips) Robinson, was born August 12, 1770, in York county, Virginia. He was ane elder brother of John Robinson, who was clerk at Richmond, Virginia, for fifty-three years, and was himself a man of affairs and a planter of considerable estate. He died September 11, 1851, at Richmond, Virginia. He married Elizabeth Russell daughter of William Russell who was clerk of James City county for a long time. she was born January 15, 1778, at Williamsburg, died August 5, 1852, at Richmond, Virginia, and had issue seven children, namely: Elizabeth, who died January 24, 1861; Poitiaux, of whom more hereafter; Ann, who died July 9, 1868; Wirt, who had a son, Russell; Portia Cox; William, who was probably the justice of York county in 1825; John.
      (VII) Poitiaux Robinson, son of Anthony (4) and Elizabeth (Russell) Robinson, was born about 1800, presumably in James City county, Virginia. He married Mary Enders, and had issue.
      (VIII) John Enders Robinson, son of Poitiaux and Mary (Enders) Robinson, was born July 10, 1851, at corner of Fifth and Main streets, Richmond, Virginia. He was a pupil at the Rev. John T. Clarke's school at "Riverview," in Halifax county, Virginia. Early in 1864 and in 1865 he assisted in the Confederate operation of railroad trains over the old Richmond & Danville Railroad, now the Southern, in the vicinity of Staunton River Bridge, Virginia. He was a cadet in the Military Institute of Virginia from 1867 to 1869. He was the Virginia commissioner to Vienna at the World's Fair of 1873. In 1872 and 1874 he was lieutenant of the Richmond Light Infantry Blues, Virginia militia. He lives in Richmond, where he was a tobacconist for many years. He is a Democrat, but never sought political office. He is a consistent member of the Protestant Episcopal church. He was a charter member of the Westmoreland Club, of which he was the first treasurer, serving for a period of five years.
      Mr. Robinson married, November 7, 1871 in St. Paul's Church, Richmond, Virginia, in 1852. She was reared and educated in Richmond, attending the girls' schools of Miss Jessie Gordon and Miss Mary Pegram, both famous institutions of learning. she was particularly fond of the classics of English literature and music, and was prepared for the Leipsic Conservatoire of Music. She is a member of the Episcopal church; a member of the Monday Afternoon Club, of Richmond, was appointed its first president and served for three years; charter member of Woman's Club, of Richmond, served as secretary for two years; member of Hollywood Memorial Association (Confederate) of Richmond, and in 1896 edited their pamphlet, "Our Confederate Dead"; member of the Confederate Memorial Literary Museum; was its recording secretary from 1900 to 1907, inclusive, and its corresponding secretary, 1911 to 1913, inclusive, and chairman of its sites committee for six years; member of the Richmond Chapter, Virginia Division, United Daughters of Confederacy, many years; member of Lee Chapter, Virginia Division, United Daughters of Confederacy, of Richmond, at president (1914); served as historian-general of United Daughters of Confederacy, 1908-11, inclusive, and while holding this office she originated the plan for creating a United Daughters Confederate Library in every division (state) organization; is corresponding secretary of Confederate Southern Memorial Association, headquarters in New Orleans, and was assigned to the special work of this association to restore the name of Jefferson Davis to the Cabin John Bridge, Washington, D. C., and she edited "The Restoration of the name of Jefferson" (to the Cabin Bridge) containing the official correspondence, Richmond, Virginia, 1909; member of the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities, headquarters in Richmond, of which she has been corresponding secretary for fourteen years; chairman of Year Book, 1900-08, edited the Year books 1900-01, and 1904, the only ones published during her incumbency. Children of John Enders and Virginia (Morgan) Robinson; Morgan Poitiaux, of whom more hereafter; John Enders, born July 26, 1878, in Richmond; a locomotive engineer, married Ruby Wright, and has one child, Alcinda Morgan, born January 14, 1910.
      Mrs. Virginia (Morgan) Robinson descends from David Morgan, son of Colonel Morgan Morgan, the emigrant, who built Morgan's (Bunker Hill) Chapel, Newborne parish, Virginia (now West Virginia). David Morgan was one of the first settlers on the Monongahela river, west of the Allegheny mountains. The Morgans moved to the region now known as Monongalia county, West Virginia, probably from one of the eastern counties of Pennsylvania, but the date of their settlement is unknown. As early as 1778 William Morgan, David Morgan, Hugh Morgan and Patrick Morgan, presumably of the same family, migrated there. Patrick Morgan was killed by the Indians, who were very troublesome at that time. The Morgans were all noted Indian fighters, and David Morgan is said to have slain seven Indians in personal combats. In 1779, according to reports, he single-handed slew two INdians who attacked him.
      His combat with the Indians whom he slew came about in an effort to save two of his children, Stephen and Sarah, from their fiendish hands, and was due to a remarkable dream just before the occurrence mentioned. One morning early in April, 1779, he sent the two children to feed some stock at his cabin some half mile from Fort Prickett, where the family took refuge, he being unwell at the time, due to previous illness. He fell asleep and dreamed that he saw the children waling before him scalped by Indians; in alarm he awoke and found the they had not returned, so he took his gun and went in search of them; on coming near the place he saw them busily engaged in some work, and without his presence known, he sat down near them. Presently he was startled to see two Indian warriors stealing upon them. In the fight that followed he shot one Indian, mortally wounding him before they reached him, and closing with the other one in a desperate encounter, finally stabbing the Indian with is own knife. Exhausted and wounded, he made his way to the nearby fort. A monument was erected on the spot of Morgan's fight, near Rivesville, West Virginia, which was unveiled, September 25, 1906.
      Stephen Morgan, the son, was born October 14, 1761, in Frederick county, Virginia, and was therefore about seventeen years old when the above mentioned occurrence took place in 1779; his sister, Sarah, Morgan, was perhaps fourteen years old; their father was then upwards of sixty, and much weakened from prior illness lasting several weeks. Stephen Morgan married Sarah Somerville, daughter of Joseph Somerville, of Berkeley county, (now West Virginia). She was born there, January 11, 1770, and was the mother of eight children: Charles Stephen, of whom more hereafter; Henry Stephen, a twin, born April, 1779; William Stephen, born September 7, 1801; Elizabeth Stephen, born August 24, 1803; Ann, born May 22, 1806; Rudds, born July 30, 1811; Albert, born January 30, 1813; George Pinckney, born August 23, 1820.
      Charles Stephen Morgan was born June 4, 1799, on a farm near the present Morgantown, West Virginia, died February 15, 1859, in Richmond, Virginia. He was a member of the Virginia house of delegates, 1820-23; member of the senate, 1823-32; member of reform convention of 1829-30; superintendent of Virginia penitentiary, 1832 to 1859, the year of his death. He married, May 12, 1833, Alcinda Gibson Moss, born August 28, 1811, died December 15, 1880. Children: Alcinda, Charles Stephen, Stephen Elisha, William de Clifford, Henry Lee, a son who died soon after birth, and Virginia, heretofore mentioned.
      (IX) Morgan Poitiaux Robinson, son of John Enders and Virginia (Morgan) Robinson, was born February 11, 1876, in Richmond, Virginia. He attended Mrs. Camm's private school in Richmond from 1885 to 1888; McGuire's school from 1888 to 1894; Harvard University summer schools of 1894, and the University of Virginia from 1894 to 1897, and again from 1902 to 1910. He received the following degrees, to wit: B. A. (1905), M. A. (1908), B. L. (1910), all from the University of Virginia. The interim from 1897 to 1902 was spent as an invalid from a severe football accident at his home in Richmond. From 1908 to 1914 he engaged in the practice of law at Richmond, and since February, 1914, has been historian for the war and navy departments, stationed at Richmond, to ascertain the whereabouts of all original records, both military and naval, relating to the American revolutionary war, 1775 to 1783. This is a matter of great importance to historical students, librarians, institutions of learning, patriotic societies, and all persons interested in their country's struggle for independence. It is believed that many such records are in the hands of private owners as well as in official archives and libraries. It is not desired to purchase these papers, but to obtain a complete list of them, and their location, with a view to publication. Information in regard to all such papers will help complete the record of Virginia's part in the revolution. Archivist of Virginia State Library, January, 1915.
      From 1892 to 1894, Mr. Robinson served as private in the Ashby Light Horse, Troop G, First Regiment of Cavalry, Virginia Volunteers, and in 1894 became one of the charter members of Company B, Richmond Light Infantry Blues, of Virginia militia. He is a Democrat in politics, and takes an active interest in local affairs. He is a member of Grace Protestant Episcopal Church of Richmond, Virginia. He is a member of the following professional, historical and patriotic organizations and clubs: American Bar Association; Virginia State Bar Association, and a member of its membership committee; National Geographic Society; American Historical Association, and a member of its general committee; American Political Science Association; Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities, and a member of its advisory board; Confederate Memorial Literary Society (Confederate Museum, Richmond, Virginia); Southern Historical Society; Virginia Historical Society, and a member of its executive committee; Virginia Society of Sons of the Revolution; Westmoreland Club and Business Men's Club, of Richmond; and is a member of the following fraternal organizations of the University of Virginia: Alpha Tau Omega, national; Delta Chi, national; Theta Nu Epsilon, national; the Skull and Keys Society, local; the O. F. C. Society, local; the "Z", local; the T. I. L. K. A. Society, local, and was the founder of the Lambda Pi, academic fraternity (local). He is the author of "A Map Showing Virginia Antiquities," published in 1901; "The Evolution of Mason and Dixon Line" (pamphlet), published in 1905; "Concerning the Boyson Essay and its Defence," (pamphlet) published in 1909; and "A Complete Index to Stith's History of Virginia," published in 1912. He resides at No. 113, South Third street, Richmond, Virginia.

[Pages 84-85]
      Richard Lee Simpson, D. D. S. Dr. Richard Lee Simpson, the noted dental surgeon of Richmond, Virginia, who has achieved a reputation which would do honor to a man greatly his senior in point of years, is still a comparatively young man. He is, however, one of that class of men who know the value of time, and never allow a minute to pass unused. This was a trait which characterized him from early youth, and its cultivation has enabled him to accomplish seemingly impossible amounts of work.
      J. Charlton Simpson, his father, was of Scotch-Irish descent, a builder by occupation, and made an especial study of mathematics and mechanics. He married Sarah Elizabeth Backensto, who was of Spanish descent, and died at an early age. Mrs. J. F. Hickok took charge of Dr. Simpson after the death of his mother, and to her loving care and training Dr. Simpson gives credit for any success which he has attained.
      Richard Lee Simpson, D.D. S., was born in Fincastle, Botetourt county, Virginia, April 21, 1873. His education was acquired at public and private schools in his native town, and this he supplemented by home study and diligent reading, being more fond of books than of sports which would take him from them. Drawing, wood-carving and the invention of little mechanical devices also absorbed much of his time and attention during his boyhood days. In 1889 he became a student at the preparatory school, Montvale, Virginia, conducted by Professor Charles B. Tate, being graduated from this in 1891, and receiving a scholarship which enabled him to attend the Washington and Lee University, at Lexington, Virginia, 1891 and 1892, and there he distinguished himself by his work in the Latin and Physiological departments. He next taught school for one year at Laymantown, Virginia, and from 1893 to 1896 studied in the dental department of the University of Maryland, at Baltimore. In the seven prize contests open to him at this institution he carried off three first prizes and three second prizes, one of them being for the highest class standing in a class of fifty-four members.
      Immediately after his graduation Dr. Simpson established himself in the practice of his profession in Fincastle, at the same time continuing his studies along this line in an earnest and practical manner. By means of papers, clinics, and discussions before various dental associations in the United States and Canada, he aroused and stimulated interest in dental problems. Many of his papers have been published and have had a wide circulation, and are regarded as authoritative. One of them was translated and published in a French magazine, in Paris, and one at Rio De Janiero, Brazil. In 1903 Dr. Simpson was elected a member of the Virginia State Board of Dental Examiners, and filled that office until 1905, when he was chosen professor of dental surgery, crown and bridge work, in the University College of Medical, at Richmond, now the Medical College of Virginia, and at the present time (1915) is filling the chair of clinical dentistry. Dr. Simpson was instrumental in re-organizing the University College of Medical School of Dentistry, and when this was consolidated with the Medical College of Virginia in 1913, he was elected chairman (dean) of the School of Dentistry, and continues to hold that office. At the centennial of Maryland University in 1907, the honorary degree of Master of Arts was conferred on Dr. Simpson by that institution. He has devoted much time and study to experimental tests of the physical properties of dental metals, and the physical laws which govern dental structures, both artificial and natural. In the line of invention Dr. Simpson has also done notable work, among the most important of his inventions being the following: A composite crown pin; a system of chisels and pluggers; a gold casting device; a system of crowning teeth, known as Simpson's hood abutment; a method for making anatomically banded crowns (the hat brim method); a method for overcoming the spheroiding of molten gold; a method for making anatomically perfect shell crowns; and a method for making accurate saddle-bridges. His lectures and clinics have been given in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia, Maryland, South Carolina, Alabama, Ohio, Missouri, Canada.
      Dr. Simpson was ordained a deacon in the Presbyterian church in Fincastle in 1897, serving in this office until 1905, when he removed to Richmond, and is now an elder in the Second Presbyterian Church in that city, and a member of the state committee of the Layman's Missionary Movement. In political matters he is a Democrat. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity; the Xi Psi Phi fraternity; Richmond City Dental Society; Virginia State Dental Association, of which he was president, having been active in the interests of this organization from the time he commenced the practice of dentistry; National Dental Association; Virginia Chemists' Club; an honorary member of the North Carolina Dental Society; was one of the organizers of the Southwest Virginia Dental Society, and its first secretary and treasurer; member of the American Institute of Dental Teachers, and National of Dental Faculties. He is a staunch advocate of high standards of education and practice in his profession.
      Dr. Simpson married, February 28, 1901, Gulielma Walker, daughter of Dr. William T. and Fannie (Holladay) Walker, of Lynchburg.

[Pages 85-86]
      Ramon David Garcin, M. D. The Garcins came from Normandy in France about 1794, settling in the West Indies. They were distinguished in the professions of the law and medicine and were prosperous and well-to-do as a family. The first of the name to come to the United States was Ramon Garcin, father of Dr. Ramon D. Garcin, of Richmond, who came from Cuba in 1858, settling in Powhatan county, Virginia. He was a manufacturer, a man of quick decision and firmness of character. He was born in Barcelona, Spain, November 22, 1830, died April 30, 1909, son of Debarreras Garcin, who died in 1845, and his wife, Josephine Ponce de Leon, born in Madrid Spain. Ramon Garcin married Margaret Thomas, daughter of David and Mary (Lewis) Thomas, a descendent of the Thomas family of Pennsylvania, whose founder came from Wales to that state a century and a half ago.
      Ramon David Garcin, son of Ramon and Margaret (Thomas) Garcin, was born at Powhatan Court House, Virginia, September 19, 1867. He secured a good preparatory education and although he had difficulties to surmount, overcame them all and after graduation from Richmond high school, entered South Carolina College, whence he was graduated A. B., the Medical College of Virginia, M. D. class of 1886, the medical department of the University of New York City, M. D., 1887. His progress through these institutions and his progress through life has been aided by a well selected course of reading, professional and historical and by the best authors in general literature. The profession of medicine was his own choice but when thoroughly prepared he listened to his parents' advice and decided upon Richmond as a location. He began practice in that city in 1889 and has just rounded out a quarter of a century of successful professional life and efficient public service. For twenty of those years he has been a member of the city board of health and is a member of Richmond Academy of Medicine and Surgery, a society of which he is an honored ex-president. He has a large practice in both the medical and surgical branches of this profession and is surgeon to the Virginia Masonic Home and the Richmond, Rappahannock River Railroad Company. He is highly regarded by his professional brethren in his own city, and through member ship in the New York Academy of Medicine is well known to the profession in that city. He has contributed numerous article son various subjects to the medical journals that have been well received, is an interested eager searcher for greater knowledge and keeps himself ever in close touch with the discoveries of others, whether it be prevention, cure or operation. He is thoroughly modern and is very successful in his practice. Dr. Garcin has acquired important business interests in Richmond, although his profession has received his greatest attention. He is a director of the Church Hill Bank, Bank of Commerce and Trusts, a director of the German Mutual Building and Loan Association and has other minor interests. He is a member of the Business Men's Club, Appa Kappa Kappa fraternity, is a communicant of the Baptist church and in politics is a Democrat.
      Dr. Garcin married, April 1, 1893, Mary Edmonia Jackson, daughter of J. Tyler Jackson, and a granddaughter of Spencer and Antoinette (Richardson) Jackson, of Fairfax county, Virginia. Children: Ramon David (2), now a student at Richmond College; Emma Anderson, a student at Richmond Woman's College; Lyne, a student at Richmond Academy. Dr. Garcin exemplifies in his own career the value of ambition rightly directed, perseverance until the goal is reached, punctuality in business or professional engagements and honesty in all life's dealings, large or small. To these qualities must be added pleasing personality, sympathy and a genuine love for his fellowmen and among his large clientele are many who beneath the impersonal attitude of the physician see the anxious solicitude of the friend.

[Pages 86-88]
      John Garland Pollard. The Pollard family of Virginia appears to have first settled at "Mount Zoar," in King and Queen county, Virginia, in the early part of the eighteenth century. Members of this family intermarried with the Dandridges, Edwards and Spottswoods; and the family history includes many distinguished names in Virginia and elsewhere in the United States. It has been said that King and Queen county, Virginia, contains so many relics of old colonial days, but none so interesting as the old homesteads of the Claibornes, Braxtons, Dandridges, Edwards, Ayletts, Langbornes, Pollards, and others, all of which have their own peculiar features and traditions of that time. In those old mansions a former generation lived in lordly manner, and entertained those who came to their door with lavish hospitality. Many of those old residences have decayed and disappeared, while others are in ruins, but here and there some few of those old buildings have been preserved with zealous care to the present time. the glory of those old "Barons of the Pamunkey and of the Mattapony" has passed away, but their descendants of the twentieth century still cling to the fond tradition of that long ago, and are still noted for their geniality and personal integrity of character.
      (I) Joseph Pollard, the earliest known ancestor, was born probably in King and Queen county, Virginia, in 1701, and died December 26, 1791, presumably in Goochland county, Virginia, aged nearly ninety-one years. A great-grandson, John Pollard Sr., records that his own father, Joseph Pollard, son of William Pollard, sometime clerk of Hanover county, told him that Joseph moved from King and Queen county to Goochland county in 1754, when he was sixty-seven years of age. According to the Pollard family records, made by John Pollard Sr., this Joseph Pollard married Priscilla Hoomes, of Caroline county, Virginia, who died July 16, 1795, aged "above 91" years. They had nine children, seven girls and two boys, namely: 1. Sarah, born May 4, 1725, married, June 20, 1743, Judge Edmund Pendleton, first president of the Virginia supreme court of appeals, who died October 26, 1803, in his eighty-third year; she survived him and was living in 1814, then in her ninetieth year. 2. William, of whom further. 3. Anne, born February 22, 1732, married a Mr. Taylor, and had an only son, John Taylor, author, United States senator, and colonel in the revolutionary war; she was living in 1814 in her eighty-third year. 4. Elizabeth, born October, 1736, married a Mr. Merriwether, had issue, and was living in 1814 in her seventy-sixth year. 5. A daughter, who married a Mr. Watkins, but had no issue. 6. Thomas, born September 30, 1741, resided in Kentucky, and was "nearly 73" in 1814, when he visited Virginia, and this record was made. 7. Jane, born May 26, 1744, married (first) Mr. Dandridge, (second) Thomas Underwood, and was living "in her 71st year" in Hanover county, Virginia. 8. Milly (Priscilla), born May 12, 1747, married Colonel Edmund Pendleton, a nephew of Judge Edmund Pendleton, and in 1814 was "in her 68th year," and "now lives within two miles of her sisters." 9. "Another" (daughter), married a Mr. Rogers, of Spottsylvania county, Virginia, and left issue, two children, a daughter and a son, the latter, Thomas Rogers, being sometime a clerk under Thomas and William Pollard. The daughter married an Underwood, and was the mother of Joseph Underwood, United States senator from Kentucky, and ancestor of Oscar Underwood, now United States senator from Alabama. As Milly or Priscilla Pollard was reported to be the youngest of the children, this last mentioned daughter is supposed to have been born about 1734 or earlier.
      (II) William Pollard, son of Joseph and Priscilla (Hoomes) Pollard, was born in 1730 (?), probably in Goochland county, Virginia, and settled in Hanover county, Virginia, and settled in Hanover county, Virginia, where he was clerk. Johnston's "Memorials of Old Virginia Clerks," says: "William Pollard was clerk of Hanover from 1740 to 1781 to 1829." He married a Miss Anderson, of Hanover, and had ten children, five sons and five daughters.
      (III) Joseph (2) Pollard, the great-grandfather of John Garland Pollard, was the son of William and ——— (Anderson) Pollard, and was born in Hanover county, Virginia. He was a soldier in the revolutionary war; in an alphabetical "Lost of Revolutionary Soldiers of Virginia" there are two Joseph Pollards mentioned, viz: Joseph Pollard of King and Queen county, Virginia, whose name appears in a "Report from the Secretary of War in relation to the Pension Establishment of the United States," Volume II., Washington, 1835; and Joseph Pollard, in Saffel's "Records of the Revolutionary War," 272, published 1858, in New York however, it is possible that these may both refer to the same person. Joseph Pollard married Catherine Robinson, daughter of John Robinson, of Hanover county, Virginia, who was the son of the Robinson, who was speaker of the house of burgesses; and he the son of John Robinson, president of the council, and a son of Christopher Robinson, who came from England, and settled in Middlesex Young Men's Christian Association, Virginia, in 1664; and the last mentioned a brother of John Robinson, bishop of London, who was a plenipotentiary at the Congress of Utrecht. issue of Joseph and Catherine (Robinson) Pollard, four sons; Edmund, William, John, of whom further, Joseph.
      (IV) John Pollard, son of Joseph (2) and Catherine (Robinson) Pollard, was born July 14, 1803, in Goochland county, Virginia. He was a lawyer, a man of integrity and industry, who filled some of the most important offices in his county; he was a Whig before the civil war, and a Democrat thereafter; but on account of advanced age did not take part in that struggle. He died September 13, 1877, in King and Queen county, Virginia. He married Juliet Jeffries, daughter of Thomas Jeffries, a successful merchant of King and Queen county, Virginia, and the sister of Judge James Jeffries, of the same county. Children of John and Juliet (Jeffries) Pollard: 1. John, of whom further. 2. James, a lawyer of Baltimore, Maryland. 3. Henry R., city attorney of Richmond, Virginia. 4. Robert N., a lawyer in King and Queen county, Virginia. 5. Mary Elizabeth, married Philip T. Woodward, clerk of Middlesex county, Virginia. 6. Sue, married R. H. Woodward. 7. Sarah, married the Rev. Alfred Bagby, D. D.
      (V) Rev. John (2) Pollard, son of John (1) and Juliet (Jeffries) Pollard, was born November 17, 1839, in King and Queen county, Virginia, and died July 14, 1911, at the home of his son, John Garland Pollard, at Ginter Park, Henrico county, Virginia. He was educated in the local schools of his native county and at the Columbia University of Washington, D. C., from which he graduated as A. B. in 1860, and A. M. in 1861, also as D. D. in 1877. He was tutor in 1860-61, and later a minister of the Baptist church; pastor in Baltimore, Maryland, from 1870 to 1880, and president of the Maryland Union Association from 1874-76; pastor in Richmond, Virginia, from 1880-1886, and president of the State Mission Board from 1882-84; vice-president of the National Temperance Society; and was professor of English language and literature from 1886-1901; also was a member of the Modern language Association, the American Historical Association, and of the American Philologian Association.
      He married Virginia Bagby, daughter of John Bagby, a merchant, on the 10th day of July, 1861, in King and Queen county, Virginia, and had nine children, namely: 1. Mary E., born August 22, 1862, married G. Harvey Clarke, of Richmond, Virginia. 2. Edward Bagby, born October 9, 1864; minister, author and scholar, also A. M., Ph. D., and D. D., is professor at the Crozer Theological Seminary at Chester, Pennsylvania. 3. Juliet, born September 22, 1866, married J. W. Wills, of Atlanta, Georgia. 4. Bessie G., born November 30, 1868, married Millard E. Cox, of Louisville, Kentucky. 5. John Garland, of whom further. 6. Annie Maude, born November 17, 1874, married Robert Lee Turman, of Alabama, Georgia. 7. Lalla Rookh, born May 28, 1879, married O. P. Smoot, of Bowling Green, Virginia. 8. Susie Virginia, born May 23, 1882, died August 25, 1906, unmarried. 9. Grace Nelson, born October 28, 1883, married Rev. Robert H. McCaslin, D. D., of Montgomery, Alabama.
      (VI) John Garland Pollard, son of Rev. John (2) and Virginia (Bagby) Pollard, was born August 4, 1871, in King and Queen county, Virginia. He was educated in the local schools, at the Richmond (Virginia) College, and at the Columbian University of Washington, D. C., from which last named institution he graduated in 1893 with the LL. B. degree. He began the practice of law in the same year at Richmond, Virginia, and has continued actively in the profession since that time.
      In politics Mr. Pollard is a Democrat, and has long been identified in local and state political affairs. He was a member of the Virginia State Constitutional Convention in 1901-02, in which he was a representative from Richmond; was presidential elector on the Democratic ticket in 1904, and served as chairman of the Virginia Commission of Uniform State Laws. He was editor of the Annotated Code of Virginia in 1904, and editor of the "Law Register" from 1904 to 1906. He has also been mayor of Ginter Park, a suburb of Richmond. In 1913, he was elected attorney-general of the state of Virginia.
      Mr. Pollard was sometime president of the Capitol Savings Bank of Richmond, and director of the Bank of Commerce and Trusts, also of the National /bank of Virginia. In 1913 he was director of the Old Dominion Trust Company, of the Central National Bank, and of the Schmelz Brothers, Bankers, Incorporated, at Richmond, Virginia. He is a member of the Beta Theta Pi and the Phi Beta Kappa, Greek letter college fraternities; member of the local Blue Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons; of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and of the Royal Arcanum. In religion he attends the Baptist church at Richmond, Virginia.
      He married Grace Phillips, the 10th day of August, 1898, at Portsmouth, Virginia. She was born May 5, 1873, in Elizabeth City county, Virginia, and was the daughter of Captain Charles T. Phillips, clerk of the courts at Portsmouth, Virginia. Issue of John Garland and Grace (Phillips) Pollard: Garland, born November 15, 1901, in Richmond, Virginia; Charles Phillips, born November 15, 1903, in the same city; Susie Virginia, born August 30, 1906, in Richmond, Virginia.