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      In order to a mke the list of the members of the House of Burgesses of Virginia as complete as possible, the following names are added, with the counties represented and the years of service. Sketches of manyu of them are found in Volume II, under the head of the "Fathers of the Revolution." It is also to be noted that most of the Councillors have been Burgesses.

      Allonby, Thomas, Elizabeth City county, 1684, 1688.
      Anderson, John, (county unknown), 1685-1686.
      Andrews, William, Accomac, 1727-1734.
      Armistead, Henry, (q.v., 173), Gloucester, 1727-1734.
      Bailey, William, Surry, 1763, 1764, 1765.
      Baker, Benjamin, (q.v. 175), Nansemond, 1768, 1769.
      Baker, William, Nansemond, 1742-1747.
      Banister, John, Dinwiddie, 1766-1768, 1769-1776.
      Barradall, Edward, (q.v. 180), Williamsburg, 1742-1747.
      Bisse, James, Charles City county, 1680-1682.
      Blair, John, Jr., William and Mary College, October, 1765, 1766-1768, 1769-1772.
      Bland, Richard, Prince George, 1742-1770.
      Blunt, Richard, Surry, 1772, 1773.
      Booker, Edward, Jr., Halifax, 1766-1769.
      Bowdoin, John, Northampton, 1773-1776.
      Braxton, Carter, King William, 1761-1765, 1766-1769, 1775-1776.
      Buckner, Richard, Caroline, 1727-1732.
      Burgess, Charles, Lancaster, 1727-1734.
      Burwell, Carter, James City county, 1742-1747, 1748-1749, 1752-1755.
      Carter, Landon, Richmond county, 1748-1765.
      Cary, Archibald, Chesterfield, 1756-1776.
      Champe, John, King George, 1734.
      Champe, William, King George, 1764.
      Clement, Jeremy, James City county, 1641.
      Cocke, Richard, Henrico, 1715.
      Crawford, David, New Kent, 1692.
      Cunningham, Mr. (county unknown), 1745.
      Custis, William, Accomac, 1676, 1677.
      Dacker, William, (county unknown), 1642.

      Digges, Dudley, York, 1752-1776.
      Edwards, Mr. (county unknown), 1745.
      Eppes, Isham, Dinwiddie, 1752-1755.
      Ewell, Samuel, Accomac, 1732-1734.
      Fallowes, Thomas, (county unknown), 1642.
      Faulcon, Nicholas, Jr., Surry, 1773-1776.
      Fitzhugh, William, King George, 1772-1774, 1775-1776.
      Fleming, William, Cumberland, 1772-1774, 1775-1776.
      Fry, Henry, Albemarle, 1764.
      Fry, John, Albemarle, 1761-1764.
      Gouldman, Thomas, Rappahannock, 1680-1682.
      Gray, Francis, Charles City county, 1661-1676.
      Hardy, Richard, Isle of Wight, 1772, 1773-1776.
      Harrison, Benjamin, Charles City county, 1749-1776.
      Henry, James, Accomac, 1772, 1773-1776.
      Henry, Patrick, Louisa, 1765-1769; Hanover, May, 1769, 1769-1776.
      Jarrell, Thomas, Southampton, 1752-1753.
      Jarvis, Thomas, Elizabeth City county, 1680-1682, 1684, 1683-1686, 1695.
      Jefferson, Mr., Flower dieu Hundred, 1619.
      Jefferson, Thomas, Albemarle, May, 1769, 1769-1776.
      Jenifer, Captain Daniel, Accomac, 1720-1722.
      Jones, John, Dinwiddie, 1752-1755.
      Jones, John, Brunswick, 1771, 1772.
      Jones, Joseph, King George, 1772-1776.
      Jones, Thomas, William and Mary College, 1720-1722.
      Jordan, Thomas, Nansemond, 1696-1697.
      Kearne, Barnaby, Nansemond, 1684.
      King, Joseph, (county unknown), April, 1691.
      Land, Mr., Princess Anne, 1734.
      Langhorne, John, Warwick, 1680-1682.
      Langley, Ralph, York, 1655-1656.
      Langley, William, Norfolk, 1715.

      Lankford, Benjamin, Pittsylvania, June, 1775.
      Lawne, Christopher, Lawne's Plantation, 1619.
      Lee, Francis Lightfoot, Loudoun, 1758-1761; Richmond 1765-1769.
      Lee, Richard Henry, Westmoreland, 1758-1776.
      Lee, Thomas Ludwell, Stafford, 1758-1765.
      Lee, William, Northumberland, 1693.
      Lewis, William, James City county, 1691-1692.
      Liggon (Lyggon), Thomas, Henrico, 1655-1656.
      Littleton, Nathaniel, Northampton, 1698, 1699.
      Littleton, Southey,' Accomac, 1676-1677.
      Marshall, James, Fauquier, 1775.
      Marshall, William, Elizabeth City county, 1601-1692.
      Mason, George, Fairfax, 1758-1761.
      Mason, Thompson, Stafford, 1758-1761, 1765-1768, 1770-1772.
      Matthews, George, Augusta, 1775.
      Meade, David, Nansemond, 1727-1734.
      Mercer, James, Hampshire, 1762-1770.
      Mihill, Edwards, Elizabeth City county, 1680-1682.
      Milby, Adiel, Northampton, 1775.
      Mills, Henry, (county unknown), 1680-1682.
      Minge, Valentine, Charles City county, 1715.
      Morris, George, New Kent, 1680-1682.
      Morton, Joseph, James City county, 1756-1758.
      Moss, James, New Kent, 1703-1705.
      Muscoe Salvator, (q.v. 298), Essex, 1727-1734, 1736-1740.
      Nelson, Thomas, York county, 1761-1775.
      Nicholas, George, William and Mary College, 1727-1732.
      Nicholas, Robert Carter, James City county, 1765-1776.
      Page, John, William and Mary College, 1770, 1772-1774
      Parker, Mr., Hampshire, 1752-1755.

      Parker, Thomas, Charles City county, 1710.
      Pate, Thomas, Gloucester, 1684.
      Pendleton, Edmund, Caroline, 1752-1766.
      Pendleton, John, King and Queen 1762-1763.
      Perkins, Mr., Frederick, 1753-1755.
      Peyton, John, Stafford, 1734-1740.
      Peyton, Yelverton, Stafford, 1772.
      Pierce, William, Westmoreland, 1680-1682.
      Pitt, Thomas, Isle of Wight, 1680-1682.
      Power, Mr. (county unknown), 1732-1734.
      Prosser, Thomas, Cumberland, 1764.
      Randolph, Peyton, Williamsburg, 1761-1774.
      Randolph, Thomas Mann, Goochland, 1769-1776.
      Reade, Robert, York, 1688.
      Richinson, John, Princess Anne, 1693 (see John Richardson, p. 313).
      Ring, Joseph, (q.v., 313), York, 1693.
      Sandiford, John, Lower Norfolk, 1692-1693.
      Scarburgh, Charles, Accomac, 1680-1682, 1684, 1685-1686, 1688, 1691-1692.
      Sherman, Michael, James City county, 1692-1693.
      Smith, Augustine, Spotsylvania, 1727-1734.
      Smith, Charles, Louisa, 1758-1761.
      Smith, Isaac, Accomac, 1775
      Smith, John, Gloucester, 1685-1686, 1688, 1691, 1692.
      Smith, Lawrence, Gloucester, 1691-1692.
      Smith, Meriwether, Essex, 1772-1776.
      Stone, Captain John, Rappahannock, 1691-1692.
      Spier, John, (county unknown), 1680-1682.
      Swann, Alexander, Lancaster, 1699.
      Tabb, John, Amelia, 1772-1776.
      Tarpley, John, Richmond, 1711-1712.

      Taylor, James, Orange, 1758-1761, 1761-1765.
      Tazewell, Henry, Brunswick, 1775-1776.
      Thomas, Edward, Essex, 1692, 1693.
      Thorpe, Otho, York, 1680-1682.
      Todd, Robert, Norfolk, 1748-1749.
      Veal, Thomas, Norfolk, 1762-1765.
      Walker, John, Albemarle, 1773-1776.
      Ward, John, Ward's Plantation, 1619.
      Washington, George, Frederick county, 1758-1765; Fairfax, 1766-1776.
      Washington, Lawrence, Westmoreland, 1684, 1691-1692.
      West, Nathaniel, New Kent, 1703-1705.
      White, Alexander, Hampshire, 1774.
      White, William, Northampton, 1680-1682.
      Whttington, William, Northampton, 1680-1682.
      Williamson, Robert, Isle of Wight, 1661-1676.
      Winston, Anthony, Buckingham, 1775.
      Withers, John, Stafford, 1691-1692.
      Woory, Joseph, Isle of Wight, 1684.
      Wythe, George, Williamsburg, 1754-1756; William and Mary College, 1758-1761; Elizabeth City county, 1761-1769.


Page 8, Hawkins, William, for "Lancaster," read "Launceston."
Page 26, Rich, Sir Nathaniel, col. 1, line 2, for "Hutton," read "Hatton."
Page 38, line 4, West, Thomas, for "Annie," read "Anne."
Page 42, Powell, Nathaniel, col. 2, line 16, for "March 12," read "March 22."
Page 44, Pott, John, for "governor," read "deputy governor."
Page 47, Bennett, Richard, was governor until March 31, instead of March 2 and March 30, 1655.
Page 47, Digges, Edward, governor from March 31, 1655.
Page 49, Moryson, Francis, was deputy governor, instead of governor.
Page 50, Chicheley, Sir Henry, was lieutenant-governor, instead of deputy governor.
Page 60, line 9, Carter, Robert, for "nephew" of Gen. Edmund Ludlow, read "cousin."
Page 79, West, Francis, deputy governor, instead of governor.
Page 84, for "Yeardley," read "Yardley."
Page 96, col. 2, line 16, for "assembling," read "asserting."
Page 102, col. 2, line 8, Bullock, Hugh, for "Bollock," read "Bullock;" line 9, for "Jennings," read "Jenings."
Page 108, Sibsey, John, line 3, for "Kichoughtan," read "Kicchoughtan."
Page 110, Wormeley, Ralph, line 17, ignore last sentence, date of death.
Page 118, Morrison, Francis, deputy governor instead of governor.
Page 122, Carter, John, Sr., for "Cromwell," read "Richard Cromwell."
Page 124, Elliott, Anthony, line 2, for 1654-55, read 1645-46.
Page 170, Ambler, John, for 1765 read 1735.
Page 186, for "Blackheard," read "Blackbeard."
Page 360, Williams, Robert, for "Williams," read "Williamson."


NOTE -- An asterisk (*) against a name refers the reader to note in Addenda and Errata.

Abbott to Bolling

Abbott, Jeffrey, 169
Abraham, Robert, 169
Ackiss, John, 169
Acrill, William, 169
      William, Jr., 169
Adams, Richard, 169
      Robert, 169
Aitchison, William, 169
Alexander, Gerard, 169
      John, 169
Allen, Maj. Arthur, 170
      Edmund, 170
      Edward, 170
      William, 170
Allerton, Isaac, 140
      Willoughby, 170
Allington, Lieut. Giles, 170
Ambler, Edward, 170
      John, 170
      Richard, 171
Amherst, Jeffrey, 68
Amidas, Philip, 15
Anderson, Charles, 171
      Rev. Charles, 171
      David, 171
      George, 171
      Matthew, 171
      Richard, 171
      Robert, 171
      William, 171
Andrews, Rev. Robert, 171
      William, 172
      William, Jr., 172
Andros, Sir Edmund, 56
Anne, Queen of Pamunskey Islands, 172
Appleton, John, 172
Applewhaite, Henry, 172
      Capt. Henry, 172
Archer, Gabriel, 78
      James, 172
Argall, Samuel, 41
      Sir Samuel, 81
Armistead, Anthony, 172
      Gill, 173
      Col. Henry, 173
      John, 140
      Robert, 173

      William, 173
Arundell (Erondelle), John, 173
      Peter, 174
Ashton, Charles, 174
      Henry, 174
      James, 174
      Peter, 174
Aston, Walter, 174
Atkins, John, 174
Atkinson, Roger, 174
Aubrey, Henry, 174
Aylett (Aylet), William, 174
      William, 175
      William, 175
Aylmer, Justinian, 175
Bacon, Edmund, 175
      John, 175
      Nathaniel, 132
      Nathaniel, Sr., 54
      Nathaniel, Sr., 121
Bagnall, James, 175
      Roger, 175
Bagnell, Henry, 175
Bagwell, Thomas, 175
Bailey, Thomas, 175
Baker, Benjamin, 175
      Henry, 176
      Capt. Lawrence, 176
      Richard, 176
      Thomas, 176
Baldridge, Thomas, 176
Baldry, Robert, 176
Ball, George, 176
      George, 176
      Henry, 176
      Col. James, Jr., 176
      Maj. James, 177
      Col. Joseph, 177
      Col. Spencer, 177
      Spencer M., 177
      Capt. William, Jr., 178
      Col. William, 178
      William, 178
Ballard, Francis, 178
      Robert, 178
      Thomas, 130
      Thomas, 178
Banister, John, 179

Bankhead, James, 179
Banks, Thomas, 179
Barber, Charles, 179
      Thomas, 179
      William, 179
      William, Jr. 179
Barbour, James, 180
      Thomas, 180
Bargrave, George, 180
      Capt. John, 180
      Rev. Thomas, 180
Barham, Anthony, 180
Barker, William, 180
Barlow, Arthur, 15
Barnes, Lancelot, 180
Barradall, Edward, 180
Barret, Charles, 180
      Rev. Robert, 181
      Thomas, 181
Barrett, William, 181
Barrington, Robert, 181
Barron, Samuel, 181
Baskervyle, John, 181
Basse, Nathaniel, 100
Bassett, Burwell, 181
      William, 181
      William, 181
Bates, John, 182
Bathurst, Lancelot, 182
Battaile, Capt. John, 182
Batte, Capt. Henry, 182
      John, 182
      Thomas, 182
      William, 182
Baugh, John, 182
Baughan, Capt. James, 182
Bayley, Arthur, 183
      Richard, 183
      William, 183
Baylis, John, 183
Baylor, John, 183
      John, 183
Baynham, Alexander, 183
Baytop, Thomas, 183
Beale, Thomas, 127

Beazley, Robert, 184
Beckwith, Sir Marmaduke, 184
Bell, Henry, 184
      John, 184
      Rev. John, 184
Benn, Capt. James, 184
Bennett, Philip, 184
    *Richard, 47
      Richard, 111
      Thomas, 184
Benskin, Henry, 184
Bentley, Matthew, 184
      William, 184
Berkeley, Edmund, 150
      Edmund, 184
      John, 98
      Norborne, 69
      Capt. William, 184
      Sir William, 46
Bernard, Richard, 184
      Capt. Thomas, 185
      William, 117
      William, 185
Berry, Sir John, 185
Bertrand, Rev. John, 186
Beverley, Capt. Harry, 185
      Peter, 152
      Robert, 136
      Robert, 185
      William, 159
      William, 186
Beverly, William, 186
Bibb, William, 186
Bickley, Sir William, 186
Bigge, Richard, 186
Bill, John, 186
Bird, Abraham, 186
      William, 186
Bishop, Henry, 186
      John, 186
Blackbeard, 186
Blackburn, Richard, 187
      Thomas, 187
      Capt. William, 187
Blacke, William, 187

Blackwell, Joseph, 187
      Samuel, 187
Blacky, William, 187
Blagrave, Henry, 187
Blair, Dr. Archibald, 187
      James, 154
      James, D. D., 62
      John, 66
      John, 157
Blake, Capt. John, 188
Blakiston, Nathaniel, 188
Bland, Edward, 188
      Giles, 188
      Peregrine, 188
      Richard, 188
      Theodorick, 129
      Theodorick, Sr., 188
Blaney, Edward, 94
Blayton, Thomas, 188
Blewitt, Mr. 87
Blow, Michael, 189
Bohun, Laurence, 88
Bolling, Alexander, 189
      John, 189
      Robert, 189
      Robert, 190
      Robert, Jr., 190