Stafford County Wills &
DEED & WILL BOOK 1699 - 1709
page 260 -261 Will of JAMES MANN
Contributed By: Sondra Foley
I James Mann of Overwharton Parish of
Stafford County in the Colony of Virga. being sick & weak of body .... do hereby
devise and bequeath all and singular my Estate to be equally divided between my
wife & children & to the heirs of MARGARET & URSULA MANN and to the performance
of that devise touching all my Tenements & hereditamt. I freely devise &
bequeath the same to them .. to the proper use benefit & behoof of the said
Margt. & Ursula Mann in as full large & ample manner as Joint Tenants by the
Laws of England ought to have hold & enjoy the same and I do hereby make my
loving wife Mary my sole Executrx.
... this 2d day April 1705.
Presence Jos. Sumner, Arthur Jackson,
James Mann
John Waugh Junr., Edward Turberville,
John Waugh.
At a Court held 11th April 1705 This Will was proved ... and order for
probate thereof granted to MARY MANN Executrix mentioned in said will &
the will ordered to be recorded & was recorded.