World War I Draft

"From the Stafford County Mailing List & Laura Perry"


The Fredericksburg, Virginia, DAILY STAR of Saturday, 21 July 1917, contains a list of the 70 men chosen first in the draft for service in the United States military. The article is headed "Stafford Draft: Of Seventy Men in the First Call, Thirty-five Will Be Chosen." It explains, "Below are the names of the seventy men who will be first summoned before the exemption board of Stafford. If the thirty-five cannot be secured from this list others will be summoned in the order in which they were drawn." This is the list: 
258 James Griffin
458 David Conley Raines
337 John Edward Lenox
275 Richard Huffman
509 John Richard Stone
564 Ashton A. Truslow
496 Eddie Watts
536 Daniel Webster Sullivan
548 Aldine H. Turner
126 Milton Harvey Cooper
107 Alexander Boston
373 Willie Myers
486 Jerry F. Smith
600 George C. Wilson
507 Hudson Talmadge Skinner
309 Wallace Jones
437 Nathaniel Elkins Rollins
604 Frank J. Woodward
43 Floyd Howard Bullock
420 Clarence Hemp Parker
514 Walter Frazer Sullivan
433 Edward W. Payne
10 Lyndon G. Atchison
487 Timothy Lafonzo Shelton
140 Willie Campbell
432 Richard Harold Poole
18 Tiffin Allen
601 Charles Ernest Woodward
606 Lucian Watson
182 Alfred Dye
513 Morris Stevens
46 Richard Berry
223 Ashby L. Groves
117 Basil Gordon Bryant
602 French Edward Woodward
390 James A. Monteith
75 Fleet Adam Burgess
280 William Wallace Heflin
332 Robert M. Lawson
379 Frank Clay Monroe
542 Monroe Shelton
194 Harvey Ennis
552 Howard Thornton
298 Lucius Alder Johnson
343 George Elliott Lightner
15 Alfred Johnson Allen
452 Maurice Robert Reamy
355 Lewis A. Moncure
530 Rosser R. Sullivan
445 Henry Rollins
218 Luther Leonard Fines
550 John Harrington Tuell
574 William White
31 John Bettis
525 Robert Sullivan
183 Maurice Dodd
56 George Burrel
5 Frank Merle Armstrong
350 Annby Massey
54 Wellington Ernest Berry
549 Dallas Heflin Thacker
440 Bernard Robinson
269 Ben Hill
335 Mat Lothan
493 Dave Shackelford
341 Melvin C. Limerick
391 Nathan Minnow
353 Eugene E. Musselman
360 Henry Moncure
571 Wesley Yates

[Note from Laura: The number of men picked appears to be proportionate to the number of men registered for the draft in each county.  The same issue of the newspaper has much longer lists for Orange County and Fredericksburg/Spotsylvania County.  Apparently there were over 600 men of draft age in Stafford County.]


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