Stafford County, Virginia Deaths

VSL Reel 29, Bureau Vital Statistics Deaths Stafford County, 1876-1896

Researched and contributed by Homer Musselman.


1st District - Ennever Lucas, Commissioner

l.1 - Fannie B. Curtis, wf, d. 2 Aug 1883, Stafford, childbirth, age ng, P: John H. & E. Bradshaw, b. Stafford, housekeeper, consort: John Curtis, rep by Chas. M. Bradshaw, brother

l.2 - Mary A. Burton, wf, d. 26 Dec 1883, Stafford, heart disease, 77y 9m 6d, P: James & Mary Ballard, b. Spotsylvania, housekeeper, conssort: Arthur A. Burton, rep by Arthur A. Burton, husband

l.3 - Rebecca Irwin, wf, d. 9 Apl 1883, Stafford, rheumatism, 74y, P: not given, b. Ireland, housekeeper, single, rep by William Irwin, brother

l.5 - Maria E. Patton, wf, d. 1 Apl 1883, Stafford, old age, 82y, P: John Aulman, b. Orange Co., Va., housekeeper, consort: Elliott E. Patton, Sr., rep by A. J. Patton, son

l.6 - John E. Portch, wm, d. 23 Jul 1883, Kentucky, train accident, 26y. P: John & Susan Portch, b. Stafford, single, rep by John Portch, father

l.7 - Celia Sherman Stewart, wf, d. 1 Dec 1883, Stafford, consumption, 24y. P: Joseph O & Catharine Stewart, b. Pennsylvania, single, rep by Joseph O. Stewart, father

l.8 - James Sullivan,, wm, d. 27 Jun 1883, Stafford, consuption, 65y. P: James & Sarah Sullivan, b. Stafford, farmer, cons: Louisa Sullivan, rep by Louisa Sullivan, wife

l.9 - Sinah D. Irvine, wf, d. 9 Oct 1883, Stafford, heart disease, 81y. P: John & Mary Conyers, b. Stafford, farmer, cons: William Irvine, rep by William Irvine, husband

l.10 - Delila Cox, wf, d. 16 May 1883, Stafford, old age, 85y4m20d. P: unknown, b. Orange Co, consort, Benjamin Cox, rep by William J. White, son in law

l.11 - Robert Lee Newton, wm, d. 20 Dec 1883, Stafford, typhoid fever, 20y. P: John C. & Henritta Newton, b. Stafford, farmer, single, repby John C. Newton, father

l.14 - Not named, wm, d. 1 May 1883, Stafford, cause unknown, 3d, P: William Dobson, b. Stafford, rep by William Dobson, father

l.15 - Andrew J. Catlett, wm, d. 20 Aug 1883, Stafford, consumption, 55y2m12d. P: Robt & Sarah C. Catlett, b. Stafford, farmer, consort, Susan C. Catlett, rep by Lawrence Catlett, son

l.16 - Duff G. Chinn, wm, d. 9 Mar 1883, Stafford, pneumonia, 1m15d, P: Raleigh T. & Lucy F. Chinn, b. Stafford, single, rep by R. T. Chinn, father

l.21 - Ralph Arthur Blair, wm, d. 24 Apr 1883, Stafford, Bronchitis, 9m25d. P; A. E. & Mary Blair, b. Stafford, rep by Arthur E. Blair, father

In Stafford County Court Clerks Office, Dec 22, 1884. I certify that the above is a correct list of Deaths in District No. 1, Stafford County, Va. for the year 1883, as reported by E. Lucas, commr of the Revenue for sd district, 14 whites, 7 col, 11 males, 10 females. Given under my hand

C. A. Tackett, clk


District No. 2 - K.B. Combs

l.1 - Abraham T. Bloxton,, wm, d. 13 Apr 1883, Stafford, pneumonia, 38y. P: Samuel & Mary Bloxton, b. Stafford, farmer, rep by Mildred A. Watson Bloxton, wife

l.2 - Eugene Flemming, wm, d. 24 Dec 1883, Stafford, cause unknown, 14y, P: Samuel & Virginia Flemming, b. Stafford, farmer, unmarried, rep by Samuel Flemming, father

l.3 - Mary Garrison, wf, d. 20 May 1883, Stafford, Erysipilas, 2y. P: John & Bettie Garrison, b. Stafford, rep by John Garrison, father

l.5 - Roberta Heflin, wf, d. 10 Jun 1883, Stafford, consumption, 30y. P: Jefferson & Julia Heflin, b. Stafford, unmarried, rep by Lemuel Heflin, brother

l.12 - Silwellington Pearson, wm, d. 12 Jan 1883, Stafford, dyspepsia, 62y. P: Unknown, farmer, rep by Mary Pearson, wife

l.14 - Susan Patton, wf, d. 14 Jun 1883, Stafford, dropsy, 63y. P: unknown, b. Stafford, married, rep by Henry Patten, friend

l.16 - Annie Payne, wf, d. 7 May 1883, Stafford, pneumonia, 37y, P; Jett & Mary Crismond, b. Stafford, rep by William Payne, husband

l.17 - William Payne, wm, d. 7 May 1883, Stafford, pneumonia, 2m, P: William & Annie Payne, b. Stafford, rep by William Payne, father

l.19 - Montgomery Skidmore, wm, d. 20 Oct 1883, Stafford, cause unknown, 24y. P: ng, b. stafford, unmarried, rep by Enoch Skidmore, friend

l.21 - Robert Taylor, wm, d. 15 Apr 1883, Stafford, cancer, 65y. P: Robert & Fannie Taylor, b. Stafford, married, rep by David Combs, friend

l.22 - Harrison Way, wm, d. 12 Jul 1883, Stafford, consumption, 16y. P: John & Annie Way, b. Stafford, rep by John Way, father

l.23 - Lizzie Whaling, wf, d. 15 Aug 1883, Stafford, cause unknown, 21d. P: Hosea & Sarah Whaling, b. Stafford, rep by Hosea Whaling, father

l.24 - Dora Wedding, wf, d. 22 May 1883, Stafford, measles, 27y. P: George & Mary Luckett, b. Maryland, rep by Lorenza Wedding, husband

l.25 - James Wedding, wm, d. 22 Jul 1883, Stafford, cause unknown, 3m. P Lorenza & Dora Wedding, b. Stafford, rep by Lorenza Wedding, father

I certify that the foregoing List of Deaths for District No. 2 in Stafford Co was reported to me by K. B. Combs, commr for said District

C. A. Tackett, clk


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Suzanne Shephard, County Coordinator Stafford Co., VAGenWeb