Stafford County, Virginia Deaths

VSL Reel 29, Bureau Vital Statistics Deaths Stafford County, 1876-1896

Researched and contributed by Homer Musselman.


Thos. G. Moncure, district

l.1 - not named, wm, d. 23 Dec 1881, Stafford, cause not known, 2d, p: Jno & Bettie Anderson, b. Stafford, rep by Jno. Anderson, father

l.3 - Lillian Bloxton, wf, d. 1 Nov. 1881, Stafford, cholera infantum, 7m, P: A. & E. Bloxton, b. Stafford, rep by Ella Bloxton, mother

l.4 - Albert J. Brooks,, wm, d. 24 Dec 1881, Stafford, diptheria, 9y. P: F. & Maria Brooks, rep by Franklin Brooks, father

l.6 - Wm. Barber, wm, d. 10 Dec 1881, Stafford, old age, 91y. P: E. & L. Barber, b. Stafford, farmer, cons: Lucy Barber, rep by C. A. Tackett, nephew

l.7 - Not named, wm, d. 21 May, 1881, Stafford, cause not known, 21d. P; J. & E. Bloxton, b. Stafford, rep by J. Bloxton, father

l.8 - Jno G. Burdis, wm, d. 27 Jan 1881, Stafford, Stafford, heart diseace, 22y. P: J. T. & B. Burdis,, b. Stafford, unmarried, rep by J. Burdis, father

l.9 - Hattie A. Brooks, wf, b. 7 Oct 1881, Stafford, Diarrhea, 1y6m, P: HH & AE Brooks, b. Stafford, rep by H.H. Brooks, father

l.10 - Not named. wf, d. 15 Apr 1881, Stafford, cause not known, 21d. P: JT & V Ball, b. Stafford, rep by J. T. Ball, father

l.11 - Morgan Brooks, wm, d. 6 Sep 1881, Stafford, internal hemmorage, 20y. P: L & S Brooks, b. Stafford, fisherman, unmarried, rep by L. Brooks, father

l.12 - Margaret E. Byrd, wf, d. 24 May 1881, Stafford, dropsy, 59y. : P: S & F Waller, b. Fauquier, cons: Wm. Byrd, rep by L. Kellogg, brother in law

l.13 - Samuel Barber, wm, d. 9th Nov 1881, Fauquier, consumption, 47y. P: E & A Barber, b. Fauquier, Minister, cons: Addie Barber, rep by J. E. Barber, brother

l.14 - Eliza J. Bryan, wf, d. 11 Nov 1881, Stafford, membranens croup, 2y. P: J.K. & SF Bryan, b. Stafford, rep by J.K. Bryan, father

l.15 - Mary E. Chisty, wf, d. 3 May 1881, Stafford, consumption, 36y. P: S & F Sullivan, b. Stafford, cons: Jno W. Chisty, rep by J. W. Chisty, husband

l.16 - Valentine Conway, wm, d. 11 Dec 1881, Stafford, heart disease, 79y. P: JM & CW Conway, b. Stafford, physician, cons: Mary C.W. Conway, rep by W. W. Conway, son

l.17 - A. B. Courtney, wm, d. 7 Jan 1881, Stafford, paralysis, 50y. P: J & E Courtney, b. Stafford, farmer. cons: Miriam Courtney, rep by M.C. Courtney, wife

l.19 - Sarah A. Dickerson, wf, d. 20 Nov 1881, Stafford, cause unknow, 65y. P: unknown, b. Stafford, cons: Jno Dickerson, rep by J. Dickerson, son

l.20 - Bernard Daffin, wm, d. 1 Mar 1881, brain affection, 16y, P: James A. Daffin, b. Stafford, rep by J. A. Daffin, father

l.21 - Bessie J. Dent, wf, d. 22 Feb 1881, spinal affection, 3y6m, P: WT & FE Dent, b. Stafford, rep by W. T. Dent, father

l.22 - Mathew Doyle, wm, d. 17 Jan 1881, Stafford, Whooping cough, 3y, P: RA & FB Doyle, b. Stafford, rep by R. A. Doyle, father

l.24 - Caroline Fritter, wf, d. 31 Oct 1881, Stafford, heart disease, 47y. P: M & N Wilson, b. Stafford, cons: Gustavous Fritter, rep by G. Fritter, husband

l.25 - James Fox, wm, d. 1 Nov 1881, Stafford, pneumonia, 45y. P: Unknown, b. Stafford, cooper, unmarried, rep by T. G. Moncure, friend

l.26 - Sarah Grigsby, wf, d. 9 Mar 1881, Stafford, pneumonia, 52y. P: W. & S. Watson, b. Stafford, cons: Isaac Grigsby, rep by Jas J. Grigsby, son

l.27 - Mary B. Greenlaw,, wf, d. 2nd Sep 1881, Stafford, bilious fever, 11y6m, P: R W & A Greenlaw, b. Stafford, rep by R. W. Greenlaw, father

l.28 - Lethia A. Green, wf, d. 15 Mar 1881, Stafford, consumption, 58y, P. ng, b. Spots Co, cons: Thomas H. Green, rep by W. T. Green, son

l.29 - Lizzie Griffis, wf, d. 29 Oct 1881, Stafford, cholera infantum, 1y6m, P: FG & B. Griffis, b. Stafford, rep by F. G. Griffis, father

l.30 - George Gallahan, wm, d. 15 Jul 1881, Stafford, spasms, 2m2d. P: L&M Gallahan, b. Stafford, rep by T. Gallahan, grand father

l.32 - Dade Hooe, wm, d. 25 Jun 1881, Stafford, dropsy of heart, 63y. P: D. & MA Hooe, b. Prince Williiam, farmer, unmarried, rep by Henrietta Greenhow, friend

l.33 - Ann D. Heflin, wf, d. 31 Dec 1881, Stafford, consumption, 66y. P: Elizabeth Heflin, b. Stafford, cons: Jno E. Heflin,, rep by J.E. Heflin, husband

l.34 - Tabathy E. Homes, wf, d. 1 Sep 1881, Stafford, diptheria, 17y. P: T & ME Homes, b. Stafford, rep by Thos Homes, father

l.36 - Joseph H. Herndon, wm, d. 31 Jul 1881, Stafford, typhoid fever, 16y. P: J. & A. Herndon, b. Stafford, rep by fatheer J. Herndon

l.37 - Emma Honey, wf, d. 12 May 1881, Stafford, child fever, 24y. P: Thos & J. Hewitt, b. Stafford, cons: Z.M. Honey, rep by ZM Honey, husband

l.39 - Chas J. Jett, wm, d. 24 Apr 1881, Stafford, heart affection, 12d. P: A & S Jett, b. Stafford, rep by A. D. Jett, father

l.40 -Rebecca Jackson, wf, d. 19 Sep 1881, Stafford, old age, 65y, P: unknown, b. Stafford, rep by J. W. Bowling, son

l.44 - Francis A. Kellogg, wf, d. 27 Feb 1881, Stafford, dropsy, 67y, P: S & F Waller, b. Fauquier, cons: Lyman Kellogg, rep by L. Kellogg, husband

l.45 - Mary A. Knoxville, wf, d. 4 Feb 1881, Stafford, croup, 62y, S. & MA Galllahan, b. Stafford, cons: John Knoxville, rep by J. T. Knoxville, son

l.46 - Florence Lovelace, wf, d. 12 Jul 1881, Stafford, cause unknown, 9m. P: WH & MV Lovelace, b. Stafford, rep by W. H. Lovelace, father

l.47 - Chas E. Mason, wm, d. 16 Oct 1881, Stafford, bilious croup, 2y10d. P: JD & MV Mason, b. Stafford, rep by M. V. Mason, mother

l.48 - Wm. Miller, wm, d. 15 Sep 1881, Pr. Wm Co, cholera infantum, 6m20d. P: E C & S. Miller, b. Stafford, rep by S. Miller, mother

l.49 - Virginia A. Moncure, wf, d. 25 Oct 1881, Stafford congestive chill, 55y. P: D W & M D Buchanan, b. Stafford, Cons: RCL Moncure, rep by RCL Moncure, husband

l.50 - Susan B. Moncure, wf, d. 1 Oct 1881, Stafford, consumption, 73y. P: ng. b. Stafford, cons: T. D. Moncure, rep by T. D. Moncure, husband

l.51 - Virginia S. Moncure, wf, d. 15 Nov 1881, Stafford, diptheria, 4y. P: WE & NK Moncure, b. Stafford, rep by W. E. Moncure, father

l.52 - not named, wf, d. 27 Dec 1881,, Stafford, cause unknown, 5d.P: JH & GA Monteith, b. Stafford, rep by J.H. Monteith, father

l.54 - Virginia S. Maxfield,, wf, d. 15 Nov 1881, Stafford, scarlet fever, 4y. P: GL Mayfield, b. Pr. Wm Co, rep by Geo L. Mayfield, father

l.56 - Nannie Maddox, wf, d. 24 Oct 1881, Stafford, cholera infantim, 2m17d. P: JH & Virginia Maddox, b. Stafford, rep by J.H.Maddox, father

l.61 - Jessie Patterson, wm, d. 7 Jul 1881, Stafford, heart disease, 74y. P: H. & M. Patterson, b. Stafford, farmer, cons: Margaret Patterson, rep by M. Shackelford, daughter

l.62 - Wm. G. Purkins, wm, d. 3 Oct 1881, Stafford, appoplexy, 51y, P: T&F Purkins, b. Stafford, farmer, cons: Berthia Purkins, rep by G. Greenlaw, nephew

l.63 - Catharine Penn, wf, d. 1 Aug 1881, Stafford, congestion of brain, 7y. P: J& V Penn, b. Alexanderia, rep by J.R. Goodwin, relation

l.64 - Led G. Payne, wm, d. 4 May 1881, Stafford, old age, 102y. P; Mary Payne, b. Stafford, cons: Shavina S. Payne, rep by A. Payne, daughter

l.65 - Mary S. Priest, wf. d. 17 Dec 1881, Rappahannock, consumption, 24y. P: WM & SR Priest, b. Louis Co, WVa, cons: J. F. Priest, rep by J. F. Priest, husband

l.66 - Eugenia L. Portch, wf, d. 17 Nov 1881, Stafford, diptheria, 5y. P: J&S Portch, b. Stafford, rep by J. Portch, father

l.67 - Joseph Roles, wm, d. 20 Jan 1881, Stafford, cause unknown, 15d. P: LB & L. Roles, b. Stafford, rep by L. B. Roles, father

l.68 - Geo J. Roberson, wm, d. 10 Oct 1881, Stafford, consumption, 52y. P: ng. b. Stafford, farmer, cons: Ellin Roberson, rep by J. A. Roberson, son

l.69 - Henry C. Rohnut, wm, d. 13 Oct 1881, Stafford, general debility, 58y. P: ng, b. Germany, farmer, cons: Castina Rohnut, rep b. C. Graubs, son in law

l.70 - Elizabeth Snellings, wf, d. 8 Nov 1881, Stafford, old age, 100y. P: J&N Jett, b. Stafford, cons: Wm. Snellings, rep by J. W. Snellings, son

l.75 - Bettie Shelton, wf, d. 1 Nov 1881, Stafford, cholera infantum, 11m. P: WR & M Shelton, b. Stafford, rep by M. Shelton, mother

l.76 - Sceeny? Sullivan, wf, d. 30 Dec 1881, Stafford, cause unknown, 61y. P: Patsy Sullivan, b. Stafford, unmarried, rep by P. L. Sullivan, cousin

l.77 - Thos Sullivan, w, d. 4 Dec 1881, Stafford, cause unknown, 59y. P: Thos & Kitty Sullivan, b. Stafford, farmer, cons: Emily Sullivan, rep by E. Sullivan, wife

l.78 - Bulinda A. Francis, wf, d. 17 Dec 1881, Stafford, complication of disease, 60y. P: Gustavous & Lucy Shelton, b. Stafford, cons: Ephrim Francis, rep by R. F. Shelton, son

l.80 - Fannie C. Sterne, wf, d. 1 Dec 1881, Stafford, cancer of bone, 40y, P: E.F.C. Davis, b. Bristol, England, consort: Chas. M. Sterne, rep by C. M. Sterne, husband

l.81 - James Snellings, wm. d. 23 Dec 1881, Stafford, cause unknown, 2y, P: Z & M Snellings, b. Stafford, rep by M. Snellings, mother

l.82 - Catharine A. Torbet, wf, d. 1 Oct 1881, Stafford, Paralisis, 76y, P: Milhey?, b. Delaware, Consort: J.R. Torbet, rep by G. A. Hundly, son in law

l.87 - Christianna Wood, wf, d. 9 Oct 1881, Stafford, teething, 1y, P: G. & C. Wood, b. Stafford, rep by C. Wood, mother

In Stafford County Court Clerk Office Oct. 25th, 1882, I certify that the foregoing is a correct list of the Deaths in Stafford County during the year 1881 as taken from the list prepared by Thos. G. Moncure, Commr. of the Revenue of sd County.

Given under my Hand & c.

C. A. Tackett, clk



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Suzanne Shephard, County Coordinator Stafford Co., VAGenWeb