Stafford County, Virginia Deaths

VSL Reel 29, Bureau Vital Statistics Deaths Stafford County, 1876-1896

Researched and contributed by Homer Musselman.


Thos C.Moncure

l.1 - Lawrence Armstrong, wm, d. 28 Oct 1879, Stafford, shot by accident, 20y. P: Armstead & Jane S. Armstrong, farmer, unmarried, rep by A. Armstrong, father

l.2 - Geo Armstrong, wm, d. 17 Jun 1879, Stafford, neurology, 48y. P: Enoch & Winnie Armstrong, b. Stafford, cons: Agnes Armstrong, rep by Agnes, wife

l.3 - Jno A. Ashby, wm, d.

l.4 - Asa A. Brown, wm, d. 1 Feb 1879, Stafford, gravel, 73y, P: Asa & Sarah Brown, b. Vermont, farmer, cons: Sarah Brown, rep by David Brown, son

l.5 - Jane Barber, wf, d. 1 Aug 1879, Stafford, Hemorage, 51y, P: John & Ann Barber, b. Stafford, single, rep by John Barber, father

l.7 - Naman P. Briant, wm, d. 10 Jul 1879, Stafford, cause unknown, 1y. P: Alex & Mary C. Briant, b. Stafford, rep by Alex Briant, father

l.8 - Edmond Brooks, wm, d. 16 Aug 1879, Stafford, cholera infantum, 1y6M. P: W. Edward & Mary O Brooks, b. Stafford, rep by W. E. Brooks, father

l.11 - Sarah Cox, wf, d. 24 Dec 1879, Stafford, cause unknown, 56y. P: Saml & Sarah Cox, b. Stafford, cons: Fleet Cox, rep by F. Cox, husband

l.12 - James Chinn, wm, d. 5 Dec 1879, Stafford, old age, 81y. P: Joseph & Lucy Chinn, b. Stafford, farmer, cons: Susan Chinn, rep by J. Chinn, son

l.13 - Geo W. Conway, wm, d. 25 Dec 1879, Stafford, apoplexy, 61y, P: John M. & Catharine Conway, b. Stafford, unmarried, rep by T. G. Moncure, nephew

l.14 - Angie C. Cator, wf, d. 20 Jul 1879, Stafford, consumption, 33y. P: John & Nancy Griffis, b. Stafford, cons: Jas H. Cator, rep by J.H. Cator, husband

l.16 - Cashus Cooper, wm, d. Sep 1879, Stafford, typhoid fever, 20y, P: Seth R. & Virginia Cooper, b. Stafford, rep by S. R. Cooper, father

l.17 - Capt John Edrington, wm, d. Mar 1879, Stafford, 80y, P: ng, b. Stafford,

l.18 - James Ellington, wm, d. 13 Nov 1879, Stafford, cause unknown, 47y. P: Wm & Lucinda Ellington, b. Stafford, laborer, cons: Sarah Ellington, rep by Jane E. Ellington, sister

l.19 - Nancy A. Edwards, wf, d. 1 Aug 1879, Stafford, old age, 96y, P: Lindsey & Lucy Wine, b. Fauquier Co, cons: Lindsey Edwards, rep by Henry W. Edwards, son

l.20 - Joseph Golatt, wm, d. 14 Aug 1879, Stafford, typhoid fever, 63y. P: Joseph Golatt, b. Stafford, farmer, cons: Hariet E. Golatt, rep by H. E. Golatt, wife

l.21 - Ann Green, wf, d. 11 May 1879, Stafford, palsy, 68y, P: Unknown Butler, b. Stafford, cons: Thos M. Green, rep by Mrs. Dobson, daughter

l.22 - Ann Bridwell, wf, d. 3 Jul 1879, Stafford, dropsy, 68y. P: John & Elizabeth Boroughs, b. Stafford, cons: Benj Bridwell, rep by J.R. Goodwin, son in law

l.23 - Wiley J. Honey, wm, d. 7 Feb 1879, Stafford, thrown from wagon, 68y. P: Geo & Nancy Honey, b. Stafford, farmer, cons: Jane A. Honey, rep by P. S. Honey, son

l.24 - Geo F. Homes, wm, d. 22 Jul 1879, Stafford, typhoid fever, 19y, P: Thos & Martha E. Homes, b. Stafford, unmarried, rep by Thos Homes, father

l.26 - Peter DG Hedgeman, wm, d. 12 Aug 1879, Stafford, paralysis, 79y. P: Geo G. & Ann Hedgeman, b. Stafford, farmer cons: Francis Hedgeman, rep by B. G. Hedgeman, son

l.27 - Eany F. Jett, wf, d. 15 Nov 1879, Stafford, cause unknown, 7m3d. P: Peter N. & Malvina M. Jett, b. Stafford, rep by P. N. Jett, father

l.29 - John W. Jones, wm, d. 14 Apr 1879, Stafford, dropsy of spine, 1y, P: Jas M. & Serena Jones, b. Stafford, rep by S. Jones, mother

l.31 - Jas. L. Kennedy, wm, d. 14 Oct 1879, Stafford, spinal affection, 5y. P: Stephen & Parthenia Kennedy, b. King Geo Co, rep by S. Kennedy, father

l.33 - James Limbrick, wm, d. 2 May 1879, Stafford, suicide by shooting, 65y. P: ng, b. Stafford, farmer, cons: Angelina Limbrick, rep by Sallie A. Limbrick, daughter

l.34 - Susan Lennox, wf, d. 13 May 1879, Stafford, child brith, 30y. P> Nancy Herndon, b. Stafford, cons: Edward Lennox, rep by E. Lennox, husband

l.35 - William Lee, wm, d. Nov 1879, Stafford, dropsy of heart, 65y, rep by Jas O. Lee, son

l.36 - Jeremiah Moore, wm, d. 26 Jan 1879, Stafford, paralized, 73y, P. Wm. F. & Mary Moore, b. Pr William, farmer unmarried, rep by Angelina Moore, sister

l.38 - Lucy A. Mills, wf, d. 16 Apr 1879, Stafford,consumption, 50y, P: John & Jemimah Lampkin, b. Rockingham, , cons: Robt Mills, rep by husband

l.40 - Mary Mountjoy, wf, b. 9 Apr 1879, Stafford, dropsy, 77y. P: Benj & Mary Horton, b. Stafford, rep by Chas Pearson, neighbor

l.41 - Julia Patton, wf, d. 7 Feb 1879, Stafford, complication of disease, 42y. P: ng, b. Stafford, cons: Eliott Patton, rep by Eliott Patton, Jr

l.42 - Chas F. Payne, wm, d. 7 Apr 1879, Stafford, Williamsburg, Va., insanity, 23y. P: Wm. T. & Susan Payne, b. Stafford, rep by W. T. Payne, father

l.44 - W. T. Patton, wm, d. 22 Sep 1879, Stafford, complication of disease, 56y. P; Thornton Patton, b. Stafford, farmer, cons: Mary E. Patton, rep by Mary E. Patton, wife

l.45 - Mary Jones, wf, d. 21 Dec 1879, Stafford, consumption, 40y, P: Enoch & Winnie Armstrong, b. Stafford, cons: James Jones, rep by Wm. W. Riley, half brother

l.46 - E. Benton Reamy, wm, d. 1 Apr 1879, Stafford, swollowing lye, 3y. P: Thos B. & Hallie M. Reamy, b. Stafford, rep by T. B. Reamy, father

l.47 - Travers Segar, wm, d. 20 Sep 1879, Stafford, liver complaint, 45y. P: Francis & Nancy Segar, b. Stafford, fisherman, cons: Susan Segar, rep by Jas Woodward, brother in law

l.49 - Lewellen South, wm, d. 27 Dec 1879, Stafford, dropsy, 51y, P: unknown, b. Essex, farmer, cons: Susan South, rep by Albin Brown, friend

l.50 - Richard Shelton, wm, d. 1 Aug 1879, Stafford, old age, 85y, P: unknown. Cons: Nancy Shelton, rep by Chas Jones, friend

l.51 - William Stone, wm, d. 12 Dec 1879, Stafford, internal rising, 9y. P: Albert A. & Mary Stone, b. Stafford, rep by Albert A. Stone, father

l.52 - Ann E. Tackett, wf, d. Sep 1879, Stafford, scrofula, 48y, P: Chas & Ann Tackett, b. Stafford, unmarried, rep by John E. Barber, brother in law

l.55 - Eliza F. Warmsley, wf, d. 5 Aug 1879, Stafford, brain affection, 52y, P: John & Nancy Shelkett, b. Stafford, cons: Benj C. Warmsley, rep by B. Warmsley, husband

l.56 - Sallie B. Wine, wf, d. 1 Nov 1879, Washington, diptheria, 23y. P: Chas & Sarah Wine, b. Stafford, unmarried, rep by S. Wine, mother

In Clerks office of Stafford County Court, September 23 1880. I certify that this is a correct copy of the list of Deaths in this County filed in this office (year 1879) given under my hand this day

C. A. Tackett, clk


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