Stafford County, Virginia Deaths

VSL Reel 29, Bureau Vital Statistics Deaths Stafford County, 1876-1896

Researched and contributed by Homer Musselman.


Thomas G. Moncure, Commissioner, for year ending 1876

l.1 - Daniel M. Anderson, wm, d. 10 Nov 1876, Stafford, cause unknown, 2m 5d, P: Thomas & Laura, b. Stafford, rep by Laura, mother

l.2 - William Anderson, wm, d. 23 Dec. 1876, Stafford, pneumonia, 42y, P: William & Susan, b. Stafford, farmer, consort: Louisa J. Anderson, rep by Louisa J., wife

l.3 - John Bradshaw, wm, d. 5 Aug 1876, Stafford, consumption, 27y, P: William & Catharine, b. Stafford, farmer, consort: Elizabeth B., rep by Elizabeth B., wife

l.4 - James E. Berry, wm, d. 13 Dec. 1876, Stafford, brain fever, 9m 28d, P: James E. & Mildred, b. Stafford, rep by Jas: E. Berry, father

l.5 - Nancy Black, wf, d. 20 Jul 1876, Stafford, old age, 77y. P. Benjamin & Coakley Black, b. Stafford, farmer, cons: Joseph B. Black, rep by B. C. Black, son

l.7 - Bettie Chinn, wf, d. 6 Jun 1876, Stafford, old age 73, P: Joseph & Lucy Chinn, b. Stafford, rep by James Chinn, brother

l.8 - Elizabeth Cox, wf, d. 6 Jul 1876, Stafford, consumption, 64y, P: Joseph & Mary Brown, cons: Austin Cox, rep by A. Butler, friend

l.11 - Wm. Dillon, wm, d. 8 Sep 1876, cause unknown, 2m23d, P: Wm & Ann Dillon, b. Stafford, rep by H. W. Edwards, friend

l.13 - Elizabeth Dickerson, d. 14 Apr 1876, Stafford, Consumption, 23y. P. Wm & Francis Dickerson, b. Stafford, rep by Wm Dickerson, brother

l.14 - Andrew J. Decator, wm, d. 14 Jun 1876, Stafford, congestive chill, 40y. P: John A. & Jane Decator, b. Maryland, farmer, rep by A. W. Decator, brother

l.16 - James Dent, wm, d. 1 Jul 1876, Stafford, cause unknown, 30y, P: Travers & Mary Dent, b. Stafford , farmer, cons: Margaret E. Dent, rep by Geo Dent, brother

l.17 - Thos R. Colbert, wm, d. 12 Apr 1876, Stafford, cause unknown, 58y. P: James D. & Elizabeth Colbert, b. Culpeper, farmer unmarried, rep by Wm Embrey, brother in law

l.18 - JWD Ford, wm, d. 15 Jan 1876, Stafford, dropsy, 65y. P: Wm. & Deborah Ford, b. Baltimore, gentleman, unmarried, rep by N. W. Ford, brother

l.23 - Mrs. E. A. Green, wf, d. 27 Jun 1876, Stafford, gout of stomach, 70y. P: Wm. & Marian Payne, b. Fauquier, cons: Duff Green, rep by Duff Green, son.

l.24 - Ann Hudson, wf, d. 25 Nov 1876, Stafford, infn of Bowles, 67y, P: Samuel & Susanna Hudson, b. Stafford, unmarried, rep by Bettie Hudson, sister

l.25 - Polly N. Jett, wf, d. 18 Apr 1876, Stafford, old age, 77y. P: Vincent & Sarah Cox, b. Stafford, cons: James Jett, rep by Mary A. Jett, daughter

l.29 - Geo P. King, wm, d. 3 Dec 1876, Stafford, Rhumatisam, 64y. P: Samuel & Ann King, b. Pennsylvania, farmer, cons: Anna C. King, rep by Anna C. King, wife

l.31 - Elias King, wm, d. 17 May 1876, Stafford, kidney disease, 82y. P: Basil & Mary King, b. Prince Wm Co, wheelwright, cons: Nancy King, rep by G. W. King, son

l.32 - Columbus Seddon, wm, d. 20 Jun 1876, Stafford, consumption, 28y, cause unknown, b. WashingtonDC, sailor, cons: Margaret A. Seddon,rep by Mrs. Woods, sister in law

l.33 - James E. Lowry, wm, d. 21 May 1876, Stafford, consumption, 24y. P: James & Alice Lowry, b. Stafford, printer, cons: Alice Lowry, rep by M. N. Lowry, brother

l.34 - Fany F. Monteith, wf, d. 20 Oct 1876, Stafford, bilious fever, 50y: P; Benjamin & Delilah Cox, b. Stafford, farmer, cons: James Monteith, rep by James Monteith, husband

l.35 - Thos Monroe, wm, d. 12 Oct 1876, Stafford, cancer, 68y. P: Benj & Virginia Monroe, b. Stafford, farmer, cons: Lethe A. Monroe, rep by L. A. Monroe, wife

l.36 - C. L. Montague, wf, d. 28 May 1876, Stafford, Pulmary apoplexy, 34y. P: W. R. & Mary Gordon, cons: T. C. Montague, rep by T. C. Montague, husband

l.37 - Delavan Montague, wm, d. 3 Jun 1876, Stafford, bronchitis, 34y. P: Edmond H. & Amanda Montague, b. Madison Co, unmarried, rep by brother

l.38 - Edmd D Montague, wm, d. 10 Jun 1876, Stafford, infantile disease, 1m15d. P: T. C. & C. L. Montague, b. Stafford, rep by father

l.41 - Mary Oder, wf, d. 1 Dec 1876, Stafford, consumption, 78y. P: John & Sallie Howdershelt, b. Stafford, cons: Thos Oder, rep by Mrs Maginnis, daughter

l.42 - J. A. Pollard Jr, wm, d. 4 Mar 1876, Stafford, heart disease, 15y. P: J. Austin & Mary E. Pollard, b. Stafford, rep by J. A. Pollard, father

l.43 - Robt F. Patton, wm, d. 7 May 1876, Stafford, dropsy, 25y. P: Robt & Penny A. Patton, b. Stafford, farmer, unmarried, rep by Penn A. Potton,mother

l.44 - Charles Chrismond, wm, d. 31 Sep 1876, Stafford, Consumption, 22y. P: Jett & Mary Chrismond, cons: Susan Chrismond, rep by Wm. T. Payne, uncle

l.45 - Fanny Reamy, wf, d. 27 Jun 1876, Stafford, dyspepria, 64y. P: ng, Cons: Joshua Reamy, rep by Wm. D. Reamy, son

l.46 - Chas Redman, wm, d. 9 Jul 1876, Stafford, cause not known, 1m6d, P: H. & S. Redman, rep by C. A. Tackett, grandfather

l.47 - not named, wf, d. 31 Dec 1876, Stafford, cause not known, 9d, P: Woodson & Elea Sullivan, rep by W. Sullivan, father

l.48 - Elizabeth Sullivan, wf, d. 21 Dec 1876, Stafford, pneumonia, 12y. P: Elijah & Lucy Sullivan, rep by E. Sullivan, father

l.49 - not named, wm, d. 18 Jun 1876, Stafford, cause unknown, 6d. P: Landon & Sophia S Snellings, rep by L. C. Snellings, father

l.50 - Harry E. Sullivan, wm, d. 1 Nov 1876, Stafford, cholera infantum, 6m15d. P: Edwd & Emily Sullivan, rep by Wm Sullivan, uncle

l.51 - Edward Sullivan, wm, d. 30 Oct 1876, Stafford, consumption, 26y. P: Stephen & Frances Sullivan, cons: Emily Sullivan, rep by Wm. Sullivan, brother

l.53 - Lilly Skinner, wf, d. 5 Mar 1876, Stafford, consumption, 15y, P: Harrison & Sarah A. Skinner, rep by Sarah A. Skinner, mother

l.54 - Samuel Shelton, wm, d. 29 Apr 1876, Stafford, heart disease, 68y. P: Edwd & Nancy Shelton, b. Stafford, farmer, cons: Elizabeth Shelton, rep by E. Shelton, wife

l.55 - Mary Skidmore, wf, d. 15 Jan 1876, Stafford, paralysis, 60y. P: John & Susan Sullivan, cons: Alexr Skidmore, rep by A. Skidmore, son

l.56 - Peter Sullivan, wm,d. 6 Nov 1876, Stafford, Typhoid pneu, 65y. P: ng, ditcher, cons: Margt Sullivan, rep by M. Sullivan, wife

l.57 - Nancy Segar, wf, d. 15 Mar 1876, Stafford, Croup, 1y6m, P: Travers & Susan Segar, b. Stafford, rep by T. Segar, father

l.58 - Wm. H. Skidmore, wm, d. 21 Apr 1876, paralysis, 63y. P: Wm. & Elizabeth Skidmore, b. Stafford, farmer, rep by A. Skidmore, son

l.59 - Wm. English, wm, d. 15 Mar 1876, Stafford, paralysis, 77y, P: Harriet English, b. Stafford, cons: Elizabeth English, rep by Wm. Smith, friend

l.60 - Lucy P. Towsand, wf, d. May 1876, Stafford, scrofula, 78y. P: Richd & H. Stone??, cons: Thos Towsand, rep by H. Stone, brother

l.61 - Marsella Timmons, wf, d. 25 Aug 1876, Stafford, 5m20d. P: Franklin F. & Helen Timmons, rep by F. Timmons, father

l.62 - Joseph Thornton, wm, d. 25 Apr 1876, Stafford, 4m: P: John & Frances Thornton, rep by J. Thornton, father

l.64 - Connerling Higgins, wm, d. 31 Aug 1876, Stafford, paralysis, 77y. P: David & Elizabeth Higgins, b. Cornell Island, cons: Ann H. Higgins, rep by A. W. Waller, son in law

In Clerks Office of Stafford County Court, Oct 3, 1877. I certify that the above is a true and correct copy of the list of deaths in the County of Stafford, for 1876, as reported by Thos G. Moncure, Commr

C. A. Tackett, clrk


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Suzanne Shephard, County Coordinator Stafford Co., VAGenWeb