Stafford County, Virginia Deaths

VSL Reel 28, Bureau Vital Statistics Deaths Stafford County, 1853-1875

Researched and contributed by Homer Musselman.

Stafford County Court Clerk's Office, June 27, 1859.

The foregoing Register of Deaths, was this day returned to the Clerks office & admitted to record. Teste, H.R. Conway, C. Court a copy Teste, H.R. Conway, C. Court

1857 Continued for the year 1858

l.1 - Louisa Ryley, wf, d. Dec 1858, Stafford, plurisy, 35y. P: Perry & Winney Patterson, b. Stafford, cons: Noah Riley, rep by Noah Riley, head of the family

l.2 - William Carter, wm, d. Nov 1858, Stafford, old age, 93y. P: ng, b. Prince Wm Co, farmer, rep by James Starke, son in law

l.3 - Margt. E. Raines, wf, d. Oct 1858, Stafford, cause ng, 2y. P: John M. Raines, b. Stafford, rep by J. M. Raines, father

l.5 - Jane Honey, wf, d. Sept 1858, Stafford, cause ng, 20y. P: ng, b. Stafford, unmarried, rep by Cuthbert Bryam, friend

l.6 - Winifred Patterson, wf, d. Nov 1858, Stafford, old age, 76y, P: ng, b. Stafford, cons: Perry Patterson, rep by Elijah Patterson, son of dec'd.

l.7 - Mary A. Nash, wf, d. August 1858, Stafford, Typhoid fever, 21y, P: George Nash, b. Stafford, unmarried, rep by George Nash, father

l.9 - Benj. S. Skinner, wm, d. Aug 1858, Stafford Co, disenterry, 11m. P: Harrison S. Skinner, b. Stafford, rep by Harrison Skinner, father

l.10 - Luke Guy, wm, d. Mar 1858, Stafford, consumption, 28y. P: Wm Guy, b. Stafford, farmer, rep by Mrs. Guy, wife

l.11 - Jane Homes,, wf, d. Dec 1858, Stafford, dropsy, 35y, P: ng, b. Stafford, cons: Jno R. Homes, rep by Thos Wine, friend.

l.15 - J. B. Hill, wm, d. Nov 1858, Stafford, teething, 16m. P: Harris & Mary A. Hill, b. Stafford, rep by Harris Hill, father.

l.20 - Mary Starke, wf, d. Dec 1858, Stafford, old age, 99y. P: ng, b. Stafford, cons: Jno. Starke, rep by Mary Starke, daughter

l.23 - Eliz. Briggs, wf, d. Sep 1858, Stafford, inflamation of bowels, 58y. P: ng, b. Stafford, cons: Andrew Briggs, rep by Andrew Briggs, husband

l.24 - Jno W. Hall, wm, d. Aug 1858, Stafford, bilious fever, 14y. P: Benj. & Sarah Hall, b. Stafford, rep by Benj Hall, father

l.25 - Frances B. Swetnam, wf, d. Feb 1858, Stafford, dropsy, 68y. P: ng, b. Stafford, cons: Levy Swetnam, rep by Jno A. Swetnam, son.

l.26 - Wm W.L. Bensen, wm, d. Oct 1858, Stafford, decline, 44y, P: ng. b. Stafford, farmer, rep by John Shelton, friend

l.29 - Virginia Bradshaw, wf, d. Nov 1858, Stafford, putied sore throat, 18y. P: John S. & V. Bradshaw, b. Stafford, rep by Jno S. Bradshaw, father

l.32 - Susan Allison, wf, d. 28 Feb 1858, Stafford, disease of the throat, 66y. P: ng, b. Stafford, unmarried, rep by Mary S. Kellog, sister

l.33 - Nancy Monroe, wf, d. Oct 1858, Stafford, decline, 64y. P: ng, b. Stafford, cons: James Monroe Sr, rep by James Monroe, husband

l.34 - Aukey Boutyard, wf, d. 10 Jul 1858, Stafford, old age, 95y. P: Sarah & Jno Limbrick, b. Stafford, cons: J. Boutyard, rep by Jno Boutyard, son

l.39 - Ezra J. Sanford, wm, d. 29 Jul 1858, Stafford, typhoid fever, 20y. P: Ira Sanford, b. New York, rep by Ira Sanford, father

l.40 - Lawrence Sanford, wm, d. Oct 1858, Stafford, natural decline, 85y. P: ng, b. Stafford, rep by Mrs Sanford, consort.

l.41 - Wm Palmer, wm, d. Oct 1858, Stafford, natural decline, 80y. P: ng, b. Stafford, F. J. Ballard, friend

l.43 - Able S. Lewellyn Jr, wm, d. Mar 1858, Stafford, inflamation of lungs, 11y, P: Able S. Lewellyn, b. Stafford, rep by Mrs Lewellyn, mother

l.44 - Benj. Watson, wm, d. Jan 1858, Stafford, typhoid fever, 16y. P: Wm. Watson, b. Stafford, rep by Wm. Watson, father

1857 (Continued) for the year 1858

l.1 - Harriet Phillips, wf,(sic) d. April 1858, Stafford, natural decline, 65y. P: Wm. & Eliz. Phillips, b. Stafford, unmarried, rep by Gustavus Phillips, brother.

l.3 - Unknown Templeman, wm, d. August 1858, Stafford, summer comper, 3m. P: Edwd & Frances A. Templeman, b. Stafford, rep by Edwd Templeman, father

l.8 - Henry Atchison, wm, d. August 1858, Stafford, paralysis, 59y, P: Hugh & Sarah Atchison, b. Stafford, farmer, rep by Louisa V. Stephens, sister

l.10 - Winifred Embrey, wm, d. 15 Jan 1858, Stafford, congestion of liver, 49y. P: ng, b. Stafford, cons: Danl Embrey, rep by Danl Embrey, husband.

l.17 - Ellen E. Pollard, wf, d. 23 Nov 1858, Stafford, typhoid fever, 15m12d. P. James A. & E. Pollard, b. Stafford, rep by James A. Pollard, father

l.18 - Frances Whaling, wf, d. 7 Feb 1858, Stafford, typhoid fever, 4y. P: Edwd J. & Frances A. Whaling, b. Stafford, rep by Edward J. Whaling, father.

l.19 - Mary J. Skidmore, wf, d. 12 Jul 1858, Stafford, typhoid fever, 18y, P: Wm. H. & Leah Skidmore, b. Stafford, rep by Wm. H. Skidmore, father

l.20 - Susan Skidmore, wf, d. 29 May 1858, Stafford, typhoid fever, 12y, P: Wm. H. & Leah Skidmore, b. Stafford, rep by Wm. H. Skidmore, father

l.25 - Mannering, James, wm, d. 1858, Stafford, drowned, 20y, P: ng, b. Stafford, rep by James Thompson.

l.32 - Walter Hore Sr, wm, d. Oct 1858, Stafford, nat. decay. 78y. P: Elias & Theodocia Hore, b. Stafford, rep by E. A. Hore, son

l.34 - Harriet E. Conway, wf, d. Aug 1858, Stafford, colera infantum, 4m. P: Henry R. & Elizabeth Conway, b. Stafford. rep by H. R. Conway, father


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