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Captain Alexander Machir's Company of Militia from the Strasburg District of Dunmore County, Virginia

Airs, JosephAnderick, ChristianBaker, Michael
Balthus, LeonardBaltis, GeorgeBeale, Charles
Beard, ChristianBeard, MartinBeck, Stephen
Black, PeterBowman, ChristianBowman, Isaac
Bowman, JohnBroback, AdamBrowbach, John
Cashwyler, JacobCashwyler, JosephCline, Peter
Cline, PhilipColvil, SamuelConrad, John
Cooper, George (Sadler)Cooper, George (Shoemaker)Cooper, Leonard
Copenhafer, JacobCowman, JohnCrawford, Strader
Cryble, AbrahamCryble, ChristianCryble, Jonas
Dedawick, StephenDellinger, JacobDogherty, Jervis
Dogherty, WilliamDraper, RobertEvans, Jeremiah
Everly, Jeremiah, Sr.Everly, Jeremiah, Jr.Feckley or Fickley, George
Feltner, AdamFunk, Henry, Jr.Funk, Jacob
Funk, JohnFunk, SamuelFunkhouser, Abraham
Funkhouser, ChristianFunkhouser, DavidFunkhouser, Jacob, Sr.
Funkhouser, Jacob, Jr.Funkhouser, JohnFuzle, John
Harr, Simon (Clerk)Hannah, BriceHeapner, Gasper
Helver, JacobHemp, ChristopherHite, Alexander
Hite, MatthiasHuddle, DavidHuddle, George
Huddle, JacobKellar, MichaelKisner, John
Kister, Christopher, Sr.Kister, ChristopherLamb, Joseph
Lambert, ChristopherLambert, JacobLawn, Rudolph
Lezenia, JohnLotz, ChristianLotz, Jonas
Loughmillar, JohnMillar, Christian Millar, David
Millar, SamuelMurdock, JamesNeighberger, Christian
Newman, ConradPiles, FrancisPitman, Nicholas
Pitman, PhilipRigher, MichaelRoler, Martin
Rorer, DanielRush, ConradS-----, Christian
Philip, Sea,Martin, Setzer,Daniel, Shaffer,
Benjamin, Shoe,Shoe, JabezShultzner, Matthias
Shyreman, PeterSitzer, MartinSiver, Bernard
Siver, JacobSlack, JohnSmith, Philip
Smith, ValentineSnapp, LawrenceSnapp, Peter
Snapp, PhilipSonner, PhilipSpore, Henry
Stickley, BenjaminStickley, JacobStitzler, John
Stoner, FrederickStover, Christian, Sr.Stover, Jacob
Stover, JohnStover, JosephStover, Peter
Stutzlegar, AlexanderTulzle, John Teezle orTeezle, Michael
Teezle, SebastianThomas, MartinTrayeler, Andrew
Tryer, PeterTush, Christopher, Sr.Tush, Christopher, Jr.
Walsh, ThomasWalter, ChristianWickman, Conrad
Wilson, RobertWise, ChristianWoller, John
Yeager, Andrew Yost, Jacob

Capt. Machir made a notation on his list: "There are Several in this List that never appeared at Musters they Pretending to be in Communion with the Menonists as also the Officers Ommited to be inserted at the Beginning Viz. Philip Huffman Lieutenant, Law. Snapp, Junr. Ensign, Alexr. Machir"

(Note from Baughman, Revolutionary War Records, Virginia, "on this list is a "Christopher" with no surname given.)

For the source of the information contained on this page, read the article Brumbaugh's book on the Revolutionary War


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Updated November 11 2015
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