Dunmore County Revolutionary War Soldiers
Captain Joseph Bowman's list of men living in the lower district of Dunmore County and under his command
(Revolutionary War Records, Virginia, Brumbaugh, 1936)

List of officers
Allen, Thomas; lieutenantJennings, William; ensignJones, Mason; sergeant
Smith, John; sergeantHelms, George; corporalKophman, John; corporal
McKenney, Francis; corporalDenton, Joseph; lieutenantMorrell, John; clerk
Mooney, George; sergeantClem, Phillip; sergeantMerrell, Jonathan; corporal
 Odell, Samuel; corporal 
Artgeas, HenryBaker, IsaacBaker, Joseph
Battey, PatrickBeard, WilliamBezant, Randolph
Brown, FrancisBuck, JohnBull, Samuel
Burner, AbrahamBurner, DanielBurner, Jacob
Burner, JohnCaffey, WilliamCarier, Henry
Carier, JohnCarier, JonathanCarson, Simon
Carson, ThomasClem, DavidClem, Dedrick
Clem, MichaelCline, AdamCloud, Daniel
Cloud, WilliamCombs, JobCombs, Solomon
Counce, JacobCounce, MichaelCreak, John
Day, RobertDebo, JohnDeley, John
Denton, JohnDoctor, MartinDukes, John
Dull, GeorgeEagle, TimothyElsey, Thomas
Elshite, CoonrodElsy, JohnFunk, Henry, Sr.
Funk, Henry, Jr.George, SpencerHall, William
Halley, PeterHannahs, JacobHand, William
Harrell, Enoch (crossed out)Harrell, JohnHarrell, Rubin
Harrell, WilliamHaston, AbrahamHelms, Abraham (crossed out)
Helms, LeonardHogman, JosephHoneacre, Henry
Honeacre, JacobHopewell, Joseph; ClerkHorn, John
Howel, WilliamHunter, RobertJones, James
Jones, ThomasKophman, AndrewKophman, David
Kophman, NicholasLehew, FrancisLehew, William
Letner, MathiasMason, WilliamMasterson, Thomas
Maxwell, JohnMercer, William S.Millar, Henry
Millar, IsaacMillar, JamesMiller, James (crossed out)
Miller, William, Sr.Miller, William, Jr.McAnay, Daniel
McFall, FrancisMcGee, GeorgeMcGlamry, John
McKenney, JohnMcKenturf, FrederickMcKenturf, John
Nyswander, JacobObanyan, JamesOdell, Caleb, Sr.
Odell, Caleb, Jr.Odell, ElijahOdell, Isaac
Odell, SalvanisOdell, ThomkinsOdell, William
Oldhair, FrederickOliver, TurnerPrice, Thomas
Proctor, RichardRamey, ThadeousRamy, Thomas
Reed, JohnRice, JohnRoberts, Chapman
Roberts, Jonathan RobertsRoberts, ThomasRobertson, Benjamin
Robertson, DavidRobertson, JosephRobertson, William
Robertson, William (Taylor)Roles, FrancisRue, John
Sessy (?), ThomasSmalin, SolomonSmith, Martin
Smith, RobertStockbridge, HarbertTaylor, John
Taylor, LazarusVess, SamuelVess, William
Walls, BurrWalter, HenryWatson, Joshua
Way, EdwardWay, JohnWeathers, Ralph
Whale, GeorgeWhitehorn, BartonWilliams, William
Willson, Edward Wood, William
For the source of the information contained on this page, read the article Brumbaugh's book on the Revolutionary War

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Updated September 21 2005
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