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Declaration in order to obtain the Benefit

 Of the Act of Congress papers June 7th 1832


State of Tennessee  )    April ??? of the

Warren County       )    Court of  ?????  ???

                                     AD 1834


On this 8th day of April personally appearing in

Open Court  ??? ???   ???? , Wm McGregor,

Frances Smartt & Phillip H??????????the Court of the said

County now setting John Morgan a resident

Upon the Barren Fork of the Collins River in the County

& State aforesaid aged Eighty years the 24th day

of June next  who being first ????, ??? ac-

cording to L???   ??? on his oath make the

following Declaration in order to obtain the Pension

I fit of the Act of Congree Papers?? June 7th 1832


  That he ??? the ???? up the ???

Did states under the following, named Officers

Served as he ???  ????   That so to say

In the Month of January, 1776, he enlisted under

 one Whitfield Wilson ( a Recruiting Officer) in

Surry County in North Carolina for the term

Of two years. Declaimant resides in Surry County

N Carolina at this time. After the Recruiting

Officer had ??????????????, we

Were marched to ??? Camden in South Carolina

Where we joined Col Armstrong’s Regiment. The

Officer of that Regiment under whom Declaiment

Services were Genl Rutherford Armstrong

Col, _____ Brown?????/??_ Micajah

Lewis  !st Lientenant of the Company to which Declaimant

Belonged & ???? Phillips, ??? his Captain.

Shortly after he joins Col. Armstrong’s Regiment,

His Company Commander by Capt. Phillips

Together with ??? its Company were

Ordered to march down to Charleston which

Order ???   ????  At Monks Corner which is








about 10 or 12 miles from Charleston, between the

latter City of camden they had an engagement

with the Tories without  serious   ????

At Charleston, we were stationed 8 or 9 weeks

From Charleston we marched to Georgetown where

We were stationed  for 3 weeks. Thence we

Marched to Wilmington in North Carolina where

We were stationed  about 5 weeks. From Wilmington

We marched to Cross Creek in North Carolina

Wher we had  a two day engagement with the Tories

An took about 50  of them Prisioners & guarded

Them & marched them to Hillsborough in Orange

County  in S Carolina where they were taken from

Us by another squad of the Lane? Regiment &

Declaimant  saw no more of them. From Hillsborough

Declaimant’s Company marched to Salisbury in

North carolina where we all got together again

??? the different Companies of the Regiment

The whole Regiment marched thence to Surry

Court House where we were all discharged

My Discharge was signed by Col Armstrong??? I have

Unintentionally ??? misplaced it. So that after

Sulisgent?? Search it has not been found

After the Discharge, Declaimant went back to

Where his Father ??? lived in Shenandoah County

Alenginies ( Alleghenys, VA) This was in 1779. Declaimant remained at

His father’s House about 10 or 12 months. About

The ??? of which time, Col Tipton who

Was a Militia Col & Col Campbell persuded

Declaimant to enlist as a State Soldier with

A Brother of his ( Declaimants) who had enlisted

During the men??? Declaimant agreed did

Enlist fot the Term of 2 years more. This

Was done at Millerstown now called Woodstock

An Declaimant his heard. At all ??

At the Court House of Shenandoah County. He

Was put under Captian Simon Morgan, Col.

Gaston? And his Col Gene Steubin

From Woodstock, we were marched down to Chesterfield barracks,

Between Petersburg & Richmond. Thence we marched into







Amelia County wher we joined Gene Maynes?

Regiment. After joining this Regimentwe all

Went in pursuit up the P????? to Richmond

Alegenies( Allegennys), & from there to old Georgetown, then

To Williamsburg and thence to Ojunk Town???, where

They had forted themselves and wher we over took them& ???? the  to be

Numbered engagements in which Cornwallis was captured

Of which put a glorious to a glorious man.

Declaimant after this battle and surrender was discharged. His

Discahrge was signed by Nathaniel Lamb&  dated 6th day of November

In the year 1781. About 8 or 9 years ago

Declaimant handed this Discharge to D???  Wm.

P. Lawrence, now of Nashville, who was to apply for

His  Pension. It has been misplaced by said Lawrence

So that Declaimant can not get it. Pleasant?

Henderson who is now the Clerk of the Circuit

Court for said County of Warren & many others in this County

Have seen said Discharge. &

 ??? prove anything in relation to it if required

Declaimant therfore has no Documentary  sinders?

Nor does he know if any person in the State

Where testemony, he can consequently  ???

To attribute to his Services. Cal Benjamin Lipton

Who resides on French Broad  in East Tennessee

Can attribute DeClaimant Services, as above

States. But his testimony can not be

Proven without trouble  >>>> in living

As he does in considerable sentence? Aff,

Neither of which he is attributed.

????????   relighlishes every claim whatever

to a Pension or  ????????????????????

still his name is not on  the Pension ????

of the Agency. Of any State

Sworn to & Subscribed, this day and year aforementioned

William Edmondson CLK.        John   X  ( his mark) Morgan












The following Interigation were from

??? to the Declaimant John Morgan by

the Court of aforementioned & the following ???

made ??? by him to wit


1.     Where & what were you born?

 Anw. I was born in Culpepper County Virginia on 24th June 1754

2.     Have you any Record of your age & if so, where is it ?

 Anw. I have a Record in a little Book in my Father’s hand writing

 I have it in my House on the barren Fork.

3.     Where were you living when Enlisted into Services ? Where have you lived since the Revolutionary War? When and where do you live now ?

 Anw. I was living in Surry County North Carolina

When I first enlisted & when I enlisted the 2nd time, I lived in Shenandoah County Virginia. Shortly after after we took Wallace ( Cornwallis?), I settled in Montgomery County, Virginia wher I lived for 30 years. From there, I moved to the Barren Fork of the Collins River in Warren County, Tennessee, wher I have lived ever since.

4.     How were you called into Service, were you drafted, did you volunteer or were you a substitute ? & if a Substitute, for whom ?

 Anw. I enlisted as a Volunteer in the above mentioned in this . Declaimant.

5.     State the names of some of the Regular Officers

6.     Who were with the ???? where you served- such. Continental & Militia Regiments as you can recalled & the general circumstances of your Service.

 Anw. I recalled  Genl. Wayne, Gene Steubin, Col.Phebecker, Col Guscon, General Morgan ( Daniel), Capt. Field, Capt. Lanely. I saw general Washington at Little Ojark?? & General Lafayette and others. Too ??? to name all of them. As to the Regiments,  I recalled Col. Tipton Regiment ( Mu????)

Col. Kellan or Kellars Regiment, Col Netherland?, Col. Rutherford Armstrongs, Col. Clevelands Regiment, Col. Lanes? Regiment.

The general circumstances of my services and details particularly in my Declaration with the si????? That I  was in the services off and on 3 years.

7.     Did you ever receive a Discharge from the Services ? & if so, by whom was it given & what has become of it?

 Anw. I ??? a Discharge in the ????? of my first term of Enlistment, signed by Col. Armstrong at Little Ojunk  and one signed by one Nathaniel Lamb. Both have been

Destroyed  or particularly mentioned above in my Declaration.

8.     State the names of the persons to whom you are known in your present Neighborhood who can testify as to your Character for veracity and their belief if your Service as a Soldier of the Revolution

 Anw. George Spangle, Daniel Spangle, William Young Esq., Daniel Young Esq., Samuel Lestes? And others.


We, Archelaus Prater, a Clergyman & ___________ Asphery??  Liveth residents of Warren County in the State of Tennessee, herby certify that we are well aquainted with John  Morgan who has su????? & sworn to this above Declaration. That we believe him to be eighty years to the 24th day of June next as he say in his Declaration. That he is reputable & believable in the Neighborhood where he resides, to have been a Soldier of the Revolution and that we concern in this opinion.

Sworn to and sub????? This day you aforesaid.

Archelaus Prater


James E Hany                            Will Edmondson, CLK.


Contributed by
Kevin Morgan
Indianapolis, IN

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