Iron Cross Ceremony for Private Henry Clay Singleton, C.S.A.
Killed at Toms Brook, 19 October 1864
October 25, 2003, Massanutten Cemetery, Woodstock

Descendants of Henry Clay Singleton honor their fallen ancestor

Many descendants of Private Henry Clay Singleton, Co. I, 2nd Virginia Cavalry, C.S.A. were present to honor their ancestor for paying the ultimate price to defend his home.

The honor guard was made up of descendants of Confederate soldiers

The honor guard for the ceremony was made up of members of the Sons of Confederate Veterans camps in Martinsburg, West Virginia and Leesburg, Virginia.

Confederate flags wave in the breeze on a beautiful October day

Flags waving in the breeze on a beautiful October afternoon.

Firing a salute to Private Henry Clay Singleton.

The honor guard salutes Private Henry Clay Singleton of the 2nd Virginia Cavalry.

Firing a salute to Private Henry Clay Singleton.

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Created November 4 2003
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