This article was written up for the Valley newspaper but it was quoted from the Daily News of Cumberland, Maryland. Mr. Williamson - Miss Shepherd. Miss Sue Weber Shepherd, daughter of Mr. Will H. Shepherd, and William W. Williamson, of New Market, Shenandoah county, Va., were married yesterday evening at 8.30 o' clock at the home of the bride, 115 Washington street, this city, by Rev. James E. Moffatt, D. D., pastor of the First Presbyterian church. The wedding was a quiet affair, witnessed only by members of the immediate families and a few intimate friends of the bride. Miss Sadie Offutt was maid of honor and Mr. Lewis Carter Burwell was best man. Mrs. Lewis Carter Burwell, sister of the bride, played the Lohengrin march.Tthe bride wore an exquisite creation of pink silk trimmed in white mouseline de soie. She carried bride roses. Miss Offutt's gown was blue organdie. She, too, carried bride roses. the color scheme was green and white. A wedding supper of rare daintiness followed the nuptials. Mr. and Mrs. Williamson left on the Duquesne limited for Philadelphia. A large company of young friends waiting at the depot were at sea for a while because of the strategic moves of the wedding pair, but when they did appear it rained rice for quite a few moments. Mr. and Mrs. Williamson will spend Sunday at the home of the groom at New Market and then will go to Florida to spend their honeymoon. Mrs. Williamson's departure from an interesting circle here will be much regretted, as she has always been recognized not only as a reigning belle, but as one of the most beautiful women in Alleghany county. Daily News, Cumberland, Md., March 13, 1901. Their friends wish them a long life full of happiness and prosperity. |
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