Rice - Alleman.

A very quiet marriage took place at the home of the bride's parents Dr. and Mrs. F.E. Rice, two miles north of this place, on Wednesday, Sept. 11, 1901, at 3 o' clock p. m. The contracting parties were miss Linda M. Rice and Mr. John E. Alleman, of Chambersburg, Pa., the ceremony being performed by Rev. Dr. J. A. Snyder. The bride was attired in an elegant plum-colored traveling suit with hat to match, and carried a bouquet of lovely La France roses. The groom was handsomely dressed in "conventional black suit." There were no attendants, and soon after the ceremony, the bride and groom were driven to Quicksburg and they took the train for Chambersburg, where they will reside.

The groom is a son of a deceased Lutheran minister, and is general manager of a large engine manufactory.

Only a few of the bride's near relatives, with the officiating clergyman and wife, were present.

The first of October, the bride and groom, his mother and sister, will visit the Pan-American Exposition, Niagara Falls and other points of interest.

We extend hearty congratulations to the newly wedded couple and wish them many years of happiness and success.

Cards announcing the above marriage have been issued by Dr. and Mrs. F.E. Rice.


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