Mrs. Sadie de Duphane Married

We have just received a handsome announcement card, mailed at Churchland, Va., from Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L. Wise, announcing "the marriage, by Rev. Arthur C. Thomson, at the rectory of Trinity church, Portsmouth, Va., of Mrs. Sadie Hopkins de Duphane, to Dr. James Terrell Redd, on Tuesday, October 7, 1902."

We express thanks for the announcement, and regret we have no further particulars to give concerning this marriage at this time.

Mrs. Redd is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Johns E. Hopkins, of near this place, her former husband Capt. Edgar de Duphane having died in Washington D. C., last June a year ago.

Last winter Mrs. de Duphane was governess in the family of Mrs. Carrie Hoenshel, near New Market.


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Created July 13, 2006
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