Neff - Neff Marriage.

At ten o' clock, Wednesday morning, Dec. 23, 1903, at the home of the bride's parents Elder and Mrs. Benj. W. Neff at Rude's Hill, in this county, Miss Lelia Neff, their only child and daughter, and Mr. Edward A. Neff were united in marriage, the bride's father Elder Benj. W. Neff performing the ceremony. Mr. Ed. Neff of Fairfax county and Mr. Fred Varner of Page county acted as ushers. The attendants were: Miss Fannie Neff and Mr. Otis Zirkle, Miss Naomi Gochenour and Mr. Sidney Newman, Miss Stella Gochenour and Mr. George Shrum, Miss Katie Thomas and Mr. Joseph Ambrose.

The bride was beautifully gowned in white silk and the bridesmaids in white organdie. The groom was attired in the conventional black. Mendelssohn's wedding march was beautifully and skillfully rendered by Mrs. Dr. A.M. Neff, of New Market, Va., while a large number of relatives and friends witnessed the impressive rites.

After the marriage an elegant and sumptuous wedding dinner was served. More than a hundred guests were present, drawn from that and other localities. The following were in attendance from a distance: Dr. G.S. Gochenour, uncle of the bride, of Moorefield, W.Va.; Misses Naomi, Stella, and Zula Gochenour, cousins of the bride, of Maurertown, Va.; Mr. Ernest Gochenour, of Bridgewater College; Mr. Walter N. Cox, of Bridgewater, Va.; along with others whose names we failed to get. The large number of beautiful and useful gifts of which the bride was the recipient, attest the regard and esteem in which she is held.

Owing to the serious accident, with which the groom happened last week, the bridal tour has been indefinitely postponed - to their regret and that of their friends.

Today a reception will be held at the groom's home. We unite with their many friends in extending hearty congratulations and best wishes.


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