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Bride: Shagwell, Hanora Age 25 W Ireland Father: Shagwell, Humphrey Mother: White, Judith | Married 27 Apr 1856 | Groom: Flynn, Michael Age 26 S Ireland Father: Flynn, Michael Mother: Conner, Luanna |
Groom: Shambach, Daniel Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 23 Nov 1822 - | Bride: Funkhouser, Rebecca Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shamburg, Francis Henry Age 19 S Upshur County, WV Father: Shamburg, D. F. Mother: ?, Margaret E. | Married 20 Jan 1912 - | Bride: Coffman, Effie Rosa Age 19 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Coffman, Cain Mother: ?, Elizabeth |
Groom: Shank, Adam Clinton Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shank, William H. Mother: ?, Fannie | Married 20 Jan 1910 - | Bride: Taylor, Iva Lee Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: - Mother: Taylor, Mary |
Bride: Shank, Ann Cornelia Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shank, George Mother: ?, Catharine | Married 12 Nov 1871 | Groom: Grandstaff, George W. Age 40 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Grandstaff, Benjamin Mother: ?, Elizabeth |
Bride: Shank, Ann M. Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 21 Oct 1850 - | Groom: Lambden, George W. Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shank, Basie Leonard Age 27 S Rockingham County, VA Father: Shank, A. H. Mother: ?, Fannie C. | Married 25 Oct 1911 - | Bride: Swartz, Josie Irene Age 20 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Swartz, Luther A. Mother: ?, Annie E. |
Bride: Shank, Cathrine Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 11 Feb 1811 | Groom: Hawn, John Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shank, Cathrine Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 5 Mar 1789 - | Groom: Shaver, Samuel Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shank, Caty Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 13 Apr 1793 - | Groom: Shank, Martin Jr. Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shank, Eve Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 30 Dec 1793 - | Groom: Breedlove, Isaac Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shank, Fannie L. Age 18 S Rockingham County, VA Father: Shank, Charles N. Mother: ?, Sarah C. | Married 23 Dec 1880 - | Groom: Richards, William F. Age 27 S Frederick County, VA Father: Richards, John A. Mother: ?, Lucinda F. |
Groom: Shank, George Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 7 Mar 1808 - | Bride: Fisher, Lucy Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shank, George Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 24 Oct 1820 - | Bride: Hooper, Polly Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shank, George W. Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 7 Sep 1840 - | Bride: Wendel, Cathrine Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shank, Jacob Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 23 Nov 1787 - | Bride: Wise, Cathrine Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shank, John Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 3 Apr 1794 - | Bride: Miller, Elizabeth Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shank, John A. Age 40 W Page County, VA Father: Shank, Jacob Mother: ?, Susannah | Married 3 Feb 1870 - | Bride: Strickler, Lucy T. Age 33 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Strickler, Emanuel Mother: ?, Mary |
Groom: Shank, John Thomas Age 28 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shank, George Mother: ?, Catharine | Married 6 Dec 1883 - | Bride: Cooley, Julia A. Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Cooley, Robert Mother: ?, Martha |
Bride: Shank, Lydia Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 7 Oct 1811 - | Groom: Lickliter, Jacob Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shank, Mariah Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 28 Feb 1791 - | Groom: Alter, John Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shank, Martin Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 28 Dec 1791 - | Bride: Summers, Elizabeth Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shank, Martin Jr. Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 13 Apr 1793 - | Bride: Shank, Caty Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shank, Mary Ann Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 9 Apr 1795 - | Groom: Long, Reuben Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shank, Mary M. Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 20 Feb 1843 | Groom: Evans, John Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shank, Rosena Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 19 Mar 1794 - | Groom: Johnston, William Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shank, William H. Age 24 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shank, George Mother: ?, Catharine | Married 14 Apr 1882 - | Bride: Howe, Fannie T. Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Howe, Thomas Mother: ?, Mary J. |
Groom: Shank, William J. Age 43 W Page County, VA Father: Shank, Jacob Mother: ?, Susannah | Married 31 Oct 1867 - | Bride: Fisher, Elizabeth Age 38 W Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shutters, Solomon Mother: ?, Rachel |
Bride: Shanner, Elizabeth Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 29 Jun 1796 - | Groom: Croudson, John Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shannon, Margaret Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 10 Oct 1791 - | Groom: Thomas, Rees Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Share, Barbara Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 12 Nov 1796 - | Groom: Hockman, Abraham Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Sharo, Willis Mahlon Age 29 S Montgomery County, VA Father: Sharo, James W. Mother: ?, Mary S. | Married 16 Oct 1904 - | Bride: Brinker, Rose Estelle Age 27 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Brinker, Jacob Mother: Hottel, Catharine Ann |
Groom: Sharp, George Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 14 Aug 1851 Affidavit of Nathaniel Griffee | Bride: Griffee, Sarah Ann Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Sharp, George Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 24 Mar 1787 - | Bride: Rudnall, Elizabeth Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Sharpe, Christian Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 22 Dec 1785 - | Bride: Chriser, Ann Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shaull, Laura L. Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: - Mother: - | Married 7 Oct 1892 - | Groom: Swartz, Charles E. Age 25 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Swartz, Jacob Mother: ?, Lucinda |
Bride: Shaver, Alice V. Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shaver, Samuel A. Mother: ?, Annie H. | Married 2 Oct 1883 | Groom: Gochenour, George S. Age 26 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Gochenour, Isaac Mother: ?, Eliza |
Bride: Shaver, Barbara Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 14 Feb 1797 - | Groom: Brown, Henry Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shaver, Barbara Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 13 Aug 1833 - | Groom: Pence, Jacob Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shaver, Cathrine Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 30 Jul 1849 - | Groom: Fravel, Henry Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shaver, Cathrine Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 1 Aug 1812 | Groom: Gochenour, John Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shaver, Cynthia Ann Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 5 May 1853 | Groom: Derron, Harrison Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shaver, D. L. Age 30 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shaver, Samuel A. Mother: ?, Annie H. | Married 28 Oct 1891 Affidavit of George Shafer | Bride: Shaver, Mollie L. Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shaver, E. B. Mother: ?, Lucretia C. |
Groom: Shaver, Daniel Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 9 Mar 1833 - | Bride: Kelly, Sarah Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shaver, Daniel Age 29 S Germany Father: Shaver, Nicholas Mother: ?, Orthia | Married 23 May 1858 - | Bride: Mesigle, Catharine Age 25 S Germany Father: Mesigle, Henry Mother: ?, Doritha |
Bride: Shaver, Deborah Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 8 Mar 1819 - | Groom: Newland, Jacob Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shaver, Dewitt Huston Age 24 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shaver, George W. Mother: ?, Margaret L. | Married 18 Aug 1901 - | Bride: Silvius, Ida A. Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Silvius, Martin Mother: Fawley, Mary |
Bride: Shaver, Elizabeth Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 28 Dec 1830 - | Groom: Brown, Jacob Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shaver, Elizabeth Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 10 Dec 1838 | Groom: Haines, John Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shaver, Elizabeth Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 12 Nov 1795 - | Groom: Hamman, Thomas Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shaver, Emanuel B. Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shaver, George Mother: ?, Mary | Married 22 Dec 1864 - | Bride: Stone, Lucretia Age 19 S Preston County, WV Father: Stone, Fleming J. Mother: ?, Mary |
Bride: Shaver, Emma V. Age 37 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shaver, George Mother: ?, Ellen | Married 16 Apr 1905 | Groom: Bridges, William B. Age 34 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Bridges, Marion F. Mother: Shaffer, Elizabeth A. |
Groom: Shaver, Ephraim Age 31 S Lewis County, VA Father: Shaver, Baltzer Mother: ?, Ann Christena | Married 15 Apr 1858 - | Bride: Funkhouser, Sarah Age 17 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Funkhouser, John Mother: ?, Catharine |
Groom: Shaver, George Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 28 Aug 1802 - | Bride: Boyers, Polly Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shaver, George Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 29 Sep 1796 - | Bride: Brown, Elizabeth Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shaver, George Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 27 Jul 1844 - | Bride: Kagey, Mary Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shaver, George Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 5 Feb 1785 - | Bride: Stover, Barbara Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shaver, George F. Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shaver, Samuel A. Mother: ?, Annie H. | Married 31 Dec 1888 - | Bride: Painter, Agnes M. Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Painter, Erasmus Mother: ?, Martha M. |
Groom: Shaver, George Henry Age 29 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shaver, Lewis Mother: ?, Maggie | Married 31 Dec 1910 - | Bride: Marston, Luella Catherine Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Marston, George W. Mother: ?, Rebecca |
Groom: Shaver, George W. Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shaver, Daniel Mother: ?, Sarah | Married 6 Apr 1857 By A. R. Rude | Bride: Golladay, Margaret C. Age 19 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Funk, ? Mother: Golladay, Matilda |
Bride: Shaver, Hannah Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 6 Aug 1786 - | Groom: Blose, Adam Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shaver, Jacob Daniel Age 28 S Rockingham County, VA Father: Shaver, Joseph E. Mother: ?, Mary A. | Married 16 May 1899 - | Bride: Miller, Catherine Agnes Age 25 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Miller, Jacob B. Mother: ?, Rebecca |
Groom: Shaver, James Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 26 Aug 1844 | Bride: Bowman, Elizabeth Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shaver, John Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 21 Apr 1791 - | Bride: Motts, Eve Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shaver, John R. Age 24 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shaver, Daniel Mother: ?, Sarah | Married 7 Nov 1865 - | Bride: Bailey, Sarah C. V. Age 23 S Rappahannock County, VA Father: Bailey, William Mother: ?, Rebecca |
Groom: Shaver, Jonathan Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 24 Dec 1842 | Bride: Golladay, Helen Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shaver, Josephine Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shaver, George W. Mother: ?, Margaret L. | Married 13 Mar 1881 - | Groom: Ward, Solon N. Age 24 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Ward, Adam Mother: ?, Lucinda |
Bride: Shaver, Lucretia Age 25 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shaver, Henry Mother: ?, Delila | Married 28 Aug 1867 | Groom: Fisher, James R. C. Age 24 S Augusta County, VA Father: Fisher, George Mother: ?, Mary |
Bride: Shaver, Madaline Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 30 Jul 1787 - | Groom: Prince, George Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shaver, Mary Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 18 Sep 1817 | Groom: Barns, Joseph Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shaver, Mary Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 30 Mar 1840 | Groom: Grabill, John Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shaver, Mary Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 4 Oct 1810 - | Groom: Grove, Jacob Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shaver, Mary Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 2 Mar 1846 - | Groom: Will, Ephraim Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shaver, Mollie L. Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shaver, E. B. Mother: ?, Lucretia C. | Married 28 Oct 1891 Affidavit of George Shafer | Groom: Shaver, D. L. Age 30 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shaver, Samuel A. Mother: ?, Annie H. |
Groom: Shaver, Moses Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 15 Apr 1796 - | Bride: Howton, Rebecca Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shaver, Moses Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 21 Jul 1789 - | Bride: Kid, Susanna Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shaver, Philip Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 26 Aug 1794 - | Bride: Prince, Eve Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shaver, Rachel Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 18 Jun 1838 - | Groom: Foltz, Jacob Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shaver, Samuel Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 5 Mar 1789 - | Bride: Shank, Cathrine Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shaver, Samuel E. Age 29 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shaver, George Mother: ?, Mary | Married 23 Feb 1858 By Jacob Wine; married at Jacob Good's | Bride: Good, Anna H. Age 19 S Rockingham County, VA Father: Good, Jacob Mother: Silvius, Susannah (Myers) |
Groom: Shaver, Samuel Jacob Age 29 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shaver, Samuel A. Mother: ?, Annie H. | Married 25 Apr 1901 - | Bride: Keller, Sydney Maria Age 25 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Keller, Lawrence Mother: ?, Mary E. |
Bride: Shaver, Sarah C. Age - - - Father: Shaver, Frederick Mother: Gochenour, Mary | Married 29 Apr 1855 | Groom: Fisher, John Age - - - Father: Fisher, John Mother: Lloyd, Elizabeth |
Bride: Shaver, Sarah Frances Age 31 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shaver, George Mother: ?, Mary | Married 27 Jan 1870 | Groom: Funk, John Age 33 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Funk, Jacob Mother: Stover, Elizabeth |
Bride: Shaver, Susan Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 12 Aug 1827 | Groom: Henry, James Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shaver, Sybil Hilda Age 20 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shaver, A. G. Mother: ?, Cora | Married 25 Sep 1907 - | Groom: James, Charles Levi Age 24 S Loudoun County, VA Father: James, R. T. Mother: ?, R. C. |
Groom: Shaver, Walter Gray Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shaver, Silas Mother: ?, Sarah J. | Married 14 Dec 1913 - | Bride: Litten, Bertie Rebecca Age 18 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Litten, Benjamin H. Mother: ?, Annie M. |
Groom: Shaver, William E. Age 24 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shaver, E. B. Mother: ?, Lucretia C. | Married 11 Mar 1896 - | Bride: Meredith, Lillie Mae Age 19 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Meredith, J. Mother: ?, A. H. |
Groom: Shaw, Alexander Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 13 Jun 1796 - | Bride: Barclay, Mary Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shaw, Elizabeth Age - W - Father: - Mother: - | Married 3 Aug 1808 - | Groom: Hershberger, Henry Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shaw, Emma J. Age 30 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shaw, Henson Mother: ?, Mary | Married 17 Nov 1878 | Groom: Harris, William Age 30 W Lynchburg, VA Father: Harris, Henry Mother: ?, Anne |
Bride: Shaw, Frances Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 12 Aug 1851 Affidavit of Thos. Shaw | Groom: Moffitt, Willis B. Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shaw, Ralph Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 26 Jun 1799 - | Bride: Hill, Artemesia Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shay, William Age 29 S Ireland Father: Shay, John Mother: ?, Ann | Married 7 Oct 1854 - | Bride: Martin, Alla Ann Age 26 S Warren County, VA Father: Martin, Thomas Mother: ?, Catherine |
Bride: Shea, Nannie Age 25 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shea, William Mother: ?, Hannah | Married 15 Sep 1885 Affidavit of John J. Reilly | Groom: Donovan, William C. Age 25 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Donovan, Lawrence Mother: ?, Elizabeth |
Bride: Sheah, Rebecca Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 7 Oct 1816 | Groom: Bailey, James Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shealer, Elizabeth Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 20 Feb 1820 | Groom: Jones, John D. Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shearman, Adam Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 10 Jul 1784 - | Bride: Keller, Mary Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shearman, Jacob Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 13 Mar 1815 - | Bride: Boyers, Margaret Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shearman, Rebecca Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 2 Oct 1826 | Groom: Rausey, James Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Sheckler, Daniel Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 9 Apr 1796 - | Bride: Buswell, Barbara Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Sheeler, Henry Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 11 Nov 1816 - | Bride: Baltman, Deborah Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Sheen, Phebe Ann Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 12 Jun 1824 - | Groom: Hupp, Jacob Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Sheets, Elizabeth Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 30 Mar 1846 | Groom: Rosenberger, Joseph Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Sheets, Jacob Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 3 Jan 1788 - | Bride: Wocker, Eva Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Sheets, Mary Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 20 Jan 1794 - | Groom: Albert, Henry Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Sheets, Rebecca Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 18 Dec 1839 - | Groom: Kibler, Henry Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Sheetz, A. Russell Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, George W. Mother: ?, Sarah E. | Married 3 Mar 1897 - | Bride: Miller, Virginia E. Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Miller, Henry Mother: ?, Mary E. |
Groom: Sheetz, Abraham Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 13 Jan 1853 - | Bride: Layman, Elizabeth Ann Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Sheetz, Alice B. Age 19 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Elias W. Mother: ?, Artemis | Married 11 Sep 1888 Affidavit of S. L. Sheetz | Groom: Reynard, Henry L. Age 24 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Reynard, George Mother: ?, Elizabeth |
Groom: Sheetz, Alvin Earl Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, William Henry Mother: ?, Henrietta | Married 21 May 1913 - | Bride: Fadely, Mamie Marie Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Fadely, Harrison Mother: Grandstaff, Mollie |
Bride: Sheetz, Amanda Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, John Mother: ?, Mary Ann | Married 30 Dec 1880 | Groom: Haun, Hampson H. Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Haun, George Mother: Ridenour, Elizabeth |
Groom: Sheetz, Annanias Age 24 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Daniel Mother: ?, Susannah | Married 17 Feb 1863 - | Bride: Corbin, Caroline Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Corbin, Thomas Mother: ?, Christina |
Bride: Sheetz, Annie D. Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, David Mother: ?, Susan | Married 12 Sep 1886 - | Groom: Sheetz, James A. Age 20 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, William Mother: ?, T. F. |
Bride: Sheetz, Annie E. Age 20 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Cornelius Mother: ?, Artemissa | Married 22 Nov 1904 | Groom: Fadely, Abraham Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Fadely, John C. Mother: Jones, Elizabeth "Betty" C. |
Bride: Sheetz, Artie E. Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, David Mother: ?, Susan | Married 19 Dec 1878 - | Groom: Miller, Joseph B. Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Miller, Abraham Mother: ?, Susan |
Groom: Sheetz, Asa A. Age 20 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Daniel H. Mother: ?, Lydia | Married 2 Oct 1892 - | Bride: Dirting, Mary E. Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Dirting, John K. Mother: Coffelt, Kate F. |
Bride: Sheetz, Atha Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, William Henry Mother: ?, Ettie | Married 6 Dec 1908 - | Groom: Miller, Charles Alpheus Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Miller, James Walter Mother: ?, Mary J. |
Bride: Sheetz, Barbara Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 23 Mar 1801 - | Groom: Row, David Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Sheetz, Barbara Ellen Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, John Mother: ?, Ann | Married 19 Aug 1860 - | Groom: Walker, Aaron Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Walker, Henry Mother: ?, Hanah |
Bride: Sheetz, Bertie Florence Age 26 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Charles Mother: ?, Lizzie | Married 4 Feb 1908 | Groom: Crist, Isaac Casper Age 29 S Rockingham County, VA Father: Crist, Jacob Mother: ?, Rebecca |
Bride: Sheetz, Bessie Irene Age 20 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Asa A. Mother: ?, Mary Elizabeth | Married 8 Mar 1914 - | Groom: Riffey, Clinton Franklin Age 24 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Riffey, George H. Mother: ?, Annie Belle |
Groom: Sheetz, Calvin J. Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Joseph L. Mother: ?, Rebecca | Married 11 Mar 1868 - | Bride: Litton, Sarah C. Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Litton, Abram Mother: ?, Lucinda |
Bride: Sheetz, Capanda Age 24 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Joseph M. Mother: ?, Rebecca S. | Married 13 Feb 1855 - | Groom: Hoover, William Age 27 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Hoover, John Mother: ?, Christina |
Bride: Sheetz, Catharine Age 29 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheets, Mathias Mother: ?, Catharine | Married 3 May 1864 | Groom: Cooley, James W. Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Cooley, John Mother: Hottel, Elizabeth |
Bride: Sheetz, Cathrine Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 10 Mar 1823 - | Groom: Haun, George Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Sheetz, Charles W. Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, William W. Mother: ?, Fannie F. | Married 11 Aug 1892 - | Bride: Hottel, Fannie E. Age 19 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Hottel, Daniel J. Mother: ?, Mahala |
Groom: Sheetz, Charles W. Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, William Henry Mother: Hisey, Lucy E. | Married 26 Oct 1880 - | Bride: Sheetz, Mary E. Age 18 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, William W. Mother: ?, Tina |
Bride: Sheetz, Christena Age 25 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Daniel Mother: ?, Susannah | Married 10 Nov 1853 | Groom: Coffman, John A. of Andrew Age 27 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Coffman, Andy Mother: ?, Rebecca |
Groom: Sheetz, Clarence Milton Age 19 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Walter Mother: ?, Lucretia | Married 7 Aug 1907 - | Bride: Rinker, Mabel Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Rinker, Calvin H. Mother: ?, Annie R. |
Bride: Sheetz, Cora E. Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, George W. Mother: ?, Sarah E. | Married 27 Mar 1892 | Groom: Dirting, Luther A. Age 24 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Dirting, John K. Mother: Coffelt, Kate F. |
Groom: Sheetz, Cornelius Age 27 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, John Mother: ?, Mary Ann | Married 16 Nov 1884 Affidavit of Perry Bowman | Bride: Hollar, Artemissa Age 26 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Hollar, Isaac Mother: ?, Millie |
Groom: Sheetz, Daniel Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 14 Nov 1817 - | Bride: Haun, Susannah Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Sheetz, Daniel Age 26 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Joseph M. Mother: ?, Rebecca S. | Married 13 Feb 1863 - | Bride: Sibert, Harriet J. Age 26 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sibert, Lamar W. Mother: ?, Amelia |
Groom: Sheetz, Daniel H. Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Daniel Mother: ?, Susannah | Married 11 Jan 1866 - | Bride: Philips, Lydia Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Philips, John Mother: ?, Catharine |
Groom: Sheetz, David Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 11 Dec 1851 - | Bride: Haun, Susan Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Sheetz, Delilah May Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Daniel Mother: ?, Lydia | Married 6 Jun 1900 | Groom: Clark, William Lucien Age 31 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Clark, Eutaw S. Mother: ?, Jane F. |
Bride: Sheetz, Dora Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Joseph H. Mother: ?, Kate | Married 19 Mar 1905 | Groom: Estep, Harry Milton Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Estep, Jacob Mother: ?, Mary J. |
Bride: Sheetz, Elenora Catharine Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 12 Aug 1852 - | Groom: Hollar, John Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Sheetz, Elias Age 24 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, George of Jacob Mother: ?, Elizabeth | Married 26 Nov 1862 - | Bride: Fry, Artimissa Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Fry, John A. Mother: Grandstaff, Cathrine |
Bride: Sheetz, Elizabeth Age 24 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, George Mother: ?, Elizabeth | Married 21 Dec 1865 - | Groom: Miller, R. S. Age 26 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Miller, Samuel Mother: ?, Mary |
Bride: Sheetz, Elizabeth Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 2 Mar 1805 - | Groom: Row, Henry Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Sheetz, Elizabeth Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 14 Sep 1822 - | Groom: Snyder, George Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Sheetz, Elon Daniel Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Asa A. Mother: ?, Mary Elizabeth | Married 23 Mar 1915 - | Bride: Miller, Sylvia Belle Age 20 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Miller, J. W. Mother: ?, Mary L. |
Bride: Sheetz, Emma Age 24 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, William Henry Mother: Hisey, Lucy E. | Married 22 Dec 1889 - | Groom: Maurer, Solomon Age 29 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Maurer, John Mother: ?, Mary |
Bride: Sheetz, Emma J. Age 15 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Daniel W. Mother: ?, Harriet J. | Married 3 Jul 1881 - | Groom: Hite, Milton L. Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Hite, Isaac R. Mother: ?, Rhoda F. |
Bride: Sheetz, Emma V. Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Henry Mother: ?, Caroline | Married 23 Oct 1879 - | Groom: Wolf, John A. Age 24 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Wolf, Benjamin F. Mother: ?, Elizabeth |
Bride: Sheetz, Eva E. Age 25 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, John Mother: ?, Mary Ann | Married 19 Jun 1887 - | Groom: Reedy, Charles A. Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Reedy, Abraham Mother: ?, Catharine |
Bride: Sheetz, Eve Elizabeth Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 15 Sep 1852 Joseph M. Sheetz present | Groom: Bowman, Isaac Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Sheetz, Eve Elizabeth Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 4 Feb 1797 - | Groom: Bowman, Isaac Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Sheetz, F. Marion Age 26 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Abraham Mother: ?, Elizabeth Ann | Married 25 Dec 1884 - | Bride: Litten, V. Alice Age 19 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Litten, Abraham Mother: ?, Lucinda |
Bride: Sheetz, Frances Eva Age 25 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, George Mother: ?, Elizabeth | Married 19 Dec 1860 - | Groom: Newland, Jesse Age 29 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Newland, Isaac Mother: ?, Mary |
Groom: Sheetz, George Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 14 Feb 1826 - | Bride: Bowman, Elizabeth Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Sheetz, George Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 22 Apr 1799 - | Bride: Coole, Cathrine Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Sheetz, George Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 22 Mar 1836 - | Bride: Kibler, Elizabeth Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Sheetz, George Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 13 Apr 1824 - | Bride: Proctor, Polly Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Sheetz, George David Age 28 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, David Mother: ?, Susan | Married 13 Aug 1899 - | Bride: Coffelt, Lillie E. Age 27 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Coffelt, Ananias Mother: Marshall, Amelia Catharine |
Groom: Sheetz, George W. Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, George Mother: ?, Elizabeth | Married 7 Mar 1867 - | Bride: Rosenberger, Sarah Catherine Age 20 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Rosenberger, Joseph Mother: Sheetz, Elizabeth |
Bride: Sheetz, Gertie Frances Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, William H. of S. Mother: ?, Ettie | Married 11 Jun 1909 - | Groom: Kibler, Noah Samuel Age 20 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Kibler, James A. Jr. Mother: ?, Mary C. |
Bride: Sheetz, Grace Virginia Age 17 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, John A. Mother: ?, Annie E. | Married 22 Apr 1914 - | Groom: Hollar, Grover Milton Age 18 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Hollar, William H. Mother: ?, Mary E. |
Bride: Sheetz, Hannah Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 18 May 1852 | Groom: Bean, Lewis Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Sheetz, Harold Pinckley Age 25 S Washington, DC Father: - Mother: - | Married 11 Jun 1913 - | Bride: Keller, Jessie May Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Keller, Wilbur L. Mother: ?, Cora |
Groom: Sheetz, Harry Helsel Age 26 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, James W. Mother: ?, Ollie | Married 22 Jan 1911 - | Bride: Guess, Emma May Age 19 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Guess, Nathan Mother: Clinedinst, Viola C. |
Bride: Sheetz, Henrietta Age 26 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Abraham Mother: ?, Elizabeth Ann | Married 10 Aug 1879 Brother of the bride, J. F. Sheetz | Groom: Sheetz, William H. Age 27 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Samuel Mother: ?, Lydia |
Groom: Sheetz, Henry Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 14 Aug 1802 - | Bride: Collers, Mary Teracy Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Sheetz, Henry Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 11 Jan 1813 - | Bride: Hollingworth, Cathrine Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Sheetz, Henry Age - - - Father: Sheetz, Daniel Mother: - | Married 1 Dec 1853 - | Bride: Philips, Caroline Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Sheetz, Henry Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 4 Apr 1803 - | Bride: Row, Mary Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Sheetz, Henry Campbell Age 36 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, David Mother: ?, Susan | Married 9 Jan 1911 - | Bride: Coffman, Nettie Laura Age 36 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Coffman, Benjamin Franklin Mother: Coffelt, Barbara A. |
Bride: Sheetz, Ida Alice Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Henry Mother: ?, Caroline | Married 24 Dec 1887 | Groom: Didawick, Thomas J. Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Didawick, Benjamin F. Mother: Holtzman, Barbara M. |
Bride: Sheetz, Ida Frances Age 34 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, David Mother: ?, Susan | Married 23 Nov 1902 - | Groom: Hollar, George Washington Age 43 S Rockingham County, VA Father: Hollar, Robert Mother: ?, Caroline |
Groom: Sheetz, Ira Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Henry Mother: ?, Caroline | Married 6 May 1903 - | Bride: Lantz, Elizabeth F. Age 26 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Lantz, John R. Mother: ?, Ella |
Groom: Sheetz, Isaac Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 5 Feb 1852 Affidavit of Jacob Kibler | Bride: Kibler, Lydia Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Sheetz, Isaac B. Age 30 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, George Mother: ?, Elizabeth | Married 21 Dec 1865 - | Bride: Painter, Sarah Catharine Age 25 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Painter, Samuel Mother: ?, Susan |
Groom: Sheetz, Jacob Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 8 Apr 1850 - | Bride: Hawkins, Edar C. Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Sheetz, Jacob H. Age 30 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, David Mother: ?, Susan | Married 16 Dec 1890 - | Bride: Murray, Gussie Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Murray, Benjamin F. Mother: ?, Sarah E. |
Groom: Sheetz, James A. Age 20 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, William Mother: ?, T. F. | Married 12 Sep 1886 - | Bride: Sheetz, Annie D. Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, David Mother: ?, Susan |
Bride: Sheetz, Jocie Age 18 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, John Mother: ?, Ann | Married 12 Nov 1915 - | Groom: Showman, John Lester Age 19 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Showman, A. B. Mother: ?, Annie B. |
Groom: Sheetz, John Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Joseph M. Mother: ?, Rebecca | Married 15 Jan 1856 - | Bride: Coffman, Mary Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Coffman, Andrew Mother: ?, Rebecca |
Groom: Sheetz, John A. Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, John Mother: ?, Mary Ann | Married 17 Jul 1892 Affidavit of Robert R. Reedy | Bride: Holler, Annie E. Age 18 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Holler, Joseph Mother: ?, Amanda B. |
Groom: Sheetz, John H. Age 26 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, John Mother: ?, Mary Ann | Married 19 Apr 1871 - | Bride: Polk, Sarah E. Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Polk, Simon Mother: ?, Dorothy |
Groom: Sheetz, John W. Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Daniel H. Mother: ?, Lydia | Married 19 Oct 1890 - | Bride: Rosenberger, Joanna Age 18 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Rosenberger, Joseph Mother: Kibler, Margaret Anne |
Groom: Sheetz, Joseph F. Age 25 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Abraham Mother: ?, Elizabeth Ann | Married 29 Jul 1880 - | Bride: Miller, Ella V. Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Miller, Christley Mother: ?, Catharine |
Groom: Sheetz, Joseph H. Age 27 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, George H. Mother: ?, Elizabeth | Married 23 Dec 1883 Affidavit of E. J. Shipe | Bride: Hutchinson, Catharine L. Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Hutchinson, John Mother: ?, Mary |
Groom: Sheetz, Joseph M. Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 23 Jun 1830 | Bride: Hone, Rebecca Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Sheetz, Joseph Maynard Age 25 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Simon Mother: ?, Annie Elizabeth | Married 23 Dec 1915 - | Bride: Swartz, Mamie E. Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Swartz, William Mother: ?, Catherine |
Bride: Sheetz, Katie May Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, William Henry Mother: ?, Ettie | Married 25 Dec 1904 - | Groom: Mauck, Harry Edgar Age 20 S Jefferson County, WV Father: Mauck, Joseph L. Mother: ?, Ellen |
Bride: Sheetz, Laura V. Age 18 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, David Mother: ?, Susan | Married 4 Jan 1871 - | Groom: Keller, John Age 26 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Keller, John Mother: ?, Mahala |
Bride: Sheetz, Lavina Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 29 Apr 1797 - | Groom: Berry, Joshua Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Sheetz, Leannah Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 1 Feb 1847 - | Groom: Grim, Hiram Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Sheetz, Linden A. Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Elias W. Mother: ?, Artemis | Married 12 Jan 1896 - | Bride: Barton, Charlotte A. Age 18 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Barton, Isaac O. Mother: Miller, Elizabeth |
Bride: Sheetz, Lucy E. Age 18 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Elias W. Mother: ?, Artemis | Married 27 Sep 1891 | Groom: Boyce, Allen N. Age 23 S Warren County, VA Father: Boyce, John P. Mother: ?, Elizabeth |
Bride: Sheetz, Lula D. Age 20 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, James A. Mother: ?, Mollie K. | Married 24 Mar 1906 | Groom: Brinker, Lester L. Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Brinker, Jacob Mother: Hottel, Catharine Ann |
Groom: Sheetz, Luther Ray Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Simon Mother: ?, Annie Elizabeth | Married 22 Dec 1915 - | Bride: Bowers, Clara May Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Bowers, David Mother: ?, Etta |
Bride: Sheetz, Maggie Age 28 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, William Henry Mother: Hisey, Lucy E. | Married 21 Sep 1910 | Groom: Gochenour, Joseph C. Age 30 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Gochenour, David H. Mother: Fravel, Barbara A. |
Bride: Sheetz, Margaret Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 8 Apr 1839 - | Groom: Coffman, George Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Sheetz, Mary Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, John Mother: ?, Ann | Married 19 Sep 1914 - | Groom: Sager, John Milton Age 19 S Hardy County, WV Father: Sager, Ephraim Mother: Richman, Alice Louise Virginia Bell |
Bride: Sheetz, Mary Ann Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, John Mother: ?, Ann | Married 1 Dec 1853 - | Groom: Walker, William Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Walker, Henry Mother: ?, Hannah |
Bride: Sheetz, Mary Catharine Age 16 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, David Mother: ?, Susan | Married 13 Jan 1870 - | Groom: Peters, Reuben Allen Age 24 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Peters, Daniel Mother: ?, Mary Catharine |
Bride: Sheetz, Mary E. Age 18 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, William W. Mother: ?, Tina | Married 26 Oct 1880 - | Groom: Sheetz, Charles W. Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, William Henry Mother: Hisey, Lucy E. |
Bride: Sheetz, Mary E. Age 33 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Henry Mother: ?, Susan | Married 21 Feb 1888 - | Groom: Wilkin, George Age 42 W Shenandoah County, VA Father: Wilkin, Isaac Mother: ?, Catharine |
Bride: Sheetz, Mary Elizabeth Age 17 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Noah Mother: ?, Catharine A. | Married 24 Jun 1883 - | Groom: Jenkins, William T. Age 23 S Culpeper County, VA Father: Jenkins, Banks Mother: ?, Martha A. |
Bride: Sheetz, Mary Susan Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, George Mother: ?, Elizabeth | Married 15 Nov 1855 | Groom: Baker, Jacob Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Baker, Thomas Mother: ?, Ann |
Bride: Sheetz, Mary Susan Age 33 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, George of Henry Mother: - | Married 10 Mar 1870 | Groom: Golladay, David Age 43 W Shenandoah County, VA Father: Golladay, Abraham Mother: ?, Mary |
Groom: Sheetz, Mathias L. Age 28 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, William Mother: ?, Mary | Married 1 Mar 1888 - | Bride: Phillips, Mary C. Age 18 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Phillips, James K. Mother: ?, Emily S. |
Bride: Sheetz, Minerva E. Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, George Mother: ?, Elizabeth | Married 20 Apr 1871 | Groom: Burke, Lewis Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Burke, Lewis Mother: ?, Rebecca |
Bride: Sheetz, Nannie Irene Age 19 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Lemuel Mother: ?, Mollie | Married 3 Sep 1908 | Groom: Foster, James Edmond Age 24 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Foster, Beckford A. Mother: Carryer, Sarah R. |
Bride: Sheetz, Nelly Age 19 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Daniel Mother: ?, Susannah | Married 5 Jan 1854 | Groom: Cook, Jacob Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Cook, John Mother: ?, Rebecca |
Groom: Sheetz, Noah Age 24 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, John Mother: ?, Ann | Married 31 May 1866 Affidavit of Erasmus Coffman | Bride: Coffman, Catharine Ann Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Coffman, George Mother: Sheetz, Margaret |
Bride: Sheetz, Ollie O. Age 24 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, William Henry Mother: Hisey, Lucy E. | Married 11 Dec 1901 | Groom: Didawick, Benjamin Homer Age 25 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Didawick, Benjamin F. Mother: Holtzman, Barbara M. |
Bride: Sheetz, Ophelia A. Age 25 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, George Mother: ?, Elizabeth | Married 29 Nov 1865 - | Groom: Lambert, Samuel Age 27 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Lambert, David Mother: Marshall, Rebecca |
Bride: Sheetz, Pearl V. Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Joseph H. Mother: ?, Catharine Lee | Married 5 Jun 1912 Oscar Lee Sheetz, brother of the bride | Groom: Garber, Homer B. Age 21 S Page County, VA Father: Garber, Eli A. Mother: ?, Mary E. |
Groom: Sheetz, Perry F. Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Daniel W. Mother: ?, Harriet J. | Married 18 Aug 1889 - | Bride: Holler, Cora Age 18 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Holler, J. A. Mother: ?, Elizabeth |
Groom: Sheetz, Philip W. Age 25 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Abraham Mother: ?, Elizabeth Ann | Married 24 Mar 1895 - | Bride: O'Flaherty, Martha Age 27 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: O'Flaherty, Daniel C. Mother: ?, Mary |
Groom: Sheetz, Philip William Age 33 W Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Abraham Mother: ?, Elizabeth Ann | Married 15 Jun 1902 - | Bride: Jackson, Hattie Hester Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Jackson, Jonah Mother: ?, Lydia A. |
Bride: Sheetz, Rebecca Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 8 Sep 1834 - | Groom: Hoover, David Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Sheetz, Rebecca Annie Age 27 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, John Mother: ?, Mary Ann | Married 6 Jan 1904 - | Groom: Wolverton, David Milton Age 24 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Wolverton, Eutaw Mother: ?, Jennie |
Bride: Sheetz, Rebecca F. Age 25 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, George H. Mother: ?, Elizabeth | Married 9 Dec 1877 - | Groom: Hoover, A. J. Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Hoover, William B. Mother: ?, Cassandra |
Bride: Sheetz, Rebecca F. Age 29 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Henry Mother: ?, Caroline | Married 18 Aug 1889 - | Groom: Peters, Austen L. Age 34 W Shenandoah County, VA Father: Peters, Daniel Mother: ?, Mary Catharine |
Bride: Sheetz, Rebecca Jane Age 19 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Jonathan Mother: ?, Ann | Married 14 Feb 1856 | Groom: Barb, Simon Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Barb, Joshua Mother: Miller, Mary |
Groom: Sheetz, Robert Albertis Age 24 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Calvin J. Mother: ?, Susan C. | Married 22 Oct 1902 Affidavit of Burnie H. Miller | Bride: Miller, Daisy May Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Miller, James B. Mother: ?, Elizabeth A. |
Groom: Sheetz, Samuel Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 5 Dec 1850 Affidavit of Joseph M. Sheetz | Bride: Coffman, Lydia Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Sheetz, Samuel L. Age 26 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Elias W. Mother: ?, Artemis | Married 31 Jan 1894 Affidavit of H. K. Allison | Bride: Copenhaver, Lizette Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Copenhaver, George S. Mother: - |
Groom: Sheetz, Sanford Age 28 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Henry Mother: ?, Caroline | Married 27 Mar 1906 - | Bride: Miller, Bertie Age 26 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Miller, Robert S. Mother: ?, Elizabeth A. |
Bride: Sheetz, Sarah Age 19 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, John Mother: ?, Barbary | Married 31 Dec 1857 By Jacob Wine | Groom: Whitmire, Nathan Age 21 S Rockingham County, VA Father: Whitmire, Christian Mother: ?, Elizabeth |
Bride: Sheetz, Sarah C. Age 24 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Henry Mother: ?, Caroline | Married 4 Jun 1893 - | Groom: Swartz, William H. Age 26 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Swartz, William S. Mother: ?, Elizabeth Ellen |
Bride: Sheetz, Sarah E. Age 23 W Shenandoah County, VA Father: Polk, Simon Mother: ?, Dorothy | Married 26 Mar 1876 | Groom: Coffman, Charles E. Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Coffman, Levi D. Mother: Bassey, Susanna |
Bride: Sheetz, Sarah Ellen Age 18 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, David Mother: ?, Susan | Married 23 Dec 1880 | Groom: Coffman, Franklin P. Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Coffman, Robert R. Mother: ?, Sarah A. |
Groom: Sheetz, Simon Age 24 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, John Mother: ?, Mary Ann | Married 24 Feb 1889 - | Bride: Hottel, Annie E. Age 28 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Hottel, Andrew Mother: ?, Elizabeth |
Bride: Sheetz, Sophia Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, George Mother: ?, Elizabeth | Married 19 May 1860 Affidavit of A. Miller | Groom: Hottle, David H. Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Hottle, Elias Mother: ?, Margaret |
Bride: Sheetz, Sophia Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 16 Oct 1832 - | Groom: Teats, George Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Sheetz, Susan Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 11 Mar 1851 Affidavit of William H. Bowers | Groom: Bowers, James Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Sheetz, Susanna Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Daniel Mother: ?, Susannah | Married 5 Mar 1857 By Joel Swartz; consent of father | Groom: Cook, Noah Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Cook, John Mother: ?, Rebecca |
Bride: Sheetz, Susanna Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 14 May 1813 - | Groom: Roads, George Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Sheetz, Virginia C. Age 24 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Joseph S. Mother: ?, Ann R. | Married 7 Mar 1876 - | Groom: Kibler, Isaiah Age 27 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Kibler, Samuel Mother: ?, Lydia |
Groom: Sheetz, Walton Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, John Mother: ?, Mary Ann | Married 9 Dec 1883 Affidavit of Philip Hollar | Bride: Hollar, Lucretia Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Hollar, Isaac Mother: ?, Millie |
Groom: Sheetz, William Age 32 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Mathias Mother: ?, Catharine | Married 30 Jan 1859 Affidavit of D. Hoover | Bride: Boehm, Mary Elizabeth Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Boehm, John W. Mother: William, Levina |
Groom: Sheetz, William H. Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Philip Mother: ?, Clara | Married 30 Dec 1858 Affidavit of Samuel Hisey | Bride: Hisey, Lucy Age - S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Hisey, David Mother: Boyer, Lucy |
Groom: Sheetz, William H. Age 27 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Samuel Mother: ?, Lydia | Married 10 Aug 1879 Brother of the bride, J. F. Sheetz | Bride: Sheetz, Henrietta Age 26 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, Abraham Mother: ?, Elizabeth Ann |
Groom: Sheetz, William W. Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheetz, George Mother: ?, Elizabeth | Married 28 Mar 1861 - | Bride: Hottel, Christena Frances Age 19 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Hottel, Thomas Mother: ?, Mary Magdalene |
Bride: Sheffer, Amanda M. Age 29 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheffer, John P. Mother: ?, Lydia | Married 28 Dec 1876 | Groom: Fleming, Shadrack Age 28 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Fleming, Shadrack Mother: ?, Frances |
Bride: Sheffer, Elizabeth Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 6 May 1790 - | Groom: Sitts, George Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Sheffer, Elizabeth Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 6 May 1790 - | Groom: Sitts, George Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Sheffer, John W. Age 25 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheffer, Jonas Mother: ?, Edith | Married 28 Dec 1875 - | Bride: Lucas, Susan Frances Age 24 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Lucas, Jacob Mother: ?, Mary |
Bride: Sheffer, Sarah C. Age 50 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheffer, Jonas Mother: ?, Edith | Married 22 Aug 1910 | Groom: Frith, William B. Age 50 W Jefferson County, WV Father: Frith, John W. Mother: ?, Phoebe Ann |
Bride: Sheffler, Carrie B. Age 20 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheffler, J. B. Mother: ?, Ann R. | Married 16 Jun 1901 | Groom: Estep, Charles R. Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Estep, John H. Mother: Hottel, Christina F. "Teny |
Bride: Sheffler, Myrtle E. Age 20 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheffler, S. Bernie Mother: ?, Elizabeth | Married 24 Feb 1911 | Groom: Chilcott, Samuel B. Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Chilcott, Frank Mother: Litten, Belle Zora |
Groom: Sheffler, Samuel B. Age 39 W Shepherdstown, WV Father: Sheffler, J. B. Mother: ?, Ann R. | Married 24 Sep 1902 Nannie 1st married to Jacob Wilkins | Bride: Barton, Nannie Age 33 D Shenandoah County, VA Father: Barton, Isaac O. Mother: Miller, Elizabeth |
Bride: Sheffler, Virgie Theo. Age 26 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sheffler, Joseph Mother: ?, Elizabeth | Married 11 Feb 1905 | Groom: Crabill, Kirby Wymer Age 25 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Crabill, Benjamin R. Mother: Ebert, Frances H. |
Bride: Shefler, Lillie L. Age 19 S Maryland Father: Shefler, J. B. Mother: ?, Ann R. | Married 31 Jul 1884 - | Groom: Miley, Samuel B. Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Miley, Samuel Mother: ?, Mary |
Groom: Shefler, Samuel B. Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shefler, J. B. Mother: ?, Ann R. | Married 25 Jul 1886 - | Bride: Hockman, Elizabeth E. Age 18 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Hockman, William M. Mother: ?, Rebecca F. |
Groom: Sheiry, John F. Age 23 S Franklin County, PA Father: Sheiry, Gideon Mother: ?, Elizabeth | Married 4 Sep 1872 - | Bride: Spengler, Laura S. Age 26 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Spengler, Cyrus Mother: ?, Catharine |
Bride: Shell, Clarenza Age 19 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shell, Lewis Mother: ?, Eliza E. | Married 27 Dec 1896 - | Groom: Lake, Charles V. Age 25 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Lake, Henry Mother: ?, Susan |
Bride: Shell, Delila Jane Age 27 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shell, Samuel Mother: ?, Mary | Married 24 Apr 1859 Affidavit of Lewis Shell | Groom: Webster, Joseph Age 25 S Hardy County, VA Father: Webster, John Mother: ?, Elizabeth |
Bride: Shell, Elizabeth Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 22 Jul 1844 - | Groom: Peer, Elias Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shell, Henry Age 24 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shell, Samuel Mother: ?, Elizabeth | Married 7 Sep 1893 Affidavit of G. W. Conner | Bride: Strosnider, Lucy Age 19 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Strosnider, James H. Mother: ?, Mary E. |
Groom: Shell, John Milton Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shell, Lewis Mother: ?, Eliza E. | Married 2 Nov 1901 - | Bride: Sine, Ella Age 22 S Morgan County, WV Father: Sine, Milbert Mother: ?, Christena |
Groom: Shell, Lewis Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shell, Daniel Mother: ?, Mary | Married 19 Oct 1856 - | Bride: Wymer, Elizabeth Age 28 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Wymer, George W. Mother: ?, Elizabeth |
Groom: Shell, Lewis G. Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shell, Lewis Mother: ?, Eliza E. | Married 14 Feb 1892 - | Bride: Willis, Arabella Age 20 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Willis, Hiram Mother: ?, Martha |
Groom: Shell, Lewis Greenberry Age 30 W Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shell, Lewis Mother: ?, Eliza E. | Married 22 Nov 1900 - | Bride: Herbaugh, Georgia A. Age 16 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Herbaugh, William D. Mother: ?, Mary C. |
Bride: Shell, Maggie Age 18 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shell, Henry Mother: ?, Lucy B. | Married 11 Jul 1912 - | Groom: Herbaugh, Rome Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Herbaugh, William Mother: ?, Mary |
Bride: Shell, Margaret Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 13 Jan 1823 | Groom: Orndorfe, Joseph Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shell, Martha E. Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shell, Lewis Mother: ?, Eliza E. | Married 3 Sep 1896 Affidavit of W. H. Shell | Groom: Santmiers, Hiram Randolph Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Santmiers, R. R. Mother: ?, Mary V. |
Bride: Shell, Mary Age 20 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shell, Samuel Mother: ?, Elizabeth | Married 15 Aug 1886 | Groom: Elbon, William Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Elbon, Ren Mother: ?, Margaret |
Bride: Shell, Mary Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 12 Nov 1844 | Groom: Hemelwright, James W. Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shell, Mary A. Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shell, Lewis Mother: ?, Eliza E. | Married 9 Apr 1893 - | Groom: Plauger, Philip Age 23 S Frederick County, VA Father: Plauger, William H. Mother: ?, Sarah E. |
Groom: Shell, Samuel Age 25 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shell, Samuel Mother: ?, Mary | Married 29 Jul 1858 - | Bride: Herbock, Elizabeth Age 25 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Herbock, Abraham Mother: ?, Rachel |
Groom: Shell, Thomas E. Age 20 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shell, Lewis Mother: ?, Eliza E. | Married 2 Jul 1887 - | Bride: Brill, Margaret Age 20 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Brill, Martin Mother: Strosnider, Jemima |
Groom: Shell, William H. Age 18 - Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shell, Lewis Mother: ?, Eliza E. | Married 31 Aug 1876 - | Bride: Peer, Mary E. Age 24 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Peer, Jacob Mother: ?, Ann V. |
Bride: Shelley, Catharine Age 22 S Washington, DC Father: Shelley, William Mother: ?, Mary | Married 22 Jul 1880 Michael Shelley, brother | Groom: Graham, Joseph Age 27 S Pennsylvania Father: Graham, Michael Mother: ?, Esther |
Groom: Shelton, James W. E. Age 26 S Albemarle County, VA Father: Shelton, Ned Mother: ?, Julia | Married 11 Jun 1896 | Bride: Myer, Alice Age 19 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Myer, Daniel Mother: ?, Olivia |
Bride: Shemo, Henrietta E. Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 4 Mar 1844 - | Groom: Hansicker, Daniel J. Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shenk, Ada Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shenk, John Mother: ?, Julia | Married 14 Jun 1910 Affidavit of John Williams | Groom: Bauserman, Joseph Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Bauserman, Joseph Mother: ?, Virginia |
Bride: Shenk, Ann M. Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 21 Oct 1850 By Robert Smith, affidavit of D. Lafayette Shoman | Groom: Lambden, George W. Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shenk, Barbara Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 18 Aug 1800 - | Groom: Breedlove, Isaac Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shenk, Elizabeth Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 3 Oct 1807 - | Groom: Ruffer, Emanuel Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shenk, George Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 11 Mar 1816 - | Bride: Kibler, Cathrine Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shenk, Henry Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 28 Apr 1810 - | Bride: Bateman, Elizabeth Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shenk, Isaac Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 29 Mar 1827 - | Bride: Grubb, Susan Ann Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shenk, Jacob Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 12 Aug 1823 - | Bride: Kibler, Susannah Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shenk, Joseph Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 17 Jul 1826 | Bride: Hopper, Matilda Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shepard, Rhodes Age 48 W New York, NY Father: Shepard, W. E. Mother: ?, Elizabeth A. | Married 12 Aug 1889 - | Bride: Harris, Josephine F. Age 29 S St. Marys, MD Father: Harris, John F. Mother: ?, Rose S. |
Bride: Shepherd, Fanny Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 31 Dec 1806 | Groom: Stocker, Joseph Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Sheppe, Herbert L. Age 28 S Rockingham County, VA Father: Sheppe, C. N. Mother: ?, Mary J. | Married 13 Nov 1894 - | Bride: Sherman, Louisa V. Age 31 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sherman, Nathan G. Mother: ?, Juan F. |
Groom: Sherfish, Benjamin Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 5 May 1794 - | Bride: Good, Etherly Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Sherly, Nancy Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 31 Aug 1789 - | Groom: Campbell, John Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Sherman, Alvin Age 21 S Hardy County, WV Father: Sherman, George Mother: ?, Elizabeth | Married 7 Jun 1883 - | Bride: Lindamood, Mary Elizabeth Age 19 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Lindamood, Elkanah Mother: ?, Barbara Ellen |
Bride: Sherman, Anna E. Age 16 S Belmont County, OH Father: Sherman, Abraham Mother: ?, Lucy M. | Married 4 Mar 1886 - | Groom: Marshall, George L. Age 21 S Albemarle County, VA Father: Marshall, H.R. Mother: ?, Martha A. |
Groom: Sherman, Arthur B. Age 30 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sherman, John Mother: ?, Lydia | Married 12 May 1892 Affidavit of L. A. Ludwig | Bride: Coffman, Annie B. Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Coffman, Henry Mother: Ryman, Nancy |
Groom: Sherman, Brown W. Age 40 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sherman, Nathan G. Mother: ?, Juan F. | Married 14 Aug 1915 - | Bride: Ruby, Maude Virginia Age 32 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Ruby, John W. Mother: ?, Annie |
Bride: Sherman, Cathrine Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 7 Dec 1835 - | Groom: Beeler, Henry Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Sherman, Charles Milton Age 18 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sherman, J. Milton Mother: ?, Dora B. | Married 19 Dec 1914 - | Bride: Irvin, Sarah Irene Age 19 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Irvin, Arthur H. Mother: ?, Mary Belle |
Bride: Sherman, Ella Age 20 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sherman, Reuben Mother: ?, Margaret | Married 6 Jul 1902 | Groom: Estep, John Robert Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Estep, Joseph Mother: ?, Susan A. |
Bride: Sherman, Florence Virginia Age 26 S Hardy County, WV Father: Sherman, Nathan G. Mother: ?, Juan F. | Married 12 Apr 1886 | Groom: Funkhouser, H. Milton Age 24 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Funkhouser, George G. Mother: Bowman, Mary H. |
Groom: Sherman, Frank Age 33 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sherman, Reuben Mother: ?, Margaret | Married 7 Jan 1906 - | Bride: Shipp, Mollie E. Age 32 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipp, Godfrey Mother: ?, Jane |
Bride: Sherman, Ida A. Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sherman, Nathaniel Mother: ?, Joan | Married 1 Jun 1891 Affidavit of Charles W. Sheetz | Groom: Kelley, Hubert V. Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Kelley, Patrick H. Mother: ?, Isabella F. |
Groom: Sherman, James M. Age 27 S Frederick County, VA Father: Sherman, Levi Mother: ?, Mary | Married 25 Dec 1890 - | Bride: Miller, Lucy A. Age 18 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Miller, Elias W. Mother: ?, Isabella E. |
Groom: Sherman, John H. Age 24 S Hardy County, WV Father: Sherman, Noah Mother: ?, Louise | Married 9 Jan 1889 Affidavit of Charles L. Pingley | Bride: Richardson, Katie A. Age 24 W Shenandoah County, VA Father: ?, Jacob Mother: ?, Anna |
Groom: Sherman, Joseph E. Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sherman, Allman B. Mother: ?, Mary E. | Married 9 Nov 1907 - | Bride: Harpine, Sallie Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Harpine, John W. Mother: Bowers, Eliza A. |
Groom: Sherman, Joseph M. Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sherman, Reuben Mother: ?, Margaret | Married 6 Aug 1893 - | Bride: Smootz, Barbara D. Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Smootz, D. F. Mother: ?, Ellen |
Bride: Sherman, Louisa Age 26 W Hardy County, WV Father: Whetzel, John Mother: - | Married 21 Mar 1878 - | Groom: Vann, Eli Age 42 W Shenandoah County, VA Father: Vann, Godfrey Mother: ?, Nancy |
Bride: Sherman, Louisa V. Age 25 S Hardy County, WV Father: Sherman, Philip Mother: - | Married 31 Jul 1893 - | Groom: Ruble, Joseph M. Age 21 S Grant County, WV Father: Ruble, George Mother: ?, Susan |
Bride: Sherman, Louisa V. Age 31 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sherman, Nathan G. Mother: ?, Juan F. | Married 13 Nov 1894 - | Groom: Sheppe, Herbert L. Age 28 S Rockingham County, VA Father: Sheppe, C. N. Mother: ?, Mary J. |
Bride: Sherman, Lydia Ann Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sherman, Levi Mother: ?, Lydia | Married 31 Aug 1869 Also listed as Shireman | Groom: Racey, St. Luke Age 21 S Hardy County, WV Father: Racey, Luke Mother: Didawick, Lydia |
Bride: Sherman, Margaret Belle Age 23 S Belmont County, OH Father: Sherman, Abraham Mother: ?, Lucy M. | Married 20 Nov 1901 - | Groom: Racey, Jackson C. Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Racey, St. Luke Mother: Sherman, Lydia Ann |
Groom: Sherman, Nathan J. Age 30 S Frederick County, VA Father: Sherman, Levi Mother: ?, Mary | Married 11 Jun 1891 - | Bride: Miller, Ida S. Age 16 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Miller, Elias W. Mother: ?, Isabella E. |
Groom: Sherman, Newton Jasper Age 30 S Frederick County, VA Father: Sherman, Levi Mother: ?, Mary | Married 1 Mar 1900 - | Bride: McDonald, Minnie Alice Age 22 S Frederick County, VA Father: McDonald, Robert D. Mother: ?, Elizabeth |
Bride: Sherman, Pearl M. Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sherman, Frank Mother: ?, Cora | Married 24 Dec 1905 | Groom: Dellinger, James Monroe Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Dellinger, John H. Mother: Dellinger, Martha V. |
Bride: Sherman, Rebecca Age 30 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sherman, Thomas Mother: ?, Christena | Married 9 Aug 1888 Certificate of A. J. Evans | Groom: Evans, Jacob Luther Age 30 W Shenandoah County, VA Father: Evans, Joseph Mother: ?, Anna |
Groom: Sherman, Robert L. Age 32 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sherman, Levi Mother: ?, Elizabeth | Married 27 Apr 1899 - | Bride: Craig, Emma Age 19 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Craig, Henry Mother: ?, Lucinda |
Bride: Sherman, Rosa Victoria Age 17 S Hardy County, WV Father: - Mother: Sherman, Jennie | Married 2 Jan 1912 - | Groom: Rigleman, Harvey Age 24 S Rockingham County, VA Father: Rigleman, Joseph Mother: ?, Margaret |
Bride: Sherman, Sarah E. Age 24 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sherman, Lewis Mother: ?, Elizabeth | Married 14 Apr 1887 Affidavit of A. C. Fadely | Groom: Shipp, James F. Age 24 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipp, Godfrey Mother: ?, Sarah |
Groom: Sherman, Thomas Jefferson Age 48 W Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sherman, Levi Mother: ?, Mary | Married 4 Sep 1909 - | Bride: Miller, Annie Age 41 W Shenandoah County, VA Father: - Mother: Shaver, Kate |
Groom: Sherman, Wheeler I. Age 23 S Frederick County, VA Father: Sherman, Levi Mother: ?, Mary | Married 31 Jul 1890 - | Bride: Myers, Mary L. Age 16 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Myers, D. E. W. Mother: ?, Rebecca F. |
Groom: Sherman, William F. Age 33 W Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sherman, Amos Mother: ?, Mary C. | Married 26 Apr 1893 - | Bride: Allison, Lucy V. Age 25 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Allison, Perry Jefferson Mother: Kibler, Martha |
Groom: Sherman, William F. Age 29 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sherman, Amos Mother: ?, Mary C. | Married 22 Nov 1888 - | Bride: Cook, Anna L. Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Cook, Jacob Mother: ?, Hettie |
Groom: Sherman, William M. Age 20 S Hardin County, Ohio Father: Sherman, J. P. Mother: ?, Alferetta | Married 25 Dec 1898 - | Bride: Coffman, Ella V. Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Coffman, Samuel H. Mother: Coffelt, Sarah V. |
Groom: Sherrer, Daniel Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 31 Jul 1815 - | Bride: Campher, Rachel Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Sherrer, Sarah Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 9 Jan 1815 | Groom: Brown, Joseph Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Sherry, Leo Age 30 S Germany Father: Sherry, Bernard Mother: ?, Emma | Married 21 Aug 1905 - | Bride: Finkelstein, Sabina Age 20 S Germany Father: Finkelstein, Lewis Mother: ?, Rosa |
Groom: Shetler, Daniel Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 3 Mar 1818 - | Bride: Rosenberger, Barbara Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Sheuk, Ellen Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 22 May 1849 | Groom: Painter, Joseph Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shew, Sabina Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 31 May 1782 - | Groom: Lockmiller, John Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shew, Sabina Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 31 May 1782 | Groom: Lockmiller, John Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shickler, Abraham Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 18 Sep 1851 - | Bride: Helsley, Sally Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shields, Patrick Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 21 Feb 1783 - | Bride: Dobbins, Rebecca Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shifflet, Sarah Agnes Age 27 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shifflet, John Mother: ?, Sarah | Married 12 Apr 1858 - | Groom: Nicholas, Harvey Age 26 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Nicholas, Isaac Mother: ?, Catharine |
Groom: Shifflett, Clarence Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shifflett, Samuel Mother: ?, Louisa | Married 13 Dec 1911 - | Bride: Cave, Lena B. Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Cave, David Mother: Lichliter, Dollie |
Groom: Shifflett, Edward Age 26 S Green County, Va. Father: Shifflett, Smith Mother: ?, Sarah | Married 6 Dec 1866 - | Bride: Mumaw, Harriet Jane Age 26 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Mumaw, John Mother: ?, Sarah |
Bride: Shifflett, Elizabeth J. Age 17 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shifflett, Samuel Mother: ?, Louisa | Married 16 Sep 1897 - | Groom: Richardson, John J. Age 20 S Warren County, VA Father: Richardson, John Mother: ?, Bettie |
Bride: Shifflett, Emma H. Age 27 W Shenandoah County, VA Father: Hottel, William A. Mother: ?, Lucretia | Married 4 Dec 1911 | Groom: Cary, Hugh Green Age 28 S Fauquier County, VA Father: Cary, John O'Neal Mother: ?, Mary A. |
Groom: Shifflett, James W. Age 29 W Rockingham County, VA Father: Shifflett, Early Mother: ?, Angeline | Married 2 Feb 1896 Affidavit of Joseph L. Day | Bride: Mumaw, Sarah C. Age 24 D Shenandoah County, VA Father: Mumaw, Jesse Mother: ?, Malinda C. |
Groom: Shifflett, James W. Age 21 S Rockingham County, VA Father: Shifflett, Early Mother: ?, Angeline | Married 10 Apr 1887 - | Bride: Stonebarger, Mary I. Age 21 W Page County, VA Father: Stonebarger, George Mother: - |
Bride: Shifflett, Katie M. Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shifflett, George Mother: ?, Jennie | Married 1 Aug 1910 - | Groom: Lewis, Charles Edward Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Lewis, Joseph H. Mother: ?, Catherine |
Bride: Shifflett, Lee Age 25 D Greene County, VA Father: ?, Overdon Mother: ?, Mary | Married 3 Oct 1901 - | Groom: Shifflett, Newman Age 24 S Madison County, VA Father: Shifflett, P. Mother: ?, Bettie |
Bride: Shifflett, Maude Age 18 S - Father: - Mother: - | Married 15 Apr 1906 - | Groom: Mauck, Marcus Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Mauck, George H. Mother: ?, Emily |
Groom: Shifflett, Newman Age 24 S Madison County, VA Father: Shifflett, P. Mother: ?, Bettie | Married 3 Oct 1901 - | Bride: Shifflett, Lee Age 25 D Greene County, VA Father: ?, Overdon Mother: ?, Mary |
Bride: Shifflett, Pearlie May Age 17 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shifflett, Samuel Mother: ?, Louisa | Married 13 Sep 1908 - | Groom: Hoffman, Charles William Age 26 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Hoffman, Jacob Harvey Mother: ?, Susan Frances |
Groom: Shifflett, Samuel Age 21 S Rockingham County, VA Father: Shifflett, Smith Mother: ?, Sarah | Married 18 Oct 1870 - | Bride: Keller, Louisa Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Keller, George Mother: ?, Eliza |
Bride: Shifflett, Vernie Ethel Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shifflett, Simon Mother: ?, Louisa | Married 10 Aug 1905 - | Groom: Moreland, Charles Stanley Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Moreland, Henry C. Mother: Munch, Minerva |
Groom: Shifflett, William H. Age 20 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shifflett, Samuel Mother: ?, Louisa | Married 29 May 1896 - | Bride: Moreland, Florence M. Age 20 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Moreland, Henry C. Mother: Munch, Minerva |
Groom: Shifflett, William Hardy Age 28 D Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shifflett, Samuel Mother: ?, Louisa | Married 3 Apr 1905 - | Bride: Hottel, Emma Gertrude Age 20 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Hottel, William A. Mother: ?, Lucretia |
Bride: Shiflett, Alice V. Age 19 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shiflett, Samuel Mother: ?, Louisa | Married 13 Nov 1890 | Groom: Clem, James W. Age 30 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Clem, Henry Mother: Clem, Harriet |
Bride: Shiflett, Elizabeth Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 7 Mar 1846 - | Groom: Zerkle, Cornelius Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shiflett, George Age 28 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: - Mother: - | Married 25 Dec 1881 - | Bride: Evans, Jennie B. Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Evans, David Mother: ?, Sarah C. |
Groom: Shiflett, James N. Age 25 S Madison County, VA Father: Shiflett, Pleasant Mother: ?, Bettie E. | Married 17 Aug 1895 - | Bride: Hiden, Fannie J. Age 24 S Rockingham County, VA Father: Hiden, R. C. Mother: ?, Jane |
Bride: Shiflett, Laura L. Age 16 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shiflett, Samuel Mother: ?, Louisa | Married 3 Jul 1890 - | Groom: Lichliter, Albert C. Age 17 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Lichliter, A. J. Mother: ?, Rosilla V. |
Bride: Shiflett, Mary Etta Age 17 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shiflett, Samuel Mother: ?, Louisa | Married 11 Sep 1890 | Groom: Cullers, John H. Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Cullers, Levi H. Mother: Kneisley, Mary M. |
Groom: Shillenburg, John T. Age 19 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shillenburg, John Mother: ?, Eliza | Married 23 Jul 1886 - | Bride: Clem, Catharine Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Clem, Emanuel Mother: McInturff, Sophia |
Bride: Shillinberg, Virgie Alice Age 19 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shillinberg, John T. Mother: ?, Kate | Married 24 Sep 1908 - | Groom: Strosnider, James Arthur Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Strosnider, James H. Mother: ?, Mary E. |
Groom: Shillinburg, Abraham Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shillinburg, John Mother: ?, Rebecca | Married 5 Nov 1868 - | Bride: Virts, Catharine Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Virts, Isaac Mother: ?, Elizabeth |
Groom: Shillingberg, Franklin Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shillingberg, Abram Mother: ?, Catharine | Married 24 Dec 1893 - | Bride: Hottel, Annie E. Age 30 S Indiana Father: Hottel, Samuel Mother: ?, Rebecca |
Groom: Shillingberg, John Age 47 W Hardy County, Va. Father: Shillingberg, Hugh Mother: ?, Rachel | Married 19 Sep 1865 - | Bride: Rudy, Eliza Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Rudy, Abraham Mother: ?, Elizabeth |
Bride: Shillingburg, Albertie Age 19 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shillingburg, Abraham Mother: ?, Catharine | Married 25 Dec 1889 - | Groom: Yates, Augustus L. Age 24 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Yates, William N. Mother: ?, Elizabeth |
Groom: Shillingburg, Archie Upton Age 26 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shillingburg, Henry Mother: ?, Elizabeth | Married 31 Oct 1906 - | Bride: Lamberson, Armanell Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Lamberson, George Mother: ?, Rebecca |
Groom: Shillingburg, Archie V. Age 28 W Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shillingburg, Henry Mother: ?, Elizabeth | Married 25 Oct 1908 - | Bride: Pierce, Flora M. Age 20 S Culpeper County, VA Father: Pierce, James Thomas Mother: ?, Comorah J. |
Bride: Shillingburg, Brucie C. Age 19 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shillingburg, John T. Mother: Clem, Sarah | Married 29 Oct 1913 - | Groom: McWilliams, Otis C. Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: McWilliams, James L. Mother: Hahn, Laura Alice |
Bride: Shillingburg, Ellen Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shillingburg, John Mother: ?, Rebecca | Married 6 Feb 1873 | Groom: Brill, Adolph Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Brill, Purnell Bennett Mother: Orndorff, Mary Eliza |
Groom: Shillingburg, Henry H. Age 33 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shillingburg, John Mother: ?, Rebecca | Married 10 Dec 1876 - | Bride: Reedy, Elizabeth F. Age 33 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Reedy, Jacob Mother: - |
Groom: Shillingburg, Lewis B. Age 28 S Hardy County, Va. Father: Shillinburg, William Mother: ?, Elizabeth | Married 27 Sep 1860 - | Bride: Mumaw, Lydia Ann Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Mumaw, Christian Mother: ?, Elizabeth |
Bride: Shillingburg, Maude Lee Age 20 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shillingburg, John T. Mother: ?, Kate | Married 20 Oct 1907 | Groom: Dinges, William Noah Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Dinges, Moses Mother: Shipe, Eliza |
Bride: Shillingburg, Sarah M. Age 17 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shillingburg, John Mother: ?, Eliza | Married 23 Oct 1889 - | Groom: Sine, William H. Age 24 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sine, Romanus Mother: ?, Mary |
Groom: Shillingburg, T. J. Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shillingburg, John Mother: ?, Rebecca | Married 16 Sep 1875 - | Bride: Keller, Dosha Ann Age 19 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Keller, William M. Mother: ?, Lydia |
Bride: Shingle, Margaret Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 28 Jul 1812 | Groom: Bittengale, Joseph Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Ship, Catherine Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Ship, Godfrey Mother: ?, Elizabeth | Married 24 Mar 1857 By A. R. Rude | Groom: Fleming, John Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Fleming, Benjamin Mother: Fleming, Catharine |
Groom: Ship, David Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 21 Nov 1840 - | Bride: McClanahan, Rebecca Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Ship, Eliza Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 17 Oct 1848 - | Groom: Koontz, Jacob Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Ship, Frederick Age 63 W Hampshire County, WV Father: Ship, Godfrey Mother: ?, Elizabeth | Married 9 Nov 1869 - | Bride: Day, Ann R. Age 30 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Day, George Mother: - |
Groom: Ship, Frederick Age 65 W Hampshire County, WV Father: Ship, Godfrey Mother: ?, Elizabeth | Married 28 Jan 1875 - | Bride: Wilt, Ellen Amanda Age 19 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Wilt, Samuel Mother: ?, Lydia |
Groom: Ship, Frederick Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 17 Dec 1828 - | Bride: Irvin, Elizabeth Age - W - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Ship, George W. Age 28 S Knox County, Ohio Father: Ship, Jacob Mother: ?, Dorcas | Married 28 Mar 1872 - | Bride: Larkins, Mary E. Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Larkins, Andrew Mother: ?, Ann Rebecca |
Groom: Ship, Godfrey Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 11 Dec 1833 - | Bride: Litton, Elizabeth Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Ship, Godfrey Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Ship, Godfrey Mother: ?, Magdaline | Married 17 Sep 1857 By Hy. St. John Rinker; affidavit of George Riffey Jr. | Bride: Wetzell, Sarah Jane Age 22 S Columbia Furnace Father: Wetzell, Martin Mother: ?, Eliza |
Groom: Ship, Henry Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 13 Oct 1848 - | Bride: Valentine, Elizabeth Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Ship, Henry Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 12 Jan 1829 - | Bride: Weaver, Susan Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Ship, Jacob Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 19 Jan 1819 - | Bride: Coffman, Elizabeth Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Ship, James Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 22 Apr 1845 | Bride: Sine, Mary Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Ship, Jane Age 25 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Ship, Henry Mother: ?, Susan | Married 2 Aug 1855 - | Groom: Litten, Benjamin Age 26 S Rockingham County, VA Father: Litten, Abraham Mother: - |
Groom: Ship, Jonathan Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 18 Jan 1848 | Bride: Riffey, Cathrine Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Ship, Mary Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 15 Dec 1828 - | Groom: Tasker, Eli Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Ship, Pamley Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Ship, James Mother: ?, Mary Ann | Married 31 Mar 1870 | Groom: Brumbaugh, Isaac Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Brumbaugh, Joseph Mother: ?, Elizabeth |
Bride: Ship, Rachel Ann Age 24 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Ship, Abraham Mother: ?, Elizabeth | Married 25 Jun 1858 | Groom: Clem, Remmington Age 27 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Clem, Benjamin Mother: ?, Harriet |
Groom: Ship, William H. Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Ship, John Mother: ?, Elizabeth | Married 29 Aug 1867 - | Bride: Bridges, Priscilla Age 26 S Rockingham County, VA Father: Bridges, Edmund Mother: ?, Elizabeth |
Groom: Shipe, Aaron Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 23 Jan 1851 Affidavit of Christian Shipe | Bride: Ferrel, Mary Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shipe, Amanda J. Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, Henry Mother: ?, Elizabeth | Married 15 Mar 1880 - | Groom: Plauger, Richard Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Plauger, William Mother: ?, Sarah |
Bride: Shipe, Amanda S. Age 19 S Warren County, VA Father: Shipe, John Mother: ?, Elizabeth | Married 7 Jan 1858 By Levi Keller | Groom: Spengler, P. A. Age 27 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Spengler, Christian Mother: ?, Susan |
Groom: Shipe, Amos Ephraim Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, R. Lorenzo Mother: ?, Mary Catherine | Married 26 Aug 1900 - | Bride: Fogle, Valley Age 16 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Fogle, Samuel Mother: - |
Bride: Shipe, Annie Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, William Mother: ?, Virginia | Married 13 Jan 1905 | Groom: Bowman, Charles Oscar Age 25 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Bowman, Samuel B. Mother: ?, Catharine |
Bride: Shipe, Annie S. Age 27 W Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, Jacob Mother: - | Married 10 Dec 1894 - | Groom: Miller, George M. Age 36 W Shenandoah County, VA Father: Miller, Thomas Mother: ?, Susan |
Bride: Shipe, Bessie Olive Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, John Henry Mother: ?, Sarah C. | Married 7 Dec 1902 | Groom: Dever, Harry William Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Dever, B. B. Mother: ?, Dolly D. |
Bride: Shipe, Cathrine Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 16 Sep 1815 | Groom: Nicholas, John Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shipe, Charles David Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, William Mother: ?, Virginia | Married 14 May 1905 - | Bride: Sibert, Grace H. Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sibert, Jacob M. Mother: ?, Rebecca |
Groom: Shipe, Charles R. Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, John Mother: ?, Isabella F. | Married 6 Jun 1889 - | Bride: Jett, Emily V. Age 16 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Jett, Luther Mother: ?, Mary I. |
Groom: Shipe, Christian Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 12 Aug 1850 - | Bride: Clem, Caroline Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shipe, Cora Alice Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, John Henry Mother: ?, Sarah C. | Married 12 Dec 1906 - | Groom: Snarr, Benjamin Baker Age 20 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Snarr, George H. Mother: ?, Mary B. |
Groom: Shipe, Daniel Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 10 Feb 1824 - | Bride: Ridenour, Magdalene Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shipe, David Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, Lorenzo Mother: ?, Mary C. | Married 19 Apr 1899 - | Bride: Duncan, Fannie B. Age 17 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Duncan, George W. Mother: McDaniel, Sarah Ellen |
Bride: Shipe, Dora Age 16 S Jefferson County, WV. Father: - Mother: Shipe, Lina | Married 15 Oct 1893 Affidavit of J.H. Stickley | Groom: Kramer, Edwin C. Age 24 S Jefferson County, WV Father: Kramer, William Mother: ?, Elizabeth |
Groom: Shipe, E. G. Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, Jacob Mother: ?, Catharine | Married 29 May 1879 - | Bride: Hutcheson, Elizabeth M. Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Hutcheson, John T. Mother: ?, Mary M. |
Bride: Shipe, Eliza Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, Aaron Mother: ?, Mary O. | Married 22 Jun 1873 | Groom: Dinges, Moses Age 22 S Page County, VA Father: Dinges, Noah Mother: ?, Catharine |
Bride: Shipe, Eliza Age 30 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, John Henry Mother: ?, Sarah C. | Married 26 Jan 1871 - | Groom: Ritenour, Joseph Age 25 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Ritenour, George Mother: ?, Annie |
Bride: Shipe, Elizabeth Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 19 Nov 1817 - | Groom: Lichliter, Daniel Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shipe, Elizabeth F. Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, William Mother: ?, Virginia | Married 17 Aug 1902 - | Groom: Wilson, John A. H. Age 58 S Lehigh County, PA Father: Wilson, Hugh O. Mother: ?, Matilda |
Bride: Shipe, Elizabeth Susan Age 20 S Hardy County, WV Father: Shipe, Henry Mother: ?, Susannah | Married 3 Sep 1868 | Groom: Chilcott, George Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Chilcott, Jonathan Mother: ?, Rosanna |
Bride: Shipe, Ella F. Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, John Mother: ?, Isabella F. | Married 14 Feb 1892 Affidavit of Samuel Beydler | Groom: Smoot, John J. Age 29 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Smoot, D. F. Mother: ?, Martha E. |
Groom: Shipe, George H. Age 49 W Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, Daniel Mother: ?, Mary | Married 19 Nov 1896 H. R. Mowry was present | Bride: Gochenour, Anna A. Age 33 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Gochenour, Joseph Mother: Wiseman, Barbara |
Groom: Shipe, Grover Cleveland Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, William Mother: ?, Virginia | Married 19 Mar 1911 - | Bride: Dinges, Catharine Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Dinges, John Henry Mother: Miller, Isabell |
Bride: Shipe, Henrietta Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, Samuel Mother: ?, Salome | Married 18 Oct 1899 - | Groom: Kibler, J. Luther Age 32 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Kibler, James A. Mother: ?, Amanda |
Groom: Shipe, Henry H. Age 20 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, Henry Mother: ?, Elizabeth | Married 3 Jun 1888 - | Bride: Hollar, Arttie B. Age 20 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Hollar, Henry Mother: ?, J. Elizabeth |
Groom: Shipe, Henry Lee Age 25 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, Emanuel G. Mother: ?, Elizabeth | Married 17 Jun 1911 - | Bride: Hollar, Valley Virginia Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Hollar, Ed. Mother: ?, Annie |
Groom: Shipe, Jacob Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 30 Aug 1817 - | Bride: McInturff, Jemima Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shipe, James Decatur Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 5 Feb 1852 - | Bride: Bowman, Anna Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shipe, James William Age 26 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, Aaron Mother: ?, Mary O. | Married 21 Dec 1882 - | Bride: McInturff, Carrie Bell Age 19 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: McInturff, George W. Mother: ?, Sarah A. |
Groom: Shipe, John Age 45 W Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, David Mother: ?, Hannah | Married 29 Feb 1888 - | Bride: Hottel, Sarah J. Age 36 W Shenandoah County, VA Father: Coffman, Reuben A. Mother: ?, Rebecca |
Groom: Shipe, John Age 24 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, David Mother: ?, Hannah | Married 23 Sep 1866 - | Bride: Smith, Isabella Frances Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Smith, Jonas Mother: ?, Barbara |
Groom: Shipe, John H. Age 24 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, Christian Mother: ?, Caroline | Married 4 Aug 1878 - | Bride: Good, Sarah C. Age 27 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shipe, John Henry Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, Morgan Mother: ?, Annie | Married 30 Jan 1907 - | Bride: Brinker, Lizzie Minnie Age 24 W Shenandoah County, VA Father: Brinker, Henry Mother: ?, Lucy |
Groom: Shipe, John Morgan Age 20 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, Henry Mother: ?, Elizabeth | Married 28 Jun 1885 - | Bride: Shaeffer, Anna Alice Age 18 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shaeffer, Strother Mother: ?, Malinda C. |
Groom: Shipe, John Samuel Age 30 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, John Mother: ?, Isabella F. | Married 3 Aug 1902 - | Bride: Burke, Margaret M. Age 17 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Burke, Thomas Monroe Mother: Johnson, Mary Ettie |
Groom: Shipe, John W. Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, Levi Mother: ?, Susan | Married 19 Oct 1879 - | Bride: Bauserman, Rebecca Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Bauserman, Peter Mother: Brinker, Mary Magdalene |
Groom: Shipe, Joseph Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 1 Apr 1851 Affidavit of James S. Brown; listed as "Dar | Bride: Darr, Nancy Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shipe, Joseph Clarence Age 26 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, Emanuel G. Mother: ?, Elizabeth | Married 16 Sep 1915 - | Bride: Clinedinst, Jessie Forrest Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Clinedinst, George Milton Mother: Newland, Anna Belle |
Groom: Shipe, Joseph Edward Age 17 S Hardy County, WV Father: Shipe, Joseph E. Mother: ?, Elizabeth | Married 12 Feb 1912 - | Bride: Sissler, Annie Florence Age 20 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sissler, John W. Mother: ?, Malinda |
Groom: Shipe, Lemuel Age 34 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, Aaron Mother: ?, Mary O. | Married 14 Apr 1892 - | Bride: Scott, Mary E. Age 38 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Scott, George Mother: ?, Eliza |
Groom: Shipe, Levi Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 23 Oct 1850 By Hiram Myers | Bride: Artz, Sarah Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shipe, Levi Age 24 W Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, Daniel Mother: ?, Magdaline | Married 2 Mar 1854 - | Bride: Wendle, Susan Age 29 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Wendle, Thomas Mother: - |
Bride: Shipe, Lillie B. Age 18 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, William Mother: ?, Cornelia | Married 14 Oct 1894 Affidavit of W. H. McInturff | Groom: Cook, Wallace Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Cook, Newton W. Mother: ?, Rebecca J. |
Bride: Shipe, Lizzie Age 25 W Shenandoah County, VA Father: Craig, Henry Mother: ?, Lizzie | Married 29 Jul 1915 | Groom: Funk, Russell Age 35 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Funk, Reuben H. Mother: ?, Mary J. |
Groom: Shipe, Lorenzo Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, David Mother: ?, Hannah | Married 30 Oct 1870 - | Bride: Rinker, Mary C. Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Rinker, Ephraim Mother: ?, Sarah |
Bride: Shipe, Lucy Age 28 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, Christian Mother: ?, Caroline | Married 8 Nov 1894 | Groom: Combs, B. F. Age 28 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: - Mother: Combs, Catharine |
Bride: Shipe, Lula Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, William Mother: ?, Virginia | Married 17 Oct 1907 | Groom: Bowman, Benton Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Bowman, Samuel B. Mother: ?, Catherine |
Bride: Shipe, Margaret Age 20 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, John Mother: ?, Isabella F. | Married 1 May 1898 - | Groom: Windle, Levi Frank Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Windle, Henry Mother: ?, Mary M. |
Bride: Shipe, Mary Age 18 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, Daniel Mother: - | Married 24 Mar 1859 - | Groom: Jenkins, Henry Age 26 S Rockingham County, VA Father: Jenkins, Coleman Mother: ?, Caroline |
Bride: Shipe, Mary Ann Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, John Henry Mother: ?, Sarah C. | Married 13 Sep 1860 - | Groom: Munch, Addison Age 38 W Shenandoah County, VA Father: Munch, Daniel Mother: ?, Mary |
Bride: Shipe, Mary Catharine Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, John W. Mother: ?, Mary M. | Married 4 Sep 1904 | Groom: Devers, Robert Fillmore Age 20 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Dever, B. B. Mother: ?, Dolly D. |
Bride: Shipe, Mary E. Age 20 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, Lorenzo Mother: ?, Catharine | Married 25 Dec 1892 - | Groom: Lichliter, W. B. Age 56 W Shenandoah County, VA Father: Lichliter, Jonas Mother: ?, Barbara |
Bride: Shipe, Mary E. Age 19 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, Morgan Mother: ?, Annie | Married 18 Apr 1901 - | Groom: Williams, Robert Monroe Age 20 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Williams, Robert S. Mother: ?, Annie |
Bride: Shipe, Mary Ellen Age 23 S Warren County, VA Father: - Mother: - | Married 6 Nov 1860 | Groom: Grove, Philip E. Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Grove, Lorenzo Mother: ?, Sarah |
Bride: Shipe, Mary J. Age 20 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, Lemuel W. Mother: ?, Mary | Married 31 Jan 1901 - | Groom: See, Jacob Age 21 S Hardy County, WV Father: See, George C. Mother: ?, Rebecca |
Bride: Shipe, Mary S. Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, Samuel Mother: ?, Salome | Married 22 May 1898 - | Groom: Rinker, John M. Age 25 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Rinker, Paul Mother: ?, Mary |
Bride: Shipe, Milly Age 20 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: - Mother: Shipe Ann E. | Married 25 Jan 1877 | Groom: Grandstaff, Joseph E. Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Grandstaff, Jacob Mother: ?, Isabel |
Bride: Shipe, Molly Age 28 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, Daniel Mother: ?, Mary | Married 19 Dec 1865 - | Groom: Walker, Philip W. Age 29 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Walker, Jeremiah Mother: ?, Evalene |
Groom: Shipe, Noah Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, Aaron Mother: ?, Mary O. | Married 2 Feb 1873 - | Bride: Grady, Sarah Age 24 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Grady, John Mother: ?, Fannie |
Groom: Shipe, Noah Age 34 W Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, Aaron Mother: ?, Mary O. | Married 26 Nov 1882 - | Bride: McClanahan, Mary C. Age 38 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: McClanahan, John Mother: ?, Mary |
Bride: Shipe, Rebecca F. Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, Christian Mother: ?, Caroline | Married 26 Dec 1880 | Groom: Dinges, Benjamin Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Dinges, Noah Mother: ?, Catharine |
Groom: Shipe, Robert Lee Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, William J. Mother: ?, Elean | Married 8 Jan 1899 - | Bride: Henry, Lola Lula Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Henry, John T. Mother: ?, Sallie A. |
Groom: Shipe, Samuel Age 24 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, David Mother: ?, Hannah | Married 6 Sep 1874 George Habron, brother of the bride | Bride: Habron, Salome Age 27 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Habron, James Mother: ?, Salome |
Bride: Shipe, Sarah A. Age 20 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, John Henry Mother: ?, Sarah C. | Married 22 Feb 1855 | Groom: Coverstone, Harvey Age 26 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Coverstone, Peter Mother: ?, Mary |
Bride: Shipe, Sarah E. Age 16 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, Levi Mother: - | Married 14 May 1868 | Groom: Fry, William A. Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Fry, William H. Mother: ?, Rosanna |
Bride: Shipe, Sarah E. Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, Henry Mother: ?, Elizabeth | Married 25 Jan 1883 - | Groom: Smith, Chaney Age 28 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Smith, Jonas Mother: ?, Barbara |
Bride: Shipe, Sarah Etta Age 19 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, R. Lorenzo Mother: ?, Mary Catherine | Married 6 Feb 1898 | Groom: Duncan, John W. Age 25 W Shenandoah County, VA Father: Duncan, George W. Mother: McDaniel, Sarah Ellen |
Groom: Shipe, St. Joseph Age 28 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, Lorenzo Mother: ?, Mary C. | Married 5 Jan 1913 - | Bride: Hoffman, Ollie Belle V. Age 17 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Hoffman, Jacob Harvey Mother: ?, Susan Frances |
Bride: Shipe, Susan Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 4 Aug 1853 Affidavit of Harvey Coverstone | Groom: McInturff, George Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shipe, William Age 25 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, David Mother: ?, Henrietta | Married 7 Nov 1878 - | Bride: McInturff, Virginia E. Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: McInturff, Amos R. Mother: ?, Louisa |
Groom: Shipe, William Age 25 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, Jacob Mother: ?, Catharine | Married 24 Dec 1874 - | Bride: Smith, Cornelia Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Smith, Robert Mother: ?, Ellen R. |
Groom: Shipe, William C. Age 24 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, John Mother: ?, Isabella F. | Married 11 Feb 1900 - | Bride: Lichliter, Emma L. Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Lichliter, Abraham B. Mother: ?, Virginia |
Groom: Shipe, William J. Age 32 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipe, Jacob Mother: ?, Jemima | Married 23 Sep 1866 - | Bride: Smith, Susan Age 32 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Smith, David Mother: ?, Susan |
Groom: Shiplette, Ed. A. J. Age 21 S Rockingham County, VA Father: Shiplette, Ed. Mother: ?, Harriet J. | Married 28 Dec 1898 - | Bride: Helsley, Minerva R. Age 24 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Helsley, George William Mother: ?, Mary E. |
Groom: Shipley, Francis W. Age 51 W Rockingham County, VA Father: Shipley, Isaiah Mother: ?, Lucy | Married 5 May 1864 - | Bride: Hoffman, Ellen M. Age 31 W Shenandoah County, VA Father: Hoffman, Jacob Mother: ?, Rebecca |
Groom: Shipley, Isaac Age 23 S Washington County, Pa Father: Shipley, Joshua Mother: ?, Rachel Ann | Married 19 Aug 1872 - | Bride: Sandy, Dorcas Age 21 S Rockingham County, VA Father: Sandy, Samuel Mother: ?, Mary |
Bride: Shipp, Amanda E. Age 26 W Shenandoah County, VA Father: Wilt, Samuel Mother: ?, Lydia | Married 7 Jul 1881 | Groom: Fligler, Franklin Age 21 S Pennsylvania Father: Fligler, Jacob Mother: ?, Margaret |
Bride: Shipp, Amanda M. Age 24 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipp, James Mother: ?, Mary | Married 3 Nov 1890 Affidavit of George M. Bryce | Groom: Miller, Aaron F. Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Miller, James J. Mother: Miller, Sarah Carolina |
Bride: Shipp, Annie Age 20 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipp, Godfrey Mother: ?, Sarah J. | Married 7 Oct 1883 - | Groom: Kerns, Erasmus F. Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Kerns, Benjamin Mother: ?, Sarah E. |
Groom: Shipp, Charles Age 19 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipp, Joseph Mother: ?, Annie | Married 20 Feb 1904 - | Bride: Weaver, Annie Age 18 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Weaver, Fred Mother: ?, Mollie |
Bride: Shipp, Charlotte C. Age 19 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipp, Godfrey Mother: ?, Sarah J. | Married 8 May 1879 | Groom: Fadely, Green Berry Age 20 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Fadely, Abraham Mother: Miller, Savilla |
Bride: Shipp, Elizabeth Catharine Age 25 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipp, James Mother: ?, Mary | Married 18 Aug 1872 - | Groom: Wolverton, John Age 20 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Wolverton, Nathaniel Mother: ?, Rebecca |
Groom: Shipp, George A. Age 64 W Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipp, Martin Mother: ?, Clara | Married 21 Jan 1869 - | Bride: Stickley, Annie M. Age 30 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Stickley, James Mother: Shull, Matilda |
Groom: Shipp, George Henry Age 22 S Licking County, OH Father: Shipp, Henry Mother: ?, Caroline | Married 20 Feb 1898 - | Bride: Rinker, Rebecca Julia Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Rinker, Paul Mother: ?, Lydia M. |
Groom: Shipp, Henry W. Age 20 S Knox County, OH Father: Shipp, Jacob Mother: ?, Dorothea | Married 23 Jun 1872 - | Bride: Marston, Caroline Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Marston, Joseph Mother: ?, Harriet |
Groom: Shipp, James F. Age 24 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipp, Godfrey Mother: ?, Sarah J. | Married 14 Apr 1887 Affidavit of A. C. Fadely | Bride: Sherman, Sarah E. Age 24 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sherman, Lewis Mother: ?, Elizabeth |
Groom: Shipp, John Age 24 S Knox County, Ohio Father: Shipp, Jacob Mother: ?, Polly | Married 7 Apr 1859 - | Bride: Holler, Elizabeth Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Holler, John P. Mother: ?, Sarah |
Groom: Shipp, Joseph F. Age 25 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipp, James Mother: ?, Mary | Married 10 Feb 1881 - | Bride: Maphis, Emma Age 25 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Maphis, Reuben Mother: ?, Lydia |
Groom: Shipp, Lester Levi Age 25 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipp, J. Frank Mother: ?, Ellen | Married 6 Dec 1914 - | Bride: George, Lillie Alice Age 20 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: George, Lewis V. Mother: ?, Annie R. |
Bride: Shipp, Lillie B. Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipp, Godfrey Mother: - | Married 24 Aug 1890 | Groom: Haun, Eleazer Age 27 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Haun, Jacob Mother: Zimmer, Frances Elizabeth |
Bride: Shipp, Lizzie Jane Age 18 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipp, J. Frank Mother: ?, Ellen | Married 8 May 1910 - | Groom: Miller, Walter Milton Age 31 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Miller, P. W. Mother: ?, Virginia |
Bride: Shipp, Maggie Age 25 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipp, Godfrey Mother: ?, Sarah J. | Married 22 Mar 1903 | Groom: Fadely, Frank David Age 25 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Fadely, Zebedee Mother: Nester, Mary Jane |
Groom: Shipp, Martin L. Age 32 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipp, Godfrey Mother: ?, Sarah J. | Married 18 May 1890 - | Bride: Kibler, Mahala E. Age 25 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Kibler, Simon Mother: ?, Lydia |
Bride: Shipp, Mattie Age 27 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipp, Jacob Mother: ?, Dorothea | Married 18 Sep 1873 - | Groom: Larkins, William A. Age 31 W Shenandoah County, VA Father: Larkins, Andrew Mother: ?, Ann Rebecca |
Bride: Shipp, Mollie E. Age 32 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipp, Godfrey Mother: ?, Sarah J. | Married 7 Jan 1906 - | Groom: Sherman, Frank Age 33 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Sherman, Reuben Mother: ?, Margaret |
Bride: Shipp, Ruth A. Age 27 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shipp, Godfrey Mother: ?, Sarah J. | Married 26 Mar 1899 - | Groom: Ryman, Charles Luther Age 28 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Ryman, John L. Mother: ?, Julia A. |
Groom: Shipplett, Lycurgus Ashby Age 26 S Rockingham County, VA Father: Shipplett, Philip Mother: ?, Jeanetta | Married 6 Jun 1906 - | Bride: Stanton, Lizzie Caroline Age 28 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Stanton, Benjamin J. Mother: ?, Mary J. |
Groom: Shireman, Abraham Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shireman, Abraham Mother: ?, Catharine | Married 6 Feb 1856 - | Bride: Marshall, Lucy Age 18 S Albemarle County, VA Father: Marshall, Wilson Mother: ?, Sophia |
Groom: Shireman, Amos Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shireman, John Mother: ?, Catharine | Married 30 Aug 1855 - | Bride: Day, Mary Catharine Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Day, John Mother: ?, Ellenora |
Bride: Shireman, Catharine Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 28 Dec 1851 Affidavit of Amos Shireman | Groom: Rodeffer, Eli Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shireman, Elizabeth A. Age 19 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shireman, Reuben Mother: ?, Margaret | Married 12 Oct 1882 | Groom: Fadely, Aristus C. Age 22 W Blair County, PA Father: Fadely, Abraham Mother: Miller, Savilla |
Groom: Shireman, George Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 12 Sep 1786 - | Bride: Dilanter, Magdelin Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shireman, Lydia Age 23 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shireman, John Mother: ?, Catharine | Married 23 May 1854 | Groom: Golladay, Samuel Age 25 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Golladay, Isaac Mother: ?, Molly |
Bride: Shireman, Margaret Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 21 Sep 1795 - | Groom: Roads, John Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shireman, Mary Catharine Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shireman, Levi Mother: ?, Elizabeth | Married 9 Jan 1862 | Groom: Hamilton, John Age 38 W Albemarle County, VA Father: Hamilton, John Mother: ?, Sarah |
Groom: Shireman, Moses Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shireman, John Mother: ?, Catharine | Married 13 Mar 1856 - | Bride: Barton, Sarah Ann Age 27 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Bartin, James Mother: ?, Phebe |
Groom: Shireman, Reuben Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shireman, Levi Mother: ?, Elizabeth | Married 26 Jan 1860 - | Bride: Horsafluck, Margaret Age 20 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Horsafluck, Adam Mother: ?, Elizabeth |
Bride: Shirkey, Fannie Age 24 S Rockingham County, VA Father: Shirkey, Samuel Mother: ?, Sarah | Married 27 May 1894 Certificate of C.L. Zirkle | Groom: Wilt, Philip W. Age 34 W Shenandoah County, VA Father: Wilt, Samuel Mother: ?, Lydia |
Bride: Shirley, Annie V. Age 22 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shirley, Zachariah Jr. Mother: - | Married 18 May 1875 - | Groom: Pickering, James K. Age 30 S Rockingham County, VA Father: Pickering, James Mother: ?, Mary |
Bride: Shirley, Barbara Ann Age 37 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shirley, Zachariah Mother: ?, Barbara | Married Dec 1876 | Groom: Cone, W. H. (Rev.) Age 44 W Union County, PA Father: Cone, Jacob Mother: ?, Elizabeth |
Bride: Shirley, Catharine Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 7 Nov 1850 By J.P. Cline | Groom: Brubaker, Andrew I. Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Bride: Shirley, Elizabeth Age 32 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shirley, Christian Mother: ?, Eliza Elizabeth | Married 26 Dec 1906 - | Groom: Miller, George Arthur Age 35 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Miller, George W. Mother: ?, Sarah A. |
Bride: Shirley, Ella Virginia Age - S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shirley, Christian Mother: ?, Eliza Elizabeth | Married 9 Apr 1884 - | Groom: Roller, Joseph Frederick Age - S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Roller, Samuel Mother: ?, Anna |
Bride: Shirley, Emma C. Age 18 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shirley, Christian Mother: ?, Bettie | Married 8 Nov 1876 | Groom: Brumback, John A. Age 26 Page County, VA Father: Brumback, Thomas Mother: ?, Bettie |
Bride: Shirley, Laura A. Age 29 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shirley, Christian Mother: ?, Eliza Elizabeth | Married 15 Dec 1897 | Groom: Harner, Nicholas Steward Age 29 S Rockingham County, VA Father: Harner, William M. Mother: ?, Catharine |
Bride: Shirley, Sarah Age 30 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shirley, Christian Mother: ?, Eliza Elizabeth | Married 16 Jul 1907 - | Groom: Miller, Ira Walter Age 33 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Miller, George W. Mother: ?, Sarah A. |
Groom: Shitz, Jacob Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 21 Feb 1792 - | Bride: Lindemood, Barbary Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shitzer, William Age 39 S New Market, Va. Father: Shitzer, Henry Mother: ?, Margaret C. | Married 22 Mar 1854 - | Bride: Watkins, Eliza Age 36 S Gettysburg, PA Father: Watkins, John Mother: ?, Jane |
Groom: Shoap, George A. Age 22 S Albemarle County, VA Father: Shoap, Nicholas Mother: ?, Ann | Married 20 Sep 1881 - | Bride: Olinger, Sallie F. Age 19 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Olinger, William Mother: ?, Rosanna |
Bride: Shockey, Anna R. Age 20 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shockey, Jacob Mother: ?, Annie E. | Married 20 Nov 1893 | Groom: Colgan, Robert J. Age 25 S Port Kenneday, PA Father: Colgan, William J. Mother: ?, Matilda |
Groom: Shockey, George W. Age 21 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shockey, Jacob Mother: ?, Annie E. | Married 4 Sep 1894 - | Bride: Rodeffer, Lou M. Age 2? S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Rodeffer, James H. Mother: ?, Jennie |
Groom: Shockey, Jacob Age 34 S Morgan County, Va. Father: Shockey, John Mother: ?, Nancy | Married 20 Dec 1860 - | Bride: Copp, Ann Eliza Age 18 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Copp, Jacob Mother: ?, Rebecca |
Groom: Shockey, Joseph L. Age 29 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shockey, Jacob Mother: ?, Annie E. | Married 13 Jul 1892 - | Bride: Copp, Fannie C. Age 24 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Copp, Barnett Mother: Layman, Mary Ellen |
Groom: Shockey, Lewis Age 31 S Morgan County, Va. Father: Shockey, John Mother: ?, Nancy | Married 25 Jan 1855 - | Bride: Walter, Mary Margaret Age 15 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Walter, Samuel Mother: ?, Elizabeth |
Bride: Shockey, Mary S. Age 18 S Shenandoah County, VA Father: Shockey, Jacob Mother: ?, Annie E. | Married 2 Aug 1882 | Groom: Evans, William H. Age 29 D Frederick County, VA Father: Evans, William Mother: ?, Mary |
Bride: Shoe, Cathrine Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 17 Aug 1787 - | Groom: Houge, George Age - - - Father: - Mother: - |
Groom: Shoe, Joseph Age - - - Father: - Mother: - | Married 4 Jun 1801 | Bride: Margaret Trouberg Age - W - Father: - Mother: - |
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