2 October 1902

Hottel - Grim Marriage

Miss Mabel C. Hottel, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hottel, of this place, and Mr. James M. Grim, of near New Market, were married in the parlor of the Revere House in Harrisonburg, Va., on last Thursday about three o'clock in the afternoon, Rev. D.H. Kern officiating. They were accompanied from this place by Misses Grace Hottel (sister of the bride), Carrie Painter, Mattie Feller, and Mary Theis, who witnessed the interesting ceremony. The happy couple, accompanied by the above ladies, returned that afternoon to the home of the groom's aunt Miss Anna Grim where a reception was tendered them. The bride was the recipient of a number of useful and beautiful gifts. We unite with their numerous friends in extending hearty congratulations for a life prolonged in marital bliss.

At this time, Mr. and Mrs. Grim are at Mr. G.'s aunt Miss Anna Grim, near this place.


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