Grim - Johnston At the home of her aunt Miss Annie Grim, near New Market, Wednesday, Nov. 21, 1900, at 10 1/2 o' clock a. m., Miss Martha Jane Grim, only daughter of Prof. Wm. Grim, and Mr. J. E. Johnston, of Bellefontaine, Ohio, were married. The marriage was a quiet and informal affair, only a very few, except the immediate household, being present. Her cousin Mr. E. C. Theis and Mr. J. Russell Myers, and cousin Miss May Theis, and brother Mr. James Grim preceded the bridal couple to the parlor, where the bride's pastor Rev. Dr. Snyder impressively pronounced the ceremony, which made them man and wife. The bride wore an elegant, brown cloth, traveling suit, whilst the groom was attired in a handsome suit of black. A fine dinner was served after which Mr. and Mrs. Johnston, accompanied by Miss Theis and Mr. Grim, were driven to the New Market depot, where they took the train for Bellefontaine, near which place the groom is a prosperous, successful farmer. The bride was the recipient of a number of useful presents, and leaves this community with the very best wishes of the people for a long and happy life. Announcement cards were issued Thursday, and Mr. and Mrs. J. will be at home after Dec. 1, 1900, and we extend congratulations. Miss Grim met Mr. Johnston several years ago whilst visiting relatives in that State, and, as such meetings often do, culminated in the state of matrimony. |
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