Kirchenbuch Alsheim bei Gronau Reformed

The German language versions below were provided by Herr Roland Paul, associate director of the "Institut fur Pfalziche Geschichte und Volkskunde" in Kaiserslautern, Germany. They came from the original church records of the Reformed Church in Alsheim bei Gronau in the Palatinate of Germany. Herr Paul translated the German to English, and his translation appears below. Parenthtical expressions are either Herr Paul's, in the case of question marks (which indicate his uncertainty on the exact spelling of some of the words) or those of Tom Speelman (to indicate locations or clarification of a profession that the translation refers to).


geboren den Sten xbris

den 10ten xbris war getaufft Eine Junge Tochter nahmens Anna Barbara, der

Vatter war Johannes Hodel, die Mutter Elisabetha, Tauffzeugen waren Andreas

Hodel und Anna Barbara Schmuckerin von Fridelsheim.



born on 5th December

on the 10th of December was baptized a young daughter named Anna Barbara, the

father was Johannes Hodel, the mother Elisabetha, Godparents were Andreas Hodel

and Anna Barbara Schmuckerin from Fridelsheim.


den 2ten Novem, war getaufft ein Junger Sohn, nahmens Johann Carl, der Vatter

war Johannes Hodel, die Mutter Elisabetha, Tauffzeugen waren Herr Johann Carl

Wolff, der Zeit Gerichtsschreiber dahier und Frau Maria Catharina Mehnin (?)


on the 2nd of November was baptized a young son, named Johann CArl, the father

was Johannes Hodel, the mother Elisabetha, Godparents were Mr. Johann Carl

Wolff, the present Clerk of the Court here (Alsheim) and Mrs. Maria Catharina

Mehnin (?)


den 12ten April war getaufft Ein Junger Sohn, nahmens Johann Georg, der Vatter

war Johannes Hodel, die Mutter Elisabetha, Tauffzengen waren Johann Georg

Schruger (?), Kieffermeister zu Fridelsheim und Eva Catharina seine eheliche



on the 12th of April was baptized a young son, named Johann Georg, the father

was Johannes Hodel, the mother Elisabetha, Godparents were Johann Georg

Schruger (?), cooper (barrelmaker) at Fridelsheim and Eva Catharina his wife.


den 25ten 9bris war getaufft Eine Junge Tochter, nahmens Catharina Elisabetha,

der Vatter war Johannes Hodel, die Mutter Elisabetha, Tauffzengen waren, H.

Jean Michet der Zeit SchultheiB dahier und Catharina seine eheliche HauBfrau.


on the 25th of November was baptized a young daughter, named Catharina

Elisabetha, the father was Johannes Hodel, the mother Elisabetha, Godparents

were, Mr. Jean Michet the present mayor here (Alsheim) and Ctharina his wife.


den 22ten xbris war Joh. Hodel ehel. HauBfrau, Elisabetha bergahen, ihres

Alters 40 Jahr 3 Monath und 14 Tage.


on the 22nd of November was Johannes Hodel's wife, Elisabetha buried, her age

40 years 3 months and 14 days.

Note: The original translation of Herr Paul was provided on 25 July 1995 who read the information directly from the old church records as if he were reading the printed text above. At Tom Speelman's request, Herr Paul transcribed the records in German and provided them to me. Remembering most of the translation, and with the help of the host translation which you see above.

Other notes: During the discussion with Herr Paul, he provided some of the other following insights.

1. He said that the Hodel family was obviously well respected in their community. He based this on the statuture of the people who were godparents of his children [i.e., a court recorder, a well respected businessman (the cooper), and the mayor). He said that if were they just ordinary people, none of the above people would have consented to be the godparents.

2. He said the godfather of Johann Carl, Johann Carl Wolff was well respected, as indicated by the word Herr before his name.

Pages copied from LDS microfilm by Jane Hunter Hodgson in Tucson, AZ and sent to Tom Speelman in Kaiserslautern, Germany.

Pages brought in Germany to the "Institut fur Pfalziche Geschichte und Volkskunde" in Kaiserslautern, Germany by Tom Speelman.

Pages translated by Herr Roland Paul of the "Institut fur Pfalziche Geschichte und Volkskunde" in Kaiserslautern, Germany.

  • Baptism, Anna Barbara Hodel, 1713

  • Baptism, Johan Carl Hodel, 1718

  • Baptism, Johann Georg, 1722

  • Baptism,Catharina Elizabetha Hodel, 1725

  • Burial of Johannes Hodel's wife, Elizabetha, 1727

  • Contributed by: Jane Hunter Hodgson, Tucson, Arizona

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