The Hockman Homestead

At Taylortown, a mile below Edinburg, on the high bank of the river, just east of the Pike, stands a quaint old brick house in a grove of cedars. It was built in 1868 by Dr. Christopher Hockman, a well-known dentist. He sold it in 1889 to Sara E. Creighton of Washington City. She sold it in 1909 to David H. Clem, then of Washington, but a son of Shenandoah. This old mansion occupies one of the finest sites in the county. The view of the river and the mountain gap eastward can hardly be excelled. "Clem's Camp," on the adjacent river bluffs, is well known.

Excerpted from John W. Wayland's A History of Shenandoah County, Virginia

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