Strasburg Presbyterian Church Records
Strasburg, Shenandoah County, Virginia
As early as 1782 supplies were sent to Shenandoah County by Hanover Presbytery in response to requests for ordained ministers. The early work secured to center in Powell’s Fort Valley. Work was revived in the county when Rev. W. H. Foote moved to a teaching place in Woodstock Academy in 1822. Beginning with six Presbyterians preaching services were developed in Strasburg and Woodstock. By 1824 the Union Church was organized with the membership equally divided between the two places. Two years later, on December 3, 1826 Strasburg elected its own elder and was considered an independent church. On May 16, 1830 a brick church, their first, was dedicated. It was remodeled about 1876. And in 1928 Sunday school rooms, a fellowship hall and kitchen were added to bring the facilities up to date and adequate to serve the congregation.
Session Book of the Union Church of Shenandoah, & of the Presbyterian Church of Strasburg Volume I
A short account of the circumstances & previous steps which led to the formation of the Union Church of Shenandoah, may be both pleasing & useful. If God shall prosper his begun work, it will be pleasing to future pastors & people to know the small beginnings of a church in Shenandoah, & the various steps which God in his Providence blessed & the various means he smiled upon in bringing “light out of darkness visible’: & also, if the work all & come to nothing, it is proper that it may be known that there was once a light in Shenandoah.
I began preaching regularly in Woodstock & Strasburg, June 1822, & at the same time began teaching an Academy in Woodstock.
My preachings for one year were, two sabbath’s in a month in Woodstock & one in Strasburg & one in Cedar Creek & Opecon congregations. The last was given up at the expiration of one year to Dr. Chapman, & the Sabbath usually given in different parts of the county, where a congregation could be collected to hear English preaching.
Upon my first coming to the county there was but one professing Christian of the English Presbyterian Church, in Woodstock: there were two in Strasburg, (one of whom soon died) & three scattered ones in the county. Of the last three, however, I for some time knew nothing.
My services in Woodstock were, on the Sabbath, two sermons & a bible class. The bible class after two years was discontinued. A course of lectures was commenced, & is yet continued on Wednesday evening, the subject of which is the New Testament, beginning with the gospel according to Matthew- then the Acts of the apostles-then the Epistles, chapter by chapter in succession, generally one chapter every evening.
At the commencement of my preaching in Strasburg, I had two sermons on the Sabbath, but after a little time that arrangement was altered & I began holding one service on the Saturday evening & one on sabbeth morning. The evening service being a lecture on the same plan with the lectures in Woodstock, beginning with the gospel according to Matthew.
At first my congregations in the county were small. During the first year they greatly increased, so as to be quite large in all my places of preaching.
I found prevailing a most g__oss inception of religion & its ordinances, being for a time frequently called upon to baptize children, either to prevent sickness, or make them die easy. The sacrament of the supper I found was generally much misunderstood.
In April 1823, I attended a meeting of the Presbytery in Leesburg. My brethren gave in many interesting accounts of their congregations. I returned with the determination of raising the standard of Christ yet more publickly than ever. After much deliberations, I appointed the third Sabbath in May (18th) for the administration of the Lords supper in Woodstock, not knowing whether more than one besides my own family would sit down. Making that observation to the people, I invited those (if there were any) who might feel it their duty to profess faith in Christ, to meet me at my house on a particular evening. On that evening, five persons came; one the person alluded to above, one a member of the German Presby Church, & three who had never professed religion.
On the day appointed, 13 persons sat down to the table. Of these, two were previously members of the Presby Church, & had lately removed into the county, & a number from abroad. During the summer, a number of children were baptized in Woodstock, & one grown person who had been admitted to the table without baptism, by mistake.
This was the first public administration of the supper, after the manner of the Presby Church, ever known in the county.
On the second sabbath of June (8th) the supper was administered in Strasburg, the first English Presby administration ever known there. Some new communicants were admitted, & a number from abroad sat down with us. The baptism of one adult preceded, & the baptism of a number, both of adults & children, succeeded. As yet no church was formed, nor, indeed, was it known there would be.
In October (5th) the supper was again administered in Woodstock. Previously lengthy instructions on the nature & design of the Lords supper; & on experimental religion, were given in the Academy, in the evenings of the fortnight preceeding. Seven new communicants came forward.
At the spring meeting of Presbytery, held in Culpepper 1824, permission being granted to form a church in this county, the following paper was circulated & signed.
Shenandoah County, Virginia, May 1824 |
We the subscribers, believing in one God, the Father, Almighty, maker of heaven & earth; & in Jesus Christ, his only begotten son, our Lord & Redeemer, of the same substance, equal in power & glory with the Father; & in the Holy Ghost, the Regenerator & Sanctifier, the third person in the Holy Trinity; believing in the Regeneration of the heart, in justification by Faith, in the Resurrection of the body & life everlasting, through Christ our Lord; believing in the Holy Scriptures as the inspired book of God , & receiving it as our only rule of Faith of Practice; do associate ourselves, for mutual edification, growth in Grace,& the honour of our Lord Jesus Christ, as a branch of his visible Church, under the discipline & according to the Forms of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S. of America; to be known by the name of Union Church of Shenandoah. |
Names | Residence | Time of Signing |
Philip C. Jones | near Woodstock | May 2, 1824 |
Sarah Williams | Woodstock | |
Ann L. Jones | near Woodstock | |
Elizth Crawford | Woodstock | |
Margaret Moreland | do | 3 |
Mary Hoffman | | |
Cathe Smith | | |
Maria Allen | | |
Clarissa Irwin | | |
Catharine Miller | | |
Elizabeth Miller | | |
Sarah Ming | | |
Eliza. W. Foote | Woodstock | May 7, 1824 |
Elizabeth Keller | near Strasburg | 16th |
Elizabeth Cramer | Woodstock | |
Barbara Gain | (?) | |
Mary Gray | Mount Pleast. | |
John Russell | Strasburg | 17th |
Anthony Spengler | | |
Cathe Spengler | | |
Philip Bussard | | 23rd |
Margaret Buzzard | | 25th |
Eleanor Finley | | June 3rd |
Mary Dennis | | |
Mary Long | | 4th |
John Utz | near Strasburg | 5th |
Elizth Utz | | |
Henry Rosenberger | | |
Mary Rosenberger | | |
Jaretta Sibert | | |
Thomas Sperry | Middletown | |
Admitted |
James G. Finley | near Strasburg | Oct 10th, 1824 |
Mary Cooper | Strasburg | |
Cathe Stephenson | Woodstock | 16th |
On the second Sabbath of May (16th) the supper was administered in Woodstock, after much previous preparation & instruction. On the Saturday evening preceding, Mr. Philip C. Jones was ordained an elder in the Presby Church-a very solemn occasion. On the Sabbath seventeen members communed.
On the first Sabbath in June (6th) the sacrament was administered in Strasburg-On the Saturday preceding, Mr. John Russell was ordained an elder in the Presby Church. On Sabbath fourteen members communed, besides some from other churches.
Thus the little church has commenced. Scattered indeed over a populous county, but united, we trust, to Christ the living _lead. May God bless it, & increase its numbers , & its graces, & to his name be praise.
Drawn up by order of session-by (signed) Wm Henry Foote
States preacher in Shen. Sept 28th, 1824
It should be observed, that divine services have generally been performed in the German Churches, in the places in which I have preached. The difficulties encountered are not fully recorded, & scarcely mentioned. In the general, they were such as must every where be encountered in building up the church of Christ.
The preached gospel has been the visible means of building up the cause of Christ in this county, pro____ its effects slowly, but surely. This little handful is the fruits of more than two years labour. May future pastors be more encouraged, & blessed more abundantly.
Inserted by order of session
October 10th 1824 |
The session of the Union Church of Shenandoah held their first meeting at the house of Capt. Anthony Spengler near Strasburg. Constituted with Prayers. President, Mess. John Rupell & Philip C. Jones, Elders. The Rev. Wm. H. Foote, the stated supply present, was invited to act as moderator. |
On motion- Mr. Philip C. Jones was appointed stated Clerk of Treasurer of session. |
Ordered, that the treasurer procure proper books for the records of session. |
On motion, Mr. Philip C. Jones was appointed to represent this session at the next meeting of Presbytery to be held at Warrenton (Fauquier)Oct. 23r, 1824 |
Ordered, that the Rev. Wm. H. Foote be requested to draw up a short sketch of the circumstances which led to the formation of this church; which sketch shall be prefixed to the records of the church session. |
Adjourned-Concluded with prayer. |
(signed) Wm Henry Foote, Mod. |
(signed) Philip C. Jones, Clk. |
Session met: | April 26th, 1825 at Capt. Anthony Spengler’s home, near Strasburg |
| May 15th, 1825 at Mr. Philip Williams in Woodstock |
| July 24th, 1825 at John Rupell’s home in Strasburg |
After a satisfactory examination of their experimental acquaintance with the gospel, Mrs, Rachael Sperry & Sarah Ann Knisley were admitted as members of the Union Church. |
| Oct 8th, 1825 at John Rupell’s home in Strasburg |
| Oct 21st, 1825 at Mr. Samuel Few’s home in Woodstock |
Mrs. Mary Ann Few & Ms. Ann A. Good, appeared before session as applicants for admission to the church; & after conversations held with them on the subject of experimental religion, they were accordingly admitted. |
| (signed) Wm N. Scott, Md. |
| (signed) Philip C. Jones, Clk. |
| Oct 23rd, 1825 at Mr. Philip Williams home in Woodstock |
| Mrs. Mary S. Magruder admitted as a member |
| March 25th 1826 met at the house of Capt. Anthony Spengler’s in Strasburg |
Miss Elizabeth Spengler & Mrs. Mary Gaw were admitted to full communion in the church. |
Examined thus far & approved, with the following exception, that the session, as it appears by the records, was not constituted with prayer. At a meeting of the Presbytery in May 1876. (signed) Rob. H. Chapman. |
| Sept 24th, 1826 at the home of Mr. James Allen in Woodstock. Present, John Lodor, moderator by request….This church having experienced, in the death of Mr. John Rupell, the loss of one of its brightest ornaments, & this session one of its principal members; resolved, that while exploring this bereavement; we will endeavour to liik by prayer to the Great Head of the church, for the sanctifying influences of the Holy Spirit, that this affliction may be blessed to us as a people, & that we may be aided & directed in the selection of one to fill the place thus vacant. |
To the Presbytery of Winchester: |
The subscribers, members of the Union Church of Shenandoah, respectfully solicit the attention of Presbytery to consider the experiency of dividing them into two separate & distinct churches…….Should Presbytery grant we may be divided as our names respectively stand under the two following heads. |
Sept 1826, Church at Woodstock: |
Philip C. Jones (Elder) | Mary C. Magruder | Ann J. Jones |
Mary Hoffman | Cathe Smith | Barbara Gaw |
Mary Gray | Mary E. Lowell | Maria Allen |
Clarissa Irwin | Ann M. Good | Cathe. Miller |
Elizth Miller | Sarah Knisley | Mary Ann Few |
Eliza Creamer | Elizth Crawford | Margaret Moreland |
Eleanor Miller | Sarah Ming | Eliz. W. Foote |
Cathe. Stephenson | Eliz. Keller | Jaretta Sibert |
Church at Strasburg: |
John Rupell (Elder) died September 20th 1826 |
Philip Bussard | Thomas Sperry | Anthony Spengler |
John Utz | Henry Rosenberger | James G. Finley |
Cathe. Spengler | Margaret Bussard | Eleanor Finley |
Mary Dennis | Mary Long | Eliz. Utz |
Mary Rosenburger | Mary Cooper | Rachel Sperry |
| Elizth Spengler | |
Resolved, that the above petition be forwarded to Presbytery as requested, & that this session urge upon Presbytery the necessity of the measure as stated in the petition |
Woodstock: Oct 25th 1826 |
Session met at the house of Mr. James Allen; President, John Lador, Moderator by request, & Mr. Philip C. Jones, Elder. Constituted by prayer. Official information was communicated to the session, that the Presbytery had granted the petition of the Union Church of Shenandoah, by dividing said church into two separate & distinct churches, the one to be distinguished by the name of the Presbyterian Chuirch of Woodstock, & the other by the name of thePresbyterian Church of Strasburg. |
Strasburg: March 24th, 1827 |
The following persons appeared before the session, & after conversation & examination on experimental religion, they were admitted as members of the church in full sommunion. Viz. Susan Zea, Mary Hoffman & Agnes Marshall. |
Strasburg: Oct 21st 1827 |
Session met agreeably to notice. Opened with prayer. Present, John Lador, moderator by request, & Capt. Anthony Spengler, Elder .Mr. John Spengler & Ms. Cathe Sonner, & Henry Gibson (man of colour) appeared before session as applicants for church membership. After conversation held with them, they were regularly admitted as members in full communion. |
Strasburg: April 6th, 1828 |
John Lador, mod., Anthony Spengler, Elder, Mrs. Cathe Ann Splengler appeared before session; & after conversation held with her on experimental religion, she was duly admitted a member of this church, in full communion. |
Strasburg: March 22nd, 1829 |
Mrs. Margaret Spengler appeared before session, & after conversation with her upon her aquaintance..she was admitted to membership.. |
Dedicated new house for worship, May 16th 1830. Acts XVII 23. J. Lodor |
Strasburg: July 24th, 1831 |
Thos. Irwin & wife, and Rebecca G. Lodor were received to the full communion of the church |
Strasburg, June 17th, 1832 |
John C. Morris, Ann Morris & Ann Spengler, they were admitted to full communion of the church. |
Strasburg, Dec 9th 1832 |
Jacob Baltis, Sarah Baltis & Clarinda Spengler appeared before session, & after conversation., they were admitted to the full communion of the church. |
Strasburg, April 28th 1833 |
Henry Rosenberger Jun., Wm. Miller, Sen. & Mage. Miller, appeared before the session, ..admitted to full communion to the church. |
Strasburg, July 21st 1833 |
Rachel A. Pifer, Harriet Pifer & Athalinh R. Finley, after conversation with them upon their personal piety, were duly admitted to the full communion of the church. |
Strasburg, June 8th 1834 |
admitted to full communion- viz, Cyrus Spengler, Rebecca Newell, Julia A. Clayton & Harriet Ridenour. |
Strasburg: June 21st 1834 |
admitted to the full communion to the church, viz. Joseph Zea, Philip Zea, Joseph D. Bloss, Christian Spengler, Alfred Hoffman, Margaret Anderson & Sarah Newell. |
Strasburg Va Sep 14th 1834 |
The meeting was okpened with prayer. Lewis F. Wilson was unanimously elected pastor of this church. |
Strasburg: Sep 26th 1834 |
The following persons were received as members of this church viz. Benjamin Spengler and Margaret Spengler on presenting certificates from a sister church and Jacob Miller, Daniel Setszer, Soloman Spengler & Rebecca A. Cooper on giving satisfactory evidence of having experienced a change of heart. |
Strasburg, VA April 22 1830 |
Mr. Samuel Kerns received in full communion of the church. |
Strasburg, VA Oct 3, 1841 |
Mrs. Mary Ann Hite Brinker & Mrs. Mary Catharine Spengler received into full communion as members of the church..Silas Billings, mod., Joseph Zea, Elder |
Strasburg Oct 31, 1841 |
Mr. Samuel Hendrick was received into full communion with the church. |
Strasburg March 20 1842 |
Mrs. Sarah Longacre, Mrs. Joseph Longacre & Mrs. Margaret Longacre his wife. Whereupon it was resolved that the former be received by vesture of her certificate from the Cedar Creek Church and the _____ on the evidence which they gave of personal piety by an examination. |
Strasburg Dec 17, 1842 |
The following persons viz Mrs. Mary Lynd, Miss Mary Ann Lynd, Miss Elisabeth Zea, Miss Catharine Zea..were admitted to full membership in this church. |
Strasburg April 13th 1845 |
Mrs. Elisabeth Brinker, Mrs Elisabeth Miller, Miss Louisa Lodor & Miss Eveline Harriet Stump received into membership. |
Strasburg Feb 28 1846 |
Session met at Mrs. Cooper’s Hiss Phillippi Stevensan..received as a member of this church |
Strasburg 15 Sep 1847 |
Mrs Mary Ellen Miller wife of David Miller, appeared before the session to request admission to the church. |
Register of Members & Baptisms in the Union Church of Shenandoah & Presbyn. Ch. of Strasburg |
Persons forming the Un. Ch. Of Shen. |
Name | 1824 Residence | Remarks |
Philip C. Joines | May 2nd, near Woodstock | Transferred to Pres Ch of Woodstock |
John Russell | 17th, Strasburg | died Sept 20th 1826 |
Sarah Williams | 2, Woodk. | died Feb 18th 1826 |
Ann L. Jones | near Woodk | Transfered to Pres Ch of Wk. |
Eliz. Crawford | Woodk. | do |
Margt. Moreland | 3 | |
Mary Hoffman | | |
Cathe. Smith | | |
Maria Allen | | |
Clarissa Irwin | | |
Cathe. Miller | | |
Eliz. Miller | | |
Sarah Ming | | |
Eliz. W. Foote | 7 | |
Eliz. Keller | 16, near Strasburg | |
Eliz. Cremer | Woodk. | |
Barb. Gaw | | |
Mary Gray | Mnt. Pleasant | |
Anthony Spengler | May 7, Strasburg | Transferred to Pres Ch of Stras. |
Cathe. Spengler | | |
Philip Bussard | 23 | |
Margt. Bussard | 25 | |
Eleanor Finley | June 3 | |
Mary Dennis | | |
Mary Long | 4th | |
John Utz | 5th | |
Eliz. Utz | | |
Henry Rosenberger | | |
Jaretta Sibert | | Transferred to Pres Ch of Wood. |
Thomas Sperry | Middletown | Transferred to Pres Ch of Stras. |
James G. Finley | Oct 10, Strasburg | |
Mary Cooper | | |
Cath. Stephenson | 16th, Woodk. | Wk. |
Mary E. Lovell | May 15, 1825 | |
Ellenor Miller | | |
Sarah A. Knisley | July 24th | |
Rachel Sperry | Middletown | Stras. |
Mary A. Few | Oct 21, Woodstock | Wk. |
Ann A. Good | | |
Mary S. Magruder | 23 | |
Eliz. Spengler | Mar 25, 1826, Strasburg | Stras. |
Mary Gaw | Mnt. Jackson | died Aug 29th, 1826 |
Persons baptized before the organ. Of the Ch. |
Subjects | Parents | 1823 | Remarks |
Mary Rosenberger | (adult) | June 7th | Strasburg |
Cathn. Smith | (adult) | 15th | Woodk. |
John William | P. & A. Jones | | |
Joseph | J. & C. Irwin | | |
Ann Amelia | | | |
Wm Henry | | | |
Cathe. Spengler | (adult) | July 6th | Strasb. |
Elizabeth | A. & C. Spengler | | |
Clarinda | | | |
Philip | | | |
John | | | |
Benjamin | | | |
Amos | | | |
Daniel | | | |
Cyrus | | | |
Henry | H. & M. Rosenberger | | |
Barbara | | | |
Cath. Ann | P. & M. Bussard | | |
Martha | P. & M. Bussard | July 6th | Strasburg |
Cathe. Stephensen | (adult) | Sept 28th | |
Somerville | J. & C. Stephensen | | |
Clinda | J. & C. Utz | | |
Ann Waterman | W. & E. W. Foote | Octr 5th | by Rev. J. Smith |
Sarah Miles Gaw | D. & E. Crawford | | |
Abner Hudson | W. & M. Long | Mar 14, 1824 | Strasburg |
Sam. Hosheim Guyger | S. & E. Schmucher | June 3 1823 | Woodk. |
Jhn Haywood | R. & __ Chapman | Nov 9th | |
Harriet | J. & __ Miller | Mar 4th 1824 | Strasburg |
Theophilius | J. & A. Russell | | |
Augtn. Borden | Sarah Miller | May 23rd | |
Elkanah | A & C. Cambill | June 20th | |
Sarah | | | |
Harrison | W. & N. Bushong | | |
Sampson | S. & R. Kronk | | |
Joseph | J. & E. Nossett | | |
Jam. Williams | Wm. Stephenson | Oct 24, 1824 | Strasb. |
Jam. G. Finley | (adult) | | |
Mary Cooper | (adult) | | |
John Jack | Ellenor Finley | | |
Ellenor | | | |
Athaliah | | | |
Martha Elizabeth | | | |
Geo. Washington | | | |
Robert M. Gaw | A. & M. Hoffman | Nov 20 | Woodstock |
Jane Finley | E. Finley | Nov 23 | Strasb. |
Rob. Allen | J. & C. Irwin | May 15, 1825 | Woodk. |
Wm. Anderson | D. & E. Crawford | | |
Lueretia Eliza. | W. & M. Moreland | | |
Joseph | J. & C. Stephenson | | |
Catharine | J. & E. Cremer | | |
Richd. Henry | Mrs. Mary Long | July 24th | Strasb. |
Harriet | J. & E. Utz | | |
Chs. & Edwin | T. & R. Sperry | July 24 | Strasb. |
Jimy. Hazel | P. & M. Bussard | | |
Theophilus | J. & A. Russell | | |
Eliz. Ann | Mary Cooper | | |
Sam. Gardener | Wm Stephenson | | |
Esther | J. & A. Marshall | March 26th 1826 | |
Mary | (adult) | 30th | | |
Mary F. | J. & M. Gaw | | Woodk. |
J. Alfred | J. W. & E. Miller | April 2nd | |
Register of Members composing the Pres. Ch. Of Strasbg. under the Division of the Union Church of Shenandoah |
1. | John Russell (elder) | Died Sept 20th 1826 |
2. | Philip Bussard | Dismissed May 17th 1828 to Sandyville, Ohio |
3. | Thomas Sperry | |
4. | Anthony Splenger | dead |
5. | John Utz | dead |
6. | Henry Rosenberger | dead |
7. | James G. Finley | |
8. | Cathe. Spengler | Died Augt. 19th 1829 |
9. | Margt. Bussard | Dismissed May 17th 1828 to Sandyville, Ohio |
10. | Ellenor Finley | Dead |
11. | Mary Dennis | Dead |
12. | Mary Long | Dead |
13. | Eliz. Utz | Dead |
14. | Mary Rosenberger | died in 1841 |
15. | Mary Cooper | dismissed |
16. | Rachel Sperry | died in 1849 |
17. | Eliz. (Spengler) Grove | Died June 29, 1884 |
18. | Susan Zea | March 24 1827; went off to the Lutherans |
19. | Mary Hoffman | went off to the Lutherans |
20. | Agnes Marshalls | |
21. | Jhn. Spengler | Oct 21; dead |
22. | Cath. Sonner | |
23. | Harry Gibson | (man of colour) |
24. | Cath. A. Spengler | Apl 6th 1828 |
25. | A. Spengler, Jun. | Dec 14th; died July 17th 1832 |
26. | Margt. E. Spengler | March 22, 1829 |
27. | Rebecca G. Lodor | July 24, 1831; died ____1851 on certif.. from Woodstock |
28. | Tho. Irwin | Winchester |
29. | Mrs. T. Irwin | Winchester |
30. | John C. Morris | June 17, 1832; removed to the West |
31. | Ann Morris | dead |
32. | Ann Spengler | dismissed to join at Winch. |
33. | Jacob Baltis | Dec 9th |
34. | Sarah Baltis | |
35. | Clarinda Spengler | Dec 9th, 1832; Died in 1857 May 12 |
36. | Henry Rosenberger | Jun.; Aprl 28th 1833 |
37. | Wm Miller, Sen. | Dead |
38. | Magr. Miller | Moved West |
39. | Rachel A. Pifer | Aug 21st; Dismissed 1846 |
40. | Harriett Pifer | Gone off to Lutheran |
41. | Athaliah R. Finley | moved West |
Total number of com. Reported to Presby April 1st 1834 - 33 |
42. | Cyrus Spengler | June 8th 1836; Dismissed 18_4 (1884?) |
43. | Rebecca Newell | moved to the west |
44. | Julia A. Clayton | went off to the Lutherans |
45. | Harriet Ridenour | moved to Missouri |
46. | Joseph Zea | 21st |
47. | Philip Zea | Dead |
48. | Joseph L. Blass | Dropped |
49. | Christian Spengler | died Ap 21 1851 |
50. | Alfred Hoffman | |
51. | Margaret Anderson | dismissed _______1850 |
52. | Sarah Newell | moved to the West |
53. | Benjamin Spengler | Sep 26; moved |
54. | Margaret Spengler | Sep 26 1834; Died October 30th 1834 |
55. | Soloman Spengler | Dead |
56. | Jacob Miller | Died Dec 27 1857 |
57. | Daniel Setsger | Lynchurg |
58. | Rebecca A. Cooper | Dead |
59. | Samuel Hirns | April 30 1836; died 1857 |
60. | Mary A. Brinker | Oct 3rd 1841; dismissed Ap 1854 |
61. | Catherine Spengler | Do; Do dismissed May 1854 |
62. | Samuel Hendrick | Oct 31; 1841 |
63. | Sarah Longacre | March 20 1842; Died 25 July 1847 |
64. | Joseph Longacre | Do; Do |
65. | Margaret Longacre | Do; Do |
66. | Mrs. Mary Lynd | moved |
67. | Miss Mary A. Lynd | |
68. | Elizabeth Zea | |
69. | Mary C. Zea | |
70. | Ms. Elizabeth Miller | Apr 13 1845 |
71. | Ms. Elisabeth Brinker | |
72. | Miss Louisa (Lodor) Brinker | |
73. | Miss Eviline H. Stump | Dropped |
74. | Miss Phillippi Stepherdson | 1846 Feb 26 |
75. | Ms. Mary Ellen Miller | 1847 Aug 1; dismissed Baptist Apr 29 1849 |
76. | Ms Caroline Heater | 1848 Ap 9; Left for Lut Ch |
There are in the above list present members of the church acce__ to a report this day made by careful review for Presby. |
32. | (nothing recorded)( note the numbering system changed) |
33. | Miss Eltinze Yoder | Dec 3 1848; Erased see Record p. 91 |
34. | Elaminda Anderson | 18; Dismissed to ___ Feb 7, 1850 |
35. | Sarah Jane Lea | |
36. | Elinora Grove | |
37. | Mary Jane Hoffman | |
38. | Mrs. Martha E. Bowman | Died 1895 |
39. | Mr. Edwin Lea | |
(Members continue on page 9) |
Register of Baptisms after the Division of the Union Ch. Of Shen. & Administered under the Pres. Ch. Of Strasburg. |
Reg. No. | Subjects | Parents | Time of Baptism | Time of Birth |
1 | Mary | Reb. W. & M. Long | March 24th 1827 | Dec 2n, 1826 |
2 | Harry Gibson | (adult & person of col.) | Oct 21st | |
3 | Eliza | P. & C. Sonner | April 5, 1828 | |
4 | Ann | " | " | |
5 | Mary | " | " | |
6 | Harrison | " | " | |
7 | Lavina | J. & E. Utz | " | |
8 | Geo. Finley | S. & M. Cooper | " | |
9 | Ann O’B. | J. & A. Russell | " | |
10 | A. Spengler | (adult) | Dec. 14th | |
11 | Wm A. | T. & R. Sperry | " | May 19th, 1828 |
12 | Jane E. K. | P. C. & M. Spengler | May 16th | Aug 12th |
13 | Mary E. | P. H. & C. A. Spengler | " | Jany. 17th, 1829 |
14 | Sarah E. | W. & M. Long | " | March 3r |
15 | Lucinda | J. & E. Utz | May 16th, 1830 | |
16 | James L. | J. & A. Russell | " | |
17 | Kenny | W. U. & M. Renner | July 10th | |
18 | Edward | Jos. & M. Zea | July 10th 1830 | |
19 | Anthony Peter | C & S. Spengler | " | |
20 | Sarah Jane | P. & S. Zea | " | |
21 | Louisa | J. & R.G. Lodor | July 23 1831 | May 7th 1831 |
22 | Ellenora | H. & E. Grove | " | " |
23 | John James | P. & M. Spengler | " | " |
24 | Thos. William | G.W. & A.J. Kiger | " | " |
25 | James Wm | Wm & M. Long | Oct 30th | April 18th 1831 |
26 | Chas. | U. P. & C.A. Spengler | | |
27 | Thos. | Cornelius T. & R. Sperry | Jany 15th 1832 | July 2n 1831 |
28 | Robert | J. & A. Russell | April 22 | Oct 17th |
29 | Ann Spengler | (adult) | June 16th | |
30 | Abram | C. & S. Spengler | " | |
31 | Erasmus | Jac. & S. Baltis July 1st | | |
32 | Catharine | " | " | |
33 | Martin | Phil. & S. Zea | " | April 6th 1832 |
34 | Richd Henry | Phil. C. & M. E. Spengler | Augt 11th 1833 | Feb 4th 1833 |
35 | Eltingr | J. & R. G. Lodor | Sept 15th | April 5th 1833 |
36 | Robert Saml. | Wm & M. Long | Jun 7th 1834 | |
37 | Theodonch B. | P.H. & C. A. Spengler | June 7 1834 | |
38 | Rebecca Newell | (adult) | June 8th 1834 | |
39 | Joseph Zea | " | June 21st | |
40 | Philip Zea | " | " | |
41 | Christn Spengler | " | " | |
42 | Rebecca A. Cooper | " | Sep 27th | |
43 | Cyrus | T. & E. Grove | Dec 20th 1834 | |
44 | May | A.H. Brinker | baptized Oct 3 1841 | |
45 | Samuel Kendrick | adult | Oct 31 1841 | |
46 | Elizabeth Brinker | adult | | |
47 | Elizabeth Miller | adult | | |
48 | Evilene H. Stump | adult | | |
(The following is the numbering sequence in the book) |
44 | Rebeca | John & Rebeca Lodor | April 12th 1835 | |
45 | Joseph Henry | Dr J. Lengler | June 20th | Nov 21st 1833 |
46 | Lucinda Virginia | Christian Spengler | " | May 4th 1833 |
47 | Stover Zea | Joseph Lea | " | Dec 16th 1830 |
48 | George Washington | Henry Grove | | |
49 | Luther | Henry Grove | | |
50 | Saml Madision | Cyrus Spengler | | |
51 | Mary Elisabeth | Saml Kendrick | | |
52 | George Isaac | Dr. Brinker | June 12 1843 | |
53 | Mary Elisab | Do | Do | |
54 | John Henry | Henry Rosenberger | Do | |
55 | Allice Ann | Cyrus Spengler | April 14, 1844 | |
56 | Saml Edward | Saml Kendrick | Do | |
57 | Arthur Washington | Dr. Brinker | Aug 5 1844 | |
58 | Mary Jane | Seth Sind | Aug 5 1844 | |
59 | Catharine Ann | Saml Kendrick | Aug 2n 1846 | |
60 | Henrietta | Henry Grove | " | |
61 | Larenzo Grove | adult | 1846 | |
62 | Amos | Henry Rosenberger | June 6 1847 | By Rev. W. Torrey |
(Baptism listings continue on page 10) |
Source: Microfilm Reel VW 38. Morton Library, Union-PSCE, 3401 Brook Rd., Richmond, VA 23227-4597. The following information is a small portion of the microfilm reel starting in 1824 through 1847.
Copied 8/2002 by Edith Cooper Shaver
Records of Winchester Presbytery Synod of Virginia
Official Records and Relevant Historical Material of the Presbytery And Her Constituent Churches
Under Auspices of History Committee, Synod of Virginia
Harold McKnight Wilson - Editor
Strasburg Presbyterian Church
Strasburg, Shenandoah County, Virginia
Created April 26 2006
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