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Location: Seven miles west of Mount Jackson to Hudson's Cross Roads; turn south one and four tenths miles on Back Road, on Route 613.

Built: circa 1809


19 Dec 1806, Recorded 13 Jun 1808: Wm. Good Sen. (dec'd) willed the property to David Coffman, one of his heirs.

In 1831, Susannah Coffman, widow of David Coffman, dec'd., of Shenandoah County, Virginia; Adam Teatrich and Sarah, his wife (late Sarah Coffman) of Montgomery, Ohio; Jacob Hudson and Polly (Coffman), his wife, of Logan County, Ohio; Samuel Coffman, Joseph Coffman, Jacob Miller and Hannah (Coffman), his wife, of Rockingham County, Virginia sold to Abraham Woblf (sic) of Shenandoah County, Virginia.

1 Feb 1905: D.L. Osborne and Alice C., his wife, sold to Sarah E. Spitzer, wife of John M. Spitzer.

29 Nov 1929: The Federal Land Bank sold at auction to W.L. Click and Martha, his wife, farm, being the same land deeded to John F. Thompson by Sarah E. Spitzer and husband, John W. Spitzer, Sept. 26, 1918.

Physical Description

This house is a typical farm house. Half of it is of log construction; the south half is frame. It has an "L" shape porch and portico. The rooms are babited board partitions. Remodeling and additions were built the same way. It originally had a large fireplace in the center of the old part of the house. But this was torn out and a flue built when the house was remodeled. The stairway was also changed and was placed in the center of the house.

Sources: Virginia W.P.A. Historical Inventory Project, 1937

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